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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 14, 2024 11:00pm-12:06am MSK

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belarus enchanted them at first sight, in fact, everyone knows, especially here...
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there is a 150-gallon riotous ragatay of the swedish people, and what do you think about marysia and stasem ? so the hutka was published, dziva ne, good day at your hut, may you have a lot of luck, and give new life to the old traditions,
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all girls love to dress beautifully, and what can’t you imagine your wardrobe without? you know, without sneakers, this may sound strange, but i really love sports shoes, i feel very good in it, and i want to run, i just want to run so much, i used to be an athlete, in the distant past i ran a lot and under... somehow it helped me stay in
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shape, now i love swim, what do you usually carry with you in your purse? i carry a notepad, a notebook, a pen, of course, well, this is probably the main thing that should be in my purse. the question is in the purple sector, it's to your right. very often artists resort to the services of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons. how do you save your youth, triple beauty? well, i already said, sports, good mood, love, these are probably the three main factors that influence the appearance, well, not only of girls, girls, men, of a person in general. we turn 180°, yellow sector. in
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2016 you decided to run for parliament, why, what was the reason for this desire? to change the world for the better, i think that the main goal is for people who see that they can bring help to people, answer some pressing, topical questions, of course, i wanted to help and solve some issues. maybe not everything happened the way we wanted, because, nevertheless, changes were made to the law on copyright related rights, and i am very happy about this, i would like, you know, it is always very important that the law works, yes , when you understand that in reality it doesn’t work out that way, then something needs to be changed, something needs to be introduced into this law, some amendments, changes, this should be an initiative, that’s it.
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therefore, in my case, i think that it was not in vain that i spent 3 years in the house of representatives, and i it was very interesting, this work is complex, and i, let’s say, for some questions... well , i wasn’t ready, to be honest, it’s only after living and having this experience that you can understand how responsible and complex work this is. did you like this work, would you like to try yourself in some government position? and everything can happen, but everything has its time, probably to each his own, at this stage i understand that i really want to show myself to the world as an artist, as a singer, and i have so much more... i have something to tell people , and i understand what else there is so much unspent energy, strength and desire, and i cannot express in words what i feel at concerts, you see, when i perform and i see that people are smiling, they experience all these emotions, feelings with me, it’s so great , i’m also
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a leader, i’m in charge, i’m in charge of an entire department, can you imagine, that’s why it turns out like this, i combine... with the useful, i found such a golden mean, but if it’s more, then i simply don’t have enough then for my artistic activity . we return to the purple sector 180° back. hello, my name is valeria, there are quite a lot of songs about belarus in your repertoire, what motivates you in your choice? everything i do, i do according to my heart. and... probably, my already rich experience, let’s say, from the height of my years, i can say that every artist should have in stock a song about their homeland,
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a song about the most important thing, probably, in a person’s life, and i’m happy, that i have a lot of such songs, and i... everyone writes so differently, it seems that they are so simple, already, that you can write something new, yes, everything has already been written, and even i i remember, i sang these first lines back in childhood, where the homeland begins, a wonderful song, and i never cease to be amazed at how
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relevant these words are today, and i want to sing these songs, and i want you to love them, so that you listen to them so that they penetrate into your very... heart, so that they instill in you love, pride, this real, healthy, sincere patriotism, because the future is behind you, and you are our hope, i say this is sincerely from the bottom of my heart, i really believe in you guys, i want, so that you become real professionals and serve your country, because service is not only in the army, but we treat this, each in his place, each at his post. there are so many wonderful interesting professions, titles, you know, and i am proud of each one, who carries out their profession with honor, who works for the country, for the people, for the people, and how to love your homeland correctly, in your opinion, you need to love your homeland so that
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do not betray, love honestly, hello! me rest? oh, i love any vacation, to be honest, name is sasha, do you like active or passive ? i would love to plunge into the atmosphere of some water park, i really love swimming, and i can admit that when i get into the pool, i relax, i relax both soul and body, while at the same time, i’m doing sports, there’s physical activity, but i get some kind of adrenaline, that’s... a buzz, that is, i feel that i’m working on myself, and my body is celebrating this joy, you know, when i’m on the move , so this is probably some kind of ideal option, but i can’t afford to go to a water park go, because i have a complex that they will recognize me and look at me for a long time,
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that is, there is such a moment, but i like active and some kind of recreation, i would love to go fishing, i haven’t fished for so long, i honestly admit to you, but only not winter fishing, i don't like the cold. hello, my name is nastya, if you were offered to star in a film, what kind of film would it be? was it mine? a big dream from childhood that did not come true, i still dream of acting in a movie, i’ve probably already lived to such a state, when i’m ready to play myself, how do you feel about envy, maybe wear amulets against the evil eye, to be honest, not at all. i relate to envy, i think that this is a very harmful feature, it is advisable not to suffer from it, it’s like
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a disease, probably, and this feeling should simply be eradicated from oneself, but if someone feels that it appears, and at least some , this is something that is destructive, it seems to me, affects our health and our state of mind and thoughts, yes, that is, i always try to surround myself with only clean thoughts. wish only the best for everyone and think about people the same way, that is, it seems to me that a person can’t just think badly, well, in this case i remain an idealist, and you may be a superstitious person, no, i’m not a superstitious person, i have there is, let’s say , this beautiful one, but i can’t say that it’s a talisman, it’s just things that are dear to me, that you know, there are some things that we wear, yes, i... i like some additional jewelry , but here’s a scene, let’s say it suggests that i’m wearing
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something i love for myself, as if happiness, yes, this is happiness, happiness, that’s what i tell myself, many people say that in this life you have to try everything, there are things that you haven’t tried until now, yes, there are such things, but i believe that... thank god that i haven’t tried them, i will never try drugs, i think that there is absolutely no need to even try them, because everything that clouds your mind and generally harms your health, everything that is harmful, seems to have no effect only on you, but also on those around you, that is, you bring harm not only to yourself, but to everyone, well it’s clear that there are just a number of bad... things that don’t need to be done, i just need to answer what is good and what is bad, everything that is good should be done and
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done with joy, always at the first call, says: yes, i have, i fell, i did push-ups, i want, i can, i love, i will be, the best, always ready, these are the best slogans that everyone should know, well, just forward, in a word, everything that harms you and god forbid those around you, never need anything. to your left is the next question, this is the yellow sector. how what would you do if a child asked you a question that you couldn’t answer? interest ask. well, i probably wouldn't answer this question. i have three, yes, three such questions that i may not answer. that's right, you can refuse. i would cheat. probably so. i answered your question. tell us about
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the best advice you've ever been given in your life? there can be a lot of advice, the main thing is to be able to use it correctly in time, i was given a lot of advice in my life by wise people, smart people, talented people, you should always learn something good, probably here. what advice would i give you, because there cannot be too much goodness, too much goodness, this is probably such an immeasurable feeling that the more the better, let there be more good things in your life, i have been following your work for a long time and i even have your autograph, i would like to know from you what is your favorite song in your repertoire, is it so bright? appearance, that you need to become a singer, i’m telling you right away, i have an eye
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diamond, you don’t sing by chance, no, i dance, and you dance, well, and then you can sing, you can combine both, by the way, the stage, she loves the texture, you are very textured, thank you, i love all my songs , the main thing for me is that the song is as positive as possible, there are songs that are sometimes complex, but... they always have faith, hope, love, well, the main components that allow me to still put hope into the song, i i when i go out on stage. it’s important for me to instill in people this state of joy, faith in everything is good and bright, beautiful, so that everything is harmonious, positive, that’s why my songs are like this, i love all my songs, but could you perform some piece from your song, if there is anything eternal in the world,
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not subject to running days. you ask me, and i will answer, this is the heart of my land, i took it so low, this is the heart of my land, thank you, this signal means that the time for questions to the heroine has expired, irina, now you have to choose the best question of this program. i will choose the question that valeria asked me, i i remember this beautiful girl. please pass the microphone to valeria. where do you study, in what class? i am in the eleventh grade, secondary school number 86. according to the rules of our program, the author of the best question receives a special gift from our guest.
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please come out onto the site. i am very pleased that i have a gift with meaning, this is my album, in which there are many songs about belarus, and it is even called, how can you not love my land, listen, since your question was about belarus, then i really it’s a pleasure to give you this disc, and a small photo of myself, then i’ll sign an autograph. irina, now you have the opportunity to ask the children your question. okay, what do you want to become? my name is anya, and i would like to become a psychologist, but i also
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really like journalism, i would like to convey dry, heavy psychology to people in some simpler, understandable language, so i would like to become an actress, oh, how interesting , what are you already studying for this? well, now i'm studying at an acting school and i also had quite a lot of experience in television, you are so good, in general, i wish you all success, good luck and dare, dare, dare! so, honored artist of the republic of belarus irina dorofeeva is visiting the program 100 questions for adults today, i’m waiting for you at the entrance to the site. tell me, which of the questions asked today was the most difficult for you? i was ready for anything, and i tried to answer sincerely,
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so i answered all the questions, completed the task, it seemed to me that you succeeded today. answer 49 questions, tell me if we want you let's call again, will you agree to come? of course, i am addressing our audience, do you think that our heroine was as frank as possible with you today? yes, whoever thinks so, raise your hands. i believe that irina was sincere because she gave answers to all questions without avoiding them and answered even those that were tricky. we have this rule: the hero always has the last word, sum up the conversation that took place. i want to say a big thank you to everyone. guys, you and your questions excited me, made me think about in many ways, and now i myself have answered many questions that i should have asked myself long ago. thank you very much for your
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attention and kindness. communication, just thank you. honored artist of the republic of belarus irina darofeeva was a guest today on the program 100 questions for adults. see you in a week. watch in the next issue. chairman of the belarusian women's union, olga shpilevskaya. why is there a belarusian union for women, but not a belarusian union for men? what do you think is the biggest injustice in society? do you think? what do you always carry in your handbag? what do you mean by the concept of women's happiness? is your heart free?
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100 questions for an adult. 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 times are you a good dancer? the girls are growing up to have a very good groom. watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel, this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous people. exciting travels around the country, feature films for everyone ages. on the territory of the countries: finland,
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sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus, austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia. croatia, poland, lithuania, latvia, estonia. set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. everything you wanted.
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paid attention to the elderly, delved into their infirmities, helped their needs spiritually and materially. and she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland. what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of that very cross, which was created with the blessing of the venerable euphrasini and another important one.
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you will love it once and you will not forget it again . everything here is correct.
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you could return to heaven with the word of your love, the holy veil, well done nosova , well done, sit down like that, like that mitrofanov vadik, no, wait, i asked you at the last lesson, if you had sat down like this, edik mitrofanov had continued to dress, i would have appeared there like new.
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an angel in a new splendor, oh, just listen, i pray, i am your slave, i love you, as soon as i saw you and secretly suddenly began to hate, my immortality and power, cats and lag, enough of staring, but enough, mitrofanov, enough, you read as if, i don’t know, you could go deaf, there’s zero artistry, thank god, at least you bothered to learn, sit down, mitrofanov. kotov, now i want to listen to you, i’m listening to you, kotov the most i didn’t study it carefully, but i had no doubt, take your hands out of your pockets, take them out, take them out, here are the cats, instead of looking at the meadow cat, you’d be better
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off studying. first correct the deuces, and then you will fall in love, so quietly, what a stupid laugh, but i didn’t care about the deuces, about the meadow, about you, tamara pantileevna, i also didn’t care, cats, what are you doing, how dare you talk to the teacher like that ? i don’t know, full of new life, my criminal head, i proudly took off the crown of thorns, i threw everything of the past into... i love you not with this passion, how to love can’t you, with all your rapture, all your power, immortal thoughts and dreams, in my soul, from the beginning of the world, your image has been imprinted, in front of me it has been filled with cats? hotovo, you learned it,
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why did you say that you didn’t learn it, guys, you heard how he read, but in the right way, and oh cats, well, i wanted to give you a bad mark, but you learned it just like you learned it , and you read not like cats, but like who, kochalov, machalov, kofekov, what kind of stupid jokes are they, and oh, a cat? these are five cats, do you hear, five, sit down, well done, machamov!
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i wish you good health, comrade medical director. hello ryabov. lieutenant colonel, meadow in the sky. yes sir. how did you guess it, elena yuryevna? and i have ryabov. intuition is good. why are you freezing in such cold weather in the middle of a field, why can’t you sit in a warm office, huh?
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penchka, why are you here? yes, i smoked. i smoked, yeah, smoking in the cold is harmful. oh,
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it's harmful, harmful. and drop this altogether. i 'll quit. are you going to headquarters? to headquarters? and i'm off to headquarters. great. your mittens are thin and useless, yes, yeah, and your red cheeks don’t look like they’re from frost, your cheeks, on the contrary, if you’re frostbitten, are white they will, or maybe on foot, on foot, well , on foot, on foot, as you order, comrade they will attack, i order, on foot, valer, go to headquarters, yes, comrade commander. i wish you good health too, so what, today i submitted a report, a report, uh-huh, what a report, about a transfer to another regiment,
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as in another regiment, uh-huh, what kind of nonsense? i still love you, onion, just like that. nonsense, right there, uh-huh, give me a box of dairy products, let’s go there, come on , oh, my god, but damn the milk, come on, bring it in, and put it in the refrigerator, the bread is on the shelf over there, don’t stand there, help, it’s open, it’s always wide open, for cigarettes, come on in, come on in, i’m always there for you, behind your stuff, yeah, but i
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hid your favorite bt’s blog for you, mikhaila mikhailovich, i’m like that i’m glad, so glad, you are such a rare guest for me, you keep sending soldiers to me. and i tell you, aleftina, i have an accounting, little one, and why are you so that it means i can, cats are not allowed, it’s unfair, this is not good, accounting, so accounting, i’ll come in later, aletina fedorovna, ala, alechka,
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i have prepared a box for you for the new year, so i prepared a bottle, thank you, as they say, always at your service, get away from the girl, she will teach you bad things, the weather is good, good, and you know alka kotova, the waitress, who, i know, is really beautiful. i looked at gena, beautiful, beautiful, here is your husband, mikhail mikhailovich also thinks that she is very beautiful, and what the fuck are you talking about, there’s no point, well, i’ll go,
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as they say, the wife is always the last to know, okay, goodbye, grandpa, come here quickly! mom, she's fighting, let's go home, dad let's check on you. van, why doesn’t my folder write letters to me? here yurik madveev has a file in some other city, and he writes him a letter, and once even sent him a postcard with a bear, it was a good postcard, and the bear on it was nice. van, what? why doesn't my folder write letters to me? because he's at war. in afghanistan in afghanistan,
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i’ve already told you about this 100 times, van, the folder will send me a gift for the new year, santa claus will send gifts for the new year, but i don’t want santa claus, i want the folder, wow. .. so beautiful, oh, oh, beautiful, how cool, beautiful, what, van, this is for us, this is for us, that means she's... ours, that means she's ours, come quickly to the apartment, van, who
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sent her to us, van, who, who, van ? van, who, dad, what val, what did you just say, you said, dad, hurray, dad brought me a folder for the new christmas tree, hurray, hurray, hurray, daddy brought me a christmas tree, hurray, you said that santa claus. and i wanted folder folder to send a christmas tree,
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here you go, santa claus, now we will decorate only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, we also decided not to look at the transmur countries and came to the belarusian city in which alexander... suvorov seriously planned to stay for a long time. and we set off on an exciting journey. many centuries ago , the lower castle and passade were located here, and then the town hall rose, where the city highway was located. so the kobrin princes of their squad definitely stopped and feasted here. not so long ago, by the way, a local resident caught a fish weighing 41 kg using a wobbler, that is, a plastic decoy fish. and 2 m long to show how unusual and
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wonderful our country is. in america at home the floating station is called the fashionable word houseboard, house, ship, but they have not yet come up with a term for floating stations. landscapes full of thoughtfulness and sadness enchant even the most fastidious travelers. watch the program of the city of belarus on the belarus 24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest, and absolute honesty are the sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from the younger generation. how are you different at work? from myself at home, it seems to me,
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solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grimza into a cute kitty, no, i’m either a grimza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you, extremely categorically negative, feel sorry is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, look, the project 100 questions for an adult on the tv channel belarus 24. 8:21, zone 3 pairs have taken, i ask for a task, 8:21, i understand you, i authorize the third task.
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thank you, see you guys, well, today you give me a cucumber, whatever, andryukh, headaches and even if you burst, that again, for the third week, every flight, as soon as they reach 7.0,
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so everything, hello, it’s bursting in the temples, that for this crap, i don’t understand, 700 each, uh-huh, i’ll have to ask the ribbon. well, that wasn’t enough yet, andryush, let’s just keep it between us, okay, whatever you say, although such things are not something to joke about, you know yourself, yes, i know, i know, okay, let’s go, why the city, and why the city, packing for the girls for the new year, well, i’m going back and forth straight to headquarters, okay, okay, come on.
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we’re already arriving, that’s right, comrade commander.
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i slept the whole way, i must have even had a dream. stop, i need to eat for a couple of minutes, comrade commander, come on, come on, i wish you good health, comrade deputy commander of the regiment, is he sick or something, in any way, no, that is, yes, yes or no, yes no, he’s been a whole week is already trying to get sick, 36.6, shapovalov, nothing can help you... and stop fooling me already, but i don’t dare fool the regiment, allow me to go, comrade lieutenant colonel, go, comrade lieutenant, go, they don’t sign the report for you, comrade
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commander, they don’t sign. there is no one to replace you yet, so you will have to endure my face further, but what is this? and santa claus asked me to give this to you.
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“stand towards me, hello, meadow, hello, knurling, well, yes, that means together, and to be honest, i’m not a good skater, and it’s nonsense, i’m staying at night in no time, well, marinaevna, we’re getting ready for the holiday in full swing. lyosh, you draw the letters bolder, don’t skimp on the colors, otherwise, in my opinion, it’s great,
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just like in a third. you know, it’s a terrible mess in our hall, just don’t pay attention. okay, marina evgenievna. where is your musical instrument? piano? there's a stage there, come on, i'll show you. well, it's worth it. of course it is possible.
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how wonderfully you play, marina evgenievna, can you imagine, when i first saw you, i thought that you studied dancing, imagine, dancing and not music, i studied dancing as a child, and then i ... and after school i graduated from music school , little darling, listen, i don’t have i have the strength to sit at home, take me to the company manager, well, marina evgenievna, i would be happy, instead of an accompanist, we have a soldier who plays, well, this way and that, of course, but he plays, we just don’t have the money for a normal accompanist, i’m not interested in money , i’m not interested in salaries, i just need to keep my head busy. you'll go crazy, this is the most beautiful tree in the world. van, are you
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going to the skating rink today? i'll go, just feed you first. and today i ate three times in kindergarten. we had a full lunch today, so you’ll drink jelly and eat a cupcake, cupcake? yeah, that's it fine. ah... and he has raisins with him, come here , i’ll feed you, but can i eat in the room, you can’t, you’ll make a pig, minus the pig, i promise, i’ll eat, i’ll look at the tree, okay, i’ve just got crumbs on the floor, i understand , i understand, and you will take me for a cat today, yeah. van, van, van, you, what are you,
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van, where are you going?
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that's it, what does that mean, that's it, you like it, you like it, but that's just not the right word like, i'm absolutely delighted, really, she's become kind of beautiful, zhek, what dress do you like best, this one, this one or this? well, no, well, you better put it on, yeah, okay, come on, well, which one is better, red, definitely, the color suits you, but who does that?
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you want to like it, if it’s not a secret, a secret, a secret, well, don’t be offended, dad, i’m just, well , it’s just that everything is very complicated, what is this complexity, well, it’s simple, i just love him, but he doesn’t love me at all. jacques, i bought a gift for my mother, see if she likes it, look, dad, how beautiful they are,
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huh? these are twins, and mom is also twins, well, of course she’ll like it, dad, you’re like that great job, really, you're already dressed, why so early, well, i tried on a dress for dad, he said that the red one is better, yes, but it seems to me that the blue one is better, let's give mine a gift now, let's have a happy upcoming one. new year, thank you, well, i’ll go, i also need to get dressed for makeup, otherwise i won’t have time.
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happy new year, parting, year , happy new year, hello, who am i here, cool masks,
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può parlare d'amore, quando comincia cadere la notte, penso te, penso a noi, ma che cosa fare senza te, io non so che pensare, la notte così.
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i would really like to look at what a school looks like, which is no longer a school inside, where they see more opportunities and use them to the maximum. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 130 chickens, who else do you have? ducks, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that's what you don't have, it's free time that can be spent on sad laziness, i understand, that's definitely not the case, depression, there's no time for sadness and there's no time to be lazy, yes. the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than urban life. then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this when
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we do it here in the future, we’re a reception room, we’re doing something here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry room, that’s what we have leftovers here, valuable, we we’ll probably hang an exhibition here, now as it’s fashionable to say, there will be a reception here, yes, as it all happens, 13 children. we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project i’m from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel, they are dedicated to their work, i’m proud that i work at such an enterprise that makes special equipment that helps save people, our quality, your safety protection, our company...
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in your hands, you feel it, but how, if you don’t feel your work, can you produce or weld such a machine. watch on tv channel belarus 244.
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only christmas trees in triangular dresses, only christmas trees in triangular dresses, everyone is running and running towards me. running, carrying me away, carrying me away into the ringing snowy distance, three white horses, oh, three white horses, december, january and february, the rivers have cooled and the earth has cooled, but i’m not afraid of the frost, it was in the city that i was sad. it was in
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the city that i was sad, but outside the city i laugh, laugh, laugh, they take me away, they take me away into the ringing snowy distance, what are you, zhen, are you looking at me like that, what are you doing, what about the shoals? have you already kissed? what? what, what, kissed or not? no, what? and the fact that now you and i will go to the gym, stand near the christmas tree, you will invite me to dance, while you and i are dancing, you will kiss me. do you understand? for what? what does it mean, why? kosyakov, you don't want me kiss? no, i want to, of course, well, that’s it, great, let’s rehearse for now, so, put your hands as if you and i were dancing, like this, like this, like this, like this, that means the team will be... the word has begun, ready , uh-huh,
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they started, they started making mistakes, what are you talking about, well , they kiss in kindergarten, or something on the lips, of course, let’s start again, that’s it, no, not everything, come on, well, you have to stand like that until i leave you i'll pinch.
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stop, van, it's my fault, don't touch me, van, please, it's my fault, van, please, van, don't, van, van, it's me came up with an idea, it’s not his fault, van, van, someone, van, stop it, van, don’t touch him. and your lip is not stupid, what are you talking about, if i see you next to it, i’ll rip all your hair out, understand? with her, who are you with? with... your cat, that's why
12:06 am
she's mine, don't play fools, dear officers, their wives, the rest of the staff of our garrison, our holiday continues, and we invite you to our flight canteen, where tables are already set for you and where you are expected dance...


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