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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 9:15am-10:51am MSK

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another review is the award of the people's artist, a guest prize, it hit the viewer's heart so much because he copied this drama from a personal story, the most powerful works of artists generally happen when they talk about something of their own and serious, painful memories of it , is connected with the moment when the blockade had already ended, and he , together with his mother, from the village of cochin, drove 18 km away, i remember how my father told how they were driving, and he... this black burnt earth, here these are burnt the village, the ashes that lay there, these remaining pipes from the stoves, because this is a brick that did not fall apart, all his life he remembered the smell, the sweetish smell of these burned, burned villages, burned people, and even when he became an adult, already a famous artist, he never made fires, he never burned leaves in the fall, because he said, when i approach such a fire, i hear that smell again, 6 years. your father needed to
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translate these brutal war stories, why did the people's author decide to speak about the general drama of the belarusian people in graphics? graphics really mean the clarity of the image, yes, it’s an opportunity to express an emotion with the help of lines that would probably be understandable to everyone. the basis of this series is the tongues of flame, one of his works is dedicated to this particular madonna, the madonna of war, the madonna, perhaps, of the liberation of the world, around her and...
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because myadelshchina is a partisan region, my grandfather, he was himself a partisan blacksmith, and not only was he a partisan blacksmith, in this hut, in his hut there was always a partisan headquarters, there were various belarusian partisans, smolensk, bryansk, at one fine moment, one of the partisans took out, probably some big broad soul, a small pencil, this the starting point was for this little boy to try to draw something.
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our country has erected many very striking monuments dedicated specifically to the tragedies or events of the great patriotic war, and the authors of these monuments were young artists, ala of the mogilev region or azarichi or, for example, an absolutely stunning monument dedicated to the burned villages of the mogilev region, but most importantly it seems to me that the theme of war and peace never ceases to be relevant, and speaking of that past war, probably... our young the authors simply say that the world is beautiful, they say that it needs to be appreciated, it needs to be loved, it needs to be loved by all generations, including ours. three busy days in may with old and new friends in the surroundings famous sports complex with excitement, sports intensity and vivid impressions. in such an atmosphere, the sixth all-belarusian children's games of winners were held in raubichi, which brought together 47 aged children. but today they are all in
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remission: running, swimming, table tennis, chess and mini-football - this is the sports component of the project, in the evenings there are friendly gatherings, communication, master classes. by tradition, the guys took away a lot of gifts and the kindest sincere memories. that you want to come back more all of these unwritten things? emotions, this drive, adrenaline, what you get, what, well, these memories, it turns out, you look forward to these meetings, you set yourself a goal to try and achieve for a whole year, and then you perform it, then again you try to come here, to perform all this, as if, well, here you seem to be feeding on emotions for the year ahead, which at our games seems to me to be such a positively positive cool atmosphere in in the sense that everything is already here. winners, we try
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support this strong spirit, remind you of the value of life, in fact, when you communicate with these kids, they talk like that, and you think like that, you’re definitely 9 years old. because they are such really strong fighters, it is clear that they have come a long way to victory, the guys have already gone to their homes, many will return to the games in a year, the organizers, the main one of which is the touching life charity foundation, hope that the geography of the all-belarusian the winners' games will expand, boys and girls will come to visit our guys from other countries, we will tell you about the development of the event at noon on... projects of the television news agency are available on all social networks, as well as in our mobile application using the qr code on the screen. have a nice day and see you later.
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this is the main broadcast, hello, as always on sunday evening we discuss the most important events of the past week. the week can safely be called festive; today we honor
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state symbols, and a couple of days ago the whole country celebrated victory day. every year he reveals new meanings to us and teaches us to live as human beings according to our conscience. but every time geography of countries. who took the path of canceling the great feat of the soviet people more and more widely, so we must talk about this even more boldly, louder, the historical truth must live in us, contemporaries, today we will tell and show from different angles our main triumph, we will again get acquainted with those who got this victory, we will learn a lot more interesting things, pavel lazovik and victoria senkevich are with you, look in the program. the flag, the curb and the anthem are a connection and... involvement with belarus, the country exists as long as the symbols are honored. patriotism is at the core of common victory. may 9 is a holiday of global significance, at the cost of millions of lives. time chose us, chose
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us to preserve the independence of our land , everything created by many generations before us. heroes are among us. there are no indifferent to their immortal run, about the stolen childhood and women’s fate, the difficult path to the day of victory, i said, i will die like everyone else dies, i was so strong-willed for 18 years, we pay tribute to the veteran with a sacred attribute, the president is at the center of the main events , what else fell under the heading time of the first, polish cargo 200, 90% on...
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i went because i can’t stand to see people being burned and enjoying it. here, armed with a soldering iron, regimental kulibins create special equipment for effective work in the field. and the clock is ticking or a ray of light in the precise kingdom, quality control about how a fading enterprise was brought to a new level, the clock must still withstand a humidity of 98%, at a temperature of 40°. our products are successfully entering world markets. we belarusians have a lot that unites the nation, this is our love of peace. desire for creativity, tolerance, good neighborliness, our rich spiritual culture, love and
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affection for our home. and, of course, our state symbols are the flag, coat of arms and anthem. belarusians all over the world are associated with them. these are the attributes of our strong and independent state, its heroic past and creative present. almost three decades ago, a holiday appeared in our country in honor of our state symbols. it is celebrated every second sunday in may, we... congratulations to all belarusians. and in recent years there is still a beautiful solemn ceremony, honoring the flag, coat of arms and anthem. our president also took part in it today. celebration center, state flag square. the largest flag in the country flies here, at an altitude of 70 m above the capital. today there are thousands of invitees here, these are public figures, representatives of government agencies, parliamentarians, activists and, of course, young people. on this day, boys and girls take an oath of allegiance to our state.
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giver from politics, remaining true to ourselves, our principles and ideals, in our history, we together defended our true state symbols, together they said, there is no symbolism, which became for us a real sign of trouble, the heirs of the people who survived the genocide, the surviving kanslagirakh of the ghetto, who stood up to fight the enemy, in numerous partisan detachments and the underground
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, could not do otherwise. therefore, in 1995 , belarusians overwhelmingly voted for the continuity of heroic symbols, for our coat of arms, for our flag, which flies over modern belarus. transitional eras. people often abandon symbols that expressed ideas and values the previous socio-political structure. but this was not our path. we carefully preserve the connection between generations, continue the traditions of our ancestors, we are proud of our history, it contains many heroic pages. we never ordered, we never changed that line. which we are carrying out today, we then and now are faithful to the traditions of the past, we are especially proud
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that the state symbols of belarus personify the unparalleled fortitude of our people’s contribution to the great victory over the brown plague. and here is the touching moment of the ceremony: young people in the square the state flag take an oath of allegiance to state symbols. it’s like a recognition of warm feelings for your land, pride in being a belarusian. thus, young people take up the baton in preserving the strengthening of our statehood and undertake to sacredly protect belarus, our flag, coat of arms and anthem. memorable celebrations on the occasion of victory day, a business trip to russia, the anniversary summit of the eac and loud political statements by the former regarding improving the combat readiness of our armed security forces. v the working week of our president has passed in minsk in moscow, now you will see something that
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no one has shown yet. we looked at the head of state’s luggage, what alexander lukashenko brought to his eu colleagues, with whom he talked about what on the sidelines of the summit, what it’s like to work next to the president, his pool of journalists will tell about the first, but we’ll start with memory. in our sovereign country, it is always an unshakable priority, because this is the time of the first. "the bresse fortress - the victory monument in minsk or the tomb of the unknown soldier, arms of flowers bow to the places of memory heads, the country celebrated a sacred holiday, victory day, we will always remember this feat, we will forget this past, we will stop
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coming to the monuments, it will come to us, while in other states they give this memory,
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questions about testing the use of tactical nuclear weapons were raised during the ceremonial meetings for victory day, what they didn’t write later from putin’s manipulation to lukashenko making a living target from belarus, however, the creator of the conspiracy theory, the president only added a nerve to his business trip in russia. we see off the first one to moscow; while waiting for the flight, the personal
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press is passing the time, discussing work issues; as you can see, there is always a lot of equipment. the president's press secretary conducts an audit of the press that will be on... naturally, he always gets acquainted, plus our review of the media, this is also a mandatory option, of course we are here, well , we take into account the specifics of the upcoming day, we collect somewhere the necessary materials for the visit, anything that may be useful, as for newspapers, is always ours the main ones... belarusian, well, here is belarus today, of course, fresh in my hands, plus some additional interesting ones, the president, of course, is familiar with our regional one, well, it’s hard to call it regional anymore, because the agenda is always very serious, well, for example, minskaya pravda too, i think that the president is always interested in reading, the russian press is also present, but naturally only the president himself chooses there,
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the former’s luggage is not only personal belongings, but also gifts, exclusive drinks, candies. on this time i went to moscow for the first time. operators must remove the moment. and then quickly transfer the flash drives to a colleague who will remain in minsk, and, as we say, slang, will distribute the video to all channels. at 10:30 on stv, so they need to catch it. an hour's flight and the first in moscow, first the anniversary summit of the eac. in moscow it’s 1°c, windy with snow, you need to meet the first one according to the weather, warming up, after all, they collect the press a long time ago. the wait outside may be lengthy.
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but in the hall where the event will take place, without outerwear. so everything is done at speed, it is important not to miss a shot, right during the summit, when other leaders are making statements, the first one gives instructions to the delegation, the economy is obviously a priority, first the president calls the relevant minister and writes something on paper for a long time in parallel, then eec minister sergei glazyev, he is called a legend economy. alexander lukashenko has always strived to eliminate barriers to economic integration as much as possible, and that has been done.
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here is the secretary general of the cis, sergei lebedev, who was the first to communicate with russian ministers and other leaders. of course, the president will stay for the parade, getting rid of the brown plague cost the lives of millions of people, various republics contributed to this common victory, fought for freedom, including their neighbors, but this fact no longer means anything to some. we understand that the yellow press was more interested in the furry spectators in the stands or something about the loss of the president.
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along the way, alexander lukashenko got into a conversation with the participants of the north military district and the minister of defense and did not get into the footage of the leaders’ joint passage. this is how pseudo-sensations are made. however, human curiosity is an understandable thing. what do you have in this red bag? tell me about this cap. so, this is the whip you're wearing. in moscow, lukashenko and putin talked until 3:00 a.m., it was decided that at the second stage, nuclear exercises in belarus and russia will be synchronized, a detailed answer about why and why the former gave his gender upon arrival in minsk. well, why did we do this publicly, you see what the situation is like, there is an escalation of tension, which primarily comes, first of all, from ukraine. may 7 is workers' day television, radio communications, 13, and many of our colleagues celebrated the holiday, as expected, at work. our field of activity, especially everything related to
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the president, is of great interest to people, so today we decided to show and talk about our work more than usual. welcome, as everyone jokes, this is our mini-palace of independence. why? look, you work in the palace, here you go, our new citrus resident, and yes, and such an impromptu exhibition. just recently we got some bright moments of the pool of current staff and those colleagues who no longer work with us, but worked before, also covered a lot of the activities of the head of state, some of us have been working with the president for 5, 10, some for almost 20 years, of course, for everyone there are a huge number of stories about work, we spend a lot of time at work, you are almost a large child, your status has changed, somehow i don’t know, is there some kind of leniency in work, is it primarily the state’s task? we have such a good relationship, so are we competitors or are we friends? we are in in general, we are doing one common important thing, and
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excessive, theoretically possible competition between channels, especially between journalists from the presidential pool, will 100% have a negative impact on the final result, so well, it seems to me that in the pool we have much less competition than in in general between our channels, to unusual questions about work, and therefore about the first one? we are used to it, not everything can be told, but there is definitely something to remember, we were in kostyukovich, it seems my task was to run into a store on wheels, and there was such a simple woman, she he says how afraid i am, and i say, well , calm down, that is, now a person will come, that is, he is not, not this telekashenko, who, please, i say, calm down, now a person will come from whom you will then just be in delighted, the gentleman comes... and says: good afternoon, good afternoon, thank you, people, for serving people, she then stood, we all ran away,
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then moved to the next point, she stood with tears in her eyes and waved her hand to him, there is these shots, that is, i personally filmed, this is, this is the real lukashenko, indeed, what is lukashenko like without cameras is perhaps the most frequent question addressed to us, as is the desire to find out what it’s like to work next to the head of state.
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you know, it’s not just that you have some kind of deadlines, but you also have hyper-responsibility, that is, you don’t have the right to make a mistake, you don’t have the right to make a mistake either in your wording or in working with the speech of the head of state, just because it is fraught with consequences, especially like now, when everything is taken out of context. on duty, journalists are the first to know the main thing is that we have access to top speakers on the sidelines of the gala meeting, although it is noisy, but this is not a hindrance if... this is the very moment for an exclusive. for the second week now, our opponents have been writing about certain performances during the president’s visit to the air force command post of the air defense forces. airplanes on the territory of neighboring countries, which we also tracked, we could not control them in any way, but there were three reconnaissance aircraft, one drone was flying along our border, weather formations appeared, which initially were identified as unidentified targets, that
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is, the situation was real. to say inspire on such a festive day today, when we honor our national symbols, the flag that has been in orbit will be transferred to the museum of the palace of independence. this is a very beautiful ceremony on the state flag square, there is a feeling of universal unity, of course, it is not limited to just one date in the calendar, we need
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to know and... always remember who gave us victory, who is involved in the achievements that we are proud of today, from bread before space. people are proud that they are true belarusians, this is national unity, a unity that we must preserve in order to save our country, because time has chosen us. for belarusians, it is true that the memory of the war is stronger than time, and today minsk responds to all attempts at intimidation with a consistent peacekeeping position and a policy of strategic containment. the president spoke openly about our line of security, or more precisely, defense, at a ceremonial meeting on the occasion of victory day. belarus does not intend to succumb to any provocations and is not going to fight with anyone. throwing a country of millions of people into the crucible of war is
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not for me. i don’t believe that in western europe, overfed, fattened, anyone will want to climb into these dirty lousy trenches to fight, they are already unaccustomed to this, but our youth, you know, don’t want this, it’s us who were born then , not far from that great victory, we understand what
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all this cost our parents, our grandfathers, but we must be prepared for anything, i don’t believe that they will go crazy and will take some kind of line that we even drew it ourselves. i don’t believe that the same macron, i more or less know him, is a completely reasonable, not stupid person who declares that... even tomorrow he is ready to send armed forces into ukraine to start a war, a nuclear power, the poles or someone else -that they will do this, but so that they don’t do this, we must be strong, i have already spoken about this, now only strength is respected, and no matter how small or big we are, as you say, we must be strong,
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organized, monolithic, like you have children, i don’t want them to fight, but my destiny, and those around me... is that we can respond to any threat. and this position of the state today is supported by those who went through the war, veterans of the great patriotic war, who know exactly how to and how not to live. by the way, our colleagues working at the laying ceremony in minsk on victory day admitted that they knew all the heroes by sight, and this time they were looking out for each one and waiting for them. unfortunately, every year there are fewer and fewer of them. anastasia benedesyuk. the story of one winner. it was after an hour of communication that irina vendina decided to go out outside. this is now a rare case. she
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sits more and more and less and less sees her. she is 97. she met the beginning of the war here. on june 27 , the germans entered prudyanskaya sloboda and burned the village. people were taken out. a simpleton, from there, as you know, did not return, brother, a military pilot, sister put up leaflets, mother baked bread, a partisan, father, who was over 50 as a liaison officer for the underground, irina vendina followed him barefoot and ran to minsk on a mission, to a safe house , i was just walking, and i knew that there was a man there, an underground worker, which i need to pick up, pick up and bring the partisan.
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about the importance of preserving the memory of the people’s feat in the great patriotic war and how historical memory connects generations. on the eve of victory day, the descendants of the heroes reasoned during the unveiling of a memorial sign in honor of those killed in the battle on the pronya river. the children of the soldiers who fell for their land are sure that this place will definitely not be forgotten now. this means that the memory of the heroes will live for centuries.
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now to the biggest news of the week, in accordance with the presidential order the belarusian armed forces are undergoing a sudden inspection of non-strategic nuclear weapons carriers. aviation missile and technical units began to move. and fugitive information resources, together with their curators of speculation, managed to give birth to an ocean. and so let's explain. what is happening, all the details are in the project disposition. on air
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disposition is gagarin. go. i never thought that i would speak in belarus about military verification related to nuclear issues. in general, there has been quite a fuss about this today. i don’t know if it was intended this way, but in this in this case it worked correctly. this information flu, which instantly formed, is, after all, non-toxic. but... it clearly and powerfully signals the consequences of aggression against belarus. aggression is the only option for the use of tactical nuclear weapons by minsk. it is worth recalling that the very appearance of special fighters on our territory is a response precisely to aggressive steps towards the union state. today they rarely remember that the very question of placing special ammunition in belarus arose with the submission of the west, after the statement by nato secretary general jens stoltenberg about plans to move the military atom to the borders, this is what was announced back in november of twenty-one. germany can
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decide whether there should be weapons on its territory, but the alternative is nuclear weapons in other european countries, including to the east of germany. jens stoltenberg, nato secretary general. november 19, 2021 . we are, of course, talking about poland, so the help that followed from minsk. and helpful. by the way, maybe earlier should we have taken such a measure without moscow’s nuclear reaction, it was essentially a retaliatory response and placed tactical nuclear weapons closer to the hotheads.
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upon completion of the joint training, our troops will continue measures to adequately respond to changes in the situation. the training, of course, brightened the world media agenda with bright colors. democratic experts showed lofty thoughts to the entire planet. in short, we are almost destroying the foundations of civilization. by the way, when such maneuvers are carried out by the americans, then they simply don’t notice it, because it’s trivial. here the barbarians raise their heads and spoil the appetite of the golden billion. but, of course, the context is important now, and it is connected with ukraine, where , again, washington and brussels are raising the stakes, not russia. more and more long-range weapons are coming to ukraine, and the f-16 is about to be used. the west has allowed its missiles to strike deep into russia. moscow warned about
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the possibility of strikes on those objects that it deems necessary to destroy, not only in square. if the militaristic kom does not stop, there will be consequences. will not be limited territory of ukraine. so far, only nuclear weapons have a stopping effect. russia decided to conduct an exercise with this component. considering the situation, we joined the training, because if it comes to special ammunition, we will definitely work together. the scale is suggestive. we are closer than ever to a nuclear disaster. what to do in this situation? keep your powder dry, including this. lethal weapons in russia are exclusively weapons of deterrence. readiness to perform tasks as intended is indicated operational-tactical complex iskander and a squadron of tactical aircraft sud-25. this inspection will be carried out strictly in accordance with the regulations established
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by the commander-in-chief. during it , the entire complex from planning, preparation and use of tactical nuclear weapons will be tested. few people paid attention to such a feature of the test as surprise. the fact is that you must not only be able to use nuclear weapons, but also have time to use them. nato intelligence assets continuously monitor our units. the number of alliance reconnaissance aircraft flights near the borders is constantly growing. at a certain period, and this is the time of receiving warheads, transportation, installation, suspension on carriers, a game of cat and mouse will begin, a period of hunting for our equipment for strikes. this is where it matters. thoughts and actions, which is practiced in a surprise exam. yes, if the iskander or su-25 themselves turn into a cat, the game will be over for the opponent. our specialists are highly professional ; all of them were trained in working with nuclear weapons in russia, their systems and they know airplanes from a to z. as part of the planned
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training, the flight engineering and technical staff of our aviation base underwent additional training at the training center of the russian federation on airplanes. this allowed us not only to improve our practical skills, but also to master new ways of using modern aviation weapons, including special ammunition. the training included both a theoretical course and practical classes under the guidance of russian instructors. the personnel training program has been completed in full. at if necessary, we are ready to apply the knowledge and skills we have acquired in practice to ensure military security. both our country and the union state as a whole. now on the internet they are vigorously discussing the flight range of the iskander system missiles and the range of the s-25 attack aircraft, but the main thing is being read between the lines in the new tone of statements by western politicians. stoltenberg has already stated that nato will not send soldiers to
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ukraine, he has lost his belligerence, suddenly macron too, but it is absolutely unknown what will happen tomorrow, they say it’s russian roulette it’s fascinating, maybe the current check is still there. will help the west get out of such a painful sense of its impunity. let's move to where the real fighting is taking place today: the ninety-fifth rifle regiment was formed in 2022. many who came to serve know about the war of 1914 first-hand, since almost all of them are local donetsk residents. now. hold the difficult ugledar direction, the enemy occupies a commanding height, so supply of ammunition is not always provided easily. in such difficult conditions, you have to develop your own.
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and there was one road left, on which trucks drove without light, carried an ox, there was food there, and we held it, at that moment the troops came in to make these famous boilers, and alexander vladimirovich arrived, he was then our main one, well, this is a stronghold our unit was called, yes, that’s exactly what it was, then he said there were five or six of us officers, he says: guys says: my combat order to you, take care of people, well, somehow it stuck with me so much, the fact is that i really
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i respected this man infinitely, i respect and will respect him, we are at the training ground, here they are testing a terminator transporter, designed for transporting food or installing a machine gun. controlled remotely, which allows you to penetrate hard-to-reach places, overcomes difficult terrain well, stable, vr glasses help control and aim when using a machine gun, developed assembled by the ninety-fifth stronghold rifle regiment, spent 10 fpv, made eight resets, it was blown up once by a mine, once on a cluster munition to ammunition for the remnants of the cassette, so it still travels there.
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as one of the delivery options, but we have not used it yet, now we are planning according to the weather, ammunition for delivery via a grenade launcher, that is, the warhead from the grenade launcher is twisted, screwed through an adapter like this container into hard-to-reach places. it is delivered via rpg at a distance of up to 700 m, since there are places where it is difficult
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to deliver food day and night, this is the first thing, this is after tests, yes, that’s right, but in principle they were compressed upon arrival, since we have a lid it was driven inside into the ground, into the ground when the press was stuck. we were allowed into the holy of holies of the fertilization regiment and we are now in a room where the guys are working on special technical means, the main task is to preserve personnel, before passion, before i became a citizen in russia, i lived in the dpr, here i am by profession a mining engineer, i worked for a very long time in the mines here in the donbass, mined coal, built mines, this is my hobby, i worked in my free time, i’m at home doing this work, i came here, started working
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quadcopters, tvs and everything else, i passed why, because i know perfectly well that the army needs good specialists in various fields, and since i was born here in the donbass, it is my duty to help our army, our state end this war quickly, comes then...
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a risk, but it’s all collective, every lie, it will later come out as losses, losses are inevitable in war, but their quantity, you can influence this, so he, well, really well done, got his bearings, yes, he says, his wife kicked him out, the money all i need is, i say, that’s it, write a report, accepted, know, the company commander is obliged to know exactly every soldier, well, even in the duties it is written: you already have a few questions, where to use it? we move to the second location, the guests of the house are hiding from the camera, people are not public, and their enemies know less about them, the work and sleep of loved ones is more efficient,
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ready for equipment, verified...
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that happened there, trade in organs, children, drugs, convenient to keep dogs who, under some crazy idea, are ready to just hurt people and think that wow, everything will pass without incident, no one will know anything, people remember something, the ninety-fifth rifle regiment was formed in 2022, many who came to serve under the leadership of viktor viktorovich know about the war.
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and what does the cia have to do with it, as well as the theft of nuclear technology, what secrets the americans stole from the third reich and how they sold the theft for their own heroism. clear politics continues the series of programs about the cynical operations of the united states after the collapse of germany. watch it on monday after the panorama.
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we must not lose our heritage, what
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the previous generations left for us, this... all spheres of science, medicine, economics, industry. during soviet times, the minsk watch factory was one of the most successful in the soviet union. after the nineties, the company fell into decline. outdated equipment. and technology, as a result, unclaimed products. in addition, jobs and factory space are being reduced. the road to bankruptcy took 10 years. in 2009 , alexander lukashenko came to the plant, then the local manager assured that they were doing everything they could. task - preserve, because watches are not made in every country, this is the intelligence of the nation, the president emphasized. now luch confidently holds its position in the global market, and some collections are sold out within a day. journalists. when time
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has stopped, the watch still has to withstand a humidity of 98%, at a temperature of 40°, but the hands continue to move, this collection sold out within 24 hours. hunters for stocks that almost bankrupted the sentry. empire and the president's decision, what do you need to make this plant work? let's look at exclusive watches that only come in a gift, this is a quality control section, everything relies on time, whether you are at the station or on the air on the news, doing reports or recording a program with you for hours. the watch factory has known this since soviet times, now they produce 80,000 wristwatches a year, we will carry out quality control. it takes about 30 minutes to produce such a metal washer,
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and the same amount of time is required for processing on machines with numerical control. this is a lathe, now we will process the first side of the part. we will get the bottom side of the future body. herself workpiece we call it 756 case, a special program is written, which is then adjusted on the table here. there are no million-dollar orders, it’s also unclear how to sell to whom, jobs are being cut , factory space is being cut, the building is being fragmented by the owners of expensive square meters in the city center, this is the picture in the nineties, three anti-crisis managers, dozens of lawsuits, the road to bankruptcy.
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in 2 weeks you have time to develop all this, and sometimes it may not take a long time and it can take a month and a half, after that processing of all the details, drawing the case and
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applying the design with a special seal, a millimeter to the side, everything is new, this is a latina blank, we take it to work on the dial, pigment is applied, then after painting it goes for control, i wanted it.
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several stages, here they say that time has stood still, these are still units from the soviet years, but the quality of control... this is no worse. it is important that water does not get into the case, the hands go in cold weather at minus, in heat at +45, and also withstand the fall, monitor every stage. this is a destructive control method, these tests give us the right to say for a year that yes, our watches meet the state standards requirements in all respects. if not, then we stop acceptance and do not allow it. loading the watch warehouse, you see,
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the watch is safe and sound, our watches are known from the usa to australia, some models are completely sold out within a day, watches that were released recently, they were timed to launch the first female astronaut into space, in this watch the second hand is full in such a way that they go in the opposite direction relation... to the usual, that is , counterclockwise, which symbolizes the time remaining before the launch, respectively, of the spacecraft, the most expensive watches there cost about 2.0 rubles, that is, there is sappir glass, a swiss movement, automatic winding, well, for today moment the most premium watches, which means there is a children's watch in your portfolio, what you are guided by before choosing, good quality and beautiful, dad once gave it to mom... years ago
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the watches were better, so we decided to come here and look, at every factory they say that the buyer is better judge of quality, i bought this watch 3 years ago, it is quartz, it has never failed and i have never had to change the battery, to preserve what our ancestors invested in our work, this is our history and heritage, especially since only eight countries in the world are engaged in the production of watches, and we are in them... daria, andr tuzhaev, sergey korneev and alexander samailovich are responsible for quality. it's time to remember that the country has a big weekend ahead 2 more days and many options for how to spend them. we give tips weekly as part of the place to live section, today kirovsk is next. a french fries production facility will soon appear in a small regional center of the mogilev region. this.
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part of the concept is one district, one project, but now it’s very tasty here, but who hasn’t heard about the legendary smazhanki, after which it would be good to move on to physical activity, for example, playing beach soccer. the district is also very proud of its past, which concerns a variety of areas, from tradition in rural economy to preserve historical memory. can kirovsk be called a cozy place to live? - anton malyuta found out. the kirov dawn shone throughout the entire union. the collective farm was one of the first in the ussr to become a millionaire. we earned a lot and invested in development. the agricultural town of myshkovich still provides a forum for many regional centers. the size of the streets matches the glorious history, but how to keep the bar high? strictly speaking, this is what rests on tradition. farms at dawn,
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because those people who were brought up starting from orlovsky, starovoitov, they pass on their knowledge, experience and ability to work to new generations , and often young people come who, well, maybe do not perceive the work as they should, but looking at those veterans who work with them, they naturally gradually become the same themselves and...
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everyone has their own specifics and their own schedule, so the only way we can get together is like this, at home over a cup of tea, while three children are at school talking about how the younger generation wants to live, the eldest son has already made a choice in favor of dawn, it’s his decision, yes, this is his decision, he himself wants to go nowhere right here, but he likes it here, but he spent his entire childhood here, and his second son is also here, well, to work off. by the way, the filimonovs live in one of the standard houses that the farm built with state support for its workers, working conditions. also on top, on a modern farm we met another family tandem, this is the mother and daughter of the queen. svetlana, once still very young, moved to belarus from ukraine. in the seventies i i went to belarus on an excursion, and i liked it so much that i decided, i want
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to live in belarus, and so it happened, my children grew up here, we built a house, everything, as they say, we planted a tree and built a house , not at all belarus sep. dawn spreads over almost the entire region, cabbage is being planted somewhere, and apple orchards are being cultivated tens of kilometers away, life is in full swing, we were convinced of this while driving around the farm, however, the internal navigator still led us to the most clickable place in kirovsky. in general, it seems to me that it’s high time to implement such an unspoken rule: you cannot be identified as a belarusian blogger if you haven’t reviewed kirov lubricants, for some reason everyone is drawn here, even... on a popular service, there are 2,800 ratings, almost that’s very a lot, and the main thing is that all are a's, why is that so, what is the secret of success, let's go find out for ourselves, hello, hello, tell us what are your most popular smazhanki, as if we have all the popular
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smazhanki, but pork and chicken are more in demand oh great, let's have two portions, well, the second portion is not for the operator, but for the head of the cafe, elena semyonovna, while we are waiting for the order, we communicate. the success of a dish famous throughout belarus, they didn’t let us into the kitchen and didn’t reveal the recipe, although we tried, at least a hint, maybe a pinch of love, that’s what, what else is needed, everything is as always, love, soaked in grease and that’s it, everything, ordinary products, natural, and, in the meantime, our order has already been prepared, please, we’ll grease it now. thank you very much, thank you, try it, guess with what, oh, interesting, but let’s get it over we confirm from the frame that it is tasty and high in calories, although in kirovsk they know how to burn calories. summer,
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sea, sun, no, for these kirov guys, the beach is not about relaxation, hours of training, practicing elements of a fierce fight for the score on the scoreboard, which is small. the center of the mogilev region may well bear the title of the unofficial capital of belarusian beach soccer, but often classic football players become beach soccer players? well, of course there are such cases, but you know that in big football professionally there is a lot of money, in beach a little smaller, of course, so the guys don’t really want to come from the big time for football, maybe they’re somehow skeptical about it, but i’ll tell you one thing, that when the guys come to the sand, one or two training sessions, they completely... fall in love with this sport is a pleasure, they continue to play it and achieve results at the world championships in the emirates, we are in fourth place, and this is thanks, among other things , to athletes from kirovsk: the city is always widely represented by the national team, although success is not a reason to relax, of course we immediately not
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won first place, so that we have something to strive for, so that we don’t give up, don’t relax, i now think we ’ll train for a year and a half and we can get the first one, but the main thing is to believe in yourself, this is football and... especially beach football, here you can punch twice, score twice, or you can punch 100 times and not score a single one, how lucky, if you train to prepare every day, then even 100% of the first, like this, only through painstaking work can you achieve results, more than 10 years of construction worked over the restoration of the bulgakov palace in zhilichy, the doors were opened for tourists in the fall of 2023, now our film crew has also visited here. vladislav, hello, hello, well, we arrived, noticed, there are no people at all, for some reason today you are lucky, we have a day off, so you will get, let's say, an exclusive excursion alone, but first you need to put on shoe covers, we take care of our parquet floors , interesting, good, that’s it, we can go, yes,
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of course, let’s go, in soviet times there was an agricultural technical school here, thanks due to the fact that the building was actively used, it was possible to preserve it; during the long restoration, the elements of the era of the century before last were preserved as much as possible in order to recreate that very atmosphere. balls, luxurious receptions, it was all here. of course, this is exactly what the palace was built for, that is, the halls in which we are located, namely the ceremonial halls of the palace, are halls intended for balls, receptions, evenings, guests of up to a hundred people came here. and now tourists are coming, already 50,000 a year, and not only from belarus. there are quite a few russians who visit and they admire our rich history. the history of the palace is interesting. in the context of the general development of belarusian cultural history, all of these, every palace, every estate, every church is an integral part of our cultural history, a history that we carefully preserve, the kirov region is... shchuborki, a memorial to the memory of burned villages during the war, it was also updated several years ago, so
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we are convinced once again that only by relying on your past can you build a future where there are modern enterprises, schools, hospitals, museums and sports grounds, in general, everything you need for a cozy place to live from the mogilev region on the main broadcast, anton malyuta, ivan mozgo and sergey korneev. hero of the next one. has already decided on his place to live, plans to build a political career in belarus, but for now, every day he gets to know the country better and tells a lot about his homeland, of course we are talking about the polish dissident, judge tomasz schmitt. let me remind you that he had access to state secrets, secret and top secret documents of warsaw. however, due to disagreement with the policy authorities, who, in his opinion, are dragging poland into the war, have fled and are now asking for political asylum in belarus. in the interview , he spoke about the working methods of foreign intelligence services, western media, as well as threats to his
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life due to his principled position and unwillingness to turn a blind eye to the surrender of poland’s national interests to the benefit of the united states and great britain. poland is now being heavily militarized, and we often see in media reports that the polish military, perhaps not officially, is participating in the conflict in ukraine. tell me, is there information in poland? that from ukraine... they absolutely do not want our country to be dragged headlong into the conflict in ukraine. this is completely contrary to our interests. here
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, first of all, the interests of the united states and great britain extend, but not ours. the attitude towards refugees from ukraine and poland has now changed very dramatically. at first, people helped them a lot, and then more and more often they began to pay attention to the expensive cars that ukrainians come in, to the kind of real estate they buy, apartments worth 2-3 million zlotys. ukrainian business starts destroy polish. it turned out that their oligarchs are much richer than ours, the last straw was the admission of ukrainian products, grain, for example, to our market, reaching us without restrictions, it ruins polish farmers, so protests began, blockades of roads, for our agriculture this is a matter of life or death . belarus, the west teaches freedom of speech, work in the media, and what do you think, in the opinion of the polish judge, is the situation with freedom?
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this is only her appearance, from such a situation similar to hers, american ears stick out, with the help
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the media are eradicating any attempts at dissent. a former employee spoke very well about this. ru and the us national security agency, edward snowden, that not only american, but all western society is under control. and notice, he had to run away too. this is a huge tracking system for analyzing the actions, mail and statements of both high-ranking officials and ordinary people. well, if it is impossible to dig up any incriminating evidence on a person who becomes a victim of such information tyranny, then it is created artificially. there are programs that allow you to place it on someone else’s phone or computer. the middle east has become a new focal point for the interests of global players. the white house is trying to form an anti-russian coalition in the region to bind everyone by economic interests. but there is clearly not enough strength for this. the era
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of unquestioning submission to the united states is becoming a thing of the past. the new situation not only causes despair, but also leads. to fatal mistakes, news of the assassination attempt on the crown prince of saudi arabia spread throughout the middle east. to whom this is beneficial, andrey sych discussed in the screenshot section. putin's friend received an unambiguous message. news about an attempt on inheritance. russia and saudi arabia are successfully cooperating and, let’s say, they confidently hold the world accountable for the price of barlneft. the video of the attack on prince became one of the most discussed events in the region.
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it was alleged that several security officers died during the assassination attempt; the prince himself only miraculously survived. during a detailed study of the video, its real date of recording was established and in the end it turned out that there was no it has nothing to do with the attack. at the same time , the widely discussed event began to sparkle with much brighter colors. it's all about big money and the interests of global players. at the summit. corridor from india to europe, just through the territory of saudi arabia. at the g20 conference, president biden, prime minister modi, and european and arab leaders announced plans to create a logistics corridor that would stretch through the arabian
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peninsula and israel. it will connect india with europe by sea, rail transport, energy... this corridor will bypass bottlenecks and significantly for more than 2 billion people. for biden, this is to reduce the cost of goods, communications and energy as a flagship project throughout his presidential campaign and bid for a new term. in addition to all sorts of economic benefits for all players. there are specific geopolitically important tasks there. the aimak should become a noose for the chinese one belt, one road project and a marriage bond for israel and the saudis. arabia, indecent circumstances intervened in a seemingly ideal plan, a sudden large-scale war in the gaza strip confused all the cards, poor blinken rubbed his tongue, tying diplomatic shoelaces around the situation in palestine. over the last 6 months, since october 7th, there have been instances where israel
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has taken actions that we do not agree with, or israel has not moved as quickly as we would like to make certain... changes, and we are engaging with them on these issues and we are trying to make improvements and we will continue to try to do so. hereditary the prince of saudi arabia consistently insists on a ceasefire in the gaza strip and recognition of a palestinian state. most likely, this desire is the cornerstone for the start of full-scale implementation of the project to build a logistics route from india to europe. blinkin burned hundreds of liters of government kerosene to no avail. making circles in israel and saudi arabia, it came to the point of direct threats to completely stop the supply of weapons and impose sanctions against the israeli army battalion nitsaah iguda. message to the other party mohammed ibn salman turned out to be much more categorical. well, blinken is making his seventh trip to the middle east since the war between israel and
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hamas began on october 7, and what he's primarily trying to do is make things temporary. reserved in official statements and no one gave any comments regarding the news of the assassination attempt, but where there is big money and geopolitical interests, even a discussion of the assassination attempt has specific goals and implications, about a black swan in the near future east, andrey sych in the screenshot section.
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“oh sport, you are the world - a well-known phrase, and belarusian athletes, decades ago and today, are ready to defend this world, sport is part of patriotic education, honor, courage and bravery have become not empty words for belarusian athletes even during the great times.” patriotic war, the best years of their professional career were given to the liberation of their homeland, already in peacetime many front-line athletes became outstanding coaches, raised more than one victorious generation of belarusian sports, and most importantly, they really knew the value of a peaceful sky above their heads. andrei kozlov, about belarusians who strengthened their sportsmanship in the trenches of war and showed it in times of peace. in the hands of the director of the dynamo national stadium , alexander budgusaim, the painting, which is now located in his office, depicts the only dynamo stadium opened after reconstruction in 1954. it
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was restored after the war for several years, and it so happened that it was in that year of opening that minsk spartak won the first in history belarus award in the ussr championship. the head coach of that team, mikhail bozinenkov, who went to the front as a student at the institute of physical education, met the victory near kinexberg as the commander of a reconnaissance platoon. and such destinies. after the war, there was a lot of belarus, it was in the center of minsk, yes, in the center, one might say, of our country, so it was like such, as a kind of symbol, a symbol of revival. during the war, the dynamo stadium, which was built only 7 years before june 22 , 1941, was heavily damaged by air bombs, when belarus was liberated, the whole country set about restoring the conflict. the head of the then belarusian kgb, lavrenti tsonava, personally took control of this issue, they say that this turret was made according to his wishes, so that it was possible directly...
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that this line, this connection with the avenue, it is so active and obvious that he is also part of the history of the revived minsk. and here you need to understand the sports process in the pre-war period, because in its essence belarusian sports began to take shape at the moment when in 1923 the dynamo physical culture and sports society is being created. 5 years later , the first all-union spartakiad took place in moscow, and physical education and sports became a mass phenomenon. why? then there was sports, boxing in particular, it seems that at that time it was something new? no, then sport was a cult, both before the war and after, and the cult of a healthy lifestyle, gto standards, ready for work and defense, they swam,
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shot, ran, were into boxing, wrestling and weightlifting, these are the three pillars on which they stood sport. we understand that the war has cut a whole layer of culture, sports, everything that is connected with our natural life now, they wanted, of course, to transfer these other things... to the sports committee of belarus, that is, he was responsible for
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and for 13 years as deputy chairman of high-achievement sports. during this time, our athletes won 22 olympic gold medals. this is an absolutely golden era of belarusian sports. bokon worked under the leadership of the legendary partisan kambrig viktor livintsev, a hero of the soviet union, who headed the physical culture committee for 20 years.
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cinematic destiny, already at the age of 17 kogan is one of the brightest examples of sensationally becoming the champion of the bssr, but soon the war will begin, which he will go through as a gunner-bomber of the il-4 and tu-2, but between combat missions kogan did not stop training in boxing throughout his career even before. after the war he would have 140 fights in the ring, he would also have 140 combat missions listed in his flight log, he was helped to survive there during any free time from sorties, he had 140 combat missions on a bomber, each of which could have been his last, he he managed to relax during the breaks, not to rest there, no, he worked out, he always had boxing gloves with him, that is, this whole story, it’s mixed up in
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some kind of... such a burning cocktail that makes this life so diverse , that we will never experience this, it was such a keen interest of the post-war youth of belarus, who gave themselves both to study and to classes in the section, that is, there was no need, you know, as they say now, we need to lure, we need to build marketing moves, so that people they came to sports, culture, well, theaters, then, on the contrary, it all came from society, of course there were regulations. there were decisions that and this is absolutely correct, because there were, we understand that there were many street children and those children who were left without parents, this is our modern, attention was paid, i think that there was a need for this in society, it gave this is the message, examples of the liberators of our native belarus, who later became outstanding trainers of athletes, our history is many, this is the founder of the belarusian wrestling school, mikhail mirsky or just dad, as he is respectfully
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called... mirsky went to the front as a volunteer on june 23, defended moscow, fought in a special group of front-line reconnaissance, made forays behind enemy lines, or evgeniy novikov, the main star of belarusian weightlifting after the war years, severe hunger childhood, then war and dramatic service in the navy. everyone knows mikhail tseytin, the founder of the belarusian school of acrobatics, one of the coaches of the football dynamo of 1982. he took part in the finnish campaign, fought against the nazis, was wounded during the defense of yelets, almost died... legs, but returned to battle, was the head of the parachute airborne service and commanded a female company of airborne troops, as in the famous movie, or the famous head of the football dynamo for three successful decades, alexander gorbylev, who was an outstanding sniper during the war years. and in each individual hero of this plot one feels a special perception of life and the value of each day lived. they didn’t put things off until tomorrow, they created the sports world around them, and it was at this
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moment that they made ours... and we continue to walk along small streets with stories of big people. on march 23 , 1990, the nameless new transport artery of minsk was named after the hero. soviet union, participant in the great patriotic war, vitold mikhailovich gintovt. tank driver mechanic. in his first fights he was only 19 years old. feats that seem to be preserved by ordinary signs on buildings in the “streets of heroes” project.
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gintovt vitold mikhailovich, soviet as tanker, participant in the great patriotic war. he, as part of the crew of the t-34 tank, destroyed 21 enemy tank, of which four are heavy tiger tanks, as well as four. serviceable during the battles, and 27 guns and 80 vehicles were destroyed. and more than a hundred enemy officers, it is noteworthy that six tanks were destroyed in one battle. in total, during the war years , tank az vitold gintaft participated
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in more than 100 tank attacks, burned twice in the tank, changed combat vehicles three times, remaining in service. in april 1944 for exemplary performance of combat missions. hero of the soviet union with the presentation of the order of lenin and the gold star medal. this is all we managed to talk about today. pavel lazovik and victoria senkevich were with you. see you on the main broadcast. happily.
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isai pavlovich kozenets. one of the organizers and leaders of the minsk anti-fascist underground in the summer of 1941 created one of the first underground groups in minsk, a group of oil workers.


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