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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm MSK

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this belarusian strawberry is known among the elements of the intangible cultural decline of belarus.
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everything you wanted to know about the connection between history, religion and culture in the modern world. the name of prince izyaslav is associated with the emergence of one of the oldest cities in belarus, zaslavl. this city was founded in 985 by grand duke vladimir and given over to him.
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in the cathedral of the exaltation of the cross of the monastery there is a copy of the same cross that was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its power. we will tell and show in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus 24 tv channel
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. people saw, prayed, were baptized, that how it was that they came from the other world, that you remember about this tragedy, on the eve of january 20 , 1944, we were on bikes, spent the night, left before. ..
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break any brick in order to place it in the right place. hello, you are watching the program say don’t be silent. victoria popova and tatyana shchorbina in the studio. and today our guest is a witness of the great.
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even the names of those who gave the order to kill civilians are not known. chief gendarmerie ruzhan miller, amts-commissar ellert, his deputies tsel, lyalya nadlesny zorka, director of the schulte mills and sawmills . they were the ones in charge of the operation. in retaliation for the death of one german soldier,
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a village of almost a thousand people was destroyed, that is, neither children, nor the elderly, nor even newborns were spared. from the state archive of the russian federation, the national archive of our country, evidence in a criminal case on the genocide of the belarusian people. here is also the confession of one of the punishers of the village of bayki wilhelm schulte. back in 1949 he was charged. during the interrogation, he names units that killed old people, abused women and brutally dealt with children. you were 7 years old when this tragedy happened, right? and the entire family of your relatives kava, khadyka died, your father writes that about twenty relatives of your family were burned in this village, that you remember about this tragedy,
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my grandmother was from this village, she was even called baykovka, she got married to the village varonilovich, my father was already born there, well...
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a one-year-old son, two girls and odara ivanovna herself, she was arrested, taken first to slonem, then volkovysk, then she traveled around europe to three concentration camps, she was released at forty in the fifth year the soviet army liberated her and she returned home. boris
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ivanovich, just tell me, you were in bikes on the eve of this tragedy, we always walked in bikes, spent the night there. from bikes, they often brought a cow to us for the night in ruzhany, and we spent the night, looked at the farm with my mother, so on the eve of january 20. for 944 years we were in the bikes, spent the night and went home, and on january 22 a tragedy occurred, the entire village was destroyed, along with my relatives, by the way, we found this comment on the net, angela writes: my relatives in the bikes were destroyed by the fashtas, the haiduk family, my grandfather's brother, vasyl gaiduk, was hanged in front of the entire village, his wife had just... given birth, they shot him right in bed, a newborn baby's head against the wall, and
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then thrown to the dogs, in total there were four children in this family, all of them were killed, earth moved for several days, groans were heard from closed pits with half-dead people, eternal memory of sorrow, did you know the haiduk family? i saw him, but i had more contact with shabunya kava, they survived.
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they were baptized that how come they had come from the other world, this shabu had no ears, his ears were completely burned, his whole face was distorted by fire, on his head, of course, there was not a hair, there was nothing, it was all visible, boris pavlovich, the great patriotic war found you in minsk, where you lived with your family, and when you moved to the brest region, remember how your mother transported you to ruzhany, to baki, to this voronilovichi, to this part of belarus. but i was almost 4 years old, yeah, we were sitting in the first days of the war, we were sitting in the cellar,
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in the basement, i was sick, i was always sick with a cold there as a child, so for a little while the shots calmed down, the noises came out street, some time passed, my mother dressed me, put a suit on me, with anchors, buttons in the shape of anchors, beautiful, i remember this suit, we went somewhere... away from home, suddenly a german, seeing me, tore me off buttons, mom started to say something, he hit her with the butt, i don’t remember what happened next, mom already told me, then dad wrote it in the book, that he kicked me so hard that i fell, well, apparently i lost consciousness, consciousness, after it was impossible to stay, my dad was the deputy head of a police school for 10 years, he...
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and a german soldier, for this the germans put this kolya in their hospital, a hospital, i carried this kolya a package, a bottle of water, bread, well, what we had at home , and was walking in front of the synagogue in ruzhany, and then suddenly came to me dogs attack me, knock me down, start to crush me, but then i saw that one dog was muzzled, two were without...
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how can belarusians and russia live by their own minds, now they are indignant after putin’s reports to our head of state abroad everyone, and the press, our fugitives, how can we think for ourselves, they have such an idea about our civilization that we can be poisoned by dogs, shot, yes, it was normal for them, they retrained us, well, dogs. it was necessary to teach them, and it is best to teach them in public, and to teach the progeny, to attack, to crush, boris pavlovich, your family was eventually taken away by the partisans, that’s right, and your father, the red army soldier pavel khadykov, wrote about this in the book memoirs of a soldier, after the execution in the bikes, the bikes were shot on january 22, 1944, literally in
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in february we were immersed in the gutomihal forest. there were, my mother washed, cooked, she was, well, she knew how to sew, she sewed, darned, sewed linen, my sister washed bandages again, i was already in my seventh year, so i had an assignment, i collected branches and flowers, then already we went sometime after may, we made some simple wreaths, and i and a polish boy, igmus , not... he was three or four years older than me, probably, they always carried the wreaths in front - the coffins, when they buried the dead partisans , i remember this well, there is still a dugout in stories on the territory of the house of the baran family, to whom you are telling and knew this family well, the partisans printed
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leaflets there, as we already heard from you, your mother also distributed these leaflets, so. .. i would pre-boil it, put it in some vessels, i then brought them home to minsk. she lived with her son pavel and daughter-in-law. then her son pavel died, she was alone. what remains is her son tikhan varan, during the war he repeated susanin’s feat, yes, he led the germans somewhere into the pushcha, when they were shooting the bikes, they shot one of his sisters, the second
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sister, they pointed at her, they tried to shoot her, he says, okay, i’ll show you where the partisans are, he had an idea, knowing that he had been in a partisan detachment more than once, and it was all in the forests, forests all around, he knew the partisan patrols, so he led of... these soldiers, well, they seem to say, there were about 120 germans, he led them into the swamp screaming, some people already met them there, they mostly began to drown, those who did not drown were finished off by the partisans , well, tikhon himself died, unfortunately, tikhon himself died. boris pavlovich, thank you very much for not forgetting the road to baykey after the war and continuing to tell so many people the truth about this story, but we will pause for a moment, i remind you that we have a telegram. say don't be silent, subscribe, ask questions and offer guests, we have connections,
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but why do you need a book about airplanes? i want to become a pilot, don’t i, van? yes, how cool, like my dad, i think your man will just need it. “hey, i don’t like that she communicates with him, why is that? in my opinion, he’s a great guy, but in my opinion, shintropa, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, love, this is the most wonderful thing in our life, you will definitely you’ll become a pilot, i believe in it, mom, what are you doing, do you know what that means?” love, who do you love? marina evgenievna, please take the pashka for him you can’t go there, i beg you, take the plow. van, what happened, i won’t let you in,
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get out, mom died, what are you doing? watch the series embracing the sky on the belarus 24 tv channel. childish curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty. and the sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions the younger generation. what you do at work , answer for yourself at home. it seems to me solely by appearance. i'm not turning. from with some grymza to a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere, or the kitty is everywhere, how do you feel when people feel sorry for you? extremely
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categorically negative, to feel sorry is not the same as to sympathize, pity is an arrogant feeling, this is a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 20 tv channel . the program say don’t be silent is on air again, and today our guest is a witness of the great patriotic war, former teacher of the architectural construction college, boris khodakov, boris pavlovich, carefully. the viewer probably noted that your father wrote his books like pavel khadyka, and your last name is khadakov, how did it happen? at the beginning of the first
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world war, belarusians were resettled in russia, beyond the urals, my father’s family, mother, brothers, sisters ended up in the orenburg region, my father joined the red guard there, fighting with dutov, with kolchak. i lost my homeland, but i also lost my last name, well, since then my dad has already gone by that last name, i i’m also coming, my children, my son, you can say that
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he... found himself and his last name, thanks to these memoirs and the fact that he signed himself pavel khadyka, as he really was, and after forty-four he found you in ruzhany, where you spent 4 years with your family during the war, and what ’s interesting is that you noted in an interview that he had aged very much, how it caught your eye, yes, after the war, father, yes, he is in the photograph right yes, on the right, and this is him , these are his two brothers, alexander and luka, alexander mikhailovich, luka mikhailovich and pavel mikhailovich, tell us about your heroic father, what would you like to tell us? we see on our table a gold watch, of which, as you say, there were very few, reward watches, yes, these watches were sent to a colony in the usa, there were some. in the ussr i tried to make
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inquiries, but there were approximately three or five of them, just awards, they were equal to the order of lenin, there is a document, it was signed by the commander, there is this original, i have a document with the seal of this particular watch, well, we take care of them, and you keep your pouches and razor pouches carefully, these are all your father’s things, well, these are all my father’s, and military, i keep his shoulder straps, i keep them. what did he tell you about those events of the war days? about war? well, there was a lot of talk about the war, by the end of july belarus was liberated from the nazis, and somewhere after mid-august , dad received permission from ivan khristoforovich bagramyan, commander of the first baltic front. for some reason, bagramyan respected dad very much, visit, find
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and visit his family. dad arrived in minsk. i didn’t find anyone in minsk, in the sense that they didn’t find us, no one knew where we were, my mother left, without telling anyone where she was going, that we were going to western belarus, everyone was going east, so dad found us, when he came, i called him, when we met, i called him uncle dad, uncle dad, i had difficulty pronouncing this name , well, dad lived there. he was left to serve, he said: no, the first day of the war he lit a cigarette, became a fool, he quit smoking, he was left as commandant of riga, vilnius, talin, they put him in universities, in military departments, as a head, he refused, no, i want to go to minsk, to minsk, well, just like during the war dad was associated with the
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belarusian partisan movement.
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you then entered the bsu at the faculty of chemistry, you loved chemistry very much, but did not finish, and four courses, after graduating from school, our school was the sixtieth railway school, then it became the twenty- first railway, male, there were no girls in the school, then it became forty-sixth city, i entered the faculty of chemistry of bku, in my first year i began to engage
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in scientific work. synthesized, that is, discovered two substances, made two discoveries, well, i went actively at home, until i was 25 years old, i was almost rarely with girls, rarely, when i met, there were no... no stools, no girls, only science, yes, i did, yes, i did scientific work, did physical education, i did the third level in gymnastics, third category in barbell, second category in shooting, active, then, that means, towards the end i began to study a little cinema, i used to do photography, i started filming, in the fourth year, i graduated from the fourth year, i have severe headaches, i took.
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we fed them coma, that is, there is no hatred it was, despite what happened then in january 1944, you saw how relatives and close people were burned, but you did not experience hatred and your family, people who, well
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, they realized, perhaps they treated us, and we they were treated well, the only thing was that dad protected them; if dad went somewhere on business, he left them. accordingly, what the sister needed, and the sister was already with them all the time, and i was also near them all the time, you can be called boris palovich our colleague, because you worked part-time for on television, they filmed stories and edited the film and voiced their own stories, and i even read that for a one-minute recording of khrushchev’s speech, you once received a fee that was fabulous at that time - 70 rubles for one minute of khrushchev’s speech. well, tell me a little about this side of your life, about this side, i collected money, and for material reasons, as a child i grew flowers, sold flowers, pennies, but
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collected, did not drink, did not smoke, never, never smoked , i've had the richest equipment since 1969, i actually collaborated with minsk. traveled around belarus, looked for what to film where, processed the film at home, edited it, wrote narration and director's scripts, narration text, even rehearsals about...
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i love the komsomol, i am a soviet person, i love
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my homeland, but you participated in construction brigades , repeatedly, in construction brigades, i was twice in moldova, transported construction brigades, kalivala twice, this is karelia, construction brigades, one construction brigade in 1967 60 people, central committee kamsamo, komsomol, maskva, patoli. then asphalt, this was the first time in the ussr, and we
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we did this work, we made tools with my guys, it’s you as teachers, your students, the student teacher recruited the first one available, build architecture, yeah, we made big money, in your portfolio you also have copyright certificates of inventions, i read the name of these inventions, fluidized bed pulsator. gas distributor devices in fluidized bed apparatuses, a very characteristic discovery for you, because you yourself are like a fluidized bed, but can it be said that thanks to these inventions you met the director and hermitage by mikhail borisovich pyatrovsky, well , there were a lot of inventions, yeah, i have more than ten, yeah, this includes drying medical tablets, true, but we were late in submitting the application, we were late by... 7 days in japan the first ones were registered, but then
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the application was submitted, this is a change in the angle, the attack of the angle of the mushroom propeller of the ship, this is also my application, and so on, my classmate introduced me to petro pyatrovsky, mikhail borisovich, after graduating from school, this friend of mine boris nikolaevich abramovich in his mother’s shoes in apsyurdachka, went to leningrad , entered the mining institute. graduated, defended, defended, defended, became an academician of four russian academies, the russian academy of sciences, the academy of mining sciences, the academy of ecology and human health, 12 foreign academies, we have not seen each other for 50 years, in 2007 i held a reunion of school graduates at 46 of our school , 27 of us gathered from two classes and... came, including abramovich came with
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his wife, we had not seen each other for 50 years, and before that we studied together, sat at the same table at school, so he invited me to his 70th years old, just in 2007, he and i were both 70 years old, he was earlier, he is 2 months older than me, i went with my wife to leningrad, we are already st. petersburg, st. petersburg was there, we were sitting, which means mikhail was seated next to me.
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friends, relatives, whoever wanted, i had a tough selection, it had to be clothes , no torn ones, it had to be a non-smoker, now it was impossible to command this group, i took the last group to st. petersburg in 2017 in may, well in general, i brought it. leningrad and st. petersburg, over a thousand people, all non-smokers, which is the most remarkable thing, and boris pavlovich, how are you ended up in khantemansiysk and how we met... and this means boris nikolaevich abramovich borya, he is a geologist, on his anniversary there was the general director of sakhalin oil, tatar oil, the director of neftyugansk, the head of the city was, and he is also the chairman of the board of directors of oil and gas production, so they
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invited me, i went there four times, you gave lectures, at the oil technical school i gave lectures on water. yeah, i specialized more, water, water, water chemistry, quality control, water microbiology, but i had to fly with these lectures like only free time, or i somehow asked there, well, that they replaced me, i flew to novosibirs, gave lectures in kiev, municipal engineering in moscow, on the water, you see, a whole empire, they raised non-comers, you too, it turns out, yes. well, why didn’t you stay, i know that they offered you to stay there and they offered you a mad offer to stay, you’re already over 70 years old, that’s one thing, and secondly, well, they would have offered more than an apartment there, at dinner at dinner, i even sat opposite khodorkovsky, notoriously, he did not
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agitated, i didn’t really listen to him, i met with him twice, but the fact is that... i only changed two jobs, work mailbox 32, 3 years and 55 years minsk construction, then he became minsk architectural construction, then it became the minsk technical school, then the minsk architectural and construction technical school, so i worked there for 55 years, i was never late for work, and now we’ll take a break for a while, after a short pause we’ll return to this... studio, bye subscribe to our telegram channel, say don’t be silent, all our look for episodes on the youtube channel belarus 1. on the air again, say don’t be silent, our guest is
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a witness of the great patriotic war, as well as a former teacher at the college of architecture and civil engineering, boris khodakov. boris. pavlovich, you probably talk most passionately about travel, you love this business, and maybe tell us what your favorite route is, what you remember, today clearly, vividly, travel, this is knowledge, this is study, one method, one of the methods of improving oneself, i have been to many places, i visited cuba, i visited vietnam, i was in paris four times, i was in berlin 19 times, i flew to almaat, it’s hard to say, it’s hard to believe, 59 times, my brother’s grave is buried there, my dad served there for 8 years, he was the head of a military school, i they gave birth there, so i sometimes
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flew there twice a year, there are a lot of trips, one of such unique trips that i did for my students was... looked at the treasure of the tomb of totankhamun, how did we get there? i had a relative, he worked as the head of the department of weighing instrumentation of the council of ministers of the ussr, and he i was introduced by, well, i can only say, vasily vasilyevich, the assistant commandant of the kremlin, so he gave the command to go there, which means
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they gave me tickets, and he gave them to me several times, i came to see him, he gave me a whole pack of them, to the armory. .. well, consider, if once a year, then in 55 years, how many trips were there on each trip, if there were 20 people, how many was it, and i took brest twice, took them. to germany, took them to poland, in the nineties i took a group to trade in poland, we had foreign participants, no one
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i dared to take them somewhere with them, and i recruited 30 people, this is baku, this is yerevan, this is odessa, this is chisinau, and leningrad and so on , by plane, train, whatever i took them with. and your wife, whom you have already mentioned, really likes to relax at the dacha, for some reason you don’t like such a vacation... why do you like it, but she has her own cats at home, there, i have my own cats here, she comes two once a week, she comes home, to this house and then leaves for that house, there is a good house, there is a good sauna, there is a big well, it’s long, there is good water supply, there is a small plot, but the plot is very well-groomed, she mostly has flowers there, she doesn’t grow anything else, boris pavlovich, we know that you are... a collector, because what you showed us, told us today, speaks of that that you take care of every piece of paper, you have tickets to the theater, and
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diplomas, and tickets to the olympics, to the football arena, which took place in the eighties in minsk, and your wife will probably take everything to the garage, no, throw it all away, wife wants order, cleanliness, she for neatness for cleanliness, but for me this... sometimes it’s very upsetting, of course, because documents, for example, unique documents on primary education in soviet times, for four classes they gave certificates of primary education, for seven classes, a document about incomplete secondary education, i had an almaty birth certificate, this is all during the renovation, well... a little went away, and a whole series of other things, well, well, you also have things from the times of the soviet union, these are soviet matches, yes you have stored sugar
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there’s even a soviet-made one, i ’m posting it all, we drink, we drink tea, then we have krasnodar tea, i’ve already started the last pack, i would give you a lot to try this tea, because i can’t find the taste of that same krasnodar tea which we drank. in childhood with your parents, well, tell us about your family, you probably already have great-grandchildren, yes, grandchildren, maybe we’ll show someone, you’ll say who you have, this is your grandson pavel, yeah, and dasha, granddaughter , pavel is now a fourth-year cadet at the aviation academy, yeah, an excellent student, gets an increased scholarship, my great-grandson is in the fourth grade, he goes in for wrestling, yeah. great-grandson - already has three belts out of ten for adults, he is very good at sculpting,
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a unique sculptor, he makes figures, eyes, pupils, earrings, and a tooth from plasticine, these are unique, unique things, he makes, makes you happy, he goes to clubs, he is very erudite, he really grasps everything, he loves to make things, as soon as he comes, i have a vice on my loggia, there are a lot of tools, he goes there right away, i i want to cut, i want to see, i want this, this, this, so for his birthday this year i’ll give him a set of tools, and you tell your rightful father about the events, about your childhood, about the events of the war, well, sometimes we say something, i had this, i didn’t have this , i had this, well, what can i say about childhood, as a child i remember these were the best friends.
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showed what eyebrows were processed, embossed at home, dad took the court 20,000 in
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1946, but they paid for this money until 1965 . the soviet union once took over america len klins received a loan and paid it off, too, until 1965, they contributed money in currencies, the fate of the family, the fate of the country, well, we talked a lot about your childhood, about the events and those war years, in your opinion, how you should live so that those events do not happen again . today we have a strong, good, reliable government, and of course, all people should be honest, hard-working, workers of their state, love their homeland, where i was, i always praised, when
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i went abroad, i always it was in my pocket two fats. pay the rent they start saying, here you have, you have, you have this and that, i say, look how much you pay for the apartment, pole 300, i say, i pay 20, it can’t be, look, here are the receipts payment, this is in the summer, i say, and in the winter i pay 30 dollars, how much is there in paris, how much is paid, and i have this, a pension, i have such and such, how much do you have, i have this, this, as much as you can buy, say, eggs or or... meat, how many times can you go to the theater? and i can go, and so on, promoted his way of life, his own or the country’s? i know that you, as an inventor , like to bring, for example, some invention you spied somewhere, well, let’s say a pack of mayonnaise and bring it to the factory and say do it like that, but your ideas are not always picked up, yes, there is such a thing too, well, it’s not
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always there embodied, it is not always necessary, someone did it too, someone. and did you, but this is work, i love work, do you love minsk, what do you like about the way it is changing or do you regret that the streets that are familiar to your, memory, yours, are disappearing? time takes its toll, you react calmly, yes, to changes, i’m around the city, so i recently walked under the routes of the fourth tram, it went along polodar. past the pobeda cinema, past the old house of trade unions, down bakunin, along a wooden bridge, and got out at the second clinical hospital, so i went through all this there, older people met there, i say where the bridge was, i don’t know where it is, here i didn’t go, what’s wrong, many, many people
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don’t know these things, but these are unique things, i don’t know, for me it’s... and we, boris pavlovich, today we listened to your stories with our mouths open, because, well, it’s one thing to look at some things in museums, and another thing, to feel their warmth, and also full of your memories of those events, and well, it seems to me that your students those who went on the excursion with you were extremely lucky, because with such a guide who is into fire and water and the tomb.
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today is such as has never been before, we have everything, in study, both for study, in health care, and for the condition, improving the condition, for improving our health, we have everything that is not in stores, in markets, there is plenty of everything, i talk with friends, with my loved ones, and with passers-by, sometimes just with people. people are happy with our state, they are glad that our life is like this now, i wish you many, many years of life, a good, happy life for our country. boris pavlovich, you have been in science all your life, you see what kind of scientists are depicted here, leave your autograph and wishes on them. long life, what more can you
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wish for people? analysis of the opponent, work on mistakes, choice correct.
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watch the intellectual and sports show " head game" on our tv channel. of course
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, there is capital in poland that wants to make a profit. we have our need for jobs on our land. we agree everything is fine. then the polish authorities have... something clicked, it’s not clear where, but it’s not a fact that in their heads, they revised their attitude towards us to openly hostile. you cannot leave european markets. the polish government , of course, is our enemy, but there are very different levels of hostility, they can be so different, that two countries that are in fact at war can easily do business with each other, that is, they may not be absolute enemies. lukashenko is the keeper of the balance. balance is the best leadership can give a country and its people. balance is the golden mean, on opposite ends, whatever they are, this is radicalism, this is exactly the worst thing that can be given to the country and its citizens. igor turai's author's project propaganda, watch on the
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belarus24 tv channel.


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