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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 3:00pm-3:21pm MSK

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belarus 24?
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this is news from the studio vladislav bunder, hello, here are just some of the topics of the issue. at the orthodox radunitsa , traffic police officers help relieve heavy traffic near cemeteries. exposing war crimes. in belarus, orthodox believers celebrate radunitsa; the day of remembrance of the departed falls on the second tuesday of easter week. according to tradition, belarusians went to the cemetery to honor the memory of their deceased relatives. yes, many visited the graves back... but even today there is traffic near the main
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the graveyards of the capital and the minsk region are quite dense. traffic police ensure high-level traffic order. minor changes have been made. you can park only in designated areas, and adjustments are made , among other things, with the help of traffic police officers. they organized one-way traffic, regulatory actions, and posted people. we don’t allow traffic jams to form; you can visit the cemetery quite comfortably by car. i would like to say thank you to the management, who came up with a 4-day weekend, and people arrived evenly, visited, today i do not observe such a congestion situation as in previous years, we are working, helping, in order to avoid congestion of the pipes, for those who are just planning a trip to the cemetery, gi employees recommend using public transport, and they have also launched additional buses. new military exercises have been announced in latvia from may 18 to 27.
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field tactical maneuvers will take place at the odaz training ground in the east of the country. their goal is to train and test general combat readiness. residents are urged not to panic when they see the movement of soldiers and equipment outside military training grounds. meanwhile, the latvian authorities cannot find money to build the largest military training ground in the baltics for training a nato brigade. according to balt news, the cost of the facility is about $700 million, and the planned completion date is 2026. for today. construction of the landfill never began. the supreme court of australia has sentenced a former army lawyer. almost six years in prison for leaking classified information to the media. she exposes the war crimes of the country's mission in afghanistan. david mcbright received a sentence despite the whistleblower protection law. moreover, in order to imprison him, the state spent more than $2 million from the budget on the courts. the files mcbride leaked to reporters provide evidence of australian involvement. soldiers to the illegal
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killings of dozens of unarmed afghan men and children. in addition, the former lawyer said that he saw from documents how the western coalition mission was failing in afghanistan, but australian politicians and the military continued it for the sake of careers and money. in in the netherlands, special forces brutally dispersed participants in a pro-palestinian demonstration. students of the university of amsterdam seized one of the buildings. despite the statement that their protest was peaceful,
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the demonstration continued in one of the capital's parks, the university administration estimated the damage from the actions of the protesters at 1.5 million euros. the white house announced a new military package. aid to ukraine this week, as us national security adviser jake solivan said, some of the weapons from the latest package, announced on may 10, will arrive on the battlefield in the coming days. at the same time, western analysts believe that assistance to kiev is a waste of both money and weapons. as the french newspaper mont writes, new supplies of weapons, ammunition and military equipment will not help the ukrainian armed forces turn the situation around at the front. at the same time, more than half of americans count us spending. to help ukraine are excessive, this follows from a request from the financial times newspaper, and according to reuters, in the year of the us presidential election, for americans domestic issues came to the fore problems, there are more than enough of them, so in america there is a crisis in the law enforcement system in several states at once, they write about it
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even overseas. the british daily mail reports that 500 police officers have already fled from california to texas. they are unhappy with the state's crime control policies. to avoid being accused in russia. from places of security they turn a blind eye to what is happening on the streets, and security structures have also had their funding cut and laws relaxed. now californians fear they will be left completely without protection. take it wider americans are suffering from the ineffective work of their government; the current government has brought the country to economic collapse. now the majority of the population does not have money for a rainy day, but there is unemployment and bankruptcy, as american political scientist steve claims. according to him, it is the debt crisis that threatens the safety and well-being of state residents, and the threat of default is becoming more and more real. in the united states, the economic system is designed in such a way that everyone, absolutely everyone, is in debt, that is, both the household and
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legal entities and the government, that is , this is how economic systems are structured, we have taken on the role of such a world gendarme, and this role costs a lot of money. of course, someone benefits from this, but certainly not ordinary americans, so dissatisfaction with biden is, of course, growing. and the fact that we are now spending huge amounts of money to support ukraine in a regional conflict tens of thousands of miles away from us, of course, also hits us very hard in our pockets. our economy is virtually in ruins. we have now more officially. 30 million people are starving, half a million homeless people live on the streets, and this is not their choice, this is not because they wanted it, but because this is the economic situation, our circulatory system in general, logistics, in our country everything
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is tied to cargo transportation, so these logistics companies, they go bankrupt one after another, people lose their jobs,... a rather terrible event occurs in the economy. the economy of the minsk region this year will be strengthened by the implementation of a large-scale program, one district, one project. in total, the central plans region for this year there are 47 investment programs with a total volume of more than one and a half billion rubles. 2,000 new jobs will be created in all regions, 40 of which will appear at the amka plant. maybe in grains. this machine-building holding enterprise is being modernized. various models of grain drying complexes are created here, including special mobile niva. we are currently working on another investment project, which is being carried out jointly with the regional executive committee.
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this is the construction of a production building with a total area of ​​10,000 m2 with a new technological equipment. at the new production we plan to produce the same conveyor dryers. such as the niva mobile dryer, as well as dryers and grain drying complexes with an intelligent control system. serious returns in the krupsky district are also expected from the mining sector, this is the modernization of the local turshovka turf briquette plant. this investment project involves the construction of a peat boiling shop, the construction of fields for peat extraction of about 150 hectares, and the modernization of technological ones. passages, reconstruction technological road, in general, for this project, the amount of investment will be 42 million rubles. and provides for the creation of twenty modernized jobs. in the military-industrial complex of the minsk region, this year a large investment project is being implemented, which is being carried out by
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the derzhinsky agricultural complex, the construction of sixteen new poultry houses in the krupsky district. planned economic impact, 90 additional jobs plus 9,000 tons of poultry meat. annually. preserving historical memory is the basis for educating young people. experience and knowledge are passed on to them by those who went through the crucible of war. today there are about 1,100 veterans in belarus. to eclipse the historical truth, today we show, tell and speak the
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truth that really happened, and today our veterans, who, of course, are becoming fewer and fewer, are living witnesses, and no one will escape from this, veterans in our country is surrounded by maximum care, it is provided by local authorities, social services and public organizations, support covers all areas of life and is provided...
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and military leader, major general. he met the war in estonia as kambata. soon the young commander headed a rifle division, which particularly distinguished itself in the battles for the liberation of ukraine, moldova, and romania. from 1942 to 1944 he went from major to major general. for the habit of always rushing to the front line, in the thick of it. events, he was called general forward, the hero died on april 19, 3
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weeks before the victory, after being mortally wounded by a nazi sniper, a street and a school in the city of zaslavl were named after mikhail konstantinovich putik. the fashion show was held in the pushkin library, the author's clothing collections were from the novaya ya studio and domestic manufacturers, and the outfits were demonstrated by professional models of the silver age. this modeling studio for 60+ people exists quite recently; it was opened on the basis of a social center in the soviet district of minsk. they presented the collection symphony of the tie, eternal femininity and transferred it to...
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they completely change it, with retirement a certain freedom appeared, the freedom that you can express yourself in a new capacity, as an elegant woman, a woman who looks after for style, for modern fashion, this appearance in new outfits that we advertise from a belarusian manufacturer, it all brings, you just get a magnificent adrenaline when you feel like a free, beautiful, young woman. the training program at the new ya studio lasts about 4 months, giving ladies
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of retirement age the skills of fashion shows, photo posing, and the basics of make-up and self-confidence. next is the sports news, and already at 9 pm, my colleagues will sum up the results of the day in a panorama. have a nice day and see you on the first button. in the champions cup hockey tournament continues in chelyabinsk, russia. the belarusian national team guaranteed itself a place in the semi-finals, today our guys were stronger than the admiral 3:2, kiril lazovsky, anton chemerinsky, nikita scored goals.
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on the fourth day, the goths took twentieth place in the overall standings.
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we follow the sporting life of our country. belarusian weightlifters won three licenses for the olympics. in paris. the final qualifying start for the world cup ended in thailand. the most unexpected couple in the president's cup final zhlobin metallurgist and brest. the history of the championship has been rewritten again; never before have the sixth and seventh squads of a smooth season reached the golden series. let's look at the most interesting event. british runner raskuk, known on the internet as the toughest eccentric, set his sights on the record a year ago. he wanted to run across africa from south to north. world champion steeplechase runner anouk guernier set a new world record for climbing the kanata. a thirty-four-year-old french woman, with the help of hands rose to the second floor of the eiffel tower. we listen to the opinions of competent specialists. observing the trend of the last few olympic cycles, we see that in modern swimming it is not so much
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the records that are increasing, but the density of results. all this is in sports projects on the tv channel. belarus 24. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from the country and abroad. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene. current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia,
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turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar. united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish satellite azer space 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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they drew conclusions from a series of qualifying games, worked on mistakes and are ready to amaze us with their erudition. today the exercise enters the super final battle.


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