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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 7:10am-9:01am MSK

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a very worthy opponent, very well done, he really was in the lead the whole game, let ’s just say, so i’m even amazed how stesha caught up with these points in the fourth round, and i understood how mathematics calculated that it was just one point we won’t have enough, but we are happy for arseny, we are proud of ourselves, really, a worthy opponent, a worthy victory, everything is super, i congratulate you, make a rematch, yes, i’m going to the main site, congratulate the super winner, the super game is over, it’s time for congratulations awards, the winner of our project and his the teacher is gratefully acknowledged by the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. this wonderful bouquet is for you.
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congratulations, the game is over, now we know the name of the super finalist, a ninth grader, two more super games await us, in which there will be interesting questions and unexpected answers. see you later, bye.
7:12 am
help, help, number, number, alive, urgently responding to an incident, the cashier was attacked at the entrance of the precision mechanics plant, a hat made of andatra fur, a water rat, i advise you to show it to one of the specialists our cooperation, they... will say where such a hat could be bought or sewn, in general, i gave it to one of my comrades for a while to wear, it suits me, can i look at this comrade, but this was still not enough, well, they sent these two hats and nikolai was very happy, and he was wearing this hat, just half a month ago, it means he came without any wobbliness, so, since you got me involved in this matter, i decided to confess, are you crazy or what? well, what’s not clear is that when they took the factory cash register, i was there with him too... i was there, look
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series problem with three unknowns on tv channel belarus 24.
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as soon as it gets bad, immediately pop up, and if it’s good to stay there, valentina andreevich, i checked the formula three times , i synthesized the mixture myself, i did it all myself, there’s no need to ask me to help, if you want to help, then help me put on the scuba gear, well, marinochka, keep in mind that you have protection in a month, so the result should be good, or better yet, the zerguts, what are you doing there, please stop? ay,
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it's okay, it's okay, i should check the water temperature myself, it's not mine otpiralka, how not so. once again, let go of your hands, i can’t vouch for myself, for god’s sake, i checked the equipment, the equipment from what form, and the butt became the equipment, listen, i already told you, you are my supervisor, period, if you repeat this again, i will tell you i’ll just drown, keep in mind, little one, well, the suit is very smooth, my hands slipped, slipped, and just slipped, yes... mermaid, half slipped.
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stop, security object, outsiders are not allowed, you can’t even imagine how much of an outsider i am, sirov alexey mikhailovich, you’re in look at the list, documents. well, in short, i ’m driving the car, it’s not me, that ’s how it is with women, don’t give up the steering wheel, brother, you ’re not here, well, we can argue with that, it’s too eschatological, let’s call the head of the academy, thank you, well,
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let’s go, happily. good luck, well, how long i was, five, 10 minutes, yes, well, about five, five minutes. you are the best supervisor, can i kiss you? it’s possible, but maybe it’s better not here, not here, yes,
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marinochka, do you need to do an urgent blood test? why a blood test? i feel great i feel as if from the sky, i seem to be floating, i still have to do it, god, what’s wrong with me, and then i’ll take you to the hostel, to the hostel, i like this idea even more, how creative you are, in general, we have to live it was time to go to science, who would provide the equipment? good afternoon, hello, i’m visiting igor semyonovich, is your appointment? yes, he’s been waiting for me,
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for four months now, young man, i can’t go there, we could do it in the evening. igor semenovich, here to see you, galya, everything is fine, let me go, yakovlena alexandra, go, go, hello, hello, little devil, finally i got there, it took you a long time to get ready, there were circumstances, so what? show me the department, you said, it seems they hired you at the aerospace agency, everything went wrong there, it doesn’t matter, now i’ll work for you, even better, you
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understand that they sent the head of the chemistry department. from the ministry, and i am an involuntary person, a university, a military institution, was that her? wait, how come, you invited me yourself? no, well, i’m sorry that i didn’t call back, but you, well, it’s your own fault, you disappeared somewhere, of course, i’m sorry for bothering you.
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uh-huh, well, in short, we broke up, i left the apartment to her, but how could it be otherwise, well, we swam on our own, we could barely get by, you live with your mother, no, while with friends, your mother is there, well, in short, no, yes, yes, things to do, well wait, well, there is one place, this is the position of a non-organics teacher. candidate of sciences for ordinary teachers, okay, well , well, i have a senior teacher, plus housing,
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okay, igor, well, i agree, we need to start with bangs, yes, we agreed, galya, galya, then, starting the registration, uh, be sure to call tatyana georgievna , tell them to highlight our teacher has a separate block. without neighbors, okay, that's it, then get settled, there's a university conference tomorrow at 9, don't be late, it's not like you 'll get up to speed on things while you can, i'll drown with your seagulls, i'll drown without your necks, happiness, i'll come up to you and tell you, mines , i love you, very, scary, no, not scary, it’s... difficult, very difficult to love, to understand, i’ll go to a steep cliff, valentin
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andreevich, you’ll be bad, you can catch you for a minute, i can’t, in i mean, i’m busy, i’ll fall, you’ll have time to catch it, but later, no way, no way, honey, where are you going, i’m here now, i want to be with you, do you hear, not for a minute. excuse me, valentin andreevich, i, of course, met you halfway, i’m always happy, but the room will have to be vacated, listen, tatyana georgievna, we agreed with you, you remember, understand that this is a men’s dormitory, that’s not what it’s like at all, and your girlfriend, she’s not my girlfriend, i mean, she’s not a girl at all, that is, she’s my graduate student, great, let her live with you, you’ll have both a graduate student and a lodger, what are you saying, i’m not alone, she alone occupies a whole block, like, the head of the academy called me, but there are no places,
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you know, i’m afraid of the answer, but you know, you ’ll answer me, i’ll sort everything out now, okay, you ’ll answer me, just silently, where are you going? , to the head of the academy, wait, i want it too.
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yes, he’s waiting for you, maybe some more tea, to drink some new tea, i need the old one somewhere, kids, straight to the right.
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waiting for lab work? unfortunately, i can’t get there, the schedule has changed so it’s not possible, great guys, hi, great, i saw it schedule? no, didn't see what? good afternoon, could i disturb you? no, i'm already leaving. and i am your teacher, senior. very nice. and you, who is here at the department? laboratory assistant? graduate student? graduate student? yes you? do you think only
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men can do science? certainly. your works? well, let’s say you’re working on breathing mixtures, what a coincidence, me too, here you have 20% nitrous oxide, you need no more than ten, in your case even 6-7, you have five carbon dioxide, you need no more than two, as in atmospheric air, graduate student, you can look in, of course not at all. you, do you believe in love at first sight? i, how brutal you are, so beautiful, and also a scientist, if you were
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brave, i would inhale you and inhale, inhale , inhale. wait, is it possible to do this right away, where are you going, where are you going, where are you going, wait, so handsome, so shy, oh, what’s wrong with me, what, hello! well, for now, we’ll resolve the issue, come in,
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settle down, but what should we resolve? i like everything here, it’s comfortable. girl, are you following me, are you watching me i found it, dear, but i said that you don’t believe in love at first sight, you maniac, leave
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me alone, i don’t even know you, so get to know me, where are you going, where are you going? where are you going, not a hostel, some kind of brothel, i’m just coming to you, where are you, where are you, i have some kind of crazy woman there, you can remove her from my block, you have two sets, there are no other places, she said , tomorrow we’ll decide the question, but what about me, and she’s me now, well, not little anymore, you’ll figure out who’s who, well... well, after all, i’m a field surgeon, i’m not a rear rat, what a rat you are, you are a goddess, and a goddess shouldn’t wander around the garrison alone,
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i hope you like the service apartment? yes, thank you, all the amenities, and the water is hot, how amazing, smart, beautiful you are, about 15 years old. i probably would have blushed deeply by now, it’s good that i caught you, listen, igor, you are beautiful sense of humor, but you know, this is beyond the point, you think, if i divorced my wife, do i need some consolation, i don’t understand now, and i didn’t understand either, you said that they would gray me alone, and there’s some girl there . hanging around my neck, trying to kiss me, to you, to me, yes, to me, excuse me, well, you know how i feel about women, they’re stupid,
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alexander, well, meet me, this is alexey mikhailovich serov, now our senior teacher inorganic chemistry, alexandra yakovna glebova, very nice, i’m also very pleased, well, how do you like it, my department is in charge, good, alexey mikhailovich, take it easy, alexandra yakovlevna. colonel of the medical service, and i think that in the army without women there is enough chaos. igor, can i spend the night with you today? well, tomorrow we tomorrow we will somehow resolve this issue, now i have no time for you. well, sorry. i see, what do you care about? dorok calls. i think you 're allowing him too much. well, the seroph mendeleev of our time, an ordinary genius, you know, and the geniuses and everyone say a little hello, but in my opinion your sirov, an ordinary boor, a boor and
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a mozlan, good night, lights out.
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you’re already leaving, i wanted to pick up the results of my tests, we’ll give them out, we’ll send them to you at the department, i’ll have at least one peek, you understand, i experimented on myself and i feel something is wrong with me, wait, here, i'll be right back, uh, thanks.
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hello, hello, marina, good morning, and you are an early bird, i thought i would catch you, but you have already fled, return to the hostel, i have news for you, but you can’t call me? i took the results of your tests, there is something interesting, i’m going, i had to sleep in the kitchen. lyusha, be patient, we’ll come up with something, yes, please, otherwise all night i felt like that crazy guy. was she actually flying around you in a coffin all night, not flying? but she sighed outside the door like a ghost in love, by the way, i found out that this is ours a graduate student, she will defend herself with us, yes, but in the meantime you have to defend yourself from her, you’re getting old,
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the girl harasses herself all night. and you closed yourself asleep, igor, i told you, everything, everything, everything, i remember, yes, allergies on the contrary, yes, yes, but what if you take an anti-allergenic drug for a girl, igor, i’m silent, i’m silent, i’m silent, igor, such a question , alexey mikhailovich, is this really your graduate student, how can i say, she is an applicant from another university, she will defend our dissertation, who is the scientific advisor, kotov, you? please come see me after the conference, i owe you arrange it, okay? do i need my work passport with me? yes, and forget about the pension, okay, marinochka, my queen, princess, this is for you, now we give out tests in flowers, the test results are in my
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briefcase, so what? well, are you just going to keep me in the corridor? valentin andreys, did you knock over a whole bottle of perfume? you do not like? and the store said that this scent of the season emphasizes masculinity. ah, got it. oh, what is this? in honor of my successful tests? marinochka? "well, you're kind of unkind today, yesterday you were disposed towards me in a completely different way, yes, but what’s bothering me is what’s bothering you, my girl, that smell, that aroma of courage of yours, so this can be fixed, now!”
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all of the listed tasks of biochemistry will be solved on the basis of anticipatory development of fundamental theoretical studies of the structure and functions of biochemical compounds, development of methods for their analysis, elucidation of the pathways of their biosynthesis and metabolism, that’s all, well, let’s thank alexandra yakovna for the most interesting report, if not. if you have no questions, then the conference is over, all is free, thank you, thank you, maybe you will come to my office for some questions, maybe i need some questions, of course, yes, of course, that’s right, goodbye, alexander , thank you bye.
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goodbye, goodbye, igor, wait, well, well, to the department, yes, how are you lectured, you ’re a scientist, you appointed a person who doesn’t understand anything about it at all to a position in the department of chemistry, aka speaks general words, doesn’t know basic terminology, she reads from a piece of paper, but what’s wrong, yours glebova is a mediocrity, lyosha, i already explained to you, this is an order from the ministry, but in my opinion this is an order from your libido. lyosha, glebova, an excellent field surgeon. tell science this when it starts dissecting it. you know, you should have thought before when i offered you this position. igor, i feel sorry for chemistry. and i feel sorry for you. i'll take care of your dorm now. do your own thing with lieutenant colonel glebova.
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what, how, how is this? marinochka, i immediately wanted to tell you everything, but when i saw you, i just couldn’t stand it. sorry my princess his humble servant. yeah, what does it matter now, huh? what an oval face you have, the most noble, and that bald spot, it suits you so well, it suits you so well, your body, it’s simply alluring, give me such love that my body will tremble all night, so that even from a kiss, i won’t be able to speak, to both merge
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the body. i can’t see either arms or legs, so that i still want you to no longer be able to, i will wash, i can, i will be as long as you want, my girl, now, now, yes. i couldn’t bear it anymore that we would name our son after you, and for us it will be a banner, wait, what son, maybe we won’t, we won’t rush, in the sense of burning, hurry, i already have children, oh, how good, of course we won’t, then we’ll sing ari and not become .
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well, there’s no need to stop yourself, we’re not doing anything bad, how vile it is of you to take advantage of my condition, you knew very well that serotonin and endorphins in my blood are skyrocketing, which means my libido is working to its fullest. inochka is my princess, yes, when i see you, i have the same everything is off the charts and working to its fullest, it’s off the charts for him, that means you have children, and a wife, which means he probably has one too, but i didn’t lie, you didn’t ask, and i didn’t say which one you're
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disgusting, it's your receding hairline, wow, wow, you 're having fun here, who is it, igor promised that they, he promises a lot of things to people, never delivers, excuse me, but i'm not leaving, i wonder what he's doing sleeps on this bed, yes, yes, don't worry, i sleep in the kitchen, and who are you? yes, but what difference does it make, kotov, valentin andreevich, candidate of chemical sciences, kotov, your supervisor, yes, that means how they write dissertations, yes, yes, you misunderstood everything, but what’s there to misunderstand, girl, in my opinion, you went into the wrong field , you should go to a leisure company, they pay more money and less work, but
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listen, you, andreevich, calm down, yesterday i really behaved like the last one, it was terrible, and he took advantage, oh you bastard, i at least at least it’s not a good dissertation, i don’t check it. please take your things to your kitchen there, with great pleasure, please, and it would be nice to take off your shoes, yeah, maybe even undress.
7:45 am
belarus and china, without agreeing, came to similar points of view; the day of national unity was approved in belarus; there is strength in unity. the belarusian path of development is real, humane, the future awaits us. project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. red, now our flag, let’s stand hand in hand. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course, the phrase “let’s get tired” is a call. here's a warhead with a flag, excitement social hatred enmity. but this is different,
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i guess. smogar pro-ukrainian beer. this is a prototype for a wedding in malinovka. power changes, words and views change. the second article, what conclusions were drawn, i was probably under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong, now there has been a big reassessment of values ​​in my life. i support ukraine, why didn’t it support the residents of the fraternal donbass before, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now, being in georgia and moving around the european union, does not go out into the streets in support of palestine? ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards in the project is different. look. on the tv channel belarus24.
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what should i do? should i take her home with me?
7:48 am
well, i don’t know, well, well, compact the men’s blocks, but i have a dormitory here, not a barracks, i can’t install bunk beds, hello, marinochka, where are you going, i wanted to go to the laboratories, but they’re probably still working there, i was like a partisan yesterday, but we need to be included, that is, you, in the schedule, i’ll go for a walk, my head is sore, yeah, it’s right that everything should be worked on, finalized, but me. take it, marinochka, well, really, god bless, well, here it is, i wish you good health, good afternoon, igor, but i wanted to talk to you, can i talk to you for a minute, excuse me, i was quick, i wanted to offer my services as an opponent in the defense of a dissertation , i can give a critical review of the abstract, alexey mikhailovich, let's... later, i 'm busy now, i'll be free in an hour, let's go, i'll be in
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a minute, sirov, come back, you must respect the chain of command, first to me, then to the head of the academy, this is clear, clear. access to the body is closed, what is your rank, serov? candidate of chemical sciences, this is civilian, you haven’t served in the military, comrade lieutenant colonel, in that case, what are you doing in a military institution, i will not teach organic chemistry, in my place, no way, no, that’s how you need to answer, or something like that , why do you need carpenters, so i said, the fact is that i was developing a breathing mixture. on the basis, well , you still won’t understand, you’re not
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able to supervise scientific work, and i’m like since about her, in my department i deal with everything, it’s understandable, understandable, well , i mean, that’s right, if you like role-playing games, maybe handcuff me to the battery, you’ll see, your interrogation will go faster, all around. and step by step, if my breathing mixture has such a side effect, it’s a failure, dessert, yes, the effect is amazing, only if you don’t say it, no one will notice it, believe me. your abstract is brilliant, and since i’m not the last person
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in the vacuum, no, the defense will have to be postponed, but you need to understand how my blood could have ended up serotonin and endorphins, and even in such quantities, but who cares about that, everyone only reads the abstract, and even then they don’t read it, they just scroll through it, defend yourself, and then we’ll deal with your mixture, no, valentin andreevich, if i i want to become a real scientist, then i need to figure everything out myself, as you know, y... i’ll run, otherwise i’ll be late for the department. do you have an error in the composition of the gas mixture? show me, well, depending on how you behave, okay, let's do it!
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actually, i hope today i don’t have to lock the door to my kitchen with the table, maybe even gay, for you yes.
7:53 am
hello roesch, hello, you're having breakfast, i see you're not in a hurry, what's the hurry, for my one and a half lectures a week, what can i
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do, gleba is sure that you are a bad teacher, of course, i don't know how to march, i don't give honor, what kind of teacher am i, listen, in principle, she has a very... bad opinion of you, and she has great connections, but i thought you would say great, but i wonder what kind of colonel a lieutenant colonel should lie under in order to intimidate everyone like that, you, you’ve completely lost your mind, find out contact with glebovay, otherwise even i won’t be able to help you, i put in our schedule, we need it.
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i have been developing a new formula for the breathing mixture for space stations for 10 years, they hired you, i wonder, for what kind of merit? and you know, i won’t enter into a discussion with you, yes, yes, all the best, please , marinochka, you are like you everywhere, taking over all the important projects, positions, and then it all fizzles out, because you don’t understand anything about it, these are the kind of astronauts who die in orbit, you see what, i understand when you called me?
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my name is marina, i heard about you alexey mikhailovich, it’s very nice, yeah, you sit down, i have a very serious conversation with you, the fact is that i looked it over again, but my eyes were probably blurry, oh well, defend your dissertation, i ’ll be dumb as a fish, except for me no one will notice your mistakes anyway, and by that time i won’t be here anymore, so go ahead! go ahead, future candidate of sciences, yes, thank you, you are a candidate of sciences, funny, woman, you have to stick your nose in everywhere. everywhere, if i don’t find a mistake, i’ll have to postpone the protection, and that’s right, i would advise you to burn it altogether your dissertation, do something else,
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well, cooking, for example, you cook deliciously, you don’t know anything about me, i haven’t been able to unstick myself from textbooks for 5 years, yeah, what did you do to get a place in the agency, that’s why you’re such a genius scientist, it’s beneath your dignity to fight for your place, well, where better to whine, of course, just a whiner? “whiner, yeah, and a loser, yes, i’m not gay, and i haven’t made the necessary connections, there aren’t enough women in science yet, but that’s fortunate, yeah, and i don’t even feel sorry for you, i’m not going to feel sorry for you, you eat, eat, thank you, i won’t be sorry, but i can help, well, how do you want to become a professor in the department of chemistry, i would also like a nobel prize, a nobel prize is unlikely, but the head of the department is very realistic, and how can you make me head of the department? with the help of this your love leader kotov? god, he’s my supervisor,
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he’s not my lover, then he has absolutely nothing to do with it, the plan is completely different, okay, and i ’ll thank you for this, that you’ll help me correct the mistake in... thank god, i already thought that i kicked out from the pulpit, i think it’s a matter of a few days, nothing, we’ll have time, the main thing is to have time to make glebov fall in love with you, who, glebov, are you crazy, this martinet in a skirt hates me, that’s my concern. how will you do this? kind fairy? love is a chemical reaction, i am a fairy, i
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think i know how to control it. so, what's the deal? come on, i still have nothing to lose. hurry up, please, the lecture has already started. “i just fired you from the department, everyone is talking about this, this is also news to me, without irony, it’s not a serious matter at the moment.” not at all, in general, this evening we are going to the pool, on fridays lebov learns to swim, the iron lady can’t swim, that’s why no, so the plan has changed, we won’t make the lieutenant colonel fall in love with me , heat him, you’ll soon find out, today at 6 pm in the pool, it’s clear, my friends, let’s all somehow..." we, i apologize, i’ll ask next time without delay, otherwise i
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mean, watch glebova carefully. as soon as it all starts , you must pull her out of the water before the rescuer and let her breathe from this inhaler, okay, just, what are the liquid arrows of cupid here? listen, do as i said, all questions later, good luck! neat! carefully, hello
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, wait, wait, wait, you need to inhale, inhale, from here, you won’t achieve anything with your tricks, nothing, thank you, thank you, oh my god,
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i was looking for what you’re not wearing, to be honest, without glasses, he’s somewhere- then he swam away, i still can’t even imagine how to make her breathe it? do you know that the holy inquisition burned alchemists at the stake? can you tell me what you mixed there? nothing life-threatening, alexey mikhailovich, order! i know the molecular nature of chemical reactions very well, i tested this gas on myself, no, no, no, no, no, what, no, no, well, you tested it on yourself, why am i also a scientist, stand where you are, no come closer to me than 2 m, what is it, stop, i’m telling you, why not, hold your nose, don’t breathe, how not to breathe, i’m telling you, don’t breathe, why not breathe, young man, you dropped your hat, amazing. thank you,
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thank you, thank you, myself, yeah, why me i haven’t noticed before how beautiful you are, your name is beautiful, marina, sea, you are the sea in which i want to drown, alexey mikhailovich, please try not to breathe, it’s just a chemical reaction, it’s chemistry, yes, it’s the chemistry of my love for you, chemistry, the whole world is chemistry, and you are my chemistry and i... i love chemistry, but i love you more than chemistry, but i love you more, oh, how delicious your hair smells, yeah, why don’t i smell this smell before , he drives me crazy, let him go from above, oh, ah, yes, where are you, my aphrodite, where, oh, so
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beautiful. so shy, marina, you came back to me, alexey mikhalovich, this is necessary. why, i feel so good, i’m drunk, people, i love, marina, i love, it’s so wonderful, such a wonderful feeling, yes, i loved you, love may still have faded in my soul, it hasn’t faded, it
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it just flares up on the contrary. i really want to read you poems about love, but i don’t know any, well, okay, but you love me, very much, for this we must drink, to our love, to our eternal love, yeah, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, oh, well done, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, this is an error in the calculations of my breathing mixture, which you must point out to me. and yes, of course, i will show it to you. strange action, i feel complete
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devastation. ah, it looks like your mixture. activated hepatolamus, and neurotransmitters turned on libido, yes, i think so too, but the mechanism is turned off, that’s the question. we need to go to the laboratory, let's go for three or four, uh-huh, three, four, something is confused, i'm still drawn to you, it won't let me go either, maybe alcohol doesn't
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work, vodka or cognac works, but first, no, we need to be stronger than this chemistry in combination with physiology. that's right, we are scientists, we have to work, we have to work, yeah, maybe we should try nitrous oxide at 15%, what do you think, uh, yes, or, well, like before, and something in between the norm, and like i got it, and two are three, three, yes, it seems to me that’s right, what do you think, uh, yes, well, or five, that’s also an option, it’s a bit much, there’s only two in the atmosphere, let’s have another drink,
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alexey mikhailovich, where are you? oh, thank god, you haven't left yet, come here, just a minute, listen, yesterday. you were decisive, go, i tell you, here you go, you need to try it on, why is this? then, to put it mildly, your appearance is unlikely to be able to impress lieutenant colonel glebova, come on,
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listen, marina, when your mixture works, it doesn’t matter what a person looks like, even in this form i’ll be a god for her, i looked i would like to know how you would approach it in this form, well, listen, as far as i understand, the mixture works this way, you first need to... inhale it, yeah, then approach the object, inhale its smell, then everything will work, the alcohol-containing liquid, it blocks the sense of smell and dope stops working, stops, yes, goes away and... doesn’t work at all, no, it doesn’t work, well, we’re scientists, we have to fight this somehow, yes, yes , these are just some residual phenomena, listen, well, should i give you
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something to drink or give you something so that you come to your senses, let’s try it on already, come on, wait, what size are you, fifty -two, that’s what i miscalculated , and this is fifty-six, you seemed larger to me, well, maybe it’s... your mixture made me bigger in your eyes, hmm, what should i do? let's get dressed, let's go change, and well, well, in general, you must stop being ironic and wry and turn into a positive sexual one, well, in short, you need to wait for the moment when glebo inhales the mixture, and you must become the man of his dreams, from where do you know what the lieutenant colonel's dreams are? all women have approximately the same dreams, so do we? nothing will work, why? my wife, when she kicked me out of the house, said that i love science more than her, but i don’t even like her i notice, what about you? well, what about me, i really don’t know how to win women,
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because i love science more, i understand, okay, then try to remember the feeling that you had for me yesterday and portray it in front of glebova, like this, no, no. then yes, well, it’s even worse, you know, i ’m not an actor, and you’re not stanislavsky, but glebo, not you, well, just don’t replay everything, by the way, the color... you’re right, we need flowers, buy them, maybe i something like this, it can’t, i’m telling you, it’s glebova’s birthday, she doesn’t wants to advertise, but she will be pleased, you’ll see how you know everything, i need you, and you need me, so go ahead, thank you, this is my last money, if i leave the academy, i won’t even have enough for the subway, well, here you go , then all the more you have to go to the aband, choose igor semyonovich, either me or him, alexander yakovna, wait, well, if you pose the question like that, then... on behalf of the department, we congratulate you on
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your birthday, good health to you, comrade lieutenant colonel, happiness in your personal life, thank you, like alexander, it’s your birthday, why me i don’t know anything, i don’t note it, but how did you know, where are you from? well, how did you find out? it doesn’t matter at all, it’s a cunning move, but it won’t help you, we discussed and decided to say goodbye to you, but igor semyonovich, well, we decided, so we decided, this is me in the end, i wish you good luck, alexandra yakovlevna, and i wish you never again in my life will i meet incompetent people in my life. way, that's it,
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well, i don't work here anymore, thank you, marina, for the suit, i'll have something to ask for money on the subway, give it to the victim of the scientific revolution in chemistry, listen, you can ask me for it don't ask, you give up early. you can work until the end of the semester, thank you, thank igor semyonovich, if it were up to me, you would have been fired today, private, that’s right, you’re a clown, not a scientist, that’s right, congratulations, with 3 days left until the end of the semester. will,
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lord, how you scared me, surprise, thank you, valentin andreevich, i don’t like it when people give me flowers, they would live like that, but now they wither, i feel sorry for them, you’d better take pity on me, my princess, i’m withering too without your love. valentin andreevich, you are wonderful you know that this mixture had such an effect on me. let's experiment with it some more. i don’t mind, otherwise last time we somehow didn’t complete our passionate experiment. valentin andreevich, there can’t be anything personal between us, either you and i are working on my dissertation, or what? marinochka, but i can be not only white and fluffy. i guess. let’s go, well, well
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, i was joking, i was joking, for you i’m white fluffy, like a rabbit, let’s do your calculations, let’s see why, how long he’s going to hang around there, i don’t know, now... valentin andreevich, what about you you’re still planning for a long time, but marinechka, if you need to go, you go, go, your business is young, and i’ll sit here, dig deeper into your calculations, rest, okay, happily, goodbye. everything you wanted to know
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about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to him. paragnedi, what was the earthly path of the saints? she devoted time to the princes, reasoned with them, instructed them, and reconciled them. she paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, and helped their needs spiritually and financially. and she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross
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of the monastery there is a copy of that same cross, which was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important one. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment. projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films from the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24 on 7, watch on our
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tv channel every friday evening . we’ll even have time to have a snack, kotov really wants to help, he sat down there with my notebook, now you can’t smoke him out of there, well, i think we still have about two hours, and gedri your hydrogen peroxide, that hobloch is amorphous, where did it come from? grabbed, you swear like the daughter of a laboratory assistant, but what’s wrong with that? by the way, i am the daughter of a laboratory assistant, yes, i have been doing experiments since childhood, and once i almost burned down our apartment, can you imagine, i pulled it out of my mother’s laboratory, mixed ammonium nitrate with water, oh, soaked it in the newspaper and put it in a bottle, yes, yes you well, i also
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caused such an explosion in childhood, yes, the smoke hurt, the firefighters came, well, after that my mother forbade me to appear in the laboratory, hello, and my father, he died early, mine too, but i always dreamed of becoming a real scientist, you take it , look, here everything is simple here, you take this formula, combine it with this and you get a reaction, i understand, but maybe, well, no, although no, but you can throw a snake at her, well, it’s true, she ’ll get scared, she’ll feel bad, otherwise... . and you are with an inhaler, she will be scared, it’s more likely that the snake will be scared of her, well, yes, well, i don’t know, maybe throw a mouse in then, maybe just batman, batman, i mean, well, he will fight her in a fair fight, rid the world of chemistry from evil. , but it’s very funny, yeah, well, do you have
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any normal options, in principle there are, let’s go to the laboratory, there are more cats there, he... stop living, eat at home, well, in general , living in the sense, let's go, remember, orlov, the order is the same for everyone, after eleven, entry into the hostel is strictly prohibited, you'll be late again, you'll spend the night on the street, okay, tatyana georgievna, let me go cadet, it ’s a young thing. yes, and let him go, i’ll write everything to his mother, marinochka, you, again, have neither her nor him, they came together, they left together, like cherochka and her little girl, right, and why are you smiling, by the way, it’s you who are theirs, almost
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they didn’t put me in the same bed, but why was it me, but i suggested, one such-and-such place has already been vacated, and they were like, we don’t need it anymore, oh how, with the darling, as they say, from her, goodbye, happily, it was this mistake of yours in the ratio of typical gases that led to a powerful the release of serotonin and endorphin into the central nervous system, primarily due to the influence of the gas mixture on the central nervous system. this is understandable, it is only unclear how the shutdown mechanism works. you have to try it here. well, let's try, okay, marina, i'm sorry. can i somehow save some time here, well, go to bed already
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, my misfortune, no, don’t you think that i you just really need to sleep there. good night, good night, uh-huh, marina, sorry, i'd better go there, good night, good night. i wish you good health,
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comrade cadets, i wish you good health, comrades, sit down, well, how she trained them, with me they are like omebas, our childhood experiences were useful to us, now we’ll see how much. it's time, as you know, the main chemical warfare agents are vigases, which are still in service with a number of countries, and is a top priority for many leading scientists.
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oh my god, oh my god, you are beautiful, like an aphrodite emerging from the foam, i actually just came out of the booth, why have i never seen before how attractive a woman alexandra yakovna is, you can just say, sasha. marina, marina, whoever is created from stone is created from clay, and i
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sparkle in silver, so the color one, god, what a wonderful name, and you know what, you come to my birthday, i just decided to celebrate, you will come , can i come not alone, with someone, oh, i’m already jealous, this is so stupid, but it doesn’t matter who you come with, because i hope you leave with me, what a magical smell, and it’s probably wafting smoke from the corridor, it’s wafting smoke from the corridor, and i’m... drawn to you, exactly at seven, she invited me to her birthday, that’s how it worked, let’s go together, where inhaler, left with her, what about god, oh, mommy, i have one idea,
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no, marinochka, can i see you for a minute, please sit down, what’s wrong with him, nothing, don’t lie to me, i can see , he said, he said from us, please, why him, why not me, let's leave here now somewhere, i want us to be just together, only i do, let’s better, alexandra yakovna, champagne for you. dear friends, i propose to raise a glass of champagne and drink to our beloved
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alexandra yakovlevna. thank you, thank you, thank you very much, thank you my dears, so that my orientation has been shaken, but i haven’t given up, it seems that’s it, marinochka, there is your place next to mine, oh, thank you very much, take a seat, dear guests, take a seat, thank you, thank you, oh, thank you, my girl, lettuce, would you like lard, sausage, cheese, i’ll think you’re very beautiful, they congratulate the girls with champagne, and i propose to drink
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100 g of front-line soldiers for a combat officer, i support it, let’s drink to ours. thank you very much to alexandra yakovlevna, who, just like men, went through all the hardships of military service, but despite this she remained a woman, beautiful, amazing, hurray, hurray, hurray, you really think so, sure, dadna, drum roll,
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just don’t cuddle up to me , your head is spinning, listen, are you dancing or what should you do, of course, some kind of eternal dance.
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how dizzy, how dizzy, wizard, wizard, you were breathing in your mixture and you think you fell in love with him, or maybe you fell in love, what do you care?
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and it’s good, good, good, good that the stars swayed, good, you
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like to carry happiness through life, unaffected by a bullet, fidelity, unforgotten along the way. good good.
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where are you in a hurry, take off your coat, it ’s very warm here, we need to quickly switch to you, oh, good, it worked, marina, i know that you are there, you have
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the last chance to stay in science, for my help i want to receive certain services, otherwise i will remove you from protection. it’s better this way, my princess, if you ’re a boy, we’ll all have a year, we ’ll all be buzzing, if now someone gets rid of their arrogant, vile ruchiskys, get out of here , get out of here, oh you little bastard, get out of here , there, i say, well, that’s enough, there will be no protection,
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get out of your skull, with pleasure, well, this, this is a discovery, yes, i think so too, be careful, yes, it’s better not nude. it’s too early to make this public, research needs to be done, the mechanism of action is unclear, the opposite effect, and most importantly, it needs to be proven reliability, to understand the smiling significance, practical application, in short, in order to register the discovery, you still need to work and work, work, work, work, work, of course, you remain at the department, work on this with marina as much as you need. “if you need my help, of course, i will help you, thank you as much as i can,
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i wanted to apologize to you for behaving this way from the very beginning, alexander yakovna, it’s actually i who have to ask for your forgiveness, you don’t care.” than to ask me forgiveness, you are absolutely right, well, what kind of scientist am i, i’m an ordinary lieutenant colonel of the medical service, i’ve never been involved in science, i’m just used to following orders, they told me to be the head of the department, so i pull the burden for her, as best i can, as best i can, you know how, i don’t know how, you know how and you can, i don’t know how and i can’t, you are an excellent organizer, organizer, colonel. soviet department, all some men's positions, i want to be just a woman, a wife, a mother, it's late, why,
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he can't take his eyes off you carpenters, i see, i'm afraid, what, love, you know, is very difficult. losing a loved one is very painful, i don’t want to repeat it. yes, he died, i loved him very much, but life goes on, thanks to the mixture, it seemed to knock the plug out of me, i suddenly felt some wonderful feeling, i realized that... you can’t live without love,
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for love, and let’s move on here you are, finally. female biologists drink until they lose their pulse, female chemists until they lose their reactions, and female physicists until they lose their resistance, but military women, military women don’t get drunk, we can’t beat them to it.
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oh, how i don’t want to work, but i have to, let’s go! ilyosha, when are you going to vacate the premises when necessary, the sooner the better, i’ve already gotten into all sorts of troubles through you, so come on, when did we manage to move on to you, and for you now it matters, everything , that's it, that's enough, hello
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, do you have a tick? igor semyonovich is busy, asked not to disturb, this is for you. entrance, already fired. yes, an order with today's date. you can't go to him. i need to talk to him. he said he won't talk to you. igor semyonovich, this is alexandra yakovevna. they won't let me see you. igor semenovich. good morning, gali. what's going on here? here is igor semyonovich, can we talk to you, we have nothing to talk about, should i also write a letter of resignation? well, that’s your right , great, tick, please, paper and pen, well, good luck to you, alexey mikhailovich, as officially, according to the priest, well, well, not according to the mother, well, to you, as
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they say, than in your personal life , thank you, thank you very much, i didn’t know you were so jealous, listen, igor, alexander loves you, she and i talked about you all night in bed, yes, igor semyonovich, igor. “we, we really talked all night, we talked about a lot, well, the most important thing is that you shouldn’t be afraid of love, well, okay, let’s sort it out, please, kalya, make us
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some tea, yeah, no, better coffee, no , nothing, no need. and lyosha, come in. this random error in the ratio of typical gases led to the fact that, sorry, yes, hello, hello, it’s not very convenient to say, well now, wait,
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now, wait. , yes, hello, everything’s working, glebova not only wants to leave me at department, but also wants to give me her place, can you imagine what lyubov is doing, she doesn’t want to head the department anymore, but wants to be just a woman, thank you, marina, if it weren’t for you, yes, please, marina, i have lectures now, i'm sorry, i 'll tell you everything in the evening, okay, okay, that's it, bye. “of course, we’ll talk, and you also have to give birth to a child for me, i have or two, but i don’t know how, we’ll teach you, and it’s not too late, well
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, it’s never too late to be happy, you can, yes, come in, little fellow, and take the reins of the department.” alexandra yakovlevna and sasha go to maternity leave, how is it already? well, life is just beginning.
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marinochka, forgive me, i’m a fool, well, my princess, i got excited, you exhausted my whole soul, maybe you’ll stay on the defensive, everything will be fine, i haven’t canceled anything yet, no, valentina. i’ve had enough, marinochka, marina, today was such a day, you can’t even imagine, i’ll tell you now, marina, dear passengers, don’t buy it,
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valentin andreevich, thank you, thank you for the ride, don’t see me off, i think , i forgot my phone number, so you pass mine congratulations to alexey mikhailovich, he will now be in the department, why would that be, there are no vacancies, and where would you offer him your place, happily, a strong mixture.
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yes, yeah, here’s her cell phone, she forgot, alexey mikhailovich, how about cheyku, i ’ll come with the pies.
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excuse me, i was told that your institute is here behind the yellow building, well, yes, so here it is, this is it, yes. marina, lyosha, hello, i didn’t expect it, well, i finally found you, it’s me, you forgot your mobile phone, thank you. what are you doing here?
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my flask, can't you see? went along in my mother’s footsteps, i work as a laboratory assistant, but what about your phd on mixtures? now you’re poking around little by little, wow, how you’ve progressed, you’ve actually become a real scientist. marin, can we sit somewhere together? oh, how long have i been looking for you? thanks to glebova and her connections, through the fsb they found you in this hole. this is not a hole. oh, well, sorry. glebova said hello to you. thank you. can you imagine, we're about to give birth. and... twins right away,
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please go away, lesh, what happened, marin, why are you doing this, what am i doing, you came for in order to inform me that you and glebova will soon have twins, i am very happy for you, maybe, i don’t know, you need my calculations, so please, take my notebook and leave here, yes marina, what does glebova and i, glebova, am married to... both carpenter and carpenter, they are immensely happy, you’re lying, or maybe he ’ll be a bug flea, your hydrogen peroxide anhydrite, i came for you, kotov wants to take your discovery, we have to go, well, here we go in fact, everything i wanted to tell you, now i will demonstrate the effect
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my amazing perfume, i wonder, madam, i ask you, yes, i ask, i ask, and you are a young man, i ask, well... come to each other, what do you feel, love inspires me so much that i want to read poetry, young man, how do you feel? i feel stronger. oh, the strongest rise, i want, i
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love this woman, i’m so happy, my perfume, which i called instant love, which can be translated as overwhelming love, is truly an elixir of happiness, we yes, but he is unlikely, our lawyer compiled correct agreement the main thing is that the french are not bypassed among us, and the physiologies of the human brain can make us practically happy. this is not real love, this is a fake, a surrogate, a scientist just like you, what are you doing here, leave, security, take him out, this is an impostor, this is you an impostor, this person has appropriated someone else's discovery, better leave in an amicable way, alexey mikhailovich, i will sue you. slander, i registered this discovery and patent with me, and i have
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marina, marina, in this notebook, during the day the progress of scientific thought was recorded, here proof that this discovery belongs to this girl, you will not prove anything, we will prove it, because i, marina, and glebova, we all experienced the effects of the gas mixture, the ratio of the components, which is truly unique, and we experienced it before , how did you officially register the discovery, we have many witnesses, you can’t prove it, i didn’t understand something with whom to enter into an agreement, but you told respected, we can re-register it to businessmen, that this is your true love, interesting. goes away with one sip of alcohol, alcohol, now i i’ll demonstrate this to you, come on, come on, come on, wait, interesting, uh-huh, so, wait, you need to drink this, this, why, for your love, for love, for love, for love, what,
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wow, sorry, we were deceived. what was it? who is this? lord, i’m so exhausted, it’s as if all the air has been let out of me, and you? i somehow surprisingly didn’t want to, well, i mean, do you feel love for each other? i'll leave, charlatans, this is a discovery, not love, it's just a chemical reaction. which need to be researched, and not traded in unexplored nothing can replace true love with a mixture, i realized this myself, but unfortunately, only at a distance, i, too, only after breaking up with you, i realized that i love you, i
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was the first to say it, marina, you can stand marrying me. yes, okay, let's go, you can't cut money from true love, one minute, i ask you, wait, gentlemen, anything else?
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we chose to live outside the city, why do you need it, and where does the money come from, the two favorite questions, i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, they see more opportunities there, make the most of them. 26 piglets, you have chickens, 130 chickens, who else do you have, ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what, what? you don’t have free time, which can be spent on laziness and despondency, i understand, this is definitely not the case, neither for depression, nor for despondency, and there is no time to be lazy, yes, the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than city life, then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange it, when we do it here, in the future, we’re
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a reception room, we’re doing it here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that's what we have leftovers here. it’s valuable here, we’ll hang it here, probably as an exhibition, now it’s fashionable to say it will be here, how it’s all happening, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel, they were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from siri, came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area, i didn’t have anyone left there, everyone went their separate ways, everyone found here something for myself, these masks took part in several shows, which we organized first here in our village, then i also
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opened such a creative space in the city of lida, i also had a fashion show of masks there, each hero has his own unique... i feel like i’m at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children to feel here too, it ’s like home and home to stay here. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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live broadcast news on belarus 1, in studio olga kalairova, good morning, watch the episode of the exhibition of regional achievements, a motorcycle rally through iconic places and an oath, probably.


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