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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 9:30am-9:51am MSK

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this will again be an increase in production volumes; after a certain break in the ministry of health and human wellbeing system, the relevant minister states, new production facilities are opening again, which indicates the dynamic development of the industry. the industry is working stably, we have adapted, we have fully organized production, we can say the numbers, last year we sold 15 million cubic meters of lumber and... less than a couple of thousand , a million for export, these are mostly friendly countries, if we compare with the twenty-second year, this is 250 thousand cubic meters, this gives the industry, people work in workshops, taxes are paid to the state, foreign exchange earnings, production can be increased only when there is someone to work, the retention of personnel in the kopol forestry enterprise is high, young specialists receive additional payments of three basic amounts per month for 5 years, plus rent.
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and today we are developing this direction, quite recently this tradition of the magic house was continued by the forester igor, the young father had no doubt that he would have a boy, they named him maxim, i have already been working here for five years, in in principle, everything is fine, how you can work, the wages are decent, there is somewhere to live, the conditions are good, personnel retention, you can think about how to work there and in the future, the forester admits that he experienced a bad feeling, because some...
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time ago in the same way he received the keys to his apartment, as today his colleagues in the shop solve their housing problem for a while. our applause, the long-awaited moment. the lishoz pilot project is now being extended throughout the industry. a program for the construction of rental housing for employees is being implemented. its goal is to create decent conditions and secure personnel in the regions. across the country, by the end of the year, forestry workers will be allocated more than thirty apartments, the coveted bonus to one. dependencies will be received in the krupsky forestry enterprise, and the workers of the lagoi forestry enterprise are also next in line to celebrate their housewarming. veronica buta anatoly dolotovsky and alexander moguchiy. area of ​​interest. in principle , everything is degrading for them today. diplomacy, when a diplomat whose mandatory... function is to build bridges,
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to maintain this thread of communication between two conflicting parties, today these diplomats, on the contrary, are inciting war, they are the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then the west is now a disastrous matter, if you are not lost, if you know who your enemy is, then you are moving towards victory, this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to... in which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to lie, to meanness, to cooperate with the devil and the devil just to win, therefore our path is long, but this is a conscious choice, markov’s project is nothing personal, watch it on the belarus 24 tv channel, why do you need a book about airplanes, i want to become a pilot? really,
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van, it’s so cool, like my dad, i think your man will come in handy, here you go, i don’t like that she communicates with him, that’s why, in my opinion, he’s a great guy, and in my opinion, shan trail, apple the apple doesn't fall far, love, vanya - this is the most wonderful thing in our life, you will definitely become a pilot, i believe. mom, what are you doing, do you know what this means? you love, who you love, marina evgenievna, take the pashka, please, he can’t be there, i beg you, take the pashka, van, what happened, i won’t let you in, get out, mom died, what are you doing, watch the series hugging the sky on the belarus tv channel 20.
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this is an area of ​​interest and we continue to exchange rates: the belarusian ruble has strengthened against the dollar and yuan and weakened against the russian ruble and the euro. so, the current rates for the national bank: a dollar costs 3 rubles 22 kopecks. the euro added its exchange rate to 3.49. for 10 yuaniya they give 4.43 belarusian for 100 russian, 3 rubles and 50 kopecks. on the largest russian marketplace now. it’s much easier to buy domestic goods and not fall for a fake; for this purpose, a special section made in belarus has been created. the site positions itself that buyers can purchase high-quality products at discounted prices without the participation of intermediaries, because often it is the extra links in the sales chain that add significantly to the cost of the product.
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the innovation will help solve this problem, and will also contribute to the promotion of belarusian brands in the countries where the trading platform is present. all manufacturers. belarusian chamber of commerce and industry, then a certified operator, they stand for labeling, you need to contact only the belcc. the acceptance of applications has already started, how to get to the showcase of belarusian goods, what should be in the package of documents, and in what time frame they promise to issue permits, alina lopo found out. there is no doubt that e-commerce has recently stepped forward so much that today it is already quite confident. can declare itself as the most effective sales tool, sellers have already felt out where they buy they began to offer their products more often and more actively on online platforms. analysts predict global online sales will top $6 trillion this year, so it's possible that online shopping will soon take a larger
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slice of the retail pie. everything is clear with the world, this is how things stand with e- commerce in our area. global trends and technology development certainly spur the development of the belarusian market. customer demand is primarily driven by the convenience of remote shopping and the availability of goods. on online platforms. analysts of the eurasian development bank calculated that the volume of e- commerce in our country at the end of last year exceeded a billion dollars, an increase of 16%. the two largest russian marketplaces have a dominant position, their share is over 40%. by the way , supply, variety of goods and the number of sellers each keep pace with the dynamically growing demand.
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so what do sellers need to know in order to provide their product card with special markings made in belarus, the first business, you need to contact the operator, he is the chamber of commerce and industry, the beltp accepts applications exclusively from belarusian manufacturing enterprises, but if the domestic product is sold on
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the online platform by a dealer or trading house, then they must interact directly with the belarusian manufacturer, who already independently contacts chamber of commerce and industry. must have or be included in one of the following registers: the first - a certificate of own production, the second - a certificate origin of goods, issued to the manufacturer, third - included in the eurasian register of industrial goods, fourth - register of industrial products, which is maintained by the chamber of commerce and industry in accordance with the resolution of the council of ministers, fifth - register of conclusions in accordance with the applicant's conditions. we present to product manufacturers this register and the decision to maintain such a register - made today - to the relevant orders of the chamber of commerce and industry, i emphasize once again, one of these documents or registers, if the manufacturer, so to speak, has not found himself anywhere, then
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you need to contact the regional branch of the chamber of commerce and industry. the process begins with submitting an application to the belcc with a list of goods for verification. after its completion. all necessary information is transmitted to the marketplace, which in turn assigns the appropriate label to the product. it's no secret that there is already a very strong brand made in belarus that is still modern there. soviet union, which is why we would like to highlight goods from manufacturers, or from their official trading houses, which the manufacturer appoints, this is done so that the buyer, when searching for a product , is sure that this particular product is sold directly by the manufacturer, avoiding unfair competition, or any surcharges , the entire verification process takes place remotely, it will take up to 5 days, if the product received the marking, it was made in... there are no restrictions on the validity period of the badge, the marking will be valid until the product
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will be sold on an online platform, the beldp notes, a similar innovation will be developed on other marketplaces. alina lopo, area of ​​interest. and that’s all for today, look at the area of ​​interest three times a week, tuesday, wednesday and thursday. good luck in your business and see you soon. only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know, for a long time i thought we were growing here, because this is a city, real history, it’s true that this is a former post office building, yes, the fifty-second year, the building mail, and not it was completely civilian, there were military units here, that is, the guys received correspondence, and we set off on an exciting journey.
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discover belarus with the belarus 24 tv channel. children's curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. talk show in which famous. people answer tricky questions the younger generation, how do you
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differ at work from yourself at home, it seems to me, only in appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grimza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grimza everywhere or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you, extremely categorically negative. to sympathize with pity is an arrogant feeling, a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. the parades died down, fireworks painted the peaceful
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belarusian sky, thousands, thousands, thousands our people came to the monuments, to the graves, took photographs of their ancestors and carried them above them, this is a great easter action, next to us today are those who beat the enemy then, barriers and sailors, old man minai and vasily korsh, they are in ranks with our military , internal border guards. with troops , smersh fighters catch saboteurs and spies with our security officers in the same formation, in the same trench, we are all together, a lie is not the truth, but the truth is always the same, my name is grigory ozarenok, this. spring politics, hello, but they will only be with us if we will remember them, honor them, then they will help, the president said about this. today we are proud of our ancestors, victorious veterans, we glorify their feats, and standing at the eternal flame we take
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an oath that we will do everything to preserve their memory. centuries. remember, we come here so that the terrible past does not repeat itself. let's forget this past, let's stop coming to the monuments. it will come to us, remember, the conclusion reached by humanity is how you relate to the memory of your ancestors, especially those who gave you life and freedom, so
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future generations will treat you, we are not eternal. “we are mortal, remember, please come to the monuments, to the eternal flame, quietly, calmly, without any organization, without flowers, remember , bow to those who gave us freedom, if we don’t want...” to fight, and to save us from this protection, the enemy works, insidious, rotten, vile, vile, wars are events that provoke social trauma, as the polish sociologist piotr sztomka believes, he explains that memories of such an important event of the past hit the very foundations of culture and is perceived as something that does not at all correspond to the basic values ​​of people, their identity, and so on.
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the belarusian authorities are trying to reconcile the idea of ​​identity war, but they are doing it wrong. instead of comprehension, they simply repeat the same thing over and over again, stuck in the old war, sorting through its smallest details like beads. much of the footage on television speaks not of the collective trauma of the war, but of the fact that the struggle was brave and heroic. interesting, maybe this is rubbish come out and say what she said to the jews about the holocaust, come and say it like that, can you, šlöndra? no, she can’t, she knows what will happen in the next minute, otherwise it will be... that she won’t be there , she refers to the polish philosopher, go whore and tell this to the pole, only about the warsaw uprising, that you’re shitting mucus, so we can, so it’s impossible, we will destroy you for this, if you were given the task of building a gaypride route in minsk, how would it go, well, now
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it occurs to me that i would go along the routes that we went on in in the twentieth year, i want to talk about... they formulated all this nonsense about a gradual departure from russia. she wants to hang the flag of perverts, clay-mixers, and pederasts on stella. it's the same as having sex on a grave, it's the same as shitting in the altar. this is satanism and it is thriving. our viewers, thank god, have long given up on eurovision,
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we are not there, blessed is the man, and not following the advice of the wicked, but in fragments for understanding. you can, look at what’s trending these days, what the cultural level is, sorry viewers, but this is reality.


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