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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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older guys understand that the country’s sovereignty gives them the opportunity to study for free, for example, at belarusian universities. such accessibility to education does not exist throughout the world. our history is written in this anthem, our friendship is written, it describes all our strength of our belarusian people. athletes and fans generally perceive the flag in a special way; it is a symbol of collective work. and the country where you grew up, and the coaches who trained the future champion. and when our athletes are not allowed in, they are not given the opportunity.
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you accept the shoulders of your predecessors, relying on all achievements as a strong baton in preserving the strengthening of belarusian statehood and oblige to sacredly preserve the symbols of an independent country. for me personally, this day is filled with special symbolism. almost 30 years ago, on may 14...
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people often abandon their usual symbols, and you need to understand that this breaks the connection between generations, this is not the best example for the descendants of people who defeated nazism, and if in general you look at the role of state symbols simply in everyone our day, then this almost the main role. soon ceremonial assemblies will be held in schools. to the sounds of the anthem, tens of thousands of graduates will take their first steps into independent life. the sowing season has ended, and the harvesting of the fields is ahead. thousands of belarusian combine harvesters will come out, farmers will perform their labor feat under their native flag, hundreds of couples are preparing to enter into legal marriage, the official seal creaks oaths of love and fidelity of new families, more and more often our coats of arms can be seen in the windows of residential buildings, in cars, and july 3 at the main...
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for our country, the holiday is independence day, on which we will celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, millions of compatriots will fill the squares of towns and villages to sing the anthem together, people are proud that they are real belarusians, these are the same symbols that mark our victories, the flag of belarus was raised by scientific polar explorers in antarctica, paratroopers at the north pole,
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some kind of rhythm of work, you always find time, be it a day off or some evening day, to unfold it, take pictures, and, well, mark it presence on board the international space station. the belarusian flag was carried to the iss not only by experienced men, but also by very brave girls. marina vasilevskaya, the first belarusian cosmonaut, a hero of belarus with a very honorable and touching mission.
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the red color of the flag is our strength, courage and nobility, and they also say our sun, green - hope, health, youth, our forest, we are the lungs of europe, white - purity, reconciliation and wisdom, the ornament is a symbol of the ancient culture of the people, you know you what belarus is the first country in the world to use national ornaments as an element of the state.
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what is the richness of the belarusian land, why is the brand made in belarus, an exhibition of achievements of all regions worked on the square of the flag of the coat of arms and the anthem. industrial giants talked about their successes, the castle and palaces invited tourists to the promenade, and there were space paraphernalia.
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in a small volume of achievements or characteristic cultural original relics that we inherited from the times of, let’s say, ancient polochina, ancient vitebsk region, then the heritage that we are now multiplying and trying to familiarize the younger generation with it, for which modern factories and small... productions are already working, and industry, agriculture, what each of the regions is proud of, is presented in a framework within this the exhibition, of course, the exposition is quite modest, but what the regions wanted to show, what they can be proud of, what they can bring here for the celebration of the coat of arms of the flag and
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anthem, they demonstrated here today, for those who have never been to the regions, it’s a small spoiler to go and see, we are preserving our culture, we are reviving our culture. non-traditional production typical for various regions of our country, and of course the industry that we still have, which was not destroyed during the transition period of the nineties, when privatization, liquidation of production, conversion, all the other nonsense that destroyed industry in many countries was fashionable, here this is the most economic industrial layer, we have it all, we are no longer in that quality and not that...
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revenge, who now raise their heads and in many countries march on the central
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avenues, they, of course, are enraged by this, like by a priest in the temple of satan, by his incense, well, probably this is the only comparison, which can be applied, they lost. they will now lose the green canvas - these are our fields, this is what we are proud of, forests, this is our green country, and this is our achievement, we are the lungs of europe. the ornament that we have on our flag is the only flag in the world that contains a national ornament that came to us from the vitebsk region, which adorns our flag, we have a peaceful flag, we have a peaceful coat of arms, we do not include weapons, tanks, or any aggressive animals in our flag, we have a peaceful anthem , first line, we are belarusians, peaceful people, this reflects our essence, this reflects our philosophy, and this... once again shows that the state is a people who have repeatedly survived difficult invasions, interventions,
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occupations and the first world war over the past century , during the great patriotic war, the state was practically destroyed, wiped off the face of the earth, a third of the population died, it is being reborn, our people at the genetic level, well, they definitely don’t want there to be a war somewhere, especially since we had a war, we are peaceful people and do everything for in order...
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there are also enough problems in the political for them, it would probably be more correct, in the structure there, in the social structure where they live, from a moral point of view we will see what marches, what angry posts and what malicious speeches they will there to conduct about all those things in which they condemn us, so many young people from all regions, all of them with flags are absolutely patriots, it says that, well, in general, the right upbringing and the right accents are set today. in the state, you know, when i visit the regions and speak to students, junior, senior
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students, schoolchildren, i catch myself thinking that they are more patriotic than even us, but even more so than the generation of the nineties, which, unfortunately , caught this rampant liberalism, when we abandoned our values, when in to some extent, we have lost part of a generation, our country has everything in order to realize itself, in order... to live in comfortable conditions, get a decent education, become successful, grow up the career ladder or become simply a good specialist, and children, who are now replacing those who you considered to be the younger generation, they are more patriotic, they perceive the anthem, the flag, and the coat of arms as their own, they do not accept any alternative history in this regard, and speaking in front of them, i sometimes even i'm catching it myself to the thought that it is not i who convince them of something, but they convince me of something. and i have high hope, good hope, that we will transfer our country into the hands of those people, those
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still children, the younger generation, who will preserve it, increase wealth and make it much better than it is now. the famous irish journalist, chey bowes, told the social network x that the main culprits of the tragedy in belgorod, which happened the day before, are. it is the countries of this bloc that provide worldwide support and arm kiev, which in turn attacks civilians. yesterday , the ukrainian side launched a missile strike on one of the houses in the russian regional center. the victims of this criminal act were 19 residents of belgorod, including children. meanwhile, a supposedly peace conference will open in switzerland in june, but neither europe nor the states want peace, he said.
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our cause is right, and if they want it on the battlefield, it will be on the battlefield, look at how they have now banned the sustainable, broad advance of our armed forces. here again according to lavrov, even choosing switzerland as a negotiating platform is a mistake: this country is no longer neutral, it supports ukraine, and
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therefore cannot act as a place where both countries in the conflict feel free and confident. but aggression against the civilian population is the policy of the kiev regime, which was carried out after the maidan, then ukraine became a testing ground for honing the methods and technologies of color revolutions, when a brother can go against his brother with all the cruelty because he speaks a different language or thinks differently. on the territory of the country of the former ussr, for the first time we were faced with the fact that , due to inconvenient information, the site could be blocked, publications from...
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the authorities, control interception, and how the media describes this event, but when i realized that all the journalists in donbass, suddenly too they describe the events from the point of view of the maidan, i realized that something had to be done here, and i actually had already abandoned all my affairs, in january i started publishing a newspaper with my like-minded people, it was called truth, and i wrote there how i understand how events happen. in kiev , i saw this information war right away. elena nikitina, an entrepreneur and journalist, she found herself at the epicenter of historical events, by the will of fate, becoming the minister of information of the donetsk people's republic. how does a person feel when war breaks into his life, how do his ideas change if he becomes not just an eyewitness,
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but the burden of responsibility for the fate of others falls on him. look, today is the evening in a topical interview.
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gratitude to the land of belarus that we are in this we are not alone in trouble, that you are next to us, every smile of a belarusian here on this earth, every kind word, every sign of attention for these families, for us and for me as well, is priceless, today these families simply found new friends, a new support, belarus has very clean air, very kind, pleasant
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people, it’s very nice here, it’s fun, there are a lot of programs, they are very different... i will leave only with positive emotions, probably because the air here is so fresh, it’s nice here located, beautiful, rehabilitation program for this group children will last until may 24, the project, let me remind you, is being implemented by the alexey talay foundation with the support of the union state. negotiations between poland and ukraine on grain supplies, which were supposed to begin tomorrow. solsky was accused of fraud in the amount of 11 million dollars. the official was recently fired, but the poles insist on a complete cleansing of the corruption field in ukraine, at least
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on the grain issue. about a year ago , the americans linked military assistance to the intensification of anti-corruption policies. several high-profile cases in ukraine really started, but it didn’t seem to have any effect on the scale of theft. and the corrupt officials, all of them, are at large. nazi smuggling, who and where created rat trails for the escape of hitler’s favorites, how seasoned fascists were pulled out of camps and what does the cia have to do with it, as well as the theft of nuclear technology, what secrets did the americans steal from the third reich and how theft was filed for their own heroism, understandable politics continues the cycle programs about the cynical us operations after the collapse of germany. look.
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the poles begin construction of a new
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security fence on the border with our country, this was stated by deputy minister of defense of poland tomczyk. 2 years ago, let me remind you, one fence was already built on the border of a 186 km long structure. then it cost the budget 400 million euros. however, now it will be destroyed in its place. they will build something new, technically complex. the development of elements of the future security system was carried out by the selevsky institute of technology. the high-tech fence will cost 370 million euros. similar border fences are becoming a source of income for polish officials. build them down can be indefinitely long. i remember the fence pioneer from ukraine, the famous ukrainian wall of yatsenyuk, which never happened. but she made the former kiev prime minister a millionaire, will the new wall stop the refugees who were promised the gardens of eden of europe, when the existing one, which was also
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said to be impassable, the refugees overcome without any problems. today it became known that clashes occurred at the border between polish border guards and migrants. the latter was extremely tired of them small groups become victims, so groups began to form. more. about one and a half hundred people tried to storm the border. the polish border guards seemed to be able to repel the attack, but there were casualties. the airspace of our neighboring nato countries. it is becoming increasingly denser with military facilities. there have already been incidents of border violations by drones and helicopters. control of the sky is the most important condition for safety. that is why the inspection of the duty forces of the air force and troops. under the control of president alexander lukashenko. what is the reaction speed of domestic air defense specialists? how do we increase the potential of sky defense? let's talk about this in the
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disposition project. on air disposition is gagarin. go. in the spring, sometimes you feel drawn to stupid questions. and so you think what the minister of foreign affairs should do, it would seem. improve relations between countries, at least not aggravate, smooth corners, bring them to the negotiating table and definitely not contribute to war, no matter how it is, the true european head of meath is above all these generally accepted guidelines, let's say, the minister of foreign affairs of poland, radoslaw sekorski, he, i believe, is in a quarrel with his minister of defense, because he mercilessly eats his bread. sekorsky, if he does propose, then, for example, to create a heavy rapid reaction brigade in europe, it’s easy. the politician gives military advice to ukraine, and generally presses on germany, this is from the most recent. the united states provided an army tactical missile system with a range of
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300 km. it's time for germany to hand over its taurus. radoslaw sekorski, minister of foreign affairs poland. the missiles that tikorsky professionally talks about are dangerous because they are difficult to destroy, and damage from strikes from the sky can cause critical damage to the country. therefore , the air defense system is constantly in the field of view of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces. alexander lukashenko gave his assessment of the military. i'm not, i served in the air defense forces. but i see how the check is being carried out, its intention, you found all the targets, you coped with all the targets, this is great, not a single target passed you by, to the central command post the air force and air defense forces, where the president was working the other day, receive all the information about the air situation; border violators in the sky, be it atacoms, taurus, aviation, drones or even sikorsky,
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are tracked first. its complexes of radio technical troops. if it is necessary to neutralize the threat, the strike components of the duty forces of the air force and air defense forces are activated. by the way, according to the classics, the zrks-400 will be the first to meet the opponent. radar systems will notice a target at a distance of up to 600 km, but when the object approaches at a distance of 400, it will close to knockout. a feature of the belarusian algorithm is the ability to quickly close any direction with the triumph complex. for this purpose, specialists continuously train in...
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naturally, preparation for the class is underway, we carry out practical retraining for the su-30cm aircraft, young pilots, recent graduates of our military academy. the speed of changing patterns and confrontations in the skies affected the training of future officers. the military academy took a bold step by including a research component, even in test exercise. now it is not enough for a cadet to have impeccable knowledge of the material covered; he must be guided internally. as ukraine shows, this is the most important skill in war. the cadets performed firing from short-range and short- range anti-aircraft systems; they completed all the tasks that were assigned with an excellent mark. i would like to note that today’s combat shooting was a little specific, because we were shooting at experimental targets that simulate high-precision weapons and the level of training
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on... tomorrow is parents' day of remembrance of the dead, traffic police officers recommend coming to the burial sites on radunitsa by public transport. today and tomorrow, traffic police units are serving in enhanced mode, including at cemeteries, places of greatest concentration of people. traffic inspectors provide assistance in organizing
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traffic and provide advice. for drivers, how best to get to pogosta. traffic at the cemeteries was heavy today, but the movement did not stop. those who arrived by car, of course, had to wait a little, those who wanted to drive a car into the burial grounds, entry was paid, tomorrow it will be free. traffic police recommend using public transport, as due to the large influx of people , small traffic jams can be created, also for public transport.
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additional buses have been organized to minsk cemeteries until may 14, including the route map for vehicles, information about the operation of buses is available on... the website of a specialized utility service plant in the useful information section, as reported, additional passenger transport will go to the severnoye, kolodische, western chizhovskoye, mikhanovych and lesnoye cemeteries, where you can buy flowers, lamps, decorative crushed stone and other types of ritual products. specialists will work on site to advise on the installation and repair of gravestones. the region that consistently holds a high bar in the agro-industrial complex, a quarter of all agricultural products produced in our country, is the minsk region, and the central region also provides a fifth
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industrial products. by the way, according to the results of socio-economic development over the past year, the central region is on the republican honor roll, as well as soligorsk and neshsiysk. this year. in the minsk region , almost fifty investment projects are being implemented under the one district one project program; aleksey kondratenko will tell you about the achievements of the plans. in the more than two million loaves of the minsk region, almost half a million tons of corn grain is the most significant gross harvest in belarus and a historical record for farmers of the central region. this raw materials that are important for the agricultural sector need to be preserved in a high-quality manner; the equipment of the amkador holding plays a key role in this. the plant in krupki specializes in the production of grain drying complexes. one of the new projects of the amkador company is a
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conveyor-type grain dryer. it can process up to 30 tons of raw materials per hour. these are not only grains and legumes, but also small grain crops, as well as herbs. in the current portfolio of the company. this is from moscow to the far east, siberia. we are currently working on another investment project, which is carried out jointly with regional executive committee this is the construction of a production building with a total area of
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​​10.00 km with new technological equipment. at the new production we plan to produce the same conveyor-type dryers and a mobile dryer. niva, as well as dryers and grain drying complexes with an intelligent control system. the region is strengthening its agro-industrial status every year, largely thanks to the active work of the derzhinsky agricultural complex, which in this part of the central region alone produces almost 80,000 tons of grain and about 14,000 tons of poultry meat. a new and significant location will appear on the agro-industrial map of the minsk region in the near future, this is a branch of poultry houses for fattening broilers in the village of kuty, krupsky district. today it is. an active large construction site, the flagship of the agro-industrial complex of our country is building 16 new poultry houses, the effect of the project is 90 jobs plus 9,000 tons of poultry meat annually. the strategic task in the economy of the minsk
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region is the full-scale development of all its regions, so the program for one district will include one project, this year alone will include almost fifty investment projects of a total worth more than one and a half billion.
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the landscape of the capital's satellite towns is changing noticeably, soon in smolevichi. a block of two dozen high-rise buildings with a school, a new shopping center and kindergartens will take on its full appearance, and by the fall most of the r-53 highway will be a broadband high-speed concrete road, which means it will be possible to get from minsk to zhodino in a protected minute, where, by the way, belaz continues to carry out large-scale modernization, updating, as well as new products, including an electric dump truck and a heavy truck running on gas fuel up to...
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back in the fall, we compiled a list of streets where
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a complete replacement of asphalt was required; new ones have already been laid on filimonovo, and are now being laid on vanevo and kharkovskaya. the list is actually more than fifty streets, this list can be viewed on the official website of gurim, it is sometimes adjusted as a result of inspections, it is also planned to increase the volume of crack sealing this year, it has a very positive effect on the road, especially in winter, sealing allows not fall into data lags cracks, so do not destroy these areas. as for roads in yards, the president aimed to resolve issues together with residents, for example, so that materials would be supplied by local authorities, or a small part of the costs would be covered by the users themselves. increased salaries for a number of health workers, including an increase in the amount of additional payment for work in rural areas. the resolution has been in effect since may 1, and the amount of the premium has been increased. fap,
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general practitioners in outpatient clinics, district hospitals, nursing hospitals. this measure will not only increase salaries of doctors who provide primary medical care to villagers, but to retain personnel in the workplace. yulia khmel will talk about the nuances of the changes. obstetric center in the village of novy dvor, minsk region. the main assistant here is elena zhdan, she has a lot of work experience, she’s been working at this fap for 20 years. elena petrovna is there because of the therapist, because of the cardiologist, because of the ophthalmologist and for the gynecologist. the work is responsible, covering four villages, which means 730 patients. i already have a lot of work experience, and i’m trying to cope somehow, that is, i’m on time, i make appointments for pregnant women at one time, appointments at another, and maintenance. calls after lunch, and at the same time i do electrocardiograms and
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measure intraocular pressure. elena zhdan admits that gratitude from patients is not uncommon here; when your work is also rewarded financially, it is doubly pleasant. so, from may 1, according to a new decree of the ministry of health, rural health workers will receive a cash bonus. the amount of the surcharge has been increased to 40% of the base rate. this measure will allow, among other things, to secure personnel in jobs. and this is already. shershuskaya outpatient clinic, service area is even larger, 33 villages, almost 1,800 patients, they say here that it is a direct responsibility to treat with high quality, and a financial bonus never hurts. we, as an outpatient clinic, are the first link that provides assistance, that is, how we provide assistance in the first stages, so in the future the health of our population will depend from small to large, that is, first of all, they turn to us, we provide assistance for adults and children, you can also get help with dental treatment here,
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the premium for work in the healthcare sector has become more significant for felchers, mobile teams, emergency medical services, and those who go out on call ...
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the vitebsk border takes place in the sinensky district. near the village of nereisha , the remains of the crew of the soviet pe-2 bomber are being recovered. according to the stories of local residents and archival data, 83 years ago it was hit by the enemy from a great height and crashed into
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the ground. all crew members died. my colleague marina romanovskaya is monitoring the progress of the search work. usual for a remote village silence is replaced by the noise of the field camp; before setting up the tents, they did a lot of work in the archives on the ground. today we get up especially early, after formation everyone goes together to search and retrieve the remains of the crew of a soviet dive bomber. natives of the nearby villages, calling this event historical, came to support the searchers.
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it is clear that there are fragments of a winged vehicle underground, it is known that at the beginning of july '41, during the lepel counterattack, german messerts shot down two soviet bomber. both aircraft were part of the ninety-fifth high-speed aviation bomber regiment and carried out combat missions to bomb advancing enemy columns. we will make an attempt to still get to the truth, lifting the veil of secrecy of the forty- first year. we believe in it. that we will still establish which of the two crews died in this place, since we do not yet know who died, we wrote two crews on all the plaques. in both crews , the gunners and radio operators were belarusians, their names known, georgy lyakhovich and pyotr levshunov, among the dead is a native of the kaluga region,
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navigator nikolai antropov. however, his relative came from moscow to see the supposed place of death to honor the memory of his great-uncle. it will be possible to determine the remains of which particular crew the search engines are extracting only by the engine number based on other significant finds. in our family we honor the memory, my children know everything that we have here, somewhere there is a deceased uncle, grandfather, great-grandfather, great-great-grandfather already, perhaps they have already had damage to attack, they were finished off in the air, we were in very close contact. now only by hand, almost immediately it was possible to detect burnt elements of the cabin and small isolated
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bone remains. in the future, well , the finds accompanying the field search work will be transferred to the military commissariat of the seninsky district and the bone remains will be transferred to local authorities to resolve the issue of further reburial. in the year of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus , a lot of work continues in our country to establish the places of death of immortals. marina romanovskaya, mikhail khristoforov, television news agency.
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gto is back in fashion, the abbreviation stands for ready for work and defense. the main goal of the complex is to develop mass sports and improve the health of the population. everyone can test their strength, including the correspondents of the television news agency, who are together with the students. at the fc we tested our strength and found out how difficult it is to pass the standards; we’ll find out what came of it right now. if you think being a sports journalist is easy... interview business trip filming, then you are wrong, which we will prove today. together with the bsu fc students, we will pass the standards, we have passed the preliminary registration and are ready to receive grades. in order to pass with dignity, of course, students need to annually improve their sports
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skills, because it is quite difficult to simply come unprepared and fulfill all the standards, these standards do not so much improve physical qualities as they test, that is, the student receives a real grade, check your physical level preparedness, which will be useful to him in later life for planning certain sports activities, for example, he wants to take.
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survive everything you can, that is, in any standard you do this, but here i have a specific task to work until the end for seconds on repetition, treasure, please tell me, what standards have you already passed, what grades, what grades, results, good, i already passed the pull-up, 30 m long jump, now i’m going to go to the slope, i’ve already passed everything by 10, and how many times did i stretch 20 times, this is a dozen, yes, this is a dozen, yes, of course, there are supervisory hours, meetings with deans, with the university leadership in order to prepare students to...


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