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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 3:00pm-3:16pm MSK

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watch in the project glance at belarus on our tv channel.
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live news to belarus 1. in the studio, olga kalaerova, hello, watch this episode. regional development and new jobs. a french fries production facility will appear in the kirovsky district, and edged lumber and pallets are already being produced in the koopolsky forest farm. to give hope that nothing is impossible in belarus for the recovery of children from donbass who were injured from military operations. pick up, the bill on foreign agents has been passed in the third reading, provocateurs tried to disrupt the meeting, 20 people were detained during the protests. photos from concentration camp sites, ghetto prisoners, photographs with remarks for the first time in the center of contemporary arts, the exhibition the earth bleeds history. in the year of quality
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, restore all roads in the country, a task set by the president and local authorities and government; the deadline for those responsible was set for may 9. in minsk there is no critical yankism as such, they assure the capital’s gorye autodor. at the same time , monitoring and repairs themselves are carried out daily. work. in total, the capital's roads are approximately 5 million square meters. back in the fall, we compiled a list of streets that needed complete replacement.
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the president aimed to resolve issues together with residents, for example, so that materials were supplied by local authorities or a small part of the costs was covered by the users themselves. the concept of one district, one project continues to be implemented throughout the country. for example, in kirovsky, a french fries production facility will soon appear. the private initiative will create 20 jobs. in the meantime, the area is considered agricultural, the flagship "large farming dawn." today 900 people work here. they are engaged.
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republic, but our output per hectare is one of the best in the republic. many workers live in standard houses, which the farm built with government support, all to secure personnel in the village. and in the koopolsky experimental liskhodiya, as part of this initiative , a production facility for the production of edged lumber and a line for the production of pallets were opened. this is three dozen new jobs. in this way, the forestry farm solves the problem of involving coniferous lumber into circulation. deciduous breeds that are not particularly in demand on the market, we already have our first portfolio of orders. after a certain break in the mini-farm system, new production is reopening, which indicates the dynamic development of the industry? the industry is working stably, we have adapted, we have fully organized production, you can tell the numbers, last year we sold 1.5 million cubic meters of lumber. without a couple thousand
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million for export, these are mostly friendly countries, if we compare with 22, this is 250 thousand cubic meters, this gives grow back.
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families where one of the children is dead, one of
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the children is seriously injured, one of the parents is killed, the other parent is with there are families where the whole family is killed, there is an injury and the house is broken, what other misfortune can you learn, what else is terrible, what to be afraid of, loneliness. you can be afraid of unnecessaryness, but after today’s trip, i will never say that i am alone, in belarus there is very clean air, very kind, pleasant people, it’s very good here, it’s fun, there are a lot of programs, they are very diverse, today i’m on i had a massage, i really liked it, then i’ll go for an underwater massage, there are a lot of procedures, a rehabilitation program for this group of children. will last until may 24, the project, let me remind you, is being implemented by the alexey talay foundation with the support of the union state. in 2014 , ukraine, in particular the donbass, became a testing ground for honing the methods and technologies of color revolutions. on the territory of the former ussr country
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, for the first time, they were faced with the fact that due to inconvenient information, a site could be blocked, and publication from a popular video hosting site promoting pluralism opinions and freedom of speech, clean up. precisely in donbass.
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information from the donetsk people's republic about how a person feels and how his ideas change when war breaks into his life. watch today in the current interview on the evening broadcast of belarus-1. in lithuania , the results of the first round of presidential elections and a referendum on dual citizenship are being summed up. the lithuanians failed to decide on the choice of leader the first time. turnout was only 59% including early voting. and neither of the candidates. did not pass the required mark at 50%. as a result , the current president of lithuania, nausedda, and the prime minister of shamanity will meet in the second round of elections. they received 46 and 16% of the votes, respectively. at the same time, a referendum on dual citizenship was held in lithuania. the problem of
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population outflow forced the authorities to pay attention to this issue. however , just over 42% of registered voters voted in favor. therefore, the corresponding article of the lithuanian constitution. remains unchanged. meanwhile, the migration department fined more than 300 people last year, not who reported receiving citizenship of another country. there were about 20 people. detained in tbilisi at protests against the law on foreign agents, three of them were foreign citizens, one russian and two americans, riots unfolded near the parliament building in tbilisi, where provocateurs brought ukrainian flags and tried to block the entrances to disrupt the voting. the radicals clashed with security forces, but law enforcement still managed to push back the protesters. as a result, the bill that caused so much unrest was adopted in the third reading. as the head stated parliamentary committee on legal affairs
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crossroads leading to campus. nazi smuggling. who and where created rat trails for the escape of hitler's favorites. how seasoned fascists were pulled out of the camps and what does the cia have to do with it. the theft of nuclear technology, what secrets the americans stole from the third reich and how the theft was sold for their own
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heroism, understandable politics continues the cycle of the program of cynical us operations after the collapse of germany, watch today after the panorama.
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kradunitsy launched additional buses and routes to minsk cemeteries organized until may 14. exclusively, also on tuesday it will be possible to enter the parking lot at the cemeteries for free, the route map for vehicles and information about the operation of buses is on the website of the specialized public utility service plant in the useful information section, as reported, additional passenger transport will go to the northern cemeteries, kolodische, western, chizhovskoe, mikhanovichi and lesnoye, where you can buy flowers, lamps, decorative crushed stone and other types of ritual products. also in place. they will work specialists to advise on the installation and repair of grave structures.
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it so happened that on the big may weekend on radunitsa, belarusians visit places of power, their small homeland. on days like these, people don’t forget about working on the land, planting flowers in their backyards and summer cottages, and helping their relatives. watch the joint atn project without retouching, dedicated to what truly unites.
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a belarusian author talks about the price of a great victory. at the center for contemporary arts. the earth is bleeding with history. exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the partisan forest was captured in a wooden installation. and the fragility of the world in glass art objects, the main word is for black and white witnesses from the state archive, there are over three hundred of them here, and also photographs with remarks are in the public domain for the first time. this whole chronicle of suffering is reflected, photographs from the sites of concentration camps, prisoners, ghetto, partisan
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movement, revealed in photographs, we decided...


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