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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 3:10pm-3:25pm MSK

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access to military bases and will allow the storage of military equipment and weapons in the scandinavian country. what do the bugles do while abroad, what plan are they making for the supposed liberation of belarus and how are they trying to stay afloat. pathetic schemes for making money that do not bring any results. how our security forces are deceived, leak each other at the first opportunity, when they smell an extra penny, thirst for profit, corruption and much more, all the ins and outs. we’ll tell you about radicals in a new remark project. watch the first episode tonight on air. our people were with the heroine for about a year. $5.00. on may 10, 23, they announce the creation of a meeting center in kiev on yerevanskaya 30. as long as the pocket is replenished, everything is fine, as soon as a hole appears, it needs to be sewn up. i just really need money. this is love itself. belarusian, about whom arkevich
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talks so much in interviews, just as the volunteer start quickly evaporated, a whole big country, my name is daria rachko, hello, the level of trust in the state media has increased over the past 3 years, now this figure is 54%. these data were announced by belarusian sociologists. during a thematic international scientific and practical conference at the national academy of sciences. according to researchers, our media space has already overcome the state of turbulence that existed during the twentieth year. faced with information threats, the population has become more literate in the process of choosing media sources. belarusian journalism has become more personalized. of particular interest among audiences author's approach in publications. this also increases confidence in the state media. trust in television. increases if, say, there
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are some network resources, for example, messengers or telegram channels, people somewhere after the twentieth year somewhere have decreased the indicators of trust, access to these resources, while television, newspapers , they maintain their positions in the national information field; as for the printed segment of the national information field, newspapers cover the region’s topics very popular, where people directly live, that is , local regional news, and therefore very high levels of trust...
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economic environment. the country has updated work rules for individual entrepreneurs. the changes will affect certain areas of activity in which businesses are proposed to transform into legal entities. the corresponding list has been published today and is currently being submitted for public discussion. all involved are encouraged to leave suggestions and comments on the national legal internet portal. the law is intended to enable make mechanisms for growth and scaling.
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will be more profitable to work, that reasonable entrepreneur who already carries out activities with hired persons often decides in favor of even a generally suspended taxation system, because he understands that the reduction... in years of age among boys is now competing 2008-2011 two age categories for girls under 15 and 12 years of birth. the ball over the net gives participants a good opportunity not only to gain valuable experience and to prove themselves to
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coaches, including those of national teams. such a great start for the future of volleyball, adults, children are selected by professional coaches for the future. adult teams, it seems to me that there are already some children in the pipeline for the future, well, this is a good start and preparation for professional activity in volleyball. these competitions are very important for us, this is preparation for spartakida, for the championship, for the olympic youth days, for me and the team they are very important, we have been preparing for them for several years now, we are already playing ball over the net, probably for the fourth time , it really helps to open up, show yourself, show your capabilities and... and well , show yourself to other coaches and someone else in order to move further in volleyball, every competition helps to open up, and we are participating in balls over the net, probably for the fourth year now. i took part in the last final, i’m playing in this final , i have a goal to get into a team abroad in order to reveal myself even more.
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the belarusian volleyball federation organizes competitions jointly with the presidential sports club, the second final, two more age categories for boys and girls will pass. the sports review will continue to air after our charming colleague daria tarasova will talk about the news in your region, she is already in the studio, welcome, please share briefly what will be discussed. good afternoon, lyudmila, from the ct machine to the new clinic, this is the range of healthy new ones for the minsk region and may is already closer to normal climatic latitudes. i’ll share it on our broadcast in a few minutes. thank you, daria. and we 'll see you at 17:00, see you later. belarusian athletes won two golds at the start
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all-russian competitions - the country's open cup in bullet shooting, which continues in ignatovo, moscow region. vladimir chernov became the best in the olympic event in shooting from a small-caliber rifle from three positions. in addition, he set a new national record - 592 points. in a similar exercise among juniors , arseny levantsov won. today , men will compete for medals in 25m high-speed small-caliber pistol shooting, and women will determine the strongest in three-position small-caliber rifle shooting. another victory for belarusian road cycling. anna terekh won the belgrade grand prix. the race took place on sunday in serbia. the athletes covered the distance.
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analyzing the opponent, working on mistakes and choosing the right strategy for the match by the athlete. you have to work very hard with your head to become a champion, they know exactly what success is on sports grounds, but still , what does it feel like to become a champion, emotions subside, some realization already comes that they have actually achieved such a significant goal for the club and for the fans, but what will be the result in a real battle of intellect, what is the name of a gymnastic apparatus where two parallel bars are installed at the same height? vlad brusya brusya is absolutely correct, what does the abbreviation bfvs stand for? i need to press, i don’t know, then everyone will guess it. belarusian federation, maybe the armed forces? sun? yellow
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card, yellow card, the coach who won all these titles, while he is the only one, in fact, he always considered himself. i always considered myself the only one, this is jose mourrinho, this is the correct answer, absolutely right, portuguese specialist. watch the intellectual sports show, head game, on our tv channel.
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the hell of the x-ray office in machulishchy's pasture and the future of the paliklinik in the city of zasla. new magic in the health system of the minsk region. 70 fiery warriors and 20 special equipment vehicles in a military operation in a fiery scenario in the midst of the fall and the palaces of chygunachnika culture near minsk. near and climatic norms without any real ailments.
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specialists of the minsk district central clinical hospital, which is located in baraulyan. the clinic currently serves almost 12,000 people, and 2,500 of them are children. we have this x-ray machine, and it will reduce the time for diagnosing patients and improve the quality of treatment. this x-ray machine is digital, which allows us to take pictures.
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i mean, a lot of promising prime ministers are excited about the health of the minsk region installing a ct machine at atolina. a new clinic in the village of kopishcha, an outpatient clinic in the agragaradka of yuzufov. a this is such a large-scale project, such as the development of the paliklinik in zasla. the urataval operation flared up in the fall of the city and with the smoldering fire of dk chygunachnik. fire is heating up on the stage. in such scenarios, the warriors adapted desperate and sometimes extraordinary situations.
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which ensures work in more serious incidents, accordingly, here the task of these units is not only to collect and receive information, but in turn organize communication on site, organize the work of reserve units in the uninterrupted supply of fire extinguishing agents, and a number of others other elements they deal with. in turn, the work of this unit is ensured by a number of vehicles that arrive at the scene, these exercises allow us to understand how useful we can be, how integrated we are into the emergency response system .


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