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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 2:05pm-2:41pm MSK

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this part of the village of khatyn, it was truly recreated, well, let’s say, completely down to the smallest grains, very important. they say that the new interactive museum is also of particular interest to visitors, tell us about this project? yes, indeed, except for the open part of the memorial and the repairs carried out there. works, a new museum was created and opened, a completely new exhibition, and this is rather a museum of emotions, a museum space in which, with the help of new information technologies, there is a complete immersion in those dramatic events, the story is rather not told through facts, although quite a lot of information is presented there, in each room there are information panels containing information not only about the period...
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of the patriotic war, the first room, for example, is generally historical, it covers a large period of our history from the 10th to the 20th centuries, there is information about the post-war period, about how the memory of those tragic events and tragedies that occurred on the territory of our country during the 3 years of occupation was preserved, but of course this is emotional part, we influence our museum visitor through emotion, and the artist...
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the complex is so popular, the memorial itself is such an open book that allows you to see the result of any military conflict, any aggression, any war, which unfortunately fell to the lot of belarus a huge, huge number, and today, thanks to the creation of a new museum, this topic is being revealed by new information means, and a visitor who comes to the museum sees how important it is...
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to say that you cannot build the future, you cannot to live even today, not knowing your past, and such a central place, but a very important place in historical memory, is, of course, occupied by the events of the second world war, the occupation, which lasted on the territory of belarus for a full 3 years, led to huge human losses, this there really was a policy of genocide, a tactic of scorched earth, when...
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the temple-monument of the great victory is the holy resurrection cathedral of brest, its height is more than 40 m. the sacred building is one of the largest in the country. the first rector of the temple, archpriest evgeny porfenyuk. this is literally his dream. he dreamed of building a temple, he dreamed of building a temple precisely as a monument to victory. the question of patriotism was not voiced. he was like... like air, as
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a matter of course. evgeniy porfenyuk himself experienced the great patriotic war and learned about its beginning even before molotov’s official appeal.
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it happened in the courtyard of the house in front of his parents and younger brother, he was shot for his connection with the partisans, the whole horror was that on the one hand it was in front of his relatives, on the other on the other hand, that he was not killed right away, he was dying for another two days, it was impossible to approach him,
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there were those who loved him in the house, it was such vandalism, only a few days later the head of the local... gendarmerie allowed anatoly to be buried, only because he was the son of a priest. anatoly is buried near the church in astromechevo. after the war , evgeniy porfenyuk returned to ostromechevo, but did not serve in the church. he graduated from the faculty of philology of belgus university and came to work as a teacher at school. then he became a director, but the dream of spiritual service did not left. evgeniy iksternom graduated from the leningrad theological seminary in 1947 and became a priest. first place.
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builds an orthodox church, upon returning to his homeland, serves in kobrin, brest, was the secretary of the brest diocesan administration, he became the founder of the tradition, on may 9 to serve in the brest fortress, in honor of the victory he began to build a temple, he walked along the walls under construction, along the domes that , what a height, he climbed onto the dome under construction, he was a builder, he did everything with his own hands, even the model of this temple, he also... created and in general this temple is very similar to him, but he began to build it when he was over 80, it was simply god’s blessing, there were a lot of questions, when he got sick, when there was also such a reaction, and he
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cried: "i will not die until i build." he managed to build a temple, the consecration of which was attended by patriarch of moscow of all russia alexy ii.
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those under nazi occupation needed spiritual support. the role of the priest in those years, firstly, was to console people, to help people, yes, to overcome, so this is a terrible time, in fact, even today we would, of course, turn to psychologists for the most part, who could give answers to some questions and somehow at least establish the inner world in the person himself, then this role, of course the clergy were actively involved, they consoled people in the occupied territory, the nazis periodically organized punitive actions, burned villages, exterminated people, in the parish of father eugene there were fewer and fewer parishioners, the temple itself. also fell into the firing zone, despite the mortal danger, divine services were not cancelled,
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to create a heroic spirit in people, so that people knew that the enemy can really be defeated not only by direct influence, by helping in this way, by helping materially or by helping the spirits, what kind of word was unity, and this is the priest, how he rallied coming.
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sent service to berlin, he was the secretary of the central european exorchat and dean of the parishes of the russian orthodox church in the gdr, then served in vienna, in 1981 he returned to belarus and became rector of the holy spirit cathedral, he was very musical, the regent passed in advance, he is a tuning fork, he says, this is the tonality starting today... he asked the people to participate in the singing, he came out and solemnly, solemnly ruled with the people, it was very inviting , yatra village, modern novogrudok district. a small settlement on the border with the blest region. during the great patriotic war , priest boris kirik, the brother of pavel
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kirik, secretary of novogrudok bishop afanasy martas, served here. even before the priesthood boris received a medical education and was a paramedic. the occupation forced the priest to use his knowledge to the fullest. nearby nalibokskaya pushcha is a partisan zone. father boris actively helped the partisans, with medicines, dressings, food, and then in the basement of the church house he created an underground hospital with 10 beds. for many decades, the feat of father boris was unknown, until an article about the priest, written by a former partisan, appeared in the local novogrudok newspaper. he survived only thanks to his father aris kirik. myself the priest had a medical education, his wife, they looked after the wounded, partisans, provided assistance to the population, and not only. her
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sister elena also helped save the partisans, thanks to her she was able to get bandages and medicines; often boris’s father’s brother pavel received medicines. to treat the wounded, not only medicine was needed, but also people. residents of yatra and church parishioners worked in the underground hospital. it was extremely dangerous, one denunciation would have been enough to... the priest, he’s not a career intelligence officer, yes, and he could not, so to speak, fully know all those who are next to him, but... but how does he feel, is he really sincerely helping, there were cases when a clergyman, helping, received betrayal in return from those whom he helped, but one of those who was treated in the underground hospital of father boris kirik
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still betrayed the priest; after recovery, the former partisan did not return to the detachment and went to the police. “boris kirik ended up in the koldychevo death camp, one of the most terrible concentration camps in belarus. the guards here were policemen of the thirteenth belarusian sd police battalion; out of 150 guards, 148 were local. they were trained at a special training center for collaborators. the police brutally mocked the prisoners, beating them half to death; murders were daily here. the executioners ripped open the bellies of pregnant women and babies. the living were thrown into pits, young children were either killed immediately or sent to another camp, where their blood was taken for wehrmacht soldiers. in the concentration camp , the priest was tortured for a long time, nazi collaborators on the orders of their masters, they tried to find out the names of the people who helped father boris save the wounded partisans, he did not betray either his brother and his wife, or the parish camp, father boris
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was tortured, they asked him, in quotes he carried the name of boris kelik. his widow catherine was given a certificate stating that the priest had provided great assistance to the partisan for 2 years. the priest, being in difficult conditions, understandably acts like a warrior. he fulfills his duty to the end, because he took an oath, well, in principle, the family of this a person also understands perfectly well that their
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leader, their husband, is fulfilling his duty. in the same way, he cannot act differently, otherwise he will be a traitor to his homeland. will not be a defender of the fatherland. cathedral in pruzhany. priest fyodor dmitriyuk served here in the thirties of the last century. until 1939 , pruzhany was under the jurisdiction of poland. for loyalty to the russian orthodox church, the polish authorities deprived father fedor of his citizenship. the exile was interrupted by the second world war. after the return of this territory to the ussr, fyodor dmitriyuk was sent to serve in the parish of the village of cherevachitsy, modern kobrin district. it is known that he helped the partisans, this is documented, he helped the partisans, he even kept a wounded partisan in his house, who was looked after by his relatives, the relatives of fyodor’s father, he also helped the partisan detachment with information and food, and so on.
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the priest's house became a safe house for the partisans, weapons were also stored here, and the entire family of father fyodor participated in the underground. 18 houses were burned, including the family of fyodor dmitriyuk’s father was victims of the german punitive forces. the nazis destroyed the wife, eldest daughter, son-in-law and close relatives of fyodor’s father. the youngest daughter was seriously wounded. the priest was saved by the fact that at the time of the tragedy he was not in the village and returned to the ashes. after the loss of loved ones,
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father fedor transferred service to kobrik, then to bobruisk. in 1950, in the fifth year, he accepted monasticism with the name flovian, in 1958 he was ordained as a bishop, and we know that from 1966 to 1977, that is, 11 years, he already ruled as archbishop of the gorky and arzomav departments. another priest who suffered from a friend of the nazis, nikolai mikhalovsky, is buried in the cemetery in cherevachitsy. during the great patriotic war, he was the dean of the temple in...
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they buried relatives at the site of the death of father nikolai , a half-dead grave, as if thrown there, well , they weren’t allowed in for several days, neither the parents, nor the wife with a small child could approach the grave, later the nazis gave the go-ahead for the reburial, they buried him on the church grounds, and then after the war, this somewhere in the sixties, his mother...
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the desire that he would serve until the end in the place where he was placed, to serve god, to serve people, to serve his fatherland, and not to those invaders who well, they are trying to enslave your people, your homeland, during the great patriotic war , the nazis declared all real estate in the occupied territory the property of the third reich, including churches, they built watchtowers, firing points, and temple space on the bell towers.
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the soldiers, prisoners of war, were fed, food was brought in from almost every street. the wounded were placed in the church, the priest's wife was a doctor, she provided first aid. local residents brought dressing material secretly in buckets with lids. they also carried food for the soldiers there. the stone pool was covered with straw because the ancient temple, which was over 150 years old, was cold in the summer. here in the church the wounded were rescued. a doctor from likom operated under the altar, and grandfather assisted the doctor,
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and then people said so, you know, people who are devout believers said that this is why many were saved by these operations, as they were done under the icons. surgeon viktor likomtsev is the man who in forty-three will save the life of the hero of the soviet union, kirill orlovsky. it is the likom residents who will perform the arm amputation operation.
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make the title in books, newspaper publications and essays. pictured is evsigni crocos. he served in the village of mileviche, zhitkovichi district, he was nearly 80. but despite his age, he collaborated with a partisan detachment, reporting on the movements of wehrmacht troops and the presence of punitive detachments. when there was danger for people, he gathered people and pointed out where they needed to go in order to hide. moreover, he... personally led local residents along forest paths to the partisan detachment, and from this it follows that he was apparently a liaison service... despite
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the prohibition of the occupation authorities, the priest read out to the parishioners reports from the suninformation bureau, combat leaflets , articles from the newspaper pravda, prayed for the victory of the soviet troops. in retaliation , the police set fire to the temple with flamethrowers and burned down the priest's house. parishioners for their shepherd they built a dugout; there were not enough houses, since punitive expeditions took place here several times. in 1943, the priest suffered from the police. this is winter, because in the month of february, february 15, the presentation of the lord, father ivstigny was beaten, not only was he beaten outside the village, since he was most likely returning from the forest, apparently some kind of meeting took place with local partisans, he was beaten and even if he took off his shoes, he would return to his dugout in the cold, unfortunately from
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this dugout. placed in materials telling about the partisan priest alexander romanushko, who served in the pinsk diocese. in 1942, when the threat of destruction loomed over the priest, he joined the partisan detachment of the pinsk unit. he even came with the partisans, well, to those villages where they were, which were burned, yes, there he performed the rite of singing for the dead, for the people who died.
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well, civilians came from the village, asked for a priest, since the local priest did not want to perform the funeral service for the murdered policeman, so they came to korzh, knowing that romanushka was with him, and korzh says: i can’t force you, it’s your choice, you can go, or you don’t have to go, and he went, we won’t hold a funeral service for him , because he... is a traitor to our homeland and doesn’t deserve a funeral service, as we will sing his repose with the saints, that is , a man who himself betrayed, not only betrayed, but also killed his compatriots, his relatives, that is, how can one kill himself to sing with the saints at repose, stepped aside a little, i think that he i just prayed and asked god for strength, because in the gospel there are beautiful words that when the lord says that if you are put on trial, don’t think about what to say, the holy spirit will give you that moment of what
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to say, so, probably, the holy spirit gave him such courage, the courage to utter these words that , well, they made these people think morally. the priest's lively sermon made the collaborators think. a few days later, many of the policemen went over to the side of the partisans, along with weapons and ammunition. after the liberation of pinsk, alexander romanushka managed all the parishes of the pinsk diocese. i compiled a report to his holiness the patriarch on affairs in the diocese, how many priests there were. the attitude of the political and military leadership of the soviet union towards the institution of the church changed dramatically. on september 4 , 1943, stalin met with the hierarchs in the kremlin, and already on september 8. patriarch was elected,
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sergei strogorodsky became him. many military leaders, ordinary officers, and soldiers had icons and resorted to prayer, visiting churches, both active and closed. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our exercises to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they are going to lithuania as occupiers, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr at our very borders, they accuse us of carrying out some kind of escalation here, listen, we don’t need a pro-russian pro-belarus president, make a pro-european leader who thinks about europe,
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implementation of the treaty. the west will attack us if it sees that it can win. the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong. these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, are going against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones. today we are saving europe from a big war with our competent, independent policy. the project is objective. don't miss new episodes on belarus2 tv channel. they are dedicated to their work, i am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people. our quality, your safety protection. our
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company is famous for its traditions, and also many dynasties, cement workers, are ready to share knowledge, in 1933 there was a state commission. an act of acceptance for operation of a cement plant was signed, the first tons of krichev cement were sent for the construction of the moscow metro and show one day in your life, each of our cars is assembled by hand, because when you hold this part in your hands, you feel it, but what if you don’t feel your work, you will be able to produce or weld such a machine. watch on tv channel belarus 24. belarus and uzbekistan looking for new points of interaction after the historic visit to tashkent of the belarusian leader, a delegation led by the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan arrived in minsk. tell me the details. the countries have reached a new level of partnership.
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an impressive package of documents was signed in february, and these are not memorandums, but agreements that actually work in the energy sector, agriculture, science, and education. a roadmap for 2 years, it contains specific projects worth more than a billion dollars. when developing software, special emphasis will be placed on the system safety and navigation. the main thing is to take into account the wishes of the farmers, because the drone will get to the field and do the work on its own. you can start the smart car from the remote control, the maximum speed is 38 km/h, and it can work 24:7. a film about the legendary partisan is planned to be shot in belarus. this is a joint work of the national film studio belarus film and the russian studio voen film, directed by igor ugolnikov, the start of filming is announced for august, the release of the film will coincide with the eightieth anniversary of the great victory. large
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part of the film crew will be belarusian actors and specialists. news, analytics, comments, experts and interesting facts. see the events program. on thursdays. on the belarus 24 tv channel.
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