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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:15pm MSK

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live news at noon, in the studio olga kalairova, hello, and briefly about the topics of the issue. an exhibition of regional achievements, a motorcycle rally through iconic places and an oath of allegiance. belarus celebrated the day of state symbols, national style in a fashionable wardrobe from belolikprom. poland
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continues to feed its people stories and strengthens its defense against the imaginary enemy. warsaw plans to strengthen the fence on the border with belarus. the expulsion of the homeless, the invasion of rats and bedbugs, the reserves of the rights unions, how is paris preparing to welcome the olympics and is it ready? from tracked tractors for artillery guns to the famous t-34 tank. the largest museum of military equipment in moscow showed a unique one. the tires that brought victory. the flag, coat of arms and anthem as symbols of our victories. the day before, belarus celebrated the day of state symbols. our country celebrates it annually on the second sunday of may, honoring the attributes that distinguish the republic from others and which carry great cultural and historical meaning for the nation. thematic events, concerts, ceremonies are held throughout the country on this day. meeting, but the center is in minsk.
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our true state symbols together said: “there are no symbols that have become a real sign of trouble for us. the heirs of the people who survived the genocide, the surviving concentration camp leaders of the ghetto, who stood up to fight the enemy in numerous partisan detachments and the underground, could not do otherwise. therefore, 1900" . in the ninety-fifth, by an overwhelming
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majority of votes, belarusians spoke in favor of the continuity of heroic symbols for our coat of arms, for our flag, which flies over modern belarus. in transitional eras people symbols that expressed the ideas and values ​​of the previous socio-political order are often abandoned. but this was not our path, we carefully preserve the connection between generations, continue the traditions of our ancestors, we are proud of our history, there are many heroic pages in it, we never ordered, we never changed the line that we are pursuing today, we are then and now faithful to traditions past, we are especially proud of.
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the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the great patriotic war, patriotism, creative work and the desire for peace, unity that symbolizes...
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the state flag, the state emblem and the national anthem of the republic of belarus, the unity that we are obliged to preserve in order to save our country, because time has chosen us, happy holiday to you, dear friends, it is noteworthy that this year, thanks to the first belarusian woman cosmonaut marina vasilevskaya, our flag visited the iss and thereby consolidated the status of our country as a space power, the hero of belarus marina vasilevskaya gave this flag to our... president, the banner will take pride of place at the independence palace. why is the belarusian land rich, why is the brand made in belarus, an exhibition of the achievements of all regions worked, worked on the flag square, coat of arms and anthem, and industrial giants told about their successes, and castles and palaces
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invited to the tourist promenade. there are also space paraphernalia, watches that have been in space - clothes. it turned out to be a good spoiler for students of belarus, mind you. get a decent education, become successful, live in comfortable conditions, grow up the career ladder or become just a good specialist. interview with vladimir pertsov, watch in panorama.
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belarusian symbols in a stylish wardrobe, the enterprise of the belolekprom concern presented new collections. for the purpose of the pershaga nationalnaga gandlevaga, houses appeared. in recent years , clothing with national symbols and state symbols has become very popular, and we note the need among the young population, among the middle-aged, to show that we belong to the country, and thereby emphasize that we support politics. and the president, in principle, our system is especially unique. each product was decorated with state symbols of belarus. emphasis on quality and experimentation in the fashion world. to create the collection , domestic materials and innovative technologies were used. the polish regime continues
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to develop the budget in the border zone. warsaw is going to allocate about $375 million to strengthen the fence on the border with belarus. the deputy stated this. for the minister of national defense of poland. according to him according to him, technologies for strengthening and modernizing the fence are being developed by polish engineers from the selets university of technology. the official noted that after the improvements, the barrier will become impassable, and the original version was only a temporary solution. earlier it became known that latvia will spend over 300 million euros on strengthening the border with belarus and russia. the threat of collapse remains in belgorod. a storey building, one of the entrances of which was destroyed the day before as a result of shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. 15 bodies, 20 people were recovered from the rubble were injured, and children were among the victims. kiev continues terrorist attacks on the city. during the day, the missile danger siren sounded more than ten times. several shells fell on
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children's playgrounds, killing three people and injuring five. the rocket hit a private house, a fire started, and windows were broken in five high-rise buildings. the current event is the result of washington's many years of nurturing its puppets. back in 2014 , ukraine, in particular the donbass, became a testing ground for honing the methods and technologies of color revolutions. on the territory of the former ussr country , for the first time, we were faced with the fact that, due to inconvenient information, a site could be blocked, and publications from a popular video hosting site promoting pluralism, opinion and freedom of speech could be purged. precisely in donbass.
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they also describe the events from the point of view of the maidan, i realized that something needs to be done here, and i actually abandoned all my affairs, in january i started publishing a newspaper with... how does a person feel and how does his idea change when bursts into his life see the war today in the current evening interview. there are almost 2 months left before the olympics in paris, and the french capital
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is not at all ready for it. the authorities, in an attempt to hide poverty, are massively evicting homeless people and illegal immigrants from the city. macron has already been accused of social cleansing. there is still concern about the spread of rats and bedbugs, the population of which is not decreasing. in addition, french unions are threatening strikes during the games. the scavengers have already demanded a pay rise, otherwise they... they will refuse to go to work, there are also security problems, for example, the anti-drone parade system, designed to protect the sky over paris during the opening ceremony of the games, suffers one failure after another, allows drones to pass through, but responds to the operation of air conditioners. today israel celebrates independence day; the head of the belarusian state congratulated the president and residents of this country on the national holiday. alexander lukashenko noted that every nation has the right to... to self-determination to protect its interests, but minsk sincerely hopes for the speedy
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establishment of lasting peace in the middle east and the achievement of a compromise on resolving the palestinian-israeli conflict. our president also expressed confidence that in the year of the 150th anniversary of the birth of the native of belarus, the first head of israel, chaim weizmann, our countries will find ways to intensify political dialogue and contacts in such sectors as trade, agriculture, pharmaceuticals, education, high technology and tourism, the restoration of transport routes would significantly contribute maintaining interpersonal and business connections. from tracked tractors for artillery guns to the famous t-34 tank, the largest moscow museum of military equipment, motors of war , showed unique vehicles that served in the national economy in peacetime and fought at the front during the great patriotic war. many of them, thanks to the russian ones. and belarusian restorers today received a second life. the unique cars that
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brought victory were seen by daria belousova petrovska. it is not easy to launch a powerful stalinist, you need to apply skill, physical strength, but a few minutes of patience the engine growls again, just like 80 years ago. seeing this artillery tractor on the move is a real success. he died right at the beginning of the great patriotic war in the winter of '41 . failed. it took several years, it is back on track, one might say, such a union project of two
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states, it will now be included in the exhibition of engines of war, where everyone can see it and appreciate the work of russian and belarusian masters. another unique machine, which from a peaceful high-speed tractor was reoriented into a military tractor - stz-5. of the 12 thousand models produced before the war, only a few have survived to this day. this copy. the only authentic one, and on the move, which is very rare, with a weight gain of 6.5 tons, it reached a speed of more than 20 km per hour, they loved it very much, including to trophy it, the germans made their arsoo tractor for its base, moreover, they are all leftovers from stalingrad tractor plant, they took everything for their needs, that is, this machine was so appreciated at the front. miniature komsomolets is also on the move. at the beginning of the great patriotic war, it was the most popular soviet anti-tank tractor.
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