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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 8:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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in this regard, we are completely technologically independent; last year our investments amounted to more than 30 million rubles. for this year the plan is at least forty, we need to go further, we need to think about how to conquer other markets, that is , asian markets, african markets, our industrial complex is working steadily and continues to increase production volumes, and this is facilitated, in many ways, by constant modernization, the introduction of new technologies and, of course, product quality control. in the common treasury. contribution of the free economic zone on the territory of the mogilev region in work 18 business sites, including in osipovichi, bobruisk and krichev. family day is celebrated in belarus. the number of large families in the country is growing, today there are almost 124 , raising 405 children. the most important direction of family policy is the protection of motherhood and childhood, a number of guarantees are being implemented, an increase in child care benefits is being ensured, a wide range of sons is being provided...
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at graduation ceremonies, which will be held on june 14, as for centralized testing, certificates will be issued from july 1 , this year the ct will be held from 27 may to june 6, reserve days are defined as june 19, 21 and 23, as noted in the ministry of education , benefits for the admission of gifted and motivated applicants are being expanded and systematized, for example, today in regional institutions of higher education significantly.
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it will last from june 27 to july 12. information is a weapon, propaganda is a weapon. they made a fuss about our exercises in order to create an information fund around the deployment of german troops, they are marching as occupiers to lithuania, this will be the most combat-ready formation of the bundeswehr in the most our borders they...
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is to be strong, these are the rules of the game now in europe, when politicians, i emphasize once again, go against the interests of their citizens, against the interests of their national ones, today we are saving europe from a big war with our competent, independent policies. the project is objective, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus24 tv channel.
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participant of the great patriotic war, soviet military engineer, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, professor. at the beginning of june 1941, karbyshev was sent to the western special military district. great the patriotic war found him at the headquarters of the third army in grotto. on june 27, the army headquarters was surrounded. in august 1941. when trying to get out of the encirclement , the lieutenant general was seriously shell-shocked for the battle in the dnieper region. in an unconscious state he was captured. the nazis repeatedly tried to persuade karbyshev to commit treason; he refused to serve the nazis. on the night of
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february 18, 1945, in the concentration camp, mounthausen, along with other prisoners, was doused with water. died for exceptional steadfastness and courage shown in the fight against by the german invaders in the great patriotic war, lieutenant general of the engineering troops, dmitry mikhailovich karbyshev was awarded the title of hero of the soviet union. posthumously. hello, i am authorized to announce this program on air. i am its presenter nadezhda sas, i welcome you and remind you that this program is for those who want to better
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understand what is happening and understand how these processes, events, people will affect the life of the country of each of us. in today's program we will talk about a new level of escalation in ukraine, in preparation. nato to direct intervention and reaction to what is happening by the union state, but first we will tell you about the main events in world politics this week. polish dissident, judge thomas schmidt asked for political asylum in belarus. he stated this during a press conference in minsk. szmit worked as a judge of the second department of the voivodeship administrative court of warsaw. speaking to journalists, he stated that the reason for this action was his disagreement with the policies and actions of the polish authorities. according to shmit, at home he was subjected to persecution and threats for their political position. he stated that the leadership of poland , under the influence of the united states and great britain, was leading his country to war. previously, the pole worked in various positions in the judicial system and justice authorities of poland, and he also headed the legal department of the national council of judges. in warsaw
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, a case was opened against szmit under the article “espionage”. according to experts, the public departure of a high-ranking judge to belarus will become a serious problem for the polish government. the rallies may be followed by other politicians, journalists and public figures, persecuted for their criticism of warsaw's militant course. last week, chinese president shizen ping made his first tour of europe in 5 years. he made his first stop in paris, where, despite the efforts of president emmanuel macron, it was difficult to hide the growing contradictions between the eu and china. europeans are not satisfied with beijing's support for its exporters. high-tech products, in particular electric vehicles, as well as the allied relations of the prc with russia. a separate subject of controversy is the differences in assessments of the causes and acceptable ways to end the conflict in ukraine. the chairman of the cif, in the usual manner of chinese diplomacy, tried to smooth out rough edges, but the program
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of the european tour itself shows china’s increased confidence in its abilities and its unwillingness to flirt with the west. immediately after france, the chinese leader went to serbia, which in general. is not a member of the eu and refuses to impose sanctions against russia due to the ukrainian events. there he paid tribute to the memory of the chinese journalists killed in the nato bombing of belgrade in 1999. then one of the bombs mistakenly hit the chinese embassy building. the president of the people's republic of china directly stated that his country will not allow such incidents to recur in the future. finally, the last point on the route was budapest, where xi met with hungarian prime minister viktor orban, who is causing heartburn among liberal politicians. brussels, paris and berlin. orban is also known for his friendly attitude towards russia and belarus, which only emphasizes chinese priorities in world politics. conservative party incumbent prime minister of great britain erica sunak
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lost almost half of the seats in local councils in the elections in england. in total, the conservatives lost 474 seats, while labor gained an additional 186. liberal. the democrats gained an additional 104 seats, the greens 74. in addition, taking advantage of the conservatives' failure, some smaller parties improved their positions. until now, the conservatives had about a thousand seats in... they received a majority in eight, and mayoral elections were also held in english cities, in particular the candidate from the labor party sadiq khan's party was re-elected mayor of london for a record time. during the elections , only one candidate from the conservative party was able to become mayor. they often say that history is cyclical, especially ukrainian history. recently i came across some memories.
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army and comically sad. in the current realities , the comically sad has turned tragic: at what stage of development the ukrainian tragedy is now, why they are increasingly talking about nato’s direct intervention in the conflict will be discussed in today’s program. by tradition, we begin our discussion with a quick question: will it come to the point of open participation of western countries in hostilities against russia, will things come to this, andrei viktorovich? i think no, he will be scared.
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this does not make it much easier for us
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because there is no official entry of nato or nato countries into this conflict. in fact, the military, military personnel of nato countries are already taking part in this conflict, but all these countries and nato as an organization are strenuously portraying their non-participation, so they will continue to insist on official non-participation.
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states is of course the key task for at the moment, but it’s not a fact that...
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but firstly, if they are going to get involved in a fight, they never declare it so loudly, that is, those who shout on all television channels:
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let’s say the west is seriously considering entering the territory ukraine of its troops, when where is the point, where is the moment when it makes sense to send them, they will be led if the ukrainian front collapses, our troops will go on the offensive, for example, on kharkov in order to save someone there? no, of course not, because if the front falls apart, then...
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that the ukrainian front will really crumble soon, it looks like our offensive on kharkov, russian troops, has begun, in this case, if it starts to crumble, and the ukrainian side has a huge number of problems in various sectors of the front, now there is a very difficult situation, but then how to force those remnants of the ukrainian troops to stand in positions to die for the sake of zelensky, so that they do not flee, with this very hope,
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i would like to remind you in more detail about the provocative statements, the threats of the west in our story, let’s look together. interest in the ukrainian conflict in the west has noticeably weakened, but for the business project to continue to work, public attention to it must be periodically warmed up, and although the europeans themselves are frankly tired. from the internal problems of the eu, western officials are not prioritizing ukrainian issues in the background and are missing opportunities to once again invigorate the information space. so the head of france again admitted the possibility of sending the french military to ukraine, he stated this in an interview with a british publication. macron named two conditions, with which it will be possible. the us congress
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also allowed sending military personnel to ukraine, but in general, according to information from foreign sources on the continent and in the states , they do not want direct participation in the conflict, and no one is ready for an escalation of relations with moscow. behind politicians’ statements about the possibility of sending troops to ukraine lies a new round of escalation, and europe is aware of this. therefore , various kinds of anti-russian statements are no more than a method of intimidation, aimed mainly at moscow’s partners, but they are not are ready to turn away from russia, so the head of china, a country that has received a lot of criticism from western politicians, reproached. their involvement in the conflict in china, as the head of the prc correctly emphasized, china is not a party to the conflict, the west, on the contrary, risks moving from indirect participation to direct participation, however, so far only in words: vladimir putin has already warned the west about the consequences of sending nato troops to ukraine. russia also has weapons that can hit targets on their territory, he added. on monday
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, the russian army began preparations for the exercises with use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the country's ministry of defense stated that the maneuvers are aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment and are also a response to provocative statements and threats from certain western officials. the department clarified that the exercises will be held in the near future, and missile formations from the southern military district will take part in them, in particular, aviation will be involved, as well as naval forces. a check of the forces of the joint regional grouping of forces has also begun in belarus. during first stage. reinforced tank and mechanized battalions were withdrawn in the ashmyany and postavy directions, and worked out issues of preventing the penetration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups into belarusian territory and combating them. in addition, a surprise check was carried out with the mobilization and bringing the mechanized and anti-aircraft missile brigades to full combat readiness. the second stage includes working
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out the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, which are solely an element of deterrence. in the iskander operational-tactical complex and the squadron of sud-25 tactical aircraft are ready to carry out missions as intended. this inspection will be carried out strictly. in accordance with the regulations established by the commander-in-chief, during it the entire complex from planning, preparation and use of tactical nuclear weapons will be checked. iskander missile divisions and polones operational-tactical complexes will be secretly withdrawn to the specified position areas, where they will work out issues of preparation, planning and use actions with special ammunition. minsk will continue to stand in an exceptional position.
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for such actions, be prepared for anything, this is probably the most correct phrase describing what is happening, but the baltic countries, unfortunately, do not listen, there is
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a certain wall, and misunderstanding, and even if we are talking about the deployment of nuclear weapons, poland is already shouting with all its might, guys, help us, save us, now the belarusian army will capture us, please, well, i will once again emphasize what i said.
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and they want us to, well, either get scared or twitched and so on, it is unlikely that they will succeed, but the task is for a strategic victory
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over russia, destruction. russia, as the main competitor, ideological, moral authority, everything else, this task remains, questions are superimposed on the internal political situation, very unstable, very tense both in the united states of america and in britain, that is, there are a lot of factors there, the desire to defeat russia and destroy it exists , but of course they will balance this desire with their own...
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well, would it be a course or is it suicidal for the country, but the actions of these political characters, yes, with whom i was quite closely acquainted during the time of my work in ukraine, it would be instant and personal suicide, well, even the fate of igor kolomoisky shows that now this regime is so much so to say matured and...
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crossed all the red lines so much that these oligarchs and former or current second-level politicians have to fear for their own skin, this, i think, is the main motivator of their actions. thank you very much, andrey viktorovich, one of the reasons for the current crisis is, according to some experts and my personal opinion, a very poor understanding of modern russia in ukraine and... on the contrary, a lack of qualitative analysis of ukrainian society, the ukrainian elite in moscow. do you agree with this statement and what should russia do in this regard? this is true, i completely agree with this statement, because if ukraine knew well what modern russia is, here are its leadership, and they would study it in detail
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vice versa. so, accordingly, many red lines on the ukrainian side would not have been crossed, because for a long time i had the impression that for a long time the ukrainian side lived in a cocoon of illusions that they themselves formed, a feeling of impunity that grew over many years. many years with each new one.
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it was believed that these were people with sufficient power to stop the brown plague, but it turned out that this too, alexander, then a question for you, in your opinion, will it finally appear in moscow high-quality ukrainian studies, can one put it this way, is how, for example, there was high-quality sovietology back in the united states. are there any prerequisites for this? of course, there is high-quality ukrainian studies, but those ideas and proposals do not always reach implementation, well , along the way of implementation there are also some additions, which, in general, do not always lead to the desired result, we traditionally have a mistake, we believe what if we offer any favorable conditions for foreign trade, for interaction, investment, this should in itself sort of
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solve the problem, but we offer favorable conditions. exactly the same mistake is made, in my opinion, in working with europeans, when we offer obviously beneficial solutions to the same germans and other countries of the european union, but the decision is not made based on interests. their people, their capital, their state, based on political expediency, therefore many decisions are made to the detriment of their own countries, well , that’s what we see now with the european union, washington’s political interest decides everything, well, let’s call a spade a spade, it does not coincide with the objective interests of brussels, for example, other european countries, and there is a certain contradiction with the interests of london on the territory of ukraine, if we say that something happened beneficial to large ukrainian capital...
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the same kolomoisky, who was considered unsinkable, akhmetov, they will all go under the knife, or i don’t know, under the ice, whatever you want to call it, alexander, thank you very much, then the question arises, many understand that ukraine as a state is doomed in its current form, but at the same time there is an understanding that in some part of the territory that is today called ukraine, it is unlikely that there will ever be a third of tricalor, sergey anatolyevich, this is your forecast, what will happen on these ?
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here is all the complexity of that moment and the prospect of possibilities that resulted in this, let’s say, well, i’ll call it a competition of ambitions
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of political ambitions, which grew into an armed clash, into, say, a deepening, into the development of the ideology of neo-nazism on the territory of ukraine. nato did not enter ukraine to stop, this is armed resistance, the loss of people who are very close to us in their own, in their mentality,
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in the ties that have developed between ukraine and belarus. you know, we were talking about ukrainian oligarchs, some of them are already ex-oligarchs. i remember the characterization that some gave to yanukovych, that he sat down with the grandmasters to play chess, in fact he only knew how to play chepaev, well, such a tragic fate. iskandar aminovich, my last question for you is, do you think that negotiations between russia, the west and ukraine are possible in the near future? well, they are possible, again, the probability is low, and it is not invisible now, some must happen. changes in the military situation, i hope that russia will take such noticeable decisive actions, well, in fact, they are being taken, but they are encountering serious resistance, if there are military successes, if we can
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shake our allies, frighten our strength, for this requires action, then there will be, then there will be an opportunity for negotiations, so now we are just us... both russia and belarus, this is a very important thing, whoever sag psychologically, the first to request negotiations will have a weak position. and iskandar aminovich, i am grateful to you for participating in the program, i remind you that sas is authorized to announce on air the program. well, we continue our discussion about escalating the situation around ukraine from the outside. nato and i would like to draw your attention to a recent quote from one of the members
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of the european parliament, no to macron, no escalation of the war in ukraine, not a single italian or european soldier should go to fight in ukraine, we must find a political solution to the conflict, no more weapons, such a social media campaign in italy was launched by a member of the european parliament, a member of the largest european faction. people's party mateo gazini, i'm glad that i have the opportunity to communicate with mr. gazini, so he writes to me, there is hysteria in europe, there are no weapons - this is the case, and there is no one willing to fight for other people's interests on ukrainian soil. andrey viktorovich, you will agree that a certain push is expected, at least a reboot of the political system, elections to the european parliament are coming, i’m trying in every possible way...
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this is completely common sense, this is the language of common sense, but for now we hope that this will seriously change the situation and somehow influence such people like macron, who seems to have already decided everything for himself in terms of starting to unleash military adventures, this hope is not enough, because after all, there is still no consolidation of all healthy forces, they act alone, they make single statements, which receive... such a resonance, solely because they
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contrast very strongly with many alarmist statements, in this regard, people like macron, they are going to continue the armed confrontation, it is beneficial to them, it brings them certain dividends, it allows you to divert the attention of your voters from economic problems within these countries to the external circuit, and even taking into account that macron is behaving cowardly, just remember the story of how he was going to come to... the country he promised, then he got scared, saying that no, i won’t come, because they were almost preparing an assassination attempt on me there, or rather, after that he said that yes, i would come, but only as part of a large european delegation, if the heads of the other countries, well, you see, have been crushed by european leaders and have only inherent narcissism, they skillfully engage in narcissism, but are not really popular, unfortunately, and talking about fair elections is the most difficult thing, because...
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well, you know, probably , this is the rare
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case when with an american analyst one can probably agree, although for me, as a person who has been involved in the united states of america for a long time, there is nothing surprising, in this package in the internal political struggle that was in the united states, america, it was not for ukraine, it was less degrees for ukraine, more. internal political problems were being resolved between republicans and democrats on the eve of the presidential election, well, nothing surprising, any...
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financial default is just around the corner for this state, but it’s reasonable, not reasonable use, it seems to me that in general , the government and regime of ukraine is already in a stage of some kind of political agony, so whether there will be some kind of intelligence there is very difficult to judge, most likely... again it will be distributed like this, how beneficial it is for those who are around the president of ukraine, in addition to the allocation of the largest aid package to ukraine for $620 million , the uk announced, it will include, in particular , stormshadow missiles in the european union
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, additional supplies of patriot systems to kiev are being discussed and sampt, what these numbers indicate is that the military-industrial complex. to be sure that he will have orders for the next years, this is exactly what they sought, so that they can conduct their planned economy and plan for the future, it is very important for them to have ukraine as a reason for allocating money for the development of weapons, they need guarantees and it would be a jackpot for them if they could intimidate russia with such aid packages, promises to send troops, etc., so that russia would agree to any negotiations on preservation. though some part of ukraine under the control of the west, and the states will agree to give up the territories of the zaporozhye region, kharkov region, and some other regions, as long as significant territories of ukraine remain under their control and access to the black sea is preserved, this is all designed for russia’s progress in this regard, and well, these are serious numbers, be that as it may, this is serious for defense, in
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order to hold back the advance of russian troops or burn, say, one city per quarter there, well, this is not bad money, but.. . are permanently deployed in europe, what are they doing here, what kind of america are they defending here, up to 20 thousand of them are concentrated in poland, close to our borders, in the baltic countries, these groups
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of troops are equipped with modern strike weapons and are capable of delivering high-precision strikes against ... on the territory of belarus and western regions. the corresponding tasks are currently being worked out. strategic bomber aircraft from the united states are used, which regularly fly in europe. continental region. for example, four american b-1b strategic bombers are stationed in spain to practice the technique. bombing of nuclear charges, including on the territory of our country, they are training to use nuclear weapons, this is a response to those who are howling abroad , especially in our country, criticizing us for placing our nuclear weapons here, so
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they are training, yes , andrey viktorovich, well, really, even if europe has the prerequisites for a more peaceful position. in relation to ukraine, the pressure is exerted even that number, but the military of the united states of america, so just a step to the left, a step to the right, but it’s clear that there is actually a small number of these military, in principle , they will be dispersed or spit out if a serious armed conflict begins, in this regard the americans of course, they can transfer additional contingents, but this is a complex logistical task that the us military has been practicing for the last two decades as a result of exercises and they have not yet achieved perfection, but in my opinion not a very good idea...
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the washington regional committee is playing a major adventurist game and a speculative one, by the way, and many leaders of the so -called independent european countries are trying to develop some kind of their own speculative game under this cap, that is, they are all engaged in speculation, so that budget, that aid to ukraine in the amount of more than 60 billion dollars, the scheme was very well laid out, this is it, let’s return it, please colleagues again, so that it goes to... dubov, who worked for
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berezovsky, when money is allocated, driven away, but at the same time it does not leave the united states, with the exception of some kopecks, as a result, money was allocated, this money was used by their own manufacturers, they supplied the product to ukraine, it is unknown in what volumes, etc. .. the industrial complex, but the debt in full fell on the budget of ukraine, and this is
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the increase in these debts, which in the future will lead to the fact that if some part of ukraine survives, the chance is so slim, then it will be divide already these are the creditors who will come and declare the rest of ukraine bankrupt, part of the money is still a loan, but it’s an insignificant part. but in general, of course, this mill or, in fact , money laundering, public funds that remain outside the budget of the united states of america, in the pockets of the pockets, in the pockets, which means those who are close to the military-industrial complex, of those families of a small group of families in america billionaires, and of course some of the crumbs will go to the regime. in ukraine, well, not i can't help but pay attention to a recent publication in which boris johnson's former chief adviser, domenic kamins, said: "
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this whole ukrainian, corrupt, mafia state has essentially deceived us all, as a result we will all end up in the ass, i don't know if it's possible whether it's on the air or not, kamens argues that the west failed to send russian president vladimir putin a valuable signal that would have deterred him from invading."
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britain's intelligence services mainly house the president's office and headquarters intelligence, there is a certain division of influence between washington and london, under washington, to a greater extent, the sbu, according to the cia, the same zaluzhny, this is still, as it were, an american client to a greater extent, and from this there are certain grievances, because london would like to arrange this fire in order to create, as they tried to create such a bloc, britain, poland, ukraine, to control the territories. baltic to the black sea and then how to be the leader of this buffer between russia and the european union, control the flows
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energy resources and so on. now we see that it has a very strong influence. receives an opinion in washington, so to speak, all this talk about a truce about a meeting of some kind of public in switzerland, which will insist on peace negotiations, says that they need, they need a freeze of the conflict, they need to leave under their control over a significant part of the territory of ukraine, they are not going to take money, all these loans that are issued for ukraine, they openly talk about it, what and for what they issue, for resources, will the territory of ukraine was taken away, they will be for...
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because for the united states it is especially important for biden now this time before the elections, so this is the zelensky link, in general, probably, please tell me whether mr. zelensky has the right to make any decisions, to govern the state, because in the coming days his powers will end, well, if
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washington recognizes the legitimacy of zelensky’s existence in power and the principle of this regime, then he will be... legitimate, we can perceive him as it is convenient for us, and we do this, thank god, now we have an absolutely legal reason to talk about who we are negotiating with, and in principle, what kind of negotiations with ukraine can we talk about if ukraine is just a board in this chess game, the board’s opinion is nobody’s opinion it’s not interesting, it’s not even a figure, it’s certainly not a player, but in general negotiations, of course it would be desirable to conduct them after establishing control over the territories, but this is so, these are dreams, then, of course, negotiations can be... with washington, and what's wrong with them there can be negotiations if they deceived so many times, as they themselves admitted more than once, all these leaders of european states participating in the minsk negotiations, they spoke frankly, we deliberately stalled for time, so it’s very difficult, they only understand the language of force, that’s how force is- it’s not sad, it needs to be demonstrated and from these positions to negotiate with them, but
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you see, andrei viktorovich, in agreement with alexander’s opinion, “we are not asking you for soldiers, we ourselves are ukrainians fighting, but for yours weapons for you thanks a lot. i would like to conclude our program with the words of the member of the european parliament representing germany, maximilian krah, " one of my sons is 21 years old, and this is the ideal age for cannon fodder, he was 10 when his mother died, now i imagine, as he is called up, he receives little training and arrives on the eastern
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front ill-prepared, and then he is dead, but i don't want that, the same words can be on... and anyone who thinks they find this is a warmonger we. we don’t want this at all. acceptable, can safely vote for anyone . we need those who have retained their humanity and do not want to send our sons to their graves on the eastern front. it seems to me that any sane person would get chills from these words and imagine his son howling, it is unclear for what and whose interests.
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thank you very much, sergey anatolyevich, final word on today’s program, please. despite the fact that it continues very seriously, this means that this is an attempt to suppress it. right-thinking voices in european countries, but nevertheless more and more voices are making their way in the european parliament, in other parliaments of european countries, who are trying to convey the truth about this conflict about its very sad, possible sad outcome, which could involve europe in a serious, even nuclear war. i am convinced that together with these voices and others, that is, facts, and these are elections that we have seen and are already won by other forces,
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the process of political reorganization of europe is still beginning, even if it is only in its infancy, and this gives a chance for optimism, thanks a lot, alexander, your field is kiev, mine is dnepropetrovsk, do you think there is a chance for you and me to return home? well, these are dreams, i think it’s not harmful to dream, and i want to believe in it, that kiev will be liberated, columns of liberators will march along khreshchatyk, and there will be a second liberation from nazism, it will be, victory will definitely be ours. thank you very much to all the participants in the discussion, we will conclude with this; as a conclusion, i will resort to another assessment of simon petliura, this time from the outside. writer konstantin paustovsky, liuri’s refrain, everything seemed deliberate, and the haidomaks, and the language, all this politics, its gray mustaches, chauvinist hulks that crawled out of dusty
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holes in huge numbers, the power of petliura’s ukrainian directory looked provincial, the once brilliant kiev turned into an enlarged shpola or mirgorod, from petliura’s rule exactly like the departure hetman, there was a feeling of complete uncertainty and uncertainty about the future.
9:00 pm
or i don’t let her in, she says yes, it’s a very interesting towel, it’s pre-revolutionary, the oldest towel in our collection, there’s also old grammar, when there are ers and yati, but in the 11th century in the st. sophia cathedral not only the service came, here the prince received ambassadors, concluded agreements there, that is, the cathedral was an administrative building, open belarus together with the belarus 24 tv channel
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. this is a panorama, direct broadcast about the main events of wednesday the fifteenth. hello! we are taking the economic partnership with azerbaijan to a qualitatively new level; the president of belarus is solemnly greeted in baku. an attempt was made on...


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