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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm MSK

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large animals are reasonable, but if there is meat there, then you feel sorry for the animals only in the comments. answer yourself the question: are you ready right now, out of compassion for a predator, to sacrifice the life of yourself or your loved ones? and in belarus there are people who are faced with just such a choice by proliferating animals, and if this choice is beyond the power of those who judge, it is worth leaving the solution to the issue with wild animals to scientists, well, remember that in living nature a fight for the right to eat or not to be eaten is always justified . this is still relevant today day is the most working law of the jungle, i am marina karaman , we have sorted out the relations between belarusians and wildlife, everything is clear, see you later.
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as if you were holding a book in your hands, clutching one piece after another, sipping on the words of your skin, the greatest creativity comes from all of us, the most valuable and useful things are these books. the books have a long history of thoughts, reports and expressive voices of people, everything that the chalavets have created, have been hawking on old books, to the witches of the enchantment. read the chalavek perazhyvae stagodzi. reading closer to
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the past, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24. hello, let's start with a real bomb. polish judge tomasz schmidt asked for protection in belarus. on monday, he himself told everything at a meeting with journalists, he says that he is ready for the fact that the polish authorities will take harsh revenge on him for his frankness, but he will not turn away from his chosen path. at first they tried to organize a maidan here, but it didn’t work out.
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first the regime of kachinsky duda morovetsky, now the regime of the civil platform is being broken, as we say, over the knee, some built it for themselves against the brussels verticals, others have now arrived, they are lining up under the brussels vertical, while heads are flying, spy scandals, surveillance of judges, surveillance of journalists, arrests, incomprehensible ones or murders of politicians, let’s remember the case.
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look where your power is leading you, look at your caricature, but stop the mad politicians, don’t give them a chance to transform all living things. on the planet into ashes, and then all this immediately comes out, you understand, because the president of belarus does not speak simply because he wants to pour his polish counterparts, the polish regime or polish politicians, no, he addresses the people in order to encourage the people to sound policies, and as for the media side of this issue, well, you know, i also have a feeling of satisfaction, finally - polish citizens... will see what it’s worth, the independence of the judicial system, freedom of speech, when now this unfortunate shmita is being compared to just machines of such fierce propaganda, i don’t even know what to compare it with, he is already both a spy and a kremlin personnel agent , what does the kremlin have to do with it?
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he was going to belarus, and not to the kremlin in moscow, he means an unfaithful husband, he is a tyrant, he is a maniac, well, that’s all that can be said, all the dirt that can be said. about a person, now the polish media are doing it with a serious face, but i liked, besides this serious face, the confused face of the prime minister of poland, who said, i’m shocked, i’m shocked, someone compared him to snowden, no, it seems to me , snowden is still a bigger figure, because i don’t know what kind of state secrets of poland comrade schmidt brought to us, the warsaw judge, but snowden was... a systemic phenomenon, it was the last attempt of information partisans to resist this dominance of large digital corporations, of course, the american spy system, which invaded social networks and made them their tool. nikolai evgenievich, how do you look at this? you know, for me
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this was, in general, an expected moment, and i had been waiting for a certain time for more than a certain time that something was about to happen, why? because the situation in the neighboring country is escalating, constant attacks on our state, our own citizens, the destruction of the political principles on which poland, our neighbor, generally functioned, because this is exactly what is happening today, something was about to happen, we remember the case involving a chechen soldier, this it was not so long ago, in general, and it was the first, so to speak, bell in this... direction, because he saw what was happening on our border, how they were destroying, killing, in russian speaking, killing, do not destroy people who are trying to go to europe, to the free world, the so-called, yes, here, you correctly emphasized where they were called,
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today this all came together and, so to speak, was realized together in... the actions of this judge, why? apparently, a person who has a fairly large amount of normal information, well, in his own country, who has access to a certain information base, simply has already gone through the roof with his idea of ​​​​what is happening in his own country, and this spilled over into this protest, i would call it civil protest, there is no other way to call it, because an adequate person, a well-mannered person, a person, so to speak, with a high level of intelligence, we see this. according to his communication with journalists, he is trying to defend his position, having exhausted all possible worlds in his own country, in his own state, realizing that they do not want to hear him, he chose for himself, made
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such a decision, to show what is happening in poland , do you think there are many such schmitts in polish society? in my opinion, there are not many who are ready to go to the end. but there are sensible people there, capable people, so let's say, analyze, capable of adequately assessing the processes taking place in the state, over the past 10 years, a country that has been friendly to us for many years, so to speak, our neighbor, which we have always talked about, has become a country that pursues an anti-state policy towards belarus and ready to go to the end, that’s probably already it. look how interesting andrei evgenevich touched on this topic about the fact that when you listen to schmidt, especially in the part when he says that ordinary poles want good neighborly relations with belarusians, with russians, that they see how poland,
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america and great britain are being pushed towards war, you immediately understand who exactly alexander lukashenko was addressing when he again and again congratulated poland and the baltic countries on their independence days, that is, it turns out. my country will use it, as for the actions of the authorities, it is obvious that during the period of information war, severe confrontation, each side will protect its information field, we protect, russia protects and poland, naturally they will, including andrei evgenievich, as an experienced journalist, he understands that they will use the dirtiest techniques in order to denigrate, find some kind of compromising evidence, in principle, level him as a person, if a person is not respected in society, then his point of view, in principle, for them he will be a traitor, a traitor to the motherland, like that. well, in principle, i think, in the russian federation, if a federal judge had gone to poland, he
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would have been treated like dirt to a lesser extent, but the question is whether he is telling the truth or no, we’re not talking about methods, he’s telling the truth, that it’s not beneficial for poland, you know, dragging poland into the war will lead to a disaster on the european plain, first of all it will be a great tragedy for the polish people, that’s the president’s message, not only here is the last one in the course of the message. at the national assembly, by may 9 at the ceremonial ceremony and so on, which he always talks about, that it is necessary to start a dialogue in europe, escalation could already lead to the worst thing, to a nuclear confrontation, when vadim said not only about poland, but about the entire european plain, because this is a terrible blow to the propagated myth of the garden of this barel.
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the world has never come so close to the prospect of a nuclear war, and perhaps this in itself is the main trigger, when a person understands where his country is being pushed, it is quite possible that he is also a patriot, and he wants to save his population, he wants to become the symbol that will draw the attention of the world community to this problem, how do you look at it? colleagues are right here that, of course, this is a means of internal political problems in poland, of course, and this -
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the collective west is getting involved, the spearhead, it is poland that is being used, it is leading to destruction,
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the year thirty-nine showed this in the last century that poland was on the brink of disaster, and this is one pragmatism, his personal, the second moment is that we are doing everything correctly, this also confirms the correctness of our policy, but the fact that the confrontation has reached a serious level, and we are standing... well, close to each other, we see not only through binoculars, but in direct visibility to us no need for technical means to see these dangers, we will continue now, so we are talking about the fact that poland is arming itself, but not only them. the latvian military has begun building strongholds along the border with russia and belarus, the portal of the latvian radio television clarifies that this is part of the general baltic line of fortifications; 300 million euros will be spent on its creation within 5 years. well, of course, the first question is... is there really nothing else to spend the money on? secondly, the most important question for us is how to react? we have already seen how they were built
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fences, to counter the so-called migration crisis, and not surprisingly, latvia ended up here in the rearguard, it was allocated a little more than 1 million for the construction of fences, from belarus there, if i’m not mistaken, 28 or 30 km of only the funds that were allocated, they had enough. now , under the banner of a threat from the east, they are building these fortifications, the amount is already much larger, more than 300 million dollars for 5 years already in the burachka area, they are building tank ditches there, what other ammunition depots are they going to place there, almost mine them? territory, we see how it
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’s all done in ukraine, all the roads have been dug up, the politics that latvia is now and... please note that this is not a seven-minute question, it didn’t start quite a long time ago, it’s already started around 2000 the conversation that exercises are being conducted in this area, all the nato scenarios, the seizure of the baltic states, russia, the exchange of these territories, all this was prepared in advance, this is a consequence
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of this preparatory stage, and most importantly, except for the creation. the image of the enemy is coming constant escalation, look, because the baltic countries, these are lithuania, latvia and estonia, they have already made statements at the level of their prime ministers, at the level of their presidents, that they are ready to take part in the ground part of the operation in ukraine to send their troops there, countries that essentially do not have a powerful military potential, god forbid they solve their own problems, but they are meddling in someone else’s garden. trying to become geopolitical leaders, why? here is the question, because there is no success these governments, not one country, not the second, not the third, but they need to spur their citizens with something, they need to get interested in something, by and large, to scare, and how to scare, the neighbors of terrible russia,
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terrible belarus, this process, so to speak, militarization of the border, deployment. on the territory of the bases, all this is justified in person, in the person of their own citizens, who are ready today, in the face of fear of attack, to endure poverty, to allocate additional funds, to forgive their government those mistakes, those - so to speak, failures, failures, that's the right one phrase, the failures that have occurred during this time, and the fact that today these countries are losing people, potential, everything and... according to estimates, by 2050 they may cease to exist, the only thing i would not use is these the narratives of the polish baltic elite that supposedly this entire infrastructure is being created against migrants, this is all nonsense, it is being created primarily against its own citizens, who simply do not want to be allowed, including into belarus in russia, there in belarus under the visa-free regime, in russia to see how things are really developing,
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colleagues, this is for militarization and intimidation of colleagues, i will support theses, of course, they are always used in domestic politics. this is the image of an external enemy by all players and always, you know, let’s stop walking around with white gloves, everyone uses this image, but if we have experts in general divided into ideologists, agitators and people who are trying to analyze at least something, especially religious fanatics on the other side in the west and here, all right-wing enemies and are used by foreign intelligence services, all these great philosophers who are for russia , mother lopryshiba for...
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are used by the intelligence services either directly and any radicals, without even knowing about it, even with the best intentions, you see, the intelligence services do not work like that, we are recruiting this, this we will buy, we have compromising evidence on this one, and we will play on his self-esteem, conceit, dugin is a wonderful philosopher, he is a fan of his idea, but he is practically a religious fanatic, i respect him, but there are such people number of people they use, i don’t let them take offense at me. i say again, all people who hold extreme right-wing views are being used today by foreign intelligence services to escalate the conflict, which is the main problem and you should talk about it on your broadcasts. the fact that today we already have 90,000 armed forces amassing weapons on our border, and armed forces will continue to gather, they have achieved the most important thing. the parties have become incapable of agreement, they do not see, the west does not
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see, especially europe in the person of russia , a party capable of agreement, and russia today i’m not ready to make any compromises or concessions. this escalation is used to first draw in the armed forces. to start a military conflict in europe, you first need to deploy weapons and deploy the appropriate contingent. then they will deal with the politicians, peoples have never made a decision to start a military conflict, the people will always prepare, they will pour anything into their ears, there will be provocations, there will be a trigger, then the politicians will make a decision, and those politicians who do not want to make a decision will be eliminated , what our judge is talking about, they will appoint new politicians, they will make the appropriate decision, accordingly we need to see the processes from above, and today the process is what, we are accumulating weapons at the borders, we are building the appropriate infrastructure, and there is something to fight with, and the longer this... drags on, plus we are cutting off economic relations, plus we are cutting off diplomatic relations, plus our right-wing radicals on both sides are setting people against each other,
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god bless dugin and let his ideas proceed in a peaceful manner, and i will only wish him best wishes. andrei evgenievich, well, i’m ready to bet, i’m purely about whether or not i should comment on something here, if not, let’s move on to the next topic, i just personally know alexander gelievich and have known him for more than 10 years, of course he’s no good. children's curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions
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let me remind you that the commander-in-chief recently checked the readiness of our air force and air defense. the conditional targets were detected by radio engineering troops and then destroyed by anti-aircraft missiles. aviation coped with the task. let us emphasize once again that we use military force for purely defensive purposes. this is directly stated in the military doctrine, updated and approved on a recent vns. and there is another important message: the use of military force is considered only after the possibility of using political-diplomatic, legal, economic, informational, ideological and other measures in the interests of ensuring military security and defense has been exhausted, but we keep our gunpowder dry. we are listening to the state secretary of the security council , alexander valfovich. based on the current military-political situation. first of all, around the republic of belarus, we continue to improve the issues of combat readiness of our armed forces strength the most effective way is sudden inspections, which are carried out in
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conditions as close as possible to a real combat situation, in accordance with the instructions of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, other troops and military formations; inspections will involve forces capable of using tactical nuclear weapons. first of all , these are iskander operational-tactical systems and su-25 front-line attack aircraft. to control forces and assets, a signal transmission system for the use of this type has been deployed weapons. this inspection was planned against the backdrop of activities carried out by our colleagues. from the russian federation on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons in synchronization with them. alexander ivanovich, this is correct, as you understand, this is what we are doing. well, it’s clear that our military is trained to work with such weapons. and yet , first of all, the task is to ensure that those people who have not realized that the very fact of placing
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tactical nuclear weapons on our territory should. we see that these are challenges and individual threats are already being formed, the head of state said very substantively about this, that a ninety- thousandth group is being conducted near our borders, exercises are being held, only in august, a whole complex of exercises, in august they are completed, why is all this being done, naturally, in order to exert pressure on us, on the union state, therefore we
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act depending on these dangers, these challenges and threats. and the complex and system of measures that are being implemented, the head of state also said about it, is that we are strengthening security borders and we are attracting various forces and means there, including military contingents, brigades to reinforce the border guards, we, together with the russian federation , have now already begun preparatory measures in order to...
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in thousands of thousands of kilometers, there you can draw lines and expect something, you can’t capture mother russia right away, and belarus, as the last war showed, within a month it ceased to exist, now it will be even faster, then not, so there are no lines, no, any aggression and there will be a response instantaneous, many today are talking about nuclear and other weapons, which lukashenko will use, will not use, and so on, listen, these are weapons of deterrence, these are weapons of defense, no one will go on the offensive with these weapons, draw a conclusion from here, but the worst thing is that in the understanding of the west, the third world war is not something abstract and is presented as if.
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the head of state told us this very clearly, that belarus has a very clear understanding of itself, has an idea of ​​its place in the world, of its military capabilities, firstly, we do not have any territorial claims to anyone, i do not consider belarus a direct participant in the conflict, because we do not derive any benefit for ourselves from this conflict, and we do not have any goals for territorial claims to anyone, i believe that we we are simply fulfilling our allied obligations, which we
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are obliged to fulfill in... those agreements that we have, however, from the first day of the conflict at the stage of its inception, belarus made every effort to de-escalate, which the head of state is saying today, we are not... we are ready today to waste the economy, all the money for war and, so to speak, undermine socio-political stability and bring down the country, lose sovereignty. we clearly understand that drawing belarus into the war will lead to the loss of sovereignty, loss of statehood and the destruction of our country. that is why we rely on our strategic ally, on its potential regarding tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, and i would like to once again draw attention to their use. tactical nuclear weapons in europe is included in washington’s scenario, so that you understand, that is, it does not scare them until we demonstrate an immediate threat to washington, i spoke about this during one of my meetings with alexander grigorievich in the large hall, that so far washington has not
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london will also feel an immediate threat to itself that we are ready to use the most serious weapons against them, if they continue to escalate in europe, they will play on this, make money on... this intransigence of the parties, that there is such a threat , which one will they feel? well, listen, today we must, russia has already started doing this, we are slowly moving towards this, peskov said this, but we must explain, we are not going to fight the nato bloc with conventional weapons in europe, this is idiocy, listen, just take it calculators, turn on your brain a little, if someone there is such a sudden check, it’s about this, about that... this does not mean that we should, this is absolutely, again, this does not mean that we should rely on your potential, especially our ally, nuclear, naturally, we must have a locked border, we must have normal conventional weapons, we must have good
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internal troops, and armed forces, and territorial defense, we must have all this, we must be strong , at a minimum , to prevent provocation and the infiltration of the drg, so that at least they cannot inflict upon us these criminals and traitors who, under the guise of local... battalions, will come here and begin to organize what they organized in belgorod and other regions of russia, naturally, we must have capable armed forces, internal troops, this is normal, but on a global scale washington, any escalation up to the use of tactical nuclear weapons will be fine, and today we must indicate, puskov said correctly, a war with nato, not a war with nato is conventional weapons, the population of the nato bloc is several times larger, if we take china into account, and several times larger than the population of the russian federation. the economic potential is many times greater, this is reality, prolonging the conflict will lead to exhaustion, why do you always lose to the casino, because the casino has more money, that’s all, that’s why they gave us a casino here, but the lesson is human lives, yes, nikolaich, you know, i would like to continue the topic
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of verification forces that exist on our territory, including nuclear ones, we must pay attention to the fact that such trainings are constantly coming, taking place in europe, the corresponding warheads of the combined units are stationed there...
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at such a moment i would also like to draw your attention attention, because we have a component, these are missile weapons, nuclear and which can be aircraft, aircraft carriers, we are training both of these components, we are training them not in order to strike at someone, but it was just said what forces is in europe, it was just said that training is constantly taking place near our borders, these are thousands of people, these are thousands of weapons, we are not ready to resist them today with our own forces, but we can inflict unacceptable damage on them, and this is an element strategic deterrence, what was
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said, and in order for it to be immediate, you need trained personnel and an appropriate solution to it ; let’s simply illustrate what you said, let the audience watch, there really are enough provocations, as they said that they understand. only the language of strength, right now there are nato exercises statefast defender, more than 90,000 officers and soldiers from thirty-one countries, about 100 planes and helicopters, 133 tanks, more than 500 armor.
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uk ministry of defense, i don’t even want to know, but the hacking of the german database is a sensitive prick, first of all, this information will influence the consciousness of the british and germans. this is an asymmetrical answer, i think yes, the americans and the european union themselves are talking about their vulnerabilities, well, let’s say, an attempt to ban tiktok in the usa, a raider takeover of tiktok, what is this? this means that the american government, the current biden regime , has signed that it cannot control the 170 million space of subscribers, users, it does not know what information... waves are occurring there, what thoughts are shared, or telegram in the european
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union, already european union officials, whom no one elected, declare that we will either block or limit telegram in the european union. in my opinion, an important policy of the belarusian, in particular the media, should be to build such channels, appeal directly to polish, baltic society, societies of countries, including germany, through which, including the peace-loving policy of the president of belarus, can be conveyed without censorship blocking . we continue, president in france, macron said that he does not rule out the entry of western troops into ukraine if russia breaks through the front line, if kiev makes a request. the arguments are the same, if russia wins, the next second there will be no security. neither in romania, nor in poland, nor in lithuania, nor in our country,
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says macron. the leader of the democrats in the us house of representatives, hakim jeffries, continues the idea. he said on cbs that we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if that happens, there is a significant chance that america we will have to intervene in the conflict not just with our money, but with our military personnel. he also noted with regret that there is a growing quote in the republican party: the pro-putin faction, which does not want... to support ukraine, for some reason refuses to consider russia an enemy of the united states, you know, let's probably start this topic, please, i'll start from a completely different side, maybe even somewhat unexpected, all these statements, these are their statements, this is, in general, a broadcast to the world of those thoughts that they have representatives of countries who, for decades, centuries , have been imposing their... point of view on the whole world, but one of these same
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representatives, joseph barel, who literally a week ago finally revealed the sacramental secret of the whole of europe and the world, the united states has ceased to be a hegemon, this his words that he expressed to great britain, a person who takes a completely, well, clearly unfriendly position towards not. and what macron says today, what representatives of the united states and their establishment say today, this is after the fact, that is, the movement has already begun, it cannot be stopped, this is what the president of the republic once spoke about 5-7 years ago.
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or the struggle in the political sphere, in the economic, in the social, in the informational , the extreme components are military, that is , all these first four components and... the western countries, which could do whatever they wanted and how they wanted, have finally understood, have exhausted well, it dawned on them that time has passed, time has been lost, they are constantly mulling over this problem, that we will solve everything you want, they are already late and the kings’ last argument is this
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war, these are troops, realizing that today the future is being decided in ukraine.
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therefore, the attempts of great britain and the attempts of france, combining with the previous topic, are attempts to re-divide europe as well. well, it is obvious that germany is weak, this fruit of the european union, as a new integration project under the auspices of german business, the german economy, which, by the way, lived on cheap russian gas, due to this received such ultra-competitive opportunities, no.
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because every war ends, how are relations between our slavic peoples restored after the war? uh-huh, yes, well, i think these statements are a continuation of the neo-colonial policy on the part of great britain, my colleague said absolutely correctly, this is what we need to pay attention to, the us share in the world economy is falling, the share of the g7 countries in the world economy is falling,
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if we start to compare with the share china, brazil, india, the russian federation and so on, then naturally there is a balance of power in the world. and the balance of power is primarily economics, economic opportunities and access to resources, access to human resources, access to natural resources and the economy, plus control of international trade and the financial system, this is what the fight is going on now, why the war, so that they simply understand, they don’t just want to fight, they today they clearly understand that the only competitor, i spoke in your last program for washington for the coming decades, this is spelled out in their doctrinal documents, eurasia, only the countries of eurasia... we will soon remember about central asia and etc. and the south-north caucasus, we will have all this. work in the coming years, we need to inspire local and regional conflicts in order to weaken, unfortunately,
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today here ukraine, germany, a number of other countries of the european union, in principle , are all hostages of the situation, and i say again, we need to remove the situation when the parties they will be able to start talking, lukashenko is right, without preconditions, because what?
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on the saving side, we must use all possible methods and demonstrate strategic and tactical deterrence, and introduce the parties into the information field so that they begin to see each other as negotiable parties, we must withdraw the parties from the conflict, and not lead the parties to escalation, thank you, aleksandrovich, now vadim has given me this idea that we started with a pole who ran across, in general, each of our next questions, your answer led to the fact that the poles will be behind...
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all these actions speak very much about one very important thing in my opinion, that, unfortunately, the west , he did not learn to lose, but he will have to lose, and he does not have the economic prerequisites for maintaining his hegemony, this is obvious and understandable to everyone, so his main strategic line is that... in order to prevent eurasia from lisbon to vladivostok from taking place, because it it will not only be a counterweight to america, it will drown america, it is
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strategic, as for statements about a hundred years of friendship, well, we know that there was a hundred years war in europe, and real actions, speaking about peace and friendship, they project a hundred years war in europe, this it benefits them very much, because it solves internal problems, primarily economic and... we see how very smoothly the same united states is already starting israel for its internal political problems, they are starting to withdraw israel, and again focusing on ukraine so that both china and to counteract russia, that’s why a good comparison was made, the game of roulette, so the west only knows how to play roulette, toss chips, but they cannot play for a long time, we have one strategic partner of the state, which is all three named. showed to the players of both great britain, france and the usa that there is nothing hundred years old in the world, i mean vietnam, the occupation
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by the british, they said that we came there for a century, flew out like a traffic jam, the occupation of france, flew out like a traffic jam, and whole the united states of america, which could not do anything with the people of vietnam and their struggle for independence and freedom, suffered a terrible defeat, including in the internal information war, when the american citizens themselves. even possible this holiday, because than further, the fewer witnesses to this victory, it is difficult to preserve, now in what we
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are going through, we have seen the true cost, for you today, for us, that’s what it is? victory day, andrei evgenievich, victory day is the sacred meaning of the belarusian nation, it is a holiday that, well, if you like, is nation-forming, because in belarus it is impossible to find people other than outright freaks and crazy people who would not relate to this to this victory as the greatest event in our history, which by... allowed us not only to preserve the belarusian people in history in general as a subject of history, but allowed us to speak on behalf of the truth of justice throughout the world, because we liberated it from nazism, we have the moral right to speak to the same germans, with the same united sub-nazi
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banners in europe, that we stood for what was right. the country has history, and you, besides two nations, serbs and greeks, came to our land with weapons in your hands, destroyed 27 million soviet citizens, destroyed every third belarusian, now through ideology, through the supply of weapons, through money, you are trying to take revenge, there will be no revenge, let’s listen to the president, now a fragment of a speech at a ceremonial meeting, unprecedented information attacks , all kinds of falsifications, on the part of the collective west justify the atrocities committed by the nazis by their henchmen. we see how revanchists are trying to pull the bankrupt nazi ideology out of the underworld. everything is presented as if the nuremberg tribunal never happened. this is
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our pride. fulcrum, fulcrum, because we were on the verge of destruction, a million aryans should have lived here, and 2 million belarusians who served them, and the rest should all be destroyed, and the element of our pride and with our glory is that we have always been creators in the soviet union, and as the republic of belarus, that’s why the shmits come to us, we can only create when there is.
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that the most important thing in the world is peace, peace and once again peace, and for the sake of this word we must work and lead all our political components, develop, take care of our homeland, and the fact that belarus treats victory day with such respect indicates that we are a nation with a conscience. and we honor the memory of the great victory, we realize that the blood of victors and liberators flows in our veins, today we unanimously stand up when we hear great songs about the great victory, a tear breaks through us, we are proud of the place belarus occupies in the family peoples of the world, and this place is not
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conquered, by every third. fallen during the war, both peaceful and military, but today we want to fight in a peaceful field, we want to create, we want to create something new, useful for our planet, for our land, and we are doing our best today, having received this vaccination, having survived these terrible tragedies of the twentieth century, today we are making maximum efforts to promote peace throughout our planet. i thank you for participating in this program, finally, why... the war is relevant even after 80 years, because the idea underlying it has not changed, our grandfathers pulled out the weed, but somewhere deep down the root remained, it sprouts again, i i'd like to be wrong, but is it possible that in the speech of the ceo of the powerful black rock foundation, larry fink, there are shoots of the same evil that are unfamiliar to us, listen, i can say that the developed
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countries are winning. will be those in which the population is declining. in my conversations with the leadership of these large developed countries that have xenophobic immigration policies, they do not allow anyone to come. these countries will rapidly develop robotics, artificial intelligence and technology, so that the paradigm of negative population growth will change, and social the problems that will arise when people are replaced by machines will be much easier in countries where the population is declining. i translate that for robots to take root better, the population should be smaller, it doesn’t remind me of anything. the nazi plan is just about extra people. it is generally known that. his goal was to free up living space for the master race. they approached on a grand scale; within 25 years they planned to destroy and deport 85% of the inhabitants of poland and lithuania, 75% of the inhabitants of belarus. well, here's
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the direct speech, reiks furer ss gimler. millions russians died in this war, we took millions prisoner, but more and more millions are joining the battle. to cope with this, speaking from a military point of view, we must kill from three to... 4 million russians a year, or borman, remember that one? the slavs must work for us, but if we no longer need them, let them die. it turns out that times and generations change, but the goal of global evil is still the same, there are fewer people, and specific people from specific countries, they have a big historical problem with the slavs. therefore, memory is not just a beautiful may day, this is a shield and sword in our hands.
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