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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 2:10am-3:16am MSK

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ways of preparing those very documents, because they were discussed in labor collectives, including in scientific experts, in the political science environment, so we can note that these are quite seriously developed documents that not only meet the challenges of our time, but again look far forward - to those possible circumstances that may arise, and one of them is the very biological threat that first appears in our documents reflects the very level of danger that... is associated with spread of the pandemic, we also declare that we will take a closer look at this issue, and alexander lukashenko, among other things, indicated that there is a need to form some kind of conference on biological safety on the territory of belarus, and i am sure that it will take place in the near future. the key point of the forum, probably, is precisely that all the most important decisions, they are made together, are there similar examples in world practice and what do you think?
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balances between branches of government, knows about problems of the state, knows how to solve these problems, by and large the all-belarusian people's assembly is the salt of the belarusian land, and people who take responsibility know about the problems, about the challenges, they are actively monitoring, they are on the agenda, in this regard we understand , that the all-belarusian people's assembly, the way we are building it, this is a rather unique path for us and...
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with their views, their lives, and ordinary people are increasingly forced to go out to protests, and these are narrowly targeted protests, starting from farmers, ending with doctors, teachers, in the states, that officials live like some kind of railway workers, that is, a huge layer of problems has accumulated, and the absence of such a body as the all-belarusian people's assembly does not allow us to build this bridge between people in power, in our , in our case such a problem does not arise.
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hello, let's start with a real bomb, polish judge tomasz szmit asked for protection in belarus. on monday, he told everything himself at a meeting with journalists, he says. ready for the polish authorities to take harsh revenge for his frankness, but he will not turn away from his chosen path. at first they tried to organize a maidan here, but it did not work, they tried to destroy belarus from the economic side through various kinds of sanctions, this also failed. in belarus, there is a brilliant combination of modern traditions and enormous potential for the future, this is what can be called a psychological type of people. i looked a little closer at you, belarusians.
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thomas schmidt, it is clear that he managed to say a lot of things, most of you are probably with this well, we got acquainted, here’s andrey evgenievich, that’s what, in principle , the story of tomasz schmidt personally tells you about? it seems to me that this is just a symptom, because over the past 10 years, the judicial system of poland, first the regime of kaczynski, duda morowetsky, now the regime of the civil platform is being broken, as we say, over the knee, some built it for themselves against brussels.
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verticals, others have now arrived, they are lining up under the brussels vertical, while heads are flying, spy scandals, surveillance of judges, surveillance of journalists, arrests. incomprehensible itself or the murder of politicians, let’s remember the case of matausz pieskorski, when a simple person, essentially who became the leader of the party, is thrown behind bars, accused of a spy scandal, nothing is proven, the person is in prison, forced to flee from his homeland, let’s remember the situation of polish journalists, by the way, including judges and civil activists, who are not allowed to the border with belarus, so that god forbid they see a crime against humanity. by the way, the president of belarus spoke about this, addressing directly over the heads of politicians to the polish people: look where your power, your caricature, is leading you, just look, but stop the mad politicians, don’t give them a chance to turn all
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life on the planet into ashes, all this immediately comes to light, you know, because the president of belarus doesn’t just say because he wants to annoy his polish counterpart.
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i'm shocked - did someone compare him to snowden? no, it seems to me that snowden is still a bigger figure, because i don’t know what kind of state secrets of poland comrade schmidt, judge varshavsky brought to us, but snowden - it was a systemic phenomenon, it was the last attempt of information partisans to resist this dominance of large digital corporations, of course american. spy system that invaded social networks and made them its tool. nikolai evgenievich, how do you look at this? you know, for me this was, in general, an expected moment, and i had already been waiting for a certain time for
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something to happen, why? because the escalation of the situation in the neighboring country, constant attacks on our state, own citizens, destruction. political principles on which, in general , poland, our neighbor, functioned, because this is exactly what is happening today, something was about to happen, we remember the case associated with a military man, a chechka, it was not so long ago, in general , this was the first, so to speak, bell in this direction, because he saw what was happening on our border, how they were destroying, killing, in russian speaking, killing, not destroying, people who are trying.
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his idea that is happening in his own country, and it spilled out into this protest, i would call it a civil protest, there is no other way to call it, because he is an adequate person, a well-mannered person, a person, so to speak, with a high level of intelligence, we see this in his communication with journalists, he is trying to defend his position, having exhausted all possible worlds in his own country, in his own state, realizing that they do not want to hear him, he chose for himself, made such a decision, to show what is happening in poland, and how think a lot such shmitas in polish society? in my opinion, there are not so
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many people who are ready to go to the end, but there are sensible people there, people who are capable, so to speak, of analyzing, capable of adequately assessing the processes taking place in the state, over the past... 10 years, quite, so to speak, friendly for us, the country for many years, our neighbor, which we always talked about, has become a country that is conducting...
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we say, he is telling the truth, the fact that poland is unprofitable, you know, dragging poland into
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the war will lead to a disaster in european plain, first of all, this will be a great tragedy for the polish people, this is the president’s message, not only the last one during the message at the supreme council and by may 9 at the solemn ceremony and so on, which he always talks about, that it is necessary to start a dialogue in europe s...
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sophisticated, and we want to find technology, i listened to my colleagues, we, of course, people have some secret reasons why he got here, but indeed, yesterday the president said that the world has never come so close to nuclear weapons, to the prospect nuclear war, and maybe this in itself is the main trigger, when a person understands where his country is being pushed, it is quite possible that he is also a patriot, he wants to save his population, he wants to become the symbol that will draw the attention of the world community to this problem, how do you look at this? colleagues are right here in that, of course, this is a means of internal political problems in poland, of course, and this is the action of a person who in this way expresses his attitude towards the policies that the polish establishment is currently pursuing, but i would like to draw attention a little to something else ... aspect, and it was touched upon here, is that what we are talking about, what we are enshrining,
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those values ​​and those ideological approaches that we are enshrining in the constitution, in the concept of national security, they find their support, including , let's say, in an environment that is opposed to us , those states that are imposing sanctions on us, trying to organize color revolutions against us, and there really is support... the confrontation has reached a serious level,
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his personal, second point is that , what we we are doing everything correctly, this also confirms the correctness of our policy, but the fact that we are standing, well, close to each other, we see not only through binoculars, they are in direct visibility, we do not need technical equipment to see these dangers, let’s continue now, here we are talking about the fact that... belarus, the portal of the latvian radio television clarifies that this is part of the common baltic line.
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i’m not mistaken, 28 or 30 km of only the funds that were allocated to them were enough, but nevertheless they managed to get into trouble, i won’t say another word that in relation to the officials there, who carried out the tenders, where criminal cases were initiated and inspections were carried out, now they are under the brand of a threat from the east - they are building these fortifications, the amount is already much larger, more than 300 million dollars for 5 years already. in the burachkov area they are building tank ditches there, what other ammunition depots are they going to place there, almost mining the territory, we see how this is all done in ukraine, all the roads are dug up, the policy that now latvia as a whole is a neighboring state of the european union with
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they are conducting us, closing checkpoints, that is, they are doing the minimum, although quite recently we have... we started a small border movement with latvia and there were such serious prospects, what can we talk about, it shows that the image of the enemy is needed in order in order to distract, to distract from internal political problems, if we take the population, i would even like to continue your thought, why please note that this is not a seven-minute question, this did not start quite a long time ago, somewhere in 2019 there has already been talk about , that exercises are being conducted in this area, all the scenarios that were carried out by nato, the seizure of the baltic states by russia, the exchange of these territories, all this was prepared in advance, this is a consequence of this preparatory stage and most importantly, in addition to creating the image of the enemy, there is a constant escalation, look, because the
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baltic countries, these are lithuania, latvia and estonia, they have already acted at the level of their prime ministers, at the level of their own...
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experts are generally divided into ideologists, agitators and people who are trying to analyze at least something, especially religious fanatics on the other side in the west and here, all are right-wing enemies and are used by foreign intelligence services, all these great philosophers who are for russia , mother lopreshiba, for great europe or for the independence of ukraine, they are all used by western intelligence services in order to escalate the situation with the anglo-saxons the purpose of escalating the conflict, that is, i once again.
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are being used today by foreign intelligence services to escalate the conflict, what is the main problem? and you should talk about this on your broadcasts, what is happening today we are being amassed on the border of weapons, already 90,000 armed forces will be drawn in by the armed forces, they have achieved the most important thing, the parties have become incapable of agreement. they don’t see, the west doesn’t see, especially europe in the person of russia, a negotiable side, and russia today is not ready to make any compromises or concessions, this escalation is used
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with the aim of first drawing together the armed forces, so that a military conflict can begin in europe, first you need to deploy weapons and deploy the appropriate contingent, then they will sort it out with the politicians, the peoples will never made decisions about the start of a military conflict, the people will always prepare, they will pour anything into their ears, there will be provocations, there will be a trigger, then politicians will... there is something to fight with, and the longer this conflict drags on, plus we cut off economic relations, plus we are cutting off diplomatic relations, plus our right-wing radicals on both sides are pitting people against each other, right?
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it's a stretch, it's always wrong, trying to rise above, i'm telling it like it is, look, what if you want to predict events, you should see trends, you don’t need to go into particulars, people you can grab, just a tool.
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who wants to make a profit, we have our need for jobs, our land, we agree everything is fine, then something clicked for the polish authorities,
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it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile, we cannot leave european markets, the polish government is of course our enemies, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different, that two countries at war may well do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best thing a leader can give for a country and its people. balance is the golden mean; opposite ends, whatever they may be, are radicalism. but this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. author's project of igor turai propaganda. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel. let me remind you that the commander-in-chief recently checked the readiness of our air force and air defense.
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there were conditional goals. aviation coped with the task. let us emphasize once again that we use military force for purely defensive purposes. this is directly stated in the military doctrine, updated and approved at the recent supreme national assembly. and there is another important message: the use of military force is considered only after the possibility of using political-diplomatic, legal, economic, informational, ideological and other measures in the interests of security has been exhausted. based on the emerging military-political situation, primarily around the republic of belarus, we continue to improve the combat readiness of our armed forces. the most effective way is sudden inspections, which are carried out in conditions as close as possible to a real combat situation, in accordance with the instructions of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, other troops and military
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formations; inspections will involve forces capable of using tactical nuclear weapons. first of all, these are iskander operational-tactical systems and front-line attack aircraft su-25. to control forces and assets, a signal transmission system for the use of this type of weapon has been deployed. this inspection is planned against the backdrop of activities carried out by our colleagues from the russian federation on the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons in synchronization with them. alexander ivanovich, this is correct, how to understand it, that’s what we ’re doing, well, it’s clear that our military is training in order to work with such weapons, or is the first priority the task so that those people who have not reached , that the very fact of the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons on our territory should make them understand, but they did not understand what we were talking about now, the emotional background
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of people simply increases. they are making a fool against this background, is that what you think? i will continue what my colleagues said, this is that the special services work when there is a need for them, and we act very purposefully and very clearly so that when the dangers intensify, and this is in the form of risks, and now we see that these are challenges and individual threats that are already taking shape, the head of state very substantively said about this that... naturally, in order to put pressure on us, on the union state, therefore, depending on these dangers, these challenges, threats, we act, and that complex and system of measures , which is being implemented, also the head of state,
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they... said that we are strengthening border security and attracting various forces and means, including military contingents, brigades to reinforce the border guards, we are together with the russian federation at the moment already began preparatory measures in order to prepare for the use of nuclear weapons, but not in order to use them, but in order...
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you won’t capture, and belarus, as the last war showed, within a month it ceased to exist, now it will still exist faster, then, therefore, no lines, no, any aggression and the response will be instantaneous, many today are talking about nuclear and other weapons that this lukashenko will use, will not use, and so on, listen, these are weapons. deterrence is a weapon of defense, no one is on the offensive with this weapons will not work. draw a conclusion from here. but the worst thing is that in the understanding of the west, the third world war is not something abstract and is presented as ordinary and completely acceptable, but it is unlikely that
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ordinary people need it. this was one of lukashenko’s most peace-loving speeches, andrei evgenievich absolutely correctly says that when we talk about...
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we clearly understand that drawing belarus into and collapsing the country, losing sovereignty, we war will lead to loss of sovereignty, loss of statehood and destruction our country, this is why we rely on our strategic ally, on its potential regarding tactical and strategic nuclear weapons, and i want to draw your attention once again, and the use of tactical nuclear weapons in europe is included in washington’s scenario, so that you understand, that is, this does not scare them , until we demonstrate... washington a direct threat, i spoke about this during one of the meetings, grigorievich in the large hall, that until washington feels an immediate threat threat and london that we are ready
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to use the most serious weapons against them, if they continue to escalate in europe, they will play on this, make money on this intransigence of the parties, that there is a threat that they will feel, well, listen, more than our ally, nuclear, of course, we must have a locked border, we must have normal conventional weapons, we must have good internal troops, and armed forces, and territorial defense, we must have all this, we must to be strong, at least to prevent
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provocation and the abandonment of the drg, so that at least they cannot throw in these criminals and traitors who, under the guise of local battalions, will come here and begin to organize what they organized in belgorod in other regions of russia, naturally we must have capable armed forces internal... troops, this is normal, but on a global scale washington, any escalation up to the use of tactical nuclear weapons will be fine, and today it must be indicated, puskov said correctly, a war with nato, not a war with nato with conventional weapons, the population of the nato bloc is several times greater, if we take china into account, it is several times greater than the population of the russian federation, the economic situation is several times greater, this is reality, delay conflict will lead to exhaustion, why do you always lose to the casino? because casinos have more money, that's all, that's why they gave us a casino here, but the bet is human lives, you know, i would like to continue precisely the topic of testing the forces that we have on our territory, including nuclear ones, we must pay attention to the fact that such
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training is constantly coming, taking place in europe, the corresponding warheads of the united states are stationed there, there is a structure of use, there is an air component, there are other components and ... forces have been trained, people who know how to use them for what purpose, so that this weapon does not become just a bully, it must be, we must have the opportunity to use it,
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only in this case they will attack us to be considered as a real player in the political arena and stealing at such a moment, i also wanted to draw your attention, because we have a rocket that is part of it. nuclear weapons and which can be aircraft, aircraft carriers, we train both of these components, we train them not in order to strike at someone, but we just visited
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where lithuania and poland border, many are sure that the exercise is only a cover so that gain a foothold in the area, as the head of the belarusian ami sergei oleniye noted, to part of the foreign military units that sent for training, remain there for permanent deployment, such a situation. yes, i only wanted to note asymmetrical methods in the informational part of this propaganda dash of the terrorist war. we must understand that our information opponents are really not experienced people... they won for a very long time and imposed
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their point of view on us as a monopoly, now i don’t know who did it and i don’t even want to know, but the hacking of the database of the ministry of defense of great britain and germany is sensitive prick before all this information will influence the consciousness of the british and germans. this is an asymmetrical response. i think, yes, the americans and... the european union themselves are talking about their vulnerabilities, well, let’s say, an attempt to ban tiktok in the usa, a raider takeover of tiktok, what is this? this means that the american government, the current biden regime , has signed that it cannot control the space of 170 million subscribers, users, it does not know what information waves are happening there, what thoughts are shared, or telegram in the european union, already european union.
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traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. in 1717, anna rodivil, the wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania, built the first manufactory in the novogrodchina in naliboki.
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look at the project, the route was built on the belarus24 tv channel. what does
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the all-belarus people's assembly mean for the country? this is one of the mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all branches of government. this is the foundation on which belarus will continue to be built, this is the foundation of the belarus of the future. we have a new one a constitutional body, but there is another function, the supreme council can cancel the decision of any government body if it does not ensure the stable development of society. with the exception of court decisions, no society that based its activities on hatred of men, on the destruction of people by people, man by man, had a future, did not have a long history, europe...
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for it rural life is still better than city life, then in the future , maybe we’ll arrange this when we do it here in the future, we’ll have a reception room, we’ll do it here, somewhere some kind of coffee to drink, maybe some kind of laundry, that’s what we have leftovers here , there’s something valuable, we’ll probably hang an exhibition here, now it’s fashionable to say, the reception will be here, how it all happens,
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13 children, we’ll just reward a round of applause and smiles, thank you very much, thank you, watch the project. i'm from a village on the belarus 24 tv channel . we continue, french president macron said that he does not exclude the entry of western troops into ukraine if russia breaks through the front line, if kiev makes a request. the arguments are those the same if russia. wins, in the next second there will be no security either in romania, or in poland, or in lithuania, or in our country, says macron. the leader of the democrats in the us house of representatives, hakim jeffries, continues the idea. he said on cbs that we cannot allow ukraine to fall, because if that happens, there is
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a significant possibility that america will have to intervene in the conflict not just with our money, but with our military. he also noted with regret that in the republican.
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the usa has ceased to be a hegemon, these are his words that he expressed to great britain. 5-7 years ago, the president of the republic of belarus alexander grigorievich lukashenko said the same thing, vladimir vladimirovich putin said the same thing, who said more than once that it is necessary to take into account the interests of all players in the international arena and otherwise there will be geopolitical changes, but these
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the players are saying that we will throw our soldiers there, this is what we are approaching now. let's say a geopolitical game presupposes pressure or struggle in the political sphere, in the economic, in the social, in the informational extreme component, this is military, that is, all these first four components have been exhausted, the western countries, which could do whatever they wanted and how they wanted, finally understood it dawned on them that time has passed, time has passed, they... constantly exaggerating this problem, that we will solve everything you want, they are already late and the last argument of the kings is war, these are troops, realizing that... today on ukraine is deciding the future of the entire western world, they are coming to
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the last line, we will send troops there, we will use all available weapons, which is what is being done today, we talked about this a year ago, a year and a half ago, that is, we have come to the border that requires taking radical measures, and the most important thing is a radical measure , not war, but peace, look, you just said about kings and... for some reason i thought that we shouldn’t forget about the englishwoman, who not only knows how to do shit, but also, what can’t be taken away, play for a long time. british foreign secretary david cameron arrived in ukrainian capital for negotiations on a hundred-year partnership with kiev, while some found a reason for sarcasm in this, saying, why don’t they promise friendship for a thousand years, others saw a clear signal, the british consider this territory theirs, andrey evgenevich, and are you ironic or very do you take these statements seriously? one can be paralyzed, but it is clear that in any joke there is only a grain of joke, so the attempts of great britain, the attempts
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of france, combining with the previous topic, these are attempts to re-divide, including europe. well, it’s obvious that germany is weak, this one is the fruit of the european union, as a new integration project, under the auspices of german business, the german economy, uh, which, by the way, lived on cheap russian gas, due to this. received such super-competitive opportunities, no, the french, i don’t even think it’s macron, macron is just such a mapet who was installed in order to voice certain things, even take journalism, they collected macron’s seven latest statements regarding the input troops, which directly contradict each other, then we introduce, then we don’t introduce, then we will interfere, then we will categorically not interfere, but macron. leaks to europe, and to the united states of america, which will now have its own one-and-a-half-year, at least probably
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four-year, severe internal political crisis, that i am france, i am france, yes, i am ready to take responsibility not only for the entire european union, because france on the continent is a country with real sovereignty, actually possessing its own nuclear weapons, their own troops, including.
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the president of belarus also said how after a war, because any war ends, how after a war relations between our slavic peoples are restored, yeah, yes, well, i think these statements are a continuation of the neocolonial policy on the part of great britain, my colleague said absolutely correctly, this is necessary please note that the us share in the world economy is falling, the share of the g7 countries in the world economy is falling if we start to compare it with the share of china, brazil, india. russian federation and so on, then naturally the balance of power in the world, and the balance of power is, first of all, the economy, economic capabilities and access to resources,
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access to human resources, access to natural resources and the economy, plus control of international trade and the financial system, that’s for this is now a struggle, what is the war for, so that they simply understand, they don’t just want to fight, today they clearly understand that the only competitor, as i said in your last program, for washington in the coming decades, is they are spelled out in the doctrine. a number of other countries of the european union, in principle, are all hostages of the situation, and i say again, we need to bring the situation to a
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point where the parties can start talking, that’s right. lukashenko says without preconditioning, look what zelensky’s plan is, you look, it ’s an ultimatum, an ultimatum, that is, zelensky issued a decree prohibiting himself from negotiating, but if you look at his plan, peace negotiations, this is an ultimatum, that is, to return to even return to crimea, we noticed how they even tried to surround sidinpin now, macron ushte funder to pull, but he made it clear, well, unfortunately, today let’s just take their side, we need to take the side and understand the enemy.
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our task is to introduce the parties so that they begin to see each other as parties capable of agreement, we must use all possible methods and by demonstrating strategic and tactical deterrence and the information field to introduce the parties so that they begin to see each other as parties capable of agreement, we must to divert the parties from the conflict, and not lead the parties to escalation, thank you aleksandrich, now vadim has given me this idea that we started with a pole who defected, in general, everyone with...
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this means that that in the near future, europeans will definitely not live better, because if you are not with china today, then it is extremely difficult for you to develop your economy. all these actions speak about one very important thing, in my opinion, that, unfortunately, the west, it has not learned to lose, but it will have to lose, and he does not have the economic prerequisites to maintain his hegemony, this is obviously clear to everyone, therefore his main strategic line is to prevent eurasia from lisbon to vladivostok from taking place, because this will not only be a counterweight to america, it will drown america, this is strategic, regarding statements about a hundred years of friendship, but we know that there was a hundred years war in europe, and real actions, speaking about peace and friendship, they
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project a hundred years war in europe, this is very beneficial for them. the game is roulette, so the west only knows how to play roulette, toss chips, but they cannot play for a long time. we have one strategic partner of the state, which showed to all three named players, great britain, france and the usa, that nothing lasts a century in the world, i mean vietnam, the occupation by the british, they said that we came there for a century , disappeared like a traffic jam, the occupation of france disappeared like a traffic jam, and the entire united states of america, nothing with the people of vietnam and their struggle for independence and freedom
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they couldn’t do it, they suffered a terrible defeat, among other things.
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because in belarus it is impossible to find people other than outright freaks and crazy people who would not treat this victory as... as a subject of history, but allowed us to speak on behalf of the truth of justice throughout the world, because it was we who liberated from nazism , we have the moral right to say this to the same germans, the same ones united under the nazi banner. europe, that we stood on the right side of history, and you, in addition to two nations, serbs and greeks, came to our land with weapons in their hands, they destroyed 27
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million soviet citizens, destroyed every belarusian and now through ideology, through the supply of weapons, through money, they are trying to take revenge, there will be no revenge, let’s listen to the president, now a fragment of a speech at a ceremonial meeting, information attacks, all kinds of falsifications on the part of the collective west, justify the atrocities committed by the nazis and their henchmen. we see how revanchists are trying to pull the bankrupt nazi ideology out of the underworld. all is presented as if the nuremberg tribunal never happened.
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bore all the horrors of war, and who clearly understands that the most important thing in the world is peace, peace and once again peace, and for the sake of this word we
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must work and lead all our political components, develop, take care of our homeland, what in belarus with such... respect for victory day, it says that we are a nation with a conscience, and we honor the memory of the great victory, we realize that the blood of victors and liberators flows in our veins, we are today we unanimously stand up when we hear great songs about a great victory, we are filled with tears, we are proud of the place belarus occupies in the family of peoples of the world. this place was not conquered by every third during the war, both peaceful and military, but today we want to fight on a peaceful basis, we want to create, we want
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to create something new, useful for our planet, for our land, and we are doing our best today, here having received this vaccination, having survived these terrible tragedies for a century, today we are making every effort to to promote peace throughout our... i thank you for participating in this program, finally, why this war is relevant even after 80 years, because the idea underlying it has not changed, our grandfathers pulled out the weed, but somewhere deep down it remained the root, it sprouts again, i would like to be wrong, but are n’t we familiar with the shoots of the same evil in the speech of the ceo of the powerful blackrock foundation, larry fink, listen. i can say that in developed countries the winners will be those in which the population is declining. in my conversations with the leadership of these large developed countries, which have xenophobic immigration
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policies, they do not allow anyone to come. these countries will rapidly develop robotics, artificial intelligence and technology, so that the paradigm of negative population growth will change and the social problems that will arise. i translate that for robots to take root better, the population should be smaller, it doesn’t remind me of anything. the nazi plan was just about superfluous people, it is generally known that its goal was to free up living space for the master race, approached on a grand scale, over 25 years, they planned to destroy and deport 85% of the residents of poland and lithuania, 75% of the residents of belarus. well, here is the direct speech, reix kührer, ss himmler: millions of russians died in this war, we took millions prisoner, but more and more millions enter the battle so that... the slavs must
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work for us, if we no longer need them needed, let them die. it turns out that times and generations change, but the goal of global evil is still the same: there are fewer people, and specific people, from specific countries, they have a big historical problem with slavs, so memory is not easy. a beautiful may day, this is a shield and sword in our hands. what's the best way to test? your erudition and
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intelligence, right, tricky questions, is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers, andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, set invited asiris to his holiday, then it seems that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, andrey wrote detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard went down in tennis history as the youngest leader.
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stood on the ancient volkov river and precisely on this river was the site of a city that was later named after the slavic-baltic toponym “vauka, vya,” which literally meant “wolf.” and this group has a special style of performing kupala and harvest songs, which are called “songs in the overlap.” and our special manner of performing these songs is included in the state list of intangible cultural heritage.


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