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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 4:15pm-4:46pm MSK

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that such a meeting is taking place, that such projects are of interest to our youth. the head of the minsk suvorov military school, colonel dmitry kuchuk, was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. watch in the next issue. dear participants of the program, today our guest is the tv presenter, honored artist of belarus, alena speridovich, we welcome you. do you worry before your broadcasts? can there be friendship between the presenters or just competition? what would the world be like without journalism? how are you doing? fight star fever? how do you
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manage to smile even when you want to cry? 100 questions for an adult: in order to work on television, you have no right to be sick, you must learn to sleep very little, work very hard, you must always be in a good mood, this is also part of my work. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous people
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belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain. qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azerspace-1 satellite dish. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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a hole to friends is prescribed. we certainly don’t need to be forced. the belarusian student squad for me, the sous squad has become a second family, a second home and a special atmosphere, which probably gives me in the most difficult moments, we are all different, we come here, we all come by cutting ourselves, so we pass on this piece, everyone opens up differently, everyone talks about themselves, sudotriat. this is my
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life, these are the people who surround me, whom i met at university, they will always be ready to help you in any situation at any time of the day or night, you can contact them, turn to them, they will never refuse you. the people we have on the project, they create their own special atmosphere, for which you want to come back again, and this draws you in for life. it is generally accepted that the origin of the belarusian stodatryadov movement and in general on the territory of belarus dates back to 1963, when 2,500 students from 16 universities of the republic went to the ural region of kazakhstan and...
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this first semester lasted 73 days, a lot was built, by the end of the working period semester even entire streets were built, then they gradually began to grow in our... about the same level in numbers as we have now, and there were construction detachments of conductors, detachments of machine operators, earthmovers, various specialized detachments, that is, these are detachments designers, and detachments of electricians, a separate page in the history of the student brigade movement is occupied,
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including the construction of the baikal sea highway, the first detachments from the republic of belarus, a detachment of working youth, left in 1974 , we can say that we are worse than the previous one generations of youth, no, we are better than the previous generation, probably not either, it’s just that the time is different and the youth are a little different, but what has always been and what has always distinguished belarusian youth is responsibility,
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determination, hard work, just in the format of a student squad , this is clearly confirmed, well, you know, of course, student groups from the end of the two thousandths... and today student groups are, of course, colossal two big differences, but then, now, and even in soviet times, when only the stutriat movement was born, this of course, there is always a large and friendly family, a team of like-minded people, where everyone understands that there are no unsolvable tasks, no unsolvable questions, where he feels the shoulder of a comrade, knows that he is not alone, he is together with his squad, and this, of course, is worth a lot .
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we arose within the framework of the all-union movement on the territory of the former large country; the movement as a whole began a little earlier in 1900. from study and other activities, time to work and relax together. there is legislation, there is a presidential decree, according to which our teams have the right to work in seven areas, well, that’s why we highlight seven profiles, these are construction, agricultural, pedagogical, environmental, service, production and medical. for the last couple of years we have been following
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the path of development and implementation of large republican labor projects, and if in 2020 it was only one project based on... uh, the minsk atlant refrigerator plant, now we have been active lately and it is popular, both employers note and the guys themselves, this there was just a request from the guys that we do such large labor projects, we are gaining very good experience in production, i am a process engineer by profession, it will help me a lot in the future, because after finishing my studies i... will come already - i’ll know, i won’t be afraid of the plant, i won’t be afraid of the enterprise, this is a very huge experience, i’m engaged, they offered to go to the mas plant, well, i thought that these are some new opportunities, maybe i’ll learn something new, i’ll try something new for myself, well, i agreed, it was
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it’s a little exciting, just because it’s something new, i was scared that it wouldn’t work out, somehow little by little some experience appears easier and easier every day, and in the summer. there was a project at the automobile plant 2023, we also worked at the masa company, there were the same workshops, the same acquaintances, so it was like returning home, very pleasant, very comfortable, at the moment there are 105 people on the project from six different regions of the country, after completing the summer project i was offered the role of commander, to which i agreed with great equality. who is a commander-commissar? these are the leaders of the detachment, the commander is the person who is responsible for the entire detachment and everything in general, and we have two slogans for commanders, commander, you are responsible for everything, and you demand compliance, that is, the commander is always a person who is an example for everyone , so you demand to comply, yes... vast experience in communication skills, in communication, this will give a new acquaintance, because the guys come
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are different, after the project we are with many guys we’ve already agreed to meet and go for a walk, and you become very attached to people as a commander, because you communicate very strongly with many and it will be very difficult to let them go. first of all, the guys themselves note that the student squad is a unique opportunity to make a personal contribution to socio-economic development of the republic, not in words, but in practice, and today we say what a student detachment is, this is, of course , labor-based civic and patriotic education, when the guys take part , thanks to the president of our country, in such large, important, iconic objects, such as a nuclear power plant, dynamo stadium, minsk, arena, metropolitan, a huge number of facilities of healthcare institutions, education in our republic, they were built one way or another, took part in student teams, what can we say even today? the guys have the opportunity here - a nuclear power plant, and thanks to the support of our national leader, the guys take part
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in the construction of the vostochny cosmodrome, amur region, tselkovsky 8.00 km separates minsk and the amur region, but this is not is an obstacle, and this remains, what they did remains, well, for centuries, for the most part, the first time they go to a detachment, they go for money, but they stay there for two, three, and some more than a person . it’s not for everyone’s sake, it’s where a friend’s reliable shoulder is tested and how much a person is ready to help you, how dedicated you are to all this, that’s when they write in reviews that the soul warms here, somehow opens up, finds its true friends, this very nice, that’s why the units are also about a story about friendship, great, strong and about love, because every year we always have a matchmaker in our units...
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today we will take out construction waste , all the boards that are there, prepare for future construction, in general, you are already changed, so please get started, one of the most significant dates for our republic are the eightieth anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders; student groups have prepared a lot for this date ; the opening of the labor semester is planned for this year. also on the basis of the brest fortress on november 11, 2023 for the first time there was
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the first permit was awarded at this facility for the creation of a patriotic center on the basis of the kobrin fortification of the shining fortress. the initiators were all the youth of the republic in order to build this object, and i, as a representative of the spadshina construction team, as a commander, received it last year. the best student detachment, i, as a commander, was invited to the palace of the republic in order to ask a question to alexander grigorievich at the presidential address in order to assign the status of an all-belarusian youth construction project to the republican patriotic the center where we are now. good afternoon, comrade president, recently it has become fashionable to scold young people, they say that young people are no longer the same, that continuity has been lost. generations, but i want to assure you that this is not so, i am a fighter here, and
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tens of thousands like me work and will work for the good of our country, and to prove this, we ask you to entrust barseem with participation in the creation of a republican patriotic center at the kobren fortification of the brest region fortress, according to good tradition, to declare this object an all-belarusian youth construction site, taking this opportunity... also to invite you in november to the all-belarusian trail dedicated to the sixtieth anniversary of the belarusian student detachment movement, we will consider this issue as it relates. brest patriotic center, if the youth and the belarusian republican youth union, and you get involved in this, i will be very happy to declare this construction a youth construction project, especially since in khatyn you did not let us down, but here we will try our best to help, and i did not expect that this will all
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happen so quickly, i couldn’t even think about the fact that alexander grigorievich would support the idea, that he will not support. but still , on august 9, by order 257, i supported and declared the republican patriotic center a republican youth construction site, in fact, i didn’t even expect that i would still have time to work on it, since i’m in my fourth year, my last year, and i thought that work will begin in about a year, no, six months, even a little less. that's it, the work has begun, and we, as the first detachment, i as the initiator, are starting to carry out the work, i am more than sure that involvement in such an important matter as the creation of a republican patriotic center should be felt not only by every young person, but also by any person in our country, i am sure that it is probably difficult to come up with a better education than labor, by example,
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so i wish everyone the same time and opportunities. cleaning part of the territory adjacent to the barracks of the brest fortress so that the builders could then begin surface work, including a parade ground and a place for building a summer camp. the strip lifts the mood, despite such, well obstacles, a field kitchen, an armed forces orchestra raises morale, quite hard work, everyone is in a great mood, we will build a republican patriotic center, in which children from 12 to 16 years old, schoolchildren will study in the future, they
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will study the history of our country, the first world war, second world war, great patriotic war, they will be comprehensive. develop both physical and military training will be studied, as well as ideological, i hope that after passing through this facility, people will become acquainted with in the future they will be patriots of our country, who will live here, will create cool projects, propose cool ideas and our country will be even more beautiful, for me this is pride, a very important object, it is very honorable, because in the future, i hope that we. .. children will come to this site and see that my dad built this, or i can show that i built this, i put in my work here, i myself will be very pleased, many of us are before the construction the squad did not work for
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construction site, so they come, try themselves, whether they like it or not, and after that they make a choice, where to go? either to the design organization, or to the site as a foreman or foreman. today i would like to say that virtually every third student at our universities is involved in the student brigade movement; in principle, we set ourselves the goal that every young person, during their studies, at the university, at the college, can feel all the charm, the romance of this work, because it was not for nothing that back in the soviet years they said that labor ennobles a person, and this is probably the most noble occupation that can be... for me, as a commander, this is the practice of generally communicating with people, because since i have a specialty in industrial civil engineering, i plan to become a foreman or foreman in the future , and accordingly i will have my own subordinates, my own work team, at such a young age to learn at least some basics
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of management - it’s expensive, it’s a high degree of responsibility, which the head of state once again supported youth initiative. literally in the twenty -second year we took part in the framework of the all-belarusian youth construction on the territory of the state memorial complex khatyn, now another one so important in civil-patriotic for all, i am sure, belarusians and not only citizens of our country, but the post-soviet space, among belarusian students units have their own anthem - this was written by the guys themselves, and in general all the songs that the fighters of student units have, they were written by the guys themselves, there is very good words, having joined our ranks, you will understand a lot... there will not be a single peak in the world that we cannot conquer with you, these are probably the best words, when you are together with the squad, you can do everything, despite the fact that ,
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what we say is that everything flows, everything changes, there is an update, artificial intelligence, the internet is actively developing in our lives, but also the romance of the sottriate movement, it has not gone anywhere, and the guitar and the song around the fire, this is brotherhood, it is still persists and... passes here such a thin thread through the entire movement, that’s why it really exists today, and the guys live it, in student groups a lot of songs have been written in recent years, and since the song is a reflection of the emotions that they experienced, they all get together to sing, there is a certain ritual, you definitely have to stand in a circle, you definitely have to hug each other, right hand on shoulder, left hand to natalia’s neighbor, guys swaying, guitarists,
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they see each other somewhere in the media, somewhere in our telegram channel , somewhere we are just from different regions, they know about each other, we talk, tell stories, that’s it, but when they see each other, when they understand that there are many of them, that not only me personally likes it, but a huge number of people like it, then they understand , that this is large-scale and interesting, it’s probably an eternal journey, that is, we are away from home and...
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it’s not encouraging, because student groups are not only work or not only work, it’s a large complex of civic-patriotic events, cultural- leisure, sports, creativity, so, asking yourself this question, very often, what motivates these guys, because they write songs, stage numbers, during their vacation period of 2 months as part of the third working semester, they devote themselves to work. and moreover, even in the winter, because we have year-round employment by presidential decree, the guys absolutely voluntarily, free of charge, take part
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in such large projects as the winter route, when they go to small settlements, regional centers, take part in improvement of military graves, memorial complexes, fraternal graves, go to an educational institution, tell by their own example what a youth union is. what are student teams, how important is it to remember, know and honor the history of the heroic feat of our people, at this level , equals teach equals, of course it costs a lot, so, probably, these are real young belarusians who emphasize showing by example, that they are not only hardworking, but also not patriotic, i believe that there are no shortcomings in student groups, he contributes to the fact that the guys grow up, they try themselves...
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when you see happy guys, when you receive positive feedback from employers, when you understand and see how cool, hardworking our guys really are, how
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not... together and ready to go to in this movement to the end, the team is, first of all, people with whom you want to share everything, have fun, work, a separate romance of the storoz movement probably lies in its large number of traditions, which are observed by all the fighters of the units. for me the herds of the trad movement is an inspiration that you can pass on from person to person, and once lit in your eyes in
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the eyes of all the other... fighters, a spark that turns into a big and bright flame, just like different people, like fighters of student groups, they are very different, but i would say this, they, you know, the grass hasn’t become greener, the sun is still shining, guys, they are also young, they are also open, i would even say that our belarusian guys, they are very kind, they are very open, you just have to work with them. because there are a lot of them, they are cool, when you see their eyes, they are happy because they are just not together, it seems to me that what makes us happy needs to be passed through, and static squads make hundreds of guys happy.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence? that's right, tricky questions. is it true that the egyptian gods set and asiris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story.
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understand that there is a stranger in their mansion, the answer is c, because a girl came to him, well, i’ll call her that, she cleaned up their entire mansion, everything was so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the mansion and was waiting for the owners, i want to catch up with lyosha in three, paris, london, new york, name the last city, provided that we are talking about tennis, melbourne, melbourne, that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. in principle , everything is degrading for them today. diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting countries, today, on the contrary, these diplomats are fomenting war; they are the main hawks. the same goes for their politics, their economy. then
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west now? if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory, this makevialism is alien to us. an approach according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, meanness, or cooperate.


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