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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 5:35am-5:46am MSK

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they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people, our quality, your safety and...
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watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . liliya aleksandrovna karostoyanova, participant in the partisan movement in the years great patriotic war. in the fall of 1942, having learned about the death of her husband, she firmly decided to go to the front. in november 1942, she was sent to a partisan detachment as a special correspondent. karostoyanova wrote articles about
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the everyday life of the partisans in combat, essays about demolitionists and called on the population to fight the fascist invaders, while remaining a combat partisan and more than once participated in operations and partisan raids. on the night of march 15 , 1943, the newspaper's editors received a radiogram from a partisan unit about the death of korostoyanova in a fierce battle. the day before. in her last battle, she prepared a publication for komsomol pravda, an appeal to the belarusians; she was only 25 years old. for courage and heroism, liliya karostoyanova was awarded the order of the patriotic war, second degree, posthumously. in the name of the correspondent streets in gomel and minsk are named.
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i started in the tenth year of 22 years old, we produce road construction equipment, i am an electric and gas welder on automatic semi-automatic machines of the sixth category, the work is very... bright, sometimes it is even difficult, but we cope with it, the difficulty is when new components appear, so that is , you need to put more attention and responsibility there, it’s not always possible to ride, but when you sit down, you feel some kind of freedom, everyone must do their job, then you will be supported and quality maybe we can.
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to compete more not only within the republic, but with other countries, and products will be produced better, more reliable and of higher quality. at the moment we are brewing twenty-eighth adapters, i look at the quality and if anything. something went wrong, then i correct it, it ’s this kind of execution of parts that takes about 40 minutes of robotic welding, it’s slower by hand, and of course, the quality here is much better, i like working on such modern equipment, because it’s very facilitates work, my working day starts at 7:10 and ends at 3:35, we have
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different parts in production and there are large-sized and small-sized ones, but you try to make small-sized ones, your motor skills must be well developed and you try to keep up. in principle, when there is a team, everyone helps each other, it becomes simpler, easier, and more fun, especially since we have a close-knit team, we have good bosses and the team is such that, that is, everyone is ready to help each other, no one ever refuses, at first of course we were surprised, because that, well, a woman in such a profession is a very rare thing, but watching her at her work, we realized over time that it really is a woman. let's just say, there is a place in this profession, and watching her work, we became more and more delighted with her work, her responsibility, her approach to work, creativity, dedication, she is kind, good, confident and impetuous,
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everyone should do their job then quality will also be maintained, perhaps we will be able to compete more not only in republic. but with other countries, i graduated from the belarusian agricultural technical university, i studied there for 6 years, we had a thesis, it was there that we had to come up with containers, containers for storage and processing, and that is, it really, really helps with this - welding, i came up with the design out of nowhere, after that i went to study as a welder, i have been working at this enterprise for 8 years. in general, my work experience as a welder began in my tenth year, i completed a three-month course, then i had good training at home, my uncle is a welder, i went in his footsteps, my uncle was making a gazebo and asked me to help hold the pipe, well, to
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try on the basic size, well, that is, i liked it - first bring it, give it there , go look, and then somehow let me try it, so it caught fire, that is, for me i was attracted by the fact that when you look at the mask, you watch how the metal melts, it’s mesmerizing, that is, welding, this process itself, it’s mesmerizing, very beautiful, the metal was just bought, cut, i just asked for a zine support, well, i’ll cook, they started, they started, then he says, let me i tried it, i tried it, it didn’t stick, as usual for a welder, when a beginner, it sticks right away, it didn’t stick, then i went, went, took a second mask.
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girls, women do a much better job, she really likes honesty, they don’t like lies, she’s so open, well , sometimes she’s shy in communication, sometimes not, that is, that’s how she’s in the mood, well, in
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general, she’s such a cheerful person that wants to go forward, forward, forward, i was born in nizhny novgorod, graduated from school at 17, moved to minsk, my mother is belarusian. dad russian, but since i liked it here most of all, i decided to stay here, i liked the fact that there is an unusual nature, a lot of greenery, a lot of forest, there are other people here, i miss, of course i miss my mom and dad and my sisters , but they come to us every year for summer vacation, i like to walk - through the forest, i like to ride bicycles or on a cross-country motorcycle, i like to go... to the lake and generally just enjoy life, i rode a bicycle, i liked it, but i was tired of pedaling, we decided to buy a pit bike, that is, 125, simpler, smaller, so that learning wouldn’t be so
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hard, you don’t always succeed in skating, but when you sit down, you feel some kind of freedom, we decided to make a false wall, because the studio itself is... one room, that is, here i will have a hallway, then you go further, there are exit doors, i dreamed of this for a long time, to have my own, to have my own apartment, to do it. well , anyway, in a way that is convenient for me according to my taste, i want to live and develop in this country and finish building my house, get married, have children and have we were fine.
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in principle, everything is deteriorating for them today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, to maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary , are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west care now? gibla, if you are not lost,


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