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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 5:05pm-6:31pm MSK

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tv channel belarus 24.
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we are on this sacred site not only for every policeman and serviceman of the internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs. but also every belarusian. it was on this line of defense in july of forty-one that we showed courage and perseverance at the cost of our own lives. the defense was held by the soldiers of the consolidated police battalion under the command of konstantin grigorievich vladimirov. their feat was forever an example of heroism and courage, loyalty to duty, oath and their country. present at our gala event minister of internal affairs of the republic of belarus, lieutenant general of police, kubrakov ivan. vladimirovich, chairman of the mogilev regional executive committee, anatoly mikhailovich isachenko,
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chairman of the standing committee on health, physical culture, family and youth policy, house of representatives of the national assembly of the republic of belarus, malashka valery anatolyevich, deputy chairman of the mogilev regional executive committee, oleg vladimirovich, chairman of the mogilev regional executive committee. of the executive committee oleg ivanovich chikida, deputy chairman the senate department of the belarusian orthodox church for interaction with the armed forces and law enforcement agencies of the republic of belarus, priests, heads of departments of the ministry of internal affairs, the main internal affairs directorate of the minsk city executive committee , the internal affairs directorate of the regional executive committees, educational institutions of the ministry of internal affairs, members of the belarusian.
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in the year marked by the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the republic of belarus from the nazi invaders, we gathered at the memorial complex in honor of the police battalion under the command of captain konstantin vladimirov. on the way to the memorial in all regions of the republic, at mass graves in iconic places, we bowed to those who died defending our right to life, and to those who became weak-willed. victims of fascist executioners, we sacredly preserve the memory of the feat of our colleagues, reverently recreating
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everything connected with their heroism, courage, valor and military glory. for all employees, this place is sacred. here, in the last battle, the police battalion, with selfless loyalty and devotion to the homeland, showed the highest example of true patriotism to its homeland. out of 250. but at the same time for another week, the nazis were afraid to approach the line of defense for fear of the blue police uniform of the fallen heroes. for many years, the most significant events and honorary rituals have been held at the foot of the monument. every employee, serviceman and veteran of the department made a personal contribution to the creation. revival of the memorial, a symbol of memory and grief, consider this a sacred duty to departed
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colleagues, i ask you to honor the memory of the police heroes with a minute of silence and remove your hats. put on hats. in the name of the bright in the future, we will continue to preserve and pass on to our descendants the historical truth about the feat of our colleagues. let me remind you that in 2021 , by the decision of the officers’ meeting. the department organized the reconstruction of the mass grave of the monument. in 2023, the year of peace and neighborliness
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, the main work was completed and the grand opening took place, which we all attended. i express my gratitude to everyone who today takes an active part in the further development of the complex, who does not stand aside from this important matter and contributes to the preservation people's memory. dear colleagues.
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the vvd of the magilev regional executive committee, the battalion of the police patrol service named after konstantin vladimirov, will become a worthy successor and keeper of the best traditions of loyalty to the chosen career path. today we live under clear and peaceful skies. any attempts to promote peace and stability in our state will undoubtedly be stopped.
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our police military teams, as well as department veterans, are doing everything possible to ensure that citizens. countries could live in peace and work creatively for the good native republic of belarus. we, the current generations, are grateful to everyone who defended peace on our land, to everyone who brought the great victory closer. unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer people who have personally experienced the bitterness of loss and the greatness of victory. its direct participants. that is why we say words of gratitude to our glorious veterans with great respect. who made a significant personal contribution to the defeat of fascism, the fight against banditry in the post-war years, the restoration of law and order and peaceful life in our country. your patriotism and conscientiousness service to the fatherland is a worthy example for educating new generations and professionals. i would like to address the youth, our cadets, lyceum students and students of
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military-patriotic clubs. you are our future, you are our support, you are the foundation of our state, to further ensure the sovereignty and unity of all citizens of the country, it is you who will have to preserve and increase, protect the historical heritage and national idea. remember, time has chosen us, this is not only the motto of the historic seventh all-belarus people’s assembly, this is a message to the current and new generations for the future, for development. an even stronger and more prosperous belarus. dear colleagues, dear present, dear veterans, i congratulate everyone on the upcoming great victory day, i wish you all, your loved ones good health, prosperity, happiness, further success in your work for the benefit of our homeland and in the name of the heroes of the victorious
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may. on the eve of this significant day , i am especially pleased. today to present our colleagues with well-deserved awards according to the current traditions to award employees who have distinguished themselves in the performance of their duties with the rank of captain ahead of schedule, to begin the ritual by decree of the president of the republic of belarus dated may 2, 2024 number 185, the next special ranks of police colonel, police lieutenant colonel were awarded...
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police lieutenant colonel oleg anatolyevich vlasov, head of the operational department - atc duty service. police lieutenant colonel alexander vladimirovich voronin, head of the operational duty service department of the internal affairs directorate of the brez regional executive committee. police lieutenant colonel fence vadim vladimirovich, deputy head of the department for migration and work with foreigners.
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police lieutenant colonel boris sergeevich lutsevich, head of the traffic police department of the internal affairs directorate of the minsk regional executive committee. police lieutenant colonel sergei mikhailovich moslovsky, head of the operational duty service department of the internal affairs directorate of the mogilev regional executive committee. police lieutenant colonel sergei mikhailovich petryaev. head of the internal affairs department of the kobrin district committee, police lieutenant colonel
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semenovich alexander alexandrovich, first deputy head of the internal affairs department affairs of the minsk regional executive committee. police lieutenant colonel dmitry viktorovich strinatka , deputy head of the recruitment directorate of the main personnel directorate of the ministry of internal affairs. the rank of colonel of the interior.
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by orders of the ministry of internal affairs dated april 24, 2024 no. 158 for personnel and dated april 29, 2024 no. 163 for personnel, the following were awarded: special military ranks in order to promote early the police captain, senior police lieutenant, aleksey sergeevich gots, senior
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detective of the criminal department search of the machulishchansky police department of the internal affairs district committee department. senior police lieutenant commissar vasily. olegovich, local police inspector of the department of internal affairs of the rogachev regional executive committee. senior police lieutenant alexey mikhailovich kostyuk, senior detective of the criminal investigation department of the internal affairs directorate of the frunzinsky district administration, minsk. senior police lieutenant dmitry
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vitalievich leonchik, detective officer of the criminal investigation department of the internal affairs department administration of the central district of minsk. senior police lieutenant andrei ivanovich lukashevich, head of the department for combating economic crimes of the internal affairs department of the novopolotsk city executive committee. senior police lieutenant melyukh yuri stepanovich, local police inspector of the internal affairs department of the luninets regional executive committee.
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senior police lieutenant. senior police lieutenant nikolai aleksandrovich stepanov, head of the criminal investigation department of the internal affairs department of the belynnichesky regional executive committee. senior police lieutenant terekh nikolai ivanovich, head of the service dog kennel of the minsk regional department of the security department of the ministry of internal affairs.
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the rank of captain of the internal service to the senior lieutenant of the internal service of slutsk, denis nikolaevich, detective officer. senior lieutenant alexey alekseevich krivonosov, rank of captain, assistant chief of staff for the service of the fifth rifle battalion of the military unit 54-48 of the internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs. senior lieutenant potskevich ilya
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denisovich, chief of staff of the special appointment of military unit 3214 of the internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs. ministry of internal affairs dated april 30, 2024.
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presented to the chairman of the mogilev regional executive committee anatoly mikhailovich isachenko. dear ivan vladimirovich, dear employees, veterans of internal affairs bodies. today we have gathered here to honor the memory of heroes, those who stood up to defend their homeland, who put service to the fatherland above all else and died a brave death. it has already become traditional on the eve of may 9 to gather in the village of gai in this sacred a place where the earth itself is soaked in the blood of soldiers, defenders of the city of mogilev. here in july of the forty-first year, for six days without sleep or rest, under continuous enemy fire , the valiant battalion of police captain vladimirov fought to the death. experienced employees and young cadets. they withstood
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the onslaught of superior enemy forces with honor and remained faithful in their oath to the end; they not only held the line, but stood as a human shield in the enemy’s path. we bow our heads to the memory of those who gave their most precious thing, their lives, for victory. dear friends, our people's heroic heritage, preserve the truth about it, pass it on to future generations... the sacred duty of every resident of belarus, we all, and especially young people, more than ever, need the truth to remember that distant war, about the generation of people who honestly and to the end fulfilled our duty to protect our homeland. i want to say words of gratitude to the employees of the ministry of internal affairs and personally to minister ivan vladimirovch kubrakov.
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for the important and very necessary work that you are doing, for preserving historical memory, for instilling a sense of duty among employees, for examples of heroism and... dedication of our people, i am convinced that the current employees of the internal affairs bodies, descendants of victorious soldiers, are ready, at the first call , to defend their land and maintain peace. we promise to always remember the heroism and feat of the soviet soldier who defeated fascism, to remember the victims among the civilian population, to remember everyone thanks to whom we have the opportunity... to build an independent and sovereign republic of belarus, standing on this sacred land, you know, what it is a great happiness to live and work with to a peaceful, calm country, happy holiday,
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happy may 9th, all the best, for assistance in preserving the military-historical heritage of the mogilev region, gratitude... police colonel evgeniy evgenievich kovalenok, chairman of the mogilev regional council of the belarusian public organization of veterans, internal affairs bodies of the internal troops ministry of internal affairs
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thank you, dear anatoly mikhailovich. the floor is given to the deputy chairman of the synodal department of the belarusian orthodox church for interaction with armed forces and law enforcement agencies of the republic of belarus, priest sergei labada. dear high assembly, dear friends, 80 years old, thank god, we live under a peaceful sky. for 80 years we can create families, raise children in peace, but this is an inheritance, this wonderful land was given to us for a reason, millions
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of belarusians paid a huge price for it, the best sons and daughters of our land, including captain vladimirov and his soldiers, are on the spot the feat for which we have all gathered today. "god has no dead, god has all the living, says the gospel, and those who gave the most valuable thing, that they had their lives for our peaceful sky, they look at us, they see us, they rejoice with us, they worry about our difficulties, we all need to live in such a way as to be worthy of this inheritance, serve, work, everyone in their place so that this is an inheritance." so that for the next 80 years, and maybe even more, this peaceful sky remains peaceful over our country, i congratulate everyone on the upcoming holiday , victory day, i wish everyone who wears shoulder straps,
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determination, courage, courage, patience, god bless us all from adversity, eternal memory, eternal peace, defender of our native land, happy holiday, friends! floated over the battlefield. kat, the wounded battalion commander was lying there, hugging his native land, as if he was gaining strength in it, so that
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he would lead his brave battalion against the enemy again, because the battle was unequal, the battle was going on, the seventh day had passed. an unequal battle, a brutal battle, and there is no sky above the bare ground, there are only clouds of smoke. where there was light and height, where the silence was broken, war did all this, a fiery goblet of wine, soldiers need to drink to the dregs, dear mother, earth, kambat with new forces.
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there was a fierce battle and there was no sky overhead, all there was just a cloud of smoke there, there was light and height, the silence was torn apart, all this was done by the war and the kubaks, the genes of wine, the soldiers need to drink ghana. without retreating from their native land,
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the fighters went into immortality, along with them their companion, a reliable friend, a father, a brother, a monument to the hero stands, the field is full of flowers, the foxes are noisy. silence, all this was done by war and a cup
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of fiery wine, the soldiers drank to the dregs. it’s so easy not to remember when everyone around you is repeating it. don't forget a dream, our little one
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an island, a country where the path is paved for us with goodness and truth, where those close to us are now cold, but i don’t presume to judge them, god forbid that we live without tears and war, lord save belarus, remember, and from this we not to leave, and we will not go astray, complete, because memory gives us strength, we are together, one people, i believe that the memory of our past will one day melt our hearts, we are bright. we’ll sing a song about this, where there will be no end to the world, for
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the clear sky of our beloved country, for happiness i pray, god grant that we live without tears of war, god save belarus, we remember, and from this we can’t escape, remember, and we won’t go astray. paths, we remember and memory gives us strength, we are together, one people.
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strength gives, we are together, one people, we are together, one people, we are together, one people. our task is to do everything necessary so that the memory of the heroic feat of our people during the great patriotic war continues to live in the hearts of belarusians, so that this feat
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is never accomplished in vain, so that our future generations, like us, will never be able to do so. give this memory forever and ever. preserving the memory of the heroes of victory may on for eight decades, our guarantee has been a peaceful sky. the belarusian police guard not only the law, the people and the fatherland, but the memory of their heroes. and right now there will be a premiere of the song, the authors who inspired the feat of the legendary battalion in...
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let's go, if only we survived, if only we survived, if only we lived, wept silently, the girls prayed for them, into the bloody sunset, blackened, becoming stone, spinning, under bullets for a week, and... my soul is fighting with the rubenels. battalion commander vladimirov, battalion commander vladimirov, battalion commander vladimir, their boys at that height, will remember the eyes, will remember the eyes, forever,
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forever, there are still in the police ranks, unharmed. i know these shots into the sky for everyone, you hear them, form the color of heaven, look, look at the silent ones, and somewhere the apple trees are blooming on your own threshold, in memory.
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the nail on the solemn marble is quietly leagues, in this silence, in this silence, in this silence, as if you are descending from the sky to your loved ones, to quietly hug and immediately go to the crane-like heights, there is still a medical order. unconquered, these shots into the sky, i know for everyone, i love you. knowledge of heaven look sadly silent, and somewhere i
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appear at the native threshold of the blossom, at the stern of the heavenly light look sadly at the silent ones, and somewhere i appear at the native threshold of a saint. then instant death became eternal glory for you, how much was measured, how much was measured,
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was measured, you gave everything to the last drop for us, we should be in time, and we should be in time, we rise to our full height in the spring. touching the hot stars with our heads, we fight again with the pitch darkness, so that the birds return
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home through us, so that the sun rises at the sacred hour, so that descendants of the earth rotate for you, so that the winds would blow the grass, so that flowers would grow from our chenilles, we are now strawberries on... the flowers and flowers, running freely, and the field,
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where we are now, there was a workshop and a clean day, there was fire and smoke near the field of the dyatnia. there were workers in the field, two fields, there was a soldier, the hell was green with grass, the other was a harvest, a war and a roofed pallet, there was a workshop and a clean place, near the field. yago dzyatsіnstva were agonistic smoke on the field
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of the praklity there were soldiers two fields field dze kvetki rava running in the wild. often, near the field of dynasty, there was fire and
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smoke. to the fields, yes, our land, our fields, lakes, rivers, our forests, swamps and ravines are silent witnesses of that war, the great feat of belarusian soldiers and partisans, but they are also... witnesses of terrible crimes against humans, the genocide of our people. today, when history is distorted and rewritten in the world, we preserve the memory and restore justice to the millions of human destinies buried in our land.
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whoever said that everything was burned to ashes, don’t throw it into the ground anymore. time, who said that the earth died, no, it hid for a while, you can’t take motherhood from the earth, you can’t take it away, just like you can’t scoop up the sea, who will believe... that the earth
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was burned, no, it turned black from grief, like cuts, trenches lay and craters like wounds... they reveal the naked nerves of the earth, not earthly suffering they know, she will endure everything, she will wait it out, don’t write down the earth in rings, who said
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that the earth does not sing, that she is silent forever, who said that the earth does not sing, that she is silent, no, she is ringing groans in the deafness, because of all her wounds, because of souls, the whole earth is our soul. boots cannot trample the soul, who believed that the earth was burned, no, it hid for a while.
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the world is never strangers, there is a common sun for everyone, common happiness, love, faith in goodness. children's laughter. the world is never alien, it ends where dreams are forgotten, where wines do not sound. is it possible for a stranger, grief, loss of children, with
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the sun in the spring, and under it the faces of dead people. is it a foreign land, if the mother stands on it, the mother is not even yours, is it holy for others? are there alien hills on the body of your ancestors, even if you didn’t know them, but we are all a continuation of them, no, there are no strangers, the sky is sunny light, god is never a stranger, he either exists or not, the world is never a stranger, there is one truth for everyone, if the world becomes strange. then war comes!
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spring of 1945, how the blue danube was waiting for you, by the people... a hot sunny may brought samples of freedom, on the square of the saved vienna the old and young people gathered, on the old carmonium, wounded in battles , our soldier played alstrusian, remembers the name, remembers the alps and the danube , that blooming singing... bright may,
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the whirlwinds of the crowns in the russian waltz through the reptile, the heart will never forget, it’s easy, inspiredly boldly, this soldier's drum sounded, and the vein was spinning and singing, as if strauss himself and... and the guy with a happy smile pressed his accordion to his heart, as if he had seen the volsky floods, as if he had embraced russia, remembers the name, remembers the alps and the danube, that blooming, singing, bright, vihrienza. in
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the russian waltz through the bastard, the heart remembers, will never forget, it’s beautiful over the veda. fire, it sounded either tenderly or passionately, everyone was intoxicated by spring, spring of 1945, how long the danube had been waiting for you, russian falsity on the square of vienna free, the soldier played the accordion, the veda remembers, the alps and duna remember. that blooming
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, singing bright may, vikhrientsev in the russian waltz through the years, the heart will never forget, the veda remembers, the alki and the danube remember, that blooming and... singing bright may, vikhrientsev in the russian waltz through the years, the heart will never forget to remember , the feat of our people,
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the public war is immortal, immortal, because our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers were united in the fight against the enemy. the feat of the people is immortal, because we are alive, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who witnessed the harsh events of eighty years ago. and may there always be peace and happiness on our land. the white stork flies, flies over the white woodland, the belarusian motif in the songs of veriska in the songs of the willow, all the earth.
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little dawn, the youth of may, belarus, our memory walks along the forest partisan path, it was not
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possible to overgrow, these paths become national. tebet boltekh yes nigodel lives in every heart to this day in every land of ours, small villages of khatyns are with us, my youth belarus. songs of partisans pine trees before the fog, songs of partisans, allaya dawn, my youth, belarus,
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driving over the woodland on a quiet field, somewhere in the top of the swamps, the cooling thunder is buried, the white leaf is flying, everything is flying over our native fields, the land of our love. autumn with large wings, young may, belarus, songs of partisans,
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pines and fog, songs of partisans, and may dawn, young may, belarus, young may, belarus, songs of partisans, pines and fog. songs of the partisans, allaya tsar, youth of may,
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belarus. dedicated to the memory of the heroes. i was and was not, i was and was not, where
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the granite is now, in this region, there is a light trace of me. don't be sorry, don't be sorry, i burned out! to make you warmer, my warmth, it
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happens, it happens for those who follow us, the streets, the streets are called. our names, a thousand times, a thousand times, a thousand, hearts will flare up, and a thousand times they will remember us, the streets without end. it happens, it happens that those who follow us,
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streets, streets are called by our names.
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do not offend your loved ones with bastards, be afraid to seem like a cruel world to your loved ones. very vulnerable, very vulnerable, our beloved, very vulnerable,
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very vulnerable, our beloved, for the sake of high... we are obliged to love, to remember that we are connected with us for life, by an invisible thread, by an invisible thread, our loved ones, by an invisible thread... by an invisible thread, our loved ones, let our life
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not be a floating current, as long as it contains the most important thing. kept by the heart, kept by the heart, our loved ones, kept by the heart, kept by the heart our loved
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ones, kept by the heart, kept by the heart , our loved ones, kept by the heart, kept by the heart, our loved ones, kept by the heart,
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80 years without war, 80 years of struggle for peace, everyone hour of the great patriotic war, every minute of it, and even every moment, has absorbed someone’s life, death, someone’s heroism and someone’s sacrifice, we will always be...
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there is neither night nor day, you, i, have a homeland, people, there is service, difficult words, duty and honor and 102, justice, law and friendship. we are always on the edge, every day we are in battle, for peace and order, happiness in children's eyes, thanks to our father, this is our best reward, we are where we are needed, every day,
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every hour, every mic. in the name of the country, we maintain law and order, our duty is our life, to protect, to be faster, than, yes, we are where they are needed, we are where they are needed, and it will always be so. there is an oath, an order, and the country believes in you, there is a task, a signal, there is a challenge, it guards the line beyond which they go, at the intersection of all red lines, every day we are in the ranks for the people for the family, the safety of
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the capital's streets. here the comrade is not a brother, but behind us are those who did not return from the call, we are where we are needed, every day, every hour, every call, in the name of the country, we keep the law and order, our home, our life, to protect, to be faster than you, yes, we are where you are needed, you where they are needed, and it will always be so.
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we are where you need us. we are where we are needed, we are where we are needed, and it will always be so, you are where you are needed, every day, every hour, every mic, in the name of the country. we keep the law in order, our duty, our life, is to protect, to be faster than
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to cry, we are where we are needed, we are where we are needed, and it will always be so, we are where we are needed. and where we are needed, and it will always be so, we are belarusians, i am people, sertsanyya, shyly.”
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