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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 13, 2024 10:00pm-11:46pm MSK

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hundreds of executioners outside europe will be saved from the tribunal.
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the nazis and hitler's favorite officer for special assignments, otto skarzeni, his fate is like a mirror of post-war tricks, the criminals fled wherever they could. the saboteur became an irish farmer and the founder of an underground organization, and managed to avoid punishment after the war to help hundreds of fascist counterfeiters. this story dates back to the very operation paperclip that we talked about in the previous program. in short, the americans exported nazi criminals to work for themselves, scientists, doctors, military, intelligence officers, anything that could benefit the white house. skorzeny initially found himself in this company. during the war, skarzeni was considered the most dangerous man in europe and hitler's main saboteur. otto took an active part in the development of the barbarossa plan, a lightning attack to capture the territory of the ussr. considered the father of german elite teams.
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units entering behind enemy lines. the most famous action taken by otto took place in september forty-three. operation oak was the rescue of skarzeni benito muusali, who was held captive in the hotel campa imperator in the gran sasada mountain range of italy. the operation involved skarzeni and 16 paratroopers, who reached their goal on gliders. musalini was pulled out of prison. the professional intelligence officer became a hero of nazi propaganda. hitler trusted him with the most difficult things. mission and it is all the more surprising that one of the most famous dangerous figures of the third reich after the collapse of germany escaped the tribunal and accusations of collaborating with nazism, but askarzen he simply seemed to personify this nazi elite, and the fact that he did this with success later, after the war, the americans, yes, the americans, recruited him, he began to work for them, he then worked for israel. so he worked for
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everyone who paid money, but his main task was set to him, this was to preserve, to preserve underground in the form of various underground organizations, to remove as many ss as possible from under attack, to preserve this force, which, in general, was successful. after the end of the second world war in the spring of 1945, otto was arrested and placed under heavy security. s kortse was not imprisoned until july 1948. until the cia and army intelligence decided that the most dangerous man in europe is now. will be an important resource in the cold war; here, the government of czechoslovakia also intended to achieve the extradition of the seasoned nazi. on the evening of july 27, 1948, a vehicle with american army registration, carrying three former ss officers, arrived at the internment camp in darmstatt, where skarzeny was then detained. sss men, dressed in american military uniforms, entered the camp territory they said that they had come for the scarcene. who was to be brought to
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a trial in nuremberg, scheduled for the next day. a few minutes later , skarzeny left the camp area and disappeared. later, when askartsene was asked about this, he invariably claimed that the american authorities helped him escape from the camp. where did the ss men get their american uniform from then? they didn’t steal it, skarzeny insisted, it was provided by the americans themselves. there is also a version that skarzeni was simply bribed. americans, giving them part of the nazi gold. ss man friedrich schwent did the same. he bought his life by giving the americans $2,000 worth of stolen gold. in the usa, skartsei did not train paratroopers, and then at the first opportunity he left for europe. he lived under someone else's name in ireland, then in france, then in germany. the last country was spain. in september 1948 , german police reported that...
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the skarzeni movement had arisen in the american zone of occupation, it is alleged that the movement is spreading throughout germany, according to a report prepared by the us military. the main goal... in 1951, the prosecution of skarzeni in germany was stopped; later he traded arms and was an adviser to two presidents, the argentinean juan peron and the arab-egyptian gamal nasser, advised frank's intelligence services, and carried out representative activities
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for west german metallurgical companies. this is the path of a notorious nazi, a sales representative of metallurgical plants, he supplied the egyptians with weapons and was close to high-ranking politicians. paralle created an underground organization of former ss members or odessa. the structure saved nazis in europe, transported them to south america, provided them with money, pensions, and even arranged sanatorium treatment. it is known that odessa was created with corzenius in the year forty-eight or forty-nine. after the war, despite his past, he calmly traveled around western europe, visited argentina and collaborated with british and american intelligence. about this in an article by otto skarzeny in recent years. life, researcher lavrov mentions. on instructions from odessa, skartsene created the spider organization, which helped the nazis escape along rat trails to argentina and africa, and was engaged in the rehabilitation of the fuhrer's associates, distributing money to them and placing them in hospitals. spider actively
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smuggled out the nazis and helped create a well-fed life. the organization was active until the mid-fifties. thanks to her, the participants in the worst nazi terror, extermination of people and mass executions came out. the fact that skartzeni could be one of the leaders of odessa became known in 1972, when friedrich schwend's house was searched in peru. in the basement, the gendarmes found a huge archive, among which was a folder with the inscription odessa. the folder contains a dossier on 10 members of the organization and minutes of the odessa meeting in the spanish city of marbella. moreover, according to the papers it turned out that they were ss men.
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another major odessa-north rat trail stretched through denmark, sweden and norway, where an underground network of ss and werewolf veterans operating there transported fugitives by land and sea, where they were picked up by ships bound for spain and argentina. according to danish journalist henrik kruger, the smooth functioning of the route was facilitated by police officers from scandinavian countries, as well as argentine diplomats. the key ones... were played by skarzeni, and some of the werwolf members later became operational employees of odessa in scandinavia.
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some historians sometimes question the existence of such organizations , they say there are not enough supporting documents, but that’s why they are an underground structure, and even if they didn’t exist. advising the government of the country, only in in 1983 he was brought to europe and executed. according to many researchers, it was odessa, created with a cartsen, that was behind the escape of these and many other prominent criminals.
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the following story is completely without retribution: ss man alais bruner drove more than 100 thousand people into camps. he lived quietly, sometimes in egypt, sometimes in syria. he died only in 2010. another cruel nazi. shrooman became famous for his experiments on castration and radiation testing at asventsem. with difficulty, he was still extradited to germany, but he avoided trial, lived in prosperity for another 12 years, and this... raov, who invented gas chamber machines, calmly managed a cannery in chile, died in the eighties surrounded by his family. the executioner karl streibel, who killed 2 million jews and 50 thousand gypsies during operation reinhard, never left at all, lived in germany, died without answering for what he did, once, however, they tried to try him in 1974, but were acquitted, this list huge, and there are no thugs in... doctor death mengl, who dissected babies alive, cut off the genitals of prisoners of war
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without pain relief, sterilized women x-ray, lived a calm and even happy life, never repented of anything, drowned while swimming in the sea in 1979. stroke. ernst lerch, who personally took part in the execution of civilians by his lover, served 2 years in prison, and then lived quietly in austria. gestapo man kurt lishka. was released in 1950, he did not even think about changing his name or address and lived quietly in his native cologne. he, however, was brought to trial again in 1977, after serving 7 years, he was again released . such a large-scale emigration fascist collaborators would have been impossible without the tacit approval of washington. as the cold war intensified, the united states , on the contrary, actively recruited war criminals to work against the ussr. justice did not reach kortsene. he died of natural causes in 1974. at the funeral, his
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comrades shouted zik heil and raised their hands to the sky. it is officially believed that this is where the life of the spider organization ended. but did nazism end there? unfortunately no. the alsas mission began for the americans in paris, liberated from the germans. necessary was to identify the scientists who took part in the uranium project. the fact is that in 1943, us scientists were sure that the wehrmacht would attack boston, chicago, new york and san francisco with nuclear weapons. secretly, many geiger counters, radiation meters, were placed in cities. scientists were thinking about how to organize a pre-emptive strike. based on intelligence data, the mission members established that the german uranium project was concentrated south of stuttgart, in the town of echengen. upon learning of this, washington scored. the united states, violating the
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demarcation lines, moved towards ehengen, entering the city a day before the french army. the operation was called a deception. washington forces arrested the participants in the project, among whom was the famous scientist ottogan. all materials were confiscated and the nuclear reactor was dismantled. upon arrival, the french scratched their heads in surprise, but remained silent. operation deception was hardly worth the risk of a serious political scandal between paris and washington. the german uranium project was far from completed, largely because hitler hated einstein, called nuclear physics a jewish thing, and favored rocket scientist von braun, who created a center for the production of fa 1 and fa2 in pandymund. here the pentagon's scientific intelligence managed to achieve more, a rapid offensive. the red army on odor forced the nazis to relocate the missile center to northausen, since this
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city, lying to the west, was still supposed to enter the soviet zone; agents of the alsas mission managed to withdraw more than a hundred fa-2 missile systems from there to the united states. this is how the united states behaved towards its allies and prepared directly. the us nuclear weapons development effort was led by robert oppenheimer. the fission process
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releases neutrons that split other atoms. color reaction. are you thinking the same thing i'm thinking? now any physicist who has seen the newspapers thinks about this. i don't understand what we are thinking about? about the bomb, alvarez. about the bomb. general leslie. rovs was so pleased with the results of alsos that he continued to use mission agents to study german laboratories, dragging everything that was bad, because the manhattan project was literally saved by german developments. with your head no americans came out. the alsas mission groups consisted of intelligence officers, professional nuclear scientists, and mercilessly robbed their manhattan atomic project, taking 24 of the best specialists from there. how failed was this project if the bet was on capturing the bomb from the germans? one american physicist wrote: “it seems that we
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have gotten ourselves into a lost cause, the project is not moving forward one iota.” our leaders, in my opinion. they don’t believe in its success at all, and we don’t believe it either, if it weren’t for the huge money they pay us here, i think we would have done something more useful long ago. it is noteworthy that the americans, having essentially robbed the french as part of the mission, made a book-length story out of it, yes, now the participants in those events that violated the agreement, the heroes who prevented the nazis from creating a bomb, this is a falsification of history, it all goes in the same, in the same vein, falsification of history,
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at the end of the war, everything in the territory occupied by the allies was already captured, what kind of creation was there, if anyone prevented the creation of the atomic bomb, it was the soviet union. on this we are finishing the story about the largest nazi deeds after the war; unfortunately, it will not be possible to put an end to this topic, just an ellipsis. you see for yourself that nazism turned out to be tenacious, even today. 80 years after the liberation of belarus, this brown gene is increasingly manifested in european politicians and their overseas colleagues, why, i hope, it is now clear and happy.
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elena nikolaevna, this interview was ripened after reading your book in spite of, when donbass really stood in spite of everything, stands up to now, at that time, fourteen or fifteen years ago, you had to take on a huge burden of responsibility, you headed the ministry of information of the dpr, tell us in general how it was formed. working with people, how did your ministry work, what difficulties did you encounter then? well , in order to say how the ministry was formed, i must say why i ended up in all this, because i am an ordinary donetsk woman, i was engaged in entrepreneurship, website development, yes, i was engaged in advertising, publishing, well, that is, completely peaceful
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profession, i have never been a non-partisan anywhere, i have never participated anywhere, and what made me?
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people from my point of view are enemies, but from the point of view of the events that are happening there, i understood that technology is at work, that this must be resisted, and
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since this includes journalists and the media, who in donbass have been on grants for a long time needle of the usa, i witnessed this, how they received grants, they were, they acted very subtly, because it’s not that they were against the authorities or something else or against russia, no, there was no such thing, there were grants. to defend freedom of speech, like media advocacy, how to protect journalists who speak out against the authorities, how to write critical materials, that is, it was delicate work, but it took a long time, and in fact all the media were hooked on this when everything happened on maidan, they all started writing as simply as a carbon copy on the topics they received, because , in fact, money decided everything when they started with us.
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said, i had an article: the front of a geopolitical battle is passing through us, then yes, i was aware then that what level is this, that of course, ukraine is being blown up and donbass is being blown up, not because they need the land of donbass there, of course, of course they need it, because it is really rich in mineral resources, and industry is developed, and so on, of course but they needed all this in order to weaken russia, in order to drag russia into the war, and in 1914 we understood this. we had no connection with russia, to our great regret, of course we wanted the referendum to be like in crimea joining russia, but we understood that this there must be a two-way process, but we were actually here on our own, this struggle was complex, long, difficult.
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betrayal, he was in the politics of kiev, the kiev people wrote such a book, this element of politicians, he has the impression that he , you know, is like some kind of metastasis, some kind of indestructible, that is, he says one thing in the elections, comes to power and exactly the opposite, and then suddenly russian was banned, or rather they made it a minority language, you know, that is... it was a blast, we exploded, because we realized everything was thought out when they clicked on this red that they have already come for the secret, for our soul, for our thoughts, in what language we think, that is, everything, this cannot be allowed, otherwise i repeat, our children, they will not understand where black, where is white, who they are, you remember how foreign journalists suddenly changed their rhetoric in donbass, when at first they tried to describe events
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in real words, in real pictures, and after that everything changed, you remember this moment, of course, because what then indeed there were a lot of foreign journalists, and i... was even amazed, sometimes cnn could admit that there were poor people there, tell how people live in this in this in this war, everything changed, you know, when very sharply, when again the same cynical provocation, monstrous and terrible with the boeing, when they shot down the boeing. i immediately understood the provocation, do you know why? because we, the ministry of information , were involved in the accreditation of journalists, and in order for journalists to operate on the territory of the dpr, they had to come to us
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register, suddenly, the very next day after the provocation, that is, we understand, there are military operations, here the borders are all closed, suddenly the next day is just as if they were waiting somewhere at... a high start, we have 350 foreign media registered , that is, the impression is that they were there at the start, that that ’s all for them, they went to unwind this story from the point of view of the fact that these are terrorists, that well , that is, we and the militia are terrorists, russia, and then we did a lot of investigations on this topic was carried out, beech from which yes, from which supposedly the militia was shooting, he was driving there in the direction of ukraine.
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this is a monstrous provocation, so many foreign journalists came at once, so that the whole world would immediately know that it was pro-russian militias there, which means they shot down a civilian boeing, and we, and we went and carried toys to the site of the death of this plane, the site of the tragedy, and flowers, because we understand that more than 200 people died there, they were not guilty of anything, that is, they were just their well... for the sake of their own interests they were destroyed and that the next day or the day after immediately sanctions against russia, that is, they had it all planned out like clockwork, and suddenly international observers or experts didn’t go there,
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so the journalists arrived, they were able to get through, everything is fine, we provided them there, please go to the scene of the disaster, please go there , please come here, we were completely open, i was present when these black boxes were handed over to the malaysian, he was so happy. apparently, i don’t know what they told him when he was going there, when he realized that we were giving away these whole black boxes, he smiled inappropriately, but because this is a tragedy for the malaysian people, he smiled, realizing that he would complete the mission that he was sent, and what we then see, they still got everything wrong, so when we step by step like this we saw the level of provocation and the use of information warfare, and we understood all the cynicism of our enemy. who we are dealing with, i’m not even talking about the minsk agreements, which lasted for so many years, and we also understood that what we couldn’t agree on with them, they will do it next time, or they say that they can’t, or
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they refuse their words, or something else, and they never wanted to record this on paper, that is, this is an enemy with whom you can’t agree on anything, so demilitarization is also denazification, this is the only thing that can... stop all this altogether, because just leave it like that, here on this front line we stop everything there , but it’s impossible, because they will still use even the slightest piece of land that remains as a provocation against russia, they created everything for this, they they financed everything for this, did everything, and now, when they are actually waging this whole war with the resources of ukraine, the people of ukraine, the soldiers of ukraine, they of course will not stop. a lie can win in the short term, but in the long term there is always only the truth, so why should we tell the truth, and then it will manifest itself anyway, because well , it can’t be any other way, that’s how life works, power is in the truth, but there’s nothing else
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there is nothing, that's how she is, that's how she is.
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sometimes there are no names left from the heroes of bygone times; those who accepted mortal combat became about... just earth and grass, only formidable
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valor settled in the hearts of the living, this eternal flame, we are bequeathed alone, we keep it in our chests, look at my fighters, the whole world remembers their faces, here the battalion froze in the ranks, again old friends. i find out, even though i am twenty-five, they had to go through a difficult path, these are those who fought with hostility, rose as one, those who took berlin.
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there is no family in russia where its hero was unmemorable, and the eyes of young soldiers,
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looking from photographs of faded ones, this look is like the highest court. for the guys, what's happening now? they grow up, and the boys cannot lie, deceive, or go astray, low bow! i congratulate you on the upcoming great victory holiday. may god grant you good health, joy, harmony, happiness and peace. on stage is the honored ensemble of the republic of belarus, the academic
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song and dance ensemble of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, artistic director and chief conductor, dmitry. in memory of our ancestors, fathers and older brothers, in memory of the eternally young soldiers, officers of the soviet army, who died at the fronts during the great patriotic war... today i will get up before dawn, walk across a wide
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field, something has happened to my memory. everything that happened to me, remember, they drink rain on my cheeks, shafts, for the universe 20 years is not enough, i didn’t even know the guy who promised, i ’ll come back, mom, steppe grass. it smells hot, the young winds are green, we wake up, the game wants over midnight, either a thunderstorm, or an echo
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of the past war, it promises to be spring. the tower waits a long time for selected grain, and i live on the land, good, for myself for that guy, i’m so heavy, i’m hunched over, but there’s no other way to live it’s impossible if he calls me. voice, his song still rings within me.
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the glassy grass smells bitter, the young winds are green, we wake up. the game wants to play over midnight, either a thunderstorm, or an echo of the past war, we wake up, the game plays over midnight, either a thunderstorm, or an echo of the past. wars, alas, it is not often
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that you meet a veteran who has lived to see the modern turmoil, many years, past wounds are carried away by their highest court, will they be able to find in their... analoch other people, such times when the whole country stood up against the enemy in a united front, having taken a fancy to from the morning light with a wand, where would a soldier go without it, carrying victory in his hands, his imperishable heritage.
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peck is expensive. from the cold of anxiety to the steppe storm, you cannot know your share,
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you may fold your wings. in the middle of the steppe there is dust swirling under boots, the steppes are in pain, flames are choking all around, and bullets are shining, oh, the roads. dust and fog, cold, anxiety, and steppe
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storm, the shot swirls like thunder. your friend is in buryaan, not alive, but the road continues to rush, gathering dust, swirling, the earth smoking all around, a foreign land. roads
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are foggy. hunger anxiety on the steppe storm, the beauty of the new sun rises, at the porch of the native, mother and son.
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fog, cold, anxiety, stormy day. thank you, valad soldiers.
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field along the steep bank and wave everything. like a private soldier, a soldier walked , a soldier walked, not knowing any obstacles, a soldier walked, losing friends, it often happened, he walked without stopping, he walked
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forward. a soldier, when he played on stormy nights in the rain, a soldier sang a song with his friends at the front, a soldier sang while klataya. tears, sang about russian birches, about kakariot, about his home , he sang very much on the way the soldier, as if attached to the soldier’s shoulder, the machine gun. your enemies everywhere
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sworn soldiers fought, beat them, near smalensk they were beaten in vasolkeenskoye, not counting bullets, without closing their eyes, enemies. the field along the steep bank passes by.
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a soldier was walking in a gray overcoat of a private. a soldier walked, a pure servant, a soldier walked, in the name of life, saving the earth, defending the world, he walked forward, a soldier. you are dear, growing up under the mountain, i
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was burning with him, there were only three of us left, out of 18 guys, so many of their friends. the good one remained lying in the dark, in an unfamiliar village, on a nameless height, in an unfamiliar village at a nameless height. the falling rocket glowed, like a burnt-out star, whoever has seen
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this at least once will never forget, he will not forget, i will not forget, furious attacks of an unfamiliar village on a nameless height, near an unfamiliar village on a nameless height, the mesers circled above us. they were visible as if during the day, but we only became stronger friends under the crossfire
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and no matter how difficult it was, you were faithful to your dream, stranger. on a nameless height, in an unfamiliar village, on a nameless height, i often dream of those guys, friends of my war days, dugouts. ours at three rolling, a pine tree burned for days, as if again i was standing with them on the fiery
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darkness of an unfamiliar village on a nameless extreme. i cut down an acquaintance at an unnamed height, they all remember, believe me, this cannot be forgotten, defeat and captivity. death roads, dog convoys and camps.
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laureate of international competitions ksenia beltyakova and the ballet of the honored ensemble of the republic of belarus, academic song and dance ensemble of the armed forces of the republic of belarus. as well as the young soloist yaroslava romanova, your applause, i will fly my wings over the abyss. i’ll add up
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, drunk from freedom, flying, i don’t regret anything for a long time, i haven’t served anyone for a long time except the truth and god, which gives me strength to rise again, go forward, survive to the end and... hold you for my father, for my children, for wife and mother, to prove, to complement. to fly to the end on earth, to be a human being, i’m no longer afraid of not making it, everything was paid for by me yesterday, and it
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’s no longer scary and it doesn’t matter, to leave something unsaid, not to sing, if it’s true, my god, what gives me strength? lift again in sight forward, to the end to stand up for yourself, for your father, for your children, for your wife and mother, to prove who paid, to fly, to swim to the end. to be a man on earth,
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to stand up to the end, to hold yourself up for your father, for your children, for your wife and... mother, to prove, crawl, fly, swim, to the end on earth, to be a man, to stand up to the end, you hold yourself up, for father, for children, for wife and mother, finish.
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song and dance ensemble of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, thank you ksenia for this bouquet of white roses, thank you.
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it seems to me, sometimes, that the soldiers are bloody. those who did not come to the fields, did not once die in our land, but turned into white cranes, they still fly from those distant times and... give us voices, that is not why they are so often sad, we fall silent, looking into the sky,
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flies , flies across the sky, a tired wedge, flies in the fog at the end of the day, in that land there is a small gap, maybe this is the place for me. the day will come from a flock of cranes, i will swim in the same one. from emgle from under the heavens
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, calling out like birds to all of you whom he left on earth, it seems to me, sometimes, that the soldiers, from the bloody, those who did not come from the fields, once fell into our land, but turned into white cranes.
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the song that will now sound, i sang with my daughter varvara, the toy apple trees were blooming, misty dust was falling over the river, katyusha came out onto the bank, like that one on a steep bank, katyusha came out onto the bank, onto a high bank on a steep bank, she went out and started a song, the gray eagle passed. about the one she loved, about the one she had her eye on, about the one
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she loved, just a brow, oh, you're pet, you're a girl's song, you're flying for the light of the yangtse, sing borderland, say hello from katyusha, and a lot. let's weed the borderland, say hello from katyusha, let him remember the simple girl, let him hear her sing, let him run away from his native land, and save katyusha's love, let him take the land to fuck. here are katyusha's savings, the toy apple trees were blooming,
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the fogs floated over the river, the mercy went out, onto the high bank, onto the steep one, the people came out, onto the high bank onto the steep one, onto the high bank onto the steep one. varvara ruslanovna. this is applause for you and flowers for you. and to me, thank you. oh hello my dears. cook, cook, cook, that's not all. i'll help you, daughter, wait. i was given my first bouquet of flowers when i was 24 years old, my daughter was 7 years old. thank you
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very much for your applause for such a warm welcome, and continue our festive program, the ballet of the honored ensemble of the republic of belarus, the academic song and dance ensemble of the armed forces of the republic of belarus. soldier's reach, welcome!
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one summer at dawn i looked into the neighboring garden, there was a dark-skinned moldavian woman picking grapes, i blushed, i turned pale, i wanted
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suddenly say, let's stand over the river, dawn... and meet the summer, curly, green with a streak of hair, i am in love, embarrassed before you, green with veins, yes , curly, yes, curly with a lick, once curly, green with a lick, i am a lover, a demon with a mushon cage , the maple is green, the maple is curly, and the maple is curly. oh, the dark-skinned moldovan woman answered the guy vlad, partisan, moldovan, we are gathering a detachment, it’s early today, we left our native partisan home, the road awaits you, with the partisans into a dense,
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stern forest, a green maple tree. here coal, we will part with you, green maple, curly, and curly layer, uncurly, on the green leaf, there is a lot of ice, we will part with you, green maple, curly, yes curly heat, dark-skinned, moldovan, along the path in the forest. i left, i saw the insult in that i didn’t invite the dark-skinned, moldovan women with me, i often thought at night, suddenly i met my dark-skinned girl in the detachment once, so curly. he’s a green
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, scary guy, he’s my good one , he’s a green maple, he’s bent, he’s curly. we took the eagle by mistake, went through the whole city, and
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the last street name passed, from the name is orthodox, branskaya street, it goes through the city, that means we have a road there, that means we have a road there, bianskaya street. the city of bransk leads us to the west in its hall, we walked through the whole city, we read the last street name, the name is, bravo word, fighting, minsk street, it goes through the city, that means we have a way there, that means we have a way there, minsk street, to the west we leads, we are afraid. the city of minsk, we walked through the whole city, the last street, we read the name, that’s the name, well done a military, sharp street goes through the city, it means
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there is someone there, protecting the road for us there, breska street leads us to the west, they took the city of bress with a fight, they passed through the whole city, and the last streets are named.
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that means we should go there, that means we should go there, berlin street will light up for victory. through mountains, rivers and valleys, through snowstorms of fire
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and black smoke, we drove cars, avoiding mines, along front-line roads, oh, the path, the front-line path, we are not afraid of our share, but it’s too early for us to die. we still have things to do at home, but it’s too early for us to die, we still have business at home from berlin, yes, by the way, there were friends, not easy and not quick, we walked days and nights, it was very difficult, but i didn’t throw the steering wheel, the path was path. we're not afraid of any kind of smart bomb, but it's too early to die, we still have things to do for a long time, but
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it's too early for us to die, we still have things to do at home, maybe there's one thing on our face, this song won't take us a bit. we won’t forget where we won’t live , from smart, well-trodden roads, the path is smart, not scary. any daughter is too early for us to die, we still have one at home things to do, but it’s too early for us to die; we still have a home.
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thank you, low bow to you, thank you very much, varvara alekhno, a person without a smile.
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it's strings without a violin, it's the sea without a seagull, it's a house without a mistress, it's a cat without a tail, it's a tail without a cat, you can't always smile, even if there's trouble nearby, you can't live without a smile at the front. we are friends, migratory birds, but our life alone is not good, we didn’t have time to get married on earth, you won’t find a wife in the sky, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, our dear home, first of all, first of all, airplanes, well
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girls. and the girls then, first of all, first of all, the planes, well, the girl, and the girls then, so as not to meet a pacifier on the way, remembering the affectionate look, we decided, friends, not to fall in love with even the most beautiful girls, hey, because, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, our home.
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you will shine, you will see, you will love, there is an order to fly tomorrow, because, because we are pilots, the sky is ours, the sky is ours, our home, first of all , first of all, airplanes, well, girls, and girls then, first of all, first of all, airplanes , well, girls, and then girls, we sing together and visa, because, because we are pilots, the sky is the sky, our dear home, first of all, first of all, airplanes, and then the girls, and the girls then, first of all, first of all, airplanes. choir of the honored
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ensemble, academic ensemble of song and dance of the armed forces of the republic of belarus, deputy head of the ensemble, conductor alexey yurchenko. from moscow to brest , there is no place where we would not flock together in the dust, slack with a notebook, or else...
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we would be the first to go to the cities, let's drink to the victory, to our newspaper, but we won't live, my dear, someone will hear, someone will write something, someone will remember you and me, from moscow to brest there is no place where we would not sneak around in the dust with a watering can with a flea pad, and that with a machine gun through... the fire and the cold we have passed, let's drink to the victory for our newspaper, but we won't live to see it, my dear, someone will hear, someone will write, someone will understand us
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with you, choir and ballet of the honored company of the republic of belarus, academic... belarus, your applause ! i ask, at least not for long. my pain, you leave me, clouds, gray clouds, you fly to
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to my native home, from here to my native home, my shore, appear in the distance, the edge, a thin line, my shore, gentle shore, oh dear, i wish i could swim to you, if only i could swim someday, somewhere far away, very far away, they are coming mushroom rains, cherries ripened in a small garden right next to the river. bending down to the ground, somewhere far in my memory, now, like in childhood, diplono, the memory is covered with such large snows, you are
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a cossack, give me a drink, to the fullest, and not to death, here again, like the last time, i keep looking where - then into the sky, as if i was looking for an answer, i i ask, at least not for long, my will, you leave me, into the clouds, gray. you fly to your native home, from here to your native sex.
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no matter how much war was waged, no matter how much work was done, love survived. its term is considerable, and it is not for nothing that there is no letter dearer than that from those distant hands, dear, tired hands, in the cracks of the skin, and it is not for nothing that i appeal to my wives herewith, wives, dear friends, you write more often, meet my brother on stage ...
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on a dark night, only bullets whistle. across the steppe, only the wind hums in the wires, the stars twinkle, on a dark night, you’re beloved, i know you’re not you sleep, secretly near the crib, you wipe away a tear. how i love the depth of your tender
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eyes, how i want to press my lips to them now, the dark night is shared by our loved ones. my love for us and the alarming black text lay between us, i believe in you, my dear friend, it was faith that kept me safe from the bully on that dark night. but joy
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is on me, i am calm in a mortal battle, i know that you will meet me with love, no matter what happens to me, death is not terrible, we have met it more than once in the steppe. and now she’s circling above me, you’re waiting for me, by the nursery i don’t sleep in the crib, so i know nothing will happen to me. it’s a dark night, only bullets
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are flying across the steppe, only the wind is humming in the wires, the stars are flickering dimly, it’s a dark night. thank you, happy holiday to you, happy victory day, peaceful skies above your head, be happy, always be happy, yuri likhno.
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