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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 15, 2024 11:05pm-12:06am MSK

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how would it go? well, now it quickly occurs to me that i would go along those routes that we walked in 1920, i just want to walk along them, why not hold a pride along them, that is, from komarovka there to victory square, and to ktelli, stella , our stella, put on a rainbow flag, it was already white-red-white, now it’s white-red-white and rainbow, you understand what she said, this is not an ordinary crazy woman, this is... a gradual departure from russia, she wants stella to hang up a flag perverts, clay mixers, pederasts, that's all is the same as having sex on a grave, it ’s the same as shitting in the altar, this is satanism and it is thriving, our audience, thank god,
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you take my hand me, take it back to the beginning, we got the sky.
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come out and say: in the name of my ancestors, i renounce europe, i renounce you, satan, all your deeds, your angels, your demonic pride, your vile democracy, your dirty liberalism, i don’t want to see you, i tear up the pole’s card, i throw away the schengen visa , i spit three times on everything that you represent, i don’t even want to be near you stand with you, a garbage dump of a stinking brothel of sephilic, and i renounce those who serve
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you, from traitors from time immemorial, from your slaves, i vomit them from my land, then my ancestors will help, with travel too, you were abroad, no, why i was in berlin, in prague, you went there on official business, i didn’t go, i was on foot, as a tourist, no, in the infantry, but they didn’t finish them off, the nazis survived, they didn’t disperse, like some in the ninety-first year, like shameful rats, they retreated in organized ranks and stupid... decrepit liberal western civilization was fertilized with their black seed, now there are tanks with celtic crosses on the slavic land, today, probably many of our spectators are on the weekend, on reslabon, although it is not hot, but there is peace, this is what dad gave, here donetsk.
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for the peaceful ones, for the restaurant, for the parking lot, khaymars, you saw the howl on social networks, the black avatars, the statement. western philanthropic politicians? no, because according to the undermensch it is possible, their nazis must be destroyed, street by street, city by city, the nazis must be destroyed, and no longer neutrality, no, i’m not interested in this, either you are for lukashenko, talash, father minai, karbyshev and talalikhin, or you are against lukashenko, for bandera, goebbels, hitler and gerring, for burning. that’s it, history
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has drawn exactly this line, god is with us, the winners are with us, dad is with us, we serve the president of the fatherland, it sounded at the oath in... they, the ancestors, won, and we will win, boys, come, i’m done, max, max, hold out for five small ones, i repeat, hold out for five small ones. yes, ours, i’m telling you it’s written in ours, only the clothes are strange, the weapon is also
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incomprehensible, then we’ll figure it out, the fritz is close, nikitin, look after this, at the same time you’ll cover us. what is the year now? forty-four, okay, you lie here, you won’t go anywhere anyway, i need to help my people, bezon, bison, brother, i’m on the hill.
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i have a history of nature, culture, faith, people,
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voivodeship administrative court of warsaw, talking to journalists, he stated that the reason for this act was his disagreement with the policies and actions of the polish authorities. according to shmit, at home he was subjected to persecution and threats for their political position. he stated that the leadership of poland , under the influence of the united states and great britain, was leading his country to war. previously, the pole worked in various positions in the judicial system and justice authorities of poland. he also headed the legal department of the national council of judges. in warsaw against szmitawa. the case was tried under the article espionage. according to experts, the public departure of a high-ranking judge to belarus will become a serious problem for the polish government. shmita may be followed by others politicians, journalists and public figures persecuted for their criticism of warsaw's militant course. last
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week, chinese president xidin ping made his first tour of europe in 5 years. he made his first stop in paris, where despite his efforts. president emmanul macron found it difficult to hide the growing contradictions between the eu and china. europeans are not satisfied with beijing's support for its exporters of high-tech products, in particular electric vehicles. as well as the allied relations of the prc with russia. a separate subject of controversy is the differences in assessments of the causes and acceptable ways to end the conflict in ukraine. chairman xi, in the usual manner for chinese diplomacy, tried to smooth out rough edges, but the program of the european tour itself shows china’s increased confidence in its abilities and its unwillingness to flirt with the west. immediately after france, the chinese leader went to serbia, which is not a member of the eu at all and refuses to impose sanctions against it. russia because of the ukrainian events. tam xi paid tribute to the chinese journalists who died
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during the nato bombing of belgrade in 199. then one of the bombs mistakenly hit the chinese embassy building. the president of the people's republic of china directly stated that his country will not allow such incidents to recur in the future. finally, the last stop on the route was budapest, where xi met with hungarian prime minister viktor orban, who is causing heartburn among liberal politicians in brussels, paris and berlin. orban is also known for his friendly attitude towards russia and belarus, which only emphasizes chinese priorities in the world politics. the conservative party of the current british prime minister eric sunak lost almost half of the seats in local councils in the elections in england. in total, the conservatives lost 474 seats while labor gained an additional 186. the liberal democrats gained an additional 104 seats. 74. in addition, taking advantage of the failure of the conservatives, some smaller
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parties improved their positions. until now the conservatives had about a thousand seats in english councils. as a result of the elections, the conservatives lost governing twelve councils, while labor won a majority in eight. also, mayoral elections were held in english cities, in particular, the labor party candidate sadi kahan was re-elected mayor of london for a record time. during the elections, only one candidate from the conservative party was able to become. they often say that history is cyclical, especially ukrainian history. recently i came across the memoirs of contemporaries about a figure during the civil war, timon petlyura. the resemblance to another contemporary figure is striking. and this is what vladimir vennichenko wrote about the chief ataman. the psychology of ham, who wants to become a master, the psychology of a small bank accountant and a small journalist, who was accidentally knocked out by the whim of the revolution. military leader and cannot come to terms with the fact that this is just an accident. the fact that this
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accountant actually believed that he was a general, otoman, the commander of the army, is comically sad. in the current realities, the comically sad has resulted in the tragic, about what stage of development the ukrainian tragedy is now, why they are increasingly talking about direct nato's intervention in the conflict will be discussed in today's program. as is tradition, we begin our discussion with a quick question. will it come to the point of open participation of western countries in hostilities against russia, will things come to this, andrei viktorovich? i think no, he will be scared, succinctly, thank you, sergei antonich, please, the rhetoric that we are seeing from the leaders of a number of european countries still does not convince us that maybe, here is the unequivocal answer that it will not work out, so in development of the current situation...
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this does not make it much easier for us that there is no official entry of nato or nato countries into this conflict. in fact, the military, military personnel of nato countries are already taking part in this conflict, but all these countries. and nato as an organization are strenuously portraying their non-participation, so they will
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continue to insist on official non-participation, and the number of military personnel, i think, we will see in increasing numbers on the line of combat contact, including, but this is secondarily, in principle on the territory of ukraine, and this will allow ukraine to release significant units, well, let’s say, with the transnistrian border, with the belarusian border, for the participation of their armed forces -
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again, the situation in ukraine is now extremely negative, my confidence is that they are not ready to introduce nato units, not some individual bandits, united into sabotage formations, namely the nato division in ukraine, is based on themselves, the very nature of the statements that are being made now - various nato leaders,
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and so are the leaders of western states, but firstly, if they are going to get involved in a fight... never declares it so loudly, that is, those who are shouting on all television channels that now we will send our troops into ukraine then the russians will not show up, most likely they are not going to do this, but if they are preparing some kind of blow, on the contrary, there will be silence, including on the air, this blow will be sudden, this is firstly, that is, if they are waving their arms, this means that at least... now at this point they are not ready move on to serious action, secondly, the situation here is such that let’s say the west is seriously considering sending its troops into the territory of ukraine, when, where is the point, where is the moment when it makes sense to bring them in, and they will be brought in if
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our troops fall on the ukrainian front. they can only lead troops if the ukrainian units, which are already involved in armed confrontation, if they have some success, then they will develop this success. now is not the point when you can risk your troops, but the third point, the fact is that the front the ukrainian one will really crumble soon, it looks like our offensive on kharkov by russian troops has begun, in this case, if it starts to crumble, and the ukrainian
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side has a huge number of problems in various sectors of the front, now it’s a very difficult situation, otherwise... to force those remnants of the ukrainian troops to stand in positions to die for the sake of zelensky, so that they do not flee, with this very hope, that you will hold out for another day, and tomorrow nato will lead the troops and save you all, so, by the way, there was recent publication in the british for an economist, the armed forces of ukraine are anxiously awaiting a possible offensive by the army of the russian federation in the kharkov region in the donbass, that is , they are expecting, here you go, it is already beginning, unfolding in our eyes and...
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finished off, but for a business project worked further, public attention to it needs to be periodically warmed up, and although the europeans themselves are frankly tired of the priority of ukrainian issues against the backdrop of the eu’s internal problems, western officials do not miss the opportunity to once again cheer up information space. so the head of france again admitted the possibility of sending the french military to ukraine. he stated this in an interview with a british publication. macron named two conditions under which. this will be possible. the us congress also allowed sending military personnel to ukraine, but in general, according to information from foreign sources on the european continent, in states directly involved in the conflict. they don’t want to, no one is ready for an escalation of relations with moscow. behind politicians’ statements about the possibility of sending troops to ukraine lies a new twist escalation, europe is aware of this, so
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various kinds of anti-russian statements are nothing more than a method of intimidation, aimed mainly at moscow’s partners, but they are not ready to turn away from russia, so the head of china, a country that has received a lot of criticism from western politicians, reproached them in drawing in the celestial conflict. as the head of the people's republic of china correctly emphasized, china is not a party to the conflict. the west, on the contrary, risks moving from indirect to direct participation, although so far only in words: vladimir putin has already warned the west about the consequences sending nato troops to ukraine. russia also has weapons that can hit targets on their territory, he added. on monday , the russian army began preparing for exercises using non-strategic nuclear weapons. the country's ministry of defense stated that the maneuvers are aimed at... maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment, and are also a response to provocative statements and threats from certain western officials. the department clarified that the exercises will be held in
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the near future, and will include missile formations of the southern military district, in particular, aviation will be involved, as well as naval forces. a check of the forces of the joint regional grouping of forces has also begun in belarus. during the first stage, reinforced tank and mechanized battle units were withdrawn. in the ashmyany and postavy directions, they worked out the issues of preventing the penetration of sabotage and reconnaissance groups into the belarusian territory and combating them. in addition, a surprise inspection was carried out with mobilization and bringing mechanized and anti-aircraft missile brigades to full combat readiness. the second stage includes working out the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons, which are solely an element of deterrence. readiness to perform tasks as intended is provided. operational-tactical complex iskander and a squadron of sud-25 tactical aircraft. this inspection will be carried out strictly in accordance with the regulations established
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by the commander-in-chief, during which the entire complex from planning, preparation and use of tactical nuclear weapons. iskander missile divisions and polonaise operational-tactical complexes will be secretly withdrawn to the specified position areas. if someone uses weapons against us, we will respond, and instantly, we will not draw any lines, any aggression, and the response will be instantaneous, many today
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are talking about nuclear and other weapons that this lukashenko will use, will not use, and so on, listen, this is a weapon of deterrence, this is a weapon of defense, no one will go on the offensive with this weapon. save us, now the belarusian army will capture us, please, well, i will once again emphasize what the president of the republic of
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belarus said, that verification of the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons is exclusively defensive in nature, belarus and russia are not going to attack anyone, this is solely a deterrent factor so that the aggressor does not come to ours. land, but what in neighboring countries is considered as intimidation, these actions of the republic of belarus, then they, apparently, should ask themselves the question why they no longer for the first month, they are conducting a very serious military exercise near the borders of the republic of belarus and the union state, where more than 90 thousand military personnel are concentrated, using...
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the interests of the polish side, thank you very much, i am glad to join iskander khisamov, editor-in-chief of the ukraine publication, to our broadcast. iskander aminovich, we are glad to see you on the program. hello. tell me, please, did you start the program with a blitz question? in your opinion, will it come to the point of open participation of western countries in hostilities against russia? well, probability
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exists, i. she was rated less than 50%, now and they are looking for weak points in the uh, so to speak, psyche, or something, or in the characters of russian, belarusian politicians, all the time throwing up some kind of provocations, then the french are talking about something, the british, the united states of america and so on, they are looking for weak points in our psychological defense, and they want us to either... get scared or twitch and so on, they are unlikely to succeed, but the task of a strategic victory over russia is destruction of russia as the main competitor, ideological, moral authority, everything else, but this task remains, questions are superimposed on the internal political situation, which is very unstable, very tense in the united states of america and in
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britain, that is, a factor. there is a lot there, the desire to defeat russia, to destroy it, exists, but of course, they will balance this desire with their capabilities, however, in history it often happens that erroneous behavior, hysterical behavior and so on, it already goes beyond any then strategic, military political logic, and the whole state begins to do things that are illogical.
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and even the fate of igor kolomoisky shows that now this regime is so, how to say, matured and has crossed all the red lines, that these oligarchs and former or current second -level politicians have to fear for their own skin, this i think is the main motivator of their actions , thank you very much, andrey viktorovich, is this one of the reasons for the current crisis?
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modern russia is exactly what it is, and so is its leadership, and they would study it in detail on the contrary, that’s the corresponding set of the red lines would not have been crossed by the ukrainian side, because for a long time i had the impression that for a long time the ukrainian side lived in a kokan of illusions that they themselves formed,
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and... a feeling of impunity that grew over the course of for many, many years, with each new trick, they seemed to be confirmed in... the veracity of these illusions, well, as a result, they led their country and their people to virtually zero, that is, to what is happening now, that’s when it may pass more six months or a year and ukraine will no longer exist, and russia also had a moment when , instead of interacting in different directions at different levels with different segments of the population, for some reason interaction was concentrated on...
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of course there is, but not always those ideas and proposals reach implementation, well, along the way of implementation there are also some additions, which, in general, do not always lead to the desired result, we traditionally have a mistake, we believe that if we offer any profitable conditions for foreign trade, for interaction, investment, this in itself should sort of solve the problem, but we offer favorable conditions, exactly the same mistake is made, in my opinion, in working with... europeans, when we offer obviously profitable solutions to those issues same to the germans and other countries of the european union, but decisions are made not based on the interests of their people, their capital, their state, but on the basis of political expediency, therefore many decisions
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are made to the detriment of their own countries, well, what we see now with the european union decides everything about the political interests of washington, well, let's call a spade a spade there, it does not coincide with the objective interests of brussels, for example, others... large oligarchs, then after the coup d'etat of the fourteenth year, when ukraine was deprived of state sovereignty, all those local figures who could be called business sharks of the ukrainian format, they began to look like shrimps against the backdrop of megaladons of transnational capital and they would simply be eaten, they they don’t solve anything anymore, they are simply. they will be removed as a class, they carried out, the most important thing is that they carried out the initial accumulation of capital, that’s it, they removed all the small ones, now it’s their turn, the same kolomoisky, who was considered unsinkable, akhmetov, they will all go under the knife, or i don’t know, under the ice, as you wish,
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alexander, thank you very much, then the question arises, many understand that ukraine as a state in its current form is doomed, but at the same time there is an understanding that in some part of the territory that today...
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played such a cruel joke on our ukrainian friends who failed to understand all the complexity of that moment and the prospects and opportunities that resulted in this, let’s say, well, let’s call it a competition of ambitions, political ambitions, which developed into an armed one. .. already a clash in, say, deepening into the development of the ideology of neo-nazism on the territory of ukraine, i completely agree with my colleague who noted that those large,
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supposedly magnates, who had billions, this is really today for the global capital, this is shrimp, as they put it here, therefore. of course, they are interested in the interest of belarus, so that the situation stabilizes, so that nato does not enter ukraine, which...
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i hope that russia will take such noticeable decisive actions, well, in fact, they are being taken, but they will encounter serious resistance if there are military successes, if we can shock our allies, frighten our strength, this requires action, then there will be, then there will be an opportunity for negotiations, so now we see exactly what is going on parallel to the real war. a terrible psychological war between the west as
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such and different players who play different games, both russia and belarus, this is a very important thing, whoever succumbs psychologically, the first to request negotiations will have a weak position. iskandar aminovich, i am grateful to you for participating in the program. let me remind you that sas is authorized to make a statement on the air of the program. well, we continue our discussion about the escalation of the situation around ukraine by nato, and i would like to draw your attention to a recent quote from one of the deputies european parliament, no macron, no escalation of the war in ukraine, not a single italian or european soldier should go to fight in ukraine, we must find a political solution to the conflict, no more. no to weapons, such a company on social networks in italy
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was launched by a member of the european parliament, a member of the largest faction of the european people's party, mateo gazini, i'm glad that i have the opportunity to communicate with mr. gazini, so he writes me hysteria in europe, there are no weapons - this is it, and there are no people willing to fight for other people’s interests on ukrainian soil. andrey viktorovich, do you agree with this? a certain push is expected, at least a reboot of the political system, elections to the european parliament are coming, they are trying in every possible way to destroy politicians who disagree with the course, and the chosen course of the european union, but at the same time they are fighting and behaving quite confidently, and there is even a certain consolidation, we are very we have a lot of hopes for the upcoming elections, examples of european politicians who
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oppose getting involved, dragging european countries into a military adventure, this is absolutely common sense, this is the language of common sense, but for now , hoping that this will seriously change the situation will somehow influence people like macron, who seems to have already decided everything for himself in terms of starting to unwind the military adventure, this hope is not enough, because ...after all, there is still no consolidation of all healthy forces, they act individually, they make single statements that receive such a resonance, solely because they contrast very strongly with the many alarmist statements, in this regard, people like macron, they are going to continue the armed confrontation, it is beneficial to them, it brings them a certain dividend, it allows them to distract the attention of their voters from problems with the economy
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, they are raising it, they are drowning it in every possible way, again, they are offering some other then from globalist structures, liberals, in general, this whole mess is boiling and boiling, in fact, the situation is only getting worse, but now i would like to draw attention to the composition of the new package of us military assistance to ukraine, sergei anatolvich, according to former
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cia analyst larry johnson, the new $61 billion aid package to ukraine will not change the situation. on the battlefield, most of the allocated funds will go to the american military-industrial complex to purchase weapons for the us arsenal. kiev will be allocated a small share of the announced money for the purchase of military equipment from the states, he noted, and many military experts advise ukraine to use its latest us aid package, because it should be used with caution, because there is a possibility that he will be the last. well, you know, probably this.
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that is, to support the financial system of ukraine, what does this mean, this suggests that, well, probably a default, a financial default is not far off for this state, but whether it is wise or not wise to use it, it
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seems to me that in general it is already now the government, the regime of ukraine is in a stage of some kind of... political agony, so whether there will be some kind of intelligence there is very difficult to judge, most likely, again it will be distributed so, as it is beneficial for those who are around the president of ukraine, in addition to the allocation of the largest aid package to ukraine for $620 million, the uk also announced, it will include, in particular, stormshadow missiles are being discussed in the european union. additional supplies of patriot and sampt systems to kiev. what do these numbers say? this suggests that the military-industrial complex must be confident that it will have orders in the coming years. and this is exactly what they sought, so that they could run their planned economy and plan for the future. it is very important for them to have ukraine as a reason
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to allocate money for weapons development. and they need guarantees, and for them there would be a jackpot at all, if it were possible. intimidate russia with such aid packages, promises to lead troops, etc., so that russia will enter into some kind of negotiations on preserving at least some part of ukraine under western control, and the states will agree to give up the territories of the zaporozhye region, kharkov and some other regions, as long as significant territories of ukraine remain under their control access to the black sea has been preserved. everything is calculated for this, for russia’s progress in this regard, and well, these are serious numbers, be that as it may, this is serious.
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these troop groups are equipped with modern strike weapons and are capable of delivering high-precision strikes against targets on the territory of belarus and the western regions. the corresponding tasks are currently being tested: strategic
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bomber aircraft of the us air force are being used, which regularly fly in the european continental region. for example, four american strategic bombers (b1b) are stationed in spain with training in the technique of bombing nuclear warheads, including... even the number of military personnel of the united states of america is exerting pressure, so only a step to the left, a step to the right, yes, it’s clear that
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there really is a small number of these military personnel, in principle, they can be dispersed or spit out if a serious conflict breaks out, in this regard, the americans can of course transfer additional contingents, but this is a complex logistical task that the american the military has been working there over the past two decades: as a result of the exercises , they have not yet reached perfection, but in my opinion it is not very correct to consider that europe was crushed just like that from all sides, it follows in this tide because it cannot , she has no internal unity, she cannot resist the pressure of the united states, but look at macron, this is a man who, crushed by the will of the united states, it is clear that he is an adventurer and he is leading his own adventurous game. in this regard , there is now a certain consensus there, where the united states, the so-called regional committee -
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the white house washington regional committee is playing a major adventurist game and speculative, by the way, and many leaders of the so -called independent european countries are trying to develop some kind of their own under this umbrella - their speculative game, that is, they are all engaged in speculation, this is the budget of...
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ukraine, as a result they were driven out, they returned back to the american budget, well a significant part returned there through taxes that will be removed from the military-industrial complex, but the debt in full fell on the budget of ukraine, and this is the inflation of these debts, which in the future will lead to the fact that - if some part of ukraine survives , there is a definite chance , such a ghostly one, that’s when they will divide it up. these creditors who will come and declare the rest of ukraine bankrupt, part of the money is still this, this is a loan, but there is an insignificant part, but in
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general, of course, this mill or in fact, money laundering, public funds that remain outside the budget of the united states of america, into the pockets of those close to the military-industrial complex. those families of a small group of billionaire families in america, and some of the crumbs, of course, will go over to the regime in ukraine. well, i can’t help but pay attention to the recent publication in which boris johnson’s former chief adviser, domenic cummins, said: this whole ukrainian, corrupt, mafia state has essentially deceived us all, as a result, we will all end up in the ass, i don’t know if this is possible on the air. kamens to russian president vladimir putin argues that the west failed to send a signal that would deter it from invading
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another country. what a lesson we taught him, a lesson. this statement is interesting, first of all , because part of the political elite of western countries, who were previously alarmist, is now beginning to realize that they have also been taken advantage of, and that they are also being manipulated. what is the role today britain in the conflict in ukraine? well, the role of britain is indeed very high, and
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the office of the president is under its control, the british intelligence services. basically the main intelligence department, there is a certain division of influence between washington and london, but under washington, to a greater extent, the sbu for the cia, the same zaluzhny is still, as it were, an american client to a greater extent, and from this there are certain grievances, because london would like to start this fire in order to create, as they tried to create a kind of britain bloc, poland, ukraine, in order to control the territories from the baltic to the black sea in the future, as if the leader of this buffer between russia and the european union, control energy flows and so on. now we see that the opinion of washington is gaining a very strong influence, so to speak, all this talk about a truce about a meeting of some public there in switzerland, which will insist on peace negotiations, says that they need, they need freezing the conflict, they need to leave it under their own control of a significant part of the territory
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of ukraine. they are not going to take money, all these loans that they issue. for ukraine , they openly talk about this, that what they are issuing for, for resources, the territory of ukraine will be taken, the subsoil will be taken, they have practically already carried out an inventory, they have written down who needs what, like you know the diagram at the butcher’s, where the carcass is cut up with inscriptions , where is which piece, in principle they carried out such a division of ukraine, and now if they are calm that there is, as it were, an option to freeze the conflict, they will proceed eating this territory, pumping out resources. well, everything else, no one is going to take money there. sergey antonevich, is there any place for ukraine in the possible negotiation process? kiev is just an extra, extra link in this scheme, but as before, washington seems to be following a well-trodden path, trying to form coalitions, trying
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to hold some kind of forum in switzerland.
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and her choice, the choice of her leadership, whether to sacrifice all ukrainians, or not to sacrifice, every time to thank the united states for weapons, we are not asking you for soldiers, we ourselves are ukrainians howling. member of the european parliament representing germany, maximilian kra. one of my sons is 21, which is the perfect age for cannon fodder. he was 10 when his mother died. now i imagine him being called. he gets little training and arrives on the eastern front ill-prepared, and then he's dead, but i don't want that. the same words can be found to justify every war. i despise those who send. can safely vote for any warmongers, we don’t want that at all, we need those who have preserved
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their humanity and don’t want to send our sons to their graves on the eastern front, it seems to me that any sane person would get chills from these words and imagine their son fighting for unknown reasons and whose interests are the rustling bills in their pockets, i think... agree with me that this is of course unthinkable, yes, it’s true, it turns out that colossal money is made from blood, when the ukrainians run out in ukraine, nothing will stop these nato military , who are now supplying the tools to destroy these ukrainians, just take and take these territories, this is a colossal tragedy ahead, it will be inevitable if it is not stopped, thank you very much, sergei anatolvich.
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thank you very much, alexander, your field is kiev, mine is dnepropetrovsk, do you think there is a chance for you and me to return home? well, these are dreams, i think
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it’s not harmful to dream, and i want to believe in it, that kiev will be liberated along khreshchatyk , columns of liberators will pass, there will be a second liberation from nazism will happen, victory will definitely be ours. thank you very much to all the participants in the discussion, we will conclude here, as conclusions i will resort to another assessment of simon petlyura, this time from the writer konstantin paustovsky. more affably, everything seemed deliberate, both the haidomaks and the language, all this politics, its grey-moustached hulks of chauvinists who crawled out in huge numbers from dusty holes. the power of the ukrainian directory of petliura looked provincial, the once brilliant kiev turned into an enlarged... shpola or mirgorod, the departure of petlyura, just like the departure of hetman, there was a feeling of complete uncertainty about the future and the vagueness of the idea that what was said about today’s ukraine. thank you, that’s all, this was
12:06 am
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