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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 5:35pm-6:00pm MSK

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here the taste is unusual, and even i can feel the mushrooms there, these mushrooms are even very similar to chinese mushrooms, well, we just make these mushrooms as dry, yes, we dry these mushrooms and they also just have such an unusual strong taste, i very similar, i understand you, my friend, you are gourmets, i want to tell you, since you liked the black truffle, i think we pleased it today, thank you very much, it was very tasty, we visited our giant cheese factory, i want to hear yours impressions, oh, of course, the impression is vivid, because i now have new knowledge appeared, i knew how cheese was made, and i even began to love cheese more, it’s just magical, i will say so, that is, you are now ready to eat it with these whole heads, right? exactly, kai, i’m glad that
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we managed to surprise you today, now you know how cheese is born, but if you want to become the hero of our program to visit places you haven’t been before, record a short video, send it to us, and together we will learn how this is done, getting to know belarusian enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. we today we are already installing elevators with a cabin speed of up to 2 and a half per second. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that deals with this.
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i feel right at home, i want not only my roots to remain here, but also for my children to feel right at home here. watch on tv channel belarus 24.
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in many cities of belarus there are streets named after the glorious patriot vera of their weapons. a terrible day for the soviet people on june 22, 1941, i found faith in the city of pinsk. without hesitation, she and her husband joined the partisan detachment. the brave underground woman lost her husband in the first days of the war. he died heroically in battle with the nazis. in august 1942, at the head of a group of underground workers, she went to work in vitebsk, which by that time was overrun by fascist troops. thanks to the data of the underground members of the kharuzhi group, soviet aviation carried out precise strikes on ammunition depots and barracks of the nazis, causing them great damage in manpower and equipment.
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anticipating their imminent defeat, the german fascists intensify the fight against the people's avengers and strive to behead the partisans. following the denunciation of a traitor, vera falls into the hands of the gestapo, where even under torture she did not betray her comrades, for which she was executed. there is evidence that hitler’s executioners hanged her publicly in the square in vitebsk. vera zakharovna kharuzhaya, awarded the order of lenin and the gold star medal. order of the red banner, and also awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously.
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a very important event, the upcoming congress take a collective photo of the delegates for the party, after realizing he started the potyphon.
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from there flowed the sounds of marsh’s favorite song, and of course, the setting, the old surroundings, clearly did not correspond to the spirit of the times; now portraits of peasant women and factory workers are in fashion. here is the country, in song, let it become famous, among the heroes, the lines of the popular song of isaac dunaevsky, which the whole country sang in the thirties, without exaggeration, personified the image of
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a soviet girl, a woman, free, liberated, everyone is open to them roads, they have the opportunity to independently choose their own in life. the main thing is to find a decent place for them and arrange them so that they create the right atmosphere. with your cheerful, joyful work.
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zapraўdy syalyanka pavіnna byts raўnapraўnay gramadzyanka, ale ўўўўўўўўўўўўўўўў ўўў ўўў ўі ўі ўіміж іншім i will say, as you do not... i ask for silence, quietly, at the beginning of 1929
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, delegates were elected throughout the republic to the twelfth congress of the communist party of belarus. he started his work on february 5th. the women's issue was to be discussed at such a high level for the first time. about the work of women, their promotion to responsible work, and this was a unique fact in itself. in democratic europe of that period there was a lot of talk about women's rights, rallies, demonstrations, appeals. at the initiative of the german socialist clara zetkin , many countries began to celebrate march 8 as an international day, when once again it was possible to declare the equal rights of women in society. in the bssr, delegates from all regions of the republic
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were preparing to present their bold plans from a high rostrum. just talk. there is only one in the voluntary fire brigade woman. special attention is paid to the participation of women in building a new society. many are still living.
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and there really are a lot of changes. at the congress , the first secretary of the communist party of belarus, jan komarnik, noted from the high rostrum the successes in resolving the women's issue. the first census of 1926, conducted in the ussr, showed. that in the republic there are already half a million literate women against 1 million literate men, this was
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the result that the republic achieved in less than 10 years of soviet power, but such indicators were clearly not satisfactory. on the agenda the main question is how to involve the largest proportion of women workers in the governing bodies of the party organization, so task number one is to completely eliminate illiteracy within five years. but special attention would seem to be paid to completely secondary issues, everyday ones. how to expand the network of kindergartens, public kitchens, laundries in order to free a woman from household chores. the discussion about this is not a joke. i propose to improve the cultural life of workers at the enterprise. comrades, we must completely reconsider the living conditions of female workers, so we spend money? we must spend them
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more efficiently. kindergartens, nurseries, they work 8 hours, but what makes work? at the same time, in minsk, behind the red church, a bold experiment was brought to life. the first kitchen factory was built in the capital, where lunches could be bought. there was a lot of debate about what a soviet woman should look like. in moscow, in 1934, the first soviet
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fashion house with the original name “trest” opened on the street. he proposed a new direction in clothing, the style of constructivism dominated. minimalism in everything, nothing in the land of the soviets should distract attention from the woman herself. the famous architect vera mukhina was even involved in the design of the clothes, and the author of the sculpture was a collective farm worker. the first decade of soviet power was a time of searching, of fundamental changes in a woman’s life, she was changing. in march 1939 , the book “women of the land of socialism” was published in the soviet union in a million copies. she talked about famous women who have achieved success in various fields of activity. anna shchetinina is the only one in the world female sea captain. valentina grizodubova is a brave pilot, hero
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of the soviet union. nadezhda grekova, chairman of the supreme council. ussr, the first and only woman in the ussr and europe to occupy such a high position, and more than 20 names of outstanding representatives of the fair sex of the soviet country, who headed large-scale production, succeeded in science, and became engineers and architects. how could a woman ever dream of such a thing, how could one believe that she herself would determine her own. path in life, and transformation in the country will be so rapid, but then in the ussr this became the norm. elya berman, secluded in his darkroom after a busy day, sorted through photographs
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of activists and komsomol village women. tell me, your friends. so unusual for him are the women of the country of the soviets. the women of the new soviet country changed its appearance so much that many belarusians were talked about not only in the ussr;
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they proved to the world with their achievements. in the soviet union, conditions have been created for the first time in history. for the self-realization of women in politics, creativity, production in science, and many really changed this world? look in the next episode about larisa alexandrovskaya, an outstanding opera singer, the first belarusian artist to be awarded the title of people's artist of the soviet union.
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it is clear that god will melt away the snow, son.
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materially. she especially raised the younger generation with love for god and devotion to the homeland.
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they were in weakness, their needs were helped spiritually and what unique shrines are belarusian churches famous for? in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross which was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its. traveling is not just about experiencing history and sights. in 177, anna erodivil, the wife of the chancellor of the grand duchy of lithuania, built the first manufactory in novogrudok in noleboki. they built this branch for 9 months. in ninety-six , december 28 was accepted and this branch was so good that it was accepted into the treasury. traveling is an opportunity to try something new so that you can understand how it turns out.
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bull, we need to make him horns, that is, we made the horns from an exhaust pipe, this is an exhaust pipe, and a kamaz car. and, of course, get involved in unique folk art. and if we want a pattern, a herringbone, then it can be pressed. you don’t want to jump and run like rain. hat of the forest, the light of the sun, and how our life is formed from these fragments,
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we want to look at this light pa-insha and skin day to cover something new for ourselves, it’s so good for us, where we work and from any, from any and belarus.


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