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tv   [untitled]  BELARUSTV  May 16, 2024 7:00pm-7:26pm MSK

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a portion of applause, smiles, thank you very much, watch the project “i am from the village” on the belarus 24 tv channel . evening news opens on belarus 1, tatyana korol is with you, hello, let’s talk about the main thing for this hour. when the relationship is strategic, the partnership is long-term, trade and economic ties. some emphasis is placed on
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the results of the president's state visit to industry, agriculture, and first azerbaijan. the masks have been removed, there is open western interference in the affairs of a sovereign state, protests in georgia are literally headed by the foreign ministers of lithuania, latvia and estonia. there are no other people’s children, and belarusians understand this better than anyone. another group of guys from syria came to us for recovery. cooperation with a long history and good prospects, minsk and baku confirmed the strategic nature of relations. our president is in azerbaijan these days on a state visit, 3 years have passed since the last meeting in baku, the leaders are determined to review relations, especially since there are no obstacles to this. our countries share strong ties friendship, warm personal relations between the presidents and mutual interest in the long term.
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the negotiations were preceded by a ceremony with the participation of a company of honor guard, another obligatory tradition of photographing leaders, only after the heads of state began negotiations. the narrow meeting took place behind closed doors, the leaders talked for about an hour and a half, then they were joined by members of the delegations. it is easy to conduct a dialogue with our countries; minsk and baku have always managed to build relations on the principles of mutual respect. this is a strong foundation for... economic cooperation. in
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recent years, much of what our countries have planned has been accomplished. mutual trade reached $400 million. there has been a noticeable increase in the supply of our products, the expansion of trade and economic cooperation, further cooperation in industry and agriculture, and obvious prospects for further work. we do not have closed topics, everything is open, we discuss, even if someone heard, what questions.
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based on mutual respect, friendship and cooperation. relationships are time-tested and i think that no one doubts that belarus and azerbaijan are two reliable friends. based on the results of negotiations in an expanded format, the leaders identified priorities for further cooperation. all agreements are practical in nature, the presidents noted. for azerbaijan, one of the most important issues today is how
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to jointly produce elevator equipment, especially old elevators in soviet houses and apartments, they need to be replaced, we have preserved this. the president asked us to pay attention to production of mobile equipment , railway platforms and tanks, we have good competencies, we have companies, factories that produce them, we are ready here together to develop the production of this equipment in agriculture, a large program for... starting from the supply here of elite cattle, cows, in order to fully satisfy your needs for milk and cattle meat, we will supply you with this cattle, moreover, on
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the lands that you are liberating, especially agricultural ones, we are ready to build for you based on experience belarusian, agricultural town and all infrastructure. and create jobs, that is , build complexes, and also help create farms, turning them into good things. the presidents discussed not only the bilateral agenda, the situation in the region as a whole was in the spotlight, the leaders informed each other about the events taking place, ukraine remains a hot spot, and the caucasus region is restless. thank god that a very powerful, normal leader has appeared here in the person of azerbaijan. you are able to control the caucasus region, this is no longer only responsibility for azerbaijan, you are already generally responsible for the situation in the caucasus, which we really hope for, those who do not live in the caucasus, so this is an additional burden on you, although
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you have enough of your own problems, but nevertheless it’s not going anywhere get away, time has chosen you, as we say, and you are responsible for the caucasus region, as leaders, i informed that as a result of the negotiations, a package of international documents was signed, they are aimed at simplifying trade, more effective customs control, improving business climate, tourism development and so on. also today, the presidents visited the azerbaijani international agricultural exhibition caspian agro.
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we got acquainted with the expositions of our countries and the implementation of joint projects in the agricultural sector. the belarusian stand at the expo is one of the largest. afterwards, alexander lukashenko laid wreaths. the grave of heydar aliyev and the eternal flame monument in baku. and another example of long-term partnership: belarus and china are reliable friends and partners who are connected by comprehensive strategic cooperation. this was stated by the chairman of the council of the republic natalya kashchanova during a meeting with the ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of china to belarus sesau young. according to the speaker of the upper house of parliament, bilateral relations are based on warmth and trust. kachanova emphasized that good friendly relations are developing between the interparliamentary agreement on cooperation between the national assembly of belarus and the relations between the leaders of the two countries. natalia to the all-china people's congress of china. emphasis was placed on
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parliamentarians of the two countries. the need to intensify cooperation between parliamentarians of the two countries, including in the aspect of regional cooperation, has already been signed, since the council of the republic is a territorial chamber. representation, and we see this area as one of the most relevant and promising, and moreover, within the framework of the signed agreement between the parliaments of the two states, a high-level committee is currently being formed, whose activities will also be directed to strengthen the friendship and cooperation between the two states. the chinese-belarusian relationship has the status of an all-round comprehensive strategic partnership and... our cooperation in a variety of areas is very active, effectively fruitful, here cooperation through the parliamentarian is of great importance, as
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the diplomat noted, a new impetus for the development of bilateral relations was given by the meeting of the leaders of belarus and china's sco summit in september '22, when alexander... leap. unexpected statement by the president of the czech republic. petor pavel called for a stop to the fighting in ukraine. in an interview with sky news , he doubted that ukraine would be able to regain its lost territories. at the same time, he also opposed the participation of nato countries in the conflict. we need to be realistic; it is naive to believe that ukraine will be able to fully regain control over its territories in the foreseeable future. russia will not give up the conquered territories, we need to stop it. reached agreement.
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will act as guarantors of compliance by ukraine, russia and other countries that but the white house announced the us is working on sending a new batch of weapons to the kiev regime. washington also confirmed that it is providing assistance to the ukrainian armed forces in the kharkov area, where fierce fighting is taking place. dictator zelensky, at this time in an interview. estonia has expressed a desire to fight with russia; they do not rule out sending nato troops to ukraine, this was indicated by the chairman of the state defense commission. according to his assessment, the member countries of the alliance should discuss the possibility of deploying allied forces in ukraine in certain places and volumes and for certain purposes. last fall the estonian parliament has adopted a legislative measure that allows the government. involve enough estonian military personnel in a peacekeeping operation led by
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nato, as well as the eu or un. and this is western policy under the guise of democracy or nothing more than double standards. in these images you can see how the protests in georgia were led by the foreign ministers of lithuania, latvia and estonia. this is nothing more than interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state. the western european landing force made a direct by appeal. the georgian people to go against their government, and the government itself is openly blackmailing with threats of sanctions. the adoption of the law will stop georgia's further progress on its path to the eu and nato. if this happens, the responsibility will be squarely placed on the georgian government. however, it may not be too late, we heard from madam president that she plans to veto the law, and this gives the government an opportunity to exit. reject this objectionable piece of legislation together. under the guise of democracy rights
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the person sounds outright blackmail and russophobic threats. the european union will definitely react to the decision in the most negative way, western diplomats emphasized. however, there is nothing new in the actions of the euro-democrats, political scientists note. and all this has already been observed many times in the countries of the post-soviet space.
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provide active assistance in the implementation of criminal plans. an example is the anti-belarusian actions of diasporas abroad, including those timed to coincide with the triumph of nationalists and the so -called freedom day. purposes of such actions unchanged over the past four years, imitation of mass support for the extremist movement, demonstration of the allegedly active activities of fictitious organizations, obtaining funding for extremist cells, economic pressure, isolation of our country. on the international stage. according to the investigation, on march 25, 2019,
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a small part of representatives of extremist groups actively supported the call for holding freedom day in various countries, thereby they tried to implement the criminal a plan of fugitive leaders with the intention of harming the strategic national interests of the republic of belarus to ensure independence, territorial integrity, and sovereignty. the inviolability of the constitutional order, gatherings of radical representatives aimed at discrediting our country were accompanied by the use of offensive nationalist symbols.
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as part of the investigation , information about their real estate and property in belarus has already been received. the investigative committee will take measures to ensure the principle inevitability of punishment. a one -way road, where they go to fight for supposed freedom, but without realizing it, they sign their own death warrant. we are talking about kolinovsky's regiment. things are not very good for them now, a militant from an extremist formation, artyom molodov, spoke about this. what's in it? need, why they organize tours around the eu, and how they make friends with those who left the regiment, see in the new episode of the remark project, broadcast tonight. portions of a young cocktail, a nuclear mixture of problems in a regiment of belarusian mercenaries, from the missing cannon fodder to
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drug trafficking and the attitude towards those who broke the contract from the lips of the next profit, which the next one fell for... kalinovsky’s regiment is in crisis, recruiting sets do not bring any results, there are few donations, pseudo-funds have no time for this, but about everything ok, my name is daria rochko, hello! there are no other people's children, just like other people's grief. 75 syrian children arrived in belarus today for their summer holidays. most of them are orphans from orphanages; many of their parents were taken away by the war. in minsk national airport, the guests were greeted with bread and salt, the guys were flying on an airplane for the first time and admitted that
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they had read a lot about belarus on the internet. the program for the recreation and health of syrian children is being implemented by decision of our president. since 2017, more than 1,300 boys and girls have already vacationed in belarus; this time guests will take part in the belarusian syrian heart-to-heart session at the zubrenok health center. we are at war, the situation is a little better now, my dad died in syria. i'm from homs, i was really looking forward to these holidays. my name is vian, i'm 13 years old, i want to meet you.
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the guys have a busy program, straight from the airport, acquaintance with minsk, then a water park, our castles and palaces are ahead, in short it will be very interesting. a republican seminar dedicated to the genocide of the belarusian people during the great patriotic war is being held these days in minsk. experts discuss demographic losses, aspects of the extermination of prisoners of war and civilians, death camps, participation of collaborators in the genocide and their further fate after the war.
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exhibited literally a year and a half ago in one of the museums in lithuania, and not a single media reported that he was actually a nazi collaborator. and today, the conference participants, in
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memory of the executed underground fighters, laid flowers at the monument in alexander square in minsk, where the nazis staged a show execution. bringing order to the field of shadow wages. the department of financial investigations continues to identify schemes involving payment of salaries in envelopes. since june 2020, the first year in belarus, criminal liability has been introduced for such payments to employees, if we are talking about large amounts of damage. over the course of 3 years, the financial police have developed effective methods for conducting control and analytical activities. today the department works in close cooperation with regulatory and law enforcement agencies. dozens of criminal cases are initiated every year in the next series of the project under the control of the president. tel news agency correspondents will show the most striking example of how businessmen. salaries in envelopes to our employees and how it turned out for them, and we’ll also tell you how the country is structured counteracting this negative economic phenomenon. salary in an envelope,
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money down the drain. officially, i received a salary of 650 rubles. and not officially, i received a salary of more than 3. the benefits are momentary, the consequences are long-lasting. the insurance period is counted only during those periods when the employer pays contributions for its employee to the budget of the social protection fund . vivid examples of violations of the law are the principled reaction of state control. office salary, the revenue that... measures taken by the state for fight against salaries in envelopes.
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a joint project of the state control committee of the television news agency under control. president, watch on the evening broadcast. the national forum of athletes of belarus and russia, which started today in minsk in the afternoon, continued with master classes with the participation of world -famous stars. the 2004 olympic champion in athletics, yuri borzakovsky, shared his skills with future athletes, who in the morning took part in a discussion about current development issues sports in conditions. geopolitics, the master class program was also attended by the heads of the national olympic committee of belarus, viktor lukashenko, and the russian olympic committee, stanislav poznyakov. for the future, i
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think that we will have more than one visit due to the fact that joint competitions are taking place, this year we have planned athletics competitions in brest, these will be children’s and youth competitions, our young guys, the younger generation , so to speak, a match meeting will first take place here in brest, then we... invite you to join us, i think that such meetings will become a regular occurrence and will take place every year. let me remind you that the national forum of athletes of belarus and russia began today in minsk with discussions on the development of sports in times of sanctions pressure. next, see the sports news and the results of the day in the panorama at 9 pm, all the best and take care of yourself. wieten and stolitsa began their semi-final series in the playoffs of the belarusian mini-football championship. the match will be broadcast live by the belarus tv channel. 5. the next meeting will take place on monday
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, may 20, starting at 18:00. let me remind you that another pair of this round, “vrz and minsk,” played their first match ; the gomel residents celebrated their victory with a score of 2:0. the return match of these teams will take place this sunday, the 19th , starting at 17:45. basketball club minsk is the champion of belarus among women's teams. in the third match of the series against horizon, andrei vavlev’s team again proved stronger than their opponent 72-66. thus, the hegemony of the team from the minsk region, which lasted 3 years, came to an end. today the ninth round of the belarusian football championship among major league teams started. the game weekend program opened with a match between smargon and islach. it's the first half. after the completion of this meeting , the match will begin in grodno, where the local neman will host the derzhinsky arsenal. the confrontation will be shown live. tv channel belarus 5 starts at 20:45.


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