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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 12:50pm-1:05pm MSK

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marshmallows are handmade marshmallows, handmade means that the ingredients of sugar, natural applesauce protein are mixed, all this is deposited in small portions on wooden boards, then the marshmallow breathes for some time, then dries, today the products of the red pishevik factory are still popular, in demand, deliveries are made: even abroad, america, israel, the uniqueness of this product is that it has preserved its history of a hundred years ago. on the first saturday of january 1940.
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the working class of the republic has grown and improved. the folk gaspadars pay more for 100 thousand from the yago ancestors, from their ancestors - 345 thousand, the rural gaspadars 66 thousand. there are 23 thousand chalaveks on the ancestral successions of the myastsovaya ancestors. practical adnoўleny given level. this was another labor tragedy of the belarusian people. it quickly
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restored its production potential. during the years of the first post-war five-year plan , more than 13 thousand local industrial enterprises were restored in the republic. people, who can be used to make a simple tool, most likely can be made, but the tool that will be special will most likely not work out, this is the line where craft production ends.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of especially important events. live broadcasts from
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the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages. in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain. portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover
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belarus. hello, everything is clear with your project with marina caroman. let's talk about complex things in simple terms. today about how belarus came to refuse services osce observers, who will decide on sending our volunteers to the csto countries and what us democracy looks like from the inside. go. this is the first meeting of the supreme council in a new composition and, most importantly, in a new status. in february 2022 we will be all over the country. voted for the introduction of changes to the constitution, among other things, its updated version defined the new status of the all-belarusian people's assembly. chapter 3.1 of the fourth section states that the supreme national assembly is the highest representative body of democracy. it determines the strategic directions for the development of society
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and the state, ensures the inviolability of the constitutional order, continuity of generations and civil harmony. before this, the role of the supreme national assembly in the political field of the country. was much more modest, and the responsibility of its delegates to the people was less. since 1996, delegates of the supreme council have met every 5 years to sum up the results of the past five-year plan and decide how the country should live the next. during these 5 years , the geopolitical and economic situation could change several times, and many decisions risked losing relevance. now the supreme council will meet at least once a... and its head, the presidium secretariat will generally work constantly, that is, the supreme council is now a stable structure from which the state can expect solutions to issues at any time of the year, and not from case to case, but this purely technical aspects are much more important, functional ones. for example,
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the all-belarusian people's assembly now approves the most important program documents of the country, the strategy of foreign and domestic policy, and the military one. national security concept and program socio-economic development. these documents, as before, will be developed by the relevant departments. the task of the supreme council is to decide through public discussion whether a document benefits people or not. if discrepancies are found in it, the delegates will send the project for revision, or they may scrap it altogether. the supreme council has the right to propose changes to the constitution, initiate a referendum, and remove the president from office if he violates the law. confirm the legitimacy of the elections, yes, as observers, and here we have made a leap in strengthening our sovereignty. western countries have declared their approaches to assessing the election process as standard ones and are imposing them on everyone.
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moreover, they do not even have uniform standards by which they would evaluate the voting process. in this matter, belarus relies on the convention on standards for democratic elections, voting rights and freedoms. in the cis member states. the document was recognized by the parliaments of all cis countries and successfully passed the examination of the venice commission. but, for example, osce observers do not have a unified system for assessing elections. they just run in another country, a random number of observers, and each time they rivet reports using new manuals, use them to put pressure on the state, who dare to pursue an independent foreign policy, have chosen leaders at whom they point their fingers. european authorities, the election report is good, chose those for whom the people voted, the report is bad, and the country is declared not to be a democracy. our diplomats have many times suggested that european experts create a common document with objective requirements for the work of observers, but always were ignored or refused, and the choice that
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the residents of belarus made was declared illegitimate over and over again. this is an open attack on our electoral sovereignty, and we will not give up sovereignty. therefore , from now on, belarus officially does not need the opinion of international observers and their curators. we will continue to invite those of them who come here for information, and not for provocation. there is nothing for others to do here. the elections will be assessed by our body of people's power, the all-belarusian people's assembly. everyone should make these changes realize and live. such a step is available only to a truly sovereign state, a subject, and not an international object. do you represent ukraine, latvia or estonia, which declare that they do not need the services of osce observers, and in fact do not invite them to join them, and i cannot imagine that we can afford it, including because now we have a unique the governing body of the country, the supreme national assembly, will have another
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difficult task on its shoulders. the world around us is burning, the old way of life on earth is collapsing, international laws. no longer applies, it has turned into a useless fiction, every day new sanctions and armed conflicts become known, in these conditions we must be ready to protect ourselves, both from military and economic aggression. we are well armed, but belarus is a small country in a very desirable place for globalists, at the junction of logistics routes between the west and the east. our western neighbors will try to crush us for a long time; in the event of a massive attack, we will not be able to repel it alone. that is why we have chosen reliable allies. this is russia, with it we have a union state and members of the csto. this is a purely defensive alliance, which we agreed to join along with him. participants to protect the borders of the treaty countries, and the supreme national assembly, if necessary, has the right
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to introduce a state of emergency or martial law on the territory of our country, in a situation of urgent need, make a decision to send volunteer contract soldiers outside belarus to participate in ensuring collective security. previously, this could not be done. it turned out that reality modern belarus is faced with its own laws from the last century, where the issue of collective defense. did not stand at full height, now we have simply brought the legislation up to date with reality, we have already sent our military to kazakhstan, at the request of its president in 2022, the situation has shown that sometimes such an opportunity is simply necessary, but decisions based on it should not be made alone a person, in this case the president, is too much responsibility, such things should be discussed by representatives of all social groups, and they are concentrated. the gnc delegates are responsible for making the most difficult decisions. there is another important
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function that the ans has received. this body will become a forge of nationally oriented personnel for the state apparatus and even a supplier of candidates for the post of president of the country. let’s be honest, whenever we have to do this, how can spoiled belarusians choose a new head of state, where can they get one? people whom we can trust at all, after one person in 30 years made a country without oil, gas and sea, nuclear a space power with its own automobile industry, who can we entrust with a light heart to manage this well-functioning system? here you can’t get away with photographs and biographies in the candidates’ brochure; we need someone whose results of life and work will allow us to examine under a magnifying glass, and this magnifying glass will be the vns. by law, it can contain no more than a thousand. 200 delegates, they will work in one convocation for 5 years, their actions will be visible, each
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of them will demonstrate their abilities before our eyes, show themselves ready to hear us, feel the needs of people and gain experience in finding solutions to their problems, both through personal action and through influencing the development of laws. the supreme national assembly will become a platform for the formation of future politicians of belarus from among patriots. these will be people who have proven by deeds that they connect their own... his employee, elections are a search for workers whom people are ready to hire to manage their assets, and so the vns will become for all of us a base with vacancies for civil servants, and we will already be able to choose those of them, which best meet our employer's request, such as required in a democracy. western countries have long replaced the real essence. democracy is window dressing. in the modern world, when millions of people live in each state, democracy
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is the power of the people through representation. that is, people delegate the right to represent their interests in government to experts who are considered capable of defending the interests of the majority, that is, representatives of all social groups of the state. but in western countries there is a two-circuit model of political management of society. they have frontmen, these are parties and presidents. who do not have the right to independent decisions and simply rent out their torsos to transnational corporations and are the real ruling class, the owners of these corporations, whose only interest is money. therefore, when in the same usa there is a battle between republicans and democrats, it is not a battle for the interests of the majority between representatives of different social groups, it is a battle for income between people from the same social group, a group of transnational oligarchy. who runs the country can be determined by
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the composition of the body of democracy, the status of which is enshrined in the constitution. among the delegates of the supreme council are representatives of various social groups, members of youth organizations, women's unions, trade unions, veterans, deputies of local councils, and these are teachers, workers, engineers, but also practicing officials at various levels. vns is a tool for solving the needs of the majority, and it will remain so. always the all-belarusian people's assembly was created in


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