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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 12:40pm-1:01pm MSK

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the first industrial current was restored, and mainly by specialists, again those who worked before the war, but people were not allowed to finally participate in the war, they were taken from the front so that they would return to their places of previous work to help restore, those specialists who returned to belgres, the teams rallied, worked 15 at a time
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. in the radio house on revolutionary 3, the announcers were preparing to go on air with a new program. the broadcast network includes programs for industrial workers. four times a week, journalists with the participation of leading workers production workers will talk about successes at the enterprises of the republic. the republic has made great progress in the creation of energy and fire bases of the people's gas reserves. high- profile exporters completed the fifth year of belges. yana gave the given magutnasti. over the past five years , power plants have been added and published in gomel, maladzechna, garodnaya, babruisk, bresce.
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the development of deposits of coli and rock salts discovered in the first post-war years allowed us to take a leading position in the world in the production of rut fertilizers.
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gaidaenko, vladimir alekseevich. during the patriotic war, he took part in the battles near moscow. at the beginning of 1942, he was sent to one of the partisan detachments in the bryansk region, where he supervised the counterwork, the construction of defensive structures, and then became the commissar of the partisan detachment. committed with the partisans. raid of the dopinsky forests
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since 1944, major engineer, commander of the sapper battalion, during the liberation of pinsk he was part of the landing sappers. during the demining of the building and streets of the city, he died in the name of vladimir alekseevich gaidaenko in the street is named pinsk. hello, everything is clear with you about the project with marina karaman, where we do not hesitate to talk about resources, finances and financial resources in our and other people’s pockets. today we look at why it’s time to bring dozhinki to the top of youtube, and not the presentation of the iphone. what will happen if europe
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stops supplying us with seeds and is it so easy to be an agricultural country, how to talk about it? go! first the mother part. any country and the entire human race are safe as long as they hold a complete one in their hands. cycle of producing food for oneself, while the masses, through the efforts of jobs, gates and other zuckerbergs, are passionate about new sneakers and gadgets, people who want to take over the world or those who defend the sovereignty of their states strive to own the most important material resources of the planet, the land and the gene pool of plants, they are our food, raw materials for industry and the production of medicines, because the same gates publicly invests in the development of computers, mobile phones and human food from beetles, he himself bought hundreds of hectares of fruit. plots and quietly became the largest landowner usa. and in parallel, he is also one of the sponsors of the repository, where samples of seeds of all edible plants on earth are collected. this cache was literally hollowed out in the rock of the norwegian island of spitsbergen, 1,100 km from the north pole. in it, at a depth of 120 m.
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more than a million seed samples are hidden in four-layer envelopes made of polyethylene and aluminum, in case of nuclear war or a global flood. various countries dump them there, but they can only take them. those who will allow advice from experts, investors, sponsors, this is alarming. by the way, the first in modern history, such a stash was made by the russians in 1920, near leningrad, the brilliant botanist nikolai vavilov collected a bank of genetic resources, cultivated plants of the planet. crossing seeds from it can now bring back any disappeared plant. some scientists say that vavilov’s collection is the most expensive property of russia, and in general there are now 1,750 similar... banks in the world, but they are all small, weakly protected, and therefore vulnerable, for example, in 2001, during the fighting in afghanistan, a seed bank was destroyed, where ancient varieties of walnuts, almonds and peaches were stored. in 2003, during the us invasion in iraq, a bank with rare varieties
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of wheat was destroyed; in the philippines, such an object was flooded during a typhoon, and the locals considered this almost a curse, so important are seed reserves for survival. yes, but... it's not carved into the rock. the flagship collection of the belarusian plant gene pool bank is kept behind its walls by our academy of sciences. it has a scientific and practical center for agriculture; its headquarters are located in zhodino. there's a room with a complex equipment, brake controls, they contain almost 47,000 collectible plant specimens. they, like in the advanced storage facilities of the world, sleep in aluminum envelopes and jars, packaged in small portions. among them are the best foreign and pure ones. russian varieties, there are those that have no analogues in the world at all, for example, wheat, grasshopper, it was recognized as unique and was taken to that same planetary storage facility on spitsbergen. this collection exists because alexander lukashenko did not allow the soviet school of seed production to be destroyed. the president instructed the country's biologists and geneticists
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to develop a program for preserving the gene pool of plants. and now the result of this program is recognized as a national treasure. and based on samples from the collection, our scientists develop new types of grains and corn crops. and industrial crops. 67% of the seeds with which farmers sowed our fields were belarusian seeds, native domestic selection. the share in some cultures even reached 80%. this means that almost everything we eat grows in belarus from belarusian resources, and only a small part is brought from abroad. for example, sugar beets. our country is not geographically suitable for the production of its seeds, because they... here from the netherlands, belgium, germany, france, italy and poland. there is a shortage of corn. 30% of what belarus sows is imported. but the share of our own seeds is constantly increasing. just 15 years ago, almost all corn grew from imported material, now 70% is our own selection. they won't stop.
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the listed countries supported sanctions against belarus, but the seed at the moment it does not fall under them, because it is a product with... a vector. a ban on its supply theoretically leads to famine and exposes the sallow faces of the authors of the sanctions in a dim light. therefore, seeds can be bought and sold. but even if it suddenly became impossible, suppliers. not wanting to lose the sales market, we would find delivery routes to belarus, as was already the case when planting material came to us from the eu countries through lithuania, moldova and russia. but if we ignore this option and imagine that western countries have stopped selling seeds to us, nothing will happen. nothing special will happen. the belarusian fund is enough to fully feed the country and develop cattle breeding, and gaps in the supply of individual items, on the one hand , can always be filled with supplies on the other. belarus buys seeds, the yield of which is higher than that of... domestic ones, and at this time it is methodically increasing the share of its own seeds in the plantings to the maximum, while it is possible
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to pump up its seed base without stress , use imports on the farm, why not do this, why drive while standing empty? on the bus? the above-mentioned scientific and production center for agriculture under the academy of sciences, in its structure, is engaged in selection, including the vitebsk zonal institute of agriculture and the grodno zonal institute of plant growing, in all areas. countries operate experimental stations where they constantly grow, experiment, adapt seeds and planting schemes to the technical conditions of each region and the changing climate. what they are doing is more like endless maternity leave with a capricious and sick child. scientists they constantly cross something with something else and produce seeds that give the best harvest, and then plant them to propagate. they call the bed with what is planted the first year nursery. what. what has grown is collected and planted in a larger bed, this is the nursery of the second year, what
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grows in the nursery of the second year is called superlit, these are the seeds of the first stage of reproduction, they have the strongest varietal pussive qualities, they are the standard, their genetic purity and laboratory germination are close to 100%. superlita is bought by nurseries, this is a farm with a good base, that is, with high-tech beds, which are looked after only by qualified employees, there are not about 50 such farms in... seeding company. the elite grows well and provides maximum economic output. what grows from the elite is called the first reproduction, then comes the second, and the third is no longer taken for seeds, they are simply eaten, because the more generations of one the same varieties produce offspring, the more genetic errors they contain, which reduce productivity. it's like with a nesting doll. the further inside, the smaller the blank and the worse its coloring, but by the time of the third reproduction , scientists are already breeding the elite of the next variety, and
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so on endlessly. parties of the elite and reproductions of different generations are constantly being released. one sowing may contain some elite seeds, some from the first and some from the old reproduction. so, our botanists and farmers strive to ensure that each crop contains at least 12% elite seeds. then the rate of renewal of planting material is considered sufficient for growth, and not just stabilization. year after year. first: the grain from which porridge is cooked, bread, all kinds of pasta, pilmeni and alcoholic products are made. second: grain crops, some of which we eat in pea soup and olivier salad, most of which we feed to animals on farms. third, pure feed crops that are grown to be immediately processed into compound feed. corn is the queen of our fields here. fourth - oilseed crops - sunflower, corn, soybeans and... rapeseed. in belarus' priority in this category is rapeseed. it ripens well in our climate. from the grains
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they make oil, from the stems they make high-protein feed for cows, which by human standards is almost sports nutrition, it is so balanced. fifth - vegetable crops - beets, carrots, potatoes and the like. sixth, medicinal crops are herbs that grow in various botanical and pharmaceutical gardens, and then they are used to produce tablets or herbal tea. the seventh is sharp. mat crops are seasonings, but the bulk of belarusian fields, of course, given over to bread, corn and slaves. the result is already good: at the moment, more than 9 million tons of grain have been harvested, this figure includes everything, including rapeseed and corn. 811.00 tons of which are state orders for wheat, barley, rye, oats, buckwheat and millet. this volume is necessary to simply feed the country until the next harvest. about a million tons are laid in quality. the next sowing season: part of it, as additional volume, is bought up by bakery factories and production, the rest
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is sent for animal feed. no, they don’t interfere, and we sell, but we sell as they do it developed countries, not the raw material, which in this case is grain, but its processed products, meat and dairy, their added value is higher; on average, three times more money flows into the treasury than if you sell grain, which is why alexander lukashenko has been around for many years. arranges the work of the agro-industrial complex with an emphasis on the export of finished products, without leaving belarus the fate of an exclusively raw materials state. it is more difficult, but more profitable and prestigious. winter crops are crops, grains that grow better after wintering under the snow, so they are sown in the fall, while spring crops grow only in the warmth, they are sown in the spring during the sowing season. our summers are short and not always warm; winter crops have more time to grow and ripen, which is why they are a priority option for belarus. the harvest season is barely over; the winter crop sowing begins. yes, belarusian agricultural scientists have to
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surf between climate incidents, when the authors of sanctions are chattering their jaws around them. it's not the calmest. bitches, but they cope without fussing, remember how much we need to eat, earn money, jealously track progress passive harvesting, sincerely rejoice when the numbers grow, act on your own or give up your children, study to become an agronomist, botanist, chemist or geneticist, and celebrate birthdays with no less enthusiasm than independence day, because one of these holidays reinforces the essence of the second, i am marina karaman and what looks out of the case with the seeds , we figured it out, everything is clear, see you later.
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we tell you how to choose high-quality products for healthy dishes, take the nuts in your hands and... don’t take them, such fruits either have no kernels at all, or they are dried out, beef the minced meat is dark red in color, the smell is pleasant, with a slight milky aroma, a proper breakfast, the key to health and good mood, today we will prepare lasagna with pumpkin and spinach, quite unusual, but i think sometimes you can treat yourself, let’s get started, if you have a difficult time ahead. day and you know that you need a huge amount of energy, this is the breakfast that will help you, don’t forget about invigorating exercises, raise your arms up, raise your legs and do something cool cockroach exercise, we begin to shake our arms and legs, our lymph flow starts, watch the breakfast of the champion project on
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the belarus24 tv channel, belarusian. the stone, the icon, the savot, and the hell of the city and the monastery itself. the steps of these ladders had the guts of the saints torn, and as a matter of fact, as soon as the plaintiffs of altara, there was a need for these ladders, and the faithful died on their knees. cultural-asvetnitskiy project, architecture of belarus. architecture
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has no such thing as lapses. little akuntsa there, dze yano pavina be malenichka.
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the news is live now, pavel lazovik is with you, good afternoon. thousands of unknown destinies whose lives were cut short in an instant. today, deputies of the house of representatives visited the excavation site of a mass military grave in the uruchishche uruchishche region near minsk. comes back. prosecutor general andrei shvet spoke about the investigation of a large-scale criminal case about the genocide of the belarusian people. for example, in this place in the acts of the emergency commission there was


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