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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 1:05pm-2:06pm MSK

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no one doubts that belarus and azerbaijan are two reliable friends. it is expected that a package of bilateral documents will be signed as a result of the negotiations. it is also planned that today the presidents will visit the azerbaijani international agricultural exhibition caspian agro, get acquainted with the expositions of our countries, and implement joint projects in the agricultural sector. the polish parliament adopted amendments to the law on assistance to ukrainians; it provides for the extension of the social security period. support and legal stay in the country for citizens ukraine arriving after february 24, 2022. the amendments include maintaining payments and compulsory schooling for ukrainian children. a new rule is being introduced to confirm the identity of a citizen of ukraine, only with the presentation of a valid travel document. now the amendments will be discussed in the senate. at the same time, more than half of the poles surveyed were in favor of deporting ukrainians of military age to their homeland, and among the supporters.
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the most vulnerable categories predominate in deportation, these are women, elderly people, large families. official tallinn proposes to follow the path of ukrainian schismatics, as stated by the country's minister of internal affairs, his department expects that the estonian orthodox church of the moscow patriarchate will recognize the activities of the russian orthodox church as heresy and will sever relations with it. according to him, this is not the first time that the authorities are trying to explain security issues to the church that they are not happy with. the moscow patriarchate believes that the estonian ministry of internal affairs intends to drive believers into the jurisdiction of the patriarchate of constantinople, and destroy the existing church. the department of financial investigations continues to identify price schemes involving salary payments in envelopes. since june 2021, belarus has introduced criminal liability for such settlements with employees, if we are talking about large amounts of damage. over the course of 3 years, the financial police have developed effective methods of conducting this. today, the department works
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closely with regulatory and law enforcement agencies, and dozens of criminal cases are initiated every year. in the next episode of the project under control president, atn correspondents will show the most striking examples of how businessmen paid salaries in envelopes to their employees, and how this turned out for them. we’ll also tell you how the country has built counteraction to such schemes. salary in an envelope. money down the drain. officially, i received a salary of 650 rubles. and not officially, i received a salary of more than 3. the benefits are momentary, the consequences are long lasting. the insurance period is counted only during those periods when the employer pays contributions for its employee to the fund budget social protection of the population. vivid examples of violation of the law. the fundamental
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reaction of state control: office salaries, that revenue that is closed, including. the measures taken by the state to combat salaries in envelopes must, apparently, be introduced to the responsibility of those who take this money in an envelope, then they will stop taking, but they will stop taking and the desire to pay less will be, so it is imperative to put everyone on equal terms, and the results of the work done. this situation is very clearly visible in places where the principle of word of mouth, people understand that it is necessary to comply with the law, a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under the control of the president, watch on the evening broadcast. my colleagues will have more information at 15:00. with this i say goodbye to you, all the best. my history,
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nature, culture, faith, people, scholasticity, adzin once you want and will not start again . here we go,
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good evening, good evening, we have already talked with the long-living deputy marzulyuk, there is in our parliament in the new parliament , the youngest deputy, the most athletic, the most... creative, all these are different people, but dmitry shevtsov, he is not only a doctor, but also the secretary general of the red cross of belarus. can we say that you are our most humane deputy, or what? probably possible. considering the specifics of work in medicine, in the red cross these are very intertwined things. that's why i think it's possible. fine. but, the other day , one of the, well, humane initiatives that still existed was implemented. worked out by the previous parliament, the president signed it on monday the law on the responsible treatment of animals, what new worthy bills, well, let’s say, in the social and humanitarian sphere can be expected from the new convocation, maybe these topics have already been discussed? you know, no,
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we haven’t discussed it yet, while the stage of forming the commissions of the main core is underway, but i want to say that the main bills will still be there, yes, i think. always the most basic thing is the budget law, it will now begin to formulate, this is the most humane law, you know, in principle, taking into account the current the tendency that our budget always runs with a surplus, then of course this is one of the most humane, because if we set the budget competently and correctly, correctly dot the i’s, then we will perfectly understand which areas, which sectors we are focusing on in order for our country, and others, to develop. a bill in the field of social protection, in the field of healthcare, military doctrine, including participation in the all-belarus people's assembly and parliament members, including, because we are delegates, yes, again, adoption military doctrine, these are also very important things, so there will be a lot of work, well, as i
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understand it, anyway, the status of a social state will not go anywhere, it will absolutely not go anywhere, but you are a professional doctor, and a resuscitator, an anesthesiologist, yes, in basic education, if that’s possible. significance, a new hospital, you know, i think this is significant, and the first belarusian woman’s flight into space, this is a significant event, of course, this is a significant event, namely women, ambassador, that we are flying there in peaceful goals with the world, and again, laying
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the capsule precisely during the construction of a healthcare facility, but this is probably the most important indicator of the direction in which... after all, our country is generally developing in a social direction, as we said, we are social guarantor, this is how we work, the president says that we must look at the demographic component of our society, and we must develop, including having more children, just as we must build a healthcare system, this is first, secondly, you know, for me this is such an indicator of ours... to the neighbors on the other side that guys, you can do whatever you want there, even if you walk on your head, and we are building hospitals here so that our population is healthy, including including mentally and physically, they are trying to accuse us of the fact that we are rattling
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sabers and are almost going to seize half of europe, we are rattling sabers, we have been seeing with our own eyes for years, yes, i say again, bars on the belarusian-polish border. the amount of military equipment that they brought against unfortunate 3,000 migrants from the middle east, yes, that disdainful attitude, the murders that they make of migrants and then throw to us either seriously dying people, or already corpses, yes, yeah, rattling, and the president very significantly said, let them see on the other side digging the ground along this.
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red cross, i was elected by delegates, 120 delegates from the republic, this is an elected position, so until the end of the convocation, at least i remain in the position of secretary general of the belarusian red cross, but on a voluntary basis, you understand it’s great that it’s no coincidence that i’m promoting the theme of the red cross, but now i’ll promote it as the main one, probably today, because it turns out to be such an interesting collision, we seem to have a red cross.
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to firmly put these talking madmen in their place, so we went to donbass in order to show that all the children who had been coming to the republic of belarus for a year and a half are now safely at home, so we took a film crew, we went and here are all the children who vacationed there, we are without them all we went around and filmed everyone, showed everyone, that is, we actually knocked them out.
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it was quite limited there , we only went to these children who were vacationing with us, yes, that’s why i have a number of gifts for these children, yes, when did you do it, because when i arrived, you come to the family and they see you in wearing red cross clothes or somewhere else they say: oh, red cross, yes, then i asked, what don’t you have? no. this is the first time we see, can you imagine, the conflict has been going on for 10 years, this is the first time they see a representative of the red cross,
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when this question was asked by my colleagues, with whom i later had a zoom meeting based on the results of my trip, namely the secretary general of the international red cross federation, the president of the international committee of the red cross, i told him that you know colleagues, so after all... the cross is not represented by anyone in those territories, that’s what i was told: why do we have an office in donba in donetsk, well, the office can be anywhere, but where is the work? how will we help people? we were told: you know, we can’t go into those zones where life is dangerous, well, this is again a reproach, because i was in lisichansk, it was literally 5.3-5 km from the contact line, we had to naturally... merge with the terrain in order not to to be attacked by one of the opponents, and so
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i explained to them that i could not be in a red t-shirt, because this is a very good target for a sniper and they told me about it directly, they said: we should not enter that territory , where life is dangerous, excuse me, but what about those children who live there, and why did we decide that it was dangerous for the life of the red cross employee, not those who live there? we’re not talking about the fact that we have to go into the trenches, but in order to look at the living conditions of the soldiers and bring humanitarian aid there, we go to the civilians, they live here permanently. you know, i always say, i was honestly ashamed when i arrived there, in clothes, in a bulletproof vest, in a helmet and the children were walking in front of the boarding school, playing football, you know, i came like this all for, and they have an ordinary life on for more than two years, for
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as long as the conflict began, when the illegal seizure of power took place in kiev in 1914? do i understand correctly that it was the trip to donbass that became the formal reason for making claims to the belarusian red cross? you had to leave before december, but at their request, well , they gave me different deadlines, the most extreme was december 1, and they generally had the right to demand that you leave the elected position, no, of course, the point is that v the red cross movement has three entities: the international federation of the red cross and the international committee of the red cross. national society, we are partners, yeah, so equal partners, absolutely equal partners, with an ordinary voice, with ordinary ones, can i do this, do i want to do it or not, but within the framework, of course, of the charter, when the international federation of the red cross, aka after all, i was the first to write a letter that the secretary general should immediately
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resign from his post, or at least for the duration of the investigation, right? then only after - days seven, perhaps, in my opinion, yes, an investigation has begun, i again asked the question, how can it be that you first demand my resignation, and then just start an investigation, yes, you see, these inconsistencies, inconsistencies, you know, like a good proverb, the further into the forest, the thicker the partisan, the more we moved, the more the masks were taken off, the requirements became stricter, right? they did not listen to the arguments at all, because we told them that dear colleagues, all the recommendations of the committee that conducted the investigation were implemented 100%, even the issue of considering the resignation of the secretary general, because an unscheduled congress was created, which one of the issues considered the tenure
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of the secretary general, i spoke, i explained the situation, what caused it, what, how and where? but the congress, excuse me, did not satisfy the demands of the international federation, and it is not obliged to do this, but it considered the recommendation that the federation sent us, it did not satisfy them at all, they then wrote the following and sent a letter, you know, in russian, think about it , not yet late, because if you, you know, in the literal sense, yes, signed by the president, signed... by other officials of the federation, yes, that nevertheless, we believe that you incorrectly considered the issue at the congress, yes, we still insist that shevtsov resign from his position, and if he does not resign, then you, then you, yes, then you will be ah-ah-ah, we will suspend membership, that is, once again,
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this is a discrepancy, the presence, the presence of the red cross in the gas now is... the norm, this is the norm, but the absence of the red cross in donbass is also the norm, well, okay, it seems to me that there is no point in commenting further here, you understand this, these are the usual double standards, then in fact, it turns out that the suspension of membership for today, and the belarusian red cross in the international system, is a loss financing, i understand correctly, well, to some extent, yes, what amounts are we talking about, what were these amounts usually used for?
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i’m not afraid of this word, it was allocated to help migrants from ukraine, this money did not even go to those migrants who are coming to us from the middle east, who are torturing... the un organizations are our partners, who actually allocated funds for
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other categories of migrants, but these were not the same amounts, but nevertheless we also helped them, but in this case, when i talk about the international federation of the red cross, funding was allocated to help migrants from ukraine, and today they closed this particular help to ours. organizations for belarus, but dmitrievich, you haven’t stopped helping, as i understand it, these people, no, absolutely, there was a cash voucher policy, the development of mini-initiatives, there are other directions, good sensible projects, there are no questions in order to support, help socialize, help somehow self-employment, develop among migrants from ukraine who came to us, and we at the very beginning, as soon as after december 1 , the main order came out that the membership of the belarusian red cross in the international federation was suspended, we gave information, now we are also informing
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that financial support, some there are projects and initiatives, this has been suspended, but at the same time, everyone who needs our help, migrants from ukraine, from the middle east, from other countries, it’s all the same, we provide humanitarian aid. help, that is, we are ready to provide linen, we are ready to provide clothing, hygiene products, food, that is, medicine, if there is a need to help, help with assistance in finding a job, help with assistance in paperwork, yes, that is, these are all things we, of course, are involved in together with our partners from the ministry of internal affairs system, the system health care, others, we provide all these issues, as before, you see, i was a little interested in this topic, it’s like a small remark, i’m sure that it was used as a reason, because back in the twenty-third year in june
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month, i think, the red cross, the international red cross, announced that they have a funding shortfall for the twenty -fourth year, supposedly by more than half a billion dollars, and therefore they are forced to lay off 1,800 employees around the world, close 26 representative offices, well, at least this is the official statement. red cross, okay, in fact, we are now talking about what i’ll tell you more about, which the head of the international did , excuse me for interrupting you, i ’ll tell you more, not only the lack of financial resources for the existence of this large structure, but the well-known information, because we communicate not only officially, but also unofficially with our colleagues and acquaintances, and so they said that the main sponsors...
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who are located on the territory of belarus are special ukrainians, these are others, yes, here they are they say, well, you have to understand us, most likely, in the twenty-fifth year there will be no more help, what scoundrels, let's say frankly, well, even information, i understand, yes, but obviously, in essence we are talking about another sanctions pressure, but already on the humanitarian side, but the president on tuesday just indicated yes... there will be no discounts on sanctions, the leaders were appointed to solve these problems, yes, i see that you are solving them, then about a little different
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funding let's talk, yes, the european peace fund, last year the peace fund financed the purchase of weapons for ukraine for about 5 billion dollars, handsome guys, this year they indicated that they are going to double the costs for this shopping, and up to 10 billion, what’s wrong with yours? from the point of view of nonsense or the new reality in which we are forced to live, this is not nonsense, this is a new reality, these are new realities - bipolar split personality, and what do we call, for example, the situation when the american president is awarded the nobel peace prize, which unleashes the war in iraq, i'm talking about barack obama, it's like guys, what are you doing? well, you know, when...
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looking at the position, behavior of some people who call themselves politicians, well, look, dmitry evgenievich, the documents when stopping the work of our red cross were drawn up in english, russian, belarusian ukrainian, yes, well, this is the official information, and despite the fact that the official languages ​​of the organization are different, english, french, spanish and arabic. it was so clearly clear, but they apparently needed to report, report, so now for the entire existence of the 165-year-old red cross movement, there was not one document in ukrainian or belarusian, from which language,
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excuse me? frightened you are printing, it is printed in official languages, then the russian red cross, god bless him, helps in translating these documents into russian and sending them to other national societies, this is not only belarus, but other national societies of the post-soviet space, as a rule, this countries that also widely use the russian language, yes, but documents are published in four official languages, so the question is asked, what is it, guys, well...
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tell a lie with the truth and shut everyone’s mouths, they naturally wanted to show that guys, well, no, it’s not the goal that i went in camouflage clothes , the goal is not that something else happened, the goal is that i went to a place where it is a priori impossible to go, we don’t recognize these republics, well, i mean europe, america, the movement, yes,
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it turns out, we don't recognize them.
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beautiful mountainous area, i have no one left there, everyone has gone elsewhere, everyone found something for themselves here, these masks participated in several shows, which... we organized first here in our village, then i also opened such a creative space in the city of lida, i also had a fashion show there massor. each hero has his own unique story and his own view of belarus. i love syria subconsciously, and belarus consciously, because belarus has given me everything, beautiful nature here, i feel exactly like home. i want not only my roots to remain here, but also my children also felt like they were right at home here. they stayed here. watch on the tv channel belarus 24. farmers have something
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to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell to hundreds of countries on the planet, almost 7.5 billion dollars, and this is a drop in world prices, with good agricultural technology. with a good approach , today you can get a wonderful harvest from our varieties. our corn differs there by 3-4 centners out of 100, and if we compare that seeds for sowing are 10 times more expensive, then imported becomes unprofitable. belarus is among the top five countries exporting dairy products and among the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but there is no need to stop there; prosperity depends on the state of affairs in the countryside.
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i may be exaggerating a little, yes, but i recall the information that the international committee of the red cross once admitted that after the war it issued documents to a number of high-ranking nazi criminals that allowed them to escape from the justice of latin america later even...
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in the event of some change there are polarities points of view, we will be ready to work, cooperate and communicate with our international partners, but only on parity. for belarusians, who
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see with their own eyes, we have smart people, we have a smart nation, these statements that we are kidnapping ukrainian children, yes, but this is of course nonsense, this is beyond the bounds, but since you are already a deputy, this is this platform, this instrument that you have entered into, can somehow, let’s say, publicly, react more harshly through parliamentary relations to this kind of situation and to this kind of accusation.
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italy and sweden, they are leading in this list, this is how children are taken away from mothers, and they are taken away officially, also... demand an investigation, demand clarification of the causes, consequences, where the children went, what is being done with them, on what basis are you taking them away, even in the last case, when a group arrives, it just disappears, well, listen, what’s next, don’t you think at all that children in europe are becoming bargaining chips, for a long time now. for a long time, for a long time, for a long time, these are powerless creatures that
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can be manipulated like kittens, like whatever you want, they can be put there on the scales on one scale, on another, or simply thrown away, unfortunately, this is so, because over what period of time we have been observing, children’s identities are erased, children are taken away from families, they are handed over... strange, such a superpower as lithuania, yes,
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which almost declared war on china there, and here is a choir of poor children of 19 people, you know, again, the one who goes to the territory from which those unfriendly to the european union will be anathematized, publicly flogged, of course, that's all you did, it was shown. look, this will happen to everyone, we don’t even let children back, this will happen to everyone, so what if they sat on the bus for a day, think about it, people, you are generally sensible, you don’t have children, how can you lock up a child in general? , for the whole day they were even forbidden to get off, to get off the bus, when the escort, an adult, got off, they put a machine gun on her and forced her to go back, is this what it is to go to the toilet?
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well, they actually have a split personality, they can’t understand, there’s one thing, there’s another, i i came here, i saw it with my own eyes, it’s not like they’re digging along the border here, i think when they’re coming from the other side. they see a sufficient number of armored vehicles standing along the roads, in forests, in forest belts, in the crossings themselves, and hello, they’re digging here, they think they’re burying a tank, we come, damn it, there’s a capsule right there for the construction of a hospital, but how cool is that? yes, but look, the belarusian red cross
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helps absolutely all vulnerable segments of the population, even those who have recently been released from prison, migrants, refugees. the president at that time, francesco roca, came and praised the work, then after some time there, about 10-14 days, he already met with the russian president vladimir vladimirovich putin, where he also spoke about the efficient work of the belarusian red
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cross, for this was very honorable for us for the simple reason that on the other side, on the polish side, not only the red cross, no one at all except the military. there was no one and no one was allowed near the migrants at all, remember what was happening, but here you come straight to the gran stripe to any accredited correspondent of any country, what happened to them, and australia, and japan, and germany, and the united states, england, everyone, everyone then wrote a lot, it’s not clear what, this is another question, but in any case, please come, look, that’s when polish border guards gassed migrants . they threw stun grenades, yes, at sub-zero temperatures, they poured water on them, and even with chemicals, but the deaths, as you rightly noted, they still haven’t stopped, and there are fifty confirmed cases in 2 years when they were killed and thrown over the fence to us, so i know
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that for many volunteers, your volunteers, this confrontation became so, well, deeply internal, yes, and today you are monitoring this situation on the border, of course. of course , you know, in fact, yes, i tried to make sure that we have rapid response teams at the red cross, in each region, these are trained volunteers, guys and girls who come to various natural and man-made disasters and help, like usually the ministry of emergency situations or someone another, and a government agency, and here we were of course involved, naturally these teams worked. we worked in conjunction with the state border committee and other departments, and i made sure that each team visited there several times, worked, firstly, we give before their previous one, secondly, i looked with my own eyes, i always when we we held a debriefing because, well,
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psycho-emotional burnout could be very severe, but i always said, guys, look how fragile the world is, there are enough of them here. very wealthy people, very wealthy people who are now dirty and grimy and are ready to thank everyone just for a pack of hygiene products, for simply providing them with water, food and, uh, blood over their heads, even if this is a logistics center, but in any case, that’s yesterday they were still absolutely wealthy people who were conscripted. and angela merkel to germany, and what happened to them, so that everyone could see how ambivalent the policy of european states is towards those whom they even call to themselves, that’s all, and that’s how it happened, we now see this in the example of
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the belarusian red cross on other things, so this is a very important thing in terms of psycho-emotional, in terms of... international in your opinion, you know, we still have all the principles that were, not anywhere share, and what does it have to do with me, well, it’s not me,
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but the international movement believes that humanity is the basic fundamental principle, the most important principle in the movement, although they seem to be all equal, and uh, you know, i’m speaking and generally understanding for yourself, working in the system. health care, also as a doctor, resuscitator, knowing how much a human life costs, working in the red cross, and you know, i don’t need to be convinced, the most important postulate of a normal person is helping to save the life of another person, or satisfying his basic needs, food, in blood, in protection, just, yes, what clothes will you do it in, or no clothes at all? or even on your head, it doesn’t matter if you save a human life, so all
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the others, they still fade into the background, although they all must be fulfilled. what regarding the international movement, you know, if you interpret them correctly and do not make double standards, then of course they will also remain in motion, if you interpret, yes, i actually liked your remark, it doesn’t matter. not even in what clothes, it doesn’t matter at all under what flag you provide assistance, and this definitely shouldn’t become a sticking point, the color of your flag, and your sovereignty, okay, look, last year a study was conducted in russia that showed that russians prefer now to trust ngos, non-profit organizations that are created by the state, and we also come to this. in your opinion, what public initiatives require support right now at the state level? well, of course, assistance in the development
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of national societies, but the fact is that, uh, it would be much easier to exist as a national society if they, among other things, could earn money, but according to the law on public associations , this is a society that. .. cannot provide any services on a reimbursable basis, this, in principle, would help many societies, but the most important thing for me is that i still see it in the development of volunteering, because not a single national society in our country can exist without volunteers, the bars showed this situation, when all public associations joined the ranks of the belarusian red cross as volunteers,
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competent ours, on whom we count, is ready to come forward to provide some kind of help, but he has questions with his main place of work, that is, he needs to ask for time off, write at his own expense, but it turns out that a volunteer is a person, who selflessly helps, but he helps not only selflessly, he is still left without money at the moment when he helps someone, that is, in fact, we are punishing the volunteer. these issues still need to be resolved, so, of course, a law on volunteering is needed here, it is in the russian
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federation, because we are now talking not only about the belarusian red cross, but correctly, as you said, about all our national societies public associations, well, look, now you have not just the powers of a leader the red cross, and well, as a deputy , lobby for the right to legislative initiative, i think it will happen. accepted with great pleasure, yes dmitry evgenievich, the last, extreme, near-philosophical question, to be honest, based on the results of our conversation, only one question arises in me, what kind of red cross do we need, maybe we need a red-green cross, you know, it's a good question, yes, it really is. not in color, yes, although the emblem of the red cross is protected by the laws of the vast majority of countries, yes, i remember the help in that
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in number yes. in the republic of belarus there is a law that protects the emblem of the red cross, and the law on the red cross, so of course i would gladly leave this emblem as it is, because well, it is internationally accepted, that is, they always see everyone absolutely afraid of conflicts , and just civilians, when they see a cross, they understand the red cross, this is protection, this is protection for sure. also, when you provide assistance to migrants who write “help” somewhere in the forest, when they see a man in a red jacket with a red cross, they come out, they understand that this is protection, so, of course, this emblem should continue to exist, it should not undergo any changes, this is something that has existed for 165 years, or even more, but the canons must remain unshakable, and we
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must , you know, i’ll tell you, probably, open the same geneva convention of 1949, carefully re-read the articles, they are very interesting, which talk about how the red cross should truly work, and then rely on our fundamental principles, seven principles, and not try put them forward as a purebred when we need to hide what...
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thank you for this conversation, thank you very much for the invitation.
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what will best test your erudition and intelligence, that's right, tricky questions: is it true that the egyptian gods set and assyris were brothers? andrey, well, there was such a very interesting story, seth invited his asiris to the holiday, then it seems that he either cut him, or immediately threw him into the river, cut andrey to write detective stories, of course, or horror films, this spaniard.
2:01 pm
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