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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 9:35am-10:48am MSK

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goodbye, happily, kostya, the heavy one, oh, this time it’s not just the salary, kostya, there’s also a bonus, that’s the deal.
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let me go, i say, help, help!
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i’m alive, let me help, i wasn’t wounded, no, i’m going to die, the damned one wanted to, but i think it’s better , i think it’s better to kill me, but i won’t give it up, the police, give me the police,
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major dorokov from the criminal investigation department, i ask only direct witnesses of the incident to remain, you andrey dmitrievich, give orders here, i’ll take care of the cashier and the driver, i’ll come back, we’ll leave an inspection report, here they found a cap lying near the car. where exactly? here, here in front, on the right. ok, thank you. please, vera petrovna, take it. please tell me what you saw? misha, yes, misha, let my friend try. okay, let's try to sit. what
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did you see? i saw two people running there, one was in a coat, the second was in a jacket, and one more, like this, like this, like this. thank you for seeing? well, i heard shots. ran out, they had already left in the car, over there, thank you, what did you see? well, when everyone ran there, i also noticed that two people were hiding around the corner, i didn’t do anything else saw it, thank you? well, i also saw that there were two of them, one was so light-colored, but they were just around the corner, thank you, we heard screams, everyone who was in the entrance ran out into the street, then we looked near a muscovite, two of them were rushing about, what did you see? but i didn’t see anything, i actually came later, we asked only witnesses to stay, don’t interfere with work, okay, i’ll go. who is taller with a pistol, aims straight at us, well, that’s it, i think, suddenly the second one, pushes this first friend, i remember this barrel well, she looked straight into the chest, like in forty-three, excuse me, just a second,
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comrade lieutenant, excuse me, yes, i can handle the witnesses myself, there aren’t many of them, and you help the expert, okay, that’s it, comrade mishkov, that’s it. you believe that the second raider deliberately prevented the first one from shooting you. but of course, they were about five meters from us. a little more and, as they say, a couple of wreaths on behalf of the local committee. thank you. please tell me what you noticed? i noticed that the second raider was behaving strangely. he did not help him, but rather hindered him. well, he grabbed him by the hand and took cover behind ugam. i see them running away, but i can’t run myself, their legs are miles long, you know, who likes to run into a bullet, but you didn’t remember their faces, i didn’t remember, but people are like people, one is
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your height, the other is a little smaller , but i didn’t see any faces, some spots instead of faces, thank you, thank you, mikhail zakharovich, i’ll tell you, i saw everything, we stood there, and the two of them ran. car, one was without a hat, the second was tied up like this, and this one took him by the collar and dragged him there, thank you, if i remember anything else, i’ll find you myself, okay, okay, thank you, vera petrovna. that there are traces of a car,
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the width of the tire print is 14 cm, the distance between the protrusions is 3 cm. the length of the track trace is 2 m 70 cm. so far, unfortunately, i don’t have any clear assumptions, but in my opinion everything is very clear, there were three criminals, two of them attacked the cashier and the driver, the third was waiting for them in the car around the corner, the first two had a pistol, from which the shot was fired; from the cartridge case found, we can say with confidence that it was a system pistol. yes, the gun is indeed a tt system, but no bullets, no
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there are no cartridges fired from this pistol in our file cabinet. okay, car. witnesses even named several numbers from the license plate of this car. the first named eight-one, the second three and seven. yes, but neither one nor the other remembers what these numbers were, the first or the last. we managed to photograph the tire prints of the car. well, what are you saying? hurry up, tire prints, this is only part of a typical tread, and even then without any special features, that’s why we can’t even determine the make of the car, vera petrovna has difficulty, but we can, no, we can’t with difficulty, allow me, yes, please, a hat made of andatra fur, a water rat, homemade, handmade, size fifty-seven, it was worn a little, judging by the smell, the owner uses cheap cologne, i advise you to show it to someone from specialists from our cooperation, they will tell you where such a hat could be bought
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or sewn. thank you, thank you. well, finally, in our hands was a hat that belonged to one of the criminals. yes , we can find intruders using this hat alone. as the ancient romans said, sapienti is a garden for the wise enough. yes, the hat, of course, is undeniable. evidence, but we still need to think about how to find the owner, there are a million inhabitants in the city, about half of them are male, how many of them wear andra hats, the statistics have not yet reached this point, so estimate how much time it will take to find the one who lost this particular hat, yes... we need to check whether there have been car thefts recently, either our own or an official one;
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perhaps no one will dare to do such a thing. it’s bad that no one could really describe the signs of the criminals. in general in this matter there are a lot of unclear things, well, what is not clear is that one of them shot from a distance of five steps and did not hit anyone, they were leaving, which means they wanted to scare, when people in broad daylight decide to rob a factory cash register, then usually they are without any sentimentality. in general, something is wrong, two witnesses
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testified that when the tall one raised the pistol, the second one pushed him under the arm, well , what does this matter, in our business everything matters, and the more incomprehensible the little thing, the more important it is it may turn out, so what are we going to do now? think, search, search and reflect, andrei, why did you remove me from the questioning of witnesses, because you started it wrong, which means wrong, and so you shoved a microphone under a person’s nose, bombarded him with questions, the witness had not yet had time to properly answer, when you interrupted him and asked a new one question, in general you need to be careful with the microphone, they will get lost, i’m not asking for my own pleasure, i’m an official person, they, as citizens, should help,
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everything is correct, it’s the civil duty of every witness to help us find the criminal, but you will be convinced more than once that the same witness tells two people differently, we must be able to listen, mountains of books have been written about the art of speaking, but i haven’t had to say anything about the art of listening. consider all police units to urgently provide security for officials, i receive: large sums of money in banks, immediately report to the criminal investigation department, cases of car theft, together with the public, identify men who have lost their andra hats.
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present the material to individuals. having tt pistols in storage. the first to arrive information about the missing hats, we need to figure them out. i wish you good health, comrade major. hello, district inspector mazurok, how are you, comrade mazurok, what did you come with? brought a case of car theft. it’s interesting, we usually quickly find stolen cars, but 3 weeks ago a rather strange incident happened, a taxi was stolen in broad daylight,
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the driver stopped by home for lunch, half an hour later you... well, i’ll have the case for now, okay, but you keep we are in the know, say thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye goodbye, andrey, do you really think that criminals could have used
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this car? it’s unlikely, but not impossible. yes, those statements where it is said that the hat is not andatrova’s, but rabbits, i don’t check, we will check every signal, touch every hat with our own hands, think, think, but not seven times, as usual, criminals are dangerous, what do you want, so that they repeat the attack again somewhere else, it is necessary to '. search search understood, anton georgievich, well, how’s your new assistant, nothing, nothing, in my opinion, a great erudite, eager to fight, and what kind of worker he is, this can only be understood in practice,
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well, go ahead, andrei dmitrievich, but i warn you, you need to find them. as soon as possible, yeah, what is the miracle of belarusian politics? the fact is that we do not forget about the people, the common man is at the forefront, china and belarus will work together as a peace-loving state.
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the path of development, it is real, humane, the future lies ahead of us, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. they were born in different corners of the world. i came to belarus from syria, came here to study. i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful and mountainous area. i had no one left there, everyone had left. in every direction, everyone found something for themselves here, these masks took part in several shows, which we organized first here in our village, then i also in the city... lidi had the opening of such a creative space, there was also there are a lot of fashion shows for me, each hero has his own unique story and his
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a look at belarus. i love syria subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus gave me everything, beautiful nature here, i feel exactly at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children here too. watch on tv channel belarus 24. good morning belarus with svetlana borovskaya is a fascinating acquaintance with unusual people. are you a historian? yes, i have one technical education and one historical education. but they decided not to teach, to immediately make a museum, so that whole classes could do it. secrets of a good mood. i don’t know, is it necessary to put a second beauty on top of beauty? i’m afraid, you know, it will be very beautiful, imagine, here are the girls, boys, he’s a pro-roman patrician to me, and i ’m so beautiful for him, sewing a needle, so god,
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this is just a work of art, and many more interesting educational stories, hello day, thank god for everything, besides playing well, he also works with a weapon, we saw that, you waved so much that i just, and then immediately. inspired by the song, that's what i thought, my name is marie, a gentleman, an artist, asked me to dress up in all white, as if for the first communion, this particular work is one of the most expensive, in the fourteenth year it was sold for 18 million dollars, watch on the belarus24 tv channel,
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hello, old man, yeah, and borya, it’s great, hello, how’s life, but it’s normal, where have you disappeared, another 100 years, a hundred here, listen, wait, make a couple of tires, yes, what are you, crazy or something, yes, well, where can i get them for you? , well, no, i tell you how we’ve been all our lives. there are no tires now, well, no, we ourselves are having a hard time with tires right now, or maybe he’ll think, well, let’s, listen, but yegorich, if i ask, but yegorych, i don’t know, maybe yegorych has it, but he’s working today, he’s working, hey, zenkovich, come out for a minute, hello, i’ll go long-term, well, when will you finally decide with the car, it’s your own fault, well, you’re better off. tell your comrade from the criminal investigation department in every detail how you missed the car,
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the more i think about this story, it somehow seems more incomprehensible to me, so who, for example, could have known that i was arriving at the same time home for dinner, then i had some unpleasant secrets there, but just in case, in general, you had to know them before getting into the car. secondly, this is not a private lada, it’s a taxi, you can’t easily drive it around the city, so i’ll try to figure out who needed it, how was its speed, how long could one survive, what’s the speed, and the engine it was acting up, it was already necessary to change it, well, it gave 60, but in the city there is no more need, you know, but what do you think, maybe? be someone you know? no, what are you talking about? yes no, yes no, me and i can't think. or maybe it was dismantled into
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parts? ah, what details are there, what are you talking about? it was repaired and repaired, but they wouldn’t take it for scrap metal. in general, i was the only one who knew it, i drove it, i knew it down to every detail. comrade major, what if we still... everyone offers everything that he remembers, let's start with the leader, who remembers his signs, here he was, speaking, his cap was pulled down over
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his very eyebrows. yeah, what was his face like? it seems to me that his face was square, square, please come here, look, here is there something similar, or here, thank you, sit down, yeah, it wasn’t square at all, it... was wrapped in a scarf right up to the nose, but, on the contrary, it was, in my opinion, oblong, how did you determine that , if his face was wrapped in a scarf right up to his nose, i don’t know, of course, but it seemed to me so, well, what kind of eyebrows did he have, who remembers, and the hat was pulled down so low that the eyebrows were not visible, no, he had eyebrows they were, they were
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, after all, what are they like? well, what a nose he had, his nose was visible, crooked, straight, a shoe, a potato, does anyone remember, i remember his eyes, there was something like that in them, i would never forget them, how are you doing? nothing came of it, one says one thing, the other another, and the cashier says, show me their little darlings, i recognize them by their eyes alone, first we need to find them, we need to check this statement, again a hat, you guessed it, the fifth one this week, andrey dmitrovich, but what should we do, if necessary, we will check the thirteenth cap, the twentieth cap.
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who do you want, good afternoon, good afternoon, i'm regarding your statement about the missing hat, very good, please come in, but unfortunately, oleg just left, nothing, but have they already found the robbers? no, the robbers were not found, only the missing hat was found, please look, which of these hats is yours? this is similar, very similar, look more closely, but it’s her, you see, there’s no mark on her either, i got her through a friend, the little girl will be happy, but maybe it’s
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not after all... how old is your child ? 19. where does he work? he does not work. studying in the evening school. how can it be that he doesn’t work and studies at night school. oh, how naive you are. you also work in the police. oleg began having conflicts with teachers back in the eighth grade. i had to bring the evening party. it's clear. of course we got a certificate. it's clear. so olezhka
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came, oleg, michael, oleg, why did they bring your hat, look, that i filed a statement with the police, but of course, you know how much this hat cost me, you’re crazy, there’s no way i expected that you could throw away such a forty, oleshenka, oleshenka, well , at least look at this hat properly, she’s definitely yours, well, look, you’ll leave me alone,
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no, today he didn’t talk, but i didn’t waste time, i was at his day school, where he used to study, there was an evening school, i learned some interesting details, so he's on my hook. “tomorrow there will be a conversation with him, i think that he will not break down, you know what, mothers, maybe it’s better that we talk together with this shustov? comrade major, you instructed me to check this hat, i will bring the matter to the end, until tomorrow, until tomorrow, this is where it all happened, here, yes, yes, here, means they left"? two guys caught up with you along this alley, they tore off their hats and ran away, remember their signs, well, the guys are like guys in sports jackets, well, it was dark at 10 pm, what could i see, and you didn’t even try to catch up with them, but what i would do one against two, this
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is strange, they told me about you that even in day school you were distinguished by courage, your boxing coach says that you were just hit by a blow from the left, but it happened once, so what. , you could not cope with two hooligans, and the place is crowded, in in an extreme case, passers-by would help, let's go sit down, but the more i ask you, the more questions i have, well , maybe that evening there was nothing at all, but what do you want to say by this, but that from 10 to 11 in the evening you were in your last physics lesson at school, and your c grade was recorded in the journal. listen, why are you attached to me with your hat? okay, but no one robbed me. i came up with all this for my mother to get rid of her. she ran towards you. where did the hat go? and this is ultimately my personal business. if you want, consider me to have lost it.
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all? no, not everything. you're lying again. if you lost your hat, you would pay attention to the one your mother identified yesterday. but you didn't even look at her. and i just knew that it couldn’t be my hat. why? listen, let's put this conversation off until tomorrow, no, we'll finish it today, i can't do it today, well, i'm late, but if you 're in a hurry, tell me, go with your hat, okay, well, well, i gave it to wear for a while one of my comrades, it suits me, can i look at this comrade, but this it wasn’t enough yet, in that case you’ll have to come with me, where else to go, to the criminal investigation department, oleg? lena! aleshkamila, what happened? but you are forgiven for not being able to meet. the lieutenant and i are having a conversation. the fact is that the police
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received a statement from oleg shustoy’s mother about the disappearance of andatrov’s hat. what a statement, you gave her face to me. well, here you go. so why do you give me 2 days? but i really ask you not to say anything to the deer’s mother. okay, you know, when i was driving this hat, i thought i was dragging pike, but it turned out, the devil knows, that it was six, just don’t think that i’m limp, i’m just sorry for the lost time. a, milk, strange, at school i didn’t get less than 25,
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probably the gun was poorly aimed. nine, ten, ten, and you don’t have a lot of lieutenants, you’ll have to practice some more, you won’t pass the test, well, in general, now in the criminal investigation department, marksmanship seems to be of no use, yes, please, from tomorrow. let's take care of the missing taxi. andrey idmitovich, could you explain to me what the connection is between the attack on the factory worker the cashier and the missing taxi? unfortunately, i can’t answer your question definitively yet,
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but i need to check. but in my opinion, there is no connection here, and there cannot be. well, think for yourself, what kind of cretin would go to rob in broad daylight in a car that is already in its second month. gai is looking for everything. who do you work with? with dorokhov, well, how, the old man, he finds fault with every little thing, not without this, wow. you’re already a senior lieutenant, we’re working, you know, but
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to be honest, i thought everything would be a little more interesting, you were unlucky with dorokhov, he it will screw anyone, yes, i know from my own experience, then this story with the cashier has little prospects, but the first case must be successful, it sets him up for the rest of his life, so what should i do now? ask for another group, to whom the head of the department treats young people with understanding, we have recent graduates, ask to join us, we are all young, we work without regard to authority, so come on, bye, andrei dmitrovich, yes, you don’t think that’s the case, which we are doing has little prospects,
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we didn’t succeed with the hats, and now we don’t know what to hold on to at all. i somehow didn’t even know that there were such concepts as promising and unpromising. the main thing for me is that there are criminals who have a gun and a car, and who are unlikely to give up their criminal plans. finding them and neutralizing them is simply our duty. comrade major, i decided to move to another group. how come? move to another group. well, i'm not going to persuade you or hold you back. you are not a boy. you have a legal education. in general, do as you see fit.
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the last tt pistol was put on the wanted list 23 years ago. well, sit down. so you want to leave dorokhov? yes, but what exactly doesn’t suit you? this is a difficult question, somehow we didn’t immediately have a relationship with major dorokhov, how can i say, maybe there’s an age difference, but so what? dorokhov makes you check every little thing, which means he finds fault with every little thing, the man... callous, in general, a decent cracker, yes, i see, comrade
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colonel, you know major dorokhov quite well, yes, dorokhov, i know who, who , and the major i know dorokhov better than anyone else, well, in principle we can transfer you, but we have a rule, we don’t go halfway... hide your report, bring the matter with dorokhov to the end, and then come, i will transfer you at any moment, if of course you want, agreed?
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well, what is your situation, andrey dmitrievich? yes, it can’t get any worse, yes, and there seem to be a lot of moves, but not a single smart one, you ’ve made me happy with a tricky thing, nothing, you always have an unexpected move over... you’ve worked for years, well, when you and i worked together, then it was a different matter, so... now they gave me a newbie, everything is wrong for him, well, i give up, let's get revenge before my consultant comes,
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i can't do it anymore, i promised my wife to come early, muttering at young people is a sign of old age, andryush. do you see 10 years ahead? yes, at best it lasts for two or three moves, well, what do you want, and i propose revenge tomorrow, tomorrow, then tomorrow, let me play with you, well, please. it’s strange that you play, not at all according to theory, but i have my own theory, to play differently from everyone else, you know, i believe that every the game is won by one strong move, the main thing is not to miss the moments to make this move, but you are too much, you can’t go anywhere,
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let’s see how you put your theory into practice. well, when i have the opportunity to take, i always take, please, but keep in mind that greed will not lead to good, you are in a hopeless situation, this cannot be, because i still have a ferce, here is your ferce. but this is a purely random loss, accidental, you are playing too adventurously, and with such a game , collapse is usually inevitable, which for
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the familiar life of belarusians may seem truly exotic to others. of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage of the 9th-10th centuries, well , in those days, girls from wealthy families wore such coins as jewelry, but it’s easy to become part of a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its cultural history. initially volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river, it was on this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym “vauka-vyya”, which literally meant a wolf’s neck, and this group has a special style of performance kupala and harvest songs, which
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are called songs in the overlap; our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangibles.
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in just 20 minutes, there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series of films by the pearls of the belarusian photographer and, of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all
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this and more in the weekly project broadcast 24/7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening. hello, andrei dmitrievich, yes, how many years, how many winters, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, but we rarely come here, please forgive me for being late, you know the affairs, concerns, troubles, i am at your service, excuse me, please, whose work? this is andatora, judging by the quality of the fur,
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look, it’s homemade, non-standard, in general, it’s a handicraft hat , they don’t sew such hats in our city, i know that for sure.
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go home.
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try, lieutenant, to change your mood, otherwise it will be difficult for you to work, okay, it’s you, andrei dmitrievich, you’re late you’re calling for something today, i thought you gave me a break. nikolai ivanovich, i’m not the only one tormenting you with questions, the sixth precinct officer,
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i’m tormenting him for this evening, andrei dmitrievich, i gave you all the information about the lost hats, but no cars were stolen at my station, maybe your vigilantes noticed something else, but nothing there were no incidents, i actually heard from someone how they played at a pool table for a bet, i’m curious who played, i don’t know. but you never know who ’s crazy about it, it’s hardly possible to establish now, but which billiard room is this, and which one? in the park, past, in the corner, right, what an eye, just with... you probably spend all your evenings here, but what can an old man do? i’ve been retired for a long time,
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the old woman died. sons scattered in all directions, one consolation, billiard, it’s obvious, don’t tell me, but you know, in my youth i played well, i had no equal, but now you know, the blow is no longer the same, no, the blow is not the same, my eyesight has let me down , well, sometimes you come across some weirdo, like you, and look at the winnings. doublet, that's it, well, please, go to the buffet, two beers, please, that they decided to play around with beer, and that
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they say they are playing big here? no, the player was grinding today, yes, it’s rare that they play big, but it’s true, a week ago the guy was alone, since he had a scar, he put a whole box of cognac against one andather’s hat, yes, for your health, beauty.
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andrey dmitrievich, report on what ’s new with you, comrade colonel, i can’t say anything comforting yet, we’re working, feeling for connections, checking versions, but there are no concrete results yet. i have information that yesterday at the savings bank in a tight for a long time, two suspicious types were hanging around in the alley. the police have strengthened security there, but this signal means that you, andrei dmitrich, need to hurry up. have you ever found this stolen taxi? and the taxi fell through the ground. or maybe this car was repainted or the numbers were changed? it’s unlikely, we, together with gai,
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have been looking for this car for a whole month, we’ve been warned. all the workshops, besides, this taxi, in addition to the paint color and number, has its own special signs, but maybe it can still help you, well, take yourself under the command of plishkevich’s group and instruct her to search for this taxi. thank you, anton georgievich, no need yet, you yourself know that unnecessary fuss can sometimes get in the way. well then, hurry up, major, we simply do not have the right to allow a second attack, although dorokhov is engaged in the search, none of us can remain on the sidelines, that’s it, the meeting is over, everyone is free. hold on,
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it’s difficult, yes, it’s difficult, but how andrei, your assistant is working, yes, everything seems to be fine, anton georgievich, he’s trying, the matter is very difficult. might still replace it with more experienced, huh? why? he and i have already worked well together. okay, keep me updated on all your business.
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so how? anything interesting about this makeev? andrey dmich, according to the method of deduction, everything fits. and tell me more details. lost his andatra cap and was judged to have nothing significant, my intuition tells me that makeev was probably in this case. intuition of intuition, our work requires
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a very careful attitude towards people, especially those who have served a sentence, they react very painfully to undeservedly. suspicion, let's not get carried away and check everything again, well, come on, andrey dmitrievich, sorry for the late call, you were interested in makeev, he just got caught stealing wheels, i 've already sent the car for you. what did i say, this makeev got caught? well, let's get to know him legally.
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hello, i wish you good health, may i report? yes, please tell me how it happened. at my site, in addition to taxi thefts, over the last month three more windows were removed from cars, and wheels were also removed from one, the head of the department told me i just didn’t let him pass, they kept stealing and stealing.
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i didn’t guess, there was clearly a third person with them, now let’s check, you, comrade lieutenant, suchestkov, interview all the janitors, maybe one of them saw something, and in the meantime i’ll talk to the detainees, please, there is, why did they steal, can i have a cigarette ? smoke, you needed money, and the wheels, you know,
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are such a product that you can only offer them, and the buyer, it means, was waiting for you at that time in the car, in what other car, in the one that was standing near the house, i didn’t see any car saw. it’s just in vain that you force a sober person to remember what he did while drunk, and you couldn’t drop it during the attack on the cashier of the precision mechanics factories, which cashier,
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and you want to attribute this to me, well, go ahead, go ahead, kill all the dogs, i convicted, and if we show you to the cashier, show, show. tarikov, pyotr fedorovich, electrician, zheka, born in 1960, but how young you are.
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already five, yes, it seems that makeev did not really trust this tarikov, i saw him somewhere, whom, tarikov, and quite recently, did not i can remember where, remember, remember, maybe it will come in handy. olechka, well done, well done, so let's run, let's run, sasha, good afternoon, hello, lieutenant matushkin, criminal investigation, i can distract you for a few children, children, yes, yes, of course, i would like to talk to you about your brother nikolai makeev , you see, i really don’t know what to tell you,
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“well, i didn’t wait, he got caught for hooliganism, only after 3 years he returned, i barely persuaded my husband to come back to live with us, well, then it seems the whole thing is pushing, go play, ruslan, where are you going, get out of there, well, the children have become attached to him, in general, everything has gone smoothly for us, well, now you see, tell me please, what kind of story happened?" nikolai
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had a datrovsk hat, he lost it, then he got a new one somewhere, what a story, and well , you know, my husband’s relatives live in novosibirsk, so i asked for the hat to be sent, but i told my husband that i would write so that they would send two, but nikolai semevich lives with us and we wanted him, in general, somehow i didn’t feel lonely, well , they sent these two hats, and nikolai was very happy, so he wore this hat, so half a month ago he came without a hat, and i tell him, where are you going with the hat, and he says that i lost her, but my husband was on a business trip at that time, nikolai was very upset, and then i told him not to be upset, i’m his other friend, inna nikolaevna, you calm down.
10:41 am
when is your husband coming back? yes, and then it means he brought this hat, he got it somewhere , in general, he then calmed down, so he was cheerful, and my husband, when, when he returns, i received a telegram, today, the day after tomorrow in the morning he should return, you know, it’s all my fault, i... i beg you very much, well, maybe you can help nikolai somehow , inna nikolaevna, we will do everything that can be done, just calm down, excuse me, i have to go, thank you, goodbye, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, comrades, we have lunch, come back later. hours, so 4:12, 3.62, 60 kopecks. 75,
10:42 am
hello girls, hello, hello, how's the trade, 4:42, we're having lunch, come after three, please, excuse me, it’s 60 kopecks. i don’t understand something here, from the criminal investigation department, we’re coming to you for help, how can we... help you, makeev worked for you, you don’t remember who he met with, but you know, he had friends in half the city, they came , you can’t remember everyone, who is he suddenly?
10:43 am
well, in general, i haven’t been seen here for a long time, well, thank you, please, please, 4:12, 360, 60 kopecks. andrich, in general, everything fits, look, here are three with a car, there are three with a car, again a hat, yeah, in my opinion, it’s necessary
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arrange a confrontation with the cashier, everything will immediately become clear, but maybe there is still no need to rush into identification, why? this makeev behaves very confidently, and tarikov does not look like a participant in the raid, he is too much of a coward, by the way, do you remember where you saw him? no, but somewhere i saw him, somewhere i saw him. i remembered , i remembered, you know, where i saw him, at the scene of the incident, he was hanging around there, i also took him for a witness, he was wearing a jacket with a company emblem, which means tarikov
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has recently been working as an electrician, and before that he worked at a precision mechanics factory, he was a thief and his hat was on fire, he smelled something fried, he quit. to cover up their tracks, of course, tarikov is the gunner, makeev is a participant in the attack, the cashier will definitely recognize makeya, you see the arrested person, please take any place among them. hello, hello, citizen yatsevich, yes, it’s me. in accordance with article 164 of the criminal procedure code of the belarusian ussr, you are invited to learn.
10:46 am
please look at these people and tell us if any of them are similar to your attackers. no, there are none of them here, you know, i would
10:47 am
still know him.
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