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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 9:40pm-9:56pm MSK

9:40 pm
the microdistrict has been transformed on a scale of ten, i would give it an 11. the main goal of such transformations is to make life more comfortable, and for this the economy and the social sphere must work even more efficiently. andrey yastrebova vasiliev ataliev, television news agency. the managerial approach of everyone in their place is the key to success. the head of state often emphasizes this. woodworking is a prime example. let's talk about wood pellets. this is alternative energy, it has already declared itself on the inside.
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fuel pellets in borisovsky forest farm they produce two types: industrial for boiler plants or housing and communal services, as well as household ones, they are lighter and practically do not leave the halls. household pellets in the borisov experimental forestry are produced from debarked waste from sawmilling, that is, they are sawdust chips, which makes it possible to achieve a reduction in the ash content of the ash yield, an increase in heat transfer, and packaging is carried out in a bigbed weighing a ton. packaging of 15 kg is in greater demand among the population, due to the fact that it is much easier to use in home heating. today borisov suppliers of wood pills for the domestic industry, there are prospects for export sales. we sent our granules to the cement plant, krasnoselstvo materials, zhodenskaya ets, precisely to conduct such a small experiment, introducing fillet into wood chips to obtain more. effect on heat transfer,
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we are also currently working on issues of export sales to uzbekistan, kazakhstan, the russian federation, and we are trying some volumes, starting to work with turkey. the housing and communal services sector is looking at pellets as the optimal type of fuel, and there is interest among owners of cottages where they can heat their premises and get hot water precisely thanks to burning pellets, there are already examples in the regions of belarus.
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they are gradually poured into the bunker, from there they go into the firebox, the output, of course, is not latta and cappuccino, but energy that makes it warm and pleasant. as part of the project , two pellet boilers with a unit capacity of 95 kw were installed. e from the point of view of economic effect, there was a reduction in the cost of generating thermal energy by about 15-20%. this boiler room is like almost all heat sources on our balance sheet are equipped with a dispatch control system. currently in the minsk region there are 154 heat sources that operate on pellets, their total capacity is 10.8 mw. this year it is planned
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to build 61 objects on pellets, as an example it can be noted that a heat source will be introduced at the sludsk belts production association; out of six dozen new objects, half of the power will be taken over by 10 boiler houses in the central region, which are part of the structure of the housing and communal services farms. alexey kondratenko and alexey petrov - agency. these are the main events of this day, i say goodbye with this, there is a sports review and weather forecast ahead, right now the broadcast will be continued by the author’s program ksenia lebedeva and this is something else, stay with us, it will be very interesting.
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what's happened? belarusians learned about such an information confrontation, what it is eaten with, how it is prepared and at what temperature it is served, and whether it causes disorders not only of the digestive system, but also the nervous system. before we, of course, noticed some attempts towards us from foreign information workers who were actively working and continue to work under the roof of western intelligence services, but in 2020 we realized that... the games are over and with the help of the word and its variations we will be shaken, we will be put under pressure , well, we must do something in response, at least explain to you, our viewers, what our opponents want to achieve with such actions, why the word has become a weapon, defeat, the main thing is to know where to hit.
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and i’m with you, ksenia lebedeva. hello. most recently, alexander lukashenko, during his appointment to the post of deputy head of the presidential administration, vladimir pertsov , emphasized that we are in the middle of an information and economic war. to prevent an escalation, we must successfully resist on these fronts. of course, as far as possible, i inform the society of our people. moments, but i wouldn’t want to strain the situation so that people worry, worry, but i understand that the situation is not easy, everything has come together now in the media, now these sectors in our lives play
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the most important role in the development of belarus in general, now there is an information war, first of all... the media, an economic war, there is no other way to call it, we are doing everything to protect the country from a hot war, as long as we can it’s working out, i think that we can solve this problem, prevent a clash, as it has always been, you know this well, on the territory of belarus, we absolutely know what they are doing there, running around different decision-making centers and advisers.
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such manipulations to create profitable the news trigger in 2014 was the tragedy that happened to a malaysian boeing in the donbass. there were a lot of foreign journalists, and i was even amazed sometimes that cnn could admit that there are poor people there,
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and tell how people live in this in this in this war. everything changed, you know, when it was very abrupt, when again the provocation was cynical. monstrously terrible with the boeing, when they shot down the boeing, i immediately understood the provocation, do you know why? because we at the ministry of information were involved in the accreditation of journalists, and in order for journalists to operate on the territory of the dpr, they had to come to us to register, suddenly, the very next day after the provocation, that is, we understand, there are military operations, here the borders are all closed, suddenly the next day is just as if they were waiting somewhere at a high start.
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they started over, that is, they took it based on some small fact, that is , they prepared it all in advance, so they filmed it when this beech was moving there, and we then determined that it was even the time of year. and we, and we walked and carried toys to the place
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the death of this plane, to the scene of the tragedy and flowers, because we understand that more than 200 people died there, innocent of anything, that is, they were just them, well, for the sake of their own interests, they destroyed them, and that the next day or a day later immediately sanctions against russia, that is, they had all this planned out like clockwork, and the international observer... they told him there when he was going there, when he realized that we were giving away these whole ones . he was so happy, apparently, i don’t know what black boxes are, he smiled out of place, but because this is a tragedy for the malaysian people, he smiled, realizing that he would complete the mission. which they sent, and what we then see, they still got it all wrong. regardless of the facts, first of all,
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the western media, together with the ukrainian ones, turned the tragedy to their advantage, having prepared in advance, of course. in general, the sudden invasion of foreign media in donbass at one time became a bad sign, but it worked like a litmus test, unmistakably. in 2014 , ukraine, in particular the donbass, became a testing ground for honing the methods and technologies of non-white revolutions. on the territory of the former ussr country , for the first time, we were faced with the fact that, due to inconvenient information, a site could be blocked, and publications from a popular video hosting site promoting pluralism of opinions and freedom of speech could be purged. it was in donbass that not just a war with shelling and bombing began, but a hybrid confrontation began there, where the word became the same weapon as a rifle. at the same time , there are people on the territory of the remaining ukraine.
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that russia and donbass must be destroyed constantly, every day, every day, every
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day, but, for example, at the end of their news, yes, there is evening news, they have such a social plot, like some good girl, which means she is weaving these camouflage networks somewhere at school, somewhere on the periphery , that people are getting involved in helping the army, it’s so worthy, so cool, and of course, everyone says, we are against war, we’re just helping, we’re helping the boys, we’re just helping the boys, and i just look, just like that, elbows i bite, i understand what they are doing, first she will come, weave nets, horizontal ones are formed there connections, the military come there, they communicate, there are connections there, so how are things there, how are the guys doing, yes, what else do they need there, maybe we need some kind of medicine, maybe we also need it there, maybe we need to congratulate them, in short it’s happy bandera day, so send them some kind of burns.
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