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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 9:40pm-10:01pm MSK

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at the amkador agidel plant in ufa, there is already increased demand; in the city itself, a large machine-building holding will also create a new production facility, which will create 40 additional jobs. our products in the russian federation are represented by eight distributors who have their own wide dealer network, from moscow to the far east of siberia. we are currently working on another investment project, which is being carried out jointly. with the regional executive committee, this is the construction of a production building with a total area of ​​10,000 km, with a new technological equipment. at the new production facility, we plan to produce the same conveyor-type dryers, a mobile dryer, nivo, as well as dryers and grain drying complexes with an intelligent control system. every year the krupsky district strengthens its status as an agro-industrial one, largely thanks to the active work of the derzhinsky agricultural complex, which is only in this part of the central...
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a new and significant location will appear on the agro-industrial map of the minsk region in the near future, this is a branch of poultry houses for fattening broilers in the village kuta, krupsky district, today it is an active large construction site. the flagship of our country's agro-industrial complex is building 16 new poultry houses, the effect of the project is 90 jobs and... annually 9.00 tons of poultry meat. the strategic task in the economy of the minsk region is the full-scale development of all its regions. thus, the “one district, one project” program this year alone will include almost fifty investment projects with a total value of more than one and a half billion rubles. thousands of people will form new labor collectives. raw materials obtained from our dairy farms turn into a dry product. and this is an example of investment in
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deep processing and production of export-oriented products. the kopal branch of the lutsk cheese-making plant entered this year with a solid project. this is the production of instant milk powder, the product can be stored for up to 2 years, which is its advantage, however, consumers will not allow this to happen for so long. today we conquered the middle east - bahrain and qatar. syria, united arab emirates, singapore - we will already have it the southeast of asia, as well as georgia, azerbaijan, the long-distance drying complex, of course, allows the production of four types of products, this is milk powder, instant whole milk powder and instant whole milk powder. the landscape of the capital is changing noticeably. cities
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of satellites , a block of two dozen high-rise buildings with a school, a new shopping center and kindergartens will soon take on its full appearance in smolevichi, and by the fall most of the p-53 highway will be a broadband high-speed concrete road, which means it will be possible to in a matter of minutes you can get from minsk to zhodino, where, by the way, large-scale modernization of belaz continues, updating, as well as new products, including an electric dump truck and... a gas-fueled heavy truck is a driver in the country's economy. the belarusian automobile plant will be able to produce annually not 900, but already 1,200 units of mining equipment. the healthcare sector in the minsk region is developing; in recent years, there have been more than forty facilities of various profiles, from ct and mri rooms to new clinics, for example in zhodina, nesvezha or borovlyany. diagnostic building in the city derzhinsk, diagnostic building. in the city
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of borisov, in the minsk region, three large facilities have been introduced - this is a clinic in the ozertso agricultural settlement, an outpatient clinic in priluki, now we are also in a clinic for 800 shift visits, the minsk central regional clinical hospital, of course, saturation and updating of the material and technical base of minsk district, it is in a special regard, more than eleven computed tomography machines, two magnetic resonance imaging machines have been introduced, more than 200 cars have been purchased medical help soon. over the course of 3 years , modular paramedic and obstetric centers were introduced in rural settlements; here they were installed, two in the borisov region, three in the soligorsk region. next up are clinics in smolevichi and zaslavl, the same year will bring such socially significant premieres to the minsk region as a sports and recreation complex in derzhinsk, and on september 1, residents of fannipol and soligorsk will celebrate the day of knowledge in large , cozy schools.
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local authorities and government. deadline for those responsible were appointed on may 9. in minsk, there is no critical pothole as such, they assure the capital’s gorrem avtodor. at the same time , monitoring and repair work are carried out daily. in total, the capital's roads are approximately 5 million square meters. back in the fall, they compiled a list of streets where a complete replacement of asphalt was required; a new one has already been laid on filimonov. now they are laid on...
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by residents, for example, so that the materials are supplied by local authorities, or a small part of the costs is covered by the users themselves. increased salaries for a number of health workers, including including an increase in the amount of additional payment for work in rural areas. the resolution is effective from may 1. the size of the allowance for paramedics, mobile teams, and emergency medical services who travel independently has been increased. additional payments for work in rural areas will increase for workers of faps, general practices in outpatient clinics, district hospitals, and nursing hospitals. such a measure will not only increase the salaries of doctors who provide primary medical care to villagers, but also secure personnel in the workplace. and he will tell you the nuances of the changes julia khmel. this is a medical and obstetric center in
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the village of novy dvor, minsk region. the main assistant here is elena zhdan. she has a lot of work experience; she’s been working at this fap for 20 years. elena petrovna.
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assistance to those traveling on call on their own, that is, without a doctor, instead of 110% of the salary, they will be charged 160%. the amount of the bonus depends, among other things, on the work experience. i have been working as a paramedic in the minsk region for about 10 years, for the last year i have been holding the position of a paramedic traveling
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independently. and with the latest changes and orders from the ministry of health for our incentive payments are being increased. i think this is a good help.
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the second separate specialized battalion and military-historical patriotic search camp. the vitebsk border passes in the sininsky region. extraction is taking place near the village of nereisha. remains of the crew of the soviet p2 bomber. according to the stories of local residents and archival data, 83 years ago it was shot down by the enemy from a great height and crashed into the ground. all crew members died. my colleague marina romanovskaya is monitoring the progress of the search work. the usual silence for a remote village is replaced by the noise of a field camp. a lot of work was done before setting up the tents. in archives, on the ground. today we get up especially early, after formation everyone
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goes together to search and retrieve the remains of the crew of a soviet dive bomber. natives of nereishi from nearby villages call this event historical and came to support the searchers. my parents lived here, we spent our childhood here, we knew about it from childhood, that there were dead pilots here, we are grateful for the fact that after all. there are people, the initiators who embodied this idea, from the village of nereisha to the crash site of the pe-2 there are several kilometers, search engines have thoroughly studied this territory, field search work will take place here in the coming days. from the sound of the metal detector , it is clear that there are fragments of a winged vehicle underground; it is known that in early july 1941, during the lepel counterattack, german messerts shot down two here. soviet bomber. both aircraft were part of the ninety-fifth high-speed
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bomber regiment carried out combat missions to bombard advancing enemy columns. we will make an attempt to finally get to the truth of the veil of secrets of the forty- first year. we believe in this, that we will still establish which of the two crews died in this place. since we don’t yet know who died, we wrote two crews on all the plaques and posters. in both crews , the radio operator gunners were belarusians, their names are known, georgy lyakhovich and pyotr levshunov. among the dead is a native of the kaluga region, shturman nikolai antropov. see the supposed place of death to honor the memory of his great-uncle, his relative came from moscow, however , it will be possible to establish the remains of which particular crew the search engines are extracting only by the engine number based on other significant finds. in our family, we honor. memory, my children know everything that we have a deceased person here somewhere, an uncle,
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a grandfather, a great-grandfather, a great-great-grandfather already, perhaps they were already damaged in an attack, they were finished off in the air, we were in very close contact with the senensky museum, where it came from some information that the fall took place in this area, the top layer of soil was removed using a heavy weight.
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the memory relay united all regions. for belarusians, this is a matter of honor, because every soldier and officer fought for peace so that we could maintain such familiar silence. marina romanovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, telenews agency. gto is back in fashion, the abbreviation stands for ready for work and defense. the main goal of the complex is the development of mass sports and public health. everyone can test their strength, including correspondents of a television news agency. who, together with bsu fc students , tested their strength and learned how difficult it is
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to pass the standards. we’ll find out what came of it right now. if you think that the work of a sports journalist is just an interview on a business trip, then you are mistaken, which we will prove today. together with the bsu fc students, we will pass the standards, we have passed the preliminary registration and are ready to receive grades. in order to pass with dignity, of course, students need to improve their sports skills every year, because... you just can’t come it is quite difficult for those prepared to fulfill all the standards, these standards do not so much improve physical qualities as they test, that is, the student receives a real assessment, check his level of physical fitness, which will be useful to him in later life for planning certain sports activities, for example, he will want to take participation in the minsk half marathon, well, he will understand that he needs
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to train in order to run 10 km, but so far only five. of course, this is a fairly common practice that a student may not be able to cope with the standards, yes, because they are quite high, and as i said earlier, in order to be prepared, you need to constantly improve, but if he does not pass, then of course he is assigned a teacher who monitors him during the course of academic disciplines for his physical training, to say something... it ’s difficult, there’s really nothing like that, yes, there are difficulties with some individual types, but in any case, everyone copes successfully, your favorite standard, your favorite, probably shuttle run, or push-ups, yes, that’s what i like, here it’s you who try to survive as best you can in the end, that is, in any standard you
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do this, but here i have a specific task to work until the end for seconds, for repetitions. interesting and so that it brings them, first of all, pleasure, and secondly, of course , some kind of professional qualities. at the same time, i will also have competitions, and there will also be pull-ups, jumps, and running, and i have already been preparing for them on purpose. well, in general, how do students respond to these tests? standards? do they go willingly, do they want to, do they not want to? well, they come willingly, but with such a desire, they think that it’s not a competition, it means
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achieving something, but when they already come, everyone is already burning with the desire to pass everything with a 10, so everyone likes everything and... they come and compete with dignity, if they show a not very good result, they don’t just ask, they demand that they be given another opportunity to complete, with different types of disciplines that change every year, it’s noticeable, it’s noticeable that development is taking place in different areas , flexibility, dexterity, and all this is seen as such a big leap; if last year we all came to some green ones and knew nothing, then in this we are already prepared, we know what and how to do what we are aiming for. we finished taking the standards, it was catastrophically difficult, but we managed . the impressions, to be honest, were great, next year we will definitely return to the track of the university of physical education stadium, well, now it’s time to rest and train. maxim kembel, olesya chichura,
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tv news agency. this was the information a picture of this day, followed by an understandable policy. continues a series of programs about cynical us operations, who and where created rat trails for the escape of hitler’s favorites, and what does the cia have to do with it. and immediately after the current interview, a hybrid confrontation against donbass. all the best and don't switch. this is an understandable policy. we continue the series of programs about how the nazis were hidden overseas. you hunted for the minds of the third reich, the end of the second world war revealed all the cynicism of western morals and the cold calculation of politicians. get it out from under your nose hitler has nuclear technologies, bring them to the usa, and then say that they saved the world from disaster, steal behind bars an exemplary nazi, who, after following rat trails , will take hundreds of executioners outside of europe
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and save them from the tribunal.


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