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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 12:20am-12:50am MSK

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protecting the country from ever having to start rebuilding it. don't miss it on the belarus 24 tv channel. their every day begins with natkhnennya. and we, when you get up early, the sun just comes out from behind the village of polyatich and just breaks away from the distant trees. let's say how much beauty there is in all of this. the zhabinka residents themselves are drowning.
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this is an area of ​​interest and we continue to exchange rates: the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan and weakened against the russian ruble and the euro. so, the current rates for the national bank: a dollar costs 3 rubles 22 kopecks. euro added its rate 3.49. for 10 yuan they give you four. 43 belarusian
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for 100 russian - 3 rubles and 50 kopecks. on the largest russian marketplace it is now much easier to buy domestic goods and not fall for a fake. for this purpose , a special section made in belarus has been created here. the site positions itself that buyers can purchase high-quality products at discounted prices without the participation of intermediaries, because often it is the extra links in the sales chain that add significantly to the cost of the product. innovation will help. solve this problem and will also promote the promotion of belarusian brands in the countries where the trading platform is present. all manufacturers are certified by the operator, it is the belarusian chamber of commerce and industry, that is, you need to apply only to the belarusian chamber of commerce and industry for labeling. the acceptance of applications has already started, how to get to the showcase of belarusian goods, what should be in the package of documents, in what time frame they promise to issue permits, alina lopo found out. there is no doubt that e-commerce
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has recently stepped forward so much that today it can quite confidently declare themselves as the most effective sales tool, sellers have already felt out where they buy more often and have begun to more actively offer their goods on online platforms. analysts predict global online sales will top $6 trillion this year, so it's possible that online shopping will soon take a larger slice of the retail pie. everything is clear with the world, this is how things are with e-commerce in our area. global trends and technology development certainly spur the development of the belarusian market. customer demand is determined primarily by the convenience of remote shopping and the availability of goods on online platforms. analysts of the eurasian development bank calculated that the volume of e-commerce in our country at the end of last year exceeded a billion dollars, an increase of 16%. the two largest russian marketplaces have a dominant position, their share is... 40%. by the way,
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supply does not lag behind the dynamically growing demand, the variety of goods and the number of sellers are increasing every day. alas, it is not uncommon to encounter counterfeits. by the way, as experts note, counterfeits are often found specifically for belarusian products. however , now valberes has the opportunity to filter unscrupulous sellers. a section has appeared, made in belarus, which presents goods that are produced by enterprises. republic of belarus, here we solve two main problems, as we see it. first, we promote domestic belarusian goods, which have proven to be high-quality products. second, we provide protection reputation of belarusian goods, in other words, facts when low-quality goods are passed off as belarusian, or counterfeit goods are also passed off as belarusian, and...
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the issue of such unfair competition, unfair intermediation is also resolved here, so what do sellers need to know in order to supply their product card? first - a certificate of own production, second - a certificate of origin of goods issued for the manufacturer, third - included in the eurasian register of industrial goods, fourth - the register of industrial products, which is maintained by the chamber of commerce and industry, in accordance with the resolution of the council
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of ministers, fifth - the register of conclusions in accordance with the applicant’s compliance with the conditions imposed on product manufacturers, these registers, a decision on maintenance. such a register was adopted today by the corresponding order of the chamber of commerce and industry, i emphasize once again, one of these documents or registers, if the manufacturer, so to speak, has not found himself anywhere, then it is necessary to contact the regional branch chamber of commerce. the process begins with submitting an application to the belcc with a list of goods for verification. after its completion, all the necessary information is transferred to the marketplace, which in turn... it’s no secret that there is already a very strong brand made in belarus that is still modern there, probably from the soviet union, that’s why we would like to highlight the products specifically manufacturers, or their official trading houses, which the manufacturer
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appoints, this is done in order to the buyer, as part of the search for a product, was sure that this particular product was sold directly by the manufacturer, avoiding any unfair competition there. or surcharges, the entire verification process takes place remotely, it will take up to 5 days, if the product has received a marking, made in belarus , there are no restrictions on the validity period of the badge, the marking will be valid as long as the product is sold on the online platform, beltp notes, such an innovation will be developed on other marketplaces. alina lopo, area of ​​interest. and that's all for today, look at the area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon.
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as soon as you say belarusian milk abroad, people immediately start singing odes to it, and of course, this is nice, because we do a lot of things. among all this deliciousness, of course, there is cheese, a product worthy of compliments, and today we will find out how it is made. hello everyone, my name is kai and i'm from china. now i live in minsk and love to try different foods. i really like belarusian cheese, if possible. i would really like to be on some cheese production, hello, oh, hello, you've been waiting for me for a long time, no, okay, okay, i'm pasha, kai, very nice, i saw your video, and you know, you surprised me very much, yeah, why? but because i thought that in china they treat cheese
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quite calmly, but here you are a person in love with cheese, and you have liked it for a long time, well, look, i came to belarus, your cheese is really delicious. there’s just a very large selection, so how can you not fall in love with such a long time since you’ve been in belarus, what are your hobbies, what are you doing? i’m almost in my fifth year in belarus, i’m studying here, i’m studying at the faculty of journalism of dsu, i’m also a journalist, great, my colleague is doing well, well, today we’ll show you how cheese is made, but you and i will go to slutsk, there there is one of the largest enterprises, yes. yes, in fact, there are a lot of cheese factories in belarus, both small and large, but we decided to show you the huge scale, great, let's go, let's go, ready to go, come on,
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well, kai, we came to see, yes, how cheeses are made, let's go , let's pass, come on! about, hello, my name is ikaya, i’m from china, i brought you a friend who loves cheese and wants to know everything about it. we are glad to welcome you and show you how everything happens, from the beginning of the process to the end, when we receive the finished product and try it and release it for sale. look, he's already excited. so, kai, you and i are now in a dirty area, where workers, when they come here to production, take off their outer clothing, and to get inside, you need to walk. full processing, let's see how it is first is being done, as i understand it, you will be my
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test subject, you are the first, i will tell you what to do, and you just start, first you need to place your hands in this zone, the washing zone, come on, here comes the water, wash, then soap, yeah, i see everything, ok, good, there's soap, there's, now there's water again, well done, you're doing well, well done, now you need to dry your hands, yeah, well done, next, look, the disinfection zone, both place your hands here, like this, there should be disinfection, yes, yes, there, here, everything worked out, great, worked out, and they should let you through further, now it’s my turn, i’m crystal clear. ready for all operational actions, we have undergone sanitary treatment, now we need to put on sanitary clothes so that we are completely working in
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a clean area, uh-huh, we are ready, i don’t even know how people make cheese, i just buy it in the store, eat it, oh, pavel, look at the view here, like in a museum, yes, yes, we are in the transition gallery that connects our production areas, we can observe the beginning of the acceptance process milk, i have a question, do tanks with fresh milk come from some nearby enterprises or is the geography much larger in belarus? the enterprise is located in its raw material zone in order to deliver it as quickly as possible, it was the freshest milk possible, they arrive during the day, they arrive in several stages, that is, there is morning milking, which arrives in the very morning, starting around 8, 7: 30 ends with the last one. tires at about 10:11 pm, that is, there are about two rounds of collection from one farm, they are already milking at night
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falls and is stored in tanks - on the farm directly, i am from central china, although we have dairy products, but from my point of view they are not so tasty and not of very high quality, when i just arrived in belarus, i tried your milk, i i still remember that there was 3.2% fat, i have never tried it... such delicious milk, what is the miracle of belarusian politics is that we do not forget about the people, the common man is at the forefront , china and belarus peace-loving states will work together together and... peoples striving for common security, let's start everyone with ourselves,
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so i want to reach hearts so that it becomes better, everyone must become better here in belarus. belarus and china, without agreeing, came to similar points of view; the day of national unity was approved in belarus; there is strength in unity. the belarusian path of development, it... is humane, the future lies ahead of us, say the project, don’t be silent, don’t miss new episodes on the belarus 24 tv channel. the agrarian has something to be proud of, we fully provide we have enough food for ourselves for export, we sell almost $7.5 billion worth of food to hundreds of countries on the planet, and this is a drop in world prices, with good agricultural technology, with a good approach.
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the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. there is another desbarrier on our way, we must go through to get to the production zone directly. what
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volume do you think is coming here? we will take samples and further study these samples. but wait, why on each, i see, in each section there may be a certain farm, certain physical and chemical indicators for which settlements will be made with the counterparty, supplier. okay, how much should you take from each section of milk? we first take spot samples from each tank into a container, and then extract 500 ml from the container for laboratory
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testing. and now it’s clear, that is, this is every machine, every section. that is, when the milky smell hit my face, i felt good, they opened this lid, right here because i like these smells, but for some reason some people, especially mine chinese acquaintances, just no, kai immediately began to rush into battle, even he didn’t want to be shown how to do it correctly, he wanted to do everything himself, try it, okay. when i tried it, i realized that it’s not so simple, it requires a lot of effort, you have our work, now we take the sampler, like this, once we lower it, close it, and look, we type it
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here, like that, both, okay, i got it , try, yeah, let's try. so we took spot samples, now we need to pour the container and take it to the laboratory, oh, i don’t know, this is something like a treasure, i held it so well, just open the lid and... let’s go to the laboratory, that’s it, bye, now we will determine the acidity in milk, we need to measure 20 ml of water into a glass , desilted water, one, two, again, that’s it, open the milk, uh-huh, here’s 10 ml, put a glass, and
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now that means two or three drops of finologin. what is this for? well, an indicator that colors milk so that we can determine the level of acidity, let's count, one, two, well, let's do it again, that's it, that's it, now you put on the makeup, look, like this, in a circular motion, stir, try, as if you were mixing up a cocktail, like that, yes, well, what happens there, uh-huh, the colors have already appeared, appeared, yes, we compare with the standard, well... and a little more added, yes, we conclude that how much we spent, that means on alkalis, on testing, 1.7 multiplied by 10, our acidity will be 17° thermometer, this is the norm, this is the norm, great, and we accept milk, accept, we we tell the driver, stop by, everything is wonderful, but please tell me, besides this
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what else do we need, yes, besides acidity, this means we determine the mass fraction of fat in milk. density, purity group, somatic cell content, well , all other indicators, and what awaits us next, now we are heading to the receiving and equipment area, where milk is normalized for the production of products, for example, cheese or cottage cheese, or milk separation for the record, normalization is for everything to be normal; normalization is for doing exactly that. for the production of certain products, let's go normalize, yes, let's go. and in general it’s not clear where he ’s going and where he’s going and there’s no way to figure it out, everything is humming all around, everything is shining, everything is working, some
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lights are glowing, there are just so many tubes above me, there’s just milk running everywhere, the plants process 25 tons per hour, then yes, if we run two or three installations in a cycle, that’s where 50-75 tons per hour are processed into very thin ones. layers, this all happens at high speeds, the technology there is at a high level, we have prepared a normalized mixture in the equipment area, then we move to the cheese- making production, where this mixture will go to the cheese manufacturer, the process of producing cheese grains and cheese will be carried out, uh-huh, re-processing of ores, we go into a clean area, yeah, i have a feeling that we are directly 100 wash your hands once. you didn’t have time to walk 100 m, disinfection again, otherwise they simply won’t let you through. that's it, guys, you are ready, then i will hand you over to a specialist in co-production production, who will teach you and show you the basics
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of co-production production. they are already waiting for us there, yes, let's go, uh-huh, hello, hello, look what a friend i brought you. we were at the first stage, we brought milk, we checked it, we normalized it, so it came, as i understand it, to you, now the normalized mixture goes to cheese manufacturers, the incoming milk is added with dye, if the fat requires it, if not, some cheeses are produced without resistance, after which the starter is introduced, depending on the type of cheese being produced, in time, how long does it take to receive milk? to the head itself, which ripening is coming out, which is within 5.5 hours, 5.5 hours, oh, milk,
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the starter has already been added here, all that remains is to add the starter fermet, they gave me this magical water , they said that it’s on lady, i was so worried, because i didn’t i know how much to get tired of, fast, slow, i’m a good worker, do everything right. it turns out cheese from - 12 ton ton per 200, oh, can you imagine, the all-foreign enzyme is for what, so that the curdling process has already begun, as i understand it, this grain that we saw when it curdled, they just removed the whey from it, this grain remains, it is poured out with whey, poured in with whey. the grain in my head is just something from
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a plant, it’s very edible, of course, you can try it, or you can try it at this stage right like this, try it, it’s warm, right? well, are you ready? yes, of course, come on, i’ve never tried this raw cheese, yes, i’ll say that it’s some kind of unusual cheese, because it’s odorless and tasteless, there’s no salt or anything, but there’s no salt, nothing, he’s just like a tart creamy, but yes, what kind of cheese is this , we are making telzitsa cheese. telzitsky, semi-hard delzitic cheese. what is semi-hard cheese? cheeses are divided into hard and semi-hard, depending on the moisture
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in the cheese. if we want to get hard cheese, then the moisture in it will be very small, and up to 40%, semi-hard 43-45% moisture, even at the beginning i thought that probably only people work there, but it’s not true, robots also work there. when our cheese is formed, it goes to presses, where it is pressed for two hours, and after that it comes out the robot, the robot takes out the cheese, there ’s a very huge metal hand there, it’s over the cheese, everything is done very quickly, this is also unexpected, when they told me that one block weighs 17 kg, and in the form there are two of them, that is , 34, i understand, that we can’t do without a robot, now it will be noisy, that’s it, the cheese will come out. here, here
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it is ready, here it is ready, to be honest, i always thought that such robots were used only in the automotive industry, but it turns out that they are used in cheese production too, we can’t do without them, well, i’ve never seen such huge heads of cheese that just flashed past my eyes, i was amazed, when i see these cheeses, i will immediately remember our cheeses, china is turk, although... in china we don’t salt tofu, we made the mold, everything is ready, in belarus people still salt it, this is additional work; the cheese is salted , depending on the type being produced, from one and a half to three days, and is kept in these
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pools in salt, where the concentration is. they swim for a long time, yes, they swim for a long time, before falling into the bath, uh, what does the cheese do, it floats down the stream into a container, you can imagine, it’s already romantic when people picked up this one container from the pool, there’s just so much rubbish, i didn’t expect that this passion is so deep, it’s very important for us, the ph of the brine, the temperature and concentration of the salt, at this stage we measure the ph of the brine, it is kept from 4.6 to 5 ,2, the concentration also varies from 18 to 22 and the temperature is standard for everyone - 12°, the brine is quite cold, there are so many levels of quality control here , well done, okay, let's see,
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the dipstick just drops, right? salted looks like show here 4.83 is ph, yes 5.2 is possible, well here such an average, about the average show, 4.8, and this does not mean that we have revealed some secret with another enterprise, well , it is not advisable to brag about another enterprise, but we make something tasty, but we will make it tasty, that’s the main thing, i don’t i knew that i also had to put the cheese in a bag, people do this so that the cheese does not lose moisture. in the bags there is a certain gas permeability, it doesn’t get in and the carbon gas comes out, but sometimes it’s also like it ’s in some kind of wax or something like latex to cover it, we also have this and also this some other type of cheese, yes on purpose, but here it’s automatic, as i understand it, well,
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the most important thing here is your hands. remove it in time , choose, i’m worried, buddy, it’s a blast, we know where they offer otti, the very one along the cheese course, the ripening chamber, yes, we’re like cheese, let’s go ripen, wow, if you’re not ripe yet, now you’ll ripen , i’m ready, let ’s go, now we can take off our masks, right? is already packed, we won’t harm him anymore, and we can get into the cell where this most important action takes place, oh, i mean what’s here just so much, this, this is a cheese paradise, a bunch of cheeses, such a view, how can i say, gorgeous, my jaw dropped a little, in general, i
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feel small... in which, it’s like trying, not trying, but how harsh it is here there is, when you pour it out, well, in general, we make about 50 types of cheeses, semi-hard ones, they are in yellow bags, so, and the elite cheese, which, and it is here, matures in bags, yes, these are colorless bags, you can go there.


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