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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 12:05am-12:21am MSK

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and the gaidomaks, and the language, all this politics, its gray-haired chauvinist hulks who crawled out of dusty holes in huge numbers, the power of the ukrainian directory of petlyura looked provincial, the once brilliant kiev turned into an enlarged shpola or mirgorod, the departure of petlyura, just like the departure of hetman , there was a feeling of complete uncertainty about the future and a vagueness of thought, as if it was said about today’s ukraine. thank you, that's all. was the saz program authorized to declare. the union state is forced to prepare for a direct nato intervention in the ukrainian conflict. watch everything that modern belarus lives on today on the belarus tv channel. this is news
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from foreign countries, broadcasts of particularly important events, live broadcasts from the scene, current interviews with famous belarusians, exciting travels around the country. on the territory of the countries: azerbaijan, kazakhstan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, georgia, turkey, iran, iraq , kuwait, bahrain, qatar, united arab emirates, saudi arabia, syria, jordan, lebanon. set up the azir satellite dish. space 1 tv channel signal
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is broadcast in the clear and is available 24 hours a day every day. be with the belarus 24 tv channel and discover belarus. pay taxes and sleep peacefully; in belarus , the deadline for paying taxes on declarations for last year is expiring. let us remind you of everything payers need to know. one district, one project using woodworking as an example, we will talk about new productions within the framework of, perhaps, the main initiative of the country. and made in belarus on the largest russian marketplace, what was included in the showcase of belarusian goods online? this. area of ​​interest, we are talking about significant
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events in the economy, olga onishchenko is with you. hello. in belarus, the deadline for paying taxes for last year is expiring. we are talking about tax returns that bona fide payers have already filed long ago; all that remains is to pay. so, this must be done before june 1 inclusive. let us remind you that the declaration was submitted by those who sold real estate or a car, or received an expensive gift from someone other than their relatives. thing. you can pay in cash. banks or by bank transfer through erip, at information kiosks or using internet banking and the payer’s personal account. failure to pay income taxes on time will result in a penalty and a fine. how many declarations have been filed this year, whether the figures differ from last year’s, we will discuss all these, as well as other nuances, with the deputy minister for taxes, igor skrinnikov. igor viktorovich, those who filled out an income tax return this year need to pay the tax no later than june 1. how
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is the picture changing in terms of the number of payers and what additional income is the largest today? well, i would say that the number of declarations submitted as part of the aggregate declaration remains the same from year to year, plus or minus. this year, probably, we received declarations of about a couple thousand less. of course , we will sum up the final results after june 1, but due to what this decrease occurred, so you asked what the prevailing type of income is.
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and i would like to draw your attention to the fact that by may 1st we have already everyone’s taxes have been calculated, that is, taxes have been calculated and you don’t have to wait for june 1,
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june 3 this year, you don’t have to wait, go to erip, enter your payer account number and unconditionally pay taxes, what fines face those who pro... in this in the year we changed the method of paying property taxes, when should we expect the first notice? well, we are now completing the calculation procedure. firstly, we need to update all data on individual payers, that is, we have unique payers at the level of 3.5 million citizens, this
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those citizens who can simultaneously own land, real estate, and a vehicle, so we are now updating the personal data of information about such payers. next, we update the information about the objects of taxation, this is about land plots, about transport tax property objects, and accordingly , we then make calculations, we expect to send the first notifications to our citizens after july 1, which is why here this is certainly such a progressive measure that implemented starting this year, it will allow a citizen should pay in one payment to one account, which was before...
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a number of payments had to be paid to other accounts, therefore, in order to create the most transparent, simple conditions for our citizens, we have implemented this service since january 1 , 2024 and it will certainly make this job easier. thank you, this was deputy minister of taxes of belarus igor skriynikov. and now about the initiative one district one project, which is not always praised due to the lack of production projects. but this definitely does not apply to kopol, where a new line was launched the day before: the focus is on deep processing of raw materials, the production of high-quality products for export, so the vskopol experimental forestry enterprise opened a production for the production of edged lumber and launched a line for the production of pallets. thanks to the implementation of these projects
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, three dozen new jobs with decent wages have been created in the region. by the way, liskhod became the best based on the results of his work last year. the work was judged on more than twenty. yes, innovation, but no less significant contribution employees of the enterprise. to motivate the best to undoubtedly improve quality, employees will be supported by rental apartments. the leskhoz pilot project is now being extended throughout the industry. details from veranique keith. the annual capacity of the sawmill line is 18,000 cubic meters, the line for the production of pallets is 30.
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the relevant minister states that new production facilities are being reopened, which indicates the dynamic development of the industry. the industry is operating stably, we have adapted, we have fully organized production, one might say figures, last year we sold 15 million cubic meters of lumber, minus a couple thousand million for export, these are mostly friendly countries, if compared with...
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it is possible to increase production only when there is someone to work for, the retention of personnel in the kopolsky forest farm is high, young specialists receive an additional payment of three basic amounts per month for 5 years, plus rental housing. in 2020, we built an apartment building for our employees, and the investment paid off. nine boys have been born in this house since '20, but what could be more beautiful, and not a single young specialist today who has come in the last, one might say, five or more years, has left for some reason from the koopol experimental forestry enterprise, this i think is probably an indicator of what has been accepted the right decision, and today we are developing this direction, quite recently this tradition of a magical... home was continued by the forester igor, the young father had no doubt that he would have a boy, they named him maxim, i’ve already been working
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here for five years, yeah, in principle, everything is fine, how can you work, pay the pay is decent, there is a place to live, the conditions are good, you can think about securing personnel, how to work there in the future. the forester admits that he experienced stomach pain, because some time ago he received the keys to his apartment in the same way as today his colleagues in the shop decide to temporarily get theirs. housing issue. our applause, the long-awaited moment. the lishoz pilot project is now being extended throughout the industry. a program for the construction of rental housing for employees is being implemented. its goal is to create decent conditions, secure personnel in regions. more than thirty apartments will be allocated to forestry workers across the country by the end of the year. the treasured keys to independence day will be received at the krupsky forestry enterprise. also next in line to celebrate the housewarming are the workers of the lagoi forestry enterprise. veronica buta, anatoly dalatovsky and alexander moguchiy. area of ​​interest.
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editors club. what does the all-belarus people's assembly mean for the country? this is one of the mechanisms that will ensure the stability of all branches of power.
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talented and prosperous, when a person works with his hands, it is always a joy, joy when you sow something, when the seed sprouts, you rejoice again, incredibly captivated by the history of your little birthplace, once upon a time...


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