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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 3:15pm-4:15pm MSK

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an exhibition dedicated to the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders. the partisan forest was captured in a wooden installation, and the fragility of the world in glass art objects. the main word to the black and white witnesses from the state archives. there are over three hundred of them here. and also the photographs with the remark are in the public domain for the first time. this whole chronicle of suffering and photographs from the field are reflected. camps, ghetto prisoners, partisan movement, revealed in photographs, we decided to show what the price was for our independence acquired, by what sufferings, what feats, here throughout the exhibition there are archival photographic materials, documents, letters, copies of personal cases, the trial that took place over the police, this is also...
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a topic that we must touch upon, because any crime, it must to be, well, punished. postscript to the exhibition drama land bleeds stories, a new chapter of the agreement on cooperation between the center for contemporary arts and the derzhinsky archive of film, photo and sound documents. next, sports news and the results of the day will be summed up by my colleagues in panorama at 9 pm. with that, i say goodbye to you, all the best. victoria azarenka will play in the 1/8 finals of the tournament in rome. in the third round match, the belarusian tennis player defeated the eightieth number in the wta ranking, mayar sherif from egypt. 6-2, 6-7, 6.3. it took the belarusian almost 3 hours to win; she had four double faults and 10 converted break points. zarenko will compete with the eighth to reach the quarterfinals.
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child of the world maria sakari from greece today. previously, the girls crossed paths twice , both times the belarusian celebrated the victory. the belarusian volleyball championship is gaining intriguing momentum. the third match of the men's final series will take place today in gomel, where local energy will host soligorsk shakhtar. the starting meeting of the squads was left to the miners, but already in the second game the gomel residents were able to restore parity. the series score is 1:1. who will emerge victorious in the third match, we will find out the answer from the live broadcast on the belarus 5 tv channel, starting at 16:55.
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it’s clear now, thank god, the snow has disappeared from the damp earth, the blessings of the road, the snowfalls spree, the sun is warmer, jumping, the ice on the rivers is squandered, the tseply vetser is falling. the gloom
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of every day jumps to us, everything and everyone shows up, the geese croak, the spackle on the oak tree unfolds. the cranes were already dancing, and the winter was disappearing like smoke, the greener meadow was creeping, like hell our native land was feeling pain. music, dj, hello everyone, soon
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a hero will come to us who will answer everything. but first, according to tradition, our questions to the heroes: where is it more exciting to perform on the parade ground in front of suvorov soldiers or in front of television cameras, what’s here and what’s there, your audience is children, so i think it's the same. do you agree with the statement that children are sensitive to when they are told a lie? convinced. well, then good luck, dear participants of the program, today in the studio the head of the minsk suvorov military school, colonel dmitry kuchuk, we welcome our guest. dmitry vladimirovich, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for any reason you cannot or do not
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want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be careful, at the end of the program you will have to choose the best question. now you have one minute to briefly. tell me about myself, time has passed, i am dmitry kuchuk, born in the republic of belarus, in the city of marinagorka, grew up there in the family of a military serviceman, throughout my life i changed more than one garrison with my parents, which, let’s say, was the fundamental choice of my profession, and from where colonel completed his service in the armed forces of the republic of belarus, which i am very proud of. thank you, you did it in one minute, great posture. well, now questions from audience: we have 100 participants in our studio, each with their own question, let’s see how much time you have to answer. you are ready? yes, then let's begin. why did you decide to become a military man and
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did you have a role model? yes, indeed, an example before holding, it was my father, i grew up in the family of a military man. all my action took place in closed military camps, so, probably, seeing what officers do, what soldiers do, instilled in me this love for the armed forces, by the age of 15 i had a clear idea that i would be an officer and exactly special operations forces officer. your father often brought you to his work, i was always next to him at all different events, and the events were different, these included some kind of demonstration performances in hand-to-hand combat, and parachute
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jumping, fire training, and many other moments that are included in the combat training program of these units. that's why i'm here and i'm in shape. what was your first step towards your dream profession? i can , so to speak, divide my childhood into two parts, this part, when i was studying at school in order to enter the sogorsk school, the second part, when i was studying in the young paratrooper club, this is , well, according to modern patriotic class, there was one of the sections in the yunodesannik club. this is making parachute jumps, and in front of the sovar school, i boldly and confidently made three parachute jumps, which was the first step in my cherished goal of becoming a paratrooper. what skills should suvvis have and what selection criteria exist? this is, first
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of all, the boy’s desire to become a sulorov member and generally take and pass physical fitness tests. for professional selection, and also to pass the tests, a test in mathematics in the russian language, and the most important thing - to be healthy. the road is open, now you have to turn around in the purple sector, how is studying at the svorov school different from studying at a regular school? well, probably from the first days of being within the walls of our sularovo military school, the boy understands that on the one hand this is a school, on the other hand this is a small army, what does this consist of? well here’s a simple example for you, yes, here you go home after school, somewhere you go outside,
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run, somewhere look at the computer, here suvorov has a clearly regulated daily routine, getting up at 7 o’clock in the morning, making the bed, washing, physical exercise , breakfast, after that he leaves for classes, after lunch he has... time for personal needs, as well as for visiting various clubs, electives according to his interests, after which he starts self-preparation, what is it, it’s just preparation for tomorrow classes, what is assigned, as usual at school, with voross, just as in a normal school they assign homework, he does it all, but the only difference from school is that what you do at home is one, with does it standing up training platoon of the group, after that dinner, watching tv shows,
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an evening walk and lights out, that is, if an ordinary student is given more time to himself, then here the madness is constantly monitored by teachers, by officer-educators, who will tell him how do it right somewhere in the first year they will tell you... do you think you were a good student, what subjects were your favorite? well, i guess i was an ordinary student. yes, i, like any boy, could run,
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jump, play around somewhere, about my favorite subjects, my favorite subjects were history, geography, foreign languages, and despite the fact that i loved foreign languages, so let's say my main least favorite subject was the russian language, and did you iron yourself? that after the first line, after the presentation of the scarlet shoulder straps to the freshmen, the seniors the courses fall into their favor , they show how to properly hem a collar collar, they help him sew on his first shoulder straps in his life, and then it’s all on your own, snezhana, and at what age were you the first time you picked up a real weapon, were you as scared as you were in childhood, so
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let’s say, where 10-11, probably, somewhere it wasn’t scary, it was most likely, probably, exciting, because this is a military weapon, well , probably, it was, as there was already a question before, the first a step towards my childhood dream of becoming an officer. why do you think nowadays people fight and kill each other, why can’t they come to an agreement? a very relevant question, anya, i’m very pleased; it’s probably impossible to answer it unequivocally. well, first of all, i think, both in the past and now, there is a certain circle of people. who believes that their opinion,
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their desire, is higher than other people, which is no better than other people, probably this is the way that wars develop, wars break out, or human blood is shed, unfortunately, throughout the entire history of our humanity. wars never stopped, you yourself know, now there are various armed conflicts, which first of all bring grief and suffering. i am glad that i am a serviceman of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, a citizen of the republic of belarus, the fact that our country can live peacefully, you can study, get an education and just sleep peacefully, this is probably the most important goal of our
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state, the black sector is to your left. who do you think is better at resolving conflicts, politicians or the military, and what is more powerful: the word or the weapon? there is such a thing expression: a battle averted is a battle won, our politicians are doing everything to prevent bloodshed on our land, and as i said earlier, we were lucky in this, for the first time we were very lucky that... at the head of our state is a very a strong -willed person who madly loves our country, our people, who makes every effort, even possible and impossible, to prevent this from bleeding on our territory, although there are a lot of people who want it,
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probably really... a lot depends on politicians, because the use of military force, well, this is a continuation of politics, if politicians agree, if politicians can keep everything in their hands, then we will get away from bloodshed and we will live peacefully, then the yellow sector is to your left, i ask for one of ours in the interview, you said that the main task of the suborovsky school is to educate its own patriot. what do you understand by the word patriot? well, first of all, this is such a multifaceted concept of a patriot, but this is the person who selflessly loves his family, parents, sisters, brothers, friends, who is capable of standing up for them at any moment
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, even without taking into account his own interests, this is... the person who wants to benefit his state, this is the person who does not run around the squares, does not shout various slogans, calmly carries out his work, let it be in the military sphere, economic sphere, in education, well, in any activity of our society, but his most important task will be to bring benefit. and if each of us is in his place bring benefits, our state will only prosper and develop. did you immediately learn the military salute? did you get your hands mixed up? i saw what the military personnel were doing, including drill training, so the adaptation went very
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quickly. can you teach me? easily. come in, well, first turn around, well, look here, yes, shoulders are straight, chest is straight, some things have been removed, legs are together, not so, heels are together, toes are a little apart, there are several options for giving a military salute, in moving on the spot with a headdress, without a headdress, today i will show you how easy it is to give a greeting, without a headdress on the spot, when a senior commander appears in some room, the first person who sees him gives the command to attention, this team is military personnel they rise up, take a drill stance, this includes the arms of the hands, do it like this, just like that, the hands are on the hands,
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the chin is higher, here comes the return of the military salute on the spot, also in motion, five or six steps before the boss you move to the island step, when you caught up with him, you turn your head towards the boss, set your feet for the next step, continue moving, thereby giving a goin greeting, well, let’s say, due to the nature of my work, i often communicate with young people, this is a traditional question, i was ready for it, so this is for you to remember. here is a reminder on drill training, thank you.
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guys don't cry, are you embarrassed by tears, what can make you cry, well, am i embarrassed by tears? well, probably in childhood, yes, i was a little shy, now a different understanding comes, the consciousness that he wants make me.
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yeah, did you manage to meet, did you go on a date? it turned out that in order to meet the girl i loved, i had to behave well for a whole week, study well, without getting bad marks, so that on saturday-sunday i could get a leave of absence to go home to meet her, and if i got a bad mark or played around, accordingly, i didn’t go anywhere. interesting details, let's turn 180°, the next question is from there, red sector, is it true that all suvorovites belong to a brotherhood, is this some kind of secret
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brotherhood? no, there are no secrets here, as i said earlier, since we are a closed educational institution, in what sense, in the sense that we are from monday to sunday every week. that he would like to achieve some goals, to become an officer of this type of troops, this brings
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the boys closer together, they become brothers, and these are really not just words, i know this from myself, since i also graduated from college, i already have a lot so to speak, adults men, then my brothers suvorovites, cadets. do you communicate with your friends from college? we constantly communicate, call each other, meet, literally that year at the anniversary of our school we celebrated our seventieth anniversary. i saw many, even guys whom, let’s say, i haven’t seen for a long time, there are always connections, always some
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problematic or joyful questions, there is always always a person next to me, including during my service there was also always a person with whom we entered this seversk school at one time, before that sat at a desk in high school, throughout the entire service, so to speak, until the moment i moved on, we always went through the service side by side. does svorevets have his own oath? do you remember it by heart? of course, there is an oath, since the guys are under the age of 18, they do not have the right to take an oath, according to our law, but when entering ... school, they take the oath of suvorovets, this happens solemnly, on ceremonial line, on the parade ground, always with the invitation
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of the first... states with the invitation graduates of the school, well, accordingly, parents, brothers, sisters, our boys come out and solemnly take an oath, and you ’re lucky, come out here, such an oath, it includes three sections, the first is to be faithful to your fatherland, the second is to the fighting traditions of the armed forces , the third - to the sularus traditions, this is what concerns the sularus brotherhood. so when you learn, do it. next is the black sector. to your left. they say that suvorov students have less free time than ordinary schoolchildren. describe the daily routine of the cadets, and how you yourself did you have fun? i, as i said earlier, yes, indeed, the guys live according to a strict, strict daily routine, but nevertheless, they have time for relaxation, for... their
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hobbies, this is the time after lunch, when the guys attend various clubs, electives, currently, so to speak, are of great interest to the guys, this is in unmanned aerial systems, also within the walls of the surovsky school, the guys can learn these skills in handling weapons, there is also a shooting section. under the guidance of very high qualifications teachers, also the guys attend various clubs not only within the walls of the school, but also outside it, much attention in the school is paid to the development of creative skills, singing, dancing, the ability to communicate and joke, the so-called kvn, that is
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, an expression that... the guys don’t have free time, they have a lot of free time, they just spend this time usefully, so i think that they have enough time, and the most important thing is that with all this they are under the constant supervision of trained teachers. officers-educators, a lot of officer-educators are graduates of our school. please tell us about your happiest memory from your cadet period? well, probably the happiest of the cadet period, when we took the cadet oath, it took place near minsk, at one of the training grounds of the republic of belarus, in the evening, during an evening inspection of the castle. so
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he read out the oath, and we all, to each faith , heard his last name and answered: i cense, probably this is the brightest thing the impression that remains in life, what is the main difference between modern wars and those that we study in the textbook? well, the most important difference is that the world does not... does not stand still, it moves, develops, military science develops with it, the forms of combat operations change, so yes, we analyze how various military events proceed or occur conflicts, and it’s not that we study, but we introduce, we tell the suvorovites that there is
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such a method and forms. there is such a method and the uniform is a classic, so it’s clear that we , as modern military personnel, constantly study, analyze, and then teach our students, they say that in the army the food is healthy, filling, but not always tasty, but how are things going with this in school and do you have a favorite ? dish? come to the checkpoint, say that they will meet you with me, feed you, then you will tell everyone how they feed you, and no joke, the food is very good, very tasty, the diet is different, these include meat products, these are sausages, these are fish products, these are yoghurts, juices, various,
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various... porridges, soups, i’ll be honest, the diet is very, very rich, and as for my favorite dish, well, probably, since my childhood passed. partly to the territory of military camps, and partly with grandparents, we grandparents lived in the village, the most favorite thing is probably fried potatoes, and fried meat is lard, many years after graduating from the suvorov military school you returned to it, but already in the role of the boss, what has changed within the walls of the school over the years? and did you immediately recognize the corridors and classrooms? the school is a cultural and historical treasure of the republic of belarus, the first floor was at one time a theological women's seminary, and
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in fact the corridors there have not changed, they have been transformed, as there are certain points. the very location of the school is what it is. in the center of the city of minsk, too , virtually did not change, yes, the educational and material base was expanded, a lot of sports facilities appeared, a lot of computer classes appeared, a modern medical center appeared on territory of the school, somewhere the uniform has changed , and so to speak, the corridors have been globally swapped, no, everything remains the same.
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train for a long time to learn how to march so beautifully, well, for a long time, i would n’t say so, but in order to hone drill bearing, for this there are certain drill classes, where, let’s say, suvorovites are on the parade ground for a certain time and improve their drill training, since... here we showed you, we start from the island rack and then move in steps, to say a lot of time, well, i probably don’t need to say that it takes a lot of time, a certain amount of time, but it does take, because well
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, it’s no secret that our boys are always the first to open parades in our country, they set the pace for the entire parade. and can you imagine what a responsibility these boys have, that they go first with the drums, the tapping step, it’s beautiful, believe me, it’s very exciting, and you can teach me, it’s easy, miron, don’t be shy, please come out to the parade ground , but i suggest someone else do it young man, i'll try. stand, this is to take an island stance, chin higher, step, this is a preliminary command, that’s right, move your body forward, that’s right, the center of gravity is on your toes, jump like that
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, move it, like that, with your left leg we take a clear island step, march, we’re already almost ready for the device, great experience, let's move on to the next question, this is... the purple sector is to your right, why aren't girls accepted into the school, girls are very offended, don't you think of changing any of your foundations, rules? throughout the development of the sourov schools, which were created - in 1943, the first of them, these schools, were based on the traditions of the cadet... corps of the tsarist army, the cadet corps of the tsarist army were always enrolled only to young men, and this tradition is not changed by anyone in one svorodsk military school, in the russian federation, in our country, and for
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girls we have created cadet schools, patriotic classes, where you can undergo the same training as the suovorovites undergo, only a little, so to speak, on less level, and after that to enter the military academy, we are always waiting for beautiful girls to join the armed forces. we tell you how to choose quality products. for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands and evaluate their weight, do not
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take ones that are too light, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach. quite unusual, but i think sometimes pamper yourself. we raise our arms up, raise our legs and do this cool exercise, cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus tv channel. club
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of editors, which means for the country an all-belarusian people's assembly, this is one of the mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all absolutely branches of power, such a foundation on which belarus will be built further, this is such a foundation for the belarus of the future, we have a new constitutional body, but there is more one another function is that the supreme council can overturn the decision of any government authority.
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what is more important for a military man to be strong or to be smart? you know, the modern world requires modern weapons.
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but nevertheless , the meaning does not change from this, this is, first of all, responsibility, what is your favorite song, blue, blue berets, let's sing, the blue splashed, splashed, stripped down to the shoulder straps, "i want this song to continue through
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the harsh , according to the landing testament, an all-round brave man. and in what situations. did army discipline help you in everyday life? well, in childhood, like all children, sometimes, well, you don’t want to do something.” at least learn mathematics or something else, well, you understand that if you don’t learn it, then, accordingly, your comrades, say, won’t go either dismissal or some kind of movie. there is already an internal consciousness that this is necessary, this is necessary, this is your main task, then the question is from the red sector, you will have to turn around, raise your hand, whoever asks it, i wish you good health, my name is rastislav, the young hero of the movie.
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officers, received a punishment for going to watch a hippopotamus instead of lessons, did you receive it? during his service, he received reprimands, of course, in some places he did not understand the instructions and orders correctly enough, in some places he himself was wrong, so he had to receive reprimands, and then, of course, he tried to do so in order to correct himself, in order to receive encouragement from their commander. this happened, can you tell me an example? well, let’s take the sorovsky school, and when i entered my school, my first outfit, and what is an outfit? it's four people carrying service, around the clock, they restore order,
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maintain order, at that time we were still delivering barrels of food to each table for... for the entire company, well, there is a line when you stand on the bedside table, well, for about an hour , it’s 45 minutes there, without the habit it ’s quite hard, you can’t stand in one place, you can’t lean, you can’t sit down, you can’t lie down, you just stand at will, well , i see there’s no one there, i think i’ll go and sit in the living room, well, at that time he comes in foreman.
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belarus is a very peace-loving country, then for why do we need an army? you know, girl, back in the 18th century, the french commander napoleon, who tried to seize our territory, enslave our peoples, said a very good expression: whoever doesn’t want to feed their own...
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be able to attack or be able to defend themselves, well, depending on what angle these are viewed from , if we look at a fight from the perspective, then it is important to be able to attack, at the same time be able to defend, defend ourselves. if you look from a military point of view, defense is good, but without attack. there will be no victory, so i believe that these two words, they are delivered side by side, if you want to win, you must be able to defend and attack. tell us
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about your family, if you have a wife, children, of course, you have a spouse. she is a teacher, there are children who, however, have already grown up, they have their own families, but i think i’m lucky in life, i have a like-minded person next to me, who, you know, like in the movie matchmakers, yes, whoever watched it, there ... ivan stepanovich gave such a good definition of what a family is, it is a mechanism, domestically assembled, which, when you need to stroke it, when you need it and... at random, so i think that i was lucky, my wife always supported me in everything, guided me in some places,
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gave me hints in others, and most importantly, even now, i really listen to her very much, because he has many times more teaching experience than him for me, she is my primary school teacher, so for me family is sacred, it is the most precious thing that any person has, in particular me. dmitry vladimirovich, did your children become military? some have journalism, others medicine. these are some of the directions. red sector is next for us. i heard that cyber troops have appeared in belarus. what is this? this? play shooting games and tanks on the computer? well,
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probably not entirely correctly, but in principle, yes, indeed, the development of the armed forces does not stand still, with modern trends dictating to us the conditions in order to... fulfill the tasks of victory if necessary. next, a question from the purple sector: how do you
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cope with stress? well, i guess i’m just trying to leave this stress outside the threshold of my family, somewhere, of course. i come home, my wife always says, why are you silent, why are you nervous ? somehow it becomes easier on the soul, already in a calm state you can make the only correct, correct decision. hello, my name is zlata, you have come a long way from cadet to colonel, you wore different shoulder straps. if the military has star fever and do you dream of becoming a general? well,
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there is an expression, that soldier is bad, who does not dream of becoming a general, so, of course, any savvy, excursionist, officer, he wants to achieve some specific career growth, including becoming a general. not everyone succeeds, of course. to achieve this level, but nevertheless, i believe there are no star diseases, behind this lies everyday painstaking work, you cannot achieve some high ranks in the armed forces by lying on the couch, this is first of all work, work on yourself, work with your team, and the most important thing for every commander.
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knows how to dance, yes, it’s true, we are purposefully working on teaching our students how to dance ballroom dancing, and you know how to dance, just a little, and if i invite you to dance, you won’t refuse, easy, please, it’s called white dance, when ladies invite gentlemen, know how,
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then again, thank you, this is one of the oldest, very worthy, in my opinion, traditions of the suvorov military school, bravo! if you were offered to film a biography, who or perhaps what would you like to be about? to make a movie? well, first of all, about my family, family, not only my wife and children, but about my parents, about my grandparents, about my friends, about how it went.
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special operations forces of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, there are a lot of interesting moments there, well, probably here are two such areas of life that i would choose, if you had a chance to see a person from the past, then who is it and why? it’s probably impossible to say so unequivocally who exactly i would like to see, to visit my... in childhood, i probably would have wanted this does not mean that my path in life would probably have changed, but maybe i would have done my attitude towards some things completely differently. dmitry vladimirovich, this signal means that the time for questions has expired, now you have to choose the best question
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of this program. who spoke about family? introduce yourself, what school are you from, what grade are you in? i’m from school 153, i’m in eighth grade, according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question, roma , receives a special gift from our guest: come out onto the playground! i would like to be the first turn to give yourself this book, which was published in honor of our seventieth anniversary, since childhood, each of us was given your name, this is svorovits, and small memorable gifts, thank you for the question, thank you very much, dmitry vladimirovich, now you can ask the children your question , a question for everyone, if in the hall...
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always achieves its goal, i would like to become more disciplined, well, learn to defend myself if someone attacks, i agree with you, there is such an opportunity within our walls, i really wanted to enroll in suvorov's
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school, they don’t take girls there, you gave me the name of other... institutions where i can go, and i’m very happy about that, we, as i say, we are always waiting for beautiful, cheap ones in the ranks of the armed forces. it’s time to say goodbye to our audience, dear guys, i’m glad that i talked to you today, if suddenly you had any questions and i didn’t answer them, come to the school, i’m always there, and until new ones. i'll ask you to stay. dmitry is waiting for you at the entrance to the site, here i am vladimirovich, tell me which of the given what was the most difficult question for you today? well, probably the question is, why do people fight
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and continue to fight? it is certainly very gratifying that our children at such a young age are interested in such complex issues. what question have you been waiting for, but you were never asked? they probably asked all the questions that would interest the children, and i tried to answer them sincerely. today you managed to answer 52 questions. tell me, if we call you again, will you agree to come? with pleasure. and now i turn to our audience. do you think that our the hero was as frank as possible with you today. whoever thinks so, raise your hands. well , it seemed to me that he answered our questions very openly and honestly, he seemed to be a very simple and kind person, i hope that all people will take an example from him, he
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seemed to me quite honest, because he spoke with reason and also clearly, quite- it was still positive, and it was very interesting to listen to an honest answer, i think that he answered very... well, very honestly , very interestingly, talked about the suvorovites and about his life. it seems to me that he's like he was a very thoughtful person and thought deeply about all the questions, while at the same time giving truthful answers. therefore, i am very glad that i came here; i was very interested in listening to the opinion of such a specialist in his field. who thinks that dmitry vladimirovich was cunning, didn’t say enough, was a little disingenuous? and i think that she didn’t finish speaking a little, because the questions about why people continue to fight, his answer was quite general, so, even
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better, to protect the child’s psyche, that ’s right, that’s also true, dmitry vladimirovich, we have such a rule, the last word always belongs to the hero, sum up the conversation that took place, i believe that ours... today, visiting the program, 100 questions for an adult, see you in a week! watch in the next episode! dear participants
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of the program, today our guest is tv presenter, honored artist of belarus, alena speredovich. let's meet! do you worry before your broadcasts? can there be friendship between the presenters or just competition? what would the world be like without journalism? how do you manage to deal with star fever?


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