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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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we read the past centuries, the closer ones, we appreciate the past for our daily life. belarus 24. what are the best things scientists are working on today? a group of small devices is being created, one device is made by belarus and two devices are made by the russian federation. this grouping is intended for studying near-earth space, weather forecasting, but a network of surface weather stations alone is not enough, because the weather, as we know, is formed at altitude, so we need high-altitude observation data. complex things in simple terms. today we are observing
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a trend when the magnetic poles are shifting to the south, due to this, such an effect as northern scattering is already observed in belarus, as well as the most interesting facts: the history of belarusian synoptic meteorology began in the thirties of the last century, when we opened a hydrometeorological institute . watch the science project nearby on our tv channel. their skin day begins.
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yes, my dear, what a great future there was in 1871. glyadzice project paleshuki on tv channel belarus 244.
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blessed be our god always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. amen.
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rejoice, you who are blessed with grace, you are blessed, you have blessed your blessings, for salvation was born dusla, germany, 1927, frankfurt am main, stage, belarusian performer. larisa alexandrovskaya. all the same sincerity, soulfulness of performance. they started talking about alexandrovskaya as a rising star and an undoubted talent. she was the first in the history of the bssr who literally burst onto the european stage, and where
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belarusian folk songs were also heard for the first time. elya berman, having retired to the laboratory after a busy day, could finally do his usual thing. he always loved to watch how first a fuzzy image and then an image appeared in the baths. i'm in tears. larisa aleksandrovskaya, you could admire her endlessly, repeat, oh my, but how good it is that i managed to take her off before the trip,
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what an article, repeat the words.
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in the house of the writer in the center of st. petersburg, as always on wednesdays, the elite of the intelligentsia gathered, however, lately there has been little talk about art, literature, i was more concerned about other problems. do you know whether a canteen will still be organized for writers? yes, i heard kotlerev fussing about all these issues. oh, we still had to live in difficult times instead of literature, the writer thinks whether there will be a warm reading room in his house, but let’s not be pessimists anymore, pay
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attention to these two amazing people. it was a real sensation, the two youngest people performed a difficult party and quite decently. one of the girls turned out to be larisa alexandrovskaya, who was in early 1918 petersburg while visiting her father, a teacher from the mariinsky theater heard her performance among friends and invited her. this is how its sound began to be lovingly called.
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but all plans were disrupted by a civil, bloody war, like many then. alexandrovskaya was at a crossroads. with the whole country i experienced all the difficulties that did not spare anyone, hunger, part-time jobs, even teaching courses and work in the village. in 1924 , an event in minsk was the opening of the first music college in the history of the bssr. alexandrovskaya became one of the first students. the main one. the church choir still remained in her life. on august 14, twenty-eight
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, the voices of the church choir fell silent in the holy spirit cathedral. the ceremonial service ended with the lighting of the new harvest of honey. orthodox christians celebrated the honey day. alexandrovskaya, who continued to sing there, hurried to the exit. we were waiting at home. really already was, and to a stranger
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you are a magician, do you have a theater? the theater turned out to be dmitry zakhar, a famous, later conductor and composer. in 1928 he created the first in belarus state folk instruments ensemble, where alexandrovskaya became the first performer, and where the success was also stunning. elya berman, secluded in his laboratory, carefully hung out photographs of the singer larisa alexandrovskaya, whom he so adored, to dry. a special issue of the magazine "worker and villager" was being prepared for publication . will be not just a famous performer, but the first people's artist of the bssr in the history of the republic, larisa
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alexandrovskaya. without hiding his satisfaction with his work, he never stopped sentence young ladies, young ladies, who would have thought that everything in your life would change so much. 1933 became a landmark year for the musical art of the capital republic. on may 23, the long- awaited event took place. the opera class, created on the basis of the music college, was transformed into the belarusian state opera and ballet studio. this date is considered the birthday of the belarusian opera. at the same time they performed carmen meringue in the main role of alexandrovskaya. for
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brilliant performances, charisma, temperament, created a unique image, subsequently, it will be called that. belarusian carmen. in 1939 , for the first time in the republic , the opera and ballet theater opened its doors. theater - palace! in march 1939 , the eighteenth party congress began. aleksandrovskaya, as the first people's artist of the bssr in the history of the republic, was entrusted with delivering a welcoming speech. and suddenly iosifarionovich’s quiet remark from belarus should be reported in belarusian. came in belarusian, although before my eyes there was a text written in russian. at the end
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, stalin also applauded in the avatsia hall. he remembered alexandrovskaya well then. as a result, a well-deserved high award. larisa pompeevna alexandrovskaya was awarded the order of lenin. she was the first among belarusian artists to be awarded the high title of people's artist of the soviet union. elya berman, secluded in his darkroom, was in high spirits. from the pile of records he took out the one he loved so much and started potyphon. the studio
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was filled with the amazing sound of our favorite performer larisa alexandrovskaya. and when you come, you will twitch, cheerful, cheerful, fuck you, darling, the fate of larisa pompeevna alexandrovskaya is unique in its own way. during the war, performances with front-line brigades in front of red army soldiers in hospitals. after the war, all efforts were devoted to national culture, theater, opera. and the ballet of the republic, where she was also the chief director. three orders of lenin. laureate of the stalin prize in the field of theatrical and vocal art, deputy of the supreme soviet of the ussr of several convocations. larisa alexandrovskaya lived a long, bright life filled with meaning and content.
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only for our tv viewers, we choose the best routes, today we are in polotsk, oh, you know what, i’ve been thinking about visiting here for a long time, because this is a city, real history,
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is it true that this is a former post office building? yes, 1952, a post office building, and not exactly a civilian one, but a military one. farmers have something to be proud of, we fully provide ourselves with food, enough for export, we sell almost
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7.5 billion dollars to hundreds of countries on the planet, and this, with falling world prices, with good agricultural technology, with a good approach, you can get today wonderful harvests from our varieties too. our corn differs there by 3-4 centners out of 100, and if you compare it, seeds are 10 times more expensive. for sowing, then imported crops become unprofitable. belarus is among the top five countries exporting dairy products and among the top 20 leading sellers of meat products. but there is no need to stop there; the well-being of our people and food security depend on the state of affairs in the countryside. our institute is engaged in the production of original elite seeds, and the most important thing is that we can give new varieties from science, which are highly productive and are resistant to disease. the main topics are on the main broadcast, watch on the belarus24 tv channel. getting to know belarusian
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enterprises and the outstanding results of their work. today we are already installing elevators with cabin speeds of up to 2.5 m/s. and this makes it possible to install elevators in buildings up to 45 floors. in belarus, this is generally a unique enterprise, the only one that... engaged in the production, development, integrated circuits and semiconductor devices, microelectronics in general. approach to something that everyone should strive for. we constantly monitor messages, the information is processed, and, if necessary, corrective measures are developed. the first thing that is welcomed and present here is teamwork . without teamwork, produce science-capacity. production is almost impossible, watch the quality mark project on the belarus 24 tv channel. what is
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a familiar life for belarusians, for others may seem truly exotic. volkovysk, if you have already come to the swedish mountain, then please count the number of steps, and for what? we must assume that this is a tradition, of course, these are coins of a rather rare mintage of the ninth. 10 centuries, but in those days girls from wealthy families wore such coins as jewelry, but it is easy to become one in a foreign country, you just need to get acquainted with its history and culture. initially, volkovysk stood on the ancient volkovy river, and it was on this river that the city was located, later named after the slavic-baltic toponym vau.
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in the monastery cathedral there is a copy of the same cross, which was created with the blessing of st. euphrasinia. another important shrine of the monastery is its. we will tell and show you in spiritual and educational projects on the belarus24 tv channel.
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the flag was red, now it’s our flag, let’s join hand to hand. coupling is a priori an element of attack; of course, the phrase “ let’s cling together” is a call. here is a bc with a flag, inciting social hatred and enmity, but this is different, probably a smogarsk pro-ukrainian beer party, this is a prototype for a wedding in a robin.
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did not support the residents of bratsk donbass, who were bombed by ukraine at the age of 8. why now, while in georgia and moving around the european union, does he not go out into the streets in support of palestine? ksenia lebedeva’s author’s view on the policy of double standards, this is different in the project. watch on the belarus 24 tv channel . their path to their own happiness is incredibly interesting and complex in its own way. and this talent.
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you are watching the news now, tatyana korol is with you. hello. minsk and baku confirmed the strategic nature of relations. our president is on a state visit to azerbaijan these days. with 3 years have passed since the last meeting in baku, the leaders are determined to review relations, especially since there are no obstacles to this. our countries are bound by strong bonds of friendship, and the presidents have warm personal relations with each other.


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