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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 12:25am-1:01am MSK

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without unnecessary approvals. duplicating standards, what innovations are offered in construction and what in a country with innovative development, the government holds the answer: the dawn, which the whole country knows, how the large economy of the kirov region lives today, let’s ask the head. investments have increased, what foreign businesses are investing in and what conditions they are ready to offer them in the competition for our ip communications market. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica is with you. hello. without
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unnecessary approvals and duplicate documents. the ministry of architecture and construction has proposed approaches to simplify the construction process. subsequently, they will be spelled out in regulations. for example, we are talking about such innovations as when the design and estimate documentation is fully examined at the final stage of construction, the object will only be accepted by state construction supervision. there is no need to obtain any other conclusions. all these issues were discussed at a government meeting. speech too. was about innovation funds, how much money planned for this year, in what areas are there a lack of fresh ideas, and what projects are in priority? svetlana lukyanyuk will tell you about everything in more detail. this year , more money is planned for import substitution projects from the innovation fund than in the past, up to 90 million rubles. among the top developments are various units for...
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mechanical engineering, but there is one condition for receiving this money from the republican and local funds for goods in exchange for imports, this is that they subsequently replace a million dollars worth of products, which were previously imported from outside. it is with the money from the innovation fund , both republican and local, that new high-tech production facilities with modern equipment are being opened. in total, the volume of these funds over the past year amounted to more than 800 million rubles. and most importantly, what.
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there are strategic tasks of achieving technological sovereignty, especially in terms of digitalization, the creation of domestic software for control systems; this is a matter of strategic development of our industry. there are funds for these projects, the main thing is that there are ideas for them, fresh solutions in construction are no less needed, so that everything is quickly understood, the president instructed to radically simplify this process, but the main thing remains safety. a lot of work has started, the building code comes into force this summer, but other steps are needed. at the moment, the construction process is accompanied by a large number of procedures involving the interaction of developers with government agencies and organizations at all stages, from the development of pre-project documentation to
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putting the facility into operation. this implies the need to obtain multiple approvals of conclusions from various authorities, which leads to significant consequences. increasing the construction period of objects. the relevant department has a proposal on how to change approaches to reduce the number of approvals. for example, at the final stage the state construction supervision makes its final verdict. no other conclusions are needed. svetlana lukinyuk, vetaliy selyavka, area of ​​interest. the concept of one district, one project continues to be implemented throughout the country. in kirovsky district production of french fries will appear. the private initiative will create 20 jobs. the area is considered agricultural, the flagship is a large dawn farm, where 900 people are employed, engaged in vegetables, fish, and livestock farming on nine modern dairy farms. based on its glorious history, new technologies are constantly being introduced here.
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anton malyuta talked with the head of the farm about how the dawn lives today. if we take it in the context of the region's district. even the whole country, as far as dawn - is it a major player and what can it boast about today? firstly, rassvet has a very interesting history, this is a team that was famous throughout the soviet union. there were difficult years, the nineties, when the economy of the dawn shook a little, but the dawn survived, the people survived, we have a multi-profile economy, we are of course engaged in a very diverse range of activities, ranging from traditional milk, meat,
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now our people are resting free of charge, every year we are increasing these numbers of those who rest with us at the expense of the farm, i think that this is significant, by the way, our sanatorium is the only one in the republic that belongs specifically to the farm, all the rest are somewhere trade unions, some other organizations,
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namely the agricultural sector, so i think that the warehouse collected significantly 18.00 tons of potatoes last year, about 300 tons of fruits. because what was, of course, when they started, when the collective farm was formed, then
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, well, of course, these were horses, these were low-power tractors, there were not many of them, and machines, now this is modern technology, and we try to keep up with the times, because if somewhere you fall behind in technical terms, then it can be, well , a failure, strictly speaking, because technology is now moving forward, people are not as much as there was... before, so modern technology is productive, and not only in the field, but on farms, equipment and so on, which allows us to have good results. now let’s take a break for a short advertisement, then about the investment attractiveness of our country. stay with us. belarus captivated them at first sight, in fact
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, everyone knows, especially those who come here, they know about the beauty of minsk, as for me, i like everything here, my sister lives in germany, we met her in belarus, and the first thing that struck us was i noticed that it was very clean here, i really liked the people, they were very friendly, good-natured, then the natural component was important to me. that there is beautiful nature here, i have still lived in belarus for 25 years, but no one perceived me as a stranger. look in the project a look at belarus on our tv channel. you can accomplish a lot in 24 hours, and even more in 7 days. in our project you will learn about key dates, events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, a series
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of films of the pearls of belarusian cinema, and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project air 24 on 7, look at our tv channel every friday evening. the white-red flag is now ours, we’ll stand in a clutch hand to hand, the clutch is a priori an element of attack, of course the phrase “let’s stand hand in hand” is a call, here is the bc flag, inciting social hatred of hostility, but this is different, probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian beer party, this is a prototype at the wedding in malinovka, power changes, words and views change, now he’s into me. in the forty-second article, what conclusions were drawn, probably then i was under the emotional influence of a generally
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very strong information flow, now in my life there has been a big reassessment of values, it is possible to conduct a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal of russian troops from belarus, on the poster in my hands i support ukraine, why didn’t it support the inhabitants of the fraternal donbass before, who were bombed by ukraine for 8 years, why now... the policy of double standards in the project is another matter, watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . this is an area of ​​interest. we now continue with the current exchange rates according to the national bank: the american dollar costs 3 rubles 23 kopecks, the euro
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is now 3.47, for 10 yuan they are asking 4.45, 100 russian rubles costs 3.51. investment in the belarusian economy is being restored. for this year, the authorities plan to continue growth, including thanks to the innovations that have been adopted in our country. the investment law will come into force in the second half of the year; the document provides for a number of benefits for investors. according to the results. last year , the top foreign partners included cyprus, russia, the united arab emirates, and the netherlands and china were also in the top five. what does a foreign investor come to our country with and what conditions are we ready for? suggest we ask the director national agency for investment and privatization dmitry krosovsky. dmitry, how active are foreign investors on the belarusian market today? are the conditions created today to attract capital specifically to our country? hello, if
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we talk about activity, the nearest figures available to us are for 2023. investments are a complex multifaceted one. the process is measured by many indicators, but we use such an indicator as foreign direct investment on a net basis, it gives us a picture of what we have in the bottom line, so in the twenty-third year, the country reached the level of 1.6 billion us dollars, which is an increase compared to the twenty -second year, moreover, this is a record figure for the last 8 years, that is , there is activity, you correctly noted about those top 5 countries that invested in... last year, i would especially mention the people's republic of china, which made it into these top five, unfortunately, in the covid era, due to strict pandemic measures, we were not able to develop contacts with chinese investors , travel to china was impossible, there was no opportunity for the delegation to come here for a business mission, but this
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indicator for the year 23 suggests that the pandemic era can be considered over. as for investment conditions, is everything enough for an investor, i think the answer is most likely yes, because today we have created extensive legislative opportunities, preferential regimes for investors to come in, you correctly noted the amendments to the law on investments, which are inferior this year, we are special we're betting on a new special mechanism an investment agreement that will work, in a nutshell, this is... there is a mechanism that is used by an investor who comes to a new niche, does not compete with anyone, and receives for this a guarantee of a state order for his products, to those six professional regimes that are today there are - these are free economic zones, this is the regime of a high -tech park, this is the regime of small towns in rural areas, the
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orsha special economic zone, an investment agreement, in general, all the conditions are there, if we talk about... what the investor would like to have more, then we note on their part a request for ready-made infrastructure, which is not enough today, but that is why two pilot projects are being implemented in belarus in the russian region for the construction of industrial parks, industrial parks solve infrastructure problems allowing the investor literally today for tomorrow start production. an industrial park and preferential regimes are about the same thing, what is the significant difference and what... investors respect today. thanks for this question, really often preferential regimes are confused with industrial parks. yes, they are designed for the same task, but they do it differently. industrial parks are, first of all , infrastructure, it means reducing costs for the construction of buildings, premises, providing communications for the investor, and most importantly,
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reducing time. preferential regimes give the investor benefits for current activities, tax and customs benefits in total. the regime is the best that an industrial park investor can expect, plus preferential treatment in any country. thank you, connections director of the national agency for investment and privatization, dmitry krossovsky. this is all the information for today, good luck with your transactions and productivity in your business. we are on air every tuesday, wednesday and thursday, the most prominent in the economy. see you.
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three traditional bakings of bread and four
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slaughterhouses are part of the intangible cultural decline of belarus. tell me, how much do we know about our people, do we often remember the exploits of the heroes to whom we dedicated. many books and even streets and cities were named after them. question, of course it’s interesting, let’s find out. hello travel lovers. it's going to be
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hot today. despite the changeable weather, i am going to the southernmost warm region of our country, the bresse region. agree, any weekend can be turned into a mini-vacation and spent with useful pleasure. today i will follow guerrilla paths and try myself in the role. i will master a master class on making vitamin pancakes, listen to waltz on old vinyl, and take orienteering at the youth patriotic center in brestskaya for the first time in the fortress, i’ll take a shot right at the bull’s eye. the path ahead is not long, i go to the ivatsevichi district, the village of korochin. first
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you need to get to the city of ivatsevich, it’s 213 km, then the task is more complicated: from the bus station, take a regular bus to the village of korochin, and from there it’s a stone’s throw to the khovanshchiny tract. yes, it’s not easy to get there, so it’s better to use your own car. emma first. one, then turn in the direction of the town of ivatsevich and move straight, crossing the railway crossing, turn left, further follow the signs 25 km, and we are there. they say that it was here on an island of earth, in the wilderness, surrounded by swamps and ditches, that the headquarters of the breschina partisan movement was located. by the way, the place is shrouded in military legends and secrets, some of which i will definitely reveal to you. and
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it all started in october '42. on the 112th day of the war , a partisan detachment was organized here. three people from the walkers led by nikolai koltun and four encirclement, including lieutenant alexey chertkov, who later became commander 112 partisan detachment. i was met by a well-known partisan messenger in the polevsky forests, whom the locals simply call baboraya. hello, hello, hello, we have legends, and i am very pleased to meet you, and i am very pleased, we welcome guests. well, tell us why this place got this name, why khovanishchina. why khovanshchina, because before the great patriotic war, this was a tract. was called khovanskoe from the word to hide, and it was here, which means, among the swamp there were islands, many the islands to which such treasures led, they
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were buried in the water, were not visible from the air, special guides knew, and because of that convenient location, because of the inaccessibility, they called this tract khovanskoye, you were already chilled, of course, you were walking with our partisans the paths, the massif are frozen, and i want to invite you to our partisan fire, please come, as the partisan messenger said, according to one of the khavan legends, the fascist policemen believed that the 112th partisan detachment consisted of 112 regiments, which is why the partisans with a special crushed enemy garrisons with might, ambushed the german occupiers and committed sabotage at the enemy's railway junctions, during the great patriotic war, precisely when... the brest-partisan unit was based here, an underground newspaper, the regional newspaper zarya, was published here. yes, and you and i will now go to
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the house, uh. where the zarya newspaper was located, we also have signalmen there, if you want to see it, let’s go, of course, i couldn’t help but take the opportunity to try myself in the role of the liaison mother kat, this is for today everything is simple for us, a lot of messengers, social networks and no problems, but how did the messengers do it during the war, morse key, you can try, it works, you’ll be stunned, but what’s the shortest thing?
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these were reports from the sofinformburo, which were already being published by the newspaper zarya, this was also very important, well, our own editorial office of the newspaper is in our neighboring premises, moscow says, the last hour, today, may 5, 1943, in the kuban, northeast of novorossiysk, our troops are in as a result of fierce fighting they broke through. it was here on may 5, 1943 the first issue of the zarya newspaper was published after a two-year break of occupation. and i ’m moving on, i have a music lesson scheduled at the forest school. i am sorry.
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so, dear ones! guys, we are starting with you a lesson in “singing at the forest school, apple and pear trees were blooming, fog was floating over the river, katyusha came ashore, onto a high bank, onto a steep one.” katyusha went ashore, on a high bank on a steep bank, well done, guys, well done, it’s getting close to lunch, in the fresh air i’ve developed a serious appetite, hello, hello, what is it you have here so interesting, well, here is the most important breadwinner for me, for this joy of the partisan, because...
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you need to fight, you need to eat well, at least eat, as they say, not what to say, well, but in order to eat, probably, bread was the most important thing in this, there’s no way without bread , the grain is sifted, we fill the millstone, oh, flywheel, at this moment you need to be very fast, oh, by oh, you see, you rolled up, broke everything, that’s what it means, a woman came, not so, not so easy, not so easy, you know, here look, in order to increase the grinding of this, that is, so that this time , there is such a small stand here, it is once faked here, then, look, everything works, wow, wow, good, yes, yes, let's try it now , come on, oh, it’s lower here, like this, like this,
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but we need to remember that we need to feed 300 people, if we work like this, the hungry will remain, so we need to, let’s eat better today, oh, i see, i see , i see that this turns out to be chaff, well, chaff can be used to make something milky or something. this is some kind of shup and war is war, and lunch is on schedule, hello, hello, tell me what we will cook, as i understand it, by the way, from the flour that i think i made, yes, this is rye flour that goes to make pancakes, pancakes, the camp was very large, more than 300 people lived there, so the food was varied, they kept their own cows here.
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there was some kind of farming, but they often used milk for flour, yeah, they fried pancakes, but the pancakes were unique, they were unique for khovanshchina, and... they weren’t made with nettles, so, we take ordinary nettle, ordinary nettle leaves, chop it, just chop it with a knife, yeah, just with a knife, pour in whey, whey, chick-chick, chick, pour in flour, you flour, i’m here, no, give me two or three spoons with a hump, and then we'll see. well, let's go fry? yes, cool, maybe a little more, yeah, come on, well, it’s not very cute, the first pancake is always lumpy, especially with nettle, yes, i hope you
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’re hungry, because i am. treats, try it, it’s great, it’s not even pancakes, it’s flatbreads with nettles, let’s try them, let ’s swoop in, they take them with their hands, with their hands, and, of course, only with their hands, what kind of forks used to be in the partisan camp, of course, it looks like potato pancakes with onions. near the place of execution, a seemingly simple oak tree grows, but as it turned out later, the tree is already a century and a half old, it is this giant, a witness to those bitter events of past years, today
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the khavanshchina memorial complex is a place of memory and strength for future generations, which has been preserved almost in in its original form. many historical events took place on evotsevichka earth, and about this place. we can talk a lot, and this is a great reason to come back here, but we are not saying goodbye to you, we are moving on and going to brest, analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes, choosing the right strategy for the match, we have to work a lot with our heads to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still, what does it feel like to become a champion, emotions subside, some kind of realization is already coming that they have actually achieved
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such a significant goal both for the club and for fans, but what will be the result in a real battle of intellect, what is the name of a gymnastic apparatus where two parallel bars are installed at the same height? vlad brusya brusya, absolutely right, how the abbreviation bfvs stands for, you need to click, you don’t know further, then - alexey, belarusian federation, maybe everything, everything, yellow card, yellow card, the coach who won all these titles, so far he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself. he always considered himself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer. absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual sports show " head game" on our tv channel. we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this
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cheesecake was found in the book of radivilovsky recipes, translated to our employees from polish, now we can use it to treat everyone to this cheesecake . according to the guest, the nesvizh cutlet is not a cutlet at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made from chopped pork. let's plunge into festive culinary traditions, and easter cake, of course, a stove, only here in this area it is not called kulich. if all over the world there are easter cakes, these are easter cakes; in the whole world, these are easter cakes. we will also introduce the viewer to the history of this or that.
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i have 150 gallons of wild ragatay livestock.


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