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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:41pm MSK

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evening prime time and this is a panorama, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's sum up the results of this day together: a hot device for eleventh-grade applicants. our broadcast collected important dates and figures for school tests and centralized testing.
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and the west doesn’t learn anything about graduation , those who create coups d’etat, the law on foreign agents was adopted in georgia, not without consequences. soros rebels are starving out parliament and threatening maidan. and the hard life of fugitive zmagars in poland, about how they are trying to wage an information war against see us in ksenia lebedeva’s program. this is different. see more in the program. regions as an economic driver, when equal opportunities give a positive impetus in industry and the social sphere, as an example of a report from the mogilev region. is moldovan leader maia sando acting in the interests of the west and romania? how moldova was brought to a record level of poverty and gdp decline , why european integration is a threat to the sovereignty of the republic. let's discuss sandu's dubious maneuvers. benefits not only for
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industry, but also for boiler rooms of private houses. wood tickets are more actively involved in the internal energy sector of belarus. let's find out what are the benefits of using these fuel pellets. hot. program report. our memory and gratitude to the liberating heroes is eternal. search teams find new burials of soldiers. this time we worked together with colleagues from karelia. arina sabalenka and victoria zarenko in the quarterfinals of the wta tournament in rome in the khl, the next season will last one month longer, the belarusian women's biathlon team is soon expected to increase internal competition. about everything more details in the sports day program. the year is coming to an end, and schoolchildren and students immediately understood what i mean. this academic year, more than 11.61
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eleventh graders are graduating from capital schools and gymnasiums, as noted by the ministry of education, the last bell will ring on may 25, graduation ceremonies will be held on june 14, they will include the ceremonial part of presenting certificates and examination certificates. as for the centralized testing , about 55,000 applicants registered to participate. the progress of preparations and the conduct of all stages of the admissions campaign in 2024, including the centralized exam, will be monitored by the state commission. the decree on its creation was signed by the president the day before. deputy prime minister igor petrishenko was appointed chairman of the commission. it consists of representatives of the council of the republic and the house of representatives of the national assembly, government bodies, regulatory bodies and public organizations. let me remind you that the ct in subjects will be held this year from may 27 to may 6. june, by
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for example, for the belarusian and russian languages ​​- may 30, for mathematics - may 27 and june 3. the ct in a foreign language will take place on may 27-june 3. in chemistry and physics and history of belarus may 27, june 6. the rest of the dates are on your screens. reserve days are june 19, 21 and 23. the most popular subjects this year, sergei peshchev, head of the main department of vocational education, said in an interview. sergey nikolaevich, tell us about centralized testing this year, what are the deadlines? it should be noted that has already ended. registration for
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centralized testing, which was held this year from april 9 to april 22, centralized testing this year is planned on the same dates as centralized...
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well, it should be noted that this year we have such fundamental changes in the organization of the admissions campaign no, we accept applicants both on the basis of targeted training and in the main admission. will be held in the same format as last year, the dates have already been approved carrying out the admission campaign, on june 27 , admission of applicants who plan to enter universities on the basis of targeted training will begin, from july 12 , admission of applicants to the main admissions company will begin, the list of documents that need to be submitted has not changed, if from the innovations that this year we have provided, this is an expansion of the list: the most popular specialties for which they graduated from an educational institution with a gold or silver medal or from a college with an honors diploma, they have the right to enroll without entrance examinations, admission opportunities for motivated applicants have been expanded, regional universities, that is
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, this category of applicants for almost all specialties, excellent students also have the opportunity to enroll along an additional path without entrance examinations, a feature of this year’s admission is also:
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washington continues to distract the attention of voters due to internal problems, it again declares a threat in space. the house of representatives asked the head of the pentagon for a report on the possible consequences of a nuclear explosion outside the earth. the american budget committee notes that it is concerned about reports of moscow's intentions to place nuclear weapons in space. at the same time, vladimir putin has repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that russia has no such plans, but earthly ones... no one has canceled them and the white house will again provide a new package of assistance to kiev this week, as the us presidential adviser for national security said, and some of the weapons from the latest package will arrive to ukraine in the coming days. in the coming days we are going to accept another package that we
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call the presidential right to transfer arms, because we are really trying to speed up the pace of deliveries, understanding, as i said, the delay has put ukraine in a hole and we are helping them get out of it as best we can. at the same time, western analysts believe that assistance to kiev is a waste of money. the french newspaper mont writes: new supplies of weapons will not help the ukrainian armed forces turn the situation at the front, and the ukrainians themselves do not believe this. and us secretary of state blinken, according to a number of sources, hastily arrived in kiev to soften zelensky’s formula on against the backdrop of an actively advancing russian army. by the way, zelensky’s quotes about powerful fortifications disappear from the internet one after another. in the kharkov region, to which he spoke at the end of last year. the world today is split into competing military-political blocs, and the technology of modern hybrid wars makes it possible to conduct confrontation covertly without direct combat participation, but this does not negate the possibility of a clash on the battlefield.
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evgeny gorin on the importance of military doctrine and the concept of national security of belarus to create conditions for maintaining peaceful life. strategic documents of the state, as a security concept, as well as military doctrine, are an achievement of modern society. from them you can not only understand the red lines for the defense of the country, but also see its history. experience was collected, as well as outlined horizons for the future, new editions of the concept of national security and military doctrine of belarus, the most important element of both democracy, documents discussed at the supreme national assembly, and the start of the country’s updated political system. we have prepared materials that are usually heard and discussed exclusively at the level of the security council, in silence at meetings with the president, closed meetings with... the bloc, but today we have to consider and adopt documents that define
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the strategy for countering risks and threats for the next decade, therefore without unnecessary lyrics and emotions, facts on the table, listen, draw conclusions, think, make decisions. the national security concept has been updated by more than 70%. today she takes everything into account real threats, ranging from hot. confrontation to attempts to undermine the country from within, even at the cultural level, the penetration of alien ideas, symbols, alien historical memory, moreover, to the traditional eight areas a ninth biological safety has been added, a very important topic in terms of epidemiological threats of the possible use of bacteriological weapons, issuing such documents to the all-belarusian people's assembly, we show and reveal the principle of democracy, we show that our people are participating...
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and our readiness to defend our national interests, this is probably the most precious and important thing today. today there is a crisis in the global security system; it is possible to survive only by being in military-political blocs. the military doctrine of belarus takes into account the entire complex combination of new challenges, such as, for example, what the situation will be if it is necessary to use tactical nuclear weapons, and what the markers for their use should be. military doctrine is the most important document, and of course, these decisions and their statements are also important.
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system, maintaining the conditions of safety of life, which for almost three decades has been one of the most important achievements of belarus, a priority of state policy, for our country, which lost a third of its population in the last world war, this is not an idle question, these are reminders to all generations of belarusians about the value of peace. evgeny gorin, atn. away from the european path. the georgian parliament nevertheless adopted a law on foreign agents. now the document should. the president wrote, however, zurabishvili had previously promised that she would veto the bill, but the georgian
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dreams have enough voices to overcome its ban. meanwhile , those who disagreed with the adopted law, “sarasyata,” and other dissatisfied people again took to the streets of tbelisi and began mass unrest. the protesters damaged the fence near the parliament building and are not complying with police demands. the special forces began the arrest. it was no less heated today , there was a mass fight in the parliament itself, even women did not stay in the country and joined the grief.
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european delegations tried to reason with georgian politicians who had left the western path, but the government georgia refused to talk with representatives from germany, poland, the czech republic and the baltic countries who came to tbilisi to support opponents of the law on foreign agents and deprives the west of leverage. as it became known, the united states will impose sanctions against the georgian authorities if democracy is undermined in the country, the assistant secretary of state stated. what is democracy in the states themselves, where constantly. they beat, beat and imprison people who protest against the arbitrariness of the american administration, they do not speak. we experienced for ourselves what today georgia is facing another situation in 2020, and some fugitives sitting abroad continue to pray for western ideals in quotation marks. in warsaw, zmagar collaborators are used to
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create negative news stories regarding belarus. then they shout that they will go with'. wait and see how the poles and belarusians in belarus will accept this information, then they begin to discredit the poles in poland, who do not want to echo the stupidity of the local authorities and end friendly and business relations with us, and do this through local influential media, look how they take money, these belarusian parasites, to distort reality, lie to the poles at the same time lie to you, belarusians, for seven centuries, my ancestors. polish peasants lived here on my land in the polish region, 7 centuries, and this fugitive belarusian traitor said in this article that if i don’t like my land, then i should leave, a traitor who betrayed his country, who slander, dares to pass judgment today in my country, on my land, and thereby insult not only me, but all of us,
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poles, these people are supported by western money, the union will soon agree to deepen the security partnership to an unprecedented level. the eu proposals are due to be agreed upon next week. this way , moldova will more actively exchange intelligence with the countries of the union, participate in joint military exercises and military procurement programs. however, experts have long noted that moldova is being prepared as a reserve springboard in the event of kiev’s defeat for
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the continuation of the west’s war against russia. and here they are. hello everyone, i'm maria petrashko, agency tv news. an interesting trend is observed in post-soviet countries that have fallen into the clutches of the european union. closing of profitable enterprises to please brussels, nuclear power plants and even farms, job cuts and an energy crisis. it would seem that times are changing, and if you look at things realistically,
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it is not profitable to strive to join the european union. the majority of the population of moldova thinks so, only their opinion. they are trying to strangle, because the country is led by a leader appointed by washington. european integration for moldova will create conditions for its humanization. a poll conducted in moldova by the aymas company showed some changes in the mood of the population of the republic. the popularity of the pro-european idea is declining. the popularity of unification with romania remains at 5%. 42% of respondents say that they would most likely prefer a balanced orientation in policy towards russia and. it turns out that sandu works to please the west and romania, and not moldova. by the way, she also has a romanian passport. it was important for me to have a romanian passport. today in moldova there is a record level absolute poverty, falling industrial production and rising public debt, falling gdp. the population of moldova is declining by 40 thousand
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people annually, the share of the shadow economy is 22%. but sandu begged money from brussels to fight corruption. this means you need to pretend that there is a struggle, but in reality sandu is fighting not for democracy against corruption, but with his opponents, sandu’s opponents igor dadon, for example, were arrested right on her birthday, it looks very bad, evgenia gutsul became the head of the gogauzia, in law you have to do it, approve it as a member of the government, you still haven’t done it, no, i haven’t done it. i don’t think there can be such people, it’s even against the interests of our country, and it’s a risk for our state security, if you like. well, this is an opinion, but there is a law, and this is not a violation of the law? i think that no, i think that no, and this is an argument, well, for dessert, such a liberal all-democratic sandu
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has completely closed all the media that tell the truth that is objectionable to the moldovan leader, we are simply repeating that the european union, then there is a decision by the european soybeans, the european union on these things, the words of the president of an independent country, without... european integration at all, so the eu supporters will come , the elections were scheduled on the same day as the referendum to vote on an ambush, well, who else will bring them to europe, and turnout will be ensured, but
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the main thing is that postal voting will be available, and the same one that is so easy to rig, but watch your hands, moldovan diasporas in canada, the usa, iceland and other countries of the western world, that is, those who are pro-western are allowed to vote by mail, and... in russia, for example, it’s prohibited, democracy, no, we haven’t heard, so why isn’t russia on the list of countries for voting, why isn’t russia there, because there’s a huge diaspora, because it doesn’t fit the criteria, i don’t i can say for sure, or that is, think about how much the moldovan authorities are afraid that the people will not really support them, why does moldova need the european union, if we put aside propaganda and think economically? there is no answer, but why does the european union need moldova? right, as a consumable material in the fight against russia? italian lapublica. nato can intervene in the war in ukraine in two
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cases: if belarus is involved in the war in the russian country, the scenario concerns the direct or indirect participation of a third party in the conflict in ukraine if russia attacks the baltic countries, poland or moldova. although i am not the president of moldova, i will ask myself a logical question. and for the moldovan people... what, what is the benefit? for now, apart from horror stories about the mythical russian threat, fairy tales and supposedly luxurious life within the eu. there are no specifics from ms. sando. but real numbers specifically point to the collapse of the moldovan economy and the poverty of the population. but chisinau could not turn away from the eac, for example, whose members record active growth in economic indicators. and chisinau could establish beneficial cooperation in agriculture, industry and medicine. the authorities of the republic left our country behind a large ship called the eac, and this ship would have given us, a state with a destroyed economy, protection and confidence in
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the future. today's government seeks only to please the geopolitical template, and what in reality is a refusal of real benefits today in the future for the sake of promises of handouts from the west. my colleagues and i categorically disagree with the fate that sando and the action and solidarity party have prepared. how important it is to choose a real politician who will take care of his people, and not a leader running around the european union with an outstretched hand, numerous examples tell us, from lithuania and moldova to ukraine. belarus remembers everyone who achieved a great victory and carefully preserves the historical truth. large-scale search work continues in the country.
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sei teacher. with these watches , a lot of search work began for these guys in close cooperation with partners from karelia and other parts of russia. a token and part of the land were brought to us from karelia, well , they looked through the archives and found the niece of the deceased, who died 80 years ago. they united the souls of this land and added it to his mother’s grave. i personally dug in. well, even now, when you talk about it, a little goes down your spine, goosebumps, the same thing is happening now, what we talk about all the time, the story is the same, look, on the eve eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus as
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a sign... from above, search engines of the minsk school received new information from russian partners, in kareli, at the site of fierce battles, almost three dozen belarusians were found, representing the brest, vitebsk, grodno regions, handed over to us by russian search engines in the hope of that together, as always, belarusians and russians will be able to bring names back from obscurity. they will be able to return their great-grandfathers and great-grandchildren. and our task is to let our children touch this not only in words, but, if possible, to involve them emotionally them into this work. here are pictures from the scene. in 1941, the earth trembled; it became the last refuge for fighters of different nationalities. on this inch of one great fatherland, belarusians contributed to the overall victory. today, the descendants of heroes
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are restoring historical... it’s true that we have a common historical memory, yes, we are fraternal peoples, it is important for us to convey to our children that our peoples are united, they preserve our historical heritage, our memory, which we cherish, we return every ancestor to homeland, so that no one would be forgotten, looking for other people's relatives, studying their own family stories and involving schoolchildren , young and old, in this. this plate contains the names and initials of relatives, students and teachers. our school, who participated in the great patriotic war. my great-grandmother's name is also here. she was taken to germany, where she worked very hard for two long years, but she believed in victory, she believed that she would return home. when people know and remember history, they carry it forward, carry it into the future. if the future generation will remember those terrible events, they will never be repeated. when i wanted to find out about my ancestor, about my ancestors,
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there was very little information. i only knew about my great-grandmother that at a young age she hid in a swamp with the partisans, and about my great-grandfather i knew that he went to war 10 days after being drafted into the army, but with the help of the memory of the people website i learned more about him, i learned - his exploits, for which he was threatened, learned that he was not only shell-shocked, but also wounded, remained in the ranks, replaced a retired comrade and fought off enemy airplanes, with strong emotions, when you can’t pass by the grave... a soldier without bowing his head, children get drunk on memorial watches, this is a detachment that is assembled in order to pay honor to those who died during the great patriotic war, we perform rituals when i’m there i am, i have emotions of pride, there were emotions in it, there was fear, there were tears, but these emotions were worth it, we had such cold weather that everyone survived, everyone was very worried, but everyone turned out great, he smiles with
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photographs... the horror of fascism through his eyes in stories and novels, for school director evgenia rudova, war is also a family story. father, officer, intelligence officer, venianian rudov, after the war he put all the pain of the earth into books and devoted all his post-war activities to not letting the new generation forget. and those lessons from my father that i remember, although he has long been no longer with us on this earth, they continue to be effective.
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by finding previously unknown graves and places of massacres of civilians, new facts of genocide of the belarusian people during the years of the great patriotic war are being established. patriotic war. the prosecutor general's office stands guard over historical truth and reveals the names of fascists who have not yet received their deserved punishment. about memory for centuries in the author's section of the platform. on the morning of july 17, 1942, fascist policemen cordoned off the territory of the gorodeya get. the 1,137 prisoners were herded to the station square, ordered to lie face down, and began to be driven over by trucks. the survivors were taken to a sand pit on the outskirts of the cities and shot. this is from the materials of the current investigation
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by the prosecutor general's office. baptized archives. thanks to this work , previously unknown places of massacres of our people were identified. information was received about the planting of more than 3,000 previously unknown villages and hamlets. it is known that during the years of hitler’s occupation, a so
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-called order service was created in the town of gorod. bolislav matskala was appointed commandant, under whose leadership thousands of soviet citizens were tortured. at the end of forty-three, matskala was killed by soviet partisans in stoltsovsky. about the crimes of gorodeysk policemen in detail one of the punishers, vasily romaneiko, told during interrogations in 1950, talked about others, for example, anton khmel, in the fall of '42 he served as secretary of the gorodeysk police station. encheevsky was promoted to senior police officer for his active work, and in the winter of '43 he was killed by soviet partisans at melnitsa in the village of steep bank. armaneyka himself was in the fascist police on september 1942 at the gorodeya stations. gantsovschina by the ears. in may 1944 he was sent to minsk and enlisted in the german military unit of which he left for germany in june, where he was attached to the second, so-called belarusian sapper battalion. took the oath of allegiance to nazi germany. he repeatedly
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participated in punitive operations and mass executions in the nesvezhsky region. in august 1950, the romanayka was sentenced to capital punishment by the military tribunal of the belarusian military district. the verdict has been given. carried out on november 10, 1950. policemen matskala and kudlach said that they personally shot people near yama in may 1943 on the bulatov farmsteads. there they said they didn’t find the partisans, so they detached three farms, went into one house, took out a man and a woman, and shot both of them at point-blank range. then they went to the second farm, shot the man, woman and young children. then, witness mikhail tydrish told the investigator. born in 1920 , his grandmother and sister were shot. cherenkevich vladimir with his wife olga, sharamet ignat with his wife and three small children. gankevich, vladimir, his wife, yanina, and two children. then
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three families, 13 people were killed, their houses were burned. and this letter from the prosecutor's office to the victim tamara skers. she tells how her mother collected the burnt bones of a one-year-old tonka from a fire in levoshovka, gronnen region. mother and father and other relatives. in this letter , the victim asks: we don’t need anything, just restore the truth. recently, in a conversation with the director of the brest fortress hero memorial, i asked what we, today, are taught by the defenders of the brest fortress, after whom the streets in brest, kazan, krasnodar, irkutsk are named, and what is missing for us so that our children remember and they took care so that, like our grandfathers, the country would not be given away. and he recalled the words: history brings up only the truth. come to the brest fortress. heroic place, cemetery. look, think, bow at the eternal flame. honor the memory of heroes in minsk
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and other cities. and be proud of the feat of the fallen defenders of our people. take care. belarusians work for the good of creation, preserving peace and increasing achievements. equal conditions for all are a priority of state policy. the development of the regions is progressing at a good pace, thanks to the decree. president and corresponding program, new industries have appeared, investments in the economy have increased, industrial projects are being implemented, so andrey yastrebov with a report from the mogilev region. working in three shifts and up to 13 thousand
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elevators per year alone, the elevator mechanical engineering plant, the flagship of the industry, is not slowing down, there are more and more new technologies in production, and among the achievements, over the years it has been possible to localize production, a full cycle and foundry and production of electric motors. we are part of the holding we make electronics, in this regard we are completely technologically independent; last year our investments amounted to more than 30 million rubles. there are at least forty plans for this year. we need to go further, we need to think about how to conquer other markets, that is, asian markets, african markets. investments, innovations, import substitution are the very vectors that allowed the industry to cope with sanctions and become a worthy partner in the new world markets that have opened. belarusian food products, tires, chemical fiber, woodworking, mining are still trending equipment and cars. our industrial complex operates steadily and continues to increase production volumes, and this contributes to this. business is moving more actively to the south-eastern regions
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thanks to preferential preferences, according to the presidential decree, the investment climate in the regions and the state program one region, one project, a common piggy bank, achievements are the contribution of tss, has been revived, by the way, there are now 18 business sites in operation in the territorial region, including in asipovichi, bobryski, krechev, 50% of the exports of the magelovsky region, it is for these companies that the company residents are free. economic zone mogilev last year alone produced industrial products worth more than 5 billion belarusian rubles and exported goods worth one billion 200 million us dollars. 26,000 mogilev residents today work at enterprises resident in the free economic zone. thanks to the strengthening of the economy, it was possible to implement a number of social projects that were important for the region. here it is. the heart of the magilev regional clinical hospital, cardiac surgery center, technology battery, specialists in launching the project. the number of operations has doubled. for the first time in the region, a heart transplant was performed;
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this is a completely different quality level of medical care for our patients. since the minimally invasive transcatheter aortic valve implantation program has been launched, what does this mean, a person can go home in a few days, in the future we plan to intervene on other aortic valves, that is, this is a whole direction. the fact that this was built in mogilev is a big thank you to the head of state. the topic of air cleaning and the whole spectrum examinations and treatment: mri, ct, operating room
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for minimally invasive interventions. inter-district centers have not been abandoned; today, these are bobruisk-mogilev and the krichev central district hospital, which has become an inter-district center for the south-eastern region. last year alone , we spent more than 32 million rubles on equipment for healthcare institutions. and this is only for medical equipment. a large number of cars have been purchased, the fleet changes every year. and also construction. schools and kindergartens, housing not only in mogilev, but also in regional centers , entire microdistricts have grown over the years, renovation of roads with all the necessary infrastructure, billions of rubles of investment. this new sports and recreational complex in mogilev is now popular, in just a year it has become an arena not only for sports battles and international level, but also a favorite vacation spot for residents of a young microdistrict, there is a very youthful area here, and i myself live not far from here, a very large park, me and the children are here. grandchildren live, the construction of this center, the life of this the microdistrict has been transformed on
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a scale of ten, i would give it an 11. the main goal of such transformations is to make life more comfortable, and for this the economy and social sphere must work even more efficiently. andrey yastrebova vasiliev ataliev, tv news agency. the managerial approach of everyone in their place is the key to success. the head of state often emphasizes this. woodworking is a prime example. let's talk about wood pills, this is an alternative. energy has already declared itself on the domestic market: our products are ready buy in the countries of central asia, china, turkey about new energy trends, alexey kondratenko. when the forest is cut down in the minsk region, chips of sawdust fly purposefully, turning into tightly compressed granules. the production of pills has been opened in recent years in old roads, kopyl, columns, and one of the first in this energy niche was the borisov forestry. here the equipment produces four.


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