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tv   100  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 9:55pm-11:00pm MSK

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people get involved, then suddenly unexpectedly, so she started with camouflage nets, and then suddenly she’s already a medic in some azov, that’s how it happened, of course, probably not, it was serious work for years, they knew what they were doing, they wanted to fight, they knew that they wanted to get involved in the war, they saw in this a definite goal of their self-realization, a generation grew up there that... considers the war with russia as some kind of their sacred war, seriously, that's it this is how they were brainwashed, but this have been doing this for years and have been doing it quite effectively, and it all works, for example, in fact the same thing is happening today in poland, after the belarusian zmagar collaborators fled there, they are used to create completely different negative information reasons regarding belarus, then they shout that will go to liberate us, thereby...
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these are the authorities of the republic of belarus and the authorities of the russian federation. but what's important here? this article features a fugitive traitor, a citizen of the republic of belarus, a certain pavel lettuce. this is a person who is a member of a terrorist organization. and this person speaks here in this article. once upon a time, the polish prime minister... mr.
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donald tusk questioned the quality of belarusian products from the point of view of their impact on health. i said that's not true. belarus has excellent quality products, and we all know it; you can’t lie here. i showed your belarusian beef jerky and compared this packaging with polish beef, which contains an incredible amount of chemicals. additives and, of course, everyone saw that the quality of belarusian beef commands complete respect. on the other side. what did this fugitive belarusian traitor pavel latishka do? in this article he raised the question of by what right i brought this piece of beef to the polish state and showed this. he apparently wanted to bring me to criminal charges, because you can’t bring food, even such a trifle as he latched on to. look how they take money, these belarusian parasites, to distort reality, lying to the poles at the same time lying to you, belarusians. for seven centuries my ancestors,
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polish peasants, lived here, on my land in the podlasie region, for seven centuries, and this fugitive belarusian traitor said in this article that if i don’t like my land, then i must leave, a traitor who betrayed his country, who slander, today he dares to pass a sentence in my country, on my land, and thereby insult not only me, but all of us, poles, these people are being held... in a broad sense, information warfare is considered as a form of political struggle and a tool with the help of which states achieve strategic goals and advance their foreign policy objectives. in the current international situation , almost every military conflict affecting interest. first of all, washington, every
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major operation of the american armed forces begins or is accompanied by the provision of intelligence data of dubious origin and the spread of fakes by the american media. at the same time , american specialists are completely incompetent in the methods of conducting information wars. shy. the introduction of proxy wars in the information field is also normal for them. therefore, be vigilant and selective about the information you use so that, god forbid, it does not turn out to be toxic, but this is different, i was with you, ksenia lebezeva, see you in the next program.
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let memory inspire us to create for the future of our peoples in the name of peace. let us never forget our common struggle and the inspiring traditions of alliance. these
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vivid emotional shots flew around the world, with symbolism in every movement. huge banner victory, arriving from belarus, unfolds in russia on mamayev kurgan. volgograd freezes with strong emotions. 120 young people at that age were the first to go to the front. and here they are together from different countries of the post-soviet space, as during the hard years of war, united in guarding the preservation of historical memory. belarusians and russians are in the same ranks. so. it was during the defense of stalingrad, during the liberation of minsk, leningrad, that tears of joy from the common victory were experienced together at berlin, forty-fifth.
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glory and eternal memory to those who fell in the name of the great povedy. how everyone cried, despite the death penalty, recalls the veteran, whose military biography. an example of the legendary fate of the heroic generation who defended the right to live in their native land. he was called cursed by a bullet; not all of his comrades were able to reach berlin; their heroism is forever in his heart. it turned out that there was a country road between us, this car passes by with this and more.
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and this weakness was, this, this is a man’s weakness, that when men get up they cry, the words of veterans are like gold, because attempts rewriting history is not becoming less, but time has not spared the eyewitnesses of the events, their hearts, which have been compressed in pain for almost hundreds of years, when that terrible war and victory at the cost of millions of lives becomes a political instrument of the west.
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created during the years of fascist occupation, the exhibition makes one shiver, the space screams, no to fascism. there was already the first exhibition, the year forty-two, it was also a war, and already objects, documents, people already believed in victory, they then wanted to pass it on to the next generation, and show how fought, how we defended our country, our fatherland, and then in forty years they opened up, when it had not yet existed.
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ukraine and the baltic states are at the forefront of the destructive policies of the collective west. the demolition of monuments is a psychological moment with an attempt to rewrite history, but the memory continues to live in people in europe as well. it is despicable to wear monuments to those who lie in the soil on which russophobic policies are being built today. and history remembers and will never forget the feat of the soviet soldier. this is a feat of soldiers of anti-hitler countries coalition, because if we
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hear from paris completely unthinkable formulas regarding a special military operation, which is designated by the head of the french state, but despite the fact that the general was a leader of the resistance, who could not imagine for one minute that france would remain out of the fight with fascism, isn’t this an example, isn’t this a scale of assessment for those people who today... put pressure on russia and belarus, who today cross out the great past, but at the same time do not form a great present. poland, lithuania are preparing militants for terrorist attacks on the territory of belarus and russia. by expanding nato, washington is trying to prevent the position of the union state from strengthening. at our common border, armor is ringing in pseudo-exercises and nuclear weapons on the territory of belarus are now one of the measures of strategic deterrence. today we are starting to work out the second stage
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of response measures; for its implementation, the general staffs of the armed forces of belarus and russia provide for an inspection of the forces of means, a joint regional grouping of troops, within which it is planned to work out for the first time issues of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. he helped us to obtain operational information.
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at the level of the union state , the concept of information security has been adopted; strategic aspects are laid down in the new security concept of the union state. by and large, today there is a reorganization of the world and, so to speak, the hot stage of the formation of a new world order. in these conditions, belarus seems to be adequate. the state must find its niche and must fully ensure its own security, today they only talk to the strong. the heroes of the great patriotic war walked the edge of their lives so that we could live in peace. for some, time stopped in may 1945, but for others, it still counts down today , helping to retrieve from the depths of memory details that are important for the new generation. i didn’t invent such a clock; it’s in the museum of the seventieth school. in minsk, whose first director was a front-line soldier. the core for the unique object was found by belarusian
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search engines during an expedition in the abandoned house of a russian rural teacher. from these hours a lot of search work began for these guys in close cooperation with partners from karelia and other parts of russia. a token and part of the land were brought to us from karelia, well, they looked through the archives and found everything. the niece of the deceased, who died 80 years ago, united souls, this earth, added to the grave of his mother, i personally dug up, well, even now, when you talk about this, a little shiver runs down your spine, the same thing is happening now, then, oh what we tell you all the time, history is one, look, on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of liberation belarus, as a sign from above, the search engines of the minsk school received new information from russian partners in korea.
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the initials of relatives, students and teachers of our school who participated in the great patriotic war, there is also the surname of my great-grandmother, she was taken to germany, where she worked very hard for two long years, but she believed in victory, she believed that will return home, when people know, remember history, they carry it forward, carry it into the future, if future generations remember those terrible events, they will never will happen again. when i wanted to find out about my ancestor, about my ancestors, there was very little information. all i knew about my great-grandmother was that she hid in a swamp with the partisans at a young age, and i knew about my great-grandfather that he went to war 10 days
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after being drafted into the army, but with the help of the people’s memory website i learned more about him, i learned - his exploits for which he was awarded. i learned that he was not only shell-shocked, but also wounded, remained in the ranks, replaced a retired comrade, and fought off enemy planes. emotions strong, when you can’t walk past a soldier’s grave without bowing your head, children get drunk on memorial watches. this is a detachment that is assembled in order to pay honor to those who died during the great patriotic war. we perform rituals. when i am there, i feel proud. i had experiences, i had fear and tears.
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although he has not been with us on this earth for a long time, they continue to have their effect, then, when you want to sit on a chair and do nothing, something certainly happens, like these 28 new names given to us for our 28 classes in the school. there are no accidents in the history of search work; everything is done through the soul. he who seeks will always find, young searchers are confident that they are ahead. they have a lot of interesting work, the intertwining of destinies can be read today in museum exhibits, from them you can study the geography of battles, at the same time a large fatherland, it is not surprising that many unique projects are born in the belarusian-russian team of scientists,
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historians, researchers, the territory of victory, such is on project, yes, where there are more than 150 museums. in minsk today one of the leading institutes countering attempts to falsify history, this is the center of patriotic education of new generations. preserving history specifically about the great patriotic war, about that heroic feat of our ancestors, hyper, super, or some other word you can find, is important, because if we
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don’t know this, then i think our end will be very sad. therefore, in fact, every day we are concerned with ensuring that as many people as possible come to the museum, and i think that our belarusian colleagues are also doing the same, because if future generations will not be imbued with this topic, will not pass it through themselves, through their hearts, through their heads, then we will get what is happening now in ukraine. the brest fortress also intends to expand. the same power of emotions when you want to bow your head before the fallen heroes. the second stage of restoration and museumification is underway. and this is a project of the union state, supported by itself. high level, i am convinced that the museum will be even more meaningful, the museum will present
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facts of heroism to visitors and the world, but at the same time it must be modern, it must be interactive, we would also see it as important for ourselves to determine our role in creating a number of exhibitions in the center of patriotic education on the kobrin borders of the brizh fortress. evidence of war crimes is still being found and documented in different parts of the two states. a new wave of interests is the desire to prevent executioners from being elevated to the rank of heroes. and khatyn, in the very heart of the belarusian land, is a classic example in this regard. the place is already imbued with a special energy that makes the heart fight. more often, and the new museum leaves no chance of leaving here with dry eyes. pediment with three signs, like every third, with
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the central one stained with blood. a village roof, literally from the first steps you understand, this space is designed to turn your personal world upside down. before this, you have never seen anything like this in any of the museums; almost every one of the creators admits that working on the project is a challenge for the creative team. important for the modern. generation to stimulate emotions, to stimulate interest, not with dry facts, not just by displaying exhibits, yes, not just some boards, we have to go through feelings, through emotions. the millstones spin the one entering their story, with every step, with every hall, the dramaturgy grows, and you don’t understand, if already at the beginning you catch yourself thinking that there’s a cold lump in your throat, then what will be the culmination? for me, as for an artist, this seemed like such a super task, even a challenge, the most important thing was to let
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all the dramaturgy pass through me, everything that i felt, this timeline, i would not separate any distance, they are all alarming, they all iconic, they are all quite emotional, the bar is so high, the more interesting, the more exciting and the more emotionally correct. still to cope with such a very difficult task, to convey to everyone what kind of tragedy this is, in general, that is, this feeling, the experience of this most important thing, that we are all united by a thirst for life, like on the mamayev kurgan or the soviet soldier in orzhev , the brez fortress, the kursk bulge, khatyn should also be visited by everyone, the power of historical truth, the education of generations on heroic examples, facts, even... 75 are children. the walls of the kremlin have all the strength and power.
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victory day is a holiday that is not subject to slaughter, a symbol of unbending human will in the face of the most difficult trials, the embodiment of nationwide resistance to nazism. we will not allow anyone to threaten us. our strategic forces are always in combat readiness. the west would like to forget the lessons of
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world war ii. and we remember that the fate of humanity was decided in grandiose battles near moscow and leningrad, rzhev, stalingrad, kursk and kharkov, under minsk, smolensk and kiev. for victory. the younger generation remembered that this was probably the most tragic time in the world, you have a wonderful president, we have a wonderful president, they are friends, they work
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in our name. oh, the state, we will live, work and win. thousands of carnations and tulips grew at the foot of the obelisk on victory square in the belarusian capital. bright, beautiful, peaceful minsk, so badly damaged by the bombing, all in flowers. we remember, belarus remembers and will tell the new generation, which, fortunately, does not know grief war, will tell about the great victory that we got at a great price, millions of people. life: you see how simply historical truth is erased in western countries, how history is rewritten, how simply any historical truth is suppressed, so that those who were defeated in the great patriotic war, their descendants, granddaughters and great-granddaughters, would raise their heads and now try again build fascism 2:0, and by introducing some of our own, we take european values ​​in quotes and force the whole world
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to live according to their canons, according to their rules.
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plunge into the same abyss, but we must do everything to prevent a third world war, otherwise a nuclear apocalypse is inevitable for this we all need to unite, patriots of different generations, people who sincerely love their native land, everything in this world rests on, dedication , readiness to defend the fatherland, one of our strengths...
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the truth is firmly established in the policy of the union state: no one is forgotten and nothing is forgotten.
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music, dj, hello everyone! exactly in a minute a hero will come to us who will answer that's all, but first, according to tradition, our questions to the hero. irina, what feelings are you experiencing now? i am very worried and worried. is it like being nervous before going on stage? yes, just like the first time. irina, do you agree with the statement that children should never be told lies. i don’t agree, i’m joking, i’ll try to answer honestly or not answer at all, well, then good luck to you, dear participants of the program, today our guest is the honored artist of the republic of
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belarus, irina darofeeva, i want to warn you that according to the rules of our program, if for some reason you cannot or do not want to answer, you have the right to refuse the question three times and be attentive to the questions. at the end of the program you have to choose the best one, now you have one minute to briefly talk about yourself. time has passed. irina arkadyevna drafeeva, born in the city of mogilev. in a family of teachers , teachers, and a mother. i love my country very much, i am very glad that i can make my dreams come true, i graduated from the belarusian
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state university of culture and arts, where i now work as a teacher , including the head of the department of pop music, my whole life is connected with music, i dreamed of becoming a singer as a child. from what age, that’s probably how it is, but did your parents accept your choice? well, at four, probably no one was taking this seriously yet, but already at 11, when everyone began to notice that i had a beautiful voice, everyone began
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to talk about it, neighbors, friends, well, as it happens, you know, to praise a small child, and i was sent to the raduga vocal studio, and i’m already... professionally, my parents always supported my choice, please move to the left, but what did your parents teach you, and what did you learn yourself? i can say that, probably, the main thing that my parents taught me is to love, to love life, to be optimistic and to be kind and sympathetic, it seems to me that the atmosphere in the family that reigned in me since childhood is, well, great happiness, that is, whenever i want to be happy, i plunge into this state of childhood, this joy, this
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spiritual harmony. irina, what have you learned? yourself? what have i learned myself? i’ve probably learned to understand that the more you know, the more you can do, the more you... hello, my name is sofia, i have a question, what are your warmest memories of childhood? i had such a turbulent childhood, it was precisely during my school years, the school had its own atmosphere, i was always worried that i had some homework left unfinished, that i would be called to the blackboard, but i always like to be there. why weren’t you ready? because until 11:00 pm i was doing vocal studio rainbow, in fact, after school i immediately flew home, played the piano, then flew to the rainbow, i was ready to live there, spend the day, spend the night, i loved singing, the whole atmosphere in
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the group in this creative, it captivated me so much, and i also i really remember our travels with my parents around belarus, we went with a tent, i learned to fish in... so i’m an avid fisherman, by the way, does anyone like to fish, wow, cool, i respect you guys, well done, and someone sing loves, uh? great, these are still the same people, great! i want to say that they are like that hobbies were inculcated from childhood, of course, in the family, in the creative team, at school. hello, my name is rostislav, how did you study at school? ay, i studied well at school, i would like to think so, of course, there were subjects that were not my favorite, but as a result it turned out that they were most useful to me in life.
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by the way, this helped me, without entrance exams, except for the creative exam, to enter the university of culture, then it was called the institute of culture, the department of art had just opened variety show, it was such an experimental course, so it was no coincidence that everything turned out so fatefully, it was wonderful, it was important for you to get exceptionally good grades, of course it is important, i was always very worried, but if i... was not ready, i could even go up to the teacher and say, can
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you not call me today, so as not to embarrass yourself. the next question is on your right, irina, this is the yellow sector. hello, my name is polina, you are a very beautiful singer, and i would like to make it clear, there are many girls in belarusians who are beautiful have a good voice, but they are unknown, how did you achieve it? and this is probably even difficult to learn,
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the most difficult art, i like it, honestly, i didn’t even think about this topic, you see, thanks to you, we are starting to understand, so there is no such definite advice, but i think that you need to look for talents, if possible, to reveal them, in order for these talents to be revealed, you need to work a lot, work on yourself, but it is very... important that you absolutely love the business that you are doing you are working out, and, probably, this is the key to success, that is, you succeed, you don’t get very tired, because you are doing something very beautiful, something pleasant, well, something that gives you maximum pleasure, so find what brings you true joy, what allows you to open up in life, and it’s important to do it so beautifully that everyone admires you, well... opportunities or, although, well,
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it doesn’t happen like that, you’ll probably still be someone -don’t like something and maybe someone will envy you in a good way, let it will be white envy, in general, i wish you all success, definitely, success, success, success. let today's game become for you not so much an intellectual competition as a bright, unforgettable holiday. hello guys, we are glad to welcome you to our playground. it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove it. was the world's first
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globe really made by the ancient greek scientist eratosthenes? it seemed to me that ethospen came up with the first map. well done, she remembers this rule. so what's wrong with the globe, who is it invented? it is another. and any adult will envy their erudition. is it true that a computer mouse pointer can change shape depending on what object it is placed on? the cursor has a so -called context sense. in our chest there is an object, the symbolic image of which is often used on e-mail services to designate a button that allows you to attach any files to a letter, maybe some kind of stamp, a push pin, it’s most likely a paper clip, here it is, an intellectual and entertaining show, i know,
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watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, good morning belarus. and a lot of interesting educational stories, it was great to freeze, thank god for everything, besides playing well, he also works with a weapon, we saw that, you waved so much that i froze, you’re right, and then immediately, inspired,
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the song starts , that’s what i actually thought, my name is marie, monsieur soutine, an artist, asked me to dress up in all white. for the first communion, this particular work is one one of the most expensive, in the fourteenth year it was sold for 18 million dollars, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel, belarus luva, they say that in moscow you have the best chance of getting promoted, have you never wanted to go abroad, no, never, well, naturally, what - the thoughts were, well, like everyone else, in my youth, i thought, i will learn all the languages ​​​​of the world,
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they will understand me, i will sing, i will have worldwide popularity, who, if not me, is the world waiting for me? this was such youthful maximalism, and then, when i traveled a little, i saw the world, especially having visited in russia, let's be honest, i made such an attempt to break into russian show business, when i visited moscow, i realized that this is probably not my mentality, this is not my city, i want.
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at home, this feeling of happiness, homeland is my family, this is all the most precious thing that is in my soul, so we say small homeland, but we immediately remember our home, we remember our parents, we remember childhood and homeland - this is the dearest thing that can be in life. person, this is where they always love and wait, where you will always be a little girl, where you and they will understand, this, you know, is from my new song, which is called my shore, i sing about belarus, i sing about my homeland, and i feel happy, it’s doubly nice, you know, not only to talk about it and
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feel it, but also to have the opportunity sing. hello, irina, my name is tatyana, i follow your work and i’m wondering whether working in show business gives you more or takes away more, and what has it taken from you? i want to say that show business didn’t give me anything, no business, by and large, no show, i’m my own director, it’s important to get that a profession that will bring you. how to say it, dividends, it is important to get a profession, you need to become established as a person, you need to graduate from university, it takes a long time to achieve your goal of learning. making money with your own work, it’s very wonderful when you get paid for being good at doing something, i don’t presume
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to say 100% that i ’ve learned everything, but i have the opportunity to learn from my students, and too, believe me for me, that ’s probably what’s good about this teaching profession in my life, because that’s all as time goes by, this exchange goes on, i try to stay in line, i try to always be fresh. yes, this is a good investment in yourself, in your knowledge, in your skills, so learn this, and the show will find you. what did you have to sacrifice? to sacrifice something, i had to sacrifice a lot, but this is a sacrifice in the name of, uh, yourself, dear, beloved, that’s right, i won’t tell anyone the secret that... we must first of all love ourselves, yes, in order to please others to be
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interesting, you need to invest wisely money into yourself, that’s what show business is, well, it’s kind of connected primarily with investments, yes, well, it’s money, but also energy costs, it’s your work that you put in, and of course, sometimes... you don’t want to , it seems, why should i do this, why should i do this, oh, i’d rather not run, i ’d rather not swim, it turns out that it’s all interconnected, well, that is, you know, water doesn’t flow under a lying stone, so i repeat, irina, but you are happy today, yes, at least i want to seem like that, no, i’m kidding, i’m of course happy, i’m happy, i’m happy. hello irina, my name is ksenia. what is missing in domestic show business? well, what is missing in show business, you know,
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there is probably enough of everything. anyone will tell you, give us money, everything will be fine right away, because any television project is an expense, any concert is an expense, any ticket to a concert costs money. then we ask the question, how much can a ticket cost, yes, let’s say, in general, one thing leads to another, well, the first one. yes, i try to tell the truth, to be honest, i don’t invent anything, there’s already a lot for me they came up with everything, or maybe you’re just a good
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actress, maybe, oh, thank you, such a great compliment, artyom, cool, the next question is in the red sector, hello, my name is daniil, i know that women love with their ears, this is really so, or are actions important to you? oh, daniil, what is your serious adult question, of course, we love with our ears, we love to receive compliments so much, we immediately melt, we immediately transform, we become beautiful, as we love with our ears, that’s what everyone says, women, you can just eat noodles remove remove, you know, from these ears, in general, the more ears a woman has, the better, and as for actions, of course, in the most beautiful actions, there are flowers and some signs of attention, they are also added to the piggy bank,
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they are also appreciated, but with more ears, have you been tugged boys for pigtails at school, did you have love, oh yes, listen, i’ll tell you, i fought with boys often in childhood. but i understood that this was a manifestation of love, so sometimes, i remember, the boy was alone, all the time he was, well, tormenting me, so to speak, he got so tired of me that i asked to be transferred to a separate desk, well, that means they moved me, but he walks all over the place, almost crying, that is, it turned out that the whole class began to ask the teacher to return me to his desk, well, because he was not indifferent to me and i.. . no, no, no, then , okay, in general, i agreed only if he didn’t beat me, so i sat down next to him, and he
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waved his fist at me in joy, and i mean, what? , and he... cried, his lip trembled with fear that he did it unconsciously, well, that was the emotion just to celebrate, let me hit you, well, here’s the story, irina, are you lucky in love, did you manage to meet your prince, oh, of course you’re lucky, of course you’re lucky, i just had no luck for a long time, for some reason, oh, i’ve been waiting for a very long time your prince. and waited, this is a romantic story of a meeting, oh yes, like in the best novels of dumas, have you read dumas, no, the three musketeers, you know such a novel, countess de monsaro, such is the novel, when you met your
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first true love and how you understood, that he is the one? "here it begins, i met my love for 40 years, can you imagine how it happens, i immediately realized that it was the one, because i had been waiting for him for a very long time, and what do you think, love is chemistry, or a person can be taught to love, it’s chemistry, it’s a gift,
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it does miracles, but i think that for sure, maybe i haven’t yet known all the beauties in the life of love, because, probably, the greatest happiness is father’s love, mother’s love, this is also probably a great joy in life, therefore i wish you too find this happiness of your own. is it possible to be happy without children? i’ve already said that it’s probably an incredible happiness to be a mother, to be, to have my own child, i can imagine what a wonderful mother i would be, probably just a super mom, but i ’ve done in my life, well, this , maybe a mistake, maybe not, everything must be done
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on time. i was just at the wrong time, maybe i met my love, then it so happened that, although, suddenly there will be miracles , a miracle will happen, who knows, in general, i have not yet lost hope of becoming a mother, well, probably it’s no secret to you that i don’t have children, but i have a lot of children, these are my students, these are my graduates, i love children very much, it’s probably such a happiness to see your chat when it... looks like you , yes, these facial features, these are familiar only to you, all the nuances in general, well, it’s happiness to be a mother, so don’t repeat my mistake, and i ’ll still try to improve, do you believe in
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friendship between a man and a woman? “i believe, i believe, i have friends with whom i have been communicating, making friends and over the years this friendship only gets stronger, who is your best friend? well, first of all, i am friends with terel maisuradze, a wonderful musician, performer, singer, and we often perform together, even sing a duet somewhere, and many of my students also became my friends, here are graduates, for example, andrei kolosov, we we share the stage with them, these are already my colleagues in the creative department, and i can say that these guys are excellent, i also have wonderful musicians, by the way, with whom i have been working for many years, i have a lot friends, they are all creative, gifted, extraordinary, in general there are a lot of these people,
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irina, yes, what is a friend to you? oh, i immediately remember vysotsky’s song, by the way, you know who vysotsky is, guys, oh, thank god, there’s such a song, if you suddenly happen to be there. if a friend suddenly turns out to be neither friend nor enemy, but so. such a song. friendship is tested by time, of course, and it often happens that, perhaps, even some of your childhood friends, youth, yes, there are school friends, now you have separated, you do not maintain a relationship, that is, somewhere in in your soul you remember these people, and you know that this friendship, it was, it seems to be in your heart, that is, well, this is, it seems to me, a quality. it’s good when you have a friend, he will always come to your aid, but he will not impose himself on you, he will not interfere in your life, you just know, with food so that you yourself have little space in your life, that’s why i
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advise you such friends to find, which, well , they are always invisibly nearby, but when you need it , you always find time to chat, if you could sing a duet with anyone in the world.
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all the best qualities that are instilled in us in childhood, they really help us to live later, it’s difficult to live, because you have to - you owe everyone, endlessly . what is your strongest character trait? optimism, i guess i think so. what weakness can you afford? be a little childish. i can allow myself to be eccentric, to be a little girly and like this, well, i like this state, i can afford it. hello, irina,
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my name is ksenia, i choose from celebrities, who would you invite to dinner? listen, the question is complicated, i guess, who would i like to invite to dinner, i would invite paola caelio, you know, no, i would be so interested, and i also like this writer, werber, i think , i would ask him when he will write the next part of one or another of his books, it’s so, so interesting to read, and i want a continuation, such interesting personalities, i would be interested simply in... now, although, probably, such great writers and philosophers, probably not it’s very interesting to answer such, you know, banal questions, it seems that there are already such
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great minds there, and you know how to cook, what signature dish would you treat your guest? i probably don’t know how to cook as well as my mother, but she knew how to cook pies, you know, the same complex dishes, like cabbage rolls, like... some kind of sorcerers, these are the kinds of dishes i don’t know how to cook , but in principle, if i had time, i would cook something tasty. irina, let’s turn 180°. question from the yellow sector. please tell me, are you an assistant professor? department of music squadron of the belarusian state university of culture and arts, do you sing to your students during lectures? of course, i'll go out right away. off we go, well, of course, it’s not happening like that, i don’t have many lectures, here are lecture classes, i literally teach one class called musical production, and it’s such
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an interesting subject, i have something to talk about, because i play in musical performances, there is such a wonderful performance, jane eyre, come to our musical academic theater and see me. in the role of mrs. fairfax, but in general i have an individual lesson, i study purely vocals in individual lessons, not in lectures, so come to us and you will find out everything. how do i do this, what is the difference between the generation of the 20th and 21st centuries? oh, an excellent generation, i admire our guys, because - to be honest, in the first year this year we recruited excellent guys, only i have two freshman students who i can already be proud of, i haven’t taught them anything yet, but they are already so famous, one of them is nikita belko, if you know such a young artist, he is a laureate of... numerous international
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competitions, he has an excellent command of the instrument, he is an excellent musician, and by the way, he also studied with my director vasily georgievich senkov, here is nikita, he just grew up before my eyes and he was in my studio working out, recording some songs, well, that is, this is what they say about the continuity of generations, maybe someone saw, someone heard, but look, take an interest, because guys, this is very important in life to be interested, you know, this is also necessary, to have a flexible mind, not lazy such brains, when you want to be interested, when you say, oh, we don’t know any belarusian performers there, well, it’s such a shame, you should be then, you have there are social networks, that’s right, there are instagrams, look at these young people, when you see how they grow up with you, this is also cool, because their popularity, their promotion, also depends on you, and well, you should watch yours. .. peers at least, and i can
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i can say that i can already be proud that i have such students studying, and many of my graduates, i can just talk about them for hours, because they are all really cool guys, cool artists, performers, they play leading roles in musicals, they sing in different styles, directions, i learn from my students. belarus captivated them at first sight; in fact, everyone knows it, especially those who come here. they know about the beauty of minsk,
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regarding me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met in belarus, and the first thing that caught our eye was that it was very clean here, we really liked the people, they are very friendly, good-natured, then the natural component was important to me, that the nature here is beautiful, i have still been living in belarus for 25 years , but no one perceived me.


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