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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 8:15am-8:51am MSK

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sometimes you feel that this, as the spanshin says to belarus, which you inherited, is an inheritance from your ancestors, it has been given to you, it has been given into your hands, so that you keep this inheritance carefully, and so that you thank god for the fact that you are the bearer that great antiquity that...
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watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene . current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar.
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united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite azer space 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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how scared the priests are to me when i i am addressing you, god’s people, whom the lord loved so much that he gave his life for them. how scary it sometimes is to even think that i am a priest, as big and weak as everyone else. i speak in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. after all, a priest is not a profession or a position, it is a calling, it is a ministry. priests do not retire; they serve until the last, as long as they can stand at the throne in the altar. there is no such thing that
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you came home from work, hung your cassock in the closet and became a simple commoner who can say not touch me, i’m tired, i have a day off, and there shouldn’t be an illusion, as many young people have now, that they will save the world, it doesn’t happen like that. the most important thing for a priest is to love god more than anything else that makes up life, and to reflect your love in the life around you. in addition to the will of god, and life circumstances beyond our control, there is god’s providence, that is, the way.
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co-creation with the lord. this path is destined for a person from birth. and if a person hears the call of god, then he reveals his full potential. in what he is destined to accomplish in earthly life. this is how every step in life, starting from childhood, turned out to be necessary for me. white russia, a white stone temple, with a tall candle burning with a golden dome, it can be seen from the main avenue of the capital of belarus, this candle was lit by the belarusian people, lit in memory of all the fallen compatriots
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who defended their homeland, the place was chosen by me, or more correctly, by the lord who determined here... after the all-union celebration of the millennium of the baptism of russia, the city executive authority allocated the orthodox church has two plots of land, only he, lord, alone knew what would happen next, an empty field, imagine now, lack of experience, disturbing news about the collapse of a great country, a time of change of eras, devastation. to put it simply, many then left the country in search of work, a better life, but i returned from germany to build a temple for god. the unknown is always
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alarming, but it makes you trust the lord completely. the beginning of everything was hope and faith, it had to be done. one architectural image historical past and present. indicate the correct spiritual orientation to the future. we christians should have no fears except one: to anger the lord, to sin before him.
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of course, minor misunderstandings and problems made me worry from time to time, maybe even nervous, which is probably typical for everyone. person, but in general you never gave up, because you felt the support of both god and people, and you understood, in your gut, so to speak, that this is not just construction, but what god has entrusted to you, the measure of your responsibility, project:
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we tell you how to choose quality products for healthy dishes. take the nuts in your hands and estimate their weight. do not take fruits that are too light; such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out. ground beef is dark red in color and has a pleasant smell with a slight milky aroma. a proper breakfast is the key to health and good mood. today we will cook lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself. let's get started. if you have a difficult day ahead and you know... if you need a huge amount
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of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you. don't forget about invigorating exercises. we raise our hands up, raise our legs and do this. school exercise cockroach, we start shaking our arms and legs, our lymphatic flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on the belarus 24 tv channel, in principle , everything is degrading today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, maintain this thread connections between two conflicting parties, today these diplomats, on the contrary, are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west matter now, it is perishing, if you are not lost, you know who your enemy is, then you are moving towards victory. we feel
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this makevialist approach, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, meanness, cooperate with the devil and the devil just to win, so our path is long, but this conscious choice. markov is nothing personal, watch on tv channel belarus 24. figuratively speaking, i am a son of the gomel region, the lord gave us
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a happy childhood, peter served in the church, mother maria worked, helped her husband, took care of the house and us children, our parents raised us by their example, by example degree than edifying. if i need it in life, help me, and if not, let the lord take it. and the lord assigned me at that time to
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the theater and art institute, now it’s an art academy, where i entered to study department of interior artist, as for the spiritual path, at that moment, probably, the inner voice in me, my parents, especially my father, was not yet fully heard...
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and it was not my mother who was so enthusiastic about either raphael, or rembrandt, or michelangelo, or titian ,
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no one else, their canvases, in comparison with the icon, began to seem, excuse me, lifeless, although magnificent in technique, in red, in color, in my real passion, throughout my life , icon painting continues, there was a love for the sky. from early childhood, it attracted me, i sculpted small models of airplanes were made of plasticine; there were no others available; each airplane was impaled on the game.
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and in germany there was an opportunity to learn how to fly a helicopter. it was then that we took the first bird's-eye view of the temple monument in leiptsyg with nikolai petrovich machansky. now, alas, i rarely fly, but i enjoy controlling radio models. and in the evenings, when the weather permits, i go for a ride. on a bicycle, this helps to physically recover after a work day filled with all kinds of meetings and activities day, you ride a bicycle, you see the beauty of the city, the parks, you understand how much has been done for people over the years, here you go, the beach on komsomolskoe lake, a path
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leading along the river, illuminated fountains. here is the old city interspersed with modern architecture, everything is thought out, well-groomed, you see people, how they disciplinedly follow the bicycle markings, treat each other with respect, you understand, we are belarusians, and if you fly in a helicopter, you are breathtaking from the beauty of god’s world. from the proximity of the sky, and you see how carefully and economically every piece of land is used, and how the man-made landscape complements the pristine nature, you understand that our country is beautiful with its simple
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brightness, but measured moderation. diversity: i once spoke in one of the programs about the sacraments that i have to perform, participate in this sacrament as a priest, performing the rites, and i cannot get used to... not a single sacrament, for which i thank the lord immensely, every time , it seems like you arrive and everything is familiar to you, you participated in everything, but every time i come again, i perceive this place in a new way, well, it attracts people, how many weddings, just to come to a photo shoot, not
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to mention the ceremonies, how many baptisms, look how many young people, where are they from?
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such a very interesting idea: japan, kheroshima and dagasaki, bring the land, after 2 days i receive information. an article was sent to me, it turns out, kheroshima and nagasaki - these were two cities in japan where the orthodox japanese majority lived, can you imagine what kind of spiritual ones appear threads, souls feel where they belong, and it’s not just the land that came to us, there were too many losses in the life of the belarusian people, there was too much grief, that’s why its lines are sharp. in the plinth, if you draw a vertical axis down from the altar of the main temple space, there is a clipta. the remains rest at the tomb.
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in the center of the crypt, under the canopy, there burns an unquenchable lamp, which was lit by fire brought from the holy sepulcher from jerusalem. and everyone who enters the crypt of the temple monument has the opportunity and rights from this light your personal candle with the holy fire, offer a prayer to the extent of your faith, to the extent of your spiritual experience.
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slavs unites all inhabitants of white russia in eternity, in the heavenly fatherland. we can say that the people have their roots in the sky, the temple is a monument in honor of all the saints, in memory of the victims who served for the salvation of our fatherland, in its architecture embodies this most important for... when a person tries for god, not for show before god or
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his superiors, precisely for god, he strives to do everything as efficiently, beautifully, moreover, the temple should reflect the kingdom of god, so that people... feel even remotely the grace and splendor that awaits the righteous. look at nature. this is god’s creation, and how pleasing it is to the eye, perfect even in its flaws. also, the creation of human hands should bring only goodness and only beauty. of course, when you have the knowledge and skills. it’s easier to do something, so my studies at that time at the theater and art institute came in handy, but
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speaking with irony, a little jokingly, if it’s for me made the task easier to some extent, it made it a little more difficult for those artists, designers, architects and craftsmen who worked on the monuments in the temple; they fell into professionally demanding hands. but we must pay tribute, everyone worked to the maximum of their capabilities, inspired, realizing that whatever he did, he would remain forever serving both god and people. we spoke the same language, it was easy and simple, understandable, inspiring, hard work.
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here we see off the eternal path, the path of this earth, here families are born, blessed marriages from those who grew up in this church and at this parish.
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what’s different about us is that there aren’t just desks and chairs here, when needed there will be desks, but it is transformed to suit the classes that are there, right now our chapel choir is doing classes, a musical chapel called revival, these are children from five to 18 years old, hello, blessings to everyone, those who are with us for the first time, take a seat, but what i want to wish for you is that you not only know the notes, learn to sing, but that you understand the most important thing, through these notes, through your singing, you must glorify the creator; in those secular works that you will also perform, we must understand the depth.
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the author’s ideas, because any creativity is always creativity from above, it is always a gift from god, a person becomes a co-creator, so i want to wish you that you will also be co-creators in the works that you will perform. may the lord bless your good endeavor. thank you. dear brothers and sisters, friends, sing a new song to the lord, for he has done miracles, shout to the lord, all the earth.
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singing groups gathered in 2015, we decided not to lose this unique tradition, to gather choirs from all over the country, to sing about our homeland, about the beauty of white russia, about the holiness of this region, this is also a contribution to the pacification, the unification of our people, this is the glorification of their culture. a person cannot live without faith,
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in the smallest, simplest and most natural, he does not even perceive his state as a state of faith, but faith in god is a gift of god, and it is given to a person only when his heart and his spirit are able to perceive secrets. on the other hand, how says the apostle, faith without works is dead, every time we talk about faith in god, we think about whether we believe in god or believe in god, and maybe you don’t need either one or the other if you know that god exists.
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i don’t want a brisk run and a storm, like the rain, a shady forest, a sunny day, and like our life is based on these particles, i want to look at this light for the rest of my life. and covering your skin is something new for yourself, it’s so good for us, because we work for it with anyone, with anyone and belarus.
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christ is risen, dear brothers and sisters, the bright easter period continues, on these joyful days, on the ninth day after easter, we perform a special commemoration of our departed loved ones, this day of purely remembrance of the dead is called radonitsa. the first week after easter is called bright week, this is the time when... church services are especially solemn in nature, penitential prayers are not performed, even funeral prayers are canceled, almost everything is sung in the church, all services of bright week constantly
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remind believers of the joy of the bright christ's resurrection. after the first easter week, the festive period continues, but the church charter already prescribes. we should perform prayers for the dead; the day of the first such commemoration during the easter period is the day of radonitsa. why do we pray for the dead? from non-believers you can hear the statement that prayer for our deceased neighbors is not needed, since they have already completed their earthly journey, therefore they do not need prayer help, but christians know that prayer for the dead is not the same...
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but the immortal prayer does not disappear anywhere soul. life on earth is a time of constant change. everything changes, and so do we ourselves. someday we fall into sins and change for the worse. we have the opportunity to repent to god and change for the better. and this is the main task to which every christian should be oriented. this constant desire to overcome bad changes, to change for the better, is everyone’s daily work, however, with the end of a person’s earthly life , the opportunity to change something for oneself ends. if on
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earth a person could cleanse his soul decorate it with virtues, then in this state his soul enters eternity. but we are weak, and it often happens that... a person crosses the threshold of eternity without cleansing himself with sincere repentance. such a person, having become convinced with his own eyes of the real existence of the spiritual world of eternal life, there already beyond the grave, realizes his spiritual state, but can no longer do anything. he is not able to change, to help himself. however, the merciful lord does not abandon man here either. in the gospel we see how repeatedly the lord jesus christ heals and helps some people through the prayer of others, through intercession, at their request. so, for example, in the gospel of mark.


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