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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 3:25pm-5:01pm MSK

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the rule of law of the cultural and spartan minsk justice of the regular support of the ministry of taxes, complex, installations of education and control centers and super-emergency situations. rukh is always moving according to the rules, changing these parts of the road assabliva sochat supracouniki dai minsk. the sailors on the peresyachennye gygunki and autadarog are able to overcome and heavy attacks. sleep agnik on the dry hutkasti nemagchyma, there hell vadzitselya patrabuyutsya. it is also prohibited to harm vehicles associated with lane entry. oncoming traffic. compliance with these rules should discipline drivers, why? because traffic accidents in this category have serious consequences.
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let the tax raid return assemblies to signs and information plates. it’s time for the collapse to disappear and this is the hour of the day. sonechna ў zen 20 above zero і without real apatkaў. this is how it will be this past thousand years in the capital of the minsk region. tomorrow there will be a maximum of eight chicks, a day of 21 pluses. temperature on friday pavysitstsa fund. only during the day are there short-term, hourly sales and month-long sales. in the coming days, weather conditions in the minsk region will be determined by an area of ​​​​high atmospheric pressure, only on friday during the day the influence of a low-active frontal section will be felt, therefore, mostly without precipitation, only during the daytime hours on friday there will be small short-term rains in places, thunderstorms are possible at night and in the morning in some areas light fog will thicken, the air temperature at night will be +2 +8, during the day +16-21.
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at the program festival, concerts, music classes and meetings with famous teachers, the main dance of the forum, the sweet belarusian friendship and cultural ties with foreign countries, as work for belarus has been rewarding...
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now i’m resting, i’ll take up the granny square, now knitting from the granny square has come into fashion, here i am now i’m knitting squares with the remnants of the threads, like little balls, and then i’ll come up with vests, blouses, and koddygans. lyudmila ilorionovna is a person who is known in our city, she worked for belaz for many years, and this is an example of a person who can be imitated, this is an example of how a person at any age can do business and master any craft, if only there was a desire, an interest in the ability, and looking at her work, you really want to create, you want to create some interesting objects,
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original dolls, great attributes, kvetkavya campaigners, lyudmila gil strives to expand the topics of her work and learn new ones. with this, our issue is completed, the region’s news and other projects of the beltaladyokampany are available on the website the beginning of the day and the meeting on the 18th day.
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we will talk about the diversity of belarusian cuisine. the recipe for this cheesecake was found in the book of radivilovsky recipes, translated by our employees from polish. now we can use it to treat everyone with such a cheesecake, according to the guest, the neosvish cutlet is not a cocleto at all, it is equated to fried meat, all because it is made from minced pork. let's dive into holiday culinary traditions. and
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, of course, we bake easter cake, only here in this area it’s not called easter cake, if in the whole world there are easter cakes, it turns out to be easter cakes, in anyway, these are buns for... and we will also introduce the viewer to the history of this or that area of ​​our country. people go to nesves to see the castle, the farny church and everything connected with the radivils. look at the food project anywhere on the belarus24 tv channel in 24 hours you can do a lot, in 7 days and even more. in our project, you will learn about key dates and events in the country and the world that happened during the week, in just 20 minutes. there will be time for entertainment, exciting. projects that will surprise and lift your spirits, cycle films of the pearls of belarusian cinema,
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and of course, online travel around our amazing country in search of a new place on the map, all this and not only in the weekly project broadcast 24 on 7, watch on our tv channel every friday evening, how modern belarus lives today, look at tv channel belarus24. this is news from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians.
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on the territory of the countries of azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq, kuwait, bahrain, qatar. united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up a satellite dish azerspace satellite 1. the tv channel signal is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus.
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17 of the city of minsk named after ifrasinia of polotsk, class leader, teacher of the belarusian
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language and literature svetlana fedorovna muravskaya. yaroslav starostenkov, borkovichi secondary school of the verkhnedvinsky district and geography teacher oksana mikhailovna parisova. roman manushin, gymnasium number 51 of the city of gomel, teacher of chemistry and biology vasily vladimirovich semenyuk. vasily melyukh, gymnasium number 2 of the city of soligorsk. teacher of additional education at the center for creativity of children and youth of the soligorsk district, lyudmila leonidovna steshets. vladimir ilyenko, gymnasium of the city of gantsevichi, class teacher, computer science teacher, tatyana anatolyevna gurmant. alexey gavrilyuk, secondary school number three of the city of ivanovo, deputy director for academic affairs oleg mikhailovich maksimovich. bogdan stepanov, gymnasium number 41 in minsk named after serebryany , physics teacher.
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i just have one more person to introduce, this is our scientific expert ekaterina. dukov, head of the department of methodological support for mathematical and natural science education of the academy of education. in case of controversial situations, it is she who will decide whose side is right. hello guys, congratulations, you are super finalists, you are the winners. today i wish you a bright game, interesting questions,
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correct and quick answers. and good luck to all participants. hello guys, we are glad to welcome you here. on our playground, at this very moment in the teachers’ lounge, my colleague yulya pertsova is already communicating with your teachers. julia, how is the situation there? vasya, the situation is exciting, because today everything with the console is super, this is a super final, there are super participants on the main stage, and we will try to create super support in the teachers’ room. guys, good luck, show your super game and catch your wave. vasya. start the first round. we are starting the first round. let's remember his rules. in the first round , players are asked 12 yes or no questions, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 7 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant one point. the eight players with the most points advance to the second round. the first question of the first round:
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is it true that a function is called monochromatic for intervals of increasing or decreasing? time. angelica, what do you think? i answered yes, because intervals of increasing and decreasing are called intervals of monotony, accordingly, if it is either an increase or a decrease, then they can be called monochromatic. what do you think, the first wrong answer might knock her down, she won’t, the first one won’t knock her down, i think no, good, but you...
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matej burachok, absolutely correct answer, alexandra, bravo, and we can verify this by looking at screen. here. belarusian pipe by mateja burachka. the correct answer to our question is option no. third question: is it true that the autonomic nervous system has two divisions: sympathetic and
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parasympathetic. time. sasha, how are you? do you think? i honestly don’t know, because i don’t know biology well, so my nervous system is on edge and i’m not sure. and how did you respond? i answered yes. well done, intuition is also not the least important thing, yes, especially in the first round. let it be better to have a positive answer than a negative one. vladimir. this is absolutely true; in the nervous system, the autonomic divisions secrete the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions. system is a system that is not subject to the consciousness of the central nervous system, what it does, what it controls what does the system control? the work of skeletal muscles of internal organs? well, that’s it, and with
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an asterisk the question was answered, without an asterisk the question was answered: do not take away, do not add, the correct answer to our question is option, yes. fourth question: is it true that the body, relative to which the movement of other bodies is considered, is called the start body. time. dar, what do you think? i believe that no, as far as i remember, this body is called a reference body or a reference point, but not a start body. well done dasha, dasha is very focused today, i hope she has everything will be fine in the game. who answered, yes? there are none, and a good choice, what can i tell you, it's called. of reference, such a body is conventionally accepted as motionless, that is , this is our zero coordinate point and all other calculations have already started from it. the correct answer to our question is option no. fifth question:
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is it true that the landscapes of belarus belong to the class of plains? time: novel, how do you think your geography is? well, i think this is it? bogdan, possibly the east european plain. the correct answer to our question. yes. sixth question: is it true that the mass fraction of hydrochloric acid in human gastric juice
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is equal to 3 dash 5%. time. vladimir, no, the mass fraction of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice. equal to approximately 0.1 to 1%. 3.5 is too much, 0.3 dash 0.5, to be precise, but in general your train of thought is clear, why do we need hydrochloric acid, what does it do there, it’s an acid, it’s dangerous, no, uh, it dissolves most salts, metals, and also helps digest fats, creates an acidic environment for the breakdown of proteins, pepsin it works in an acidic environment, and it also helps with bacteria.
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no bang, then who? i can’t say, i can’t say, it’s definitely not a bang, well, it’s definitely not a bang, no, well, gayden, let’s list who, who, who ’s gayden, i don’t know, no, we know who else, what made nebakh stand out in this composer , perhaps a violin, that is, you think bach couldn’t, well, perhaps he could, i wasn’t alive then, okay, your answer is clear to me, daria, i also answered, no, and i’ll assume that it’s vivaldi, that’s it with violin, vivaldi, this painting depicts antonio vivaldi johann sebastian bach looks like this: here he is, johann sebastian
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bach, the correct answer to our question, option no. eighth question: is it true that the original title of the novel is the hero of our time, grigory pechorin. time! well, the hero of our time is the original title, the second, the third, the working one, yaroslav, let’s argue, well, i think that the work was called differently, i can’t imagine, if you don’t remember, no, why differently, well, why not a hero of our time, in my opinion, it sounds, well in my opinion, the work was called differently there, at the beginning of the idea itself. alexey, what was your answer? alexey doesn’t know either, i remember that hero of our time is not the first title, but i can’t say which one was the first,
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i don’t understand why you don’t like it as the first title. grigory pechorin, for example, it sounds like grigory pechorin, well, it’s quite possible, not that it’s so cool to name your child that, but grigory pechorin, well, straight, and sasha, what do you think, i don’t remember this moment either, but i answered yes, the hero of our time, let 's say, lermont would hardly have named his novel after him, that is, he did not copy pushkin and onegin to such an extent, it was pushkin who named anegin anegin. not here, lermontov initially entitled it, one of the heroes of our century, only then the work received its true name, a name that has come down to our time, the correct answer to our question, option no, the ninth question, pay attention to the screen, it’s true that between the parts of the getag of the fold of the tale , two-cropped symbols and time are placed.
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as a conclusion from the first part, then a colon is placed, as you absolutely correctly noted, there is a contrast here, therefore , a ter is placed between the two parts of this complex sentence, the correct answer to our question is no option. tenth question: is it true that complex sentences consist of only two parts? time? angelica, what do you think? my answer is no, because complex sentences can consist of more than two parts, because without this there would then be no mixed, mixed connection between sentences, for example, non-union and subordinate, and so on, that is, you mean that two is
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the minimum. i don’t remember this part of history very well, but it seems to me that yes, because well , no one canceled the revolution, and the bolsheviks, as if later they came to power, so it may well be that this committee supported them, but it didn’t there was no intermediate power, but i don’t remember, i took the exam on the history of belarus last year, during these 3/4 of the year everything had already disappeared,
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it had flown into one ear. i thought i'd never say this but it flew out to something else, right? yes, and vladimir, how are things with you? did anything get fixed? i believe that the committee for the salvation of the revolution did not support the bolsheviks, so who? as far as i know, he supported petrosovet number one, so no matter how the bolsheviks were in the petrosovet, yeah, whoever was, anyone except the bolsheviks, except the bolsheviks, yeah, and you answered, no, no, he answered. right, yes, well , we’ll deal with the details later, our program is also not entirely his, this committee was created with the aim of preserving the authorities of the provisional government, not the bolsheviks, the correct answer to our question, option, no, the twelfth final question of the first round: is it true that the last name of peter i is romanov, time? romanov or not
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romanov, that is the question, alexey, to the question. which i know do not cause an answer, but here i answered option no, but now i already doubt it, well, if not romanov, then who are the rurikovichs, and maybe the gadunovs, the gadunovs, the godunov family once came to visit the rurikovichs and asked, and the romanovs will come in or no, the romanovs will not come in, they are at a school meeting, of course, alexandra, i can speculate a little, i get it. with rurik ruled until ivan the terrible, well, he was the last, because after him there were no heirs left, and after that came, two sons, as far as i know, one is not very capable, the second is wow, he seems to have killed the second, who who he killed, no one
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killed anyone, that’s all, otherwise no one killed anyone here, after this whole story ended, the time of unrest came, because there are no more direct heirs, no relatives too, after that they were elected to the throne. mikhail romanov or i don’t remember, well , in general, after him there was already a romanov dynasty, it lasted until the overthrow of the imperial power in russia, this all happened in the 17th century, and peter ii already ruled the 16th century, which means it is quite possible that he was a romanov. the romanov dynasty dates back to tsar mikhail fedorovich, as i understand it, that’s exactly what you were talking about, who was elected to the russian throne on march 3, 1613. the very beginning of the 16th century. the correct answer to our question is option: yes. let's compare this first round, the first round of the super final game, with the first round of the qualifying game. which of these tours did you find the most difficult?
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yaroslav, how did you play? i want to say that this tour was also quite difficult and i had to think a little very carefully. but i hope that i will make it to the second round. vasily, how did you play? plus or minus the same as in the past. time the excitement is a little less than in the first game, or not? also the same, the same, well, okay, angelica, you see yourself in the second round, we’ll see you again, i honestly don’t know, because this time i answered fewer questions than last time, what is the reason for this, perhaps logic failed this time, logic, well, i somehow tried to build a logical chain if i didn’t know the exact answer, so now somehow everything it was a little worse, thank you for...
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giving your correct answers faster than your competitors, drum roll, attention to the screen, alexandra, they were lucky, here is vasily angelika, unfortunately, here are the eight players we will meet in the second round of the intellectual super final show, i i know, at the bottom of the list, well, you are familiar with this mechanics, alas and ah, but the players to whom we will say goodbye here now, guys, thank you for the game, all the best. the previous game went well, i took first place, now to see myself in last place, well, of course it’s funny, i just stood there in this round and let everyone down, i
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actually feel funny about myself, there were such easy questions about peter i, about the revolution, about monotony, but i didn’t answer, i could easily go to the second one, when i saw, in fact... my own painted over in orange color, i most likely already understood that due to confusion and inattention, i was already downstairs, questions that were filled up right on the spot, well, enough, i was simply confused, my logic let me down, and even to those questions that i knew the answer, i was confused in my own reasoning, somewhere there was not enough luck, somewhere in the speed of reaction, in principle i was satisfied with the result.
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its history, its nature, its culture, its faith, its people, and its generosity. once you feel it, you will never forget it again. everything is real here. we're starting the second one
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tour, let's remember its rules. in the second round, players are asked 10 questions with three possible answers, of which only one is correct. the choice must be made in 10 seconds. each correct answer earns the participant two points. the four players with the most points advance to the third round. first question. second round: which gland produces the hormone cortisol? a - thyroid gland, b - hippophysis, c - adrenal glands. time! klep, what do you think? well, i answered b, but to be honest, i’m also not particularly sure of my answer, because well what the adrenal glands produce, in my opinion, is adren.
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cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands, and yaroslav, what do you think, well, i think that what kind of cortisol is it in general, what is it, honestly, i can’t right now, i can’t remember, daria, cortisol - pituitary gland, that is, in the brain, everything it happens. okay, margarita, what about you? i chose answer option a, unfortunately margarita was wrong, thyroid gland. paired glands located at the upper poles of the kidneys produce the hormone cortisol. the correct answer to our question is option. ts on dots. second question: in what frame of
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reference does newton’s second law hold? a - inertial, b - non-inertial, c - both. time. vladimir, what do you say? i chose answer a because how much? i remember that all of newton’s laws are very strongly tied to the inertial frame of reference, at the time when these three laws were discovered by newton, it was believed that the earth is always an inertial system, what is the difference between non-inertial and inertial, well, what ’s going on there, that it’s just the whole is there a new system dedicated to this? i can't exactly say, okay, maybe someone can answer this question, sasha, what do you think? physics is also difficult for me, but i don’t know
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how you answered? i would answer not inertial, not inertial, well, i ’ll try very simply: an inertial system is a reference system where the law of inertia is valid, in which all free bodies move rectilinearly, uniformly or are at rest in peace, not an inertial system, system moving with acceleration, relative to the inertial system, the correct answer to... our question is option a, inertial system. third question. the photo shows the palace complex of the sapek family. in what region of belarus is it located? a, grodno region. b. brest region. c) mogilev region. time. novel. i proceeded purely from logic, the fact that topega, well, to me, sounds like
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some kind of polish surname. and actually, i chose the region that borders poland, this is grodno. grodno. grodno region, yeah, what is this complex even called, well, except as a complex of the sapek genus, it has a name, gleb, i am strong brest region, it seemed to me that it is kosovo castle, but i doubt it a little, well, it seems to me that perhaps it will really be bresskaya, or maybe grodno, well, they were definitely in western belarus, i answered that bresskaya, well done, well, questions about history are not took, you answered.
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the more offensive it will be for you to find out that the correct answer to our question is option b: brest region, and the ruzhansky castle is located in ruzhany, well, as is clear from the name of the castle. fourth question: if social networks offer a large number of users to view your video, then you are option a got into trends, option b got into the rivers, option c got into the topic. time. sasha, what do you think, let’s reason with you, well, i chose option b, you ended up in the rivers, rivers is a recommendation, that is, you are recommended to someone, that’s why you ended up in the rivers, well, trends,
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what didn’t please you, trends, fashion, trends, well, these are trends, you can just follow them, but... we learn from children, we got into rivers, recommendations, that is, your videos are promoted by some little people on the platform where it is uploaded, they take they picked up your video and took it to the recommendations, yes, yeah, but your videos end up in the recommendations, i don’t shoot why i don’t know,
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clearly, alexandra, as i understand it, you ’re a regular on recommendations, no, no, i don’t either... i run social media, but i can explain the difference between trends and recommendations, please, trends are something that is popular and that a large number of people are trying to do in order to get into the recommendations and so that their content is viewed by a large number viewers, so these are very close concepts, but they depend on each other friend, that is, we can say that trends are the reason, and recommendations are already a consequence of compliance and the desire to correspond to these trends, that is, what... fashion trends to do what is now on the agenda, in other words, the correct answer to our question - option b: get into the rivers, get into the recommendations, where the platform itself will recommend your video to its other users and visitors. fifth question: a yellow-green gas with a pungent odor is 2 and
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a half times heavier than oxygen, the molecule consists of two atoms, what simple we are talking about substance, huh? b - ozone, c - chlorine. time. yaroslav, let's talk. well, since argon is an inert gas, it means that only one atom will predominate there. ozone consists of three atoms, chlorine, respectively, consists of two atoms. how could chlorine be used? may be. used in the first world war for poisoning, soldiers of the civilian population, that is, as a weapon, yeah, alas, under normal conditions chlorine is a yellow-green gas with a pungent odor, it is poisonous. the first world war, how true you are, yaroslav, expressed, unfortunately, chlorine was used as a chemical warfare agent.
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the correct answer to our question is option c. chlorine. six question. what is the name of the cycle of piano pieces by the german composer robert schumann? a- carnival, b- masquerade, c- ball. time.
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this is a cycle that consists of short plays depicting participants in a carnival of festive action on the eve of lent. the correct answer is option a. carnival. seventh question. the comedy dog nasene was created by this famous playwright. a, maliere, b. lop. c) william shakespeare. time. margarita, they read, maybe they watched, i don’t know, something
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familiar, but i chose theorologically, if famous, and of the only ones known to me here , william shakespeare, i chose him, oh, unfortunately, she was wrong, it’s such a pity we’ve just been here, i heard shakespeare from them, so i’m taking it. it’s a pity, they seem to be all very famous, it’s known to me, it’s known to you, okay, let’s say, gleb, i answered, oh, i don’t think that shakespeare, because perhaps then i would have heard about the fact that he wrote it shakespeare, because, uh you write shakespeare, well, i just know that some of his stuff was written by juliet, hamlet, king lear, atella and all the others, that is, he, i greeted him, that he had more historical, as if things in his plays, and the dog is about animals, well, it’s like something everyday, i don’t know, either read it, or i need to watch a movie,
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you see, i understood that he would reason like this, so it was immediately clear to me , gleb will choose a painter, he chose at random, and what he chose, as if it sounds, so we have shakespeare, we have maliere, is there anyone who chose lopeg, sasha, you chose, yes. what were they guided by? i don’t know, but i removed shakespeare because it seemed to me that shakespeare writes more dramatic works of drama, or something like that, and i thought that comedy was someone else, and i thought between moliere and devegas, this is one of the most famous works of the spanish playwright lope davegui. the correct answer to our question is option b. lope devega. eighth question. interior angle of a regular polygon equals 160°. what kind of polygon is this? a -
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hexagon, b - octagon, c - twenty-gon. time. yaroslav, what do you think? well, i believe it's an octagon. well done, yaroslav thinks correctly, yes, there is some rule, there is some formula, there is a formula, but, to be honest, i don’t remember it anymore. it’s so deep in your subcortex that when you heard 160°, you immediately realized, well, yes, it’s an octagon, it’s an octagon. the correct answer to our question is option b. the ninth question: which is the union adversarial? a - either, or, b - too, c - however. time!
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vladimir, let’s go over all the unions, maybe i can’t go through all the unions, so the regime, okay, i understand, let’s just go through the one we need. so, adversative conjunctions, from the name you can understand that they contrast one part of a complex sentence with another, yeah, according to the meaning , only option c fits here, however, he was very smart, but he still took the loan, a perfect example, yes, that’s right. well, either, or, this is a dividing union, although in general, as for me, the word separating contradicts the word union, but oh well, a dividing union is also a connecting union, however, an adversative union, the correct answer to our question, option c. tenth, final question of the second round: which of the following is characteristic of the policy
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of war communism? option a: equalization principle of payment? there, option b - allowing free trade, option c - introducing a tax in kind. time. alexander, it seems to me that you have the answer to this question. i chose introduction of food tax. i definitely don’t remember all the characteristics of war communism, but i’m ... 90% correct that there was a tax in kind, and even after this policy was canceled , the nep was introduced, the new economic policy, the tax in kind was also canceled, that’s what i remember, did you remember, we’ll figure this out a little later, novel, you’re scaring me, the option is the equalizing principle of payment, because communism sought, well, how not to divide people into rich poor, to make a single
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class, how to get rid of from money, so that people are as they are. and i think that it was precisely for food that they went for food surplus, but it was with the tax in kind, well, i think so, then let’s make it clear so that once and for all everything becomes clear: allowing free trade, introducing a food tax, all this is characteristic of nepa, the new economic policy, the equalizing principle of wages is precisely war communism. the correct answer to our question is option a.
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the second round of the intellectual super final has passed... i know how you like this second round, how was it played, sasha, how did you play, it wasn’t very good, because the start was unsuccessful, there weren’t three wrong answers in a row, what went wrong, i don’t know, the topics are not mine, do you see yourself in the third round, i doubt it, margarita, we we will meet with you, i also doubt it, i very much doubt it, yaroslav, did the second round end as well for you as the first, i hope it does well. ended, i still want to get into the third round, alexandra, i won’t even build theories, i was somehow confused, or something, even in the second tour, well, in general , i already have some kind of melancholic upset state, but at the same time, well, i don’t expect anything, that is, you don’t care on the whole, yes gleb, do you care, probably, because i’m somewhere- then most likely i scored 20 or 22, approximately according to my scores,
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i don’t think it’s possible to pass the second round like that, it seems so to me. attention to the screen. yaroslav 24, alexandra, vladimir, gleb, that was enough for him. sashka passed. yes, daria, alexandra, roman, margarita, it wasn’t enough. and everything is tight. here it is, the four participants in the third round and four players to whom, unfortunately, we will have to say goodbye. guys, thank you very much for the game, congratulations on the super final, but goodbye for today. i understand that if it weren’t for a limited time, if i was sitting in class at school, i would have answered them, because in general, well, something so close, familiar, just played its role of excitement, i was a little tired , but overall i ’m pleased with myself, because this is a super final, i ’ve already come quite far, i like to think about it, and i’m not upset,
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of course, i was aiming for more, but it turned out the way it turned out, i am very grateful that there are such interesting projects that give me the opportunity to show myself from this side, to the whole country, so i’m glad that i got here and made it to the super final , i ’m quite pleased with my result, as if i initially... set a goal to at least get to the second round, because this is already a super final, that is, i already won super in the first round, my little dream has come true, and i’m not upset, because it's waiting for me ahead this is still the final stage of the republican olympiad, at which i also hope to take a prize. to be honest, i expected from myself, perhaps even more, but i’m not upset in any way, because i understood that this was still a super final, that the questions here would be harder, obviously. in principle, i am glad that i visited here, and i want to wish good luck to those who are now in the studio, i propose to take a musical break, we have on stage the super finalist of the show x factor
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belarus, nastya kravchenko. outside the weather window. yes, that’s what he writes, even lazy cats walk on the roofs, clouds like sugar water across the sky, in the yard, guys are gathering, i’m so lazy to get up, in bed, i forgot, even i, what day of the week it is, trust me, alyoshka the hooligan, tell me i’m at home no, mom, the sun is shining, i need a little help, yes, just a little more sleep, maybe i’ll dream again that i ’ve fallen in love with a pretty girl, princess girls are waiting for their princesses, so as not to make a mistake
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under my window, lyoshka is waiting for me , the rednecks don’t look like a prize, oh alyoshka, but you still don’t give up, well, my mother, dad doesn’t tell me to go for a walk with you, i’m wearing a polka dot dress, you trip me up, but you can’t win my heart like that, you don’t give me passage in any weather, you wait for me under a patik all day, and i won’t come out, even though i’m like, i think i like you too, the sun is shining, the sky is shining, let me sleep a little more, maybe i’ll dream again that i’m in love? the love of the prince, the girls of the princess, are waiting for your princesses, no matter how you make a mistake, and under my window, lyoshka is waiting for me, the redhead doesn’t look like a prince,
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he’s sunny. that i fell in love with a prince, girls princesses are waiting for their princesses, as soon as i make a mistake, under my window, lyoshka is waiting for me, the redhead does not look like sweat. i congratulate you on reaching the third round of the intellectual show “i know” and suggest that you put aside the questions and answers for a while and chat a little. vladimir, please remind us
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for our tv viewers what the result of the qualifying game was for you? i left the third round with a score of 26 points. how did you feel when you left home after the qualifying game? of course, there was resentment.
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how this preparation went on independently, the whole school helped, he still prepared on his own, no one else exempted him from classes, and some schools exempt him, unfortunately not, but i... i hope, i really hope that his self-preparation will be enough to overcome this hated third stage, but still very interesting, at the same time, what is the maximum plan for today’s super final, what do you expect from it, of course, victory, first place, of course, you are ready to make absolutely every effort for this, yes alexey, who was leader in your last game, he was eliminated today after the first round, what do you think about this fact? will cheer up vladimir a little,
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maybe he came for a rematch, now he will have new strength, new breath, i think he is more upset that alexey dropped out in the first round, but he came for revenge, probably in front of himself , after all, yeah, so i think that everything should work out for him, we believe in vladimir, we wish him good luck in this difficult, treacherous, but interesting third round. now let's talk to sasha. with what result has the qualifying game ended for you? the game ended with a score of 29 points, i left after the third round, after the third round i didn’t have enough speed or knowledge, what do you think? i think that there was not enough speed, did you work on the speed? i’ll say this, no, i worked more on confidence, but because, well, in terms of speed , for example, i could press, but sometimes i just didn’t press because i wasn’t sure of the answer. sasha, tell me the secret of how to work on confidence, now i’ll come to half the country. to
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the screen, i don’t really know myself, but i decided that you need to press and answer, what is, and come what may, yes, how did you return home, was sasha delving into herself or, on the contrary , was she more happy and remembered only positive moments, well, of course she was happy, what to hide, we they talked to her before the game, so at least she doesn’t get eliminated, at least she makes it to the second round, that’s why, well, she somehow always sets the bar like that, maybe inside. higher ones, but he doesn’t voice them, and maybe you were overwhelmed with feelings? well, of course, i’m overwhelmed with feelings, feelings, firstly, well, joy for child, so for her success, because it’s a lot of work, well, all the adults who listened to the questions, because we can’t answer, perhaps, everything, yes, of course, of course, and children, they are smarter and better than us, how went the broadcast, which was already on television, i watched the part with my parents at home, then i watched the training and... in the evening i
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watched with the rest of the family. sasha, how are you doing on the other side of the screen? although i am glad that i can speak more or less calmly, because i was afraid that i would be afraid. what it's like to watch yourself tv, it’s nice to look at sasha , i realized that he’s not gaining 5 kg. 10, no, not 5, 10 + 10 - decided that i don’t eat or drink. that is, you also prepared , including me, i had a lot of time. how has your life changed since the program aired? remember that monday when you went back to school? nothing has changed, how did you evaluate your progress? well, they said that i’m great, that’s all? well, yes, some indulgences, day off on tuesday? no, why did the school react so modestly, or did she have you been modest yourself, sasha? you know, she reacted modestly, i’ll come and ask this question. have you seen any of your competitors here from the past? qualifying game, yes of course, are they
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still here or who is it? leo, is this your main competitor? well, everyone is a competitor here. here, as they say, spoons were found, but the sediment remained, this is a competitor from the qualifying round itself and what do you see as gleb’s strengths? in speed in a large amount of knowledge. what do you see as your strengths? i don't know about language skills. sash, i really hope it’s not only that.
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i’m listening to my colleagues now and i understand that i am very grateful to the teachers of the gymnasium, because all the conditions were created for gleb to prepare for the super final, and what conditions, what conditions? sat for the last week, he was released, thirdly, the teachers reacted positively to the fact that, well, let’s say, he needed a sparring partner, when last year’s tenth grade winner, vladik dutkovsky, i asked him as a sparring partner in order to he was
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released by the turks so that we could drive in a row all the games, we learned to play, yes, the gymnasium reacted to this, it is necessary, that means it is necessary, that’s it, this is the position, it is necessary, that means it is necessary, this is the happiness of all the teachers of the gymnasium, what everyone said, we saw... gleb we did you see on tv how handsome gleb is, this is how the gymnasium treated its overall success, did you watch the program with your participation on tv? well, there’s no tv, because i just decided to go to the park, i decided to have a little fight, because i knew that while i was watching tv, they went to grandma’s, in the end, i waited until they left so that i could sit quietly at home with you alone, this has something to do with the fact that you just didn’t want to see yourself on the other side, well, with your family, most likely yes, i’m just me i watched it myself, then on youtube separately in some... fragments, what i wanted there already alone in the city, and how do you imagine, it’s normal, he’s now euphoric that with these twenty-two points, it turns out, he’s in four, which he practically no longer hoped for; i probably never heard so many words from him at such a speed.
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never in my life, and this may somehow affect the third round, here you are as a coach, a psychologist, it can affect one of two things, either it will reflect well, or it will reflect badly, one of two, yes, one of two, well , i wish... yaroslav, how did the qualifying game end for you, in the qualifying game i took first place, the result was 48 points, are you satisfied with yourself, yes, you could have done better, i think so, remember your mood, in what mood you were returning home , of course, he was very tired, but the mood was cheerful, yaroslav is always critical of yourself, your knowledge. but that evening he was pleased, we drove, discussed, remembered the questions, remembered the answers, you watched the program with your participation on tv, and how do you, of course, i will still work on myself, and what exactly gave birth to this idea, that you need to work on yourself,
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you need to watch your speed, you also need , of course, to gain new knowledge, in the super final it is probably more difficult for the guys with first places, because they want... to keep the bar, in what mood did yaroslav go to the super final? win, just to win, just to win, it is clear that he is worried, but he is collected, he is ready to fight further, i believe in him, that at school they said what this monday was like after the program aired, they were happy, of course, at school, the schoolchildren also supported , the teachers praised, at yaroslav’s request, we didn’t talk about our success, we wrote in the chat on the day of the broadcast that anyone could watch it.
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let them get together, let them use their tactics and, of course, knowledge and erudition. vasya, let's start, the third round. we we return to the game and begin the third round. let's remember his rules. in the third round , the presenter asks 10 questions, and the participant with the fastest response gets the right to answer. a correct answer earns him three points. in case of an error, the right to answer passes to other participants. the two players with the most points advance to the fourth round. first question three. name the author and the work, the ending of which was illustrated in this way by the soviet artist sava grigorievich brodsky. yaroslav, this is a work by gogol, the overcoat. absolutely correct answer, gogol overcoat. yes, well done,
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because we thought about it. second question: what is the type of bone connection? yaroslav, cross. alas, no, not cross, bread, let it be parallel, no, and not parallel, alexandra, well, if so, then it will be sequential, no, that’s not it, vladimir, two options, either you have an answer, or there is no answer, semi-movable connection of bones, semi-movable, yes, why didn’t you press the button earlier, i thought about it, but then i pulled myself together and remembered. mobile, bravo, correct answer. third question, and this is a video question, attention, this monument to the legendary football player, the best goalkeeper in history, lev yashin, is located in moscow, nearby. with the home stadium of the club for yaroslav, well, i believe that this is dynamo moscow,
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a football club, yes, is yaroslav interested in football, how did i not know about this, you did not know about this, you see, and you think correctly, this is dynamo, moscow , it's like that. fourth question: find the sum of the first ten terms of this arithmetic progression. gleb, i believe that it will be 90, alas, no, yaroslav, your answer is 16, 106, yes, alas, no, sasha, 124, 124, no, you see how important it is not to rush here, there is a very fine line between speed and the correct answer, because, as it seems to me, vladimir is now in a more advantageous position, vladimir, again, two options, there is an answer , no answer, not now. there is no answer, we are asking the same question in the teachers’ room, i’m sure they have already managed to count, perhaps even make
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tea, do we have the correct answer, did you have time to count, because there was silence, everyone was counting and managed to count 165, 165 , no way i know if they used a formula or just took it and calculated it, but this is the correct answer, 1605, the fifth question, and this is an audio question, name the composer, author, of this romance, attention, evening bells, evening bells, how many thoughts, boom, boom, suggests he, vladimir, i believe that the author is lermontov, composer, composer, composer, the great,
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famous russian composer lermontov, hurry up, vladimir, no, yaroslav, there was takujava, no, sasha, let it be tchaikovsky, this is not tchaikovsky, bread, fryderyk shapan, no, it’s not him, maybe they’ll... help with teacher's room, but lyudmila dmitrievna has a version, this is alyabyev, this is alyabyev, this is the correct answer to our question, alexander alyabyev. sixth question: this question will be asked by the co-author of a textbook on geography for tenth grade, olga guzova. attention to the screen. dear tenth graders, the process of urbanization is a complex historical process. attention question: what is the name of the largest form of urban settlement,
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an urbanized zone that is formed as a result of the accretion of a large number of neighboring ones. yaroslav, agglomeration, alas, no, let's listen to the question from neighboring urban agglomerations. you see, literally, a second separated you from... in front of you is one of the oldest models of a non-existent device, as it is called, bread, perpetual motion, perpetual motion, yes, this is it, but it’s a pity, it would be great if such a thing was possible in reality, the eighth. this is a question from the chest. we have a small flour confectionery product in our chest. its name
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is translated from french as crescent moon, not by chance. the product has exactly this. vladimir, of course, croissant. not are you afraid you were too hasty? not at all. well, let's check it out. oh yes, this is the most unfathomable thing. ninth question: with the letter o, transmitting light through itself, with the letter and, imaginary, imaginary. vladimir, transparent and ghostly. vladimir, well done, yes, happy, he’s already, he’s already, he’s already super, transparent and ghostly, of course. great, vladimir, bravo, you get the points. tenth final question: which irish
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writer and poet was depicted in this painting by henri touluzlak. yaroslav, charles dickins, no, dickins was not a poet, vladimir, perhaps edgar allan poe, no, klep, maybe it’s byron, he’s kind of british, but maybe i lived in ireland for some time, and only then, no, it’s not him, sasha, no answer, s we're asking the staff room with the same question, maybe you found out there is an option, please. you said, don’t be shy, you said, oscar white, oscar white, here is the answer to our question, well, with a result of 32 points, the fourth round is underway, vladimir, like this, after waiting a few questions and answering last, you secured yourself place in the fourth round and
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the second golden ticket is drawn by the player who scores 30 points. and this is yaroslav, yaroslav, congratulations, yaroslav and vladimir, we will meet with you in the fourth round of the intellectual show, i know, sasha, gleb, alas, but this is the end of your fight, thank you for the game.
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it went well for you in the third round, because somehow yes, we didn’t hear you, i most likely just didn’t have time, because there were questions to which i knew the answer, what are they, for example, well, for example, the same croissant , perpetual motion machine, yeah, you were upset, you wanted to be first in the super final, or you i’m happy with your result, just like gleb, well, i’m not that upset, i didn’t
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expect such a result from myself, of course i want to win, but you need to understand your strengths, but nevertheless... start the fourth round. we are starting the fourth decisive round. let's remember his rules. in the fourth round, participants are asked to answer 10 questions from different categories. the leader by the number of points is the first to choose the topic of the question and, if the answer is correct , receives four points. if the answer is incorrect,
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the second participant enters the game. correct the option earns him two points. vladimir. 32 points, you choose the first category, i choose biology, what is the relationship between the amount of food consumed called?
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natural decline, no, are there any geography teachers in the staff room, are there any geography teachers in the staff room, please, depopulation, depopulation - one thing, maybe not very simple, and yet the word that is it all. history of belarus near which city in the molodechensk region did he make his. what
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type of subordination in complex sentences with several subordinate clauses is described in parts by such a scheme? vladimir, there is no answer, yaroslav, parallel, you, no, subordinate clauses are common to them. to the main sentence or to one word in the main part and are the same in meaning: homogeneous subordination, that’s what i would like to hear: homogeneous subordination. yaroslav, russian literature. you will wake me up at dawn to see me off. it’s not like i ’ll go out, you’ll never forget me, you
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’ll never see me, this romance from the rock opera by alexei rybnikov, juno and ovos has become one one of the most frequently covered musical fragments of the work. his words are the poem saga, who is its author? william shakespeare, let's say, is an interesting answer. no, uh-huh, it’s not him, vladimir, perhaps lermontov, no, the same question is sent to the teachers’ room, help us, please, it seems to me. let's help, it seems, this is voznesensky, this is andrei voznesensky, this is the correct answer to our question, and vladimir, architecture, which french architect
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formulated the five starting points of modern architecture, raised on supports pillars of the building, flat roof garden, open interior layout, ribbon window, non-load-bearing facade wall. no answer. yaroslav, join the game. andre mazhinov. no. le corbusier or charles edouard gener gris. yes. yaroslav. belarusian literature. what is the name of the may first tops of yanka kupala, written in belarusian?
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only diagonally. elephant or officer? let's stop the elephant. this is the correct answer. yes. yaroslav. this is your last try. topic: fill in the missing word: if a rational expression does not contain division by an expression with variables, then it is called a skip rational expression. logical rational expression. logical rational expression. alas, vladimir, a simple rational expression. no,
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well, if a rational expression does not contain division by an expression with variables, then it is called an entire rational expression, here is the correct answer to our question: all 10 categories of the fourth final round have been played, the points have been calculated, all that remains for us is to find out who is the absolute champion among tenth graders, attention to screen,
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i wanted to talk to you, well, tell me, in the first round, let’s analyze, you were the leader, 12 questions, answered everything, in the second round the leader, what went wrong, third, fourth, as if you know, you lost interest, wilted, what happened, i think that in the third round there was not enough speed, the speed was still not enough, yes, in the fourth, what was not enough, complex questions , knowledge was not enough, after all, panic prevailed, there was panic . there was a little panic, unfortunately, but because of what? i don't know because there was a lot of passion, so the super final, yes, but nevertheless, second place in the super final is a good result, don’t be upset. oksana mikhailovna, i also see that you are very upset, but this is a super final, this is a game. of course, i am proud of yaroslav, but i am sure that he is the best, i know that he is the best. somehow
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the questions coincided. did he ever hesitate? yaroslav, winner. of course, we have them all on the court today, the best of the best, winners for us, for everyone, but you and i have an open gestalt, this is table tennis, you and i will definitely meet and we will definitely play, okay, i’m glad to see your smile, congratulations, again, good luck, see you, thank you, and i’m going to the main site to congratulate the winner of the super final, vladimir. the super game is over, it's time to congratulate the awards. the winner of our project and his teacher are thanked by the ministry of education of the republic of belarus. this wonderful bouquet is for you. thank you very much. four rounds of the super final
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game are behind us, i know the winner’s name has already been included in history of our program. and in the next broadcast of the intellectual show we will find out the name of the remaining winner of the super finals. this will be one of the eleventh grade students. see you later, bye! is it true that prenuclear organisms are otherwise called eukaryotes? sophia, let's talk. i’m ashamed, because i came with a biology teacher, but will you leave with him, yes, this is a question, a good question,
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for a moment he wants to... stop running to see how it’s raining, the leaves are moving, the sun is shining, and how of all these our lives are built on little things, we want to look at this world differently, every day to discover something new, it’s so interesting for us because we do it with love. with love from belarus.
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the news is on the air now, lyudmila kazak is with you, hello, the largest exhibition in the caucasus, caspian agro and interfood azerbaijan, international exhibitions opened today in... they reveal the non-oil potential of the country, that’s how they are positioned, among the thirty- eight participating countries are belarus, companies represent export potential are looking for possible partners, direction from confectionery to petrochemicals, fertilizers, tractors, dairy products, meat, ser...


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