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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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presentation of opportunities at vdnkh in moscow , the days of the gomel region are held. heading to africa and the middle east. belarus is exploring the possibility of direct flights with aman and algeria. by uniting kind hearts, the next stage has started. and
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the castle invites travelers to the new nesvezhsky theatrical tour of the tourist season. the event program is live. in alina lopo's studio. hello. achievements of belarusian regions in industry, agriculture, economics, science and culture. belorussian avnha pavilion is gaining popularity. since the beginning of the year, presentations have already been held in the bresse, vitebsk, grodno and mogilev regions. now he invites guests. our columnist olesya vysotskaya knows how we attract potential partners and tourists. this southeastern region is famous for its harvester production, oil production, delicious food and interesting tourist routes, but not only. as befits a hospitable hostess at vdnkh, gomel region, guests are greeted cordially and hospitably. sausages, cheeses, of course rogochevskaya condensed milk. however, the gomel region is primarily an industrial region. oil is not only extracted here, but also refined. 80% of gasoline fuel oil for
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cars comes from here; the region produces all belarusian cellulose, sheet glass, mineral wool, paper and cardboard, as well as metal machines. not only our gomel region borders on russian regions, but for some reason it is the gomel residents who manage to make the most of the opportunity of the russian market, that’s the figure that was mentioned, it’s more than 7 billion dollars of trade turnover over the past year shows that... the enterprise where they are creating a joint russian combine harvester, in bryansk there is even a joint polesse, which consists of 96% belarusian and russian components.
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in principle, about 50 enterprises of the russian federation have filled out their import substitution line with this combine, it is actually a 100% union combine. russia is the main trading partner of the gomel region; more than 80% of exports go here. more than 40 cooperation agreements have already been signed in different spheres, from agriculture to high-tech industries. in the twenty -third year, the volume of investment in the economy of the southeastern region of belarus. amounted to $300 million, and in 3 months of this year it has already increased by 18%. tourists from russia come to the region to relax; last year the flow increased by 6,000 people. the gomel region is known for its cultural brands and the main attraction is
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an architectural monument (18-19 centuries, the palace of the rumyantsev paskevichs). turov is one of the oldest cities in belarus and is small, but interesting city vetka. it is united by an interesting object, its own red square. heading to africa and the middle east. belarus is exploring the possibility of direct flights with aman and algeria. why is the distant arc interesting to us? there are many interests, but in just one of the markets in the region, in egypt, today there are more than 40,000 mtz tractors. a delegation from the belarusian government brought eight contracts worth $12 million from cairo. agreement on trade assistance, interaction between financial departments and free economic zones, ours and egypt investment authority. there are also agreements on a number of projects from mechanical engineering to pharmaceuticals and educational services. as for trade and economic relations, a number of projects are being considered to export medical services from belarus and attract investment
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in the pharmaceutical industry. well, in mechanical engineering, joint assembly and opening of dealer centers are being discussed. to have an enterprise here that will be focused not only on the egyptian market, but on... the african market, given the existence of a free trade agreement here, this is great, this promising, but everything needs to be calculated, everything needs to be calculated, we are working on several projects in the field of industrial cooperation with egypt, with algeria, we were recently in algeria and very substantively worked on the issues of assembling trucks and passenger vehicles and tractors, there is great interest in our granaries, there is great interest in our construction... equipment, this is all happening right now, if our enterprises see that it is profitable, we consider everything, we consider everything together with them, if they see that it is profitable, why do we should they refuse? according to signed contracts, we will supply 280 tractors to the egyptian market this year, and we plan
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to double this figure in the coming years. the modernization of the country's industrial giants allows the increase in volumes in the year of quality , ambitious goals for the tractor plant for purchase. the tractor is equipped with a four-section electronically controlled hydraulic system distributor. there was also the question of expanding the production of energy-rich tractors. today we worked with the chinese company vechai, but it’s not just taking an engine put replace. it was necessary to carry out
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appropriate tests, fine-tuning, and obtain a certificate. therefore, today we have already delivered almost 200 units to the republic of belarus. well, we will continue to work. to expand this range of tractors, and we are also working today on new equipment, this is a 500-horsepower tractor, this year we will show it to our country, we hope that our designers have done a good job, and we will achieve the required quality and quantity , which is necessary, plans for this year to sell at the site of the minsk tractor more than 36.
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the increase in consumer prices, in their opinion, in the future could amount to 11%. in the first quarter of 2023, the feeling was much less rosy, almost 12.5%. inflation expectations have approached the minimum levels since the beginning of 2020; in fact, we have two times less. let me remind you that at the end of last year, inflation was less than 6%. in belarus, price growth was one of the lowest in the eurasian economic union. this means that the measures that have been taken in the country over the past few years are working. the market is saturated with necessary goods, the population does not create artificial hype. domestic production is expected to increase. volumes of the range of production of vegetables in protected soil, the work
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of the stabilization fund, which has recommended itself, will be improved, which allowed us in the past and this off-season to provide a wide range of belarusian fruit products on the domestic market at affordable prices, of course, the activation of our producers to promote their products both offline trade, traditional trade that we have today on digital platforms. task number one on... in principle, allows an economic entity to issue recommendations based on the results and
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, accordingly, only if these recommendations are not followed, then liability measures are applied. at the initiative of the committee , last year 53 entities suspended their activities for gross violations of trade. the joint program of action is already the third - it is a strategic document, a number of tools are being polished, so approaches to regulating dominants will be improved. and monopolists, as well as approaches in the field procurement thank you, the review was prepared by olesya vysotskaya. more news from the economic sphere, not only on the website of our tv channel enterprises of the abelolikprom concern are increasing the export of products and expanding their representation on the russian market. during the year, quality emphasis was placed on strengthening the position within the country. what innovative projects is the concern implementing this year and are they ready? to increase export potential, let’s ask natalia murashko, deputy chairman of the
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belolikprom concern. natalya anatolyevna, hello, hello, what has changed in the work of the concern’s enterprises in the current difficult conditions? well, nothing much has changed, the speed of work has only changed, we had to go, one might say, a little out of our comfort zone, to work in a slightly different direction, such as the search for new logistics. chains, searching for new suppliers of spare parts and raw materials. as for import substitution, have you been able to completely replace foreign fabrics, accessories and other items? we do not have such a goal we put it because this is unrealistic in principle, after all, light industry includes fashion, a domestic manufacturer cannot produce clothes, for example, from the same fabrics, that is, we also have textile enterprises in our country. the largest producers of linen fabrics, loose fabrics, generally paper fabrics, mixed
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fabrics, of course, we make the most of our raw materials, our fabrics, but at the same time we have also retained imports so that the range of finished products is more diverse. active work is currently underway on diversification of new sales markets, search for new partners, how does belaligprom work in this direction, where are the products supplied? belaligprom? is actively working in this direction, our enterprises export products to about 60 countries of the world, and for example, well, we are diversifying exports, this is our goal, the tasks set by the government to diversify exports, to increase exports of the far arc countries, naturally we are dealing with these tasks, so already, if you look at the statistics for 2 months of the current year, we are an enterprise... in
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last year, several enterprises discovered new countries, and began supplying their products to vietnam, australia, the arshan plant to nepal, and egypt, so we are working. what are your export plans for this year? are there any new agreements? well, of course. we have plans, of course, the enterprise is already almost 80% complete, the products have been contracted, but at the same time we continue the search. new partners, we are actively organizing trips, we have a schedule for the whole year, and we are collecting our enterprises, we carry out such business missions on our own, specifically in light industry, and this produces results. belalikprom products are famous for their high
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quality, so how do you manage to maintain such a high bar and compete in the markets? well, because we are honest players in the market? in terms of quality, all our products comply with the technical regulations of the eurasian economic union, and we monitor this very closely, which is why we are known for our quality. main partner our russia, including through likprom, these are the areas in which cooperation is taking place today and what are the plans? well, our cooperation with the russian federation has historically developed through mutual supplies. raw materials and component materials, that ’s why we continue, look at projects, perhaps new ones, we are in the direction of wool processing, that is, we also have a very active dialogue with our russian colleagues, so let’s say we are moving in parallel with them, now the list of labeled products has expanded russian federation of light goods
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industry, we will unify the same thing at the same time, we will go the same way, that is, we have everything. good in this regard. one of belolikprom’s most famous projects is the stordomo concept. new facilities are appearing not only in belarus, but in russia. why are these facilities so popular, and where else in the union state could they open in the near future? while we have plans, since this is a pilot project, this is just the beginning of the journey. we opened two stores in the russian federation in december in yekaterinburg, in novosibirsk, for the next 2 years we, in principle, set the task of opening. ten more stores in cities with a population of over a million in the russian federation, the closest one we are currently working on is ufa. what are the most popular products in these stores ? do you plan to expand the list of these products? and in this, let’s say, project, about 40 manufacturers of the republic of belarus are involved, all these products are presented under one brand, dodoma. and
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large enterprises, and not light industry enterprises, here are artisans and... and that is there is a very large assortment, but of course, the basis of this assortment is belarusian flax, which is why they are very popular, despite the fact that the lorshansky alcohol factory has its own stores, tableware is popular, here is the dobruzh porcelain factory, radoshkovichi, that is, in principle, the entire assortment is sold , each has its own consumer.
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that china and turkey have a very developed light industry, then there we can, let’s say, work more with our semi-serial positions. thank you. for questions the program was answered by natalya murashko, deputy chairman of the belolikprom concern. we'll be back at the studio in a few minutes. this is the event program for
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belarus 24 and we continue. introductory company. the ministry of education of belarus has approved a plan for the admission of universities and colleges for civil servants. find out more from our columnist elena puntus. this year, applicants entering the target direction from enterprises are participating in a separate competition, for them the stages of submitting documents and passing admissions exams will take place at an earlier date. deadlines. the number of target places is determined for specific specialties with instructions from the organization of personnel customers. the admission campaign will last from june 27 to july 12. entrance examinations from july 4 to july 10. the competition will be based on the average score of the certificate and the result of the oral exam. as for concluding contracts with customer organizations, it is already. started on may 1st; teaching specialties start on june 1st. for the specialty of higher education , about four5 applications have already been approved;
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the work of the institution’s applicants is now underway education and enterprises to conclude targeted contracts and more than 5.00 applications for training on the terms of targeted training from our colleges, that is, here the same opportunity also exists one at a time at the second level, we see an increase in the number of applications. compared to last year. the target direction involves free education at a higher or secondary specialized educational institution. in this case, the main condition is that the young specialist will have to work in the organization with which he entered into an agreement for 5 years. uniting good hearts in the republic the next stage of the charity campaign for the restoration of shrines in belarus has started. which objects were the first to be put in order this year? this is the church of the holy life-giving trinity in the borisov region. young families from each came to improve the temple. minsk region, volunteers cleaned up the area, planted thuja, and also took part in the digitization of this place. the guys rallied, even more, i think, they received
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a charge of emotions, made new acquaintances, and i think that, in principle, throughout the entire minsk region, our districts will continue this tradition will attract young families to this action in the future. people are interested in the history of the temple. and is interested in this place, and they come here to even just look at the temple, sometimes they come on excursions, of course, i would like even more people to come by bus, of course, we will always meet everyone, give a tour and tell interesting the history of this region, which is why the tourist route is currently being built. during this time
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, not only churches are being improved in the republic, but memorial places, as well as objects from the great patriotic war. a gift to the city’s anniversary for the 100th anniversary of vitebsk, local craftsmen create a decorative panel, what makes it unique. just imagine a 44 m long canvas on which 1050 flowers will bloom. exactly as many years as the northern capital turns, cornflowers, daisies, tulips, lilies, and nearby various decorative elements, panels are made using the ancient malyavanka technique, the project is designed to last several months, painting is carried out not only by artisans, but also by representatives organizations, public associations, students, and in general , anyone can give flowers to their favorite city, in general malevanka is our national belarusian, vitebsk, and we want to make sure that... this malevanka, it becomes such a symbol of the unification of people, creativity, mood, colors, summer, this will be a summer
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forum and i want to add that color that, in general, is so green in the spring, at the moment, but in general, of course, all the colors. our project started on april 24, five canvases have already been made, children also took part, and children from orphanages and the ministry of emergency situations association, these are our club formations, we are waiting for everyone else. some of the canvases that will be combined into a single picture have already been painted; the finished pictorial bouquet will be presented at the end of june at the forum of regions of belarus in russia. new to the tourist season, nesvezhsky castle has launched a new theatrical excursion, which this time they have prepared for travelers. dive into the mystical world of the black lady nesvezh and directly meet the queen as a ghost.
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all projects of our tv channel are on the website, as well as on social networks, i say goodbye to you, all the best! childlike curiosity and genuine interest, absolute honesty and sincere emotions of the characters. hello everyone, in exactly a minute a hero will come to us who will answer everything. are you ready to meet our hero? why do you think the children chose you to talk to? i hope i can answer their questions. a talk show in which famous people answer tricky questions from teenagers. generations,
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how are you different at work from yourself at home, it seems to me that solely by appearance, i don’t turn from some kind of grymza into a cute cat, no, i’m either a grymza everywhere, or a kitty everywhere, how do you feel about being pitied, extremely categorically negative, feeling sorry is not the same as sympathizing, pity is an arrogant feeling, it’s... a feeling of superiority, look at the project 100 questions for adults on the belarus 24 tv channel . in principle, everything is degrading for them today, diplomacy, when a diplomat, whose mandatory function is to build bridges, preserves this thread of connection between two conflicting countries, today these diplomats, on the contrary,
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are inciting war. and the main hawks, the same goes for their politics, their economy, then what does the west matter now, lost one, if you are not lost, if you know who your opponent is, then you are moving towards victory, this makevialist approach is alien to us, according to which the end justifies the means, we are not capable of destroying everyone, we deny collective responsibility, we are not ready to go to...
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not the school inside, there they see more opportunities are used to the maximum. 26 piglets, do you have any chickens? 130 chickens who else do you have? loots, cow, cow, cow, ducks, that’s what you don’t have, it’s free time that you can spend on laziness and despondency, i understand. this is definitely not the case, neither for depression, nor for discouragement and there is no time to be lazy, yes. the presenter’s task is to find out why rural life is still better than urban life. then in the future, maybe we’ll arrange this, when we make a reception room here in the future, we’re doing it here, somewhere to drink some coffee, maybe some kind of laundry, that’s what we have leftovers here, valuable ones, we ’ll probably hang an exhibition here, now how fashionable it is to say the reception will be here, how it all happens, 13 children, we’ll just reward you with a portion of applause, thank you smiles.
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watch the project “i’m from the village” on the belarus24 tv channel. evening prime time opens with news for belarus 1. tatyana korol is with you, hello, let's talk about the main thing for this hour. when the relationship is strategic and the partnership is long-term, trade and economic ties expand.


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