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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 11:05am-11:36am MSK

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i was shedding tears for a year, and i saw you yesterday, and that you kicked the ball under a truck, and my parents and i were just driving in this truck, listen, something got hitched with my truck, i saw it, i didn’t see it, van, are you sick, cats , are you completely crazy, do you understand what you are doing, van, why did you do this, what’s wrong with you, cat, in my soul, from the beginning of the world, your image was imprinted, he rushed in front of me, cats, cats, you, getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators at travel speeds cabins up to 2 and a half per second. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one. which is engaged
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in the production, development of integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, microelectronics in general, an approach to business that everyone should strive for, we constantly monitor messages, information is processed, if necessary , corrective measures are developed, first of all , this teamwork is welcomed and present here, without teamwork producer... watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. the belarus 24 tv channel broadcasts for you around the clock, don’t switch. our daily task is to talk about belarus, in the country abroad. more than 100 million viewers around the world have access to watch projects. tv channel, so what
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is it like, belarus? business and developing, hospitable, bright and festival. generous, picturesque and monumental, athletic and team-oriented.
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we tell you not only about iconic events, we introduce you to active, energetic and inspiring people who live in belarus and do everything for its development. belarus can be different, to understand and feel it, you need to see it with your own eyes. hello, dear tv viewers, belarus24 tv channel is on the air, watch us. every day, because we are making belarus closer, one of the books about ancient christian monasticism begins with these words: don’t tell me about monks who never laugh, this is funny, the wisdom of our... monastic thesis should not
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be entirely focused only on self-eating. christianity is a religion of light, joy and about yourself, about yourself saved. monasteries, as centers of spiritual life, are never completely fenced off from the world. the purpose of the monasteries is to be a candle that burns for the present. i and monk zakiev are from the south, a monk of the lyadinsky monastery in honor of the annunciation of the most pure one. monasticism for me is the heavenly existence of earthly life.
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lyadinsky-blagoveshchensky monastery is one of the famous shrines of belarus. initially, on the site of the monastery there was built wooden. church the most holy theotokos appeared to the villager kirik on maryina hill and gave the command to build a temple not far from this place, and a wooden church was built. and you and i are in the very place where, according to legend , it appeared. here she appeared on that very stone, part of which has survived to this day; in the eighteenth century
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, an extensive almshouse operated here at the monastery; in 1809 , a four-class spiritual-secular school was opened. school for children of clergy and world, in the monastery he is engaged in charitable educational activities. the monastery was the center of spiritual enlightenment of these lands. in 1794 , the main stone church that we still have today was built, along with the annunciation church. it was here, on this place, that the first wooden church was erected, the order for construction, which was given by the most holy lady theotokos herself. unfortunately, the temple
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has not survived to this day; today we want to fulfill historical justice in relation to this unsaved shrine and... place to revive the temple, also from wood, in 2024 the revival of our monastery will be 30 years old, over these three decades we... managed to revive a lot in our spiritual creativity, correct a lot, and of course we managed to revive
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the internal structure of monastic life. the monastery occupies a small area; it includes a cathedral in honor of the annunciated mother of god, a fraternal building.
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monastery, these are people of completely different backgrounds, it cannot be said that they did not find 22 rapists, people who came to us in themselves in life, who, on the contrary, found themselves in life precisely in this place, felt that they should prove themselves in precisely this quality of life, the quality, as chernets said in russia. a monk or monk even leaves a secular career because their spiritual growth becomes the first priority in life for them. a monk is a person who does not live without prayers, according to the word of st. seraphim of sorov,
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a famous russian saint, a monk without prayer is not a monk, a black brand, so the brothers of the monastery wake up with prayer on lips, spend. your day of work and prayer goes to sleep with prayer on your lips. traditionally , a monastic cell includes a red or prayer corner, a small tea table, an area for writing and a relaxation area. the monk is in prayer everywhere, the red corner is the place where the monk fulfills his kyrian rules in the morning and evening. the corner is called red because it is the main
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place in the monk’s cell, which is a sacred place, due to the presence in this place, holy icons, the crucifixion of our lord jesus christ, this is due to the fact that a candle is lit in this place, or a lamp is burning, spiritual literature is located. in the morning the monk goes to worship, in the evening the monk goes to worship, and so every day. and so, in the interval between the morning and evening services, after lunch, a short rest is supposed, and then they go on thinking about what. each monk has his own monastery, some of them
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work in a carpentry workshop in which furniture for our monasteries is made needs, we also have a framing workshop, in which the laity work to chop off our icons having... we took, we make with our own hands sherbet, chocolate, black, white, mixed, kholva, from
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peanuts, cakes, summer time, our brothers collect ivanchay, there are a sufficient number of agricultural workers, the work that takes place in the beds, in the monastery garden, outside the territory of the veterinary nafers, the desire to take, to provide the monastery with everything necessary on its own, does not aim to isolate itself from the world entirely, everything is so external beauty at our monastery is an indispensable requirement of our spirit, everything must be in its place at the proper level for the monk... inside and around him.
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analysis. opponent, working on mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match, athletes have to work very hard with their heads to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still what it’s like to become a champion, emotions subside, the realization of what -that we have actually achieved such a significant goal for both the club and the fans, but what will be the result in a real battle of intellect, as gymnasts are called?
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in fact, he always considered himself, he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mournio, this is the correct answer, absolutely correct, look at the portuguese specialist.
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the main temple of the monasteries is the cathedral in honor of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary stone church of the late 16th century, a temple that accommodates all the brethren. worshipers, all guests, in which the entire main liturgical life of our monastery takes place. the main decoration of the church of the holy annunciation of the lyadinsky monastery is a fresco from the end of the 18th century, which
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survived until the end of the 20th century with serious damage, but today we have the opportunity to... see it in a restored state. the architectural style to which the construction of the logical church belongs is baroque. temple has a main limit, which is consecrated in honor of the annunciation of the most holy theotokos; to the right of the main limit is the limit honoring the holy trinity. this icon was painted by a monk over several years.
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we live in the monastery in a mode of complete dedication to god, and in fact the monk, who lives differently in relation to the world and life, has nothing left for himself. the lord, of course, enriches the monk with something else, some content. some real wealth than what the world can offer a person. it is clear that this wealth is no longer material, immaterial order, these are spiritual gifts, which are awarded to those who walk the path of monasticism unworthily.
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the house church of the fraternal corps, monastery, church in which the brothers, with the blessing of their abbot, pray only once a week on mondays, which is intended only for monks. liturgy unites us all, around christ, around the holy cup of christ, from which we all turn. brothers and sisters, why are we called that? because we are strangers by blood, but after we became christians, we are already not strangers. one blood of christ flows in us, with which we partake. the oldest liturgical book today in
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the blagovichi cathedral monastery is the altar gospel, which was published in moscow in 1850. the gospel is kept in the altar of the annunciation cathedral, as well. the most holy sacrament of the eucharist. so, you and i have entered the first week, that is, speaking in russian, the first week. the first
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week of great lent, one of the strictest weeks of our fasting. the lord deserved me another honor, a very high honor for me. it's being with those i can nourish. we examine, evaluate their dignity, antiquity, systematize, catalog and actually prepare these books for use
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by their brother monasteries. the main question that is on my agenda whenever i come to the library is why people need books at all, why they need them.
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the main thing we must learn here is to be immune to what secular people call the adversities of life. a monk is one for whom everything is only in light, real. exists, the light for us is christ, our god, the sun of righteousness. the feast of easter or the feast of the holy resurrection of christ is a holiday that we celebrate throughout the entire church year, which is why we generally have sunday, because sunday, in fact, is a small easter, it is a reminder to us of the bright. resurrection as the main event of human history. about monastics, the experience of the easter
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celebration is a very special experience, it always teaches us to rejoice victory of the risen christ, rejoice in our salvation, rejoice in the fact that we have been given eternal life. you and i are in the office of the bishop's chambers, the former bishop of borisov and marinegorsk veniamin, and the current patriarch of all belarus and metropolitan veniamin. bishop veniam was the abbot of the lyadino monastery from 2009 to 2015, and in this office of his, we see all the paraphernalia of a worker. to the feat of ascetic
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work, to the feat of monastic life, and was an example of how a monk should live, in they offended the saint, and we always look to the example of bishop benjamin and try to imitate him, as our bishop, as a good shepherd. i felt myself to be a religious person since childhood, i was raised as a christian who does not start any serious business without prayer, the first person to whom i am grateful in my life for serious religiousness is my great grandmother, thanks to whom in childhood i was already 5 years ago i
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learned the very first christian prayer. and here is this seed, less than 10 years later, it bore fruit; already in childhood i began to feel within myself a calling to monasticism and to serve the church in the sacred land. i really wanted to imitate those people who found themselves in...
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mentors, the first patriarchal exarch of all belarus, vladyka philoret, taught me a lot in spiritual life both in his word, and in his deed, and even in his gaze. as a child, i dreamed of being a policeman, well, this... for every boy there at the age of 5-6, the word militia is a word of latin origin, the word milis, the latin word milis means warrior, essentially monastics, they represent an army, but only of a different order. in the rite of baptism, every christian
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is called a warrior of christ. years and i tell myself that it’s good that i became, that i am also a policeman, because i am also a militia, because i am also a warrior, that there are those on earth who represent the army of christ, spending every day in the monastery, and feeling the singing of your heart to the notes
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of the divine service. which sounds in the temple, spiritual experiences are very connected with the historical realities that we have as our inheritance is here, within the walls of this ancient monastery, sometimes you feel that this is, as the belarusians say, the spadshina that you inherited from... your ancestors, it was given to you, it was given into your hands so that you keep this inheritance carefully , and so that you thank god for the fact that you are the bearer of that great antiquity that our fathers and grandfathers had.
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we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine.


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