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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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it was important to have a romanian passport. today in moldova there is a record level of absolute poverty, a fall in industrial production and an increase in public debt, and a fall in gdp. the population of moldova is declining by 40,000 people annually, the share of the shadow economy is 22%. but sandu begged money from brussels to fight corruption, which means we need to pretend that the fight is going on. in reality, sandu is fighting not for democracy and against corruption, but with his opponents. sandu's opponents. igor dodon, for example, was arrested right on her birthday. this looks really bad. evgenia became the head of gogouzia and according to the law, you must approve her as a member of the government. haven't you done this yet? no, i didn't. i don’t think there can be such people, it’s even against the interests of our country, and that’s it. for our
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state security, if you want, well , this is an opinion, but there is a law, and this is not a violation of the law, i believe that no, i believe that it is not, and this is an argument, well, for dessert, such a liberal all-democratic sando has completely closed all the media who tell the truth objectionable to the moldovan leader, we we simply repeat that the european union, that is, the decision of the european union on these things, is the word.
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astisand really wants to stay, so the presidential elections were scheduled on the same day as the referendum on european integration, so eu supporters will come to vote for sadda, but who else will bring them to europe? yes, and turnout will be ensured, but the main thing is that postal voting will be available, yes, the same one that is so easy to rig, but watch your hands, moldovan diasporas in canada, the usa, iceland and other countries of the western world, that is pro-western attitude. it is allowed to vote by mail, but the diaspora in russia, for example, is prohibited. democracy, no, we haven’t heard, so why is russia not on the list of countries for voting, why is russia not there, because where is the huge diaspora, because it doesn’t fit the criteria, i can’t say for sure, or that is, think about it , how much the moldovan authorities are afraid that the people will not really support them, why does moldova need the european union if... discard
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propaganda and think economically, there is no answer, but why does the european union need moldova, correctly, in as a consumable material in the fight against russia. italian: nato can intervene in the war in ukraine in two cases, if the war on the side of russia involves belarus, the scenario concerns the direct or indirect participation of a third party in the conflict in ukraine, if russia attacks the baltic countries, poland or moldova. although i am not the president of moldova, i have a... logical question: what does the moldovan people have to do with this? what's the use? so far, apart from horror stories and the mythical russian threat, and tales about an allegedly luxurious life within the eu, there is nothing from the lips of mrs. sando specifics, but real figures specifically indicate the collapse of the moldovan economy and the poverty of the population, but chisinau could not turn away from the eac, for example, whose members record active growth in economic indicators, and chisinau could establish profitable... interaction in
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agriculture, industry and medicine. the authorities of the republic left our country behind a large ship called the eac, and this ship would have given us , a state with a destroyed economy, protection and confidence in the future. today's the government seeks only to cater to geopolitical patterns. but what really happens? refusal of real benefits today in the future for the sake of promises of handouts from the west. my colleagues and i categorically disagree with this fate . how important it is to choose a real politician who will take care of his people, and not a leader running around the european union with his hand outstretched, numerous examples tell us, from lithuania and moldova to ukraine. belarus remembers everyone who achieved a great victory and carefully preserves the historical one. the truth
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large-scale search work continues in the country and young belarusians are showing great interest in this. so in the seventieth metropolitan school named after the hero of the soviet union, leonty gurtiev, they recently began new work together with a detachment from karelia , the remains of twenty-eight belarusian fighters were found, now finding their relatives is a matter of honor. alesya vysotskaya will continue. the core for the unique object was found by belarusian search engines during an expedition in the abandoned house of a russian rural teacher. from these hours a lot of search work began for these guys in close cooperation with partners from karelia and other parts. they brought us a token and part of the land from karelli, well , they looked up everything from the archives, they found the niece of the deceased, who died 80 years ago, they united the souls of this land - they added it to the grave
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of his mother, i personally dug up, well, even now, when you tell about it, a little goes down the spine, goosebumps, the same thing is happening now, what we talk about all the time, history is the same, look, on the eve of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, how a sign from above, the search engines of the minsk school received new information from their russian partners. in kareli, at the site of fierce battles , almost three dozen belarusians were found. representing the brest, vitebsk, grodno regions, they were handed over to us by russian search engines in the hope that belarusians and russians are together, as always. they will be able to bring back the names of heroes from obscurity, they will be able to return their great-grandfathers to their great-grandchildren, our task is to let our children touch this not only in words, but, if possible , to emotionally involve them in this work. here footage from the scene: in 1941
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the earth trembled, it became the last refuge for fighters of different nationalities. belarusians, on this inch of one great fatherland, contributed to the overall victory. surnames and initials of relatives, students and teachers of our school who participated in the great patriotic war. my great-grandmother’s name is also here, she was taken to germany, where she worked very hard for two long years, but she believed in victory, she believed that she would return home. when people know and remember history, they carry it forward,
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carry it into the future. if future generations remember those terrible events, they will never happen again. when i wanted to know about my ancestor. there was very little information about my ancestors, about my great-grandmother i only knew that at a young age she hid in a swamp with the partisans, and about my great-grandfather i knew that he went to war 10 days after being drafted into the army, but with with the help of the people's memory website, i learned more about him, i learned about his exploits, for which he was awarded, i learned that he was not only shell-shocked and wounded, he remained in service replaced a retired comrade and fought off an enemy plane. there are strong emotions when you can’t walk past a soldier’s grave without bowing your head, children get drunk on memorial watches, this is a detachment that is assembled to honor those who died during the great patriotic war, we perform rituals, when i’m there, i have emotions pride,
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i had feelings, there was fear, there were tears, but these emotions were worth it, we had such cold weather that everyone survived, everyone was very worried, but... everything turned out great for everyone, he smiles with photographs, the horror of fascism, through its eyes in stories and novels, for school director evgenia rudova, war is also a family story, father, officer, intelligence officer, veniamin rudov, after the war he put all the pain of the earth into books, devoted all his post-war activities to this , in order not to let the new generation forget, and those lessons of my father that i remember, although he is no longer with us on this earth for a long time, they continue to have their effect, then when you want to sit on a chair and do nothing, it certainly happens that something like that these 28 new names, given to us for our 28 classes at school, in the history of search
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work there are no accidents, everything is through the soul, whoever searches will always find, confidently young search engines and they have a lot of interesting work ahead of them, the russian people during the great patriotic war. the prosecutor general's office stands guard over historical truth and reveals the names of fascists who have not yet received their deserved punishment. about memory for centuries in the author’s section platform. on the morning of july 17, 1942, fascist policemen cordoned off the territory of the gorodeysk ghetto. prisoners 1,137 people were herded to the station
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square, ordered to lie face down, and trucks began to drive over them. the survivors were taken to a sand quarry on the outskirts of grodeia and shot. this is from the materials of the case currently being investigated by the general prosecutor's office about the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war. before the war, in the nesvesh district there was a village called bulatovshchina, not far from uzhanka. there now. in one of the graves, kazimir gonkiewicz, his wife yanina, their children, anton and edviga, magdalena tydrizh was also buried there, she was 82 years old with her granddaughter sofia. any information about their deaths has not been established. the investigation team is finding out and collecting data now. let me give you some numbers. in just a few years , more than 500 site inspections were carried out in connection with the genocide case. witnesses from the victim were requested, and declassified archives were also studied. thanks to
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this work, previously unknown places of massacres of our people were identified, information was received about the planting of more than 3,000 previously unknown villages. it is known that during the years of hitler’s occupation in the town in gorodeya, a so-called order service was created. boleslav matskala was appointed commandant, under whose leadership thousands of soviet citizens were tortured. at the end of 4 matskala was killed by soviet partisans in the stoltsy region. during interrogations in 1950, one of the punishers, vasily romaneiko, spoke in detail about the crimes of the gorodey policemen. he talked about others. for example, anton khmel. in the fall of '42, he served as secretary of the gorodeya police station. yancheyevsky was promoted to senior police officer for active work in winter 43 he was killed by soviet partisans at a mill in the village of steep bank. armaneika himself is fascist. police was on september forty-two at gorodeya stations gansovshchina zaush, in may forty-four he was sent to
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minsk, enlisted in a german military unit as part of which he went to germany in june, where he was attached to the second, so-called belarusian sapper battalion, took the oath of allegiance to the fascist germany, repeatedly participated in punitive operations and mass executions in the vnesvizh region. in august 1950, romaneika to the military tribunal of the belarusian military district. was sentenced to death. the sentence was carried out on november 10, 1950. policemen matskala and kudlach said that they personally shot people near yama in may 1943 on bulatovsky utori. they said they didn’t find the partisans, so they cordoned off three farms, went into one house, took out a man and a woman, and shot both of them at point-blank range. then they went to the second farm, shot the man, woman and young children. then. witness mikhail tydrish, born in 1920, told the investigator,
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his grandmother and sister were shot. cherenkevich vladimir with his wife olga, sharamet ignat with his wife and three small children. angankevich vladimir, his wife, yanina, and two children. then three families, 13 people were killed, their houses were burned. and this is a letter from the prosecutor’s office of the victim tamara skers. she tells how her mother collected groni from the fire in levoshovka. areas of burnt bones of a one-year-old tony, mother and father and other relatives. in this letter , the victim is asked: “we don’t need anything, just restore the truth.” recently in in a conversation with the director of the brest fortress hero memorial, i asked why we today are taught by the defenders of the brest fortress, after whom the streets in brest, kazan, krasnodar, irkutsk are named, and what we lack for our children to remember and cherish. so that, like our grandfathers, they don’t give up the country, but he recalled the words, history
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brings up only the truth, come to the brest fortress, a heroic place, a cemetery, look, think, bow at the eternal flame, honor the memory of heroes in minsk and other cities and be proud of the feat take care of the fallen defenders of our people. belarusians work for the good of creation, preserving peace and increasing achievements. equal conditions for everyone, priority of state policy. the development of the regions is progressing at a good pace, thanks to the presidential decree and the corresponding program. new
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industries have emerged, investments in the economy have increased, and industrial projects are being implemented. so andrey yastrebov with a report from the mogilev region. work in three shifts until 13.00 per year only elevators. elevator engineering plant the industry's flagship is not slowing down. there are more and more new technologies and more achievements in production. over the years we have managed to localize production. we have a full cycle foundry and our own production of electric motors; as part of the holding we make electronics. in this regard, we are completely technologically independent. last year our investments amounted to more than 30 million rubles. there are at least forty plans for this year, we need to go further, we need to think about how to conquer other markets, that is, asian markets, african markets. investments, innovations, import substitution are the very vectors that allowed the industry to cope with sanctions and become a worthy partner in the new world markets that have opened. belarusian food products, tires, chemical fiber, woodworking, mining
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equipment and railroad cars are still in trend. our industrial complex operates stably and continues to do so. region is behind these companies, the company residents of the free economic zone of mogilev last year alone produced industrial products worth more than 5 billion belarusian rubles and exported goods worth one billion 200 million us dollars. 26,000 mageleev residents today work at enterprises resident in the free economic zone. thanks to the strengthening of the economy, it was possible to implement a number
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of social projects that were important for the region. this is the heart of the magilev regional clinical hospital, a cardiac surgery center, an accumulator of technologies and specialists. with the launch of the project , the number of operations doubled, and a heart transplant was performed for the first time in the region. this is a completely different, qualitative level providing medical care to our patients, since the implantation program of minimally invasive, transcatheter implantation of the oral valve has been launched, that is, what does this mean, a person can go home in a few days, in the future we plan to intervene on other hartal valves, that is, this is a whole direction, that this was built in mogilev, this... many thanks to the head of state, who, thanks to him, all this was built, many thanks, i would like to say to the doctors, plans to recover, continue work. the mogilev regional oncology center has also expanded with a new radiology building; three linear accelerators, as well as ultrasound rooms and operating rooms, have become operational. another socially important, expensive project was implemented
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here on the outskirts of the regional center. infectious diseases building of mogilev hospital number one, a new word in regional medicine. boxed flow separation system, as well as a special air purification system and the whole range of examinations and treatment, mri, ct, operating room for minimally invasive interventions. the inter-district centers that have not been abandoned today are bobruisk-mogilev and the krichev central district hospital, which has become an inter-district center for the south-eastern region. last year alone , we spent more than 32 million rubles on equipment for healthcare institutions. and this is only for medical equipment; a large amount has been purchased.
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i live not far from here, there is a very large park, my children and grandchildren live here, the construction of this center, the life of this microdistrict has been transformed on a scale of ten, i would put 11. the main goal of such transformations is to make life more comfortable, and for this the economy and the social sphere must work even more efficiently. andrey yastrebova vasilyevaliev, television news agency. the managerial approach of everyone in their place is the key to success. the head of state often emphasizes this. woodworking is a prime example. let's talk about wood pellets, this is an alternative energy product, it has already made itself known in the domestic market, they are ready to buy our products in the countries of central asia, china, turkey about new energy trends. when the forest is being cut down in the minsk region, chips of sawdust fly purposefully, turning into tightly compressed granules. pillet production
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has been opened in recent years in old roads, kopol, columns, and borisov forestry was one of the first in this energy niche. here the equipment produces 4 tons per hour. in the borisov forestry enterprise, fuel pellets are produced in two types: industrial for... today borisov residents are suppliers of wood pellets for the domestic industry, there are prospects for export sales, we have sent
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our granules to the krasnoselstvo materials cement plant, zhodenskaya ets, precisely to conduct such a small experiment of introducing pills into wood chips to obtain a greater effect on heat transfer, we are also currently working on issues of export sales to uzbekistan. kazakhstan, the russian federation, well , we are trying some volumes, we are starting to work with turkey. pillettes, as the optimal type of fuel , are being looked at in housing and communal services; owners of cottages, where they can heat rooms and get hot water thanks to burning pills. there are already examples in the regions of belarus. the novogrudok region has shown the high efficiency of switching from firewood to logs. the departure from the workforce has shown that. we, without increasing the cost of gigacalories , allow us to provide thermal energy to faps, social and cultural facilities, clubs, and naturally, in the future this pill will be used by the population, in fact, this
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equipment is quite expensive, if you compare it with the cost of gas equipment, it is many times more expensive, therefore, the state, seeing this problem, will offer the population subsidy, and this is an example from the minsk region , the boiler house in the village of treskovshchina, which serves a kindergarten, refused firewood. resembles a large coffee machine: wood pills like grains are gradually poured into the hopper in portions, from there they go into the firebox, the output, of course, is not latte and cappuccino, but energy that makes it warm and pleasant. as part of the project, two pellet boilers with a unit capacity of 95 kw were installed. from the point of view of economic effect, there was a reduction in production costs. thermal energy about 15-20%. this boiler house, like almost all heat sources on our balance sheet, is equipped with
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dispatch control systems. currently, in the minsk region there are 154 heat sources that operate on pellets, their total capacity is 10.8 megawatts, which is planned to be built this year. but depending on the weather, right now the broadcast will continue with the author’s program of ksenia lebedevo and this is different, stay with us, it will be very interesting.
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what is information warfare, what is it eaten with, how is it prepared and in what conditions? belarusians found out in august 2020 whether this dish is susceptible to temperature and whether it causes disorders not only of the digestive system, but also of the nervous system. before this , of course, we noticed some efforts in our direction from foreign information specialists who were actively working and continue to work. under the roof of western intelligence services, but in 2020 we realized that the games are over and with the help of the word and its variations we will be shaken,
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we will be put under pressure. well, we must do something in response, at least explain to you, our viewers, what they want with such actions our opponents achieve why the word has become a weapon, defeat, the main thing is to know where to hit, i’m with you, ksinenia lebedeva, hello, just recently alexander lukashenko during his appointment.
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but as i understand it, the situation is not simple, everything has come together now in the media, now these sectors in our lives play a vital role in the overall development of belarus, now there is an information war, primarily in the media, an economic war, there is no other way to call it, we are doing everything for...
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this is one such example when the enemy sees the goal, but does not see obstacles, and even a large number of human victims, innocent people, does not stop him. a striking example of such manipulation and the creation of a profitable news story in 2014
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was a tragedy, we at the ministry of information were involved in the accreditation of journalists, and for in order for journalists to operate on the territory of the dpr, they had to come to us to register, suddenly the very next day after the provocation, that is, we understand that there are military operations, here the borders are all blocked, suddenly the next day it was as if they were waiting somewhere at a high start, we had 350 foreign media registered, that
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is, the impression that they were there... were at the start, that that’s all for them, they went to unwind this story from the point of view of the fact that these are terrorists, that well, that is, we and the militia are terrorists, russia, we then carried out a lot of investigations on this topic, the beech from which, yes, from which the militia allegedly fired, he was driving there just towards ukraine in snezhnoye , they changed everything, that is, they took it for some reason a small fact, that is, they prepared it all in advance, and now they filmed it. when this beech was moving there, and we later determined that it was even a different time of year, that is, well , it was already necessary to check everything so carefully, all their videos, which they supposedly proved that this militia shot down the boeing, that is they were ready, they were preparing for this, of course, as usual, everything went wrong, yes there, but nevertheless , this monstrous provocation, so many foreign journalists came at once,
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so that the whole world would immediately know that it was... there pro-russian militias, which means it shot down a civilian boeing, and we, and we went and carried toys to the site of the death of this plane. instead of a tragedy and flowers, because we understand that more than 200 people died there, innocent of anything, that is, they were just theirs, well, to please their own interests , they destroyed them, and that the next day or the day after, sanctions immediately against russia, that is , they had it all planned out like clockwork, and suddenly international observers or experts didn’t go there, but journalists came, they we were able to get through, everything is fine, we provided them there, please you... the crash site, please, there, please, here, we were completely open, i was present when these black boxes were handed over to the malaysian, he was so happy, apparently i i don’t know what they told him when he was going there, when he realized that we were giving away these intact black boxes, he
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smiled out of place, but because this is a tragedy for the malaysian people, he smiled, realizing that he would do it the mission they sent, and what we then see, they anyway, everything was distorted, regardless of the facts, primarily the western... media, with them the ukrainian ones turned the tragedy in their favor, having prepared in advance, of course, in general, the sudden invasion of foreign media in the donbass at one time became a bad sign, but it worked he is like a litmus test, unmistakably. in 2014, ukraine, in particular the donbass, became a testing ground for honing the methods and technologies of color revolutions. on the territory of the country of the former ussr, for the first time we were faced with the fact that due to inconvenient information the site. may be blocked, but clear publications from a popular video hosting site promoting pluralism of opinions and freedom of speech. it was in donbass that not just a war with shelling and bombing began, but a hybrid confrontation began there, where
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the word became the same weapon as a rifle. at the same time, on the territory of the remaining ukraine , people were led into war for a long time, explaining, so to speak, why brother went against brother, unobtrusively.
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with their war, seriously, this is how they were brainwashed, but they did it for years and did it quite effectively, and it all works, for example, in fact the same thing is happening today in poland, after
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the belarusian zmagar collaborators fled there, they are used to create completely different negative information reasons regarding belarus, then they shout that they will go to liberate us, thereby testing how will they perceive it?
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terrorist organization, and this man , this man, who is a member , speaks here in this article, once at one time the polish prime minister, mr. donald tusk , questioned the quality of the belarusian products from the point of view of their impact on health. i said that's not true. belarus has excellent quality products, and we all know it; you can’t lie here. “i showed your belarusian beef jerky and compared this packaging with polish beef, which contains an incredible amount of chemical additives, and of course, everyone saw that the quality of belarusian beef commands complete respect. on the other hand, what did this fugitive belarusian traitor pavel latushka do? in this article he raised the question of by what right i brought this piece beef to the polish state showed this, he apparently wanted to attract me to'.
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information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon, they made a fuss about our exercises in order to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they are marching like occupiers into lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr right at our very borders, they are accusing us of that we are carrying out some kind of warehouse here, listen, we don’t need a pro-russian belarusian president, make a pro-european leader who... thinks about europe, the implementation of the treaty on the non-proliferation of conventional arms in europe and withdrawal from it is aimed at one goal, so that there is no war. we have always religiously observed international agreements, but we understand perfectly well that this will not help. the west will attack us if it sees that it can win. the only way for there to be no
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war now is to be strong. these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests. work for peace-loving states and peoples, striving for general security. let’s start everyone with ourselves, so i want to reach hearts so that it becomes better, everyone should become better here in belarus. belarus and china, without saying a word, came to similar points
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of view. the day of national unity has been approved in belarus.
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stated what needs to be done over the course of five years, because with the arrival of alexander lukashenko, we reached this form of fairly serious strategic planning, which is what many critics say today who do not understand how it works the entire belarusian people's assembly says that in belarus everything happens right now, some decisions are made based on some seven-minute circumstances, in fact there is a strategic plan, this is strategic planning in...
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the new composition of the supreme national assembly, it has the opportunity to approve the composition of the central election commission , judges, cancel decisions made by government bodies and even give our assessment of the actions of the head of state, we understand that all these functions that are included in the supreme national assembly, they are most likely done for the long term, because in the current situation we have a fairly balanced system, a strong leader who is ready to take responsibility, will do it, has proven himself, we are confident in him and...
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we do not consider anyone as some kind of potential enemy, especially when it comes to peoples that surround the republic
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of belarus. in this sense, we also let our neighbors understand our plans for the future, how we see this future, and how we will react in certain circumstances, including, possibly, to actions potential, which will be directed as a threat to our republic, to belarusian society, therefore... again , you need to understand in what format these documents were adopted, because quite a serious public discussion took place, in addition to the fact that they were adopted at the all-belarusian people's assembly, this is, let’s say, such a bold point in the long journey of preparing those very documents, because they were discussed in work collectives, including in scientific and expert circles, in the political science community, so we can note that this is enough seriously developed documents that not only meet the challenges of our time, but again look... far ahead at the possible circumstances that may arise, and one of them is the very biological threat that first
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appears in our documents reflects this very level dangers associated with the spread of the pandemic, we also declare that we will take a closer look at this issue, and alexander lukashenko, among other things, indicated that there is a need to form some kind of conference on biological safety on the territory of belarus. i am sure that it will take place in the near future. the key point of the forum is probably that all the most important decisions are made by us together. are there similar examples in world practice and do you think the belarusian experience can become a good example for other states? in a sense, in political science it is believed that in part the national people's congress may be somewhat similar option, but in fact, yes, there really is. elements that intersect, but as an all-belarusian people's assembly we have invested such a foundation in the experience of previous
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generations, building such a popular, say, analysis that balances between the branches of power, knows about the problems of the state, knows how to solve these problems, by and large an all-belarusian people's the meeting is such a salt of the belarusian land, and people who take responsibility know about the problems. about challenges, they are actively monitoring, they are on the agenda, in this regard, we understand that the all-belarusian people's assembly, the way we are building it, is a rather unique path for us, a unique body of power of the people, in this sense, i think that you, too, as a representative of the presidential sex, know this famous phrase president that they will come to us to learn about democracy, so i think that the all-belarusian people's assembly is the very... point, including that the head of state is talking about, and representatives of the west really have in this sense why learn, because we see how
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badly that same political system is stalling in the european union, in the united states, that officials live with their own views, their own lives, and ordinary people are increasingly forced to go out to protests, and these are narrow-minded protests, ranging from farmers to doctors, teachers, and railway workers. that is, a huge layer of problems has accumulated and the absence of such a body as the all-belarusian people's assembly does not allow us to build this bridge between people power, in ours, in our case, such a problem does not arise, i give it history, nature, culture. faith, people, shchodrast.
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one! once you want it, you won’t forget it again . everything here is correct. the information picture on tuesday will be complemented by sports day. hello. let's start the program with tennis. victoria zarenko and aryna sabalenka continue their quest for the champion title at... at the wta thousand series tournament in rome late the evening before, two former first rackets of the world made it past the 14th final stage. how was it and what awaits belarusians next? on stanislav lipsky will answer your questions. victoria azarenka's recent statement that she now feels better than ever on the court has definitely inspired fans of vikki's talent. ground is not
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the belarusian's favorite surface, but in the capital of italy, azarenka looks very confident. this was confirmed by the match the day before, the olympic champion from minsk met against the eighth racket of the world maria sakkari and azarinka left no chance for the greek woman 64-61 in just 78 minutes, defeating a formidable opponent, the key factor of success was the first serve, 79% hits versus 49 for sakari. in the next round, azarinka will fight with american danielle collins, and this. the second game on monday, which we belarusians followed closely the day before. favorite rina sabalenko met with elina svyatollina from ukraine. having lost 4:6 in the first set, arina found the strength to turn the tide of the match. in the second game, menchanka was strong 6:1, in the protracted third, which lasted more than an hour , sovalenko was stronger 9:7 in the tiebreaker. svetolina's six double faults and arina's serve are
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the key success factors here. in the next sovalenka round.
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gagarin is scheduled for may 25. in the smooth championship, the number of games will not increase, the teams will play 68 matches each, a pause has been preserved in the calendar for the december channel one cup, as well as the february all-star match. we have an excellent coach, a strong team in the super league, and many more talented players who play leading roles in the championships of italy, russia and so on. therefore, when the period of unjustified exclusion from the international arena passes, belarusians will be able to return with dignity to the world volleyball family, the head coach of the gomel club energia roman aplevich is sure of this. i don't think we'll go back much. shakhtar are generally great, a good team and the backbone, all the guys today, who are our belarusians, they...


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