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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 4:50am-5:46am MSK

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but belarusians have something to offer from petrochemical derivatives, plus fertilizer, also in liquid form. we also have the advantage of liquid fertilizers. therefore, we have planners, including with the same local manufacturer, that is, with the same satar, in order to implement a joint project. if we talk about agriculture and food directly, only our dairy and meat products are well known. there are several specialized stores in baku; in addition, belarusian manufacturers cooperate directly with azerbaijani networks. and you have a link from belarusian stores, which means you are subscribed to belarusian stores. azerbaijan itself is now very actively developing agriculture, of all the land they have, half is suitable for this, but they grow not only the grain we are used to, grapes, olives, tea, tobacco, and silk. the climate makes it possible to harvest several harvests and 80%. market - these are small
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farms, now they are actively supported by the state; for example, they give a forty percent subsidy for equipment, here belarusian tractors are beginning to win in terms of price and quality. the belarus brand holds more than 50% of the market, since we are still farmers, they need practical equipment, because spare parts are easily available, and service is easily available, and... as many large parts as units and spare parts for parts are capable of repair, the biggest competitor manufacturers from turkey, but belarusians gather at the gendzhinsky automobile plant, it turns out that production is still more local, and then you need to think about how to attract buyers. you know our the president has spoken about this more than once, but what did you want, competition will still grow, we need to work in these conditions, offer ourselves, improve ourselves, and... in our country, the year has been declared the year
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of quality, so we have everything in our hands. last year we achieved a 170% increase in trade turnover, including exports, compared to the previous year. not only the ambassador, but also the minister of agriculture, architecture and construction, deputy prime minister, participated in the official opening ceremony today quite a representative belarusian delegation. today we were preparing to sign new contracts. they really don’t reveal the details here, but in fact, baku is closer to minsk than you might think. the results of last year are 400 million dollars, i think this is not the limit, every new year we grow, and if you look at the contracts of each enterprise with which we are represented here, this year they already have products that they supply to the market, everyone has a new product that they brought for the first time, which they began to produce, so this is also new potential. to
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add more to our export treasury. there is a lot of press at the exhibition, this is due to the announced visit of azerbaijani president ilham aliyev, it is known that he supports these initiatives every time he personally comes to such exhibitions. today , the possible presence of our president alexander lukashenko was actively discussed. this is in the visit program. at least our companies hope that the head of state will arrive. we will show all this on our broadcast. stay tuned for more news tomorrow. katerina krutalevich alexander. oleshka, tv news agency from baku. well, today let’s move on to current internal economic issues. let me remind you that the country has updated work rules for entrepreneurs. today , the long-awaited lists of types of activities permitted for individual entrepreneurs were published. here it is immediately important to clarify that this is a proposal, that is, the document has been submitted for public discussion. and now the government expects there to be an active discussion. it will last for...
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economic environment, and at the same time the myths will be dispelled by opponents’ attacks regarding infringement individual entrepreneurs in belarus. we are not talking about liquidating individual entrepreneurs or increasing the tax burden on business. the main task, set at the highest level, is to streamline the work of entrepreneurs. create conditions for growth and scaling of business, as well as guarantee equal conditions for carrying out activities, taxes from small businesses, there is an opportunity for literally one and a half years until january 1 , 26 to choose a new form of doing business, please switch to a legal entity, as we have already designated within one day, saving all our documents, details, certificates and so on. if
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not, you understand that it means you have other interests, you can choose a craft activity, and so on, if we operate with these figures of 40,000 individual entrepreneurs who supposedly... will not find themselves in the new list of activities for individual entrepreneurs , but this does not mean that these people are going nowhere, this category has new opportunities, firstly, you can go to a simpler form, entrepreneurial activity, this is the so -called self-employed, this is an individual entrepreneurial activity that works through a digital platform, yes, you can re-register into an organization, yes. and wider opportunities open up there, including in terms of the tax regime, a simplified taxation system may be available there, so this category is nowhere, it is not economics, it will not be lost for the economy, this figure will be an order of magnitude smaller, again it is
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largely will depend on what final list will be formed, then it will be possible to say about this in more detail, but on the whole i absolutely agree that fiscal... for the purpose of adjusting tax policy in terms of the procedure for taxing individual entrepreneurs, self-employed citizens, nothing will happen here. the entrepreneur simply must calculate how it will be more profitable for him to work; that reasonable entrepreneur who is already carrying out activities with hired persons often makes a decision in favor of even a generally established system taxation, because he understands that a reduction in the tax burden will occur during the reorganization, well, let's call it that, during the reorganization.
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today , marina vasilevskaya and oleg novitsky were greeted with bread, salt and the sounds of an orchestra. this is a long-standing tradition when each crew, after completing a space mission and returning to earth, comes to the star. to tell how the flight went along with the residents of the city, lay flowers at the monument to yuri gagarin and walk along the alley to the astronauts' house. daria belousovo-petrovskaya visited the starry place and was filled with cosmic emotions. the monument
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to yuri gagarin is the main symbol of the star city; it stands opposite the house where the first cosmonaut of the planet once lived. in his hand behind him he holds a daisy flower, this lyrical detail was requested. today the main heroes are our allied crew, the first female cosmonaut of sovereign belarus, marina vasilevska, our compatriot, native of cherven, pilot cosmonaut oleg navitsky. they returned to earth on april 6, having worked on the iss for 12 days. all belarusians. all
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belarusians. and the most important thing is that the flight was successful. and i am very proud of this, that... among the women cosmonauts there is a belarusian, a pretty, magnificent person, she speaks well about what is needed, and she completed the flight well. usually, a ceremonial celebration of astronauts in the stars takes place after the end of their rehabilitation, but the event was postponed several times, for good reasons. marina vasilevskaya was awarded the title of hero of belarus, she received a gold star from the hands of the country's president alexandra lukashenko, then became an honorary participant in the all-belarusian...
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as galina stepanovna admitted to us, she is happy, because today her space collection has been replenished not only with envelopes with personal autographs of vasilevskaya novitsky, but with a large photo album, which already tells about the history of the flight of the soyuz ms- spacecraft 24 on the iss, with the first female cosmonaut of belarus on board. daria belausovotrovskaya alexander lyubitelev, tv news agency star city, russia. now let's return to the main topic day, and we receive these images from heydar aliyev international airport, where
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belarusian air force one has just landed. on the flagpoles in front of the government terminal are the state flags of belarus and azerbaijan, along the carpet there are military personnel of the honor guard company. let me remind you that our president is making a state visit to azerbaijan, during which he will hold negotiations with his colleague ilham aliyev. the leader also... plans to visit the largest agricultural exhibition in the caucasus. stay tuned for more tomorrow. details of the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia have become known. the president of the country confirmed the arrest of the attacker and asked to refrain from hasty conclusions and wait for official information from the police. according to local media reports, a criminal case has been initiated. and the sanction of the article provides for 25 years of imprisonment .
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it is specified that one bullet hit the prime minister in the stomach, another through the stomach into the pelvic bone, and another in the shoulder. fitz was immediately taken to the hospital; according to the head of the country's ministry of internal affairs, the politician is still in the operating room steel, his condition is assessed as critical. the situation with the assassination attempt was commented on by the belarusian foreign ministry.
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we strongly condemn the assassination attempts on the prime minister of slovakia, robert fitz. the act of attacking violence against politicians and officials, no matter what goals they pursue, has no place in the 21st century. we wish the prime minister of slovakia a speedy recovery. i note that the prime minister of slovakia has repeatedly opposed the provision. military assistance to ukraine and emphasized that bratislava is interested in good relations with moscow. in british the scanjuz had already begun to attack the attacker. the presenters call fico, quote, very pro-russian and the following passage follows. he is a very divisive figure in slovakia and the eu. therefore, it is not surprising that such an event happened. that is, it is not surprising that in the very democratic eurogarden they have already... begun to shoot people with a different point of view and the desire to lead their country in their own way,
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the eurogardeners do not like the independence of georgia, the country is being pumped according to old training manuals, clashes in the streets and fights inside parliament, so georgia adopted the law on foreign agents in the third final reading. the approval of the initiative has not yet stopped the protests, which are so actively funded. naturally, the european union announced that the law on foreign agents impedes the country’s forward movement towards european integration, well , we remember what this led to. in ukraine, and of course, the main democratizers, naturally in runes, the states, are knocking with their hegemonic fists and threatening sanctions. what is happening in the republic and why the west criticizes the local law on foreign agents? olga davidovich. the final discussion of the bill on foreign agents was emotional. in
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the georgian parliament, deputies fought, bottles flew around the hall, and insults were heard. and outside the building a crowd was raging, destroying the fence, painting the walls, and clashing with the police. the passion for the document , which has been unabating for almost a month now, seems to be approaching its climax. the law was adopted in the final third reading. premierkakhidze said that the document has only one goal - to make public financial statements of non-governmental organizations receiving millions of dollars from abroad. foreign influence creates strong guarantees of long-term peace , tranquility in georgia and overcoming the so -called polarization. well, this is not the end, president zorabishvili promised to veto the bill, and the ruling party will override this veto. demonstrators are announcing new actions and threatening open-ended protests.
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there are a lot of young people in the crowd who only say that they want to join the eu, and that’s the law. few people care: in georgia there is about 25 thousand of various kinds of ngos and ngos, it turns out there is one for about 150 citizens, 90% is financed by western structures, and of these there are several dozen large, active and aggressive ones, and considering that this non-profit foreign bread has been in the country for barely years, the scale of the protest is understandable , as well as why people are taken to the streets by foreign
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agents, in return they are promised power, now they...
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according to the same training manual, unfortunately, supporters of the protests persistently notice the experience of ukraine, which clearly demonstrates the true purpose of western grants, and the fact that the law of obenogenes is nothing more than a pretext. georgia is not allowed to strengthen its independent foreign policy, which means that there is certainly potential for the maidan, which has become a completely workable option for the west. olga davidovich, karina ishkuly and dmitry ostartakh. tv news agency. inciting more and more conflicts in the region. the anglo-saxons are increasingly revealing their ambitions and goals. the us secretary of state, who came to the capital of ukraine, organized a feast during the plague. first, he publicly announced the disaster of the ukrainian armed forces at the front, then again once promised ukraine non-redundant nato membership, and then arranged a gastronomic tour of local eateries. and to end the visit,
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during which blinken cynically declared the need to mobilize as many ukrainians as possible. a friend decided in an even stranger way by performing on stage in a kiev bar. this is the behavior of a guitarist from the usa. caused a flurry of criticism, the ukrainians do not restrain themselves in their expressions, pointing out frivolous behavior against the backdrop of the disaster in the ssu in the kharkov region, the americans are wasting money. because right at this moment, as if in a parallel universe , children continue to die from the arrival of western hymers missiles, from prohibited mines that
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the militants in the ssu simply cover the ground with, neither the touring artist blinkin nor the eurogardeners notice this, it even seems that the whole world does not notice, our country for its help in rehabilitation and treatment children of donbass, today thanks the dpr. these days , the adviser to the head of the republic on rights is visiting our country. disability, that is, traumatic articulation, arms, legs, yes, loss of an eye, internal organs, mutilated, those names
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you can call, you know, a day is not enough, tell every tragedy, there are families where the whole family died, trying to escape, they simply didn’t make it, didn’t make it to the shelter, or direct flights, the arrival of hamers at dawn. children are dying in their crib, what is this, this is democracy, this is true, this is care, no, this is a problem, this is pain, this is a crime, you need to answer for a crime, there are rights of the child, at the international level, the right to life, and i will answer you about dead children, the right to live and be raised in a family, and i’ll tell you about the parents of the dead, rights to education, and i’ll tell you...
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and they say: oh, that’s just what we call it differently, but they cook it the same way, they tell it all with joy, i liked the land, on behalf of every resident, i say thank you to the people of belarus, but this
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might not have happened, or might not have happened to someone else, if you had probably also heard these calls not to bring children for rehabilitation, for example, to belarus, but for us this is quite painful to hear, given that , what kind of assistance does belarus provide and is ready to provide in general? well, not for some of these loud, warm words, not for thank you, but simply because they understand how necessary it is today. call do not help your neighbor, only a person who has no heart, no soul can say, you said it correctly, without loud words, without pretentious words, quietly, evenly, just say: take it, i have it, i’m sharing it with you, that’s all absolutely legally, now the group is generally together with their parents, and even their brothers and sisters at...
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somehow at the station, with what tears the kids are leaving here, how much they don’t want to, it’s understandable, that there is a house there, they are waiting for them, but here they feel so good that this is the answer to all those who say that it is not necessary, that children are being stolen, that there is some kind of lawlessness, these children’s tears of bright sadness, i would called it that, it’s a bright sadness, they are the best answer to all those who are, well, angry, but at the same time... the tribunal, i don’t know how much you know, including alexei talay, and the belarusian president, who supported this initiative, despite all these speculations.
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help children, well, focus, what is it, yes, a creative team, or these are children of status, or these are children, just children, yes, or these are children with injuries, already parents, and the children themselves decide whether they accept this help, whether this help is necessary, then this help is given, if they come those who bring help, excuse me, i’m turning into slang, and power, they take it away with threats and they say: either leave yours, why, why should i leave my home? imagine, someone opens the door, someone comes in and says: take your child, leave, this is my home, just when you say, they hide something, they are veiling, after all, we still managed to build bridges, establish communication with relevant ministries, we have many projects working and waiting for our children, in the summer only...
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here are three projects, these are ecology, and tourism and the memory train, where our children will prepare, we have identified points of growth between our regions, between our countries, and i’m really leaving, charged with such a positive attitude for further cooperation, for further work. the duda regime in poland declares war. migrants and even brussels, the warsaw dictatorship will block the pact on migration and asylum, which was adopted by the council of the european union. the main provision of the document is quotas for accepting refugees. each country of the old world is obliged to resettle migrants or pay 20,000 euros in compensation. the current prime minister tusk states that poland has long fulfilled its humanitarian duty by accepting hundreds of thousands of refugees from ukraine and those
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who... managed to overcome the polish barbed wire. in poland they decided to deal with fictitious students, the scheme surfaced during the investigation of the visa scandal, it turned out that the majority of recipients of student visas, and these are tens of thousands of people, have not started studying. the fact is that such visas make it possible to find work in the eu without obtaining a work permit. the scheme is very profitable. universities received payment for the gotobs. visas will be more stringent, which will clearly complicate the life of fugitives; there are already reports of refusals and the issuance of visas for a shorter period. what do fugitives do today when they are abroad, what plan are they supposedly making for the liberation of belarus, and how are they trying
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to stay afloat. earning schemes money that doesn’t bring any results. how our security forces conduct their professional work and leak each other at the first opportunity, when they smell an extra penny. thirst for profit, corruption and much more. we will tell you all the ins and outs of fugitive radicals in a new project. remark. first release today, after the panorama. our people are around. as soon as a hole appears, i need to sew it up, i ’m happy with everything as long as my pocket is replenished, how i just really need money, and that same love for belarusians that zharkevich talks about so much says in an interview, just like the volunteer start quickly evaporated, a whole big
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country, my name is. hello. more than 6.00 military personnel and about 250 denis military equipment in belarus began preparing a military parade for independence day. this year the country will celebrate 80 years of liberation from fascist invaders and the celebrations will be especially large-scale. the ministry of defense, the ministry of internal affairs, the state border committee, the ministry of emergency situations, the investigative committee, cadet schools and specialized lyceums will present their parade squads. at present we're running out. the first stage of preparation, during which parade crews were formed, equipment was determined, equipment was prepared, equipment was concentrated in the minsk garrison and already on the 16th we begin garrison training,
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garrison training will be held three times a week, this is tuesday, wednesday and thursday, during which we will practice all the elements that will be shown during the military parade. there will be an air part, combat aircraft and helicopters will fly over the capital, the bright finale of the parade will be performance by the honor guard company of the combined military orchestra. we continue to cover the blind spots of our military history. deputies of the house of representatives today visited the excavation site of a mass grave of genocide victims in the uruchishche uruchishche near minsk. painstaking work was carried out in this place for several years. to establish the terrible facts of massacres of civilians. vladimir korolev, about new facts of the terrible tragedy. acts of the emergency commission testified that in this place there are seven execution pits, even today
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16 thousand people were found buried here, exactly how many are still unknown. all these people are listed as missing. in fact, the shot hole is much deeper; it is only the top layer of the subskeleton.
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missing near rzhev, on someone's things there was an address, on a watch there was an engraving with gratitude from the factory, from such remains in uzbekistan, one red army soldier believed it was necessary to find out the fate of those who ended their lives in a mass grave. by establishing the facts of the genocide of the belarusian people, we condemn fascism in all its manifestations, we condemn we condemn and bring. information to the world community, we are revealing new facts, but probably it is also important that our people, especially the younger generation, who have grown up in such a calm,
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peaceful environment, should see and know from such examples, from feature films, from our documentary literature, what it was, what seemingly normal people did it. normal people killed hundreds, thousands, millions of people. at the beginning of the war, the red army soldiers had a superstition: in order to stay alive, they did not need to mint a medallion, therefore, among the military remains there are mostly empty dog ​​tags, which makes identification difficult. during the investigation of the criminal case of genocide, information was received about the extermination of over 50 thousand people. these are mainly belarusians. there is a very good phrase: nothing is forgotten. in this case, we do not have the right to forget what happened.
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the prosecutor's office scrupulously keeps a tally of the dead, measures are being taken to identify the remains, and lists of those involved in the facts of genocide are compiled. today more than 100 people were interviewed. 1800 people, of which 800 are those who went through concentration camps. at the request of the prosecutor general's office, the academy of sciences keeps track of destroyed settlements. according to the latest data, there are 12,346 of them. previously, the figure was just over 9. 288 villages shared the fate of khatyn, and this figure is inconclusive. on the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus, our country is discovering new facts about the terrible war, continues to find its heroes and... victims, over several years of painstaking work
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, over 180 new mass grave sites have been found, and this work continues. vladimir korolev and andrey novgorodtsev, tv news agency. a high-profile corruption case is being investigated in minsk over a hundred cases of bribery over six months. the participants are 23 mid- level managers of enterprises in the field of agricultural construction from different areas. for now they are in the status of suspects. according to the case materials, officials received kickbacks from a private metropolitan company that was engaged in the sale, repair and maintenance of mainly cleaning equipment, how the criminal scheme was built, what issues were resolved for a fee and what the price was question? exclusive details right now: did you receive any money from them? i didn't receive anything. one of the defendants will initially follow this line in a conversation with law enforcement officers.
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after just a few minutes of conversation, under the pressure of weighty evidence, confidence in words will disappear and the necessary memories will begin to emerge. that's it, i already understand you, what do you understand? they were on my table. along with this person involved, the police visited twenty more, according to the department, with the same fate. simple corruption scheme. according to operational information, mid-level managers of enterprises, usually in the construction and agro-industrial sectors from several regions of the country, received kickbacks of 3 to 5% from a transaction with a private metropolitan company engaged in the repair and maintenance of equipment, mainly cleaning, as well as the sale of equipment and components to her. in fact, it looked like receiving a second salary, which clearly stipulated what and for what. services, for which contracts that
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were previously concluded, for which acts completed work that was signed by these government workers, this money is received. information that businessmen involved, including public sector workers, in their dishonest game, at the same time reached the prosecutor general’s office. so it was decided to join forces to uncover and suppress the criminal scheme. during a special operation on suspicion of bribery , 29 were detained almost instantly . it was established that the thirty-six-year-old founder of a commercial structure organized a scheme for transferring bribes to officials state-owned enterprises to ensure transactions with his company. three of his employees helped him in this. as part of an interdepartmental group, employees of the prosecutor general's office and the main internal affairs directorate of the minsk city executive committee identified 23 officials who have been on the system since september last year. basis, they received kickbacks for the supply and repair
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of equipment; in the process of work, some contractors, clients asked for bonuses for cooperation in monetary terms, for this purpose the money was given to managers. under the leadership of the founder of the capital company, a criminal scheme lived for more than six months, but with one caveat: every fact of transfer of bribes did not go unnoticed by the operatives. interested managers, as a rule, came themselves to receive the reward. to the office of accomplices in minsk, someone did not hesitate to do this systematically once a week, even if they only put 50 rubles in the envelope. some, on the contrary, waited until a more substantial amount was accumulated, in fact, assuming in advance that the criminal scheme would be long-lasting. but those who oppose this type of crime thought differently. according to the collected evidence, the prosecutor general's office opened 25 criminal cases, 23 officials are implicated, as well as the founder of a private company and a commercial agent. with all of them... all of them
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are currently confessing, their property has been seized, most of the suspects today have already voluntarily paid the income obtained from crime. in addition, suspects are checked for involvement in other illegal actions. as for businessmen, law enforcement officers have there is reason to believe that their criminal activity began much earlier than last fall. the total amount of bribes, taking into account the percentage, has not yet been disclosed. kickback, this information, as well as the number of transactions, is now being verified: one person remains in custody, the one who received the bribe, the rest have made a deal with the investigation, the end of the investigation is still awaiting under subscription, not you. the vitebsk region is actively preparing to host the eleventh forum of regions in belarus and russia; it has established itself as
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a unique platform for communication between leaders regions of the two countries, chairman of the council of the republic kachanova announced this today. vitebsk, polotsk, novopolotsk. polotsk was not chosen as one of the sites by chance; it is the most ancient city. the buildings here are currently being reconstructed. and, as natalya kachanova noted, special attention is paid to preserving the historical cultural value of historical objects. today, those buildings, even those that have not been in use for a long time, like the officers’ house, are taking on a completely different look, and these will be good buildings, a good auditorium for the polostsky university. we were in the beloagrobank building, and this was once the governor’s house. if we talk about the place where we are, it was once
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a hospital in soviet times, and today there is a cadet school here, a wonderful cadet school, where all the conditions for our training have been created. russia-belarus will receive the transfer of the historical banner of the polovsk cadet corps, which was awarded in 1844, this year it turns 150 years old, this banner has passed during this historical time. that's very such a tragic path, when his descendants were saved, it means that a number of cadets died, this banner is returning to us. of course, this event is historically very important, not only for the city of polotsk and for the cadet school, but also for the entire cadet education, the cadet movement in belarus and russia.
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the eleventh forum of regions of belarus and russia will be held on june 27-28. nine thematic sections are planned. areas of innovative approaches in education, culture, healthcare, economics, as well as participants and guests of the forum will have an extensive the cultural program. today is may 15, international family day, however, this very world is increasingly moving away from classical concepts and replacing theses, genders, orientations, and benardism. our country clearly defends traditional values. which we together enshrined in the constitution, there in black and white, marriage is the union of a man and a woman. in belarus, much attention is paid to supporting workers with children; all conditions have been created for the birth and education of children. this includes material and social support, assistance in housing issues,
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the opportunity to receive free education and medical care, opportunities for child development and much, much more. so. what kind of belarusian families they are, there are more than 2,600,000 of them in the country, and the majority live in cities, this is approximately 80%, the rest prefer the countryside. last year the country hosted 56,000 weddings. well, actually, we added the same number of families. if we talk about the average age of getting married for the first time, then a university woman is 26 years old, well , men decide to get married around 29 years old, almost 44% have minor children. families, in the majority, have only one child, but for families with many children the figure is slightly less than 10%. of course,
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there is serious support for belarusian families, government assistance, and child benefits were paid out in the amount of 3 million rubles last year alone. and... and maternity or maternity benefits for 260 million. so that there is a reliable foundation under our feet, 9,500 large families of over 6,800 young families received housing or improved conditions. for the holiday, trade union federations hold actions throughout the country. today we honored labor dynasties and large families where mothers and fathers work at one enterprise. for example, in the central region.
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signatures, according to them, the most important thing in a relationship is kindness and mutual understanding.
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what products are most in demand in foreign markets? and of course, these are the most, probably, we ourselves can always say
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that these are meat and dairy products, these are our food products, and mechanical engineering is enjoying great success, agricultural engineering attracts foreign partners, our flagships mtz, mass belas are always at the top any exhibition, confectionery. products as well as enjoy enormous success, and of course scientific and technical developments. in your opinion, why do belarusian products successfully compete in foreign markets? first of all, this is quality, this year is the year of quality, yes, and i can say that at foreign events, at our exhibitions, and products are presented that can rightfully be said that...
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we are also planning an exhibition in the city of chongqing in china, well, the asian market will also be widely represented, including korea, malaysia, and hong kong, we are planning, so we hope that our enterprises will find partners in this region, do not forget about the middle
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east, we started the year with the gall food exhibition. this is the annual number one exhibition for food products, our company successfully participated in the exhibition in february, we are planning saudi arabia, jordan, as well as exhibition countries in countries in uzbekistan, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, in general, all our already beloved partners, you always need to work with them support.
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on the air sports day in the studio anna eismand, good evening, let's start with basketball. in the final series of the belarusian championship for the gold medals of the tournament started today at the capital's sports palace. this year
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, basketball players from minsk and grodno 93 are fighting. was it a success? basketball club minsk, these guys today are names that are well known to fans who defend the colors of grodny 93, hence the understanding among fans of the capital’s squad in the final will not be easy. alexey sukhavetsky, of course, taking these facts into account, sorted out his opponent’s game, which affected the result later. however, the guests were hardly going to give up, grodno's basketball players, thanks to their accurate three-pointers, have improved, but the level of minsk's defense is much higher than dmitry kuzmin's guys met in the belarusian championship, but even despite this fact.


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