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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 7:20am-8:01am MSK

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the national bank shared statistics: in april , the volume of fizlis deposits increased by more than 2%, and over the year by more than a quarter. foreign currency deposits have fallen by almost 18% since april 2023. in dollars, this is over 614 million. and finally, more than 100 countries out of 6,000 people have already confirmed their participation at the st. petersburg economic forum. this year it will be held for the twenty-seventh time from june 5 to 8. the main theme of the event was the stated basis of multipolarity and the formation of new centers of growth. business program of the forum consists of four thematic blocks: aman will be the guest country of the mf 2024. this continues the tradition of recent years, when arab countries received this status. ooe, egypt and qatar. and that’s all for me, have a nice day and be productive in your business. see you.
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the morning broadcast on tv channels belarus 1 and belarus 24 continues with the program zone x. i am yuri shevchuk. hello. the drug shop administrator and pawnbroker was detained for selling drugs in the gomel region. as the police said in november last year. a thirty-four-year-old resident of rechitsa decided try yourself as a drug dealer. the guy contacted the curator of the drug market and was assigned to two positions at once. he administered the site and laid out bookmarks. on the eve of the arrest, diller received a large shipment of goods, which he was supposed to distribute throughout the country. regional drug control officers, together with colleagues from the rechesky and kalinkovichi clans , with the forceful support of amon, detained a thirty-four-year-old resident of rechitsa.
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it was established that the defendant had been working as a pawnbroker and administrator since november last year an online drug store, distributing goods throughout the country. about 300 g of alpha pvp were discovered and seized from the caches he made. the activities of the online store have been stopped. for drug trafficking with intent to sell, the detainee faces up to 15 years in prison. next up is the review. the story ended with a criminal article at the orsha railway station , police detained a fifteen-year- old teenager, with him there were 49 packages with a particularly dangerous psychotropic substance - mephedrone. it has been established that the boy i worked part-time for one of the online markets. on the instructions of the curator, he picked up a shipment of drugs in vitebsk, made one stash there, then headed to orsha to... put
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the rest of the goods in hiding places, the defendant faces up to 15 years in prison, a russian citizen tried to cross the belarusian-lithuanian border with drugs. at the binekoni checkpoint , the border guard detained a man; using a metal detector, border guards found a tube with a dark green substance in his pocket . according to the man, there was marijuana inside. moreover, witnessing showed that the detainee was in a state of drug intoxication for illegal trafficking. the incident occurred last saturday in the village of krasnoselskoye, it was previously established that the boy’s mother went to the store, at that time the baby saw children through the window, apparently decided to communicate with them, climbed onto the windowsill, the child leaned on the mosquito net and fell down with her, with the boy was hospitalized with numerous injuries. in the region
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, more than one and a half kilometers of nets were seized from poachers, as well as about 300 individuals of illegally obtained fish, so environmental inspectors stopped a car near the lyubanskoye reservoir on a forest road. in the trunk there were nine bags of nets containing fish, and the boat contained five bags of nets without fish or landing nets. as investigators later established, two residents of the starodorozhsky district illegally caught 219 individuals of bream, seven salmon, five pike perch, as well as... pike, roach and crucian carp. the damage caused to the environment was estimated at almost 90,000 rubles. employees of the operational response department and brasovskaya interdistrict inspection, with the support of the law enforcement agency, detained a fishery worker at the braslov lake national park. he carried out illegal fishing using diving equipment and a prohibited tool: a fish trap. in this way, the man illegally obtained three individuals of river eel and three individuals of uskapal crayfish. total weight about 4 kg.
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the damage caused to the environment amounted to more than 230 basic values. the investigative and operational group of the braslav rvd was called instead. there is a trespasser at the dacha. inspectors found 53 a specimen of eel weighing almost 84 kg, as well as a prohibited fishing gear. an investigation is being carried out against him and the issue of initiating a criminal case is being decided. in minsk, varishka repainted a stolen bicycle. spoiler didn't help. a woman contacted the police and said that she had left her bike fastened on the staircase, and after a while it disappeared. the whistleblowers detained a thirty-five-year-old man from mensk on suspicion of theft. it was established that the man found a bicycle in the entrance and with minimal effort broke the lock. bicycle featured i repainted it and planned to drive it myself. operatives found the stolen vehicle fastened to a transformer box, not far from the detainee’s house. a case has been opened regarding theft. artillery shells
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from the great patriotic war were discovered last weekend in two regions of the country. so, while working in the field, a resident of the village of venkovtsy, litsky district, found 152 mm. artillery shell. another such find was discovered in the forest near the village of zamkova, volkovysk region. the forester found buried in the ground. 18 boxes, two of which were empty. the rest contained 82 artillery shells. the ammunition was removed and destroyed by specialists from the pyrotechnics team. she walked past and returned for someone else's wallet. a criminal case has been opened for theft. the bad deed of a minsk resident was caught on a video surveillance camera. menchanka contacted the police with a statement about the disappearance of her wallet, which contained 1,400 rubles. operatives detained a sixty-three-year-old pensioner who found and took her property applicants. the defendant managed to spend part of the money on personal needs. in the uzdinsky district , a pensioner driving a minibus hit
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his one-year-old granddaughter. the girl died. the tragedy happened the day before. according to the investigative committee , the driver was not convinced of the safety of the maneuver, which resulted in the death of his one-year-old granddaughter. fell under the wheels of a car, it is reported that the girl was playing on the street near the house, the child died from her injuries at the scene of the incident, it was a project zone x, our news is on the project’s youtube channel on instagram, have a nice day, stay bright aside, well, with us to belarus 1.
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thursday morning, may 16 on the belarus tv channel. one of the satellite channel belarus 24, we continue to meet with you ekaterina antonova and tatyana matusevich, well, we are not alone, now our colleagues from mogilev, nikolai kamantsev and ekaterina rubbekina, will join us via teleconference. good morning and please share your news with us. good morning, mogilev. good morning,
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studio, good morning to all tv viewers, good ranitsa belarus. good morning, dear, beloved, may, spring, blooming. well well, the big weekend is over, it has begun, i wanted to say, either a big weekend or a small vacation, then choose what is closer to you, but in our region in the magilev region, a lot of interesting events happened, about which we... in fact, we want let’s start by telling you about an important patriotic topic: on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of belarus from the nazi invaders, a new memorial was opened in the chava region in memory of the soldiers of the soviet army who died here in 1944, 1943 and in the battles on the pronya river. the battles in the zachaovsky region played an important role in operation bagration. just imagine, the front stood in these places for 9 months. during this time , 330,000 soldiers and commanders of the red army remained here forever.
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this same area was among the first to be liberated by the second belarusian front. the new memorial is an image of a stricken field, but not a broken fighter. it was created, one might say, by the entire taloka. the initiative was taken by the district’s veterans’ movement, the regional authorities supported it, and philanthropists and local residents joined in. by the way, in this year. the chaus were awarded a pennant for courage and perseverance during the great patriotic war. yes, well, it’s an important matter, a necessary matter, and let’s talk a little bit about patriotism from the same perspective, too. let's talk about good deeds, let's look into the round. after all , a new children's playground was opened at the local center for correctional and developmental education and rehabilitation. this is one example of a big one. good deed of the regional charity marathon, let's warm children's hearts, which
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is held by the regional branch of the belarusian children's fund with the support of the regional executive committee. the new complex has several locations: a sandbox, a gazebo and play areas. all this will help the center’s students in development and socialization through active work. in the kruglyan center for correctional and developmental education and rehabilitation, today there are 14 pupils aged from four to 18 years old, the new playground is not the only gift from the marathon, let's warm children's hearts. specialized equipment was recently purchased for one of the center’s visitors. the results of the previous marathon have been summed up, but the good deed continues and lives on, and we are very happy about it. well, now let's talk about eco. the fact is that a completely unusual championship took place in mogilev, which is even difficult to classify as a sport. yes, it's called the cup of purity. invented in order to once again remind everyone of the importance
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of caring for nature, it would seem that such simple banal things, but many people forget about them, all the details are in our plot. ekaterina nikolaev, thank you very much for your good news, let's have fun watch video from makelev. near the dnieper, the environmental competition cup of cleanliness of belarus brought together 25 teams. in order to make the city cleaner, 70 people took part in the ecochallenge, these are volunteers of the brsm good heart movement, which represents the largest enterprises and organizations of mogilev. participants competed not only in high-speed separate waste collection, but also in a competition for the best find and for environmental accuracy in eco-quizzes. we collected a wide variety of garbage - plastic bottles, soda bottles, paper waste. on really a wonderful event, which is organized at a very high level. the environmental competition cup of cleanliness of belarus is designed to remind the younger
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generation of the importance of caring for the environment. according to the organizers, separate waste collection should become a habit. a clean planet is primarily important for people, so such events are very important. nowadays you sometimes meet people who go and throw away just a piece of paper, without thinking about the harm it causes to the environment. competitions are organized within the framework of the tournament euro-asian cleanliness cup, in which children take part. countries, events similar to the national championship are held, for example, in armenia, moldova, kazakhstan, russia. in mogilev , such events are already a good tradition for volunteers. i think this is a very wonderful and good tradition, because we succeed, we have three in one. the first is environmental protection, we clean the city of garbage, the second is sports and the third is socialization, that is, young people do not just collect garbage, as we are used to, there subbotnik, and also creative. the winner of the competition was the team of the automobile plant, silver went to the environmental activists from the mogilev customs,
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the mogilev milkmen took third place, but the victory was not the most important, the main thing was that the hometown became even cleaner. their life in polesian villages and agricultural towns in spite of everything... all my free minutes i ran to the river with fishing rods or just wandered around to look at this beauty; we never returned empty as a child.
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i'm jumping, it's important to start learning and mastering skills. columns, geta not columnar, the plasters are like this, they are at the center of the scene, but they also appear as a sufficient act, near the eye of this abavyazkova cap. the history of the creation of significant cultural objects in the region. the paselishcha that became
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the sweaty meats of the fire was not here, there was a porch, a stone, an icon. it was clear that the snow from the damp earth would disappear from the damp earth
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, and the sun was dying for the rain. grey, jumping, the ice of the nareshtsy is consuming, the chains are falling, everything is visible, the geese are crowing, the spackle on the oak tree is spreading, the cranes are crowing, and the winter has disappeared like smoke, becoming greener.
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and cosmetology facebook. leading experts in the field will take part in it not only from our country and brazil, but also from russia, turkey, kazakhstan, azerbaijan and other countries. and this morning, literally a couple of hours before the start of the congress, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of the department of plastic surgery of the belarusian state medical university diana petrova and a full member of the brazilian society of plastic medicine dropped by surgery marcela rodriguez, dacuña araujo. good morning or good morning, or bondia. hello, diana, let's start with you, please tell us what goals the congress sets for itself? well, first of all it’s learning, because when you choose medicine, you understand that you will be learning all your life. of course, these are contacts between our surgeons and surgeons from other countries. the main goal is to develop plastic surgery in our country so that our women, because
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the majority of patients are women, yes, were and remained young and beautiful. well, we, of course, expect this as a result from the congress, and i know that within the framework of the congress itself there will be not only a theoretical, but also , of course, a practical part, and dr. marcela will perform an operation that will take place at the republican scientific and practical center for transfusiology and medical biotechnologies, now i will ask dr. marcel in english so that he can tell us what kind of surgery is ahead. so, translation: so i know that during the congress there also will be a practical part, you, dr. marcela, will be going to do a plastic surgery, so tell us please. which kind of plastic surgery is it going to be? is it something unique? yes, i'm going to do two live surgeries, one in rhinoplasti and facelift technique, that's my own personal technique, so...
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dr. marcelo means that it is his goal to show his technique here, it is possible to learn something, but this is in the future , what do you think, these are aesthetic procedures, surgical, cosmetological, it doesn’t matter whether it’s just a matter of beauty, or whether they help improve a person's quality of life. marcelo, how do you think that aesthetic procedures surgical or not make the country by to hell or to improve someone's health or quality of life? i think plastic surgery really can uh...
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it can not only influence on a psychological level, but also physically he will feel better, well, this is the healing power that plastic surgery produces. diana, do you agree with this? yes, does it fully support? of course, because it definitely improves both the quality of life and allows the person who resorts to our help to feel confident; when you like yourself, everything works out for you. well then, let's move from theory to practice, what procedures are most popular? among, as we have already found out, belarusians, yes, because belarusians are primarily your patients, i mean women, of course, in the first place are rejuvenating operations on the face, well, the second
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place is the breast, probably the most popular operation, of course, it often happens that depends on what operations the surgeon specializes in, if he mainly does liposuction, then he will have a higher percentage of patients with liposuction, yeah. but if we take it as a whole, then of course this is an operation on the face, because the face is always in sight. okay, then at what age do women come to you for anti-aging surgeries, for procedures, that is, when they need to go and become younger, everything is very individual, but in general the average age of patients is from 35 to 55 years, some are younger, yes, some are older, the most in fact it all depends on.
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on belarusian women and not only on belarusian women, because ivo pitanga, dr. marcelo, a student of his pitanga, he is the founder, one of the founders of plastic surgery in general in the world, which is used everywhere, in any country, and this is probably not entirely correct the idea that we are different, we are very similar, externally and in mentality, so yes, there is a predominance of some type of aging somewhere. or skin phototype, but overall we are very similar. yes. dr. marcela, these are the goals you set for yourself personally, as for plastic surgeon within the framework of this congress, it is possible not only to share
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experience there. is exchange ideas and culture are different, so what patient look in each country, they look for different aspects of surgery, so what is beautiful in brazil have mixture of races, so we have very different kind of faces, noses, so we can almost do everything, because we have african descendants, we have some orientals and they have big for middle east community in brazil, so i think we
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operation in the sense of adulthood or adolescence? adult age, because the generally accepted opinion is that if you are 70 years old, then you do not need to have surgery, i think that this is wrong, in brazil they also think that this is wrong, because a woman should always be young and beautiful, and not only women . we really hope that after such a wonderful start of the first belarusian-brazilian congress on plastic surgery and cosmetology, there will be more beautiful women in our country, or rather
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, no, it would be wrong, so to speak, our women are beautiful. let's meet irina lukimovich. my
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name is irina lukyanovich, i work as a controller at mitk at the household appliances plant for the production of washing machines, i live not far from here, i live in the zavodskoy district, but i still wake up at 5:00 in the morning. i have a dog, we go for a walk, then i clean myself up, have a cup of invigorating coffee, and go to work in a good mood. i work at a selective and functional station. testing station checks the quality of manufactured washing machines, i i turn on the water supply hoses, be sure to install the grounding first, of course, and visually inspect the washing machine for a well-installed module, whether the solenoid valve is installed well, the program
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is set to temperature. 60 the speed parameters are set that correspond to the model and the washing is done, i worked in the service sector. i didn’t work as a hairdresser, i liked the profession, i loved it, but somehow circumstances developed, mm, a lot of hairdressing salons began to appear, there was probably a lot of competition, there are a lot of young people who also want to give them a way so that they can still realize themselves in this profession and bring us something new, because the profession naturally requires development, very great development, this is also some kind of investment . and i chose the profession of an inspector, we all want to have at home, a high-quality refrigerator, a high-quality kettle, a high-quality washing machine, a washing machine, i generally want to say, this is
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the friend of the hostess in the house, this is the very first friend who makes household chores easier, and a woman can at least devote the same hour to herself. i love my job because it makes my country's morning good. today we will work on jumping ability, that is, we will develop a strong push; such exercises are suitable for volleyball, basketball, and for any sport and even for life. our first exercise will be jumping from a half-squat. starting position: legs apart, we do not bring our knees together, we move our arms back for the swing. we jump up and continue, our back does not bend, it should be in in a round position, the knees are springy, the toes are stretched in the air, like this, and we do these for twenty repetitions, for our
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next exercise we will need dumbbells, these can be from a kilogram to two, less, the starting position is the same, the toes are facing forward, we don’t bring our knees together, our back is round, our arms are straight, our eyes are looking straight, and we start doing jumping, we pull our socks up, again we keep our back round, we can do 10 repetitions of this, for the next exercise we will need a ball, it... remains the same , that means we we place the ball between our knees, our toes look straight, we squat, our knees are parallel to our toes, our back is round, our arms will work forward, and we jump,
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our task is to hold the ball tightly, our back is straight, our arms are straight, stretch with the top of our head up, it will strengthening the inner thigh and quadriceps muscles also work. perform a half-squat: feet shoulder-width apart, toes to the sides, knees pointing in the direction of the toes, arms behind the back, jump up, raise your arms, again return to a half-squat, do not arch your back, spring, pull your toes, take it. dumbbells, choose the weight according to the child’s strength, repeat the first exercise, but with weights, be careful, now take the ball, place it between your knees , jump again, now bring your arms forward, it is important to try not to drop
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the ball, try to do three sets of 20 repetitions , and we tell you again, good morning, friends, and may 16th. ekaterina antonova and tatyana motasevich continue to meet you, she is also in the studio, friends, and if if you are already getting ready to go to work, then before going out we suggest you find out about the weather for today, tanya, tell us, i will tell you what the weather forecasters promise us, that soon we will forget what night frosts are, but nevertheless, the morning is still quite fresh in some places, but the day will be very comfortable, the good news is that throughout the country today it is cloudy with clearings and practically no precipitation, but today is the day in numbers.
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today in gomel, in grodno, a couple of degrees warmer, up to 20 above zero, in mogilev +17 +19, but nevertheless, as i said earlier, we will spend the third hour in the company of our colleague andrei kozlov, the brightest news from the world of sports awaits us, this is already traditional for thursday. and at the end of the broadcast at the concert venue we will meet the popular accordionist and singer-songwriter, guest from russia nikolai zasyatkevich, in general we will also have a musical event. yes, i think we’ll dance again, but we’ll return to the studio good morning after the news block. right now our parting will be short-lived, so stay tuned tv channel.
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dreams are not visible, without a person there is no person, happiness, if you understand this, do you understand, is it real? gold, don’t give it away for debts, keep real gold for yourself, real gold, there is no one for you, real gold, your loved one.
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i will learn to appear very strong, i will learn to hear and forgive without remembering everything that happened before, i will learn not to take, to give will be a real reward, and the joy of sharing my world with everyone, i can do anything. when such a dear one is next to me, my dear man, a man, don’t give real gold for debts, real gold, take care of it for yourself, real gold, there is no real gold for you... in all, real
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gold is your dear person. real gold, don’t give real gold for debts, take care of it for yourself, real gold, for you, not for everyone, real gold, your loved one. man,
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don’t give real gold for debts, take care of real gold for yourself, real gold, for you, no for everyone, your one person. good morning belarus.
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the agency continues information broadcasts in the studio olga kalairova, good morning. the president of belarus is on a state visit to azerbaijan. the night before, plane number one landed at heydar aliyev international airport. alexander lukashenko will host in baku. for negotiations with azerbaijani president ilham aliyev,


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