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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 1:05pm-2:01pm MSK

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corporations are the real ruling class, the owners of these corporations, whose only interest is money, because when in the usa there is a battle between republicans and democrats, this is not a battle for the interests of the majority, between representatives of different social groups, it is a battle for income between people from one social group, group of transnational oligarchy. who runs our country? representatives of the most organizations, women's union, trade unions, various social groups, members of youth veterans, deputies of local councils, and this teachers, workers, engineers, but also practicing officials at various levels. vns is a tool for solving the needs of the majority, and it will always be so. the all-belarusian people's assembly has been created. a format that
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will not give time to change the course of development of belarus, the course towards democracy and the protection of our value system. not in vain, because the law of the regional tax service stipulates how many delegates should be from among current politicians, local deputies and civil society. all important decisions for the country will pass through the supreme national assembly; it will always include people who which there is simply no chance to break away from reality. moreover, it is precisely such people who are able to defend our values, because they are delegates. the supreme council will hold meetings with the population, directly find out what people care about and explain to them the nuances of the new bills. now there is an unusual war, an aggressive atlantic civilization is trying to push its ideals into the space of our continent and impose them on our civilization. it is unknown when the redistribution of the world will end, but belarus must emerge from it intact and remain itself. and for this we must be a united people who will not allow anyone. and here the vns will become
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a unique tool for the consolidation of society, a strong cement between representatives of different professions and age categories. in this format, the supreme national assembly will be able to develop unified decisions in the interests of the majority, that is, to ensure real, and not ostentatious, democracy. and you will see, we will stand, but the window dressing will not. watch closely. at the work of the all-belarusian people's assembly. it, unlike the slag in the feeds of telegram channels, really influences the future each of us. take a thoughtful approach to the elections of deputies to local councils; any of them can become your representative in the highest body of the country's people's power. do not deny the prospects for social activity. perhaps in the future you will become a delegate of the national assembly and influence the fate of millions, but you will also have less faith in western democracy. how. practice has shown that talking about it
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and moving bags in this field are fundamentally different things, i’m marina karaman and what’s behind the three main letters of this week’s broadcast we we figured it out, everything is clear, see you! look, they flew away, coder, your eyes are on your ass or where, why the hell are you putting a sword under your wheels? no, look at what an arrogant boy, he’s also a boor, besides, i hope he won’t be in the same class as you, and don’t you dare communicate with him, clearly, i’ve finished fifth grade, about to join? to the academy, when i found out that you
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got married, for 2 years i was throwing up tears, and i saw you yesterday, and that you kicked the ball under a truck, and my parents and i were just driving in this truck, listen, something got stuck with your truck, i saw, i didn’t see, van, are you sick, cats, what are you doing, what are you doing, why did you do this, what’s wrong with you, cat, in my soul, since the beginning of the world, your image has been imprinted. he was running around cats and cats in front of me, you learned it, i just love him, but he doesn’t love me at all, watch the series embracing the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. vasily trophy voronyansky, one of the leaders of the partisan movement. on the territory of the minsk region during the great patriotic war. born on august 25 , 1901 in the village of dekanka, poltava region. participant in the civil war and the battles at lake khasan in 1938. for impeccable service he was awarded a personalized watch from the people's commissar of defense voroshilov. at the beginning of the great patriotic war. found himself surrounded with a handful of fighters and made their way to the east, they managed to get to the logoisk region and organize the avenger partisan detachment, which later grew into a brigade. voronyansky's partisans destroyed more than 13,000 german police soldiers,
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derailed 161 trains, blew up 152 bridges, destroyed seven planes, five tanks, 325. vehicles and six guns. in september 1943 , the plane on which voroniansky was flying to moscow came under fire. the commander of the partisan brigade was mortally wounded. soon after the death of kambrig, the partisans received a radiogram informing them that the people's avengers partisan brigade had been named after its commander and organizer. today, streets in minsk and lagoisk pleschenitsa bear voronyansky’s name.
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alexander alexandrovich, good evening, hello, molar sergeevich, today we live in a terrible time when they leave the last veterans of the great patriotic war, and the collective west does not hesitate to rewrite history, at such moments, an effective symbol of heroism. needed more than ever. the brest fortress is also a symbol of the collapse of the wehrmacht's hopes for blitzkrik. in conditions of complete encirclement, no one expected such courage from the soviet people. well, by the way, as well as from the belarusians. let's say frankly, in the twentieth year. yes. just like 80 years
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ago, the citadel is at the forefront of a war, a new war, an information war, a hybrid war. you see in these events. i see because i i’ve been working, as it were, in the fortress since 2003, yes, so i’ve already seen a lot over the years and felt, when i came from bloody work at the museum to work in the brest fortress, there was already a certain onslaught of historical falsification on the fortress, so it’s no coincidence that we bitterly joke that we have another defense of the brez fortress, only now these are falsifiers of history, and this is scary, but we need to understand that... falsification is possible only in a society that does not know its history well, therefore our very important task, and it is not by chance that in our state a historical policy is being pursued, now it is insistent, in order for our youth to especially know their history, because we
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say that we must raise a citizen of the country, but being a citizen of the country is not an integral quality, without which he cannot be a real citizen of knowledge of his history , respect. to its history, so our citadel, our brez fortress, it seems to me, now plays a particularly important role in educating a citizen, instilling pride in one’s country, you know, it’s not by chance that i called you today for the program, because in reality we have known each other for probably 15 years, yes, and you were the first person who then conducted such a cool excursion, if you can call it that, of the brest fortress, because... i even learned so much for myself then a lot of new things, although all my life i was interested in the history of the great patriotic war, and the history of the brez fortress, and i lived in the brest region and knew this memorial complex very well, but you know, i just can’t understand how some residents of brest, who
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every day there is a reminder of fascism in front of our eyes, this symbol of our heroism is in front of our eyes, how could they fall for western manipulation in 2020? moreover , let’s go straight ahead, a little to the south, at that moment nazism had already been flourishing in ukraine for 6 years, at least, that’s what this looks like. i'm confused, the greenhouse effect has taken its toll, you have your own answer, you know, i thought about this too, because this question also bothered me, because in bresten there really was a collision there on masherov boulevard, yes they were destroying everything, they were breaking this vandalism was happening, and it seemed, well, perhaps we hadn’t worked on something, but then i realized that...
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look even at the number of cars in brest, it’s a huge number, and people, they probably thought that it would always be like this, but what are the manipulations, you know, what immediately repulsed and shocked me, these, remember, 3%, yeah, that is, there are 97 of us, and you have 3%, someone i wavered and thought that it would be better with the majority, we went to these demonstrations, but it was such a blatant manipulation, and i think, how am i doing there? my family? my friends, but as people in the regions, in rural areas, you immediately
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cross them out, that is, these are not people, this is 3%, this is a huge mass of the population, but about ukraine, i’ll just say, for me such a marker of what happened is, that at one time , immediately after ukraine probably gained independence, if i’m not mistaken, they renamed the museum of the great patriotic war into the museum of the second world war in kiev, but it would seem, well, aren’t they right? but you understand that the difference between the second world war and the great patriotic war is so great, even where the war was for the seizure of territories for the seizure of economic countries and so on, where the war was for destruction , the question of reconciliation immediately arises, and the banderaites, perhaps , were not so bad either, so this is also veterans of the second world war, you understand, well , now poland is trying to do both so, on the one hand, the volyn massacre is creeping around. it won’t work, because you understand, ukraine is our fraternal people, now
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in connection with the war in ukraine, you watch these videos and empathize, and the slavs are dying there, i remember that, well, our people, yes, what defenders of the brest fortress, how many ukrainian heroes were there ? i have already said more than once and during my excursions i say, you understand, excursions come from ukraine, good people, all of us, but for them we gradually had to explain, ours, who are ours, you know, they are already gradually, here is the red army by default, like for us, they no longer have it, it’s like it’s not ours, it’s so distant, you see, then these myths passed from ukraine, that they fought there, who were previously shot there in the basements of prisoners... their soldiers and officers, that is, a very strong manipulation of knowledge,
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i can’t ask an awkward question, but what happened to the brest fortress in what is your opinion if the coup was a success? we would have a completely different museum, you know? we have a museum, our main first one, which opened in 1956, called the museum of the defense of the brest fortress; there would be a museum of the storming of the brest fortress, as they are trying to do do, you know, reformat it, yes. i just see in retrospect, back and forth, how clearly, gradually, little by little , this policy went on, turning into the fact that the brez fortress is a soviet myth, that there was nothing here, don’t believe any excursions there, nothing, we will now tell you another story, a true one, the question that is periodically raised is that in reality there was no heroic defense, of course, of course, that the memorial is soviet propaganda, that the writer’s
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armchair experts, respected, are often there i had to read that there was a living barrier, this is all a myth invented by the defenders of the fortress, this is that the germans were hiding behind a living barrier from... that one of our women wrote the commander’s wife, they put me and the children there near the guns that were firing direct fire at positions
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of the defenders of the brest fortress, her son became deaf in one ear after that, you know, and... modernity, after all, a historian, he must always compare it with modernity, even on excursions, when we lead excursions, well, you can’t just tell history, you have to always update this excursion, so you see, the war in ukraine, this is a terrible, bitter war, shows that human barriers are the trademark of the nazis, so for me in this moral sense, not only historical, i fully believe that they did this , they committed these war crimes, well , you have to prove on excursions that by...
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well, yes, there were a lot of austrians, they directly write: yes, there were executions, we were read an order on the treatment of commissars a few days before the start of the war, without his right taking notes, that is, writing down, you know, by ear, that is, we were already thinking about it, and god forbid, something goes wrong, the order was not signed, we read everything, remembered it, you know, that’s why there was falsification, attempts were very, very strong.
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we met the war at a young age, but i must say that boris efimovich feershtein, who died in israel, is also a defender, but a defender of the fifth fort. another question is that sergei sergeevich smirnov, the museum staff of those years, yes, considered the defenders of the fortress, namely the defenders the fortress core of these four islands, and those who fought in the forts of the brest fortress were considered participants in the battles in the brest region. yes, defenders of brest, that’s why, on the one hand, yes, he was a participant in the battles, a hero, was captured, went through all the horrors of captivity, like the jews, there are very tragic stories there, this is a separate topic of conversation, but in the very core of the fortress, he did not fight then in 1941, so part of the truth, as always, yes, part
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is a little exaggerated, well, it is believed that the last defender of the brest fortress, even officially recognized... major gavrilov, who took the last battle on july 23 , 1941, that is, a month after the start of the war, was captured, then much later after the war he became a hero of the soviet union, and was buried in brest, and from krasnodar , yes, but is it true that even in august, before hitler and muusalini arrived at the fortress, the ruins were still being shot at, gavrilov, pyotr mikhailovich. we always say that this is the last of the famous heroes of the brest fortress, there are german documents already written on july 24-25 that on july 23, while clearing the ruins of the fortress, there was a clearing, the german team was fired upon, five german soldiers were wounded, then during the clearing, another
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sixth soldier was wounded, seven russian remains were discovered, and a senior lieutenant was captured. some historians believe that this is exactly what we are talking about gavrilov, if you remember, he initially called himself a senior lieutenant in captivity, others say that this is most likely some other unknown defender of the brest fortress, then there are german memories, and commandant fortresses von unruh wrote that when he arrived in brest at the end of july to his post, there was still shooting, and he fought against this shooting. that the purge was carried out back in august forty-one, at the beginning of august before the arrival of hitler and mussolini, so this confirmation is awaiting.
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the foreman of the eighty-fourth rifle regiment durasov wrote about this in his letter, he was the commander of an ammunition platoon, and he wrote that yes, indeed, when i was in captivity, after being treated in revere, this is a camp for wounded patients, prisoners here ours, yes, he worked in brest together with one of the jews, and there they chopped wood and so on, such service work, and he says, somehow...
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the officer said that this is a real hero, everyone knows this, this is good in the story has been written, but what next? sergei sergeevich smirnov, in the course of his research work, based on the characteristic features of this jew, yes, that he was a stapler in a restaurant, by the way, the building where the restaurant was was still preserved in brest on komsomolskaya street, he determined that it was a hall monstavsky, that is, you see, durasov did not know the surname, it had already acquired its existence, specificity, and already in the course of research work.
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i really want to get these answers from you, today you are the person that the system, our system, really really needs, an active civic position, this is very good, but the symbiosis of an active historian, a specialist who has been for more than 20 years... . is engaged in the preservation of historical memory in practice, yes, and in such a symbolic place, you represent the first region in the council of the republic and will be.
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delegate of the supreme national assembly, we’ll be a little different, yes, what was this path from a researcher to the head of the brest fortress, this is not just the brest fortress, but the belarusian symbol of courage, well, to be honest, to be frank, i never set myself the task of being a director there or political figure. some, i was just doing my job, probably the main secret is, and i always tell our youth this, yes, who comes to the breev fortress, loves their job, if you don’t love your job, don’t do it, impossible, that's it you see, even touching on this issue, yes, we have a certain staff turnover, people leave, but believe me, not the previous director, but grigory grigorievich bysyuk, whom i respect very much, not me, on purpose yes, we don’t fire anyone there, it’s them themselves they leave, if suddenly, you know, there is a difference in their views, here in the head, with what you
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say, then this is impossible, impossible, so yes, i regret that people leave, but i think, well, the fortress itself often squeezed you out, because which means this is not the place where you should work, so well it happened, that yes, i loved history since childhood, went to the brest fortress and gradually... that’s how i came to work there and worked, worked, and then got promoted, so yes, i just probably love my job, i like to give excursions, although now it’s not required by my position on the one hand, but sometimes i take excursions, because firstly, not to forget, there was practice and just communicating with people, you also get great pleasure, so i guess i’m saying, take a player coach, believe me, this is very important, especially since i i remember my impression. how really this story of yours had such a serious impact then, it was completely different, not as usual, you know, probably also because, well , it’s not modest to say well about myself, but...
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well, i’m honest i pass every excursion through my soul, and the main thing is that for me these defenders of the fortress, they are like family to our team, so when we talk about them on excursions, we worry about them, we let them through our soul, i must say that one of the significant moments in the work of the memorial is that we have preserved the continuity of generations, but we are not in a mine, in the sense, yes, that physical health and age are not the main thing for us, experience is very important, so i, as director, try to... our generation older, yes, who taught me, for as long as possible, i say, while you are working, work, because you are a living example of history, a connection between generations, yes, and you are educating our youth, who come by their example, with your incendiary relationships, caring to work, this is very important, because it is very important, you know, such an important read, glory, history can only educate with the truth, you don’t allow history to be rewritten even to
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please... all experienced employees, you know, we didn’t do it that way, that’s just we will read, we let all experienced employees read, so it’s not just my opinion, that of the entire team, for example, because we firmly believed there, well, there were nuances, i can even say, there was an idea that major gavrilov would be captured, so 26 it was shown on august hitler and mussolini, you know, but i always tell the scriptwriters, i say, believe me, you
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read the memoirs of the defenders...
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well, we, some believe in god, some don’t believe, i, for example, believe in god, so i think that we cannot become the same as them, because what is the point then, if we are the same, it is precisely our peculiarity, yes, love for the truth of our people, yes, for the truth , that we will not lie or embellish herself, she wins in the end, however, she will still make her way, yes, they are there now, i can imagine... then now during the polls in poland, i looked and already speaks with whom poland won with which allies , yes, the usa, england, france, poland, and against whom germany and the soviet union, there is kheroshima, the recent example is already numerous, yes, that almost the ussr bombed, you you know, i lost a case in the historical encyclopedia published there in america, i read, you know, how it was written about gagarin, the first soviet.
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that is, how subtle, you know, manipulation, the first soviet cosmonaut, that is, not just the first man in space, but the first soviet, and so on in everything, especially with regard to the great patriotic war, but people are also not stupid in the west, but here, when they are faced with this outright lie, they want to know what it really was like when i would like to know, unfortunately, a significant amount, excuse me, as they say people are eating, but for such a slant it’s not very good. corresponding program, but i remember a very specific example now, yes, when the wargaming company, when they drew the image of an astronaut, and there was gagarin, all in a helmet, well, this is the famous inscription of the ussr, yes, but suddenly it wasn’t there, it just wasn’t there, because you seem to know the image, the first cosmonaut, yes, but there’s a small nuance, but it’s so significant.
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once upon a time there was a very beautiful church here, we can see the remains of the foundation of this church, here are the stones, the zhabinka passed the road from the small farmstead of the manor. yes paselіshcha, what a dzyakuyuchy future has developed in 1871 godze, chygunki, glyadzіtse project palishuki on tv channel belarus 244. what is the miracle of belarusian politics, is that we are not we forget about the people, the common man is at the forefront , china and belarus will work together. peace-loving states and peoples striving for common security. let’s start everyone with ourselves, so i want to reach hearts so that it becomes better, everyone should become better here in belarus.
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belarus and china, without hesitation, came to similar points of view. a day of national unity, strength, has been established in belarus. in unity, the belarusian path of development, it is real, humane, the future lies ahead of us, the project say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel. but look, here are modern textbooks, i always believed that the soviet school, the school , yes, it was exemplary in terms of presenting information about the great patriotic
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war and the war in general, but in our current belarusian textbooks there is enough information about the brez fortress, you you probably evaluate this, yes, is its presentation adequate, for this defense of the brest fortress as a whole? course and in the same khatyn, the museum of the great patriotic war in minsk, but is it too old with it’s a little late for him to start ninth grade, so the kindergarten needs to do this, in principle , these things are necessary, a good question about kindergarten, you know, mm, all of our children are wonderful in kindergarten, then you see
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how they grow up in school, you know , it is very important for the state policy to be directed specifically at the kindergarten, because remember, here we are in our soviet childhood and there is a piano, a photo piano there, “our army is strong , it protects the world, we walked there, we studied the capital of the ussr moscow, the capital of the bssr, minsk, there is gin studied, and it was right, because no matter what happened in the late eighties, in the nineties, when we were besotted, but then you see, all the same , this childish upbringing is now manifesting itself in us, so i believe that the state should direct huge resources to educators so that they have a salary ". big, because a lot depends on the educators, you know, when a person becomes 13-14 years old , it is very difficult to convince him of something, they educate him for years, then re-educate him, even take up to 12, this is the period when another history textbook
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it seems that the great patriotic war is ahead of them, and they need to get to know it now, so we at the ministry of culture have developed a system of communication with the ministry of education so that we... "hello museum, when the kids come, they are not overloaded with information, but at least you know, they..." will come, and then they will say, yes, i was in the brest fortress, i received something, you know, they threw a grain, and then rostock grows from there and a patriot of his country grows up, and about the ussr, i also want , you know how to say, i'm long i thought, and so i assessed why films about the great patriotic war don’t work out, well, basically, i’ll even watch a little of everything, turn it off, but because it’s impossible to make a film about the great patriotic war without ideology.
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can help preserve memory, historical memory, well, war and faith are also inseparable, you know, if already in such theological questions, i read a book about a serbian saint, the future... it is impossible without faith to achieve
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victory in a holy cause, but temporarily it is possible, of course, success, because why does it seem the godless soviet state defeated germany, and because they still had bright feelings, patriotism, they really fought against evil, against the fiend of hell,
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the day before there was a military club, in which, by the way, ifim moiseevich fvamin spoke at a lecture before the screening of the film on june 21 , that there will be no war, wow, tas’s message that these are all rumors, then a few hours later the war begins, then the dilapidated temple stood as an object of a memorial complex, in the ninety year it was decided to hand it over to the believers, on. ..
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our task as a state is to help
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young people understand why they can give their lives, we are not calling for them to die or anything, but they simply must understand that there is something more sacred than their life, this is their own country, specifically in modern times. it is very difficult to educate society, but this is our task, well, returning a little to the main question, on the territory of the brest fortress , excavations are still being carried out to find the remains of the dead, but which ones? new facts, you can tell, really, when the last ones are so different, the question is that on volyn fortification, according to their assumptions... the remains of the soldiers should be buried, our fifty-second separate specialized battalion of the ministry of defense carried out excavations, found 10 remains, which were reburied under the slabs of the memorial, it is important for understanding to know that when the memorial was torn off in 1971, there were the remains of 823 people, solemnly
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reburied, these are those who were reburied from the garrison cemetery, where they were found before the construction of the memorial...
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in the military registration and enlistment office, eyewitnesses of his death were brought to slab and memorial, 70 years after his death in 2011, his remains with a medallion were found, you see, this is a very important point, the connection between the times that the defenders of the fortress, we still find them, we tear their names out of oblivion, well, now
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the belarusian prosecutor general’s office is closely involved in the issues of genocide of our people and is carrying out this colossal work, yes. for, including finding out the truth, this historical one, who now, in your opinion, can effectively resist attempts to rewrite history: law enforcement officers, historians, statesmen, politicians, who? all together, all together, because we must , in one connection, yes, fight this, and moreover, it seems to me that a huge role in this lies on...
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the question is the task that you set, to understand whether these are enough laws? it seems to me that basically yes, we now have the national assembly, which plays this role, holding it together, and...
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but there shouldn’t be a plan, probably a difficult question, no, let’s be blunt, if this is a memorial complex, a plan it certainly cannot be, well, the state must, of course, in my opinion, it is a very big financial obligation to take on, because culture and some financial issue must of course be earned, but it is primarily about something else, yes, it is difficult to cross money, and spirituality, because this is aleksandrevich, does not even continue, i’ll tell you the... idea that i always try to impose: ideology cannot be free, and leaflets cannot
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be sold, we need to spend money on it, invest in it, because then the losses from stopping the economy for ideological reasons will be much more expensive for all of us cost, and we return with you again to the topic of 2020, when we were tortured in this way, it turns out that we and somewhere here the belarusian dimness did not want to offend the same neighboring poland, did not touch on some issues of 1939, everything turned out like this, that they were investing this serious money there in the pole’s card, there in other things, on the internet, on social networks, which very successfully manipulated our good people, because i know, well, a lot of people who, you know, just seemed to have replaced their brains, that is, not, well, nlp technologies, let's... if we don't educate our generation, yes, we don't educate them, other people will come who will educate them
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the way they need, i am very sorry that i have to ask the last, near-philosophical traditional question, many films have been made about the brez fortress , why do we need to learn from them? i repeat once again that without pride in the country it is impossible to fight for it, and the state cannot develop without
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people feeling this pride in their country, in what has been done, now thank god, we understand everything, later next the question is that people gave their lives, yes , repression, again, so i touched on the film the brez fortress in the credits, the question about gavrilov says yes about repression and how much do we need? they said at the brest fortress, here gavrilov was repressed, he was never repressed, read the title, it says, he was subjected to repression, what does this mean that gavrilov, yes, was forced out of the army, that with the mark of a prisoner he could not get a normal job , worked as a watchman in krasnodar in some khalupa, which he knocked down with his own hands, perhaps this is a place for a hero, we should not turn a blind eye to the negative moments in history, because when we embellish it, yes... let’s do it, young people will not believe this story, so we should talk about these relations towards former prisoners in the history of the fortress,
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but what is significant is that those who survived, even... were subjected to the unfair attitude of the soviet state, and in the first years after the war there, kung nikolai fedorovich, the same defender of the fortress, who was beaten there for several months in prison, because he was in buchenwald was among the participants in the uprising in the camp, and they tried to confess to him that he was an sdm agent there and so on, and what do you think, they lived with a grudge against their country, no, until the last days of their lives. but thanks to the fact that i came to the fortress a long time ago, i even corresponded with them, they wrote all the time in letters about how we could develop russia and belarus, that is, they were worried about the country, the quality of a patriot, because patriotism is not only in a biological feeling love, no, patriotism must be conscious, we must understand the shortcomings, see and think about how we can improve the country, you know, life in the country, and the defenders
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of the fortress teach us all this, because in fact, you know, some stories... as they say that a ten-year-old won the war, then there is education, culture, which we must invest in our people, that’s it, i’m not an economist, i understand that economic programs are put in first place somewhere, but if we miss education and culture, then who will we grow up, but this is impossible moment from childhood, i want to end with this, and i want to really be heard, you need to start from childhood, from kindergarten, from kindergarten, right? we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics in paris. the final qualifying start for the
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world cup ended in thailand. the most unexpected couple is in the president's cup final. brest, the history of the championship has been rewritten again: never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series, we are reviewing the most interesting events. british runner raskuk famous on in the vastness of the internet, like the strongest eccentric, a year ago he set his sights on a record; he wanted to run across all of africa from south to north. two-time world champion in steeplechase anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming it is not so much the records that are increasing, but rather the density of results. all this is in sports projects on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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white and red is now our flag, we’ll join forces hand to hand. coupling is a priori an element of attack, of course, the phrase “let’s join together is a call.” here is the bc flag: inciting social hatred and enmity, but this is different , probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian singer, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is exchanging article 342, what conclusions were drawn, he was probably under emotional control then . i support ukraine, why didn’t it support the residents of the bratsk donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now?


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