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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 12:50am-1:20am MSK

12:50 am
my god, what's going on here? kotov, why are you standing in the doorway? these are all cats with their pranks. kotov, i broke all my knees, crazy. van, why are you making fun of people, i’m all out of luck now. not only was he late, he was also acting stupid. so, everyone sat down and mouthed. they slammed it, i liked it, and you cats, immediately put your diary on my table, like this. andryusha, i graduated from the medical academy, when
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i found out that you got married, i threw up tears for 2 and a half years, then to tashkent, the central hospital asked for an appointment, they brought the guys there and worked around the clock, so that my head quickly fell back into place, my tears seemed like empty water. i didn’t get married, i didn’t meet, i don’t meet fate twice, yes, i thought i forgot everything, so many years have passed, but it bled, that’s an old wound. oh, lagovoi, lair, it would be better
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if you didn’t come, lenochka, you are the most wonderful, you are the most wonderful, beautiful, what kind of anchor clings us to other shores, only god knows.
12:53 am
that for belarusians, the usual life may seem truly exotic to others? volkovisky, if you have already arrived at the swedish mountain, then please count the number of steps. why should we consider this to be a tradition? of course, these are coins of rather rare minting from the 9th-10th centuries. in those days, girls from
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wealthy families wore such coins as jewelry, but it’s easy to become part of a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture. initially, volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river and it was on this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym “vauka, vya”, which is literally... this group has a special manner of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called songs in overlap, our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage, watch the travel show at home on our tv channel, what is the miracle of belarusian politics is that we do not forget: china and belarus will
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work together hand in hand as peace-loving costarst peoples. striving for common security. let's start each one with myself, so i want to reach hearts so that it becomes better, everyone should become better here in belarus. belarus and china, without agreeing, came to a similar point of view. in belarus, the genie of national unity, strength in unity, has been approved. the belarusian path of development is truly humane. the future project lies ahead of us. say don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
12:56 am
well, your hair is stunning, so much money again, period, well, a fiver before payday, and oh, pockmarked, 5 rubles. 5 rub. well, ryab, 5 rubles. yes sir. free, next, ton, ton, there’s a tenner before payday, but no, i won’t give you fidots, i gave it last time, you returned it two salaries later, i won’t give it, oh,
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please, a loaf of bread and milk, oh, and i thought i was some kind of bachelor , six people keep going in the morning, uh-huh, they can’t make it to pay, they’ll squander everything down to the penny, come to me, i’m antonina, what’s your name, marina evgenevna, and where do you live, who did you come instead of, instead of the kovalevs, yeah, instead of the kovalevs , i have run out, and so you are the wife of deputy commander polkanov, antonina, and where? can you tell me your email, email marina elgeevna, we have it in the village, only there you have to go through the gate, but not through the main one, but through the second one, where the hangars are, and the bus runs, what should i do, please.
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hello, hello, excuse me, i can order a conversation with leningrad, why they quickly jumped onto the windowsills.
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yes, andryukh, we didn’t even have time to really talk, it’s been so many years since we’ve seen you , i think it’s been 10 years, since the fifth anniversary of graduation,
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wow, damn, how time really flies, it seems like just yesterday you were running around as cadets, your daughters got so many, that’s just 15. bride, and i’m still single, lenochka, she’s bent over here, i know, we’ve seen each other, marina, how are you? it’s normal, something is normal, it sounds abnormal to you, everything’s fine, san, everything’s fine, okay, if you want to talk, we’ll talk, you know, i didn’t get married, i don’t regret it, but my nerves are stronger, in our business it’s like, order in the family, order in the sky, otherwise you will meet some lady, let me address you, lieutenant colonel, listen, volodya, all the cars are ready for flight, well, if they are ready, then we... we will fly, so comrade lieutenant colonel, well, where can we go? , let me go, i give you permission, yes, okay, andryukh, let's see you, come on,
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no, come on, come on!
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that's it, are you tired? let me show you today, dude? what is the name of our history teacher? did she ask anything? do we have a history teacher? period of recovery after the civil war? i see, van, cats, can you help me bring water, otherwise i’m running out, i’m for... “let me help,
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guys, guys, everyone come to me, i gave the grades, get your money, stop, where are you going?” , so stay here for now and wait until..." i’ll hand out the diaries, prokopenko, fetisova, mitrofanov, edik, lugovaya, and she went over there to get water, let me, i’ll give her, yeah, so some shoals. and he also went for water, let me tell you, take the cats and yours, so, tultsev, that’s it, van, van, can you imagine, i got water, i decided to turn on the tap, there was some idiot there, he turned off the tap and water was flowing in all directions, let's
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spray, i saw your diary on the joint, come on. catch up with what you're looking at, take it from me, come on, come on, catch up, what are you, van, and you'll never see anything else, i understand, freak, uh, cat, cat, what are you, zhen, you'll get by, zhen, van, are you sick, cats, are you really, why did you do this, what’s wrong with you, cat, what’s going on with your head lately, fuck you all, van, van, vanya.
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kotova has already stripped naked, you give the woman a naked tonic only for the elite that the weekend is off, the tonic is a day off, so i decided to use it for the good of the business, and kotiha would have to sculpt a sculpture for the museum, put herself up for viewing in order to spoil people’s mood, well, say the same. anton, you are beautiful, yeah, beautiful, like a gray cow. gennady, mom, gena. there is a dirty one, go ahead, wait, let me go, mom, let me go, the commander’s wife, she’s walking the heir, that’s what he
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found in this monster? well, why are you doing this, little one? or maybe she's a good person now. 20 times, otherwise she doesn’t come into my store, yeah, otherwise i’ve never seen her, she’s a good person, but she opens up like a mitten, then the flies in the store die from shock, listen, cat, are you protecting her, and do you want to sign up to be her friend, or what? oh, look, she’ll find out that you’re playing tricks with her man, so then you will make the whole garrison laugh. cheers, antonina! okay, i'll go, i'm tired of looking at your charms here, come, come, gena, come here! gena, gena, gena, gena, don’t you understand, oh, we love
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firewood for wild birds, if only we could invite you for tea, alenka! i’ll get up, no, thank you, there’s no need , well, let me wash your window, what are you doing, thank you, at least for 5 minutes, but i said, no, i need to pick up my pashka from kindergarten, that’s it, go away, i’m romeo too found, god. open,
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you are flooding my apartment, now the gas command will sound, everyone should put on gas masks, got ready time has gone, so, so, so seven... 8, 9, 10, pichugin, shoals, maltseva, bandarenka, nosova, you are sent, so, listen to me, the lesson of basic military training prepares every soviet schoolchild for combat operations theoretically. and almost everyone should take off their gas mask, tanya,
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how many monuments are there in the garrison? one, an old plane, there is a monument, and the meadow onosova, stop talking. hello, hello, please, can i see fyodor nikolaevich petrushin? no, no, it's not his wife, who's asking him, it's, it's his sister from baikal, this is intercity, no, you don’t need to transfer anything, i’ll call you back. “goodbye,
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you are sixty-nine, and sixty-nine, and what actually happened, otherwise, actually, it happened that you need to turn off the tap, you are probably the wife”? the regiment commander himself, yes, but i don’t care, you can launch ships in my house, oh, my god, my god, how can i do this, yes you go, go, i myself, no, my wallpaper is already peeling off, no it was enough for the floor to dry out, we will glue everything for you, forgive me, please, i’m really nervous today nowhere, to be honest, i don’t even remember how i opened this tap. why, oh, no need, well, why, well, just think about both, i
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spat on these both a thousand times, my father painted them all for me anyway, just think about the flood, but no one drowned, really, really, well, so what? then you’re crying, let’s scoop out the water, bitch. it's brighter than the sunny day , the sentries on the court are burning, spring, see us off, wrap us up.
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excuse me, please, but can you tell me what time it is? 6:22, thank you, 22 minutes.
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belarus charmed them at first sight, in fact, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met in belarus.
1:19 am
watch belarus today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travel. in the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries of finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up
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a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.


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