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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 9:45pm-10:51pm MSK

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departmental group, employees of the general prosecutor's office and the main internal affairs directorate of the minsk city executive committee identified 23 officials who, since september last year, had systematically received kickbacks for the supply and repair of equipment. in the process of work, some counterparties and clients asked for bonuses for cooperation in monetary terms, for which he gave money to managers. under the leadership. the founder of the capital company, the criminal scheme survived for more than six months, but with one caveat: every fact of transfer of bribes did not go unnoticed by operatives. for a reward interested managers, as a rule, themselves came to the office of accomplices in minsk. someone did not hesitate to do this systematically, once a week, even if they only put 50 rubles in the envelope. some, on the contrary, waited until a more substantial amount was accumulated, actually assuming in advance that the criminal scheme would be long-lasting. but those who oppose this type of crime. thought differently.
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based on the evidence collected, the prosecutor general's office opened 25 criminal cases. the defendants include 23 officials, as well as founder of a private company and commercial agent. the investigation is currently working with all suspects. all of them are currently confessing. their property was seized. most of the suspects today have already voluntarily paid the proceeds of crime. in addition, suspects are being checked for involvement in the crime. other illegal actions. as for businessmen, law enforcement officers have reason to believe that their criminal activities began much earlier than last year. autumn. the total amount of bribes has not yet been revealed, taking into account the percentage of kickbacks. this information, as well as the number of transactions, is currently being verified. one person remains in custody, the one who received the bribe, the rest have made a deal with the investigation and are still awaiting the end of the investigation under an undertaking not to leave. victoria radeevich, dmitry garkusha, grigory kristofovich, television news agency.
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the vitebsk region is actively preparing to host the eleventh forum of regions in belarus and russia; it has established itself as a unique platform for communication between leaders regions of the two countries. this was stated today by the chairman of the council of the republic, natalya kachanova, during a trip to polotsk to monitor the progress of preparation of the facilities that will be involved. at the event. a special feature of the eleventh forum is that it is held in three cities of belarus: vitebsk, polotsk, novopolotsk. polotsk was not chosen as one of the sites by chance; it is the most ancient city. the buildings are currently being reconstructed here. and, as natalya kachanova noted, special attention to preserving the historical cultural value of historical objects. today, those buildings, even those that have not been in use for a long time.
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declared at the forum, but also our belarus as a country with its own statehood, with its own history. as part of the forum of regions of russia and belarus , the historical banner of the polovsk cadet corps, which was awarded in 1844, will be handed over; this year it turns 150 years old. during this historical time, this banner went through such a tragic path, when its descendants were saved, it means that a number of people died. grandfather,
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this banner is returning to us, of course, this event is historically very important, not only for the city of polotsk and for the cadet school, but also for the entire cadet education, cadet... movement in belarus and in russia. the eleventh forum of regions in belarus and russia will be held on june 27-28. nine thematic sections are planned. the main directions are innovative approaches in education, culture, healthcare, economics. an extensive cultural program will also await participants and guests of the forum. today is may 15th, international family day. true, this one the world is everything. they move more away from classical concepts and replace theses, genders, orientations, binaries. our country unequivocally defends the traditional values ​​that we have enshrined together in the constitution. there, in black and white, marriage is the union of a man
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and a woman. in belarus, much attention is paid to supporting workers with children; all conditions have been created for the birth and education of children. it's material. and social support, assistance in housing issues, the opportunity to receive free education and medical care, opportunities for development children and much, much more, so what kind of belarusian families are they, there are more than 2,600,000 of them in the country, and the majority live in cities, this is about 80%, the rest prefer the countryside. last year, the country hosted 56 thousand weddings, well, in fact, we added the same number of families. if we talk about the average age of getting married for the first time, then for brides it is 26.5 years, well, men decide to get married around 29 years old,
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almost 44% of families have minor children, in the majority there is only one child, but for families with many children it is a little less... 10%. of course, assistance from states is a major help for belarusian families. just last year, children's benefits were paid for 3 million rubles, and maternity or maternity benefits for 260 million. and so that there was a reliable foundation under one's feet, 9,500 large families of over 6,800 young families received housing or improved conditions. on the occasion of the federation of trade unions, they hold actions throughout the country; today, labor dynasties and large families, where mothers and fathers work at the same enterprise, are honored, for example, in the central region of the capital their award 12 large families received. in our
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country, regardless of the structure, great attention is paid to large families; if we are talking about the federation of trade unions of belarus, and about the trade union movement of belarus, then this is through inclusion.
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the celebrants from different parts of the pribuzhsky region remembered how their love story began, and then signed again. according to them , the most important thing in a relationship is mutual kindness. understanding, well, that’s all for me, right now we’re watching the premiere of the remark project, all the ins and outs of the fugitive radicals, what does he do, what plan is he making and how is he trying to stay afloat, well, right after the economic environment, everything about the new rules of work for entrepreneurs. first to gain freedom, that in the end she did not notice how she ended up under the rule of the kiev regime, you must agree, this would be a good plot for writing a book, at the end of which the main character learns that all this time she was leaking data to law enforcement officers
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, so most of that what you will hear today is exclusive. and this story will definitely have an end, as far as happy, we can only guess. my name is. hello, for little girl elena zharkevichi, it’s true that everything turned out well at first, she worked as deputy director of a chain of confectionery shops, baked cakes, and raised her. nazara was far from politics. in the twenties, like others like her, she fell for provocations and a year later she ran away from the country to square. there, a belarusian activist organized a shelter for the same refugees, stood up for her own people, for the truth, saying that belarus is occupied, come here, we will help. everyone who in one way or another according to her, she traveled through forests and swamps illegally, without documents. zharkevich and a couple of her associates were even detained by the sbu. i contacted the cook's offices. of course, not before, no one had done it at all, it certainly wasn’t the headquarters,
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lena redkova lived with me, this is svetlana tikhonovskaya’s confidant, she wrote to the headquarters, she wrote to the headquarters more than once in front of me, and she, well, her simply ignored when sharkevich realizes that the money is already running out, and there was no financial support, and there is still no, he quickly changes his shoes, under the guise of white and fluffy volunteers are asking the ukrainian authorities to help create a volunteer center. they give her office space for free, and she , in turn, according to her plan, gathers all the fugitive radicals from different countries and, mimicking the circumstances, lures them out of funds for various needs, for example, helping children for a good cause or investing this money in drones or illegal transportation of cars for the armed forces of ukraine, however, then no one will have to help. so, on may 10, 23.
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there is a section for humanitarian aid to children from front-line regions, which is interesting, a portable speaker for children with hearing impairment, or this sewing machine for almost 17,000 belarusian rubles. however, the list of everything that is more expensive is 12 pages long. what have you completed? our people were zharkevich and her team in a family-type orphanage in chernigov. these numerous boxes of humanitarian aid, a couple of books and coloring books. we organized a mission there more than once, brought warm clothes, medicines, food, hygiene products, only then suddenly it became
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uninteresting, you see, kherson is not the only city in ukraine that is suffering, and it would be nice to get rid of mothers and children, something is too annoying, these mothers were lined up along the banks of the dnieper, and even if barusenya shot at them, these are people who are so comfortable because they don’t i have to go to work, because volunteers came, they brought me food, they brought me something to drink. for those who are not in the know, kherson is on the front line, information about shelling of civilians in the ssu comes in every day, of course, when it’s much easier to open your mouth from the edge, and this is not for you, elena, when they themselves staged a buche, and then they themselves escaped, with the words, the security forces are watching me, it’s better for them than the ukrainian mercenaries, the latter would rather arrange an excursion along the same bank of the dnieper, rather than just talk, it would be a pity for the minor...
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they don’t come to us once children came from donetsk, lugansk, and mariupol for recovery. just recently, guys from the kherson region vacationed with us, thanks to the union state and the alexey talay foundation. these are the shots from my film: the guys told me how they had to sleep in the bathtub in the hallway have a spare backpack with everything you need in case shelling starts. for those who do not yet fully understand what is really happening in ukraine, i suggest you take a look. opposite the hospital there is a flowerbed, they fly there, the girls just tear their heads off, time to be in those conditions, suddenly get here, where
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they just open the screen, here the water flows. let's get back to the topic. a strategy for the volunteer center has been developed. says in an interview, how the volunteer start quickly evaporated, well, it’s just a classic of the genre, quite a typical scenario for runaways, as long as the pocket is replenished, everything is fine, as soon as a hole appears, you need to sew it up, you just have to pull the threads, there is no one, you have to lie, and blatantly in your face, turn up the volume, now it will be very interesting, i trust the belarusians, a whole
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big country, i i want to say that these want to help ukraine fight... russian aggression, in fact, it all boiled down to the fact that fugitive radicals attached themselves to the ukrainians themselves, because it is much easier to take their money, their car, their humanitarian aid and pretend that it is them such fellows help from with all my heart, or almost, however, it doesn’t matter who is where, as long as the account on the card is a few zeros, several million ukrainians who are in this country, today they are all in poland, in europe, in europe, you know, my ... as urbanovich says, they clean their shoes for us, so for cleaning their shoes for us they are paid a penny, there are 5,000 belarusians who can be collected for a dollar, and this is 500,000 dollars that can come here in ukraine. i want every belarusian, being today in poland, in lithuania, etc. next, i went to the store, bought a roll of toilet paper and sent it here. well, for whom and
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why 500,000 rolls of toilet paper are needed is now not difficult to guess, especially after all the data made public. accompanying belarusian, who for her political asylum behind the cordon, sold herself so quickly and cheaply to the kiev regime, and is still trying to make money in all this, but things are turning out interesting, initially the initiative to help her own people did not come out, i was even invited to a shelf conference, i don’t want give them political force, i don’t think that kolinovsky’s regiment are those who can represent the interests of my country, there are disagreements with colleagues in the shop, it’s like we’re all together, but... separately, everyone does something of their own, that’s what it's called an oil painting, a photo taken not so long ago on march 25, here is zharkevich together with volunteers of the free belarus foundation. our people were close to the heroine for about a year, we have all the lists of contacts, who participated where when, information about financial fraud and much, much more.
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the competent authorities will already take care of this. there is a saying, i don’t bite. the hand that feeds you, and also this: everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, but this is only part of the game in which they so shamefully merged themselves. i will tell you about the work of the kalinovsky regiment and the free belarus charitable foundation in the coming days. in general, dear runaways, you need to be careful with who and what you say. please note, this is not the first time we have repeated this; who knows what other organizations have our people? good evening, this is the economic environment on
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belarus one satellite tv channel belarus 24. gold and foreign exchange reserves of belarus continue to grow. according to the national bank , international reserve assets increased by $89 million in april; as of may 1, their size exceeded $8.4 billion. let us remind you that our country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves have been showing positive dynamics for the third month in a row. the key reason is rising gold prices. the volume of shipped innovative goods in the twenty-third year increased by almost 40%. according to belstat , the costs of belarusian organizations on innovation last year exceeded the mark of 1.3 billion rubles. among the main ones. enterprises note the expansion of the range, improvement of quality, preservation of traditional and development of new markets. germany is facing a worsening manufacturing crisis. nearly 40% of local companies complain of a lack of business orders, with energy-intensive sectors suffering the most, all this against the backdrop of a slowdown in the eurozone's largest economy.
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the geography of exchange trading in belarus has expanded to 15 countries. the czech republic concluded a deal for the first time on the belarusian platform universal commodity exchange. the most active participants this year are from russia, uzbekistan and tajikistan. over 4 months, the amount of exchange transactions amounted to over 350 million. individual entrepreneurs, proposals were developed within the framework of the new law on entrepreneurship. let us remind you that the law is aimed at leveling the conditions for doing business. they decided to initiate changes,
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including due to requests from legal entities. what innovations await business, is the business community ready for more civilized forms, what measures are being taken to painlessly scale up your business and whether there is enough time for preparation, we will discuss with competent experts right now. today in our studio we have experts who are well versed in issues of entrepreneurship development, yuri chabatar, minister of economy, dmitry keiko, first deputy minister of finance.
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what innovations does it include? first, the most important thing we are talking about is that the law is aimed at making it possible to create mechanisms for growth and scaling business, to give the opportunity to entrepreneurs who today see the potential for development to increase their production, increase their trade, increase their income and , accordingly, the income of our country, and in order to make it both interesting and profitable to engage in entrepreneurship, we...
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essentially over the last 3 years the necessary steps have been taken, yes, that is, entrepreneurs today, no matter what category they fall into, this is the so-called
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self-employed, now this will be called an individual holding a professional activity, there is a craftsman, which means a citizen who has an agricultural estate, or a classic individual entrepreneur, today they have their own tax regime or the opportunity to choose. so-called medium-sized, yes, medium-sized enterprises can also apply for financial support measures, so the law, it seems to have been adopted in a constructive manner, yes, that
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is... we cannot characterize it as some kind of burdensome fiscal law about new taxes, this is not true at all, this means we approach the issue systematically development of entrepreneurship, we are expanding the category, we are maintaining state support for this, yes, here is a subtle point, with this law we are essentially moving away from such a classical understanding of entrepreneurship that it is an individual entrepreneur, but here we are saying that entrepreneurship is a certain process, which allows citizens - from the start to realize first realize their entrepreneurial potential quite simply from small forms from small forms in a fairly simple understandable form without some additional administrative costs to go somewhere , coordinate something, write statements to judge remotely, establish your first - this is a business relationship with the state, then to develop means your circle of consumers, and that is, the viability of the business, absolutely right your business and continue to grow.
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the status of the enterprise or organization itself, that it belongs to a small medium-sized enterprise, we are introducing new tools, we talked about this with support, for this we need to confirm the status, accordingly, government agencies that will provide support also need confirmation that this organization has such status; it is assumed that the register will work automatically, all
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relevant information will be received there.
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the register will be an open or closed document, open, that is, anyone interested will be able to look there, but of course, these are not all changes in this law, there is also such an item as a list, but we will discuss it further, here it is important to emphasize that special attention to issues our president pays attention to the development of entrepreneurship, the main message is to restore order, business must be conducted according to the rules and work not only for yourself, but for the country, let's...
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not be informative, they still excite the minds of individual entrepreneurs, which is certainly bad, here we are at the risk to the psyche, we studied and summarized all these opposition horror stories, if you allow me, i will quote them to you so as not to confuse anything. so, destructive resources claim that changes in legislation pursue the following goals: firstly, the elimination of the segment of individual
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entrepreneurs, supposedly the law will kill.
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individual entrepreneurs and small-medium businesses today are by no means worth it and are not going to. in our country today there are about 250 thousand individual entrepreneurs with a published list that everyone can see today in principle. first of all, we are talking about creating equal working conditions in various categories, in various types of activities of various forms of doing business. this. in principle, it also came from the smallest medium-sized businesses when organizations were operating and they said that let’s work in equal conditions, this is what we are talking about today, and those same 40 thousand for them, in accordance with
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the new law, they have the opportunity to choose a new form of doing business within literally a year and a half until january 1, 2026 , please switch to a legal entity.
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you may have a two-part answer here, well , first, those who are already studying the law today, who hear us, then we see evolutionary, many entrepreneurs have already gone through the re-registration process, we see an increase in the number legal entities being created today are precisely in those types of activities that potentially have the opportunity to further increase their presence in the market. on the other hand, you said correctly, in business, well , no, random people, you know, our initiative is one region, one project, yes, support for investment projects in the regions, so when i meet with many owners
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of these enterprises in the regions, i often ask question, how, in what way did you come to the conclusion that today we need to engage in the production of this or that, you know, the majority answered. well, by and large, they cannot solve the difficulties that arise in certain populations, economically active people, industries, this is also such a dynamic process, several million economically active people here need to explain to our viewers that
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there is nothing bad in this, there are certain industries, for example, there is a shortage of highly qualified specialists; during seasonal periods such a shortage can be observed in agricultural organizations, that is, there is no... in the new list of activities for individual entrepreneurs, but this does not mean that these people are going nowhere, yes, that is, they should go somewhere to factories there as turners, well , in general, i would also like to say this thesis, to claim objectivity in the comments , you must first read the document that you are commenting on, by the way, it is in the public domain and i recommend it, it would be nice, well, it’s clear that there are tasks there and people, even if they read it, we would probably still make different comments... didn’t receive it, so these, well, today we
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estimate 40,000, these in this category have new opportunities, firstly, you can go to a simpler form of entrepreneurial activity, this is the so- called self-employed, this is individual entrepreneurial activity there, which through the digital platform works, but you can re-register with the organization, and they open there too.
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that is, this figure will be an order of magnitude smaller, again it will largely depend on how it will be formed final list, then it will be possible to say about this in more detail, but on the whole i absolutely agree that for the fiscal purposes of adjusting tax policy in terms of the taxation procedure for individual entrepreneurs and self-employed citizens, nothing will happen here, that is, we have systematically made adjustments to this policy over the course of ...
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the number of hired people among entrepreneurs decreased by literally 2 thousand, it was 67,000, it became 65,000, when we open the law carefully, as dmitry nikolaevich suggested, or rather, our opponents should study it, we will not see that new types of taxes are introduced there, or the rates of existing taxes are increased or changed, this law does not talk about this, that is, all these norms are regulated purely by the tax code, nothing changes in this part, that is, will we get along, dear ones?
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the fact that new types of activities are increasingly used by entrepreneurs in their activities, that is, more production cycles, when a small business entity until recently received government support, he understood that the limit of his dreams had, in principle, been reached, he needed to move somewhere, scale somewhere, then today the law provides such an opportunity to do this without painfully with the transfer of those property benefits, material assets that he acquired during the period ...
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entrepreneurship, we provide support annually, for 3 years the current five-year plans have provided such entities, there are more than 500 of them, worth 40 million rubles. in accordance with the law , three new mechanisms are being introduced, the first is guarantee for borrowed funds that
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small medium-sized enterprises will take to develop their business, since in many of them these will be start-ups somewhere, it is clear that it will be difficult.
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with the preservation of rights, obligations and documents. what do you need to know? alina loppo collected the main thing in the following material. let's get a look. you will be able to scale your business in a day, and what is important, without losing your accumulated baggage. this is one of the special incentives when moving from an individual entrepreneur to a commercial organization. now about everything in detail, but it's worth noting first. previously , there was no provision for such a transition; it was impossible to reorganize an individual entrepreneur into a legal entity. the only way is to close your business in the prescribed manner, essentially starting it from scratch; the period for cessation of activity in such cases can reach up to a year. innovations give the right to obtain the status of a commercial organization without suspending its activities
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on a daily basis. at the same time, all rights and obligations to employees, contractors and the state will transfer to the new commercial organization. in other words, you register. legal entity you get the opportunity for further development from the level already achieved. we believe that individual entrepreneurs will still choose a form such as a limited liability company. for this form, the minimum amount of the authorized capital is not provided; accordingly, it can be set even at 10 rubles. and this authorized capital can be formed within 12 months after the state registration of a commercial organization. so what is the simplified procedure? first to the individual does an entrepreneur need? notify creditors in writing of your decision to create a commercial organization, then submit the appropriate application to the registration authority, and here it is important to note that the procedure for terminating the activities of an individual entrepreneur will not be carried out, this will happen automatically, and the entry on the exclusion of an individual entrepreneur from the unified state register will become the date
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of registration of a new legal entity. in order to create this commercial organization, first of all you will need to agree on it name. the package of documents is minimal, this is an application, two copies of the charter and you will need to submit a certificate of state registration of the individual entrepreneur. all permits and licenses obtained by the individual entrepreneur also remain these documents. you can use them for a year; in the future, their re-registration will be free on an application basis. among other advantages, no state duty
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is charged for creating a legal entity. for two years from the date of registration, the organization is not included in random inspection plans, and its location may be a residential premises, of course, with the consent of the residents registered there. utility costs at the rates of individuals. so, to summarize, innovations in legislation really simplify the existing order. let me remind you, it works. and entrepreneurs whose activities are not included in the final permitted list have the right to work until 2026, in order to continue their business further, they will have to transform into a legal entity, the registration of new individual entrepreneurs in areas not on the list will be stopped in october, as stated in the story, that the current order is quite like this...
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today the ministry of economy, yes, together with those interested, has prepared a draft of this list, it has been submitted for public
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discussion today, please tell me, yuri adamovich, how it was formed, are they taken into account in this list, in this draft list of the opinions of entrepreneurs, their position? well, of course, we are working on a draft law and adopting the main one. attention was paid precisely to the discussion of the possible, the potential of those types of activities that should remain in category of individual entrepreneurs, move into other types of activities, or that means, within the framework of increasing the corresponding lists for the self-employed, therefore , we worked out the first together with regulators , together with the regions, looked primarily at the social and economic effects and... so as to ensure appropriate standards of service within the framework regional policy,
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issues of not harming the manufacturing business, and so on, in principle, the list that we published today, they are subject to discussion, as part of this process we will come out to the regions, we will meet with entrepreneurs, we will hear from everyone again to understand whether something is really needed somewhere. a systemic person, you know the numbers, we are now talking about entrepreneurship, but if
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we talk about returns, and entrepreneurs, about the contribution of entrepreneurs to the formation of budgets at various levels, what amounts are we talking about at the moment and does the ministry of finance predict, well, an increase in this contribution to the formation of the revenue side of various budgets. level, and entrepreneurship, to the budget, to income the question is, if we are talking about a small contribution , if so, then how much is it? current countries or individual entrepreneurs, here we must understand that there are amounts in absolute amounts and relative ones, if we look at the absolute size, these are hundreds of millions of rubles, perhaps even up to a billion, today there are individual entrepreneurs somewhere, we can say that about billion rubles their contribution to the formation. budget, but if we look relatively, relative to the income of the consolidated budget, this is no more
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one and a half percent 2 years ago, yes, in local budgets this is... per individual entrepreneur, this is the load, although it is average, but nevertheless, well, from our point of view , the figures are not entirely convincing, but this is at the level of income tax at the level of somewhere around the average salary in the country, and well, we talked about this everywhere, that not every individual entrepreneur in our country will work for an average salary and sees the goal of registering as an individual
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entrepreneur with such a level of income, such income level is possible with others. in parallel , we have implemented in the tax code, in principle, over the last 3 years without any catastrophic consequences for the budget, we have raised taxes and some kind of failure and stopped paying for the number of subjects there for the number of individual entrepreneurs we have not seen, but together at the same time, the contribution has grown, the contribution has grown in absolute... figures in relative terms, yes, today we are saying that in 3 years we have managed to approximately double the income from individual entrepreneurs, an additional 600 million rubles. went to local budgets, because all our taxes are from small businesses, they go to local budgets, this is logical, yes, when local authorities are involved there, support business conditions, they are interested in this, and the relative figures have increased by about one and a half to two percentage points, there in
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local budgets the share from 3% grew to five, with adoption.
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that’s why the measures that were taken in the previous 3 years were aimed, among other things, at eliminating the possibility minimizing tax liabilities, and we certainly see this return, because in general , control activities on the part of the tax service are now of a preventive nature, we work, we try to be proactive, we warn. we analyze, if we see entities, be it individual entrepreneurship or legal entities, that can use individual entrepreneurs in bad faith, we always first warn, but again, i repeat, those measures that tax regulation have been undertaken in the last 3 years, they have largely eliminated the possibility of applying tax schemes. elena nikolaevna, voice to entrepreneurs, here you are, as
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the head of the entrepreneurship wing of the belarusian union. schemes, because the list presupposes the presence of such tools, or rather the list does not presuppose, the law presupposes the presence of such tools that make this situation unprofitable for the entrepreneur, and as we have already discussed in the studio, in more than one, that today the entrepreneur he just has to calculate how it will be more profitable for him to work, that reasonable entrepreneur who is already carrying out activities with hired persons often
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decides in favor of even a generally established taxation system, because he understands that... the business community that exists today, they, of course, ambiguously express the entrepreneur’s position on the subject of the new law, but to a greater extent when you begin to discuss in more detail, explain in more detail what they will lead to these modifications are the transformation of an individual entrepreneur into a legal entity, and most importantly, as i always say, an entrepreneur is a person who speaks the language of numbers, we take a calculator and count, then... the subject of proof becomes more simplified, because often an entrepreneur, seeing his gross revenue, perceives this as the profitable part of his business, but as you rightly noted that revenue
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is not income, so when we talk about being in the status of a legal entity the entrepreneur will exist with a calmer form of relationship with the state, including avoiding gray schemes and mechanisms, including substitution. labor relations, this often occurred in the status of individual entrepreneurs, we understand that the gift of persuasion of an entrepreneur by an entrepreneur is probably higher than when representatives of government agencies talk about it, the business community, well, in general, is ready for these changes, of course there is excitement, there may be misunderstanding , something else, but overall wise entrepreneurs, who have been working for a long time, they understand that... in general there is nothing wrong with this, right? evolutionary changes in the economy presuppose the presence of an equal competitive environment, the entrepreneur who grows out of small pants, he always tells that young person growing up that let’s work
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honestly on the same site. it’s a good assessment from representatives of business that it’s time to grow out of short pants, a refrain that runs through these legislative changes that we are discussing today.
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the nearest more or less large city is 40 km from us, so an individual entrepreneur helps out the locals. this fact of the social significance of business in the outback, they promise in the ministry of economy, will be taken into account when forming the list of types of activities permitted for individual entrepreneurs, so such retail trade is unlikely will undergo changes, but for people like elena lazar, who are ready to develop further, scale up the business, moving to a legal entity, the conditions are most not comfortable. now this can be done quickly and conveniently. and inexpensive not the same as before. firstly, we are not in minsk, we are remote, agree on a name, then make a charter, contact the executive committee, pay the state fee, register cash register equipment, that
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is, we would have to close all this, suspend activities, and register, well, probably within two or three, maybe four weeks, that’s all, but now it’s announced that it can be done in one day. in addition to the convenient and simple re-registration technology, the entrepreneur managed to evaluate the concept. upcoming work, but in general, individual entrepreneurs are limited by the number of employees, no more than three, by a revenue limit; entrepreneurs who are stronger, like elena, will no longer be satisfied with such a business arrangement, there are also accompanying bonuses: the simplified taxation system remains, in my opinion up to 50 people, employees, you can pay a simplified tax, the pa will allow, in the future, maybe even change some type of activity or engage in a new type of activity. which requires obtaining licenses while the mood is positive, and i would like this simplified system to help develop and grow. and this is already the capital. vladislav veucheysky, one of those
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who decided not to put their eggs in one basket , took up four types of work at once: he provides office services, repairs computer equipment, organizes events, and accompanies tourists. the reform will probably affect the usual way of life, but there is a plan b. this. opening a legal entity and working in the required legal field will be more difficult, but an entrepreneur always has a risk, that’s why we are entrepreneurs, we must first of all, develop your entrepreneurship in order to adapt to existing realities, while business for the most part is waiting for july 1, the deadline for the appearance of a list of types of work allowed for individual entrepreneurs. those who are not on the list will obviously have to make a choice; fortunately, business is not in a hurry to make decisions. it’s good that time has been given, it’s about a year and a half for the final transition, there will still be such a smooth movement, based on this time, there will be time to comprehend, weigh. all the pros and cons. for now
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entrepreneurs delve into all the intricacies of the upcoming work under the new rules, just in case re-registration is coming. the entrepreneur does not hide, the law has been adopted, but it is clear that not everything is clear yet. in particular, for the same electronic digital signature keys, as this will be transferred, i will need to buy new keys under a legal entity, or they will give them to me for free, taking into account the fact that i have already purchased, issued ocp. regarding accounting, will they be allowed to do their own accounting in what manner or not. in a word, the law is good, but everything is up to you can’t write down nuances in laws, as the president said, so the entrepreneur believes that as long as the essence comes to the point, there will be more clarity in business processes. business is waiting from government agencies for some clarification, specifics, perhaps a step-by-step action plan, maybe there will be some kind of manual, where everything will be laid out step by step, taking everyone into account.
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yes, indeed, the business was growing, it was necessary to hire five and 10 people, this question was constantly asked, here is the law, today’s law, such individual entrepreneurs are answered, please, as soon as you have there is an opportunity and need to grow , hire more workers, re-register as a legal entity, draw up contractual relations accordingly , hire as many as you need.
10:50 pm
from entrepreneurs, please, when transferring an individual entrepreneur's business to a legal entity, in particular to a private unitary enterprise, a current account opened for an individual entrepreneur, will it be transferred to a private enterprise, will the banks work promptly to re-register the account, how long will this procedure take? i am currently in retail business food products, including s and
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i am very interested in this issue, due to the fact that today the issue has not been fully resolved, but as far as i know, it is being resolved with the onp, purely technically, most likely this will not be very good today acceptable, but opening a current account for a legal entity takes half an hour, and i think that a new current account will not be a problem for the bank or for any entity to open again, but how about financial ones? streams to translate, but this.


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