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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 2:05am-2:56am MSK

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we have our main museum, the first one, which opened in 1956, called the museum of the defense of the brest fortress, if there was a museum of the storming of the brest fortress, as they are trying to do, you know, they would reformat it, but i see it’s just backwards looking back, that how clearly it is , gradually, little by little, this policy of turning into a fortress went on - this is a soviet myth, that there was nothing here... there was nothing there, don’t believe there, no excursions, nothing, we will now tell you another story, a true one, from time to time liftable the question is that there really was no heroic defense, of course, of course, that the memorial is soviet propaganda, that the writer sergei sergeevich smirnov is a propagandist, he exaggerated everything here, that there is nothing to be proud of, this is the key word, well, look, some pseudo-historians, they also claim that the supposed defense of the brest fortress, and as such, is a fiction.
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executions, that for some time in germany they said that no, wehrmach, honest soldiers, they could not shoot hitler’s order and about the treatment of prisoners, the treatment there commissars, jews, like no, only the ss did it, the wehrmach didn’t, well , numerous documents, now the memories of the same ones, diaries of participants in the assault on the brest fortress from the forty-fifth infantry division of the wehrmach themselves, the germans or the austrians, yes.
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he has a defender of the brest fortress, and in israel, by the way, you tried to sort out this confusion, at that time, yes, pyotr kotelnikov remained alive, he is the youngest, still in russia, who is 100 years old, today there are still defenders living, no, defenders from those who are like petya kotelnik, although he fought with a weapon in his hands as a twelve-year-old boy, no longer, unfortunately, there are children who survived the war, they met the war at a young age, but i must say that... sefimovich feyrenshtein,
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who died in israel, he too defender, but defender of the fifth fort. another question is that sergei sergeevich smirnov, the museum staff of those years, yes, considered the defenders of the fortress, namely the defenders of the fortress core of these four islands, and already those who fought in the forts of the brest fortress, they were considered participants in the battles in area of ​​brest, yes, by the defenders of brest, that ’s why, as if one...
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july of forty-one, that is, a month after the start of the war, he was captured, then much later after the war he became a hero of the soviet union, and was buried in brest. yes from krasnodar, yes, but is it true that even in august, before hitler and musaleni arrived at the fortress, the ruins were still being shot at, gavrilov, pyotr mikhailovich, we always say that this is the last of the famous heroes of the brest fortress, there are german documents already written july 24-25 that july 23 at clearing
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then there are german memories, and the commandant of the fortress von unruh wrote that when he arrived in brest at the end of july for his post, there was still shooting, he fought with this shooting, that’s what the cleansing was carried out back in august of the forty-first year, at the beginning of august before the arrival of hitler and mussolini, so this confirmation is still waiting, probably in the german archives, and even more so... this famous story with the last defender, who was captured in the spring of forty-two, it became the basis for boris’s story vasiliev was not on the lists, i would like to literally briefly tell you
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why i, for example, believe that most likely this fact took place, because sergei sergeevich smirnov wrote about this in his letter from... the foreman of the eighty-fourth rifle regiment durasov, he was the commander of an ammunition supply platoon, and he wrote that yes, indeed, when i was in captivity, after my recovery in revere, this was a camp for wounded patients, our prisoners, yes, he worked in brest together with one of the jews , yes, there chopping wood and so on, such maintenance work, and he says once, it was already around april forty-two. years this jew was late, and then he told this story that when he was going to work, he was stopped by a german officer who got out of the car and said, will you come with me, that they came to the fortress, he said, there is a russian sitting there who does not give up , go persuade him, or we will shoot you, this famous
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story happened, yes, when he said that you are vying, that i want to look at your powerlessness and the german officer said that this a real hero, everyone knows this, this is... well written in the story, but what next? sergei sergeevich smirnov, in the course of his research work, based on the characteristic features of this jew, yes, that he was a violinist in a restaurant, by the way, the building where the restaurant was was still preserved in brest on komsomolskaya street, he determined that it was zalmonsky , that is, you see, durasov did not know the surname, it had already acquired its concrete existence, and already in the course of the research work of writing the book fortress, but even this is not unique to us. brest in that the only archive of the brest geto in europe was preserved, the germans did not have time to destroy it in 1944, when a museum employee examined this archive, she found a card of zalman of stastav, you know, in the archive, but this archive
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has already been completely examined, no, not yet there is, of course, something that can be explored, but you understand how many people like yes, it turns out. i really want to get these answers from you, today you are the person in whom the system, our system, it really really needs it, an active civic position is very good, but the symbiosis of an active historian, a specialist who has been preserving historical memory in practice for more than 20 years, right? and in such a symbolic place, you represent the first region in the council of the republic and will be a delegate of the supreme national assembly, let 's digress a little, but what was this path from a researcher to the head of the brest fortress, this is not just the brest fortress, but the belarusian symbol of courage, well, if
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honestly, to say, frankly, never i set myself the task of being a director or some kind of political figure there, i just did my job. probably the main secret is that i always tell our youth, yes, who comes to the breev fortress, loves their job, if you don’t love your job, don’t... do this, it’s impossible, you see, even touching on this issue, yes, we definitely have a staff turnover, people leave, but believe me, not the previous director, but grigory grigorievich bysyuk, whom i respect very much , not me, on purpose, but not we fire anyone there, they leave on their own, if suddenly, you know, there is a difference in the views, here in the head, with what you say, then this is impossible, impossible, so yes, i regret that people leave, but i think, well ... the fortress itself often squeezed you out, because well, that means this is not the place where you should work, so it so
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happened that, yes, i loved history since childhood, i went to the brest fortress, gradually just like that , i came to work there and worked, i ’ve been working for a while, so it’s simple, i guess i love my job, i love giving excursions, although now it’s not required by my position on the one hand, but sometimes i take excursions, because... firstly, don’t forget, i had practice and just communicating with people, you also get great pleasure, that ’s probably why i say that take a playing coach, believe me, this is very important, especially since i remember my impression that this story of yours really had such a serious impact back then, it was completely different, not like usual, you know, probably, also because , well, it’s not modest to talk about yourself good, but well, i honestly put every excursion through a shower, and the main thing is that... for me, these defenders of the fortress, they are like family to our team, so when
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we talk about them on excursions, we worry about them, let them through our souls , i must say that one of the significant points in the work of the memorial is that we have preserved the continuity of generations, but we are not in a mine, in the sense, yes, that for us the main thing is not physical health and age, experience is very important, so i as a director i try here is our older generation, yes, which i was taught for as long as possible, i say, while you are working, work, because you are a living example of history, a connection between generations, yes, and you are educating our youth, who come by your example, with your this incendiary relationship, not indifferent to work, this is very important, because you know, such a person read important words, history can only educate with the truth, rewrite history, you don’t even give for the sake of even more drama, well, you are that same person. brest fortress, yes, that's what they say, well
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you see, there was the main one, wait, they wanted to embellish in our favor, yes, yes, of course, larisa govaina worked, bibik was a consultant, i was a scientific historical consultant, and the main consultant was valery vladimirovich gubarenko, who then headed the brest fortress, but all the experienced employees participated, you see, we didn’t do it that way, that’s just... we’ll read, we let all the experienced employees read, so it’s not just my opinion, the whole team’s, for example, because we firmly believed there, well, there were nuances, i can even say, there was an idea that the captured major gavrilov, on august 26 he was shown to hitler and mussolini, you know, but i always tell the scriptwriters, i say, believe me, you read the memoirs of the defenders of the fortress, because that’s who we are folders with memories, with letters. you will never
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come up with stories like life writes in your life, why think up something if there were such moments in life that you can sit and read their tragedy, this heroism of people, therefore, since life itself came up with it, no one won’t come up with it, so these ones, yes, on the one hand it seems, well, it’s a good point, gavrilov is spitting there, let’s say in hitler’s face, yes, well, well... so i think that we should not become the same as them, because what is
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the point then, if we are the same, it is precisely our peculiarity, yes, love for the truth of our people, yes, for the truth, the fact that we will not lie or embellish ourselves, it will win in the end, however, it will still hold their way, yes, they are now imagining such things that now, even during polls in poland, i looked, yes, he’s already talking, and... with whom poland won, with what allies and the usa, england, france and poland, and against whom germany and the soviet union, there is kheroshima, a recent example is already numerous. yes, that almost the ussr bombed, right? you know, i was lost by chance in the historical encyclopedia published there in america, i read, you know, how it was written about gagarin, the first soviet cosmonaut, that is, how subtle, you know, manipulation, the first soviet cosmonaut, that is, not like the first man yes in space, huh the first soviet, and so on in everything,
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especially with regard to the great patriotic war, but people are not stupid either in the west or here. when they are faced with this outright lie, they want to know, but what really happened, this is when they want to know, unfortunately, a significant number, excuse me, as they say people are eating, but for such a slant it’s not very relevant to the program, but i remember perfectly a specific example now, yes, when the wargaming company, when they drew the image of an astronaut, there was gagarin, all in a helmet, but this is the famous one the inscription ussr, yes, but suddenly it was not there. it just didn’t turn out, because you seem to know the image, the first cosmonaut, yes, a small nuance, but it’s so significant,
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match,
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what are scientists working on today? a group of small devices is being created, who and how is helping to make our lives better, one device is made by belarus, and two devices are made by the russian federation, this group.
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look at the project, the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel. but look, here are modern textbooks, i i always believed that the soviet school, the school , yes, it was exemplary in terms of presenting information about the great patriotic war and the war in general, but in our current
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belarusian textbooks there is enough information about the bresse fortress, you probably appreciate this, yes, it is adequate is its presentation, this defense of the brez fortress in the whole great patriotic war, enough? they give more than this, in the textbooks of the ninth grade there is more information in general on the war in paragraphs, already in the eleventh grade, everything is combined into two paragraphs, the entire second world war, in the ninth grade , more information was given about the defense of the brest fortress and names, some circumstances, the task of the school is to give basic knowledge, and the task of the second school is to take them on excursions, and to the same khatyn, the museum of the great patriotic war in minsk , but didn’t you start learning from the ninth grade? all of our children are so wonderful in kindergarten, then you see
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how they grow up in school, you know, it is very important to direct government policy specifically towards kindergarten, because remember, here we are in our soviet childhood, yes, to the piano, photopiano, our army is strong there, it protects the world, we walked there, studied the capital. ussr moscow, the capital of the bssr minsk, they studied the anthem there, and it was right, because no matter what happened in the late eighties, in the nineties, when they drugged us, but then you see, all the same, this childish upbringing is now manifesting itself in us , therefore, i believe that the state should direct huge resources to educators so that they have higher salaries, because it is from educators a lot depends, you know, when... a person becomes 13-14 years old, it is very difficult to convince him of something, they educate him for years, then re-educate him, even take up to 12, this is the period when there is still
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a history textbook like theirs the great patriotic war is waiting ahead, and we need to get to know it now, so we at the ministry of culture have developed a system of communication with the ministry of education so that museum and pedagogical classes are conducted for primary schoolchildren, we have an excellent excursion.
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you understand, if already in theological such questions, i read a book about a serbian saint about a future war, when he wrote before the second world war, in general, many parameters
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of its future are correct and he predicted what it would be, it is impossible to achieve victory in a holy cause without faith, but temporarily it is possible, of course success, because why does it seem that the godless soviet state defeated germany, and then... respect for any enemy, you know, without mocking him, that is, when you have a spiritual core, it’s easier for you to fight at the front, victory will be faster, god must play ro, even in war, well, tell me, it’s a historical fact, on the territory of the brest fortress. this white church, it was then a club, yes, yes, why today is it really an active object, already spiritual, ecclesiastical, yes, why is this important, except?
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and said before the screening of the film on june 21 that there would be no war, wow, the tas message that it was all rumors, then a few hours later the war began, and then - the dilapidated temple stood as an object of a memorial complex, yes, in ninety in the fourth year, it was decided to hand it over to the believers, and its restoration began, the rector of the temple, father igor, in
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general, put his life on its ... restoration, but inside the temple there were still traces of battles, this is a very strong contrast, external beauty, yes, in a pseudo-byzantine style, you go inside, traces of battles, marks, yes, this is very important not to lose, because the energy there is very powerful, crazy, it’s true, and i believe that a warrior without faith cannot be real warriors, protector of his fatherland, because yes, i ’ll tell you more, also touching on... yes prevails over spiritual values, because as the modern war in ukraine has shown, yes, an egoist will not go to defend his country, because he only cares about himself, only a person who is not an egoist can give his life for something, but our task as a state is to help young people understand what they can give their
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life for. we are not calling for them to die or anything, but simply he must understand that there is something greater, sacred, than his life, this is our own country, it is very difficult to educate in modern society, but this is our task, well, returning a little to the main question, but on the territory of the brest fortress , excavations are still being carried out; the remains of the dead are being found, what new facts can you tell us when the last such excavations were.
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a vivid illustration of the work that was carried out in our museum, yes, they found 58 remains in this crater,
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a large-caliber crater. that in the seventy-first year his name was symbolic according to documents and the memories certified by the military registration and enlistment office of eyewitnesses of his death are placed on slabs and memorials; 70 years after his death in 2011, his remains were found with a medal, do you understand? this is a very important point, a connection between the times, that we still find the defenders of the fortress, we tear their names out of oblivion,
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well, now the belarusian... the prosecutor's office is closely involved in the issues of the genocide of our people and is carrying out this colossal work on, in particular in terms of finding out the truth of this historical story, who now? look can effectively resist attempts to rewrite history: law enforcement officers, historians, statesmen, politicians? who? all together, all together, because we must work together and fight this, and what’s more, it seems to me that a huge role in this lies with our higher education, with the history departments that graduate. teachers of history, and these history teachers must be charged, they must be patriots of their side, because children look to the example, but we can’t tell them about patriotism and at the same time behave completely differently, they will say: well, what are you
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telling us here, but who are you yourself? that’s why it seems to me, well, this is being carried out, we also have a commission under the administration of the president of the republic of belarus, and on historical policy, this is an important role for us to play. patriotic teachers who, by personal example, well, what can i say, there are moments, yes, when you have to go to the brest fortress, the teachers say, oh, again to this brest fortress, if the teacher says what the child will think, or the parent will tell him, again money needs to be spent on this crass fortress, it is very important that these people who tell children about the great patriotic war themselves empathize, themselves...
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the very concept of historical memory has already become a constitutional norm, protected, yes, protected by the state, but by -laws and legislative acts are always important in the development of constitutional norms. what legislative acts do you think are missing in belarus today to preserve this very self-identity, historical memory, sovereignty, you know, i just joined the commission on statehood in the chamber, and our council of the republic and on lawmaking, i just think that the deputies and i will think about this issue, the task that you have set is to understand whether these laws are enough, it seems to me that... basically, yes, we now also have a national nervous system, which plays this role, cementing, yes, the connection between generations , ensuring a political transition, from shocks, protecting, again about the genocide of the belarusian law, it seems like and there is
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all the laws, but they must work, here, probably, even more of a role is to ensure that these laws begin to actually work, to ensure that they work, then, if we talk about... such ordinary things, you know, sometimes it’s awkward this is a reduction of the second world war, you think, well, what kind of second world war, even in documents, in the public space, the great patriotic war shortens it like that, it’s impossible, there are things that cannot be shortened, not accelerated, because by shortening the second world war we disrespect the great memory domestically, me and myself i say, sometimes you make such mistakes yourself, but it’s very important to pay attention to the little things. faithful to memory, because without this there will be nothing but verbiage and we will not achieve anything, then an important understanding, as for lawmaking, yes, that
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memorial places should have a special status, because now we often have to deal with such an understanding that the fortress is a tourist site, no, the fortress is first and foremost a memorial site, a memorial complex. therefore , there should be some restrictions on many issues, and people should come to memorial, well, there shouldn’t be a plan, it’s probably a difficult question, no, let’s say frankly, if this is a memorial complex, there definitely can’t be a plan, well, the state should, of course, in my opinion, take on very large financial obligations, because that culture is yes, some financial issue must of course be earned, but it is primarily about something else, but it is difficult to cross.
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with you again to the topic of 2020, you know, when we were tortured in this way, it turns out that we are somewhere in the belarusian dimness they didn’t want to offend the same neighboring one... other people will come to educate them, who will educate them the way they need, i am very sorry
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that i am forced to ask the last semi-philosophical traditional question: many films have been made about the brez fortress, why do we need to learn from them, and what we need to learn, you know, i and pikul are a very good writer. there in the book, the area of ​​fallen fighters, there are such beautiful words, he says, but what does he say? why even in those villainous times people were different, but because they loved their homeland more than than is customary now, but these are the key words in their memories, pride for the country, this is sorely lacking, i repeat once again that without pride for the country it is impossible to fight for it, right? and the state cannot develop without
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people feeling this pride for their country, for what has been done, now thank god, we understand everything, then the next question is that people gave their lives, yes, repression, again, so i raised a question in the film brest fortress in the credits, according to gavrilov they say, but about repressions for us too how many experts of the brest fortress said, here gavrilov was repressed, he was never repressed, read the title there on... he was subjected to repression, what does this mean that gavrilov, yes, was expelled from the army, that he, with the mark of a prisoner, could not get a normal job, worked as a watchman in some kind of shack in krasnodar, which he knocked down with his own hands, is this a place for a hero, we should not turn a blind eye to the negative moments in history, because when we embellish it, yes, we’ll do it , young people are not will believe this story, so we should talk about these relations with former ... prisoners in the history of the fortress, but what
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is significant is that those who survived were even subjected to the unfair treatment of the soviet state, and in the first years, after the war, there is a kung, nikolai fedorovich, the same defender of the fortress, who was beaten there for several months in prison, because in buchenwald he was among the participants in the uprising in the camp, yes, and they tried to confess to him that he was an sdm agent there and so on. and what do you think, they lived with resentment for their own country? no, until the last days of my life, but thanks to the fact that i came to the fortress a long time ago, i even corresponded with them, they wrote all the time in letters about how we could develop russia and belarus, that is, they were worried about the country, the quality of a patriot , because patriotism is not only in the biological feeling of love, no, patriotism must be conscious, we must understand and see shortcomings, and think about how we can improve. country, you know, life in the country, and the defenders of the fortress teach us all this,
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because in fact, you know, some historians say that the war was won in ten years, that is, education, culture, which we must invest in our people, but this, i’m not an economist, i understand that economic programs are put in first place somewhere, but if we miss education and culture , then who we grow up to be, but we can’t have this moment since childhood. i want to end here, and i want to really be heard, you need to start from childhood, from kindergarten, from kindergarten, everything you wanted to know about connections and history, religion and culture in the modern world, with the name of the prince izyasoslav is associated with the emergence.
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he especially brought up the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? the monastery's cathedral of the exaltation of the cross is located. a copy of the very cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia and another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell you and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel.
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as soon as you say belarusian milk abroad, people immediately begin to sing odes to it, and of course, this is nice, because we do a lot of things, among all this deliciousness, of course, cheese, a product worthy of compliments, and today we will learn how it is made. hello everyone, my name is ikai and i. from china, now i live in minsk and like to try different foods, i really like belarusian cheese, if possible, i would really like to be at some cheese production, hello, oh, hello, you've been waiting for me for a long time, yes, okay, okay , i'm pasha, kai, very nice, i saw your video, and you know, you surprised me very much, yeah,
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why, because i think that in china they treat cheese quite calmly, but here you, man, how cheese is made, but you and i will go to slutsk, one of the largest enterprises is located there, yes, yes, in fact, there are a lot of cheese factories in belarus, both small and large, but we decided to show you the huge scale, great, let's go, let's go, ready to go, come on,
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well, kai, we came to see how cheeses are made, let's go, let's go, come on, oh , hello, my name is ika, i’m from china, i brought you a friend who loves cheese and wants to know everything about him, we are glad to welcome you, we will show you how everything is. happens from the beginning of the process until the end, when we receive the finished product and try it and release it for sale, look, it is already in anticipation, so, kai, you and i are now in a dirty zone, where workers, coming here to production, take off their outerwear and to get inside you need to undergo complete
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processing, let's first see how this is done, as i understand it, you will be my test subject, you are the first, i will tell you, what to do, and you are already directly. first you need to place your hands in this zone, the washing zone, come on, here comes the water, you wash, then soap, yeah, i see everything, so, good, there is soap, there is, now there is water again, you ’re doing well, well done , now you need to dry your hands, uh-huh, well done, next, look, the disinfection zone. now it’s my turn, i’m crystal clean, ready for everything
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, we’ve been sanitized , now we need to put on sanitary clothes so that we can work completely clean zone, yeah, we're ready, i don't even know how people make cheese, i just buy it at the store, eat it, oh, pavel, look at the look here. yes, we are in the transition gallery that connects our production areas, we can observe the beginning of the milk acceptance process, so i have a question, do tanks with fresh milk arrive from some nearby enterprises or is the geography much larger in belarus? the enterprise is located in its raw material zone in order to deliver as quickly as possible, it was as fresh as possible milk, they arrive during the day, they arrive in several stages, that is... there is morning milking, which arrives in the very morning, starts at about 8, at 7:30 the last cars end, around 10-11
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pm, that is there are about two cycles of collection from one farm, the night milking goes into them and is stored in tanks - on the farm itself, i am from central china, although we have dairy products, but from my point of view they are not so tasty and not very quality when i just i came to... i tried your milk, i still remember that the fat there was 3.2%, i have never tasted such delicious milk, we have another desbarrier on the way, we must go through to get to the production area directly, how much does each of you come here, the largest machine is about 30 tons of milk, this is one machine, and how many total machines come per day is about 70, but they are all different. quantity, in total about 700 tons of milk comes in per day, and 700 tons of milk per day, there are so many cows in belarus, we
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with you we get to the laboratory assistant’s workplace, this is the first point of control, where we will open the car tank for me, interfere, take samples and then conduct a study of these samples, but wait, why do i look at each one to try, in each section there may be a certain farm, certain physical and chemical indicators for which? because i like these smells, but for some reason some people, especially my chinese friends, just don’t, kai immediately
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began to rush into battle, even he didn’t want that in my opinion, they showed me how to do it correctly, he wanted to do everything himself, try, okay, when i tried i realized that it was not so easy, it required a lot of effort. started a new job, yeah, now we take the sampler, like this, once, lower it, close it, yes, and look, we type it here, like that, oops, okay, i understand, try it, yeah, let’s try it, so, so, so, we took spot samples, now we need to pour the container and take it to the laboratory,
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this is just some kind of treasure for me, i don’t know, i held it so well, just yes we close the lid and carry the laboratory for now. now we will determine the acidity in milk; we need to measure 20 into a glass.


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