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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 1:30am-1:51am MSK

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having the only opportunity to sleep longer on sunday, he still did not miss a single early service in the cathedral, he also often communicated with metropolitan anthony melnikov, he at that time occupied the belarusian department, secretly helped the young artist, he was always keenly interested in my life, my creativity, and as a connoisseur of painting, he deigned to take me to his country house near st. petersburg in komarovo, several of my works, when he became metropolitan of leningrad, and after the third year of study i had the opportunity to go to the trinity lavra and to receive icon painting practice from marya nikolaevna sokolova, this communication made on me... a colossal impression.
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for the first time i saw how the holy face was born, i could no longer perceive so enthusiastically, neither raphael, nor rembrandt, nor michelangelo, nor titian, nor anyone else. their canvases, in comparison with the icon, began to seem, excuse me, lifeless, although magnificent in technique, in red. truly, my passions throughout my life have been icon painting, i have had a love for the sky since early childhood, it attracted me, i loved small models of airplanes made of plasticine, others were hard to get, each airplane was stuck on a needle so as not to handle the plasticine, i didn’t lose the shape of the plasticine, i had airfields on the rubble. “ants served
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as an image of people, and so i could spend hours with my imagination, takeoffs, landings, and i retained my love for the sky, one might say, even increased it, only this love for the spiritual sky, however, dreams come true, in germany there was an opportunity to learn how to fly a helicopter, exactly then".
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tasks of the working day: riding a bicycle, you see the beauty of the city, the parks, you understand how much has been done for the people over the years, here you go, the beach on komsomolskoye lake, a path along the river, illuminated fountains, here is the old city interspersed with modern architecture, everything is thought out and well-groomed. you see people, how they disciplinedly observe bicycle markings, treat each other with respect, you understand, we are belarusians, and if you fly in a helicopter, you are breathtaking from the beauty of god’s world, from the proximity of the sky, and you see how carefully and... properly used
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every speck of earth, and how the man-made landscape complements the pristine nature, you understand that our country is beautiful, not with lush brightness, but with measured moderation and diversity. i once spoke in one of the programs about the sacraments that i have to perform, participate in this sacrament as a priest, performing the rite of succession, and i cannot get used to any sacrament, for which i thank the lord immensely, so every time you seem to come . and everything is familiar to you,
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you participated in everything, but every time i i come again again, i perceive this place in a new way, well, it attracts. people, how many weddings, just to come to a photo shoot, not to mention weddings, how many baptisms, look how many young people, where are the kids from, hello, district of secondary school number two, the city of minsk, well, very nice, and what is your impression, cool, cool, it was great, no, what if it weren’t cool, but to put it more civilized in russian, we really liked it, we really liked it?
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there were too many losses in the life of the belarusian people, there was too much grief, that’s why its lines are sharp in the base, if you draw a vertical axis down from the altar of the main temple space, there is
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a crypt, the tombs contain the remains of soldiers from the last three most destructive wars, there are also ashes and bones from... raised from jerusalem. and everyone entering the crypt of the monument’s temple has the opportunity and right to light their personal candle from this blessed fire. and to the extent of your faith, to the extent of your spiritual experience, offer a prayer
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for the fallen of your kind. remember your heroic ancestors. and that's probably all very symbolic: the roots of a tree are always underground, the roots of a people are in its history. the past is united with the present in the prayer of contemporaries for their ancestors. and the christian idea of ​​eternal life, which formed the basis of the worldview of the slavs, unites all the inhabitants of white russia in eternity, in the heavenly fatherland. we can say that the people grow with their roots in the sky, the temple monument in honor of all the saints, in memory of the victims who served for the salvation of our fatherland, in its architecture embodies
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this most important spiritual spirit for every people axis. historical memory, people, god. when. a person tries for god, not for show before god or his superiors, but precisely for god. he strives to do everything with the highest quality and beauty, especially since the temple should reflect the kingdom of god, so that people feel even remotely the grace and splendor that awaits the righteous. look at nature.
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here, but speaking with irony, a little jokingly, if it made my task easier to some extent, then for those artists, designers, architects and craftsmen who... whatever he does, he will remain forever serving both god and people. we spoke the same language. it was easy and simple, understandable,
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inspired, a total of more than 200 people worked on the temple, and, probably, everyone got here not by chance, everyone received their reward and their lesson from god, think about it, not only my soul was invested here, here it sounds... here is the intertwining of people's destinies, here generations grow up, here we see off the eternal path, the path of this earth, here families are born, marriages of those who grew up in this temple, and still comes.
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let today's game become for you not so much an intellectual competition, but rather a bright, unforgettable holiday. hello guys, we are glad to welcome you to our playground. it’s impossible to know everything, but these guys are ready to prove otherwise. was it really the ancient greek scientist eratosthenes who made the world's first globe? it seemed to me that ethospen came up with the first map. masha is great, she remembers these rules. so what's wrong with the globe, who invented it? someone else. and their erudition any adult would be jealous. is it true that a computer mouse pointer can change shape depending on what object it is placed on? the cursor has a so -called context sense.
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the image of which is often used on email services to indicate a button that allows you to attach any files to a letter, maybe some kind of brand, a push pin, it’s most likely a paper clip, here... an intellectual and entertaining show, i know, look at tv channel belarus 24, who and how helps make our lives better, what scientists are working on today, a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus, and two devices are made by the russian federation, this group is intended for research...
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it began in the thirties of the last century, when we opened a hydrometeorological institute watch the science project nearby on our tv channel.
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this is our main specialist in haram, god save us, and these are also the fruits of our, as they say, parish marriage, only this time adults became, and at the same time my goddaughter, and we came to this amazing place, it is two-story, but it was originally conceived as
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a sunday school, but sunday school in principle... it is a little different here in that there are not just desks and chairs here, there will be desks when needed, but it will be transformed to suit the classes that are available, right now our choir, chapel, musical chapel, which is called revival, are taking classes, these are children from five to 18 years old, hello! common blessing to all, who is our first time, take a seat, but what i want to wish for you is that you not only know the notes and learn to sing, but that you understand the most important thing, through these notes, through your singing, you must glorify the creator, in those secular works that
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you will also perform, ideas author, because any creativity is always creativity from above, it is always a gift from god, a person becomes a co-creator, so i want to wish you that you will also be co-creators in the works that you will perform. may the lord bless your good undertaking. thank you. dear brothers and sisters, friends, lift up a new song to the lord, for he has done miracles,
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shout to the lord all of you. singing groups gathered at the choral meeting in 2015, we decided not to lose this unique tradition, to gather choirs from all over the country, to sing about the homeland, about the beauty of white russia, about the holiness of this region, this is also a contribution to the pacification, unification of our people,
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this is glorification his culture. a person cannot live without faith, in the smallest, simplest and most natural, he does not even perceive his a state as a state of faith, but faith in god is a gift from god, and it is given to a person only when his heart and his spirit are able to perceive it. the secrets of divine truth, on the other hand, as the apostle says, faith without delta is, every time we talk about faith in god, we think: we believe in god or we believe in god, and maybe neither one nor the other is necessary if you know
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that god exists. just like you were holding the book in your hands, you were picking up one piece after another, sniffing at the words on your skin. here comes the honor of great creativity, the most valuable and suitable books for this book.


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