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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 7:45am-8:16am MSK

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i was in my city, but i’m sure i knew this answer, i just wasn’t sure that it was possible, it could be some other city, i decided to wait for the end of the question, so i decided not to wait for arseny, well, first of all, you and pinsk, and it seems to me that you can pronounce this phrase with pride even now, because this is a super final, you were so confident in the fourth round, the questions were not easy, of course, arseny was probably not entirely lucky, but that’s what you think ,
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and i’m even amazed how stesha scored these points in the fourth round, and i i understood what kind of mathematician calculated that just one point would not be enough for us, but we are happy for arseny, we are proud of ourselves, really, a worthy opponent, a worthy victory, everything is super, i congratulate you, but arseny managed to make a revenge match, yes , i'm going to the main site to congratulate the super winner. the super game is over, it's time to congratulate the awards. the winner of our project, his teacher, is thanked by the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. this wonderful bouquet is for you. congratulations. thank you. completed,
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now we know the name of the super finalist, a ninth grader. there are two more super games ahead of us, in which there will be interesting questions and unexpected answers. see you later, bye! is it true that the autonomic nervous system has two divisions: sympathetic and parasympathetic? to be honest, i don’t know, because i don’t know biology well, so my nervous system is on edge, and i’m not sure, and how did you answer? i replied that yes, it would be better to have a positive answer than a negative one.
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one of the books about ancient christian monasticism begins with these words: tell me about monks who never laugh, this is funny, the wisdom of our monastic asceticism should not. such a thing is not
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focused only on self-eating, christianity is a religion of light, joy about oneself, about oneself saved. monasteries, as centers of spiritual life, are never completely fenced off from the world. the purpose of the monasteries is to be a candle that burns above the candlestick. i and ramanakh zakievzhnovets, monk. that in honor of the annunciation of the most pure monastery, monasticism for me is the heavenly existence of earthly residence.
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ledinsky annunciation monastery - this is one of the famous shrines of belarus. initially, a wooden church was built on the site of the monastery, dedicated to the villager kirik. the holy mother of god on maryina hill gave the order to build a temple not far from this place and a wooden church was built. and you and i are in the very place where, according to legend , the most holy theotokos appeared, inhabiting these places named... kirik, so she appeared on that very stone, part of which has survived to this day. in the 18th century , an extensive almshouse operated here at the monastery in 1809
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a four-class spiritual-secular school opens. school for children clergy. it was here, on this place, that the first wooden church was erected, the order for construction, which was given by the most holy lady theotokos herself. unfortunately, the temple has not survived to this day; today we want
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to fulfill historical justice in relation to this unsaved shrine and revive the temple in this place too. made of wood, in 2024, the revival of our monastery will be 30 years old, over these three decades, we have managed to revive a lot, spiritual creativity, a lot to improve, and of course, we managed to revive the internal structure of monastic life, the monastery occupies
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a small territory, it includes a cathedral, the honor of the annunciation of the blessed virgin mary, a fraternal building, and a bakery.
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who came to our monastery are people of completely different backgrounds, it cannot be said that they did not find themselves in life, who , on the contrary, found themselves in life in exactly this place, felt that they should prove themselves in exactly this quality of life, quality, as they said in russia chernets, they gave it to the monks. they even leave a secular career because their spiritual growth becomes the first priority in life for them. a monk is a person who does not live without prayers, according to the words of st. seraphim of sorov, a famous russian saint,
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a monk without prayer is not a monk, a black head. and so the brothers of the monastery wake up with prayer on their lips and conduct their work and prayer. day with prayer on their lips fall asleep with prayer on their lips, traditionally monastic... the cell contains a red or prayer corner, a small tea table, an area for written work and a relaxation area. the monk is in prayer everywhere, the red corner is the place where the monk fulfills his cyrillic rules in the morning and evening. the corner is called red because...
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in the morning the monk goes to worship, in the evening the monk goes to worship, and so every day, in the interval between the morning and evening services, after lunch there is a short rest, then they go on to listen, which each resident of the monastery has. some of his brothers work six carpentry jobs
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whose workshop produces furniture for our residential needs, we also have a framing workshop in which lay people work to frame our icons of historical importance for our photography lovers. we also have our own bakery, in which once a week we bake prosphora, court loaves, which are intended for the liturgy, bake our own bread, which we practically eat and are ready to promise to our guests with this, we ourselves develop the recipe for some confectionery products, make with your own hands with...
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help, help, number, number, alive, urgently for an incident, at the entrance of a precision mechanics plant an attack was made on the cashier, a hat made of andatra fur, a water rat, i advise you to show it to one of the specialists of our cooperation, they will tell you where such a hat could be bought or sewn.
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with three unknown people on the belarus 24 tv channel. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about it. our exercises to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops are going on as occupiers in lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr right at our very borders, they accuse us of carrying out some kind of scaling here, listen, we don’t need a pro-russian, pro-belarusian president, make a pro-european leader who thinks about europe , the implementation of the treaty on the non-proliferation
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of conventional arms in europe and withdrawal from it aimed at one goal, so that there is no war, we have always sacredly observed. international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that all this will not help, the west will attack us, if he sees that he can win, the only way for there to be no war now is to be strong, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians , i emphasize once again, go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe from the big war, with its competent, independent policy, the project. objectively, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the main temple of the monasteries is the cathedral in honor of the annunciation. survived the end of the 20th century with serious damage, today we have the opportunity to see it in restored condition. the architectural style to which the construction of the logical church belongs is baroque. the temple has a main limit, which
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is consecrated in honor of the blessed most holy theotokos; to the right of... the main limit is a limit in honor of the holy trinity. this icon was painted over several years by the monks of the votapet monastery for our monastery according to the special rules of the athos icon of songs, in which, to paint the icon, paints are mixed with particles of holy relics. and so today. this precious gift in fact, the orthodox church of constantinople today is a priceless relic of our mother. we live in the monastery in a mode of complete dedication to god, and
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in fact, the monk, who lives differently in relation to the world and life, has nothing left for... himself. the lord, of course, enriches the monk with something else, some other content, some other wealth than what the world can offer a person. it is clear that this wealth is no longer material, of an immaterial order. these are spiritual gifts, of which those who... brownie church, fraternal corps, lyadino monastery, a church in which the brothers, with the blessing of their abbot, pray only once a week on mondays, which
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is intended only for monks. the liturgy unites us all, around christ, around the holy cup of christ, from which we are all doomed, brothers and sisters. why are we called that? because we are strangers by blood, but after we became christians, we are no longer strangers. one blood of christ flows in us, with which we partake. the oldest liturgical book on today, in the blagovichensky cathedral of the monastery, the throne gospel, which was published in moscow, appears. 850, the gospel is kept in the altar of the annunciation cathedral, and also, in addition to this gospel, in the middle of the 19th
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century, our monastery has liturgical books from the beginning of the 20th century. it is a great honor for me to be a monk. i can stand before the holy throne of god, celebrating the liturgy, celebrating the most holy sacrament of the eucharist. so, you and i have entered the first week, that is, speaking in russian, in the first week, the first week of great lent, one of the strictest weeks of our fasting. the lord stood by me and... another honor, a very high honor for me, is to be with those whom i can imbue with
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theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge of theology, in our academic environment, to be a teacher in minsk theological schools, another of my obediences in the lyatinsky-annunciation monastery is obedience in the library: and the monastery, here i accept books, we examine them, evaluate their dignity, antiquity, we systematize, catalog and actually prepare these books for use by their monastery brethren. the main question that is on my agenda:
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a book, a textbook of life, in a book, i see an educator of high morality, a person’s personality, the main thing that we must learn here is to be immune to what secular people call the adversities of life. a monk is one for whom everything really exists only in the bright light; the light for us
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is christ, our god, the sun of truth. easter or saint's day the resurrection of christ is a holiday that we celebrate throughout the entire church year, which is why we have it in general. e sunday day, because sunday day, in fact, is a small easter, it reminds us of the bright resurrection of christ, as the main event of human history, for monastics the experience of the easter celebration is a completely special experience, it always teaches us to rejoice. victory of the risen christ, rejoice in our salvation, rejoice in the fact that we have been given life eternal. you and i are in
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the office of the bishop's chambers, the former bishop of borisov and marinegorsk veniamin, and the current patriarch for all belarus and metropolitan veniamin. vladyka veniamin was the abbot of the lyadino monastery from 2009 to 2015. and in this office of his we see all the artifacts of the work setup in which our current lord exag worked. bishop veniam inspired many brothers of our monastery to the feat of ascetic work and the feat of monastic life and was an example of how... one should to live as a monk in an offended saint, and we always look at the example of bishop veniamin, we try
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to imitate him, as... our bishop, as a good shepherd, i felt myself a religious person from childhood, i was raised as a christian, who does not begin at all serious matter without prayer, the first person to whom i am grateful in my life for a serious family of religiosity is my spoken... grandmother, thanks to whom, as a child, at the age of 5, i learned the very first christian prayer, this is the seed, it’s already less than 10 years brought fruits, i already in childhood began to feel a calling to monasticism. to
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serving the church in the sacred, i really wanted to imitate those people who found themselves in monasticism. i felt a certain heavenliness in it, i saw myself in it. i took monastic vows at the age of 26, as far as i felt at that moment, then, in principle, everything for...
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as a child, i dreamed of being a policeman, but this is the dream of every boy there at the age of 5-6. the word militia is a word of latin origin. essentially monastics, they represent an army. but only of a different order, in the rite of baptism, every christian is called a warrior of christ, and a monk is even more so a warrior of christ, well, because he, unlike a simple layman, is waging a completely different struggle with his
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sinful self. this is a warrior who must constantly guard order, not public order, but his own. now, years later, i tell myself that it’s good that i became, that i am also a police force, because i am also a militia, because i am also a warrior, that there are those on earth who represent the army christ's. spending every day in the monastery and feeling the singing of your heart to the notes of the divine service that sounds in the temple. spiritual experiences are very connected with the historical realities that we have, as our inheritance, here, within the walls of this ancient
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monastery. sometimes you feel that this, as the belarusians say, is the sparshina that you got, an inheritance from your ancestors, it was given to you, it was given into your hands, so that you keep this inheritance carefully, and so that you thank god for the fact that you are the bearer of that great antiquity that ours had.


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