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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 8:50am-9:00am MSK

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change something in yourself. if on earth a person was able to purify his soul and decorate it with virtues, then in this state his soul enters eternity. but we are weak, and it often happens that a person crosses the threshold of eternity without cleansing himself with sincere repentance. such a person is convinced with his own eyes of the real existence of the spiritual world of eternal life. he himself is already beyond the grave, aware of his spiritual state, but he can no longer do anything, he is not able to change, help himself, but the merciful lord does not leave a person here either. in the gospel we we see how repeatedly the lord jesus christ heals and helps some people through the prayer of others through intercession, at their request. so, for example, in the gospel of mark.
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it is told that jesus healed a paralytic man who was not able to even simply ask for his help, but he received healing through the prayer and faith of his four friends, who brought him directly to jesus on his sick bed. this tells us that because of dead people who themselves can no longer bring repentance for the sins they committed in earthly life. can we who live on earth can pray, we can ask to intercede, this is associated with certain difficulty, because when the paralytic was brought to the lord, because of the multitude of people it was impossible to approach the savior, then they dismantled the roof of the house in which the savior was, but this the roof is not the same as ours, in the east it is very convenient to do this, from above...
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they lowered the sick man through the roof before the eyes of the savior, here, surprised by the faith of the people, he responds to their request and helps their weakened comrade. we believe that through our fervent prayer, god grants mercy and forgiveness to our departed loved ones. in these days of mourning, it is important to remember the cornerstone of the christian faith, the future of all. even during his earthly ministry, the lord jesus christ said that he would come to earth again, but not to preach repentance, but to carry out his judgment. then the soul of every person, no matter when he lives on this earth, will again receive his body, but already transformed.
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someone might say that there are so many church rules and traditions that it’s easy to follow everything impossible. there is a parable in the gospel that is called that. the parable of the last judgment reveals the image of this future event. what is in it, god asks the person, about whether he was able to keep the main commandment about love for god’s neighbor. all the rules and traditions of the church are recognized only to help in teaching. live by this main commandment. therefore, we believe that the death of a person is not the end of his existence, it is the completion of his earthly path, the beginning of a new stage of eternity. the church also tells us that all orthodox christians are her children, and this unity in christ is preserved even after death. both living and dead christians constitute one church. and today we,
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living on earth, members of the orthodox church, prayerfully share easter joy with our brothers and sisters who have died in christ and have completed their lives. earthly path in hope of a future general resurrection. radonnitsa is also a reminder to ourselves that our earthly life is a short and responsible path on which our future, eternal life, depends. prayers for our departed loved ones encourage us to your life responsibly, avoid sins and strive for virtues. on radonitsa, as on other funerals. every day it is customary to visit the graves of our deceased loved ones, especially many people strive to observe this tradition today, but often in cemeteries we can see a picture that is inappropriate for the holiness of the place of christian burial. many people
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who do not know the essence of christian commemoration organize a meal at the graves of their deceased relatives. this is a pagan custom and has nothing to do with. orthodox traditions. in the holy scriptures the human body called the temple of the holy spirit. therefore , believers treat the bodies of the dead with reverence; cemeteries are holy places. it is customary to decorate the graves of christians with a tombstone cross. when we visit a cemetery, the correct remembrance is prayerful remembrance. believers light lamps over their burial place. loved ones perform a prayer or rite for the deceased lithium. some invite a priest to serve a memorial service for a special funeral service, but of course, with the easter rite. this is correct
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behavior consistent with the sanctity of the place. at the same time, it should be remembered that radanitsa is not the only day of special commemoration of those who agreed. during the whole year. there are also other memorial days in the church calendar, and on every saturday it is necessary to perform a prayer for the dead, with the exception of only some days; as part of the daily morning prayer rule that every christian performs, there are prayers for the living and the dead. also, dear brothers and sisters, visiting the graves of our loved ones, relatives, acquaintances, we will try to come there with fresh flowers. dear brothers and sisters, today we earnestly pray for our departed loved ones, but at the same time we continue to joyfully glorify christ who rose from the dead. and this
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reflection on the resurrection of christ from the dead helps those who have recently lost close relatives to overcome. this feeling of pain and separation, so that, hoping for the resurrection of all deceased people in the future, for the opportunity to meet in a future life, we are given the opportunity to do this precisely through mystery resurrection of christ. let us always remember that god has no dead, but everyone with him is alive. therefore, we who are in this earthly life.
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may christ rise again with the holiday.


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