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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 4:45pm-5:16pm MSK

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the heroes from the fairy tale by alexander sergeevich pushkin understand that there is a stranger in their mansion. the answer is c, because a girl, i’ll call her that, came to them and removed all their territory. everything is so clean and beautiful, someone was tidying up the property and waiting for the owners. i want to catch up with lyosha by three. paris, london, new york. name the last city , provided that we are talking about tennis. melbourne. melbourne. that's right. watch intellectual and entertainment projects on our tv channel. in principle , everything is degrading for them today. diplomacy when a diplomat whose mandatory function is to build bridges. maintain this thread of connection between the two conflicting countries. today, on the contrary, these diplomats are fomenting war. they are the main hawks. the same goes for their policies.
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watch on belarus24 tv channel.
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in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot vera kharuzhiy. a terrible day for the soviet people, june 22, 1941, found faith in the city of pinsk. without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. husband, the brave underground woman lost in the first days of the war. he died heroically in... with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to the information from underground weapons groups, soviet aviation carried out precise strikes on ammunition depots and barracks of the nazis, causing them great damage in manpower and equipment.
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anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists are intensifying the fight against the people's avengers, seeking to behead partisan movement. following the denunciation of a traitor, vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where even under torture she did not betray her comrades, for which she was executed. there is evidence that hitler’s executioners hanged her publicly in the square in vitebsk. vera zakharovna kharuzhie was awarded the order of lenin and the gold star medal, the order of the red banner, and was also awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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most often, ancient slavic cities received their name from the name of the tributary of the large river near which they were located. pinsk, for example, from pina, vitebsk - from vidba, polotsk from polota. with brest everything was different. according to one legend, a rich merchant and his friends moved through the local dense forests and swamps on trade business. low thickets. elm, it is also called birch bark, became a real salvation for wanderers, they established a viper and got out of the swampy captivity, at that very second the merchant decided to give praise to the gods, on the nearby island, he first erected a temple, then built huts and founded a city, birch bark.
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street, street lamp, and... pharmacy, everything is like a block, true, there are some differences, it’s not night, but early morning, the mood is more life-affirming than in poetry, you see, there is the strength of a man in the distance, this is a full-time lamplighter, you heard right, it’s a full-time one, every day at a strictly allotted time he appears on the main pedestrian street street of brest, he is like a magician, controlling the light, extinguishing and lighting the lanterns, thereby marking the beginning and end of the day.
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i have one professional desire, but which one is better? everyone is happy, everyone is happy, 100% guarantee. so, daily, 17 lanterns, 17 kerosene lamps, among the faithful assistants - a ladder, flint, admiring eyes of visitors and townspeople. brest-litovsk lanterns worked 800 hours a year, alcohol consumption was 134 buckets. well, now i propose to visit the place from which, in fact, any meeting with the city begins, brest station. the current appearance of the station is far from
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the original model; during the period of the russian empire, it was a huge castle built in a medieval style. already at that time... he still remembers the feat of its defenders. no tourist has ever set foot here. a special concentration of emotions, an understanding of a feat on the verge human capabilities. in pitch darkness, waist-deep or even neck-deep in water, the chilled, hungry defenders of the station,
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along with the soldiers of the brest fortress, courageously held the defense. 9 days and nine nights. history is not always fair, their obvious feat. was not assessed, none of the defenders of the station was awarded a state award. today brest is the central calling card of belarus and its gateway to europe. one of the largest and most beautiful train stations in the country is designed in the stalinist empire style. a tall spire topped a five-pointed star - a symbol of the connection of five continents. when decorating the station, much attention was paid to the interior of the halls. colored types of marble and... were delivered from different parts of the post-soviet space. that is why some people call the station an exclusive mineral museum. beautiful, comfortable, safe, including for people with visual impairments.
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tactile tiles are laid along the entire perimeter of the station. we collect all the energy in our hands together, once. two, three, come on, anton, bye, i'll go to work, my young casual acquaintance would be delighted with the place to which i am heading. the museum of railway equipment, where 50 pieces of rolling stock are located in the open air. there are just a few: steam locomotives, diesel locomotives, a heated carriage, a postal carriage, pier cranes, an anti-aircraft gun carriage. meet fedya, as people call the old man. the fd marking stands for
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felix derzhinsky. if my memory serves me right, this is one of the most legendary, powerful soviet production steam locomotives. there are some left very little. some of the exhibits are open for... viewing; you can climb into the booth and feel like a machinist from ancient times. driver damieva, locomotive lv 0202. on control. the first thing the city above god is associated with is the legendary brez fortress, the western outpost of the soviet union. its main entrance is literally a kilometer from the museum we were just in. the five-pointed star is clearly visible from here. the brest fortress is one of the pearls of russian military architecture, a special witness to history. the best engineers over the years, they puzzled over how... to make its walls even stronger, the fortress was rebuilt, modernized, strengthened.
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nicholas i spent fabulous money on the construction of the citadel. however, history is full of paradoxes; the most famous battle here took place almost a century after the laying of the first stone, on june 22, 1941. heroes of more than thirty nationalities of the soviet union, like brothers, stand shoulder to shoulder with stalin. protection of the fortress of brest, their homeland, thousands of people from all over the world come here to worship their feat. according to the master plan for the development of brest, approved in 1948, the territory of the fortress was supposed to be cleared of rubble in this place to create a millennium park, pyotr mironovich masherov intervened. the brest fortress hero memorial complex was created. and with his enormous support. the tsvetonikolaevsky
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garrison cathedral was once one of the most beautiful churches built in the center of europe. during the great patriotic war, the walls of the christian shrine became the last center of resistance of the heroes of the citadel. temple strongly suffered, but survived. few people know, but on the site of the current city of brest there used to be only swamps before the churchyard. the city itself was located. right here under the fortress cobblestones. dozens of luxurious baroque churches, churches, monasteries and other monumental buildings were literally thrown onto the altar of the fortress. the government pledged to pay the population full compensation for the demolished property in money and timber. by a strange coincidence, it was at this time that terrible fires began. as you understand, relocation residents have sharply accelerated, or at least accelerated, the city has grown in a new place,
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so in poland there is capital that wants to make a profit, we have it, our need for jobs is our land, we negotiate everything. ok, then something clicked in the polish authorities, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to open hostility, we can’t leave european markets. the polish government, of course, is our enemy, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different that two, in fact, warring countries can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies, lukashenko is the keeper of the balance, balance is the best thing that is my
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last witness of a medieval city, it was once part of a whole architectural complex, analogues, which had no analogues not only in belarus, but throughout europe. next to the women's. there was a man's building; unfortunately, all that was left was the foundation. i also heard that you can see a ghost here, a female figure in monastic vestments, accompanied by the singing of the brides of christ. there is another unique place, the archaeological
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museum of berestye, this is, without exaggeration, a world sensation. let's go there. here you can see with your own eyes the east slavic city in almost its original form, dozens of wooden buildings from the 12th century, street pavements, fences, numerous artifacts, and valuable greetings from the past. as a rule, the remains of wooden buildings in any soil quickly decompose, the ancient settlement of berestye miraculously preserved, the cultural layer up to 7 m thick, high humidity and lack of air... to save many of the buildings for five, nine, some even for 12 logs, or as they are also called, crowns, is a huge rarity. the average area of ​​the house was 14-15 m2, for some reason i remembered soviet playgrounds with the same miniature houses. we played them as daughters and mothers, and the ancient
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beresteyans lived as a family, with a whole bunch of children. over its thousand-year history, the city changed its location twice, its name four times: berestye, brest-litovsk, brest nad bug, brest, but this is the official name of the city. brest residents, impressed visitors, dubbed it eastern venice, the city of 21 churches, the gateway to the polish-lithuanian commonwealth. ancient brest, in modern terms, was a real innovator. it was here that the famous plan for the battle of grunald was developed, the largest suspension bridge in the russian empire was built, brest was the first of the belarusian cities to receive the right to self-government. it was on the most beautiful and fertile lands of berestye that the first on the territory of the great
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principality of lithuania town hall. the union of brest was concluded, and that’s not all. first letter. and the masterpiece of world book printing , the razivilov bible, were published in the first printing house in belarus, brezskaya. beresti was decorated with the richest synagogue in the entire polish-lithuanian commonwealth. it also had its own water supply system and a mint. even the first plastic surgery seemed to be the work of a local barber, the owner of the tavern, he sewed on part of the demolition. modern brest is cozy. person, regional center active is being built up, developing, but the atmosphere of the old city still lives on its central streets; the museum of the city's history is housed in a mansion built in 1928 . when brest became part of poland,
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houses for the most important officials were located on this street. true, there was one condition - the construction of such a mansion. they definitely had to maintain beautiful, fluffy, green front gardens with flower beds and lawns, well, how else to identify an important official, it’s time to get acquainted with the architectural subtleties of the city, you need the help of a friend, architect. even before the city was moved from the territory where it is now located. to its current location, there was a guest courtyard here, travelers, guests of the city, before arriving, had the opportunity to stop, spend the night, have a snack, change horses, history requires details, a closer look, i was convinced of this once again when i found myself in this unusual courtyard , here is the molk glue,
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the brest-litovsk fortress and the date of manufacture of the brick, 1886. here it is, another confirmation of the boomerang effect. nicholas i, having signed the project for the construction of a fortress, he wiped out the ancient city from the face of the earth. time has passed and almost the same story happened with the impregnable pastion of the russian empire, the stroke of the pen. it turned into a quarry. a characteristic feature of jewish houses are shutters inside the apartment. well, they were with wealthy people. i have such dangerous ones, they defended themselves as best they could, yes, yes, there are many spicy stories in any city, bris is no exception. at the beginning of the 20th century, in this house on krivaya street, in stupid times it bore exactly that name,
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captain of the polish army andrzej lived with his young wife votslava, the latter often looked in, or rather climbed up a drainpipe to the second floor, ardent lover georgy missyura, oh, he didn’t know where the curve would lead him, written on... i can be trusted, polish army captain andrzej shot his lover in the chest. an unusual installation, another reminder that in the space of love, not only happiness awaits us, but also disappointments and even tragedies. literally a few meters from the building there is another not uninteresting object, a place for kisses. this is a kind of hello to filmology, because as you know, people who actively kiss live longer. and, probably, more interestingly, they are dedicated to their work, i
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am proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people, our quality, your safety protection. our enterprise is famous. you feel it, but how, if you don’t feel your work, can you produce or weld such a machine? watch on tv channel
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belarus 24. white-red, now our flag, let's stand hand in hand. coupling is a priori an element of attack; of course, the phrase “let’s cling together is a call.” here the bc flag is the incitement of social hatred and hostility, but this is different. probably a smogar pro-ukrainian beer party, this is a prototype of a wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now they are exchanging article 342, what conclusions were drawn, probably then i was under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong, now this has happened in my life a big revaluation of values, it can be constructive to conduct a dialogue, here... i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine.” well, before that, she didn’t support the residents of the brotherly donbass, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years. why now,
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while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support of palestine? the author's view of ksenia lebedeva on the policy of double standards. in the project it is different. watch on tv channel belarus 24. you can still enjoy the atmosphere of romance, the singing of birds with green views, and a leisurely life in one place that is popular. breshchan in the city park of culture and recreation. by the way, in tsarist times this park did not play a special role for the city, but in the polish period it became central, either because of the proximity of the fortress to the garrison,
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or for some other reason it is difficult to say. the park garden was planted by soldiers of the lebavsky regiment of the russian army, which was stationed on this site. almost all of brest is at your fingertips. the height of the attraction reaches. second largest after the minsk ferris wheel, in general, life is like a ferris wheel, only you were at the very top, bam again you slowly roll down, and then everything is new. the bridge connecting the main part of the park with the island has become a special place for young couples, and has become a tradition for newlyweds. he will put locks on him, oh, vanya and katya sealed their marriage with such a huge lock, you believe in it too.
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there is a lot to see and be surprised by, but perhaps the most important feature is the green outfit, a curiosity for the local latitudes. in total, the park grows over 200 species of shrubs and trees. beautiful hydrangea. by the way, in the language of flowers, it means indifference, inflexibility and heartlessness. another exclusive. abraham's tree, clergy, regardless of religion, made staffs from it. whatever mood you are in, elated, contemplative, or even reminiscent of dostoevsky, go to such green, energetically charged parks. as you know, brest is located at the junction of three borders: belarus, poland, and ukraine. border crossings, warsaw bridge, kozloviche,
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the largest in belarus. by the way, customs officers and border guards have long been considered an elite class, for a moment with the most educated people. the poet fyodor glinka wrote this in his memoirs. the director of the brestlitov customs is so honest and kind and courteous that everyone would consider it a pleasure to open not only their suitcases, but even their hearts to him. this museum is popularly called the salvation museum. a marker of the vigilant work of modern brez customs. the rarest ancient icons, artistic castings, fabirger products, chinese vases, buddhist sculptures, paintings by aivazovsky and messaedov are now kept within these walls. they tried to take cultural values ​​abroad, but customs did not give the go-ahead. the exhibition features about 400
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works of art. and antiques. the building of the museum of saved valuables itself is also an architectural monument, built in 1920 in the so -called national style; it combines the features of the renaissance, baroque, classicism and art nouveau. there are only a few hours left until we meet the city's mascot, the lamplighters. we still have there is a lot to be done. today sovetskaya street is the main pedestrian thoroughfare, the calling card of the city. tourists have long dubbed it a flashy prodway or a pedestrian arbat. interestingly, 150 years ago the soviet one was also one of the most fashionable places in brestlitovsk.
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medicines have been sold here for almost 100 years. it was created during the war and was used in pharmacies during the war. a room with a museum exhibition carefully stores pharmaceutical utensils, scales, weighing scales, bronze mortars and pestles, medicines second half of the 20th century. and this is the largest cinema in modern brest. it is built on the foundations of an old synagogue. jewish walls.
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temples were also used as load-bearing structures. in november 1939, the great sorcerer of the last century, wolf messing, fleeing nazi persecution, spent the whole night in the synagogue. the next day he went to the arts department of the executive committee, introduced himself, demonstrated his extraordinary psychic abilities, after which the talented jewish refugee was included in the group amateur artists serving the brest region. so the first grateful spectators of the mesting were precisely the old-timers of breshchina. i wonder what will happen in this place in another 100 years. this beautiful monument was built, so to speak, for the city to grow. a guardian angel has been looking at the landscapes of breshchina since 2009. the stella was decorated by prince vladimir vasilkovich, grand duke
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vitov of lithuania, as well as. nikolai cherny and generalized images of the city residents, chronicler, soldier and mother, crown the monument, as i already said, guardian angel. well, let's move on to the local egregor. the lucky boot promises everyone who tries it on an income unheard of in matters of monetary luck. there is an opinion that in such places, thanks to thoughts and emotions.


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