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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 9:10am-9:31am MSK

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the uniform development of the regions is a priority of the state, thanks to preferential preferences, according to the presidential decree on the development of the south-eastern regions of the mogilev region, new production has appeared in the region, the investment climate and the state program of one district have revived one project, so the elevator mechanical engineering plant in the mogilev region, the flagship of the industry , is not slowing down , work in three shifts and up to 13,000 elevators per year in the production of more and more new technologies, another achievement over the years has been able to localize production, full cyclite production, and our own production of electric motors, as part of the holding, we make electronics, in this regard we are completely technologically independent, last year our investments amounted to more than 30 million rubles. for this year the plan is at least forty, we need to move on, we need to think about how to conquer. other markets, that is
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, asian markets, african markets, our industrial complex operates stably and continues to increase production volumes, and this is largely facilitated by constant modernization, the introduction of new technologies, and of course, control product quality. in the total treasury, the contribution from the free economic zone in the mogilev region in the work of 18 business sites, including in osipovichi, bobruisk, krichev, half of the exports of the magilev region and... behind these companies, an important direction and complete processing of forest resources. in belarus , wood pellets are actively used as the optimal type of fuel. this is rational in terms of alternative energy and a high-quality export component. the housing and communal services sector is looking at pillettes, and there is also interest among owners of cottages where it is possible to heat the premises and obtain hot water precisely thanks to the combustion of pellets. compared to gas equipment, such equipment is several times more expensive.
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supplier of wood pellets for the domestic industry has prospects for export sales, products are ready to be bought in central asia, china, turkey. we sent our granules to the red-gray materials cement plant, zhodenskaya ets, precisely to conduct such a small experiment of introducing fillet into wood chips to obtain a greater effect on heat transfer. also today we are working on implementation issues in... uzbekistan, kazakhstan, the russian
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federation, and we are trying some volumes, starting to work with the course. household pellets in the borisov experimental forestry are produced from debarked waste from sawmilling, that is, they are sawdust chips, which makes it possible to achieve a decrease in the ash content of the ash output and an increase in heat transfer. packaging is carried out in big beds weighing one ton. packaging of 15 kg is in greater demand among the population, due to the fact that... it is easier to use in home heating. in the minsk region 154 heat sources operate on pellets. this year it is planned to build another 61 objects. the golden series of the belarusian basketball championship starts. basketball players from minsk and grodno-93 will compete on the floor of the capital's sports palace. last season, the teams also fought at the decisive stage of the championship. the capital's squad celebrated the triumph. will the team be able to? take revenge. the first match
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of the final series will begin at 16:00. the live broadcast will be shown by belarus 5. the fight for the championship will last until three victories of one of the teams. and these are the main news of the project tv news agencies are available on social networks in the mobile application qr code on the screen. watch our broadcast at noon for developments. lucky day.
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watch everything that modern belarus lives today on the belarus 24 tv channel. this is news from a foreign country. broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene , current interviews with famous belarusians. exciting travels around the country, feature films for all ages, in the countries: finland, sweden, norway, denmark, the netherlands, germany, france, spain, portugal, cyprus,
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austria, switzerland, italy, greece, romania, serbia, croatia, poland, lithuania. latvia, estonia! set up a satellite dish satellite express am8. the channel's signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. without unnecessary approval of duplicate standards, what innovations are proposed in construction and what is in a country with innovative development,
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the government holds the answer. dawn, which the whole country knows how large-scale enterprises in the kirov region live today; let’s ask the manager. there is more information about what foreign businesses are investing in and what conditions they are willing to offer them in the competition for our ip communications market. this is an area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant events in the economy, veronica buta is with you, hello. without unnecessary approvals of duplicate documents , the ministry of architecture and construction proposed approaches to simplify the process of construction of facilities. subsequently, they will be spelled out in regulations. for example, we are talking about such innovations as... in the full examination of design and estimate documentation at the final stage of construction, the object will be accepted only by state construction supervision, there is no need to obtain other conclusions. all these issues were discussed at a government meeting. they also talked about innovation funds, how much money is planned for this year, in what
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areas are there a lack of fresh ideas and what projects are a priority? svetlana lukenyuk will tell you about everything in more detail. this year, import substitution projects from the innovative the fund plans to have three times more money than in the past, up to 90 million rubles. among the top developments are various units for mechanical engineering, but there is one condition for receiving this money from the republican and local funds for goods in exchange for imports, which is that they subsequently replace a million dollars worth of products that were previously imported from outside. just for the money. innovation fund and republican and local ones are opening new high-tech production facilities with modern equipment. in general, the volume of these funds last year amounted to more than 800 million rubles. and most importantly, what did this money go to? so last year, six dozen innovative projects were launched.
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more than sixty projects were implemented. in the program now, based on the results of 23 years, there were 90 projects, now their number has already increased slightly, there are 92 of them. more than sixty of them were implemented in the twenty- third year, in the twenty-third year seven projects were completed, equipment was put into operation, more than ten projects went to design capacities and six projects are completely... top and recognized as effective, the volume of products sold amounted to 3 billion rubles, of which 1.2 billion are exports, more than 500 jobs were created or modernized, well , in principle, all this together allows to conclude that, in principle , our funds are used very effectively. in general, the republican fund has been elected for 95% for 2 years, but the locals look different, the leader...
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4 million rubles. if anyone has or still has thoughts that we will not rush, but then suddenly we ask you to use all the funds used for other purposes, then i ask you to abandon these thoughts immediately. there are strategic objectives of achieving technological sovereignty, especially in terms of digitalization and the creation of domestic software for control systems. this is a matter of strategic development of our industry. there are funds for these projects, the main thing is that there are ideas for them, fresh solutions in construction are no less needed so that
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everything is quickly clear, the president instructed to radically simplify this process, but the main thing remains safety, a lot of work has already started, the building code comes into force this summer, but other steps are needed. at the moment, the construction process is accompanied by a large number of procedures involving interaction with developers , government agencies and organizations at all. from the development of pre-project documentation to the commissioning of the facility. this implies the need to obtain multiple approvals of conclusions from various authorities, which leads to a significant increase in the construction time of objects. u the relevant department has a proposal on how to change approaches to reduce the number of approvals. for example, at the final stage the state construction supervision makes its final verdict. no other conclusions are needed. area of ​​interest. the concept of one district, one project continues to be implemented throughout the country.
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french fries production will appear in the kirovsky district. the private initiative will create 20 jobs. the area is considered agricultural. the flagship is a large farm called dawn, where 900 people are employed. they eat vegetables, fish, livestock farming on nine modern dairy farms. based on its glorious history, new technologies are constantly being introduced here. anton malyuta talked with the head of the farm about how the dawn lives today. if we take it across a district, region, even the whole country, to what extent is dawn a major player, and what can i brag about today? firstly, rassvet has a very interesting history, this is a team that was famous throughout the soviet union, there were difficult years, the nineties, when the economy shook a little.
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all the rest are trade unions somewhere, some other organizations, specifically the agricultural sector, so i believe that the warehouse harvested about 1,800 tons of potatoes last year.
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then somewhere around 40% of ours is provided by livestock farming in the entire structure, and if we take the dawn that was then and now , as far as possible even in technology we have advanced, well, without this there would have been no movement at all, because what was , of course, when we started, when the collective farm was formed, then, well, of course, these were horses, these were low-power tractors, there were not many, and cars, now they are modern technology, and we try to keep up with the times.
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stay with us, they were born in different parts of the world, i came to belarus from syria, i came here to study, i came from kazakhstan, the city of almaat, a very beautiful city. area, i had no one left there, everyone moved away, everyone found something for themselves here, these masks took part in several shows, which we organized first here in our village, then i was in the city of lida discovery of such creative space, i also had a fashion show for masses there, each hero has his own
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unique story and his own view of belarus. i love. are your eyes on your butt or somewhere? and why the hell is there a sword under the wheels? no, look at what an arrogant boy he is, he’s also a boor, and i hope he won’t be in the same class as you and don’t you dare communicate with him, okay? fifth grade, for replenishment, graduated from the medical academy, when i found out that you got married,
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i was vomiting in tears for 2.5 years, and i saw you yesterday, so what? "you kicked the ball under a truck, and we were just parents were driving in this truck, listen, you hitched your truck, i saw it, i didn’t see it, van, are you sick, cats, do you really understand what you’re doing, van, why did you do this, what’s wrong with you, cat , in my soul, from the beginning of the world, your image was imprinted, he rushed in front of me, cats, cats, you learned it, i just love him, but he doesn’t love me at all, look, this is a sphere of interest, we continue,
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current courses are now currencies according to the national bank. the american dollar costs 3 rubles 23 kopecks. euro. now 3.47, for 10 yuan they are asking 4.45, 100 russian rubles costs 3.51. investment in the belarusian economy is being restored. this year, the authorities plan to continue growth, including thanks to innovations that have been adopted in our country. the investment law will come into force in the second half of the year; the document provides for a number of benefits for investors. at the end of last year , the top foreign partners included cyprus, russia, and the united arab emirates. the netherlands is also in the top five. and china, what a foreign investor is coming to our country with and what conditions we are ready to offer him, we’ll ask director of the national agency for investment and privatization dmitry krossovsky. dmitry, how active are foreign investors on the belarusian market today?


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